Logan Knightwood Ta WestSide Cleaning (033LOGA005) - Tax Invoice

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Smart Business Insurance

Authorised Representative No. 437328

of United Insurance Group
AFS Licence No: 327131 ABN: 31 131 564 522 Level 11, 484 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 542 573
Email: info@smartinsure.com.au
General Broker Representative


Logan Knightwood t/a WestSide Cleaning
9/8 Kathleen Street MEMORANDUM: 20010078
Yokine INVOICE NUMBER: I372898
WA 6060 DATE: 03/01/20

Thank you for placing your business with us. Kindly check the attached schedule to ensure all details are correct and
the cover meets with your requirements. We would also like to draw your attention to the special notices attached.

INSURED: Logan Knightwood t/a WestSide Cleaning Premium 550.46

Fire/SES Levy* 0.00
U/W GST 55.05
Stamp Duty 60.56
Brokers Fee 100.00
PERIOD: 03/01/20 to 03/01/21 Br Fee GST 10.00
at 4pm Local Time Administration Fee
Sub Total 776.07
CLASS: SVU Business Pack
*Note: Fire Levy for risks in NSW contains the
INSURER: Vero Insurance Limited State Emergency Services contribution.

Thank you for placing your business with us. Kindly check the attached schedule
to ensure all details are correct and the cover meets with your requirements.
We would also like to draw your attention to the special notices attached.
Contact us immediately if you would like to amend or discuss any aspect of the information provided.
REF. 3728988
CLIENT: Logan Knightwood t/a WestSide Cleaning
Telephone & Internet Banking - BPAY INVOICE NUMBER: I372898
Call your Bank, Credit Union or Building AMOUNT PAYABLE: $776.07
Society to make this payment from your DUE DATE: 03/01/20
cheque, savings or credit card account.
More Info: www.bpay.com.au

Cheque Payments: Cheques to be made payable to United Insurance Group Pty Ltd
Credit card payments will attract a service fee of 0.82% which is $6.36.
Please charge $782.43 to my Mastercard G Visa G

Card number: ____-____-____-____ Expiry Date __/__

Cardholder name: ........................................................................... Signature: ...............................................

Smart Business Insurance

Level 11, 484 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3000
Smart Business Insurance
Authorised Representative No. 437328
of United Insurance Group
AFS Licence No: 327131 ABN: 31 131 564 522 Level 11, 484 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 1300 542 573
Email: info@smartinsure.com.au
General Broker Representative

The document set attached is prepared as a summary of your insurance policy. It is not a complete description of all your policy terms, conditions and
In case of a claim under any policy, or questions with regard thereto, the provisions of the policy will prevail.
Before you enter into a contract of general insurance with an insurer you have a duty under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, to disclose to the insurer
every matter that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the insurer's decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance
and, if so, on what terms.
You have the same duty to disclose those matters to the insurer before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate a contract of general insurance.
Your duty, however, does not require disclosure of any matter:-
- that is common knowledge;
- that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the insurer;
- that your insurer knows or, in the ordinary course of business, ought to know;
- as to which, compliance with your duty is waived by the insurer.
If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure, the insurer may be entitled to reduce his liability under the contract in respect of a claim or may cancel
the contract. If, however, your non-disclosure is fraudulent, the insurer may also have the option of voiding the contract.
Before you enter into a contract of general insurance with an insurer, the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 stipulates that the insurer must advise you of
any provisions in your policy affecting the preservation of their rights of subrogation.
As your insurer has given us such advice, your policy of insurance provides that you will not be able to recover under it if you enter into or have entered
into any agreement which excludes or limits your rights of recovery from other parties. Therefore, you must not have agreed to and must not agree to
give away any of your rights which may affect your insurer's right to recover under subrogation from other parties.
As the service of providing general insurance services falls under the umbrella of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), we are required to charge you
on a proportional basis for any insurance services provided by or via us after 30 June, 2000.
Therefore, the attached document includes this charge which has been calculated based on information available to us at this time. Subsequently,
if this charge requires amendment, we will recover from (or reimburse) you for any difference.
Clients not satisfied with our services should contact UIG’s Complaints Officer. They are members of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority,
a free consumer service. Further information is available from our office, or contact AFCA on 1800 931 678 or visit www.afca.org.au. They also adopt
the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.
If you are a RETAIL CLIENT (defined in your Financial Services Guide) and a Statement of Advice has not been provided to you then the advice that
we are giving you is General Advice.
General Advice is advice that has been prepared without considering your current objective's, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting
on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your current objective's, financial situation or needs. Before
you make any decision about whether to acquire the policy, you should obtain and read the Product Disclosure Statement for the policy.
UIG retain the interest on premiums paid by you that are held in their trust account before paying the insurer.
You should check and confirm that items listed in your schedule are correct and are insured for full replacement value. With regular rises in building
and construction costs, if you do not ensure that you have items covered in your schedule for full replacement value, the issue of Under Insurance or
Average Clauses that exist in some policies, can become an issue that apply in settlement. The sums insured should represent full values to rebuild
to a condition that is equivalent to when the building was new including any extra costs required to comply with Government, Municipal or Statutory
Authority requirements.
Obtaining a valuation of your property may incur costs, however, it would be money well spent should you sustain a fire or some other insured
When placing your insurance they usually receive a commission from the insurer and we may charge additional fees. All fees payable for services will
be advised to you at or before the time of providing the advice or service. Where a policy is cancelled before the period of insurance has ended we will
usually retain the commission/fee on any return premium involved. An administration fee for cancellations during the period of insurance (after the
cooling off period) will be charged, at a costing of $66.00 inclusive of GST per policy cancellation.
Smart Business Insurance

