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This book is dedicated to my father George W. Larson. During World War II men like
my father came together on the small Pacific Island of Tinian, located in the Northern
Marianas Islands. As a member of the 135th United States Naval Construction Battalion
(Seabees) he helped build the runways and support facilities on Tinian which assisted in
the destruction of Japan. The B-29 served as the destruction carrier for initial conven-
tional bombing, ending with the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan. The Seabees
served as the tools in preparing the B-29 operating and support facilities.
The majority of information found in this book consists of interviews, letters, photographs
and memorabilia of former members of th12 135th USNCB. Additional information cqn-
sists of Seabee Battalion histories; correspondence from individual Seabees, B-29
aircrews, World War II defense plant workers and many interested individuals who aided
in my research.

George W Larson, July 1944, Altoona, lowa

Chapter 1

Tinian Revisited

ndersen Air Force Base on the island War the fight across the Pacific for U.S.
A of Guam is the center of the Strategic
Air Command's air power projection in the
forces to reach the Marianas was costly,
painful, and a monumental effort. In 1973
Pacific, much like the island of Tinian oc- the U.S. convinced North Vietnamese
cupied during the Second World War. At leaders to stop the Southeast Asia war in
the height of the air war over North Viet- much the same way B-29s operating from
nam, Andersen was the heart of heavy North Field on Tinian fcreed the Japanese
bomber activity in the Pacific. Andersen to agree to unconditional surrender.
has two parallel runways, in comparison, Most individuals do not even know where
North Field on Tinian has four. In the the island of Tinian is located or its sig-
1980's, the time for travel from the U.S . nificance. Tinian is 3 1/2 miles south of
west coast to the Mariana Islands is quick the island of Saipan. located in the North
and comfortable. During the Second World Mariana Islands. Tinian is easily reached

The Road to Tinian

North Field 1945. Photograph taken over Saipan Channel looking south. The four parallel runways and
associated aircraft parking ramps are the predominate features of the North end of Tinian . The light strip
on the horizon is West Field. Photo, Bob Allen.

North Field, 1945. The south tip of Saipan is visible in the upper left portion of the photo. The view is the
same as a returning B-29 aircrew would see upon approach to Tinian after completing a bombing mission
over Japan. Photo, Bob Allen .

Philippines 1400 miles


Tinian and the Marianas Islands

from Guam by local island airlines, with the war zone training and the dumping of un-
trip full of World War ll history. After leav- used bombs before returning to home
ing Guam , one flies over the small island airstrips on Guam, Tinian or Saipan. The
of Rota which was bypassed, leaving the U.S. Navy also used Rota for gunnery prac-
Japanese on the island cut off from Japan. tice for its ships before entering the ex-
Rota was used by B-29 aircrews for initial panding war against Japan.

The Road to Tinian

As one flies over Rota, a rectangular pit a small-scale operation when compared to
becomes visible from the passenger cock- the United States Naval Construction Bat-
pit of the island commuter aircraft. The talion (Seabees) requirement needed to
rectangle is a coral pit dug into the side of build runways, aircraft parking areas,
a hill to provide fill material to build the run- roads, and support facilities on Tinian.
way on Rota. The construction effort was

Rota Coral Pit. Photo, George A. Larson

Tinian 's breakwater and pier. with Tinian Town to Coral f illed. steel plank constructed pier. Photo.
left. Photo George A. Larson. George A. Larson.

Tinian Revisited

nian breakwater and pier. Photo, George A Larson.

inion airport 's modern terminal. Photo. George Japanese cars and truck parked infront of
. Larson. Tinian ·s Office of the Mayor. Photo. George A

The Road to Tinian
Flight time from Rota to Tinian is short, tion equipment that crowded these roads
but the difference in the island's ap- while the runways on the island were under
pearance from World War U to the present construction and later used to supply B-29
is like night and day. The first view of bombing operations against Japan .
Tinian from the air reveals the artificial The island is a living history book and
breakwater and harbor built by the more than just a quiet Pacific island. Near
Seabees. The harbor was one of the most Tinian Town, at the south end of the island
active in the Pacific during the Second
World War. The Seabees built the U-
shaped pier complex by driving steel planks
into water, filling the space between the
planks with crushed coral, then topping it
with asphalt. The pier, surrounded by a
breakwater, served the supply needs of the
island. The steel planks are now rusting,
but the pier is still usable for the supply
needs of the current island inhabitants. The
Japan ese bunker with shell damage. Photo
cruiser USS lndi'Onapolis off-loaded the George A. Larson.
world's first two atomic bombs at the har-
bor entrance in 1945, which were then and across from the Taga House monu-
trucked to North Field. The local island air- ment, a large concrete bunker is visible.
lines do not land at North Field, but on an The bunker weapons' openings face the
improved runway near the World War II harbor to the south and not to the north.
West Airfield, halfway down the west edge The Japanese on the island expected the
of the island. Americans to land opposite the main town
A modern terminal now serves the island, at the south end of the island on the wide
with its asphalt runway providing a beach area. The Japanese were tricked
dramatic contrast to the nearby World War into believing the Americans were going to
ncoral airstrip. The World War ll road sys- land there. but the actual landing beaches
tem is still intact and adequate for the local were at the northwest corner of the island.
islanders. The primary difference is the The beaches are narrow with six foot high
number of Japanese vehicles traveling cliffs, which the Japanese only lightly
these roads. However, the volume of traf- defended during 1944. The beach was
fic is far less than the 24-hour traffic jams close enough to Saipan for U.S. artillery
of trucks, jeeps, fuel trucks, and construe- positions to fire across the 3 1/2 mile
channel to cover the landing. The
Tinian Revisited
\mericans first invad~d Saipan to provide the invasion and it was remarkable that
:x a support base from which to launch amidst the intense pre-invasion shelling
he invasion of Tinian . The Japanese and fight for the island, the stones were not
•unker is set in the midst of a lush green destroyed. The stones are an excellent ex-
ropicaI setting. If one looks closely, shell ample of ancient Micronesian artifacts.
narks are visible around the bunker's door Near the Taga House stones and the
.nd on the north walls. The Japanese were bunker, a memorial to Japanese and
tot prepared for an American attack com- American servicemen who died defending
1g down the island from the north. or capturing the island quietly rests in the
The survival of the Taga House stones shadows of the Taga Stones. The sur-

aga House Stones, 1945. Photo. Mel F. Troop

ust across from the bunker is even more rounding garden area is pleasant, with
emarkable. The stones are from some J apanese gravestones honoring those who
)rehistoric civilization that lived on the is- died in the American invasion in July
:md, similar to Lattie Stones found on 1944 . A simple stone plaque, in English
:Juam. The Seabees found the stones after and J apanese reads: To perpetually con-
The Road to Tinian
sole the souls of the Americans and
Japanese who died.
Tinian is an island that calls out to be ex-
plored. The southern end of the island rises
to a significant height, giving a spectacular
view of Tinian Town with its artificial har-
bor and breakwater. As one moves on to
Carolinas point, a Japanese coastal defen-

Japanese Tablet near Toga HoL1se Stones. Photo, Six·inch Japanese coastal defense gun. Photo.
John H. Vanderuort. George A. Larson.

sive gun emplacement is close to the road's

edge. The nearly intact six-inch gun lies
parallel to the road near Suicide Cliff. One
can actually see two guns, one with its or-
ginal mounting bracket still intact. Broken
pieces of concrete are scattered around the
guns. The guns, even though they are badly
rusted, still reveal the Japanese manufac-
turing lettering on the barrels. If the
Americans had attempted to invade the
southern beaches, the cost in men and
equipment would have been high. The
primary interest to anyone visiting the is-
land lies to the north, where the four-run-
Plaque honoring American and Japanese dead on
Tinian. Photo, George A Larson . way complex of North Field can be found.

Tinian Revisited

As one heads up the east side of the is- when the 135th Seabees landed on Tinian.
land along the World War TI road called they established a tent area in a sugar cane
"Broadway, " a large, two-story, concrete field opposite this bunker. The unit's first
structure which the Japanese used as a chow facility was in easy viewing distance
communication and command center be- of the bunker. At one time after the war,
comes visible. During the invasion , the the bunker was used by the J and G Dairy
building was heavily shelled, but the walls Company of Guam as part of its Tinian
were not breached. Considering the mag- milk operations.
nitude of the air, naval and ground bom- The farther north one goes on the istand,
bardment, it is amazing the building the denser the undergrowth becomes. The
remained standing. In October 1944, island has changed significantly since the

·-·.. _;:

I35th Seabees eating their first hot meal on Tinian . Damaged Japanese command and communications
bunker visible In the background. Photo. George W Larson.

The Road to Tinian
end of World War II, as the undergrowth ing in the natural tunnel is visible, marked
replaced the formations of sugar cane by a flood of sunlight. The narrow passage
fields and open areas. At the very north leads out onto the northernmost strip of
end of the island, trees and bushes crowd North Field.
the edge of the road so closely there is bare- The coral runway, asphalt topped, is still
ly room for a single car to pass. The trees hard with only minor surface cracks .
arch upward, meeting in the middle of the Vegetation crowds right to the edge of the
road, forming a natural tunnel. The thick runway with only one spot blocked by
vegetation filters the sunlight on the road. bushes growing up through cracks in the
After a long drive, off to one side an open- runway's surface. The Seabees built a sur-

North Field runway, January 1981 . George W Larson walks on runway he helped build. Photo, George A.

Tinian Revisited

The coral surface on North Field. still exhibits a tight surface that can be used by the most modern aircraft
in the US. inventory. Photo. George A. Larson.

face that would last long after the end of face. The process of scraping, rolling, and
the war and, possibly, well into the next salt water application continued in an al-
century. During construction, the Seabees most continuous cycle. The end result was
often had to wear sunglasses to reduce the a surface, topped with asphalt, that has
glare from the white coral and reduce the lasted for over forty years. The four paral-
chance of burning their eyes. The runways lel runways are 8500 feet long and 200
were surfaced with coral that was blasted feet wide. The runways easily handled the
and dug out of nearby coral pits, then truck- World War II heavily loaded B-29s operat-
ed to large crushers, reloaded, and trucked ing against the Japanese home islands.
to the runways. The coral was then Tinian 's capture and construction of the
dumped onto the ground , bulldozed , runways was the main reason for the
graded, rolled, and sprayed with salt water. American invasion in 1944.
The salt water bound the coral together like In the 1980's the Seabees once again
cement, then road graders evened the Sur- were on Tinian and North Field to clear off

The Road to Tinian

Tinian sea cliffs. George W Larson looks down at the water. Photo. George A Larson.

North Field. Tinian, April 1987. Looking east. Saipan is visible in the background. Photo, Chuck

Two northern runways cleared for use. All four View of North Field and Saipan in the background.
runways are visible. Photo, Chuck McManus. Note the green cover on Tinian . Photo. Chuck

the two most northern runways. The U.S. each year, as well as for periodic training
military uses the two runways for C-130 missions for U.S. Marine assault troops.
assault landing practice a couple of times There is a very small civilian contract party

The Road to Tinian
on the island trying to keep the two North
Field runways from being reclaimed by the
surrounding vegetation. With the unrest in
the Philippines. Tinian may become more
than just an area to practice C-130 assault
landings. The runways are usable and
capable of handling modern fighter aircraft
as well as cargo transports.
The number one runway at North Field
acts as an arrow pointing west to the two
atomic bomb loading pits off the northwest
end of the runways. A single small sign with
an arrow indicates the location of the pits.
The arrow serves almost as a postscript to George W Larson and grandson. George Affen. at
bomb loading pit No. 1. Photo. George A. Larson.

a historical event, forgotten and ignored by

the majority of Americans. The Y-shaped
area is not difficult to identify. The two
bomb pits have a concrete pedestal with a
bronze plaque on the top of each: Bomb
Loading Pit No. 1 and No. 2. A single tree
grows out of the earth filled pit.

The two atomic bomb loading pits visible in lower

left of the photo. Isolated from the northe rn
runway at North Field. It was only used twice.
Photo, Chuck McManus .

Atomic bomb loading pit No. 1. July 1985. 40th

Atomic bomb loading pits No. 1 and 2 . Photo. reunion visit of 509th Bomb Group. Photo. John
Chuck McMonus . H. Vandervort.

Tinian Revisited

Atomic bomb loading pit No . 1 plaque at North Field. Tinian . Photo. John H. Vanderuort .

B-29 and dropped on Nagasaki. Japan,

August 9. 1945. All activities of capturing
T inian and the subsequent B-29 opera-
tions had one specific goal. the end of the
war with Japan.
The human effort to build this airfield is
almost impossible to comprehend. The
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor started
the U.S. war machine build up and all the
Atomic bomb loading pit No. 2. July 1985. North pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle that would
Field. Tinian. Photo, John H. Vanderuort.
come together on the island of Tinian to
Plaque No. 1 reads: From this loading pit end the war. This book is the story of the
the first atomic bomb ever used in combat 135th United States Naval Construction
was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, August Battalion (Seabees} that helped build North
6, 1945. The second plaque reads: From Field. More specifically, it will primarily be
this loading pit the second atomic bomb the story of the men who served in that bat-
ever used in combat was loaded aboard a talion as seen through their eyes.

Chapter 2

The Puzzle Pieces

eographically, as one of the Marianas possession 1 which was only Lig htl y
G Islands, Tinian became known as a
result of the Spanish sponsored voyage of
defended and sparsely inhabited.
Centurion 's crew was dying from scurvy
Magellan in the 16th century. On 23 and Tinian's abundant supply of fresh
August 17 41 , an English warship, the Cen- fruits , vegetables, meat and water saved
turion, stumbled onto Tinian Island after a many lives. English sailors thought Tinian
naval engagement with Spanish vessels in had a charming appearance and even
the South Pacific. The English and Spanish more pleasant surroundings. With the
were fighting the War of Jenkins' Ear, and English departure, Tinian continued under
the English contested Spanish naval tran- Spanish control until the Spanish-
sit in the Pacific. In the South Sea battle, American War of 1898 when Guam fell
the Centurian and its companion ship the under Ame rican control while the
Glouster, fought a Spanish squadron. The remainder of the Marianas (Rota, Tinian,
Glouster was lost and the Centurian and Saipan) were sold by Spain to Ger-
limped to the safety of Tinian, a Spanish many for 4.5 million dollars.

