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Contributary Teaching Audio- Evaluation

objective Time Content Matter learning visual aids
1. To give self 2 Introduction- My self Charanjit kaur .I am a student of Nsg 1st Teacher give
education min year .Today I am going to present a topic is Adult Education. self -

2. To assess previous 3min What is adult education? Teacher assess

knowledge. What is purpose of adult education? previous
knowledge of
3. To introduce Topic 5min INTRODUCATION-Adult education is an important branch of the Teacher explain LCD What do you
total educational system.The person whose education is not topic and mean by adult
completed during childhood, can be provided education through student listen education?
adult education programme.In adult education program me ,the the the topic.
most widely used device was to arrange for off the classes fir
illiterate .
4. To define the adult 8min DEFINITION Teacher explain LCD and Define adult
education.  Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating the adult chalkboard education?
adult. Adult education is different from vocational education education and
,which is mostly work place –based for skill improvement student listen
and also from adult education ,including learning skill or the topic
learning for personal development.
 Adult education is instructional and related support services
for adult who are not enrolled in secondary school ,who has
unable to speak ,read

and write English language and impaired of their ability to

obtain or retain or function on the job
EDUCATION  To develop their knowledge Teacher explain chart What are the
 To raise their level of education the purposes of purposes of
 To acquire their basic reading ,writing skills necessary to adult education adult education?
obtain or advance in a job.
 Meet entrance requirement for vocational training
 To obtain better skill needed to become better parents.
 To impart knowledge of the thing that promotes good health.
 To develop ability for helping in the economic growth of the
 To achieve their goals.

6. Principle of adult Principles Prepared by Peter Wegener Teacher explain LCD What are the
education 10 . the principle of principle of adult
min The principle of adult education are quiet different from the ideas that adult education education?
are commonly used in schools .Applying school teaching method about and listen the
change in a group of adult will rarely in successful or long lasting topic
changes This will help us how and why adult learn and how these
principles can be applied to improve effectiveness of training session.
 Learning start with need and desire to learn .The greater
our need or desire to learn ,the greater will be our
motivation .
 Once we are ready to learn the topic the next step is to
collect information about how to the problem .We may do
this by asking question taking to others, reading , observing
and relating all of this information to the problem.
 While we are collecting information ,we will start testing
 Knowledge to see if it helps solve the problem .we relates
the information to past experience and try applying the
information to solving the problem.
 As we go through the process of collecting and testing
information, we gradually build up new knowledge and
7 To explain adult 5min ADULT EDUCATION IN INDIA Teacher explain LCD
education INDIA and student listen
Adult education must be taken up earnestly and the topic
Systematically .Much has been done in this area in many western
countries. In their comparison we have done very little in this field. In
the western countries adult education has been made available to
laborers, women, and a many class service people. Through adult
education they have not been made only literate but they have also
further developed their professional skills in commerce ,industry,
technology and science. They are given free education .Evening and
part –time day classes and university classes have been arranged for the
benefit of these people .So far we have do very little in this field. The
scope of adult education was widened after independence and it was
decided that adult education should be termed as social education
because it was thought literacy should aim at educating the total
personality of the adult

8 To explain how adult 6min CHANGE FROM ADULT EDUCATION TO SOCIAL Teacher explain LCD How adult
education EDUCATION the change of education change
change into adult education to into social
social It was soon realized that adult education which aimed at giving social education education
education mere literacy to the adults. A rudimentary skill in reading and
working was hardly adequate to meet their needs and to give them
sufficient equipment to lead a richer and fuller life
and to enable knowledge gained was bookish and it is
Hardly made any impact on their life. Therefore ,it was felt that
,adult education should aim at the literacy of the whole personality
or training in citizenship
Later, the adult education has been conceived as „social education
with its emphasis to give to adult such equipment and efficiency by
which their social consciousness and personal worth is so kindly
and raised that they become better and responsible
citizen to appreciate their duties and responsibilities..
OF SOCIAL social education
EDUCATION After independence social education was divided into following and student listen
three parts the topic

1) To make the illiterate literate.

2) To encourage writer for writing books for social education.
3) To acquaint the adult with their social rights and duties .
Accordingly following points were specially emphasized in
social education
 To impart knowledge of civic rights and duties in
order that the necessary ability may be developed
for running democracy.

 To give a knowledge of historical and geographical

backround of the country.
 To impart knowledge of the things that promote
good things.
 To develop ability for helping in the economic
growth of the country.

FULLFILLING THE OF SOCIAL EDUCATION. the objectives of uts objectives of social
OBJECTIVESOF  To make the village schools, a centre of education social education education?
SOCIAL ,recreation and social service.
EDUCATION  To fix up different time for education of different age
 To fix certain days for ladies and girls.
 To utilize audio –visual aids at least once a week.
 To give training in handicraft local needs.
 To organize group sport and game.
 To organize exihibition and fairs.
 To organize national and folk –song programmes.
11 To summarization of 2min Today we are discussing about –
topic adult education definition,
adult education in INDIA,
change of adult education to social education,
objectives of adult education etc.

12 To Recaptualization 2min What is adult education.

the topic What is the purpose of adult education.

Neeraja KP, “Textbook of Nursing education,” edition First (2006),

published by Jaypee Brothers medical publishers (P) LTD,Pp-124-128
Name: Charanjit kaur
Topic: Adult education
Venue: M.Sc Nsg Ist year (Class Room)
Class: M.Sc Nsg Ist year
Teaching Method: Lecture cum discussion
AV AIDS used: Chart, LCD, Pamplet, handouts,
Duration: 1 Hours
General Objectives: The group will be able to explain about Adult education
Specific Objective: At the end of teaching the group will be able to

1) Define Adult Education

2) Enlist purposes of adult education
3) Discuss Principles of adult education
4) Discuss Adult education in INDIA
5) Discuss how adult education changes into social education
6) Discuss outline of social education
7) Discuss objectives of social education

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