Authorised Representative No. 437328

AFS Licence No: 327131 ABN: 31 131 564 522 of United Insurance Group

Policy Number SMI022791207

Period of Cover 3/01/2020 to 3/01/2021 at 4pm

Insured Name Logan Knightwood t/a WestSide Cleaning

Address Unit 9 8 Kathleen Street

YOKINE, WA, 6060

Policy Wording
Vero Business Insurance Steadfast SCTP V0001 V1

Cover Summary
Situation: Unit 9 8 Kathleen Street YOKINE WA 6060 (Principal)
Cover Taken
Business Property Not Taken
Business Interruption Not Taken
Theft Not Taken
Money Not Taken
Machinery Not Taken
Electronic Not Taken
Liability Taken
Glass Not Taken
General Property Not Taken
Goods In Transit Not Taken
Tax Audit Not Taken
Management Liability Not Taken
Commercial Motor Not taken and not included

Claims Experience
Any claims in the last 3 years under the sections to be insured? No

Situation Details
Situation: Unit 9 8 Kathleen Street YOKINE WA 6060 (Principal)

Business Details
Cleaning Service Noc
Commercial Cleaning - 95%
Pressure Washing - 5%
Turnover $ 60,000
Total number of staff - Full Time 1
Total number of staff - Part time/Casual 2

Smart Business Insurance

Authorised Representative No. 437328

AFS Licence No: 327131 ABN: 31 131 564 522 of United Insurance Group

Situation Details
Interested Parties
No Interested Parties noted
Public and Products Liability
Limit of Liability
Limit of Liability - Public & Products Liability $ 10,000,000

Additional Benefit
Property in Physical & Legal Control - Limit $ 250,000

Property Damage Excess $ 500

Imposed Conditions
Condition # 1
Name Labour Hire / Subcontractors Endorsement
Code SL77
The Public and Products liability cover section of this Policy is
amended to note the following:
You have declared to us that you do not engage or expect to engage
any person (other than persons engaged in your Business under a
contract of service or apprenticeship) to perform work on your behalf
or for your benefit during the period of cover.
The Public and Products Liability cover section is amended to include
the following additional condition under the 'Special conditions
applicable to this Cover section' of the Public and
Products Liability cover section.
An excess of $20,000 applies to each and every claim for legal
liability covered under this cover section arising directly or
indirectly out of or caused by or in connection with, or for, Personal
Injury to any person who is not engaged in your Business under a
contract of service or apprenticeship, but who has been engaged to
perform work on your behalf or for your benefit. For all other claims
under this Cover section, the excess applicable to this Cover section
which appears on the Policy Schedule applies.
In all other respects, this Cover section, conditions and
exclusions remains unaltered.

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