_ _ _T~he RoagJ:o Tinia.;...n_ _
World War I had barely begun when lands south of Tinian. Limited aircraft
Japan seized German Micronesia under repair was provided since Tinian served as
the name of the Allied war effort against the midpoint Link between Japan and its
Germany. In one quick move, Japan out- outer defensive fortress islands. However,
flanked the American Pacific possessions Japan never developed the full potential of
of Guam and the Philippines. The League Tinian as a central air base.
of Nations, after World War J. mandated Tinian is approximately 12 1/4 miles
German Micronesia. including the long and 6 miles wide. circled by ocean
Caroline and Marshall Islands, south of diffs ranging from 6 to 100 feet high.
Tjnian, to Japan. The industrious Viewed from the air during the Japanese
Japanese transformed Tinian, Rota, and occupation, Tinian·s sugar cane fieJds gave
Saipan into a major sugar cane producing the appearance of a large multicolored
network with annual output valued at ten checkerboard. The road system on the is-
million yen. Tinian 's population by 1936 land enhanced this image since they served
reached 16,000, the majority brought to as borders to the neatly laid out sugar cane
the island by the South Seas Development fields. A narrow gauge railroad system fur-
Company from Korea to produce sugar ther divided the island since the rail lines
cane. Japan built two sugar mills ten miles went from the various sugar cane fields to
north of the island· s southern end to the two large sugar processing plants.
process molasses into scotch whiskey and Japan recognized Tinian's importance
imitation port wine. Tinian's limestone soil just prior to attacking Pearl Harbor and, by
composition provided an excellent growth 1942, was turning Tinian into a major
medium for sugar cane and the Japanese military installation. Tinian, along with the
extensively cultivated the island. Tinian 's Bonin Islands to the north and the Caroline
geography became even more valuable to and Marshall Islands to the south, were a
the Japanese and Americans during World possible barrier to any American task force
War I1 as a military base rather than an attempting to attack Japan. Conversely,
agricultural breadbasket. with the barrier under U.S. control, Japan
Tinian 's flat and open topography is was in the range of the new B-29 Super-
ideally suited for airfield construction. fortresses. Until late 1944. the U.S. could
Japan built four airfields on the island, wHh only attack Japan with B-29s operating
the northern airfield, Ushi Point, as the from bases in China with limited results.
main airdrome. Ushi Point airfield The China-based B-29 logistical supply line
provided a refueling stop for aircraft tran- was too long, resulting in limited dropped
siting Japan to the Caroline or Marshall Is- bomb tonnage. This was insufficient to

The Puzzle Pieces

Ushi Point

Ushi Poi n t

Ai r fiel d

Asigo Point

Faibus San Hilo


Yello w Beach

Masalog Point

Gurguan Point

Sunharon Roads Harpo Point


La lo Point

The Road to Tinian

destroy Japanese military and industrial mand dispute hampered effective defense
targets. The Marianas were closer to Japan preparation on the island and integration
and could be supplied by cargo ships to of available forces. Colonel Ortega
provide for a large enough bomber force believed an invasion could only succeed at
to strike and destroy Japanese home island the beaches opposite T inian Town (Sun-
targets. haron Harbor) at the southwestern end of
Japanese Anny Colonel Ortega com- the island. Additional invasion locations in-
manded Tinian 's defenses. including a cluded two narrow beaches on the east side
small naval detachment. Friction of Tinian between Marpo and Masalog
developed between the Army and Navy as Point and Asiga Bay between Masalog and
to whom actually commanded. The com- Asiga Point. Two very small beaches lo-


2000 mE' n


The Puzz:le Pieces

Landi n g craft obstacles

a n d mines

Sunharon Roads

The Road to Tinian
cated at the northwest end of the island be- side Japanese air attack range, but still
tween Ushi Point and Faibus San Hilo within B-29 combat limits for attacking
Point were considered the worst can- Japan. The Navy liked the Marianas since
didates for any possible invasion. The six Guam, Tinian and Saipan offered five ex-
foot high sea cliffs protected the beaches cellent harbors within 1500 miles of Japan
and the Japanese decided to only lightly and the Philippines. Losses in men and
defend the northwest landing area. The equipment increased the closer the U.S.
bulk of Japanese defensive forces were came to Japan, fighting island to island.
positioned around Tinian Town. Strategy dictated a rapid strike to seize air
Colonel Ortega did not completely rule and naval bases closer to Japan while also
out the northern invasion possibility and severing Japan's inner defensive ring.
positioned what he determined to be suffi- Before discussing the end of World War
cient forces and weapons around the II , the question of how the everyday
northern beaches (White 1 and 2) to give American entered the fight is a necessary
any attacker a fight. Colonel Ortega story. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on 7
believed such a defensive force provided December 1941. pushing the United
enough firepower to halt an invasion until States into the Second World War. George
the mobile force moved up from the south. W. Larson, a future member of the 135th
Unfortunately, he continually underes- United States Naval Construction Battalion
timated the forces the Americans would (Seabees), was born on 23 April 1915 in
use against Tinian. even after viewing the Des Moines, Iowa. He graduated from East
fierce battle raging on Saipan. Like on High School and later married Alta
Saipan, U.S. military planners believed the (Laurine) Jones in 1932. A daughter,
Japanese would resort to suicide charges Marian. was born on 21 January 1933
when all other defensive measures failed. prior to their moving to Altoona, Iowa.
The Japanese did not view human-wave at- George worked at the Des Moines Rollins
tacks as suicide, but as another military op- Hosiery Mill making knitted goods.
tion to defeat an attacker through the Whenever possible George and Laurine
willingness of the individual Japanese sol- enjoyed going to the movies. On 7 Decem-
dier1sailor or airman to die. ber while watching a double feature at the
The Joint Chiefs of Staff decided Saipan, Iowa Theater. ·· Forced Landing·· and "The
Tinian and Guam were ideal as B-29 bases Reluctant Dragon ,·· the show was inter-
to attack Japan. General Henry H. Arnold, rupted to announce the Japanese attack on
U.S. Army Air Force Chief of Staff, wanted Pearl Harbor.
the Marianas as a base since they were out-

The Puzzle Pieces
Twenty-one days later, the Seabees be- needed to first set up the plant while, at the
came an official military designation, same time, training others to run a twen-
replacing civilian construction contractors. ty-four hour, seven day week war plant. In
Skilled military battalions would build the March, 1942 Larson returned to Des
bases needed to attack the Japanese Moines to help start up the plant, which
Pacific islands on the road to Japan. Initial after the Second World War became part
Seabee training facilities were established of the John Deere industrial plant. So, after
at Norfolk, Virginia, dedicated to turning the war was over, the plant literally turned
Givillans into disciplined military construc- from the manufacture of swords to plow-
tion teams in only 90 days. Many men shares. Starting in early 1942 , the
answered the Seabee call for skilled con- ordnance plant produced 30/50 caliber
struction workersj while others were part ammunition under a government cost-plus
of the initial patriotic rush to join the Army contract. Prosecuting the war was all-im-
or Navy. Thousands of skilled men con- portant, with production costs not con-
tinued to work in defense plants providing sidered as the primary factor. Larson
armaments, munitions, and equipment for served as foreman in the 50 caliber wing
the Allies fighting in Europe and now the of the plant. rotating through the three
war effort against Japan. In late 1941 daily shifts. Because of his key worker
America did not possess enough plants to status, Larson received a special auto win-
meet the war's weapons needs. dow decal permitting the unlimited pur-
Larson was offered a job by United States chase of rationed gasoline, tires and repairs
Rubber Company as a foreman at an needed to provide transportation to and
ordnance plant to be built north of Des from the ordnance plant.
Moines, near Ankeny, Iowa. It was a bet- In February, 1944 after working at the
ter job with increased responsibility and plant for nearly two years. Larson received
pay, mirroring the rapidly expanding u_ s. a letter of appreciation from U.S. Rubber
defense industry struggling to hire suffi- Company. The high speed machinery
ciently skilled workers. operations frequently caused jams during
Recruiting calls for eligible young men to shift operations, but the plant could not be
serve in the military stressed America ·s totally shut down fo r repairs. Larson sug-
available manpower pool. In January, gested a phased modif1cation of adjusting
1942 Larson tra\leled to Kansas City, Mis- the latch fingers on the 50 caliber primer
souri for ten weeks of intense training on insert machines to reduce jam frequency.
setting up a 30/50 caUber ammunition Here was one individual's problem solving
plant. Larson trained in all departments ability, a hint of how future Seabees, like

The Road to Tinian
- - - - -- -
Larson , used their collective talents to solve structors just back from the blood, guts and
unique problems and overcome insur- death of the Pacific island campaigns.
mountable obstacles. The Marine instructors knew firsthand of
In March, 1944 Larson received his draft the dangers soon to be faced by the 135th.
notice . like t housands of other men The seventeen-year-olds were nothing
throughout the country. He could have more than children slipping away from the
easily opted out with a defermeht since protection of their parents, while others
U.S. Rubber listed him as a key defense waiting in line were gray-haired veterans of
plant worker. If Larson had chosen to take the civilian construction trades. Most of
a deferment, at a later date he would be these older enlistees voluntarily left good
eligible under a different draft category. jobs, businesses, and families to protect the
Many Ankeny ordnance plant workers freedom and security of the U.S. All were
were later drafted after initially receiving assigned temporary bunk space and told to
deferments1 some directly into the Marine get some sleep for the next day's activities.
Corps, as that branch became increasing- Early the next morning at 0400, a blar-
ly committed in the Pacific campaigns. Lar- ing bugle announced the start of a day
son enlisted rather than accept a which would remain a vivid memory for
deferment. In early 1944 enlistment of- every member of the 135th NCB regard-
fices guaranteed branch of service 1 so he less of age. Men were ousted from a deep
selected the Navy. He took the induction sleep, shuttled from one building to
physical at Camp Dodge, north of Des another while being shouted at. corrected
Moines, and left by train on 17 March for unsatisfactory military behavior. and
1944 for Navy boot camp at Farragut, questioned as to their ability to remain in
Idaho. the Navy. The trainees reached uniform
One of the primary Seabee training bases issue where they undressed and dumped all
was Camp Perry, Virginia. In early Sep- civilian clothes into a square box with their
tember 1943, approximately 1100 raw, nai:ne on it. Now in their birthday suits, a
enlisted men and draftees were dumped big number was painted on their chest to
from trucks in front of a fenced , prison-like identify them during boot camp in-process-
yard of Camp Perry, nicknamed "Captain ing. The trainee was no longer Jack
Roger's Hog Farm, " located near Wil- Pilkington or Norman Symons, but simply
liamsburg , Virginia. The future 135th a number being pushed through the
Seabees were greeted by howling, growl- camp's military processing section. The
ing, scowling, seasoned Marine drill in- trainees were measured and issued all the
required military clothing: pants, shoes,

The Puzzle Pieces
dress whites, fatigues and numerous other (K.P.) received shots for all possible over-

uniform items. The trainees, dressed in seas diseases, and then participated in roll-
utility uniforms, stacked their clothes out- ing clothes for duffle bag storage to
side the clothing issue building and double- exercise arms to eliminate stiffness. Each
timed to the barber shop. day the trainees suffered through calis-
DUJing the brief pause at the barber shop, thenics, fire watches, hikes to strengthen
the trainees were asked to name their weary bodies, unit roll calls, and guard duty.
home state but before the answered was The most amdously awaited activity of the
spoken, the last of the trainee's hair fell day was mail call and the accompanying
onto the floor amidst the howls of fell ow news from home. Everyorye learned how
sufferers. They then ran to another build- to Live in dose quarters with fellow Com-
ing for numerous physical exams, complet- pany members. The men spent hours at
ing life insurance forms, as well as dose-order drill, gas chamber instruction,
interviews to determine what Navy job firearms training, inspections, crawling
specialty each would be assigned. They through obstacle courses in the mud and
were next photographed for an identifica- rain, yet still keeping all equipment and
tion card (I.D.) and pushed towards equip- clothing looking spotless for the next day's
ment issue where blanketsj mattress , activities. The 135th suffered through
sewing kit, steel helmet, towels, etc., rained mandatory training films. military courtesy
down on the trainees. They carried this classes. work details, and many sore
load back to their uniforms and, as day one muscles. The trainees were becoming a
at boot camp ended, exhausted future military unit, more familiar with the military
135th Seabees, staggering under a mat- life style, but still not Seabees.
tress cover holding over 100 pieces of The men of the 135th survived the first
clothing and equipment, reached waiting thirty hard days of their military training
flat-bed trucks. Somehow the heavily while turning into a disciplined team. Drill
loaded and tired trainees managed to hoist platoons. which previously never heard of
all items and themselves onto the truck for dose-order drill, were winning close order
a welcome ride to the barracks. drill competitions against seasoned Navy
For the next four weeks, from 0430 to veterans. Few liberties were granted during
2100 hours, the trainees jumped to orders: boot camp but many trainees brought their
fall-in, fall-out, and counted 1-2-3-4 while wives to Virginia and obtained housing for
marching. They attended lectures on con- them in nearby Williamsburg or farther
struction equipment use, ran obstacle cour- away in Richmond. Wives visited on
ses, were volunteered for kitchen duty weekends in the camp's reception center

The Road to Tinian

Example of a f ree post card, April 24. 1944. George W. Larson to Marian Larson .
at the main gate. As the 135th's training was assigned to Company 351-444,
progressed and the men earned visitation Camp Waldron, United States Naval Train-
privileges, other future Seabees were train- ing Station, Farragut, Idaho, located near
ing at different bases. Lake Pend Oreilla. Once at the barracks,
George Larson traveled west to Idaho for all recruits were issued clothes, bedding, a
his initial military training. The 135th mattress, and mattress cover.
Battalion 's first thirty days of training in As soon as the recruits were settled in,
many aspects mirrored Navy basic training writing material came out to tell loved ones
for seamen, only later going into construc- everything was fine. Every recruit could
tion. Larson's train ride from Des Moines, send free post cards from camp since ser-
lowa to boot camp took two days. Once at vicemen were not charged postage on out-
camp, Larson and other recruits were going mail. They simply wrote the word
loaded onto large open sided flatbed "free" on the post card or letter and it was
trucks, fitted with bench seats across the forwarded to the receiving address. Letters
bed and driven to the barracks area. He into camp needed to carry proper U.S.

Camp Waldron barracks interior. Camp Waldron post card. April 18. 1944.
postage. Larson and other recruits wrote because you won't have time! " Larson
many post cards the first night in the bar- went back to the barber shop one week
racks, seated or l.ying on their bunks. Each later for a trim. Almost every man looked
barracks contained bunk beds in three the same leaving the barber shop, especial-
rows, positioned head-to-foot, on each ly since all dressed in similar work utility
side. Ninety men lived in each barracks, uniforms. Training was on the Company
one per wooden bunk that was supported level, with civilian and Navy instructors
by steel poles. Laundry bags hung to the showing the look-a-like trainees what to do
aisle side of the bunk rows, with the bunk and when to do it.
rows leading to showers and bathrooms at Training days varied, but followed a
one end of the barracks. general pattern: reveille was at 0600; out
As with the 135th recruits at Camp of bed to shower, shave, and then quickly
Perry, Camp Waldron recruits received dress. Camp chow line at basic training was
haircuts early on the second day. The a long mass, sometimes extending for a
camp's barbers had a sign over the barber hundred yards. Men stood side-by-side in
chairs proclaiming: "Don't cross your legs, the line as it snaked along the camp's drill

The Road to Tinian ~~~~~~~~~~~-

pad. Fortunately, the line moved quickly either side of the line, first splashing on al-
through the serving into the eating areas. cohol , then administering the required
Beans were served three times each week, shot. After repeated shots, Larson and his
yet the overall quality of the food served Company mates went back to the barracks
the recruits was good. Larson arrived at to clean windows, exercising their arms to
camp weighing 185 pounds and somehow prevent stiffness and soreness. Training
managed to remain at that weight rapidly moved from one new area to
throughout training. The day's training another, keeping Larson and the others
continued with lectures, drill on open busy learning military skills.
ground around the camp, barracks inspec- At the indoor pool, recruits in utility
tions, with more drill if all was not satisfac- uniforms were required to climb the ladder
tory. Periodic trips to the immunization to the top of the high diving board and
clinic were the least liked, since the recruits jump off holding a life jacket over their
stood in double lines, shirtless, ready for head. Once in the water, recruits put the
shots. Corpsmen were positioned on life jackets on, under careful instruction

Recruits standing in chow line on drill pad, Camp Waldron post card , April 15, 1944.

The Puizzle Pieces
from poolside instructors. If the life jackets in sea bags, since no wall or footlockers
were on before hitting the water, the were available. Each recruit was issued a
wearer faced a possibility of choking as the sewing kit to repair worn/damaged clothes
vest popped over his head and, if also un- since, once deployed, each man would be
conscious, forcing him face down in the responsible for maintaining his clothes
water where he would drown. As soon as until replacements became available. Lar-
they dried off, .Company 351-444 stood in son looked forward to evening free time

Ship 's Service Store. Camp Waldron post card. Apri I 24. 1944.
another long line for lunch. In the after- when he could write home and settle down
noon the recruits went through additional from the day's strenuous activities.
classes, lectures and drilling to build team- During available free time recruits went
work as well as leadership. Larson learned to the Ships Stores building, often purchas-
how to do his own laundry, doing the iron- ing ice cream or something else to eat. A
ing and folding needed to store his clothes small concession area was available for

The lfoad to Tinian
purchasing cigarettes and other their weary muscles and give them a taste
items, with an adjacent area provided for of the water. Larson served as coxswain for
smoking, writing, talking. or passing his Company·s boat during the competitive
whatever free time existed. Free time races. finishing first. Each man in the win-
marked pauses between training and Lar- ning boat received a dollar bill for the win.
son knew the Navy would keep them busy. which was signed by each crew member
Cordalane Lake, a recreational water for the other. It was deemed good luck to
paradise located approximately five to keep a signed dollar hill such as this until
eight miles from Camp Waldron, was part after the war. Larson carried it throughout
of the Navy's overall training plan. Larson the war only to misplace the dollar once
and his Company mates double timed to home from the Pacific. Once the victory
the lake for physical fitness tra ining. Once
at the lake, the recruits received Navy
whale boat instruction to further harden

Laurine. George and Marian Lorson durfng leave

a/ter Navy boo/ camp. Photo. George W Larson.

celebration was over, Larson and his Com-

pany marched back to Camp Waldron,
George W Larson at home in Altoona. Iowa after
Navy boot camp. Photo. George W Larson.
tired, and looking eagerly for mail call.
Camp Waldron trainees looked forward
to receiving mail from home and most

The P uzzle Pieces
wrote at least once a day. Each wrote of wives who followed them to Virginia: the
the anticipation for camp's end as well as 135th headed for the rail transportation
the uncertainty concerning assignments, center. A train. consisting of worn-out pas-
even surviving the war. A final parade on senger cars shuttled them to Camp En-
the big drill pad nicknamed the ''Meat dicott on the shore of Narnagansett Bay
grinder," marked the end of boot camp. near Davisville, Rhode Island. for advanced
The drill pad's nickname reflected the combat techniques. Clad in Marine Corps
punishment suffered by the recruits as- green wool pants, shirts, and mackinaws,
signed to run laps around the field to work the 135th received extensive training in
off excess demerits. On graduation day machine gun. anti-aircraft and automatic
recruits sewed a second stripe on their weapons: plus. judo, bayonet. hand-to-
dress blues. T he dress blues pants had a hand combat, and barge operations.
thirteen button double fly front worn with Others attended classes on mosquito con-
a white T-shirt, matching pullover long- trol, sanitation, laundry, refrigeration .
sleeved blue top and rnatching round hat. quonset hut construction and general camp
Newly graduated Navy enlisted men soon maintenance practices. All attended dry
departed Camp Waldron for initial assign- weapons fire school at the Sun Valley Rifle
ments or leave. Range to learn how to use carbine rifles.
After graduation Larson took another After a few days of practice the 135th shot
two-d~y train ride home to Iowa for a thir- a record combined battalion score, not
ty-day leave. Phase I of his training was soon to be surpassed. Hard work and suc-
complete and phase II would start with gun- cess led to the battalion being granted liber-
~ery school back at Fan-agut1 Idaho. War ty.
th the Pacific by midsummer 1944 was So after six weeks of intense combat
boiling and casualties grew with every training the five P. M. liberty line swelled to
American invasion of the heavily defended two blocks long. Crowded buses meant
Japanese islands. Family time was even nothing to 135th members struggling to
more precious in light of the war news, but reach nearby Providence, Boston, or New
all too soon it was over and time for Lar- York, where the bright city lights called.
son to board a westward bound train. Liberty passed too quickly. then all rushed
A few months earlier. men of the l 35th to return passes lo the base .. Liberty Box"
lJSNCB were getting ready to move intb on tlme. Some failed , others lost wallets
phase II of their training. On 23 October with I.D. cards so the O INC drew a new
1943. after a frantic day and night of pack- duty, Captain ·s Mast. to dole out punish-
ing; goodbyes to friends, sweethearts, and ment. For those remaining in camp during

The. Road to T inian

liberty, after 1700 it was change out of stant equipment maintenance problems.
blues, go to a movie. shopping. bowling, An Army captain approached a group of
or drinking. Eventually those 135th mem- the 135th Seabees, introduced himself.
bers living east of Mountain Standard Time and then proceeded to graphically detail his
were granted embarkation leave. extensive vehicle breakdown problems.
Homeward bound l 35th men's thoughts The Seabees looked into the problem and
quickly turned to railroad timetable con- identified sand, entering the machinery
nections needed to reach loved ones in parts because of improper lubrication, to
time for Thanksgiving. Camp-bound be the primary breakdown initiator. Anny
135th men continued regular training and lubrication practices were changed and
on 25 November 1943 were treated to construction timetables returned to a realis-
their first military Thanksgiving dinner. tic schedule. Seabees received praise for a
Slowly the l 35th neared combat strength quick problem solution, but in the next
as men returned from leave and put a final breath were criticized for lax military dis-
polish on their combat skills. A formal cipline. Navy enlisted work parties were
review marked the 135th's end at Camp not required to salute officers while work-
Endicott. On 7 December 1943, two years ing, but the Army did. Army soldiers com-
after Pearl H arbor, the 135th earned its plained, attempted the Navy practice. and
commission and battalion colors. Phase lI1 were promptly dressed down. Horn Island
construction training now awaited the bat- construction resembled problems the
talion at Gulfport , Mississippi. l 35th might face when deployed overseas
On 18 December 1943 the 1 35th ar- and once all work was completed, a final
rived at Gulfport, and immediately divided battalion drill tested each man·s combat
into specialized teams for training. Ex- readiness . A thirty-six mile hike along
perienced cooks, helpers, and butchers at- Camp Holiday 's base roads helped
tended courses to polish the fine points of toughen some feet while ruining many
preparing food for approximately 1200 others. All battalion companies followed
hungry, hard working 135th enlisted men the lead of their commander, Paul C. Gil-
and officers. On a small, offshore Gulfport lette, a tough World War I combat veteran.
island the balance of the 135th par- At Camp H oliday a 135th band was or-
ticipated in construction maneuvers as well ganized into both a marching and dance
as secretive chemical warfare training. A band, enjoyed by the battalion on many oc-
minefield for an Army training site on casions. Four 135th craftsmen designed
Horn Island received top priority since pre- and created a crested plaque of wood and
vious construction was slowed due to con- copper that was quickly adopted by the bat-

The Puzzle Pieces
talion as 1ts symbol. After the war the could not compete with the glittering liber-
135th donated its plaque to the Seabee ty paradise of nearby Los Angeles' Hol-
museum at Port Hueneme. California. On 1yw o o d and Vin e , Olivera street ,
20 April 1944 , with training complete at Chinatown. and the city's relaxation. All
Camp Holiday, the 135th band led the knew it was too good to last. eventually en-
marching Battalion into Gulfport to a wait- ding with the posting of the battalion·s
ing westward-bound troop train. At the end overseas shipping date. Hustle and excite-
of a six-day passage across the southern ment marked the 135th 's area as supplies
U.S., the 135th arrived at Camp Rosseau and equipment were packed, personal gear
near Port Hueneme, California. While at readied. last minute goodbye wires and
Camp Rosseau the 135th was issued car- phone calls made to loved ones, and one
bines: Browning Automatic rifles , last t rip to the Big Ship's Store for personal
Thompson submachine guns. ammunition essentials. On 17 May 1944, as the sun's
clips, cartridge belts, ammunition, first aid rays silhouetted the mountains. the 1 35th
pouches, shelter halves , ponchos. gas partook of its last meal in the U.S. Shortly
masks, mosquito netting, haversacks, can- afterwards, men formed up in platoon for-
teens) mess kits, and foul weather gear. mation with a ll gear and baggage for ship
Classes were conducted on how to prepare boarding. Anyone viewing the 135th men
full, light and combat packs. Trips were loaded down with 80-pound packs. car-
rnade to the rifle range to sigh tin weapons, bines or other weapons over one shoulder,
followed by exposure to the gas chamber. seabags {packed with a mattress, blanket,
After a hard day of training, every man was and a pillow) over the other shoulder, fully
turned out o f bed to defend Camp equipped ammo belts around their waists.
Rosseau's docks from an attacking enemy. gas masks hanging on their left side, with
Procedures followed a similar pattern over ditty bags in hand, could only say this was
the next three weeks for the men of the a picture of America entering and ready to
135th. fight the war to its end. In Company order.
Commander Gillette broke training when the 135th went up the S.S. Meteor's
possible by giving the 135th as much free gangplank. down a narrow hatch, then into
time as possible. During such leisure hours a hold equipped with 5 high hangi ng
the men enjoyed shopping in the Big bunks. Hours later, as twilight changed to
Ship's Store, posing for individual and darkness, men of the l 35th crowded the
gn~up photos at the base photo shop, ship's rail to catch a last glimpse of the U .S ,
drinking beer) smoking, or watching West Coast.
movies. But the camp 1s entertainment
Men who stood on the S.S. Meteor were
trained at Gulfport, Mississippi, yet many
others who later joined the 135th as re-
placements trained at other locations.
George Larson eventually joined the 135th
when they were in Hawaii after phase II of
his training, gunnery school, ended. As the
war news grew more serious, Larson
decided time in the states was too short to
be wasted away from the family. Somehow
the entire family would be together as
much as possible when he was at gunnery
school. Larson had no guarantee of
another leave prior to overseas deploy-
ment where he would remain until the
war's end, seriously wounded, or killed in
action. Laurine (his wife) and Marian (his
daughter) would follow him to camp.
Larson left first, on a train from Des
Moines to Farragut, Idaho, for the start of
gunnery school. Once at school, his pre-
vious outstanding boot camp training
record earned him a Student Company George W. Larson. Liberty in Spokane,
Commander·s position. He was assigned Washington, 1944. Photo, George W. Lorson.
an individual room in one of the barracks, Des Moines for the two-day ride West to
freeing him from mundane work details, Idaho. Once off the train, Laurine and
and giving him a limited amount of privacy. Marian boarded the Cordalane bus, sat
Gunnery School taught weapons down, only to find themselves in the midst
familiarization: parts, disassembly, reas- of "Camp Followers ·· fighting , kicking,
sembly, even when blindfolded. They fired and screaming to secure seats on the bus.
pistols, rifles, carbines, submachine guns, Sympathetically, the bus driver turned to
and Browning automatic rifles at the them and said, '· Lady, if you and your
camp's busy combat arms range. daughter want to stay on this bus to see
A few days after Larson arrived at gun- your husband, don't let yourselves be
nery school, his family boarded a train in mauled and pushed around by these

The Puzzle Pieces
animals!" By July 1944, no rooms for around Spokane and numerous picnics in
women, married or single, were available the countryside. Each m inute spent
around Camp Waldron, since most were together was cherished since Larson's
rented by "Camp Followers. '1 More impor- school was quickly nearing completion.
tantly for Laurine. no one would rent to any One day. in a letter from Raplh Lehman.
women because of the "Ladies" bad one of Larson's friends at the Ankeny
reputations and their less than ideal moral Ordnance Plant, he learned fathers with
character. Laurine had to widen the search deferments were being drafted. He com-
for an apartment. mented to Laurine. "I made the right
In desperation, Laurine and Marian decision to enlist in the Navy, bring you and
ended up in Spokane, Washington, one Marian to Spokane, and share our remain-
hundred miles west of Camp Waldron. ing time together." At gunnery school
They found an upstairs apartment costing graduation Larson found out he had been
fifty dollars a month, with a kitchen. a large granted a thirty-day leave for outstanding
bedroom , separate bathroom (a real Student Company Commander perfor-
luxury), and a comfortable living room. mance.
Considering the expanding war contracts For the two-day train ride to Des Moines.
were turning Spokane into a boom town, Laurine packed enough food for them to
they were lucky to find any place to live, eat since no dining car or meal stops were
especially one in a respectable section of to be provided. They sat on wooden,
town. The Robinsons, the landlords, took straight back seats while on the train. On
Laurine and Marian under their roof and the first night, an Army PFC gave his seat
treated both like members of the family. It to Marian, allowing her to lay across two
was a three-hour bus ride from Spokane to seats while he remained standing in the
Camp Waldron. with each ride like a mini- back of the car. Once in Altoona. Larson 's
war. Camp Followers constantly fought for leave sped by and soon it was time for one
seats, finally reaching a point where last tearful goodbye. He left in September
Laurine no longer a llowed Marian to ac- 1 944 for the West Coast and a future join-
company her. From then on, the Robin- up with the 135th in HawaiL
sons took care of Marian while Laurine As the 135th and others soon to join that
made the long round trip to Camp battalion headed into the Pacific, the
Waldron. aircraft selected to operate from the
When Larson did earn a pass, he took Marianas. the B-29, was ro!Iing off the as-
the bus to Spokane to be with his family . sembly lines. Boeing subrnitted a design for
They borrowed the Robinsons' car for trips the B-29 in 1940 as a replacement for the

T he Road to Tinian

B-1 7 and B-24, with its initial flight on 21 Omaha was the only B-29 plant turning
September 1942 and the decision by the out combat ready aircraft.
Joint Chiefs for a Pacific-only deployment At peak production. Martin Omaha
in December 1943. Its long-range, fire- produced a maximum of fifty-five B-'29s
power, and bomb capacity was ideally each month. Each Superfortress was like
suited to Lhe Pacific combat zone rather the other. all parts interchangeable. built in
than in Europe. First from bases in China. pre-completed sections by va1ious sub-
and then later from the captured islands of contractors, then bolted together at one of
Guam Tinian , and Saipan the B-29s the B-29 final assembly plants . Sub-
would attack Japan. contractors were located throughout the
Most famous of the B-29 Superfortress U.S.: Murray Corporation of Scranton,
plants was the Omaha. Nebraska. Glen L. Pennsylvania produced trailing wing edges:
Martin Company Plant. Its initial war con- Hudson Motor Car Company of Detroit,
tract was to produce the medium, twin-en- Michigan produced the fuselage sections;
gine B-26 Marauder. On 8 May 1943 the Chrysler Dodge near Chicago, Illinois
company began re-tooling to build the B- produced the Wright 18 engines; De Soto
29. Production started on 6 April 1944 of Warren, Michigan built the engine cowl-
with the first B-29 rolling off U1e assembly ings; Fisher Body in Cleveland, Ohio
line on 24 May 1944. Each Superfortress manufactured the horizontal stabilizers:
was fitted with two pressurized crew com- Goodyear Aircraft in Akron, Ohio built the
partments, designed to reduce aircrew leading edges for the wing elevators; with
fatigue during the long duration bombing other parts farmed out throughout the
missions. A fully loaded B-29 could carry country. Each completed B-29 became
up to twenty thousand pounds of bombs in part of a complex aircraft weapon delivery
its twin bomb bays, out to a combat range system destined first for China, then later
of approximately 2000 miles. Four Wright for the Mariana Islands in the Pacific.
Cyclone engines, fitted with dual exhaust Many workers in the B-29 final assemb-
driven turbochargers, nestled in stream- ly and subcontractor plants were women,
lined engine nacelles, and pulled the heavi- due to critical shortages of able-bodied
ly loaded B-29 through the air. Each B-29 men. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jenkins were
was originally armed with ten machine typical of the thousands of people answer-
guns, mounted in four remote-controlled ing the call for defense plant workers. He
turrets. plus two machine guns and a twen- was declared unfit for military service, but
ty millimeter cannon in a tail turret. Martin still felt a need to serve in the war effort.
Both applied for jobs at the Martin Omaha

The Puzzle Pieces
plant. Forty-two years later the Jenkins brought a boiler plant A-bomb to serve as
tr.aveled from Moline, Illinois to tour the old a weapon 's copy for demonstration/test
Martin B-29 plant (now called Building D) installation in the modified B-29. Subse-
at Offutt Air Force Base. The tour was con- quently. the Martin Omaha plant as-
ducted by Colonel Phillip W. Corbett, sembled more than twenty of these
Deputy Director of Public Affairs at Head- specially modified aircraft.
quarters Strategic Air Command and con- Earlier in November, 1943 the 20th
centrated on the area where the Jenkins Bomber Command was activated at Salina.
worked. Both operated lathe and drill pres- Nebraska with Lt. Col. Paul Tibbets as-
ses in the machine shop located below the signed to select a maximum of fifteen
plant· s main assembly floor. They received aircrews for a unique mission. He hand-
extensive technical trainjng prior to begin- selected crews and. under secret orders.
ning work and constant reminders on shipped them to Wendover Field on the
needed production quality. One day Mrs. Nevada/Utah border. Crew members un-
Jenkins got lost returning from the plant's derwent an extensive screening process,
dispensary and eventually had to go home with those unable or unwilling to keep thefr
since no one could give her directions to mouths shut about Wendover activities
the lathe working area. They could only quickly went elsewhere. During September
direct her to the nearest exits. When her 1944, the 509th Composite Group and its
husband returned home later in the eve- companion 390th Air Service Group
ning, wondering what had happened to broke away from the 393d Bombardment
her, she vowed to stay close to him and her Squadron. The 390th consisted of the
work station in order not to get lost again. 603d Air Engineering Squadron. 1027th
Martin Omaha produced the Enola Gay Material Squadron, 320th Troop Carrier
and other B-29s for the 509th Composite Squadron , 1395th Military Police Com-
Group. Special work for the 509th began pany, 1st Ordnance Squadron and 1st
in the fall of 1944 when the U .S Army Air Technical Detachment War Department
Force requested modified B-29s capable of Miscellaneous Group. During October
hauling a unique bomb. By working seven 1944 fjfteen modified B-29s were flown to
days. a week, plant engineers completed Wendover Field. As training progressed at
design modifications in six weeks. Each Wendover, this original group of B-29s was
design step required approval of the fac- determined not to be A-bomb mission
tory representative from the Air Technical capable.
Service Command, Wright Field, Ohio. One day a 1st Technical Detachment War
Colonel Paul Tibbets. 509th commander. Department Group scientist, inspecting

The Road to Tinjan
the bomb bay of a 509th B-29, reported remembered testing a B-29 with better
the bomb bay doors were inadequate. re- handling characteristics than previous
quiring immediate replacement. An opera- aircraft assigned to the 509th. Once the A-
tional B-29 was withdrawn from the 58th bomb was dropped. even under a maxi-
Bombardment Wing and flown to Wright mum power turn and dive. the 8-29 was
Field, for its first of many modifications, in still considered to be too close to the tar-
December 1943. These modifications. get. He stripped a B-29 of all armor plat-
designed by Navy Captain R.L. Roark, Col. ing and guns except for the tail armament.
Tibbets· assistant, involved incorporating a On 24 November 1944, a test flight
new H-frame, hoist, sway braces carrier
1 demonstrated such a modified B-29 could
assembly, antenna equipment. junction reach 34.000 feet. fly faster than a
box, a release unit, and a shackle assemb- Japanese fighter (a P-4 7 was used in the
ly in the bomb bay. After 24 ballistic bomb test to simulate Japanese fighter charac-
test drops at Muroc, California. the bomb teristics) and more maneuverable. The
suspension mechanism was further modified Omaha B-29s were similarly
modified . Test drops resumed in June prepared. In May 1944, Col. Tibbets went
1944 with the specialized bomb bay equip- to the Martin Omaha plant to select one of
ment, and in late August 1944, the Army the modified B-29s for his use. A senior as-
Air Force awarded a contract to Martin sembly line foreman at the plant helped
Omaha for the modified B-29s. Three ad- Col. Tibbets select the special aircraft.
ditional B-29s, using the test aircraft as a Once selected. the B-29 received top
model and following specific blueprints priority and handling, coming off the
provided by Wright Field. rolled off the production Line on 14 June 1945. Col. Tib-
production line. Subsequently, the order bets wanted to increase mission success
was increased to fourteen, then to forty- through any means avaj[able: aircraft selec-
eight, and finally to fifty-four. However, tion, modification, and aircrew training.
only forty-six were actually modified by Col. Tibbets trained the 509th to near per-
war's end. The higher requirement was due fection while waiting for orders to deploy
to the military estimate that many atomic to the Pacific.
bombs might be needed to force Japan to Men and tools of war for the Pacific were
surrender, so three groups similar to the coming together, with scientists and en-
509th were planned . gineers attempting to create a totally new
S ince Tibbets' B-29 would fly alone. weapon. Ever since the first chain reaction
mutual defensive fire supporl from forma- in December 1943, scientists of the top-
tion B-29s would not be available. He secret Manhattan Project labored at iso-

The Pu.zzle Pieces
lated and closely gu~rded facilities in the the Fat Man would be detonated inside a
New Mexico desert and at Oak Ridge, Ten- big bottle vessel, stressed to contain the ex-
nessee to produce plutonium for th e first p1osive pressure of several thousand
testing of the atomic bomb, nicknamed pounds of TNT needed to initiate a nuclear
''Fat Man." Considerable pessimism ex- chain reaction and explosion. If the
isted between scientists over the test plutonium faiJed to attain critical mass, it
explosion ·s success or failure. Fat Man could be scraped from the bottle·s interior
might work. but they did not believe all and used in another test bomb. No com-
would go right on the first detonation. New ment was made concerning the radiation
ground was broken daily for the project, effects on anyone entering the con-
developing new systems to solve problems taminated container. Babcock and
not previously encountered. P roject scien- Wilcox's container weighed 214 tons,
tists feared the loss of the test bomb's price- measured twenty-five feet long and twelve
less plutonium. scattered all over the New feet in diameter. with fifteen-inch thick
Mexico desert floor, if the TNT detonator walls. Jumbo was a masterpiece of en-
failed to produce the desired nuclear chain gineering, the world's largest and strongest
reaction and explosion. Engineers ordered steel vessel. Jum bo arrived at the White
a separate test of a duplicate explosive shell Sands. New Mexico test site two months
to see if It would work. The circular, hand- before the first scheduled atomic bomb
made, explosive shell was designed to test, loaded on an immense triple dual front
produce an inward reaction. squeezing the and rear wheeled flatbed trailer. Heavy
surrounded nuclear material , initiating a tractors moved the trailer with Jumbo to
self-contained nuclear reaction, followed the test site, where it was positioned on top
millionths of a second later. by a nuclear of a large steel tower for the upcoming test;
explosion. When the test detonator failed however, it was never used. As A-weapon
to explode as designed, original fears were theoretical work continued. even consider-
enforced concerning the possible loss of ing the previous explosive shell failure ,
plutonium in the first static test explosion. scientists gained sufficient confidence the
Project engineers ordered the design and bomb would work .as designed . When Fat
manufacture of "Jumbo", one of the most Man was exploded on 16 July 1945,
intriguing projects of the war. Jumbo was 2400 feet from the explosion,
Babcock and Wilcox Company designed mounted on top of its steel scaffold. The
and fabricated a unique, one-time use, atomic blast's shock and pressure wave
pressure container for the first atomic crumpled the steel tower, but Jumbo
bomb test. To save the bomb's plutonium remained unscathed as it dropped to the

The Road to Tinian
desert's floor, a monument to man ·s uncer- called ··Little Boy. ·· was built from uranium.
tain entrance into the atomic age. destined to be the first atomic bomb used
The "Super Bomb" worked and the in a war: target, Hiroshima. The second
509th was trained to drop the bomb on a bomb. '·Fat Man,·· a plutonium bomb.
Japanese target. Two parts of the jigsaw would be dropped on Nagasaki. More
puzzle were complete, ready for mating on bombs were in the production pipeline if
Tinian . The U.S. Marines captured Tinian Japan did not surrender after the first two
in August 1944, followed closely by the bombs were dropped. The bases for the
Seabees who were to build the runways aircraf i and weapons would become
and facilities needed by the B-29s. As the known as the Seabees .. Miracle of Con-
Marines captured T inian, two additional struction. " The seizure of Tinian was given
bombs were rushed to completion. One the code name, "Operation Forger."

Chapter 3

Tinian's Capture

inian·s capture would provide the U.S. Japan. In a large effort, the U.S. com-
T military one of the islands needed to
base B-29s for the planned final air offen-
mitted 535 ships and 125,000 combat
troops to seize the Marianas not later thah
sive against Japan. From the air, Tinian June 1944. Once the island was seized and
resembled a giant checkerboard, but in this secure, the Joint Chiefs established a very
case, a c hessboard with defending tight construction timetable: initial West
Japanese troops; attacking U.S. Navy, Field operation by 1 October and the larger
Marines, Seabees and 8-29 aircrews as the North Field by 15 October 1944. North
chess pieces; with "Operation Forger,'' as Field's size was increased from two to four
the strategy to seize the island. At the parallel runways. It was easy for an in-
Teheran Conference, U.S. Joint Chiefs of vasion decision to be made and quite
Staff chose the Marianas as the bases for another to plan such a complicated opera-
the strategic bombing campaign against tion.

The Road to Tinian
- -- -
invasion planning was a strategist's beams to the cliff top. and as the LVT back-
nightmare because of the long distances ed away. the wooden mat unrolled down
from U.S. support and supply bases. the steel I beams providing a ready ramp.
Tinian 's invasion would not be from ship- Tracked landing vehicles could then wade
to-shore but rather one from Saipan, once ashore from the LSTs, climb the ramp and
that island was secured. The primary head inland with a minimum amount of
reason for invading Saipan first was to es- time wasted on the beach. Since the
tablish the island as a land support base to beaches were so narrow their off-loading
assist U.S . forces in seizing Tinian. capacity had to maximized. Once the land-
Saipan 's southern plain provided an excel- ing area was secured. the Navy landed
lent artillery fire-support base for the pre- bulldozers and Seabees pushed sand and
invasion , invasion and defense suppression coral over the ramps. providing a pathway
gunfire the Marines needed prior to bring- off the beaches to keep supplies and equip-
ing their own artillery ashore. ment flowing to the Marines. Seabee
Aerial photography of Tinian provided bulldozers also assisted in pulling vehicles
invasion planners with up-to-date informa- stuck in the sand up onto firmer ground.
tion concerning Japanese defenses, as well keeping beach congestion as low as pos-
as on the island's invasJon beaches. The sible.
southern beaches near Tinian Town were On the plus side for the invasion plan-
heavily defended with the bulk of Japanese ners, there were few natural and limited
forces positioned around these beaches. numbers of man-made obstacles on the
Two beaches at the northwest end of the White Beaches. lt was only discovered after
island were only lightly defended (White 1 the invasion, that more than one hundred
and 2). However, they were very narrow horned mines were planted on White 2.
and blocked by six-foot-high sea cUffs. U.S. not previously identified by Navy frogmen
Seabees made a significant contribution reconnaissance or disarmed by mine
towards the invasion 's success, enabling sweeping operations . Regardless,
U.S. Marines and equipment to quickly American planners went back and forth on
scale the six- foot cliffs, blocking the beach the plausability of landing on White
egress routes inland. They modified a Beaches. A tremendous argument oc-
Landing Vehicle Tank (LVT) to carry an ar- curred between Admiral Turner. the am-
ticulated mat of one by six-foot wooden phibious commander, and General Smith,
timbers, supported by two side ten inch the ground commander, on the choice of
steel I-beams. The LVT hit the beach, invasion beaches. General Smith favored
drove up to the cliffs base, secured the [ the White beaches whereas Admiral

Tinian's Capture _

Turner wanted to land on the Tinian Town Invasion planners included a diversionary
beaches. At one point Admiral Turner amphibious landing operation against
shouted "You are not going to land on Tinian Town's beaches the morning of the
White Beaches, 1 won't land you there! " invasion to freeze Japanese forces there
But General Smith shot back, ··oh yes you while the actual invasion force struck the
will! You'll land any Goddammned place l White Beaches. Saipan based artillery was
tell you to. " Eventually, Admiral Spruance to disrupt Japanese interior lines of com-
pulled all parties together and an agree- munication and also selectively neutralize
ment was reached on using White White Beach defenses. The greatest fear of
Beaches. It still was a daring gamble. but U.S. planners was their own troops' will to
there were additional factors favoring the fight in light of the bloody campaign on
jnvasion location. Saipan. The fighting on Saipan had been
Costs in men and equipment from an in- long. costly., and many Marines were on
vasion aimed agajnst the Tinlan Town the ragged edge of effectiveness as a fight-
beaches would be high. White Beach in- ing force, with many wondering if they
vasion units could be supported from would survive another island invasion. U.S.
Saipan with direct artillery fire until the Marines believed the Japanese would
Marines landed their own 7 Smm pack ar- protect Tinian as violently as defenders on
tillery pieces on Tinian. Surprise was the Saipan.
biggest plus the invasion planners looked On 11 June, U .S naval carrier aircraft
at, since the Japanese would not expect struck Tinian for the first time , while
the Americans to strike on the narrow, another carrier force neutralized Japanese
high cliff, northwest beaches. Both 4th & airbases on Truk and the Carolines, clear-
2nd Marine Divisions could be loaded on ing the path for direct ship-to-shore bom-
Saipan for the short transit across the bardment of T inian targets. Airstrikes
Saipan Channel to the White Beaches and destroyed all Japanese aircraft on the
make a direct assault onto the beaches. ground, and when U.S. Marines reached
Once they landed, Marines could swing Ushi Point airfield, they counted dozens of
north and capture Ushi Point airfield, destroyed aircraft scattered around the
providing a forward air supply and medical field. Soon these aircraft fuselages took on
evacuation link with Saipan. Even so, U.S. the appearance of a post Thanksgiving
military planners were taking no chances Dinner turkey as U.S. servicemen liberated
of permitting the Japanese to position suf- Japanese metal for souvenirs. Most of the
ficient forces against White Beaches. cutout metal was fabricated into watch or
wrist bands by Seabees who quickly estab-

The Road to Tinian


L Aslito




take landing

Tinian's Capture


L Aslito

u s h .1. po i n t

Poi n t


ma sa. 1 o g p o i n t


p o .i. n t
t.J..n.i. :a.n


.l a L1 o point

Th e Hoad to Tinian
lished a profitable business venture on On 13 June the battleship California
Tinian. After the Marines had landed. U.S. shelled Tinian Town and exchanged gun-
carriers took part in the Marianas "Turkey fire with Japanese shore batteries, taking
Shoof' when the Japanese sent their some hits. Further north. in another artiJ-
remaining carrier and air groups to battile lery exchange, Japanese shore batteries hit
the Americans. U.S. a irmen blew the the battleship Tennessee as it shelled
Japanese out of the sky and effectively crip- Japanese shore installations and defenses.

Destruction from pre·inuasion gunfire at Ushi PoirJt Airfield. Wrecked Japanes aircraft uisible thro ugh
d estroyed hangar. Photo. USMC. Elmer F. Goodwin.

pied Japanese naval air aviation for the rest On 12-13 June U.S. carrier strikes
of the war. U.S. aircraft losses were ex- e limi nated any remaining damaged
tremely low when compared to those suf- Japanese aircraft and made the four air-
fered by the Japanese. fields unserviceable. On 22 July the U.S.

Tinian's Capture
Navy began the pre-invasion bombard- the gun also disappeared." The Japanese
ment with a programmed and sequential sugar mill was one of the targets that ab-
fire plan. Prior to invasion day, Navy war- sorbed a tremendous number of naval
ships pumped approximately 11.000 shells, but ref used to yield its brick smoke-
shells into Tinian. Aircraft dropped over stack to the marauding shells. Also. the two
five hundred 500-pound bombs as well as story concrete command and communica-
rockets and incendiaries. On Tinian, for tions building remained virtually intact. sur-
the first time, napalm was used to burn out v1 vmg 16-inch battleship shells,
Japanese defensive positions. The heaviest 500-pound bombs. and repeated hits by
shelling came from Saipan 's 156 artillery 7 5mm pack artillery.
Until Jig Day, or invasion day, the
primary bombardment was targeted
against the southern sections of the island
to further enforce the belief the invasion
would come at Tinian Town. Destruction
was immense, disrupting Japanese defen-
ses, communications. and ability to shift
their mobile defensive force from one part
of the island to another. invasion day was
Destroyed Japanese aircraft in cone field near set for 24 July 1944. At 07 30 hours, the
Ushi Point. The aircraft hos been cul·up for
souvenirs by U. S. servicemen. Photo. Norman
diversionary attack aimed at Tinian Town· s
Symons. beach started. Landing craft were lowered
pieces. firing 25,000 shells at Tinian, a from assault ships. and then headed
rate of one per minute. By 23 JuJy, towards the heavily defended beach. The
Tinian 's once beautiful and peaceful landing craft drew very heavy gunfire from
countryside was turned into a mass of Japanese shore batteries. with shells
twisted wreckage, burning and destroyed splashing all around the landing craft. but
buildings. As the pre-invasion bombard- not registering any hits. As the J apanese
ment continued, the U.S. battleship Ten- watched the American landing craft turn
nessee closed to within one thousand yards away from the beach, they believed their
of the island, in the Saipan Channel. One shore batteries had successfully driven off
of the crew members recorded the destruc- the landing. The diversionary landing froze
tion on Tinian: " ... with my binoculars I J apanese attention on the southern
watched shells rip holes in a concrete beaches. Col. Ortega only too late received
fortress. With one salvo its walls disap- word of the northern invasion due to his
peared, exposing a big gun; with a second.

The Road to Tinian
disrupted communications, and by then it and then puJl away for another LST to con-
was impossible to throw the U.S. Marines tinue the process. Such an effort by the
off the beaches. Seabees permitted the Marines to stockpile
As the diversionary landing craft ammunition and other supplies on the is-
withdrew, fa rther north, Navy ships began land, sufficient to support their drive south.
an intense shelling of the intended landing Early on 25 July, the Japanese counter-
area, White 1 and 2 Beaches. Massed attacked but failed to dislodge the U.S.
naval bombardment was joined by artillery Marines around White Beaches and in the
positions from Sa ipan 1 ho ld ing the morning 1200 J apanese dead were
J apanese in their positions. At 0750 counted, almost 1 /7th of the Japanese for-
hours, the U.S. Fourth Marine Division hit ces. ''Victory or death! " was simply not just
the White Beaches, fighting through light an empty shout or slogan for the individual
J apanese opposition. By night the Marines Japanese soldier. The slogan was constant-
secured a beachhead approximately one ly impressed on the Japanese soldier, air-
mile in depth and dug in for the expected man, or sailor that if he was captured this
Japanese counterattack. The landing was a great disgrace to his country, family,
showed that White 1 was basically clear of and himself. On Saipan. over 29,000
m ines, but White 2 was effectively block- Japanese soldiers and civilians were killed
ed, causing delays in o ff-loading men and or took their own lives to keep their honor
equipmen t due to the discovery of intact. Since the invasion, the Japanese
J apanese mines. One tracked vehicle ran lost approximately 3700 men and from
directly over a m ine and was blown apart this point on, until the Japanese were con-
by the resulting explosion. fronted in the hills southeast of Tinian
Follow-up landing craft brought in the Town, organized opposition was light.
Marines· 7 5mm artillery needed to defend On 25 July, the Second Marine Division
the beach as well as dig the Japanese out landed to support the drive south, landing
of defensive positions, especially once the at a more peaceful and leisurely pace since
drive to secure the island took the Marines Japanese opposition was further to the
out of range of the shore-based Saipan ar- south. Ushi Point airfield was cleared and
tillery. To increase supplies to the Marines. used by C-47s to bring in food and fly out
the Seabees put together a floating pier wounded in shuttle flights from Saipan.
that was towed across the channel to The 12 1 st Seabee B attalion initially
Tinian from Saipan. LSTs could now off- cleared a 1 50 by 2500 foot airstrip for im-
load trucks and other vehicles at the end of mediate C-4 7 operations. In three days,
the pier under the vehicles' own power, the Seabees extended the runway to 4 700

Tinian' s Capture

feet. Meanwhile, the northern third of any of the three Marianas Islands' cam-
Tinian was under U.S. control when the paign, averaging close to one mile per day.
Marines captured Mount Lasso. From At the same time, Marine losses were light
Mount Lasso, Marine spotters could direct when compared to the dreadful toll suf-
artillery fire onto suspected Japanese fered on Saipan, where the J apanese hotly
defensive positions as the Marines moved contested every foot of ground.
south. The retreating Japanese were con- Navy warships continued providing time-
stantly bombed and strafed by P-47 s flying ly a nd highly accurate fire support on
from Saipan. Japanese units were pushed Japanese targets as the Marines advanced
hard enough to frustrate any attempts to towards the southern end of the island,
dig in and organize a defensive line north knocking out any obstacles facing the ad-
of Tinian Town. vancing troops. On 30 July, U.S. Marines
Reports from weather stations indicated captured Tinian Town, facing only scat-
Tinian was due for a storm that might dis- tered J apanese and basically an open city.
rupt supplies to the U.S. Marines. The The drive to capture Tinian Town was
Navy re--doubled its supply effort, but on 30 easier than anticipated due to the fact that
July the storm destroyed the causeways on the majority of Japanese defensive gun
White Beaches. From this point on, until emplacements faced south and not north,
Tinian Town's harbor was cleared of and they could not be turned to meet the
mines, the docks repaired and made opera- southward advancing U.S. Marines. Sun-
tional, all supplies were landed by am- haron Roads harbor was heavily mined and
phibious trucks (DUKW 's) and Landing would not be available for use as a resupp-
craft (LVT's), plowing through the surf ly link for the U.S. Marines fighting on the
from supply ships, and LST's located off island.
the beaches. As mentioned previously, suf- To ease the supply situation, on 31 July,
ficient supplies were landed prior to the C-47s carried almost 100,000 meals (C-
causeways' destruction to keep the south- Rations) to the Marines through Ushi Point
ward sweep towards Tinian Town continu- airfield. These were the only supplies mass-
ing. Through skilled use of the amphibious airlifted into Tinian during the campaign,
vehicles follow-on supplies were main- feeding the Marines during the later stages
tained, but due to the slackened fighting , of the invasion and removing wounded to
no great amounts were needed to fight the Army field hospitals on Saipan on the
Japanese. Even with the destruction of the return flight. The C-4 7 shuttle route was
causeways , slowing supplies, the Marine nicknamed "The world's shortest airport-
advance on Tinian was the most rapid of to-airport air ride,'' since it only took three

The Road to Tinian
and one half minutes from takeoff on Late in the evening on 31 July. the
Saipan to landing on Tinian 's Ushi Point Japanese initiated a Banzai attack on the
airfield. Marine positions. where fightjng turned
After one week of fighting, U.S . Marines hand-to-hand. but the Japanese thrust was
controlled nearly 4/5ths of the island; blunted. then stopped. Early on the morn-
killed approximately 4000 Japanese sol- ing of 1 August (0500 hours), the Japanese
diers; with the remaining 9000 soldiers attacked again, only to run smack into con-
and civilians crowded into a small moun- centrated machine gun and 7 Smm artillery
tainous area at the southeast end of the is- fire , With the attacks over. remaining
land. In their drive south. U.S. Marines Japanese and civilians concealed themsel-
fired nearly 190,000 artillery shells, with ves in the deep caves. very difficult to lo-
additional thousands of rounds fired by cate and harder to directly attack. U.S.
naval warships and strafing/bombing Marines encountered isolated groups of
aircraft. Such heavy firepower forced the Japanese hiding in the caves, systematical-
Japanese to take cover in the hills for tem- ly mopping them up, but it would take a
porary safety from the attacking long time to root out the Japanese hiding
Americans . Tinian 's southern moun- in the hills. Japanese soldiers would harass
tainous terrain required the U.S. Marines American forces on the islands for months.
to attack uphill, while also manhandling But at 1855 hours, 1 August 1944. In a
7 5mm artillery up the cliffs to blast out press release by Admiral Nimitz at Pearl
Japanese pockets of resistance in the deep Harbor: "The battle of Tinian ended last
mountain caves. Many Japanese hid in night when organized Japanese resistance
caves and in the dense undergrowth in the crumpled beneath the island 's southern
southern mountains . Navy warships cliffs ... and ... Then our attack carried us to
moved close to shore and fired into the cliffs dominating the southern beaches
suspected areas of Japanese troop con- where the harried enemy was to collapse
centrations in attempts to dislodge the completely. The enemy had little means of
defenders. By 31 July. U.S . Marines resistance and no means of escape .. ,
pushed their lines close enough to the Clashes continued between American
Japanese hiding positions that many and Japanese troops. but the majority of
Japanese and Korean civilians began sur- the island was under tight American con-
rendering by waving white flags as they trol with movement basically unhindered.
came down the hills towards the Marine U.S. Marines used loudspeakers in an ef-
positions. fort to get the remaining Japanese to sur-
render and come out of hiding in the

Tinian's Capture
southern caves. All surrenders were not forts eventually led to 4000 Japanese and
common. For example: one day Marine Korean civilians surrendering to the
Captain Lyford Hutchins of Boston , Mas- Americans. Some Japanese chose to die
sachusetts went to the southern hills to in- rather than dishonor their country, family,
spect the rising terrain . Hun~hed behind a and themselves.
gray limestone rock, two Japanese soldiers Japanese soldiers and civilians, not sur-
watched Captain Lyford drive his jeep rendering. chose to jump off the high
through the American lines into No Man ·s souther n cliffs to their deaths on the the
Land, park it, nonchalantly climb out. and rocks and in the water below, similar to the
begin to look around. A minute later, they suicides on Saipan. It was a sad note to the
appeared to the U.S. Marine officer carry- T inian campaign that mop up efforts on
ing a Japanese baby as they surrendered the island continued until 1January1945.
so they would not be shot as snipers. Many Five thousand Japanese were killed and
Japanese soldiers came out of hiding four thousand chose suicide rather than

Damaged Japanese Command and Japan ese light tanks tha t were destroyed by
Communications Cente r. Th e concrete structure Marines during invasion beach coun ter attack.
surul1Jed concentrated gunfire. Pho to. Norman Photo. Norman Symons.
waving a wh ite flag, only to attack U.S. surrender. Three hundred and eighty-nine
Marines just prior to a normal surrender. U.S. Marines were killed and 1886
U.S. Marines were understandably more wounded in securing Tinian for the B-29
than a little afraid of approaching bases to be built by the Seabees--West and
Japanese. It was clear to the two surrender- North Field. After the bulk of fighting had
ing Japanese soldiers that further resis- been completed, the Japanese Domei
tance was hopeless and they wanted to live . News Agency finally commented ... "that
Once these two successfully surrendered, J apanese resistance had ended on Guam
another fifty Japanese civilians, witnessing and T inian islands in the Marianas, which
the event, also came forth to surrender to Americans conquered weeks
tl1e lone U.S. Marine officer. Surrender ef- ago ...and ... all Japanese mi litary personnel

The Road to Tinian
on the two islands. including the Army and Americans an ideal and potentially. the
Navy commanders were believed to have best area for a major Central Pacific air
met death in last-man battles and that base. The island was ready for the Seabees
Japanese civilians shared the same fate.,. to complete their "Miracle of Construc-
Tinian's forty-eight square miles of flat and tion.·· turning the entire island into the
gently rolling countryside provided the world's largest airfield complex.

View of Tinian Town 's

main street after
pre·inuasion shelling.
The Japanese did not
defe11d the town but
took to the hills.
Photo, W S. Eoff.

Remains of Japanese
sugar mill.
Smokestack still intact.
The sugar mill was
heavily shelled by U. S.
battleships. Photo,
George W Larson .

Tinian's Capture

U.S naual shel/ing destroyed many island homes. U.S. Cemetery on Tinian. The bodies were
Concrete buildings on the island absorbed heauy remoued at the end of the war and returned to the
gunfire and remained standing. Photo. Elmer F United States. Photo, John H. Vandervort.

One of the light Ja panese tanks destroyed on the evening of 25 July 1944. Note the large hole below the
rank's turret. Photo, John H. Vandervort.

The Road to Tinian

Seabees erected a sign 011 Tinian indicating the

direction to various battalion camps. Photo.
Norman Symons.


Forward to Tinian

eabee Battalions were poised in supplies for the invasion of Tinian, ex-
S Hawaii for the trip to Tinian, waiting
for news that the U.S. Marines had secured
ploded. LST stands for Landing Ship Tank
a large ocean capable ship designed to
the island. The U.S. Marines drove the carry tanks and other vehicles in its inte-
Japanese on Tinian to the southern end of rior. Vehicles were able to drive out the
the island, then isolated and contained the LST's forward clamshell doors, down the
enemy. Tinian was declared secure on 1 landing ramp onto shore or a dock. The
August 1944, ready for the Seabees to most common names given to LSTs were
work the ''Miracle of Construction, " turn- Large Slow Target, Long Slow Trip, and
ing the gentle rolling terrain into the Last Stop Tokyo. Two berthed LSTs were
world's largest airdrome. loading ammunition, and with the first
Two months earlier, on 21 May, two days blast a chain reaction started, blowing
prior to the 135th's arrival at West Loch, both apart, killing 163 and wounding 396.
Pearl Harbor, two LSTs, among many Six additiona l LS Ts, along with many other
others docked in this berthing area loading small landing craft were sunk and

The lload to Tinian
numerous nearby anchored ships seriously
damaged. West Loch· s berths were located
at Pearl H arbor 's main ammunition
storage area and loading docks, and when
the LSTs exploded, the safety of this sec-
tion of the harbor was in doubt. LST los-
ses were serious·enough to possibly disrupt
the Marianas timetable. Members of the
135th Diving and Salvage Team assisted
Co ns truction work at Pearl Harbor Moruin Prince
Navy divers in body recovery from the and Charles Porke r. The 135/h built barracks,
kitchens. and other projects throughout Pearl
sunken LSTs, clearing the wreckage and harbor in the four months prior to deployment to
raising one of the sunk LSTs. Tinian . Photo. Marufn Prince.
On 23 May 1944, six days after board- ly assigned work details. 135th Seabees
ing the troop ship S.S. Meteor , men of the built barracks, mess halls, kitchens. recrea-
135th crowded the ship"s rails for the first tion facilities, while also completing many
glimpse of famous Diamond Head. Short- specialized projects for the Army, Navy.
ly, the Meteor passed through open sub- and Marines.
marine nets guarding Pearl Harbor ·s Assignment Hawaii offered more than
channel entrance, then slowly transited the just work. Trips were available to all parts
narrow channel into the main harbor. All of the island for swimming. fishing ,
the l 35th remained silent as the ship sightseeing, and other forms of group and
slowed, dipped its colors to the sunken bat- personal recreation. Several large battalion
tleship Arizona, no one breaking the parties were thrown, leaving more than
silence of the occasion in respect for fallen one area of Honolulu in less than respect-
Navy comrades. As they looked around the able condition. Seabees were very intense
harbor, Pearl was filled with every type of shoppers. buying all types of gifts and
warship, cargo vessel and auxiliary craft, souvenirs in Honolulu, Pearl Harbor's Sub-
many displaying recent war wounds. marine Base Ships Service Store. as well
lt was good for the 135th men to head as the 135th's own Moanalua Ridge·s
down the Meteor's gangplank and feel solid Ships Store. The ships store accumulated
ground once more after the ship· s journey a large profit in the four months the 135th
from the West Coast. Anxious men were was in H awaii, enough to purchase
loaded on waiting trucks and driven to the 70,000 cases each of beer and coke prior
135th's camp on Moanalua (pronounced to leaving the island. Once on Tinian, these
Monlua) Ridge where all were immediate- refreshments were distributed on a weekly

Forward to Tinian
schedule. A lot of trading went on between approximately 441 feet long, 57 feet wide.
thqse who drank beer and those who did and when fully loaded drew a draft of 27
not while the 135th was stationed on feet. Liberty ships were massed produced
Tinian. U.S. Marine guards met the cargo in 97 prefabricated two-hundred-fifty-ton
ship when it docked at T inian to make cer- sections. trucked from subcontractor
tain the beverages reached their storage plants (with all interior fittings, doors,
destination, after first acquiring a few cases bunks, wiring, etc.), then welded together
for themselves. This supply of refresh- at shipyards. It was equipped with a single
ments lasted the battalion throughout its engine, but could transport 1150 men and
stay on Tinian and for most of the assign- 3500 tons of cargo. with onJy a crew of
ment on Okinawa. 250. Liberty ships were called the "Ugly
George Larson arrived in California in Ducl<lings" of World War IL
September 1 944, after a long and crowded Once at Pearl Harbor, Larson was issued
train trip from Des Moines to Oakland. He the balance of his military uniforms with
waited at the Oakland Naval Base for tran- the rest laundered and cleaned at Pearl
sit orders and shipping to the Pacific. Even- H arbor's large laundry facility. Navy
tually, Larson boarded a liberty ship for the Quartermaster personnel provided him a
voyage to Hawaii. stencil to mark his seabag and all issued
U.S. Navy designation for the Liberty clothes. Larson had to keep all his clothes
. packed, ready for immediate ship boarding
once an overseas billet was posted. He had
no idea of where he was going or to what
unit he would be assigned. The Navy kept
all the men busy at Pearl Harbor working
on faciJity expansion projects or other con-
struction work around the island .
Larson did not have much free time while
at Pearl Harbor since the Navy assigned
him as a common laborer in a Honolulu
Liberty ship off-loading supplies at Tinian. The pineapple packing factory. These pineap-
Liberty shfp was used throughout the Second ples were packed as commissary stores for
World War to haul men and cargo. This Liberty
ship is off-loading cargo al Tinian on the Sea bee deploying ships leaving Pearl Harbor for
built pier complex. Photo, Merle C. Duncan. the Central Pacific. His bosses at the fruit
packing plant were private contractors.
ship was EC2 (Emergency Cargo Large who did not really care for the men. The
Capacity) or AK S. Each Liberty ship was

T he Road to Tinian
work was different from what Larson had the building and construction work com-
ever done before, but considering the other pleted on the island in such a short time.
work details throughout the island, it was After eating his Christmas dinner and get-
not a bad place to work. Later when he was ting some rest. early the next morning
on Tinian , Larson would have given any- Savaloro was put right to work digging
thing for one of the pineapples packed in ditches and footing foundations.
Hawaii. A Navy bus picked up the work For the l 35th. their four months on
detail in front of the barracks, took them Hawaii had ended. On 29 September
to the fruit packing plant and in the eve- 1944 the first echelon boarded the APA
ning returned to Pearl Harbor. The work U.S.S. Adair, destination unknown. Wil-
was hot, dirty 1 boring. and in the evening liam F. Schin, B Company, was listening
all Larson wanted to do was dean up, get to a short-wave radio broadcast on the ship
something to eat write a letter to Laurine, one evening, when Tokyo Rose came on
and go to bed. It was only a matter of time and announced that the l 35th Construc-
before he would be assigned to a ship or tion Battalion was on LSTs ··somewhere in
unit deploying to the war zone. The 135th the Pacific,·· and all were lost when the
USNCB needed additional men to main- ships were sunk by a Japanese Imperial
tain its combat deployment authorization submarine. It gave those listening to the
strength so it raided the available Navy broadcast goose pimples that the Japanese
manpower pool to meet its shipping date. knew the 135th bad left Pearl Harbor.
Some members of the 135th, like Sam Navy escorts and convoy ships went
Savaloro, were pulled out of the battalion through a couple days of increased alert
for other duties. Savaloro was detached just in case. but no Japanese submarines
from the 135th and shipped to Tulagi Bay were located.
in the Solomon Islands where he helped The 135th's second echelon did not leave
unload supplies from LSTs for seven days Pearl Harbor for another ten days. while
and nights. After Tulagi, he participated in additional battalion members were ac-
the invasion of Anguar Island, staying for quired and equipment loaded. Meanwhi\e,
twenty-one days unloading troops and sup- the U.S.S. Adair was steaming towards
plies. He repeated the process for the in- Kwajalein Island in the Marshall Islands for
vasions of Yap and Bonin Islands. Savaloro rest and refueling prior to moving on to its
returned to Pearl Harbor in November final destination. One afternoon the 135th
1944 for rest and reassignment. eventual- was entertained by Bob Hope and his USO
ly arriving at Tinian on 25 December 1944 troop on the Adair·s fantail to the enjoy-
to rejoin the 135th. He was surprised at ment of every single Seabee and sailor on

Fonvard to Tinian
- --
the ship. After several days layover on
Kwajalein Island, the 135th headed for ··rs-
land-X1" which turned out to be the recent-
ly captured island of Tinian.
George Larson was never asked. just told
by an ensign he was assigned to the 135th,
grab a seabag, and fall-in outside the bar-
racks. He was trucked to Pearl Harbor's
Het Motorschip Tjisadan van De Voorma/ige.
docks and off- loaded next to a large ship, Jaua·China-Japan Lijn. U.S.S. Tjisodane.
a Outen liner leased to the Navy, the MS transported t he second echelon of the 135th to
Tin ian . 9 to 24 October 1944 . lnformaLfon and
Tjisadane. The ship was built in 1931 photo from Jacob Van Hekke. Assisto11L. Tranµo srt
under the name of Het Motorschi.p Atteche. Royal Nethe rlands Embassy. Washington .
Tjisadane van De Voormalige Java China
Japan lijn. It displaced a deadweight ton- walked away. Larson pressed it between
nage of 490 411 tons. Larson boarded the utiHty uniforms in his seabag and somehow
liner on 9 October 1944 and stowed his the sketch sUlvived the war and over forty
gear in the forward hold. There were three years of storage. It is a portrait of a young
bunks stacked on top of each other in end- man going to war. far away from home. yet
less rows in the hold. The 135th's heavy ready to do his part to defeat Japan.
equipment and supplies were loaded in the Life onboard ship was not all relaxation:
aft cargo hold. The forward hold was. hot Larson pulled mandatory K.P.. peeling a
and would be uncomfortable during the ton of potatoes. The Indian and Moslem
twenty-one day voyage to their final des- crew wore diaper-like wraps and turbans.
tination. Larson decided to spend as much cooked their own meals, and ate the fou1-
time on deck as pos~ible, where at least he smelling food while squatting on the ship· s
would have the cooling sea breeze. fresh deck. Any food prepared and not eaten,
air. and open sky. for whatever reason. was collected as gar-
One evening while Larson was on deck, bage and, late at night. dumped so as not
a Navy enlisted rating came up to him and to provide a trail for possible Japanese sub-
asked, "Would it be all right to draw a color marines operating in the area. At midnight,
sketch of a Seabee?'" Larson agreed and a Dutch officer would lead a detachment of
since there was a bright moon, the artist garbage can-toting, native crewmen to the
had enough light to work on the sketch. ship's stern. H e would yell at the top of his
When done, the artist tore the sketch off voice "Dump ze garbage! " The ship was
the drawing pad, gave it to Larson. and zig-zagging and the crewmen throwing the

The Road to Tinian
garbage overboard had to hold on to the the forward upper deck. Whenever Giese
rail to keep their balance. The job was went forward to get the hatch cover
made even more difficult since the ship was wrench, he wouJd take two different men
running under total blackout and if the so they could stop at the fountain and fill
moon was not up or behind a cloud, one canteens with cold water in place of stale.
could not see his hand in front of his face. lukewarm, hold drinking water. It was often
On board the liner, Arthur W. Giese was so hot in the hold. men would take a
the Master at Arms, D Company and it blanket and go up on deck to sleep. But
was his duty after evening chow to take a there was a major drawback: during the
detail of two men forward and obtain a night a sudden five-or ten-minute
large, open-end wrench and use it to rainstorm would erupt and soak the sleep-
secure steel plates over the ship's forward ing Seabee.
hold portholes. Closed portholes added to The 135th was fed twice a day. with an
the discomfort of the Seabees in the hold, apple or some klnd of fruit at noon to
taking away any air coming through the prevent sickness. They had to pass the
open vents. Every morning and evening, crew·s (Indian and Moslem) galley. with a
all the 135th stood General Quarters stern warning from the officers not to
(G.Q.), an hour before sunrise and sunset, touch any of the crews' dishes or food serv-
with every man assigned to a lifeboat posi- ing counter. The Americans. being Chris-
tion. Each Seabee had to wear a long- tians or infidels, would pollute the food if
sleeved shirt, headgear, life preserver, and touched by anyone not a Hindu or Mos-
one full canteen of water for the drill. If they lem. The 135th also had to pass the crews·
ever had to abandon ship, the water could shower stalls and once again told not to
mean the difference in life or death, touch the door or frame for the same
depending on the time spent in the open reason. The Moslem and Hindu crew went
lifeboats. into the shower naked, wearing a towel
Giese got a kick out of the Dutch officers' wrapped around their waists. These native
appearance~ knee britches with white crew members had many other strange
knee-length stockings, half-sleeved shirts. customs and actions that the men of the
either carrying a black riding crop or stuff- 135th just shook their heads about.
ing it under their armpits. He could see In the evening, Giese would come up on
them on the liner's upper deck, along with deck and look at the stars and constella-
the 135th·s officers, enjoying whatever tions, They appeared so close and bright
breeze was available. The officers could in the clear night ocean air. Since the con-
drink cold water from a water fountain on voy traveled at the pace of the slowest ship,

Forwa rd to Tinian
the Dutch liner's 8 knots. fishing gear was On 17 October 1944. the Tjisadane
periodically issued. Fish were caught for crossed the 180th Meridian. the ·· interna-
sport, but the men just threw the flopping tional Dateline.·· All 135th Seabees
fish onto the ship's scuppers. amidst received a card marking the transit across
scrambling crew members collecting the the dividing line between today and tomor-
castoffs. The Moslem and Hindu crew only row. The card read:
ate sheep or goat meat. with fish as a diet
supplement. Sometimes flying fish would IMPERIAL DOMAIN OF GOLDEN
land on the deck and once again there DRAGON
would be a wild scramble among the crew This is to certify that
for the fish. George W. Larson
U.S. destroyers constantly prowled the Was duly inducted into the
convoy edges searching for any lurking SILENT MYSTERIES OF
Japanese submarines and herding stray THE FAR EAST.
vessels back into proper convoy position. having crossed the 180th Meridian at
The ship plowing through the water at OCT 17. 1944
eight knots was cool enough to refresh the in Latitude ............. on board the
men as they came out of the hold. Men U.S.S. Tjisadane
stayed on deck as much as possible unless Larson managed to save the card and mail
rough or rainy weather drove them below. it home in one of his letters to Laurine. It
In rough weather. a lot of the 135th en- was an unusual experience for an Iowa
listed and officers became extremely boy. not accustomed to ships. sailors. and
seasick. making conditions even more un- their customs.
comfortable for everyone else. Yet. even in The 180th crossing was a diversion in the
rough weather. some men would go on long and slow voyage from Pearl Harbor
tleck to feel the sea spray or fresh rainwater to the Central Pacific. No daily PT con-
on their face. Sometimes the weather be- ditioning was held for the 135th while on-
came bad enough that when chow was board , unlike the combat sold iers·
seived. George Larson had to hold onto pre-invasion preparation conditioning.
the mess table's edge to keep from being Scuttlebutt flowed that the 135th was
vaulted over the table into the aisle. Food headed towards the Marianas and. even-
trays were sliding all over the table and con- tually. Tinian. No one would either verify
;iderable talent and dexterity was needed or deny this information . but it soon be-
iust to first stab at. then shovel. the food came apparent the 135th was close to dis-
into one's mouth embarkation. When the 135th learned of

The Road to Tinian

their destination. Larson could not openly

write to Laurine about where he was going. ....- .
Military censors would cut out any infor-
mation deemed to reveal military plans.
unit locations. or specific military activities.
Laurine frequently received letters that
looked like large jigsaw puzzles. Larson
a •
r.; .;;;. -
s • 7 1

17 II H JO 21 U U

10 II 11 II 1 4 11 14
~ ;
M U 14 27 H 19 JO

began a letter with an endearment: Dear

Darling Today, and then go on with the let-
ter. He would address the envelope and
hand it over to the unit's military censor.
unsealed, with the Jetter inside. The letter
would be dated and mailed by the Military
Postal Department. Laurine would receive
the letter, look at the date and record the
first letter after the greeting. ln this case a ~•:.\•F.t: ~

T , with the next letter starting Dear Honey.

It, lhe 3rd. Dear Beloved. Never, etc.
When Laurine received all the dated letters.
..t:!i.[ .Lt t:!'IJI. !!:!' I: tf.. ..i. £ IV£ c (tZJZ"Tc
she could spelJ out T-l-N-1-A-N and know 'ti." t.
tJ.l.•d. (. ,,
ti..•tl 11.11..r:.
~~t -

t£.ll ~ ·u&:..
where Larson was stationed. Strangely, the
Navy censors never caught on to Larson·s -/ /./.If";; ,,F.,,tJ .

easy and open system. Later when he was

assigned to Okinawa, Larson once again
used the same system to tell Laurine where
he was headed!
The l 35th arrived at Tinian Island on the
morning of 24 O c tober 1944 and
prepared to disembark. They went over the
side of the ship, down hanging cargo nets,
into bobbing Higgins Landing Boats. Lar-
son was in the second wave to land on the
beach, going ashore wearing a full combat
pack, and carbine, like a soldier instead of
Example of cards written by a Seabee. They were
a construction worker. The 135th USNCB puL onto microfilm then sent to U.S .

was not the only Seabee battalion on
The 110th Seabees first landed on the
nearby island of Saipan after the transit
from Pearl Harbor via Eniwetok Atoll. This
battalion was on Saipan for ten days be-
cause the "taking of the island was running

Seabees landing on Tinian. 110th loads from

LST's into Higgins Landing Boats, 17 August
1944 for trip to the beach. Photo. Elmer F
Goodwin .
behind schedule. " The 110th was
38th USNCB sign on Tinian directing others to
bivouacked in a low area near a still body
their camp.
of water, and many of the 110th came
down with dengue fever, waiting until they cruiser, two destroyers, two submarine
were about to land on Tinian before fully chasers, and a baby flattop , to Eniwetok
developing. Once the LSTs transported the where the LSTs were refueled. The war-
1lOth from Saipan to Tinian, the cargo ships went another direction as the 38th 's
unloaded, one LST' s cargo hold was LSTs headed for Tinian, reaching the is-
turned into a giant floating sickbay for the land on 29 December 1944. All the
dengue fever sufferers. The balance of the battalion's equipment had to be lightered
battalion disembarked on 9 September (off-loaded from the cargo ships to smaller
1944 and established camp in a muddy vessels to reach shore) from the LSTs since
cane field. there was no harbor or docking facilities.
The 38th Battalion arrived on Tinian in The Seabees later built an artificial break-
two echelons after the trip from Pearl Har- water and docking facility enabling
bor in a convoy consisting of one light transports to unload directly onto the dock

The Road t o Tinian
(ship-to-shore). The 38th's second echelon stretched to protect the occupants from the
landed on 6 January 1945. The first group hot direct sun rays.
had been living in pup tents, but the second Activity on Tinian 's southern beach was
set up and moved into wood-framed, relentless and went on around the clock
square squad tents with raised wooden even as new Seabees landed. Antone
Costa was initially assigned to speed up the
ship off-loading of the 135th's equipment.
He remained onboard ship, moving cargo
into bobbing landing craft next to the ship.
At night it was still very warm on the ship,
Costa slept on the ship's deck after an ex-
hausting day's work. He was awakened
rudely by the sound of an aircraft's engine
as it zoomed directly over the ship, head-
ing for Tinian. The Japanese flew at night,
very low, in order to come under U.S. radar
135th Seabees land on Tinian. 29 October 1944. to bomb Tinian. Japanese pilots never saw
Batal/ion members land on the beach. after
splashing through the swf with full combat gear the blackened out ships below as they
and packs. Photo, Lloyd Ringrose.
skimmed the water, roaring inland. The
U.S. Navy had learned valuable lessons
since the Guadalcanal invasion where all
ships would raise anchor at the first sign of
approaching Japanese aircraft or ships.
During that operation, the U.S. Navy bare-
ly had sufficient ships to support the
Marines on the island and air superiority

was in doubt. In the Marianas campaign,
the U.S. Navy was master of the air and
sea. with the Japanese only able to harass
135th's equipment is landed on the beach. on-shore operations.
Landing Craft Tanks (LCT's) grounded on the
beach as cargo is moued from the LST's and ships Charles Clawson was assigned to the
to the shore. Crane is located in front of LCT's to
off-load heauy equipment onto open bed trucks
l 35th as a heavy equipment operator.
from mouement inland. Photo, Lloyd Ringrose. When the battalion first started to land its
supplies on the beach he operated a heavy
floors. Officer tents had canvas side flaps crane to unload the landing craft. Everyth-

Forward to Tiniao

ing had to be brought from the ship to the clean off the top layer of dirt, he said .. this
beach and then loaded onto dump trucks is no way for a soldier to live, especially a
for the transportation inland. It was a slow, Seabee." He did not think much more
hot and exhausting pace with men some- about the living conditions in the tent area
times pulling double shifts to land the since he soon collapsed in exhaustion on
cargo. Most worked fourteen to eighteen his bedroll . George DehJvang had just fal-
hour days during the unloading and inmal len asleep, or so it seemed, when an officer
camp set up on Tinian, doing what ever aroused him to pull perimeter guard duty.
was required. Frequently Clawson left the Once awake and on guard, he was a first
crane cab to operate a bulldozer, pulling surprised, then amazed. at the almost total
mired 135th trucks from the soft beach absence of animal life on the island.
sand onto firmer ground. Initially, the weather was ideal, although
Robert Houting was another 135th hot with gentle trade winds. Later, rains
member staying on-board ship to assist in turned the entire island. including the
initial off-loading. He remained on the ship 135th's area, into a mass of muck no one
for two days, working deep inside the hold could get away from. The pup tent camp
moving equipment and man-handling was only temporary until a semi-per-
cargo to the hatch' s opening so it could be manent location and facilities were
lifted topside and then over the rail into prepared. The pup tent camp was next to
waiting landing craft. Once he was moved the bombed Japanese Command and
to Tinian, he realized how good the first Communications building. The building
two day's of duty was on the ship versus was initially used as a holding area for cap-
on Tinian. Houting could take a drink of tured Japanese soldiers until a POW camp
fresh water when he wanted while his fel- could be prepared. Feeding the 135th at
low battalion members added iodine to the the campsite was one of the first big
island's water and rationed its initial dis- problems facing the battalion since no
tribution and use. messing facility existed. Joseph Jasinski's
The 135th also set up first camp in the primary 135th rating was as a butcher. but
middle of a very muddy sugar cane field, upon landing on Tinian he was assigned as
initially living in two-man pup tents , a cook. The first meal he served on the is-
without floors. George Dehlvang remem- land was K-rations with hot coffee, giving
bered distinctly looking at the bare area of the men at least something that was warm.
the 135th's camp, wondering if there was Meal one on Tinian was served in the open
not a more reasonable site to live. By day's directly across from the Japanese Com-
end, when he used a combat helmet to mand and Communications building.

The Road to Tinian

Bulldozer crew starts to clear cane field for camp on Tinion . Photo, Lloyd Ringrose
Jasinski was ordered not to butcher and Marines let him kept the choice tenderloin
cook anything raised on the island because cut and it was cooked back in the 135th's
the Japanese and civilians used human fer- cook tent. The meat was delicious, flavor-
tilizer on the fields. Since surviving animals ful, and had no ill effects on those eating
were now grazing in the fields once more, the fresh meat. Later, the 135th's mess
contamination was suspected and to be tent and then permanent mess facility was
avoided. Some large animals, such as open twenty-four hours per day because of
water buffalo, did survive the bombard- the battalion's continuous work schedule.
ment and fighting on the island. One eve- At the first meal, the 135th ate in the
ning, some enterprising Marines came to open, sitting on the ground wherever they
the 135th's cook tent asking for help from could. They modified fifty-five gallon fuel
one of the battalion's butchers. Jasinski drums for the Battalion's cooks, enabling
went with the Marines, eventually seeing a them to heat water to keep mess kits clean.
water buffalo hanging from a tree, freshly Two fifty-five gallon drums were welded
killed (shot in the head). He dressed the buf- together to form a long horizontal cylinder
falo and the Marines permitted him to keep positioned on the ground. At one end two
some of the meat. Unknowingly, the additional drums formed a smoke stack,
Forward to Tinian
with the opposite end open so it could be eat the hot food. The fabricated mess kit
filled with wood. Finally, a fifty-five gallon wash drum was still used since the mess
drum was welded on top of the horizontal tent barely had sufficient room for food
drums, providing a container to heat water preparation. However, it would not be very
in the open field. Hot water was now avail- long before Seabee hard work and in-
able to wash the mess kits after eating and genuity would improve the 135th 's living
sanitize cookware. With such on-the-spot area as well as the rest of the island.

Temporary S eabee camp on Tinian . Photo. Frank P. Schmitt.

engineering, the Seabees on the island Millard Armstrong looked at the 135th 's
earned a tremendous reputation for skill area and commented "What a godforsaken
and adaptability. After a week, a mess tent place! " This was especially the case when
with a wooden floor was built to prepare he viewed the initial campsite after the
and serve the food. The chow line was al- rains came to literally wash everything
ways long but everyone eagerly waited to away in slow moving mud slides. The mud

The Road to Tinian

13Sth Seabees slog through the mud in their tent rnmp area. Photo. George W Lorson .
stuck to one's boots so hard. one was bombing raids on the camp area. flying
physically exhausted from just moving in from lwo Jima using twin engine Betty
the chow line, let alone trying to get any bombers on one-way missions. The
work done. The mud got into everything: primary targets were on Saipan, where the
and it was impossible to keep body as welll first group of B-29s was scheduled to ar-
as clothes and equipment clean. rive. The Japanese pilots would mistake
Even with all the rain, the 135th Seabees Tinian and the West Field construction
lived the first several weeks in their pup area as the main targets and drop their
tents, doing everything possible to stay dry. bomb loads. Damage was light and no 38th
Truman Severson of the 38th Battalion Seabee was killed or seriously wounded
was camped in a similar camp near the during the Japanese bombings.
southwest end of the island, at what soon J ohn R. Wilson of the 1 l Oth was also in-
would be known as West Field. The volved in setting up his battalion's camp.
Japanese were making early morning Unlike the 135th, they had prefabricated

- - - -Forward to Tinian

The 135th eventually moued off the ground and into a messtent for meals. Photo, George W Larson.
a complete tent city with floors and every-
thing needed while the battalion was await-
ing deployment during the stay at Pearl
Harbor. Everything for a complete
pyramidal sixteen by sixteen foot tent was
palletized into four, four by sixteen foot
floor sections. These sections were fas-
tened together, forming a large rectangular
box with all canvas, tent poles and screen-
ing boxed inside. Wilson worked sixteen
As construction work con tinued. tables were added hour days setting up the 110th 's tent city
outside the messtent fo r meals and breaks. Photo. once on T inian. Other Seabee battalions
George W Larson.
soon copied the construction and layout of

The Road to Tinian
the 1 l Oth's tents, especially when the rains Major Pope (Major was actually his first
turned pup tent living into a nightmare. name and not an officer's rank) helped
Seabees wanted to get an elevated floor move the 135th out of sleeping in the mud.
and sturdy tent over their heads just as soon H e appropriated shipping crates to
as possible. Seabees working with Wilson provide the lumber to build wooden floors
were all tired and often made mistakes for their tents, so water would flow under

Seabees dig a foxhole in front of their two-man A native wagon is used to moue gear aro und the
tent in first camp on Tinian. Photo. Mel F. Troop. camp area. Photo. Me l F. Troop.

while working the long hours. While setting and not through the bedrolls. All personal
up the 1 lOth's mess tent, E.E. Thomas a gear still had to be rolled up and stored as
electrician, was installing a generator for high as possible off the floor to stay out of
lights. It was dark and he picked up a live the blowing rain and away from the
(hot) wire by mistake, and luckily for him, ground's dampness. The 135th had an
jumped far enough to break electrical con- electric generator to light their tent areal
tact to prevent being electrocuted. but did not have sufficient wiring to run to

Forward to T inian

each tent. Major Pope once again ap- were removed from the battalion's trucks
propriated the required materials from one to increase driver ventilation and provide
of the less security conscious battalion an unobstructed view of the side roads as
quartermasters on the island. Signal wire well as during loading and unloading opera-
was used to go from the electric generator tions.
to each tent, ending with a wire running Whiteman helped lay and fasten down
down from the center of the tent's top to the small canvas truck tops like shingles 1
forming a watertight seal on the engine
repair tent until a more permanent build-
ing was constructed. He also was busy
keeping the 135th's generator running.
He periodically shut down the camp's gen-
erator for servicing, changing the oil and
valves. The diesel electrical generators
were remarkably trouble free and main-
tained a constant supply of electricity for
the 135th 's compound until the island's
larger, permanent generator plant was
38th Battalion prefabricated 16 x16 foot squad
tent. Photo, Merle C. Duncan .
Lawrence Stanton, a 135th electrician.
a single light bulb. Tin was cut and rolled helped build the larger central electrical
to form a lamp shade over the light bulb generating complex. It consisted of one 75
with heavy wire added around the bulb to kilowatt diesel engine and two backup 15
protect it from being broken. The rest of kilowatt gasoline generators. Generator
the island's camps considered electricity a construction was headed by the 1 10th
real luxury, but for the men of the 135th it NCB under the guidance of a Mr. Bigley.
was just considered part of their "Can Do'' They salvaged a Japanese marine engine
attitude and ability! and equipment. adding a minimum of new
John Whiteman was assigned as a diesel parts, to produce a working generator. The
mechanic with the 135th and had gone to rebuilt generator was positioned on a new
more engine schools than anyone else . ..U concrete cradle, next to the backup gener-
he couldn't fix it, then no one could!'' a tors. Carpenters then erected a steel
When the 135th arrived on Tinian he building around the generators, providing
helped build a temporary engine repair protection from the elements, and in-
workshop, framed with two-by-fours, creased equipment efficiency. Battalion
covered with canvas truck tops. The tops

The Road to Tiniao
linemen strung power lines throughout the turn the 135th' s camp into a more livable
island. area. There were some Seabees who took
The Seabees and the rest of the island the molasses mash, and with illegal stills.
were lucky to have such a modern and ef- made a powerful and sometimes lethal liq-
ficient e lectrical generating complex. uor called .. torpedo juice ... It did not make
Lawrence Stanton also helped to keep the any sense for the men to drink this brew
food refrigerating units on the island run- since there was plenty of beer. whiskey,
ning. He rigged a backup gasoline gener- and Coke on the island for everyone to
ator to the 135th's mess tent refrigerator drink.
that would kick on automatically if the main Philip Pagano worked in the 135th 's
electrical supply was disrupted. His system headquarters area. The sugar cane was cut
was ahead of many more modern electri- down and the battalion·s initial office set up
cal grid operations in the United States. in a small, hastily built building of two-by-
Seabees not only salvaged Japanese equip- fours, covered with tin sheathing. One day,
ment. but many times created new special- while working, Pagano heard a rumor that
ized machinery. the J apanese were getting ready to bomb
Down the road from the 135th·s camp the island with gas, later proven to be
was the large Japanese sugar mill. Its steel without validity, as with most rumors. The
skeleton was intact and the Seabees sal- Japanese would bomb Tinian on one-way
vaged a lot of equipment from the mill's missions from Iwo Jima, first against the
wreckage. Three of the 135th's men put supply area and then later against the run-
together a small refinery to produce syrup ways and B-29s. He would hear the ap-
from sugar cane being cut down proaching Japanese aircraft or air raid
throughout the island prior to various con- sirens, drop whatever he was doing and
struction activities. The three Seabees head for the door. diving into the nearest
made a reasonable likeness of maple syrup bunker until the raid was over. Periodical-
and the '·Little Rebel Syrup Company" was ly, marauding Japanese stragglers would
formed by these southern .e ntrepreneurs. sneak into the 135th's camp, including the
One of their best trades was syrup for flour work areas.They would steal clothes, food,
enabling the mess tent to bake fresh pan- bedding, or anything to survive, then dis-
cakes for breakfast, topped with their appear back into the shadows. No 135th
sweet maple syrup. Seabees also used the men were ever killed or wounded from
syrup to barter with visiting supply ships for these raids by Japanese hiding in the
additional equipment, rations, clothes, southern T inian hills.
whiskey, and whatever else they needed to

Forward to T inian

George Larson got a work break at the talion received a special commendation for
end of the first week on the island and prisoner contact programs, persuading
hitched a jeep ride into Tinian Town. The Japanese to surrender. More than two
concrete buildings were standing shells hundred of the eventual four hundred
without roofs, rubble was piled against ex- Japanese taken in by the battalion , were
terior walls, having been pushed off the collected in or around the 38th ·s trash
roads to speed vehide movement from the dump.
harbor to construction and campsites in- Marines established and guarded a POW
land. Some power lines and steel transmis- camp for the captured and surrendering
sion towers remained intact, and were used Japanese soldiers , as well as for the
by Seabee electricians in running power Japanese , Korean , and Okinawan
throughout the island from the rebuilt civilians. The barbed wire compound was
Japanese generator. passed by the 110th each day as they went
During the first days on Tinian, all 135th and came back to their camp area. The
work parties carried carbines and wore hel- men would buy candy in the battalion ·s
mets, with perimeter security established in Ships Store at night and then stop during
and away from camp. There were constant the day long enough to pass out the sweets
sightings of Japanese soldiers and civilians to the children. It took a while for the
foraging all over the island. The 38th Bat- chfldren to accept the candy because of
their fear of these soldiers. Soon they
eagerly lined the fence. waiting for the
1 lOth to stop and distribute the candy.
John R. Wilson was in the 1 lOth and
remembered one vivid sight of the natives
living and working inside the compound. A
young woman with a small baby strapped
on her back, dressed only in a colored
sarong from the waist down. was leaning
over a large washtub. This young lady was
not in the least bit self-conscious,and after
the first shock of seeing a half naked
POWencampment on Tinian. Barbed wire
enclosure with tin buildings, priuate garden plots, woman, it was remarkable that not one of
and animal pens. Seabees gave candy to the the Seabees in the truck made any crude
children through the barbed wire and also traded
for vegetables. Photo. John H. Vandervoort . remarks. The native men were another
matter, being tremendously weary of the

T he Road to Tinian
U .S. servicemen. After a few months. the Americans treated their countrymen, they
natives were allowed to work in the willingly gave up.
laundry, sugar mill, and vegetable patches. In comments made through Battalion in-
Wilson came up behind a dump truck terpreters, the Koreans and other natives
loaded with these natives heading away in the POW camp. as well as the Japanese
from the POW compound. When he tried soldiers, expressed their amazement at the
to take their picture, one man quickly amount of work the 135th did on Tinian
in such a short period of time. The
Japanese had been working for years on
the four airstrips on the island and did not
complete one-percent of the construction.
compared to what the Seabees did in a few
months. The J apanese did most of the
work by hand. whereas the Americans
brought in large amounts of heavy equip-
ment to do the work Japanese engineers
only dreamed about.
Korean workers rnouing supplies for the Marines. Howard Stevens said one could smell the
Male Koreans would often tum and hide their face
so GJ's could not take their plcttire Photo. Koreans as they approached,or as one
Norman Symons.
drove close to the POW compound. He
turned away, covering his face. would give the Koreans extra soap and
There were farmer ratings in the 135th cigarettes in exchange for fresh vegetables
Battalion whose primary job was to grow and fruit. Stevens believed the Koreans
and provide fresh food for the mess thought the Seabees were men from Mars
facilities . They raised vegetables, using the because of the constant drone of heavy
Okinawan and Korean natives from the equipment roaring past the POW com-
POW compound. These workers were pound. Bar soap was a valuable com-
trucked to the various fields and guarded as modity on Tinian and when the supply was
they worked. If a work detail left the POW interrupted. Charles W. Wright took his
compound in the morning with twenty-five grandmother·s soap recipe and made soap
it was not unusual to return in the evening for the 135th BattaUon. He made this soap
with thirty-five or more. The natives were using lye and fats collected from the mess
coming out of hiding because they were hall. It came out in hard bars, free of any
hungry, cold, and tired of living off the land. skin-damaging raw lye. Wright made over
Once these natives saw how kindly the 900 pounds of soap before the regular

Forward to T inian
supply arrived and was distributed on the A similar, but separate, stockade was built
island. However, the soap was such a hit to house U.S . servicemen for disciplinary
he kept making it, turning out extra problems like drunkenness, failure to
. batches for trade . report for duty, insubordination, breaking
The homemade soap was used regulations, fighting , stealing, etc. Marine
throughout the entire 135th Battalion, and guards made a prisoner's life uncomfort-
Ralph Ives was thankful for the additional able, and the men became highly anxious
cleaning supplies. He washed dirty Seabee to return to their units. It was a very drab
clothing, taking black work clothes, turn- place as compared to the POW compound.
ing them back to their original Navy gray The fresh vegetables eventually increased
color. It was not a job he enjoyed. It was the flavor and variety of the 135th 's menu.
hot, hard work, and without much reward. Next to the mess tent, picnic tables were
However, since he worked in a laundry in constructed so the men could eat outside
the States, the Navy kept him in this work. when it was nice weather, take a break
The men of the 135th really got dirty in while drinking a Coke, or if off duty, drink
the gritty sand. mud, and coral of the is- a beer. If there was even the slightest
land. Cleaning bedding~ towels, blankets breeze it was far more comfortable than

added to Ives' workload. and his whole time eating inside the hot and crowded mess
on Tinian revolved around the laundry with tent. The biggest improvement in the
its pile of wet clothes. 135th's area w~s the completion of the
A single event on the island had a strong shower complex. The sixteen by sixteen
influence on the servicemen working on foot shower area was built out of two-by-
Tinian. After only a few months' ex- fours, covered with canvas, using fifty-five
perience with U.S. military rule, contrasted gallon drums on elevated towers as a water
to a lifetime. under Japanese tenure , source. The men could now clean up and
Koreans living in the POW compound con- cool down after working on the island. It
tributed $670.00 from their daily $.35 was a real mark of the island's civilization
wage to further the American war effort as men could walk home from the shower
against the Japanese. When fu ll y to their tents, clean. and ready for an
employed in the fields on Tinian, the evening's sleep.
Koreans produced nearly 50,000 pounds The shower became very useful when the
of vegetables each week for the island's rains turned the camp area into an oozing,
mess facilities. They lived in the POW com- sticky sea of mud. Men could find no way
pound but worked freely all over the island, to stay out of the mud; one either had to
eventually unguarded. walk in it or attempt to drive through it.

