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different persons have a different choice, tastes, and temperament and as such,

they have different aims in life, somebody desires power, somebody hankers after
wealth and races and somebody craves for high honor and high dignity in the
society. Some want to become a social activist and work amount the distressed
humanity and leave behind them footprints of the sands of time. Again, someone
wants to be an engineer of neither a doctor nor a teacher and so on. This choice of
the profession entirely depends on one’s taste, aptitude and intensity of
desire..teaching is the noblest of all professions.Teachers are more than any Other
classes the guardian of civilization. They keep the torch of civilization ever-
running. They are the potential builders of the nation. Alexander, the great,
uttered.To my father, I own my life to Aristotle, the knowledge to live worthily.
Aristotle rightly claimed. “Those who educate children are more to be honored than
even their parents. I think a teacher is in a better position in the society to
serve the nation well and command honors and respect from the people of all walks
of life. A teacher and respect from the people of all walks of life. A teacher
never dies out from the memory of the people. He remains ever fresh in the
innermost hearts of the living like the glittering stars studded in the sky. When
he dies, he dies a noble death and is remember until the end of the world. My motto
in lifeworld is. To serve man is to serve God. This is why I think the grounds of
my choice to become a teacher leave no room for any is not a bed
of roses. Is rather like a battle to be fought valiantly. Mine is a student life. I
know that student life is the life of preparation-preparation for the struggle of
life. I know, I have to face the stern reality of life with undaunted spirit and
boldness. I have to work vigorously with my studies and make my way through the
zigzag path of my life. I must badly need strenuous Endeavour with firm
determination backed by hard lobar into consideration and decided the future has
many a father, failure has none. This why I am determined to try again and again
and yet again and over again to come out successful. Let me quote the poet and work
accordingly.My aim in life is to become a teacher. There is no doubt that education
is the most important factor in the proper mental development of a person. Without
proper education, a man cannot developmentally and psychologically in the proper
way. It is the teacher who plays the most vital role in ensuring proper education
for a person. To fulfill my dreams of becoming a teacher, I will study very hard.
Then after finishing my master’s degree, I will have to complete Bachelor of
Education (B. Ed.) and Masters of Education (M. Ed.) degrees. I am aware that
having required educational qualification is not enough for becoming a good
teacher. One has to have certain qualities for being a good teacher. The essential
qualities of # teacher are patience, endurance ()good moral character, compassion
towards students, a proper understanding of different situations, good
pronunciation, ability to give speeches, leadership abilities, and the abilities to
instill a love for knowledge in his pupils. Hence I will try my best to acquire
those qualities. I am certain that it is not an easy task. So, I will try my best
to attain those prerequisites. As I am fully determined in my aim, I am confident
that I will be able to become a good Teacher.Every person has some aim. Without an
aim, none can work congruously or in a disciplined way. An aimless life is like a
boat without a rudder, having no course of its own, incapable of reaching any
destination. Aimless work is futile in itself. It pays nothing. For example, if one
walks along a road with no mind to reach any specific destination, one eventually
reaches no destination. Life is like a long unmeasured walk, and the roads are
incredibly many. Therefore, before starting this long strenuous journey, we must
first decide where to go. This timely decision will then show us the probable ways
to reach there. Otherwise, the journey will be only a journey-a waste of time,
wealth, and stamina. If a hunter runs aimlessly through a forest and fires
thousands of bullets around at no specific target, it is most likely that he will
ultimately have nothing. If a boatman who wants to cross a river in strong current
does not decide beforehand what spot on the other bank to reach and work
accordingly from the very beginning, he will never be able to reach there; the
strong current will Milch him away from his course. The aim must be there before
every course of action.

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