The Ro~«!_!o Tinian
Many vehicles became bogged down and without center posts, giving the interior a
had tb be pulled out by a bulldozer. Some- roomy atmosphere, capable of holding
times even the powerful bulldozers became many people. Long eating tables extended
mired in the glue-like muck, hopelessly from each wall, forming a center aisle to
trapped requiring them in turn to be pulled and from the serving area. The 135th was
out by other bulldozers. Some 135th credited w.ith having the ''best.. chow
facility on the island and it was not unusual
to see Marines. Navy, Army, or B-29
aircrews along with their ground crewmen,
eating in the mess hall. On holidays the
mess hall was constantly packed. Serving
so many d ifferent groups, the 135th
liberally exchanged hot meals for equip-
ment and other essentials. The Seabees
maintained a better accounting of equip-
ment and consumables on the island than
those various individuals in charge of supp-
I35th 's shower on Tin ian. Photo. George W
Commander Gillette relaxed Navy and
Seabees managed to obtain (steal or trade) Battalion uniform regulations to permit the
rubber boots to help keep them moving men to wear utility pants cut to short length
through the muck and maintain dry feet. and go shirtless whenever possible, At
Battalion doctors treated many cases of night, tent flaps were rolled up to provide
foot fungus and rot. As coral fill was hauled as much air circulation as possible, but
in and tents improved 1 conditions in the
quickly lowered when thunder storms blew
camp area became more bearable for the across the island. The 135th upgraded Its
men. camp while at the same Hme working on
Once square sixteen-by-sixteen-foot numerous projects throughout the island.
squad tents were erected, Seabees added Yet, even with the demanding work load
wood floors, awn ings to keep out the hot on T inian. many 135th Seabees com-
sun, picket fences for decoration, name plained of boredom.
posts and other conveniences. Construc- While camp construction continued, two
tion started on the permanent Battalion 135th Battalion members decided to go
camp consisting of quonset hut buildings. souvenir hunting in one of the many ocean
One of the first quonset buildings com- level caves in the southwest beach area.
pleted was the chow hall . It was built

Forward to Tinian
Seabees had been warned that Japanese mediately collected a portable welding unit
I might be hiding in these caves, armed, and and followed . It would be tough going to
I considered to be dangerous. Chief Homer bore down such a distance and Eoff stayed
W. Cameron and Charles A. Schroder with the dri.lls, mending any broken equip-
were fired on by Japanese inside the cave. ment so work cowld continue. Drilling
The first volley resulted in the instant death progressed into the evening, so Lawrence
of Schroder, and fatal wounds to Cameron, Stanton, a 135th electrician, rigged flood
living only one hour. Anton Costa was lights to illuminate the cave·s entrance,
among the first group to arrive outside the preventing any Japanese from escaping
cave's entrance with a 135th Battalion in- into the night. Flood lights were strung
terpreter. Lt. J .G. Reffenider tried to in- throughout the work area enabling the drill
duce the Japanese inside to surrender. crews to continue working.
1 Seabees with carbines covered the Bertran Nagy assisted in the drill work,
entrance. The interpreter used a loud and in the morning, when the cave's roof
speaker to ask the Japanese inside if the was breached, helped roll fifty-five gallon
two Americans were alive. The Japanese drums of diesel fuel to the bore holes and
yelled back, "no! '' The Japanese did not pour in the contents. Dynamite was added
surrender, so Seabees fired bazookas at the to the bore holes, tamped and then ignited,
cave's entrance and threw grenades. Both resulting in a tremendous explosion. The
were ineffective in killing the Japanese in- crater was huge, opening up the deep cave
side. Chief Cameron was carried to cover to the sun allowing the Seabee guards
by Edgar C. Ferguson and later, with the direct access into the cave. Twenty-six
help of R.N. Barnet, removed the body to Japanese soldiers were killed in the ex-
the cliff's top, assisted by many other p .losion. but ten eventually sur-
135th Seabees. Schroder's body was lying rendered.and were pulled out of the crater
in a more exposed position and could not naked. They were cleaned up, issued
be recovered without suffering heavy Bat- military clothes, fed, and then placed in the
talion casualties. POW camp. The caves were eventually
Wagon drills were brought to the cliff area entered from the front , removing
in order to open up the cave's roof. When Schroder's body and Seabees looked for
wagon drill bits were found to be too short, the dead Japanese. The dead Japanese
W.S. Eoff welded steel rods to the bits so were found , some holding rifles, the others
drilling crews could continue to bore down grasping grenades in their hands.
through the cave s roof. When he first saw The l 35th Seabees had been extremely
the drills leave the work area, he im- busy since their arrival on Tinian and the

The !Road to Tinian
loss of two Battalion members hit all very Seabees prepared to turn the island into
hard. Throughout the l 35th' s stay on the world's largest airfield complex through
T inian, only three Battalion members we~re what became known as "A Miracle of Con-
killed. As work returned to normal, the struction! "

Seabees built stairs down to their beach area on Tinian . Photo. John Vandervort ..

Forward to Tinian

Water tanks on Tin/an . Photo, George W Larson.

Concrete floor being prepared for one of the quons~t huts in the 135th area. Photo. Norman Symons.

The Road to Tinian

135th tent area, after a few improuements to make them look more like home. Photo, George W Larson.

135th 's Chow Hall. Photo. George W Larson.

Forward to Tinian

135th Seabees remoue the

dead body of one of the
battalion killed by the
Japanese hiding inside the
caue. Photo, George W

e .rz• o

Seabee crew clears the rubble from inside the caue after the roof was blown. Dead Japanese and Seabee
bodies were recouered. Photo, John Peterson.

Graue markers on Tinian . Photo. John H.


Chapter 5

Miracle of Construction

he Miracle of Construction on Tinian the island. When the work was nearly com-
T was an immense project: six 8500 pleted, during a visit Mr. P.B. Taylor (Vice
foot hard surface B-29 runways, twenty- President and General Manager of the
nine miles o f connecting taxiways, Wright Aeronautical Corporation :
hardstands, two small fighter fields , along producers of the B-29 Wright engines)
with one thousand buildings, roads, fuel, viewed operations on Tinian and described
and ammunition storage facilities, plus all North Field as ''The biggest airport in the
the required support and utility services. world! "
Seabee battalions moved approximately Tinian was to be more than just a large
eleven million cubic yards of earth and B-29 complex, since the invasion of Japan
coral for island construction projects. Con- required the medical care of thousands of
struction work jammed T inia n with projected casualties. By September 1944 a
12,000 Seabees, 13 ,000 Navy , and temporary 100-bed Army tent hospital
21 ,500 Army personnel, dedicated to was set up, followed in March 1945 by a
changing the entire look and purpose of p ermanent 600-bed facility. In June 1945,

The 'Road to Tinian
the for mer 135th USNCB quonset build- costly invasion. No expense or lack of
ing camp area was turned into a 1000-bed facilities developed on the island, turning it
hospital. An even larger 4000-bed com- into a showcase of ingenuity. Some
plex was nearly completed by the tirne Seabees with vivid imaginations discovered
J apan surrendered. Thousands would die the island's shape resembled the island of
Manhattan. All roads on Tinian were given
New York City street names, like Fifth
Avenue, Broadway (the main north-south
island roadway), and many others. As
Seabees arrived on the island, work quick-
ly began to drastically change farm land to
bases for war.
Seabees initially worked on the J apanese
Ushi Point airfield to improve flight opera-
tions by putting down an all-weather, steel-
North Field. looking south. from over the Saipan interlocking mat runway over the existing
Channel. Photo. Bob Allen.
graded coralsurface. During the invasion,
C-4 7s first flew from the coral airstrip
taking out wounded and bringing in food
for the Marines when the invasion beach
floating causeway was destroyed by a
storm. Once the runway was upgraded, P-
51 fighters landed from Saipan, to provide
protection against Japanese bombers and
fighters on one-way missions from Iwo
Jima. More importantly, C-4 7s took off
each day to spray the entire island for
mosquitos and insects, clearing the way for
island wide construction without the fear of
135th quonset hut camp area. Tu rned into a 1.000 disease. Without control, heavy rains could
bed Army hospital when the 135th left Tinian for
Okinawa. Photo, George W Larson
leave insect breeding pools throughout the
unless Japan could be forced to surrender! As the Seabees completed initial work at
Tinian was built up as the major strate,gic Ushi Point and moved on to other con-
bombardment base in the Pacific to brl1 ng struction projects, the Japanese did their
Japan to its knees without the need for a

Miracle of Construction

best to delay and destroy runway construc- slept through the raids. Commander Jones
tion. West Field was the first complex of the 110th reamed these men for sleep-
scheduled to be operational , and the ing in their tents and not evacuating to as-
Japanese sent aircraft at night to harass the signed air raid shelters until the all clear was
Americans. U.S. P-Sl 's took a heavy toll sounded. Wilson believed sleep was more
of daylight attackers, and the Japanese important than life without it, and possibly
shifted to night attacks to enable their pilots dangerous. If Wilson had not gotten
to sneak over the island. One morning, enough sleep, he might make a fatal mis-
after a particularly long night of attacks, a take when setting off dynamite charges,
cleanup crew from the 110th USNCB killing his own men.
picked up more than a bushel of anti- One of Wilson's friends did not react in
aircraft shell casings. William Cole also a sound manner while working because of
picked up shell casing fragments in the the lack of sleep and poor judgement. J.W.
135th's camp. Once anti-aircraft shells Stewart operated a dragline cutting high
were fired most exploded without hitting
spots on West Field. When Wilson was
any Japanese aircraft and the shrapnel fell ready to set off a series of charges on the
back to earth. Main haul roads would be- field , he yelled "Fire in the Hole! " But in-
come littered with sharp, jagged-edged stead of getting out of the dragline's cab,
metal shell casings cutting dump truck tires. Stewati turned the cab's back to face the
Drivers blew so many tires the tire repair direction of the blast and remained in the
shop became backlogged as dump trucks cab. Stewart was killed when a chunk of
waited for tires or flats to be fixed. It coral penetrated the dragline's cab. A per-
reached a point where drivers were pressed son who was tired could make foolish and
into service to change and fix the flats. often fatal mistakes while working.
135th Seabees finally said "Enough is To lessen the chance of serious mistakes
enough! " and, after every Japanese air wh~n blasting on the runways, dynamite
raid, dump trucks were ordered off the and other explosives were stored away
roads until graders S.Crapped the shrapnel from the blasting area and major construc-
into the ditches, sq.ving tires ·and work tion sites. At West Field, Seabees stored
schedules. Later, the scrap metal was pick- over 125 tons of dynamite between the
ed up by special crews and used as con- two parallel runways under construction in
struction fill or subsurface base for concrete an enclosed and guarded storage area.
floorings. However) one evening as the night relief
After nights of such Japanese attacks, guards passed the storage area in a jeep,
110th Seabees like John Wilson simply Japanese blew it up, killing all twelve

The Ro,a d to Tinian
guards, destroying the dynamite. Two Japanese bombers. Twenty-seven bom-
Japanese soldiers were found near the ex- bers struck the island and it was amazing
plosion, apparently unable to get far the enemy bombers surv1ved the anti-
enough away before their hand grenade aircraft fire. Giese looked at the exploding
bomb detonated the dynamite storage shells, thick enough to walk on, yet not
area. dense enough to knock down the attack-
William Schin, a draftee in the 135th, ers. Once the raid was over, Giese got back
pulled a lot of guard duty while on Tinian. in line to complete Thanksgiving dinner.
As a guard he worked four hours on and The 135th's first casualty did not come
twenty hours off. Schin never fired at any from a air raid or sniper attack, but from
Japanese while on Tinian 1 although he an accident. Kenneth A. Ross , an
nearly shot a fellow Battalion member. eighteen-year-old from Chicago, died of
Late one night a figure approached his accidental gunfire from his Browning
guard post, Schin yelled for identification, Automatic Rifle (BAR). Richard H. Keen-
but at that instant a bulldozer passed near- dee and Ross had just come off guard duty
by. When no response to his challenge and were preparing to clean the ir
came, Schin took the carbine off safety and weapons. Ross set his BAR butt end on the
slid the bolt home, ready to fire. The ap- ground. The BAR has a very sensitive trig-
proaching figure froze with the sound and ger, and the gun discharged, sending a bul-
shouted, panicky, "Don't shoot; I'm an of- let into Ross' head, killing him instantly.
ficer with the 135th!" Additional bullets sprayed the tent as the
Many Japanese were just trying to sur- BAR fell to the ground. The tent was
vive among thousands of U.S. servicemen repaired and life went on.
on the island. One captured Japanese was It was a wonder more Seabees were not
wearing the green fatigues of one Seabee, killed on the island when they decided to
Bob Dadernick, stolen from his pup tent. play hide-a nd-seek with Japanese. 135th
Dadernick' s name tag remained visible on Seabees developed an unusual recreation.
the uniform and all commented how lucky They followed Japanese stragglers at night
he was the Japanese did not kill him. Ufe to collect souvenirs. Robert Houting and
went on in spite of the Japanese air raids C.C. Cunningham went souvenir hunting
and Seabees, like Arthur Giese, looked for- only to be shot at from thick field over-
ward to their first meal in the Battalion's growth. As the bullets whistled by, Houting
mess hall. The men began entering the took off running back towards camp only
mess hall almost at the same moment a to look up and discover Cunningham who,
siren sounded, warning of the approach of because of his running skills earned the

Miracle of Construction

nickname as "The 135th Track Start'' was the Marianas. On this particular attackt the
far ahead. H outing speculated the Japanese lost three aircraft with the raid
Japanese were becoming tired and killing three and wounding one U.S. ser-
frustrated from the Seabees fallowing viceman. However, no matter how many
them 1 so they struck back. It was very warnings the Seabees received about the
dangerous, but remarkably all survived the air raids, all believed they were invincible.
adventure. One evening, W.P. Guess was asleep in his
The 135th 's camp eventually was so tent and when the air raid warning
plagued by the Japanese stragglers, even sounded, he remained in the tent instead
vigilant perimeter guards could not keep of going to the air raid shelter. The noise
them out of the camp. Seabees placed set off by the anti-aircraft guns was loud
searchlights on top of crow's-nest towers enough to "Wake the dead! '' Guess stayed
and anyone detecting Japanese in or ap- asleep until he bolted upright on the cot as
proaching the campt sounded a signal to an unexploded anti-aircraft shell ripped
the guards manning the searchlights. through the top of the tent, burrowing into
When the lights went on, guards shot at the the ground. He bolted for the nearest air
"flushed rabbits, " killing or driving the raid shelter, making him a stern believer
enemy from the camp. Soon, the Japanese out of air raids and warnings.
avoided the 135th camp, and Lheflsv~ased When Japanese marauders and strag-
as Seabees secured their compound. In a glers became too annoying , garrison
survey of the 135th members, the majority troops organized "Rabbit Drives," in which
of men felt the air raids and Japanese they systematically combed the bushes to
marauders became less frightening as they flush out the J apanese, capturing those
grew accustomed to the attacks. Some lost who surrendered and killing those who did
sleep, but the majority were hardly con- not. Some J apanese pilots remained on
cerned about becoming a casualty. A few the island after the invasion, trapped when
went through nightmares over the raids, their aircraft were destroyed during the car-
but most maintained their emotional rier air raids. Shortly after West Field be-
stability. came partially operational, Seabees
In a significant air raid, Japanese twin-en- spotted four Japanese crawling inside a
gine bombers broke through U.S. fighter Ventura bomber. Guards surrounded the
defenses, attaking North Field as well as aircraft, soon identified as a mission-ready
Isley Field on Saipan. The .J apanese were Navy bomber loaded with depth charges
determined to fight or sneak through U.S. for patrol. Ground crews towed or taxied
defenses to strike back at the Americans in nearby aircraft from around the enemy-oc-

The Road to Tinian - - - -
cupied aircraft. Meanwhile, t he four pans, dozers, 15 motor patrols, and 12
Japanese turned on all switches in the rollers expending 88,312 man-days of
bomber's cockpit in an attempt to escape work. Seabees continued to work on West
the island. They were unable to start the Field even as 20th Air Force B-29s came 1

aircraft and all efforts to talk the Japanese in for duty, moving Chinese operations to
out failed. Eventually, one of the Japanese the Marianas.
dropped a grenade out of the pilot's win- B-29s were arriving on the island,
dow, blowing up the heavily loaded and scheduled to land at North Field. Somehow

135th Seabees, ready for anything? Photo, George W Larson

fueled aircraft. a 20th Air Force straggler came in late at
West Field was a rush project, given an night, tried to land on West Field, realizing
initial construction deadline of forty-five too late construction work on the runway
days to begin Navy B-24 patrol operations. prohibited a landing. The pilot attempted
Construction work involved removing over to pull up, turning left, but dug in a wing
three million cubic yards of earth and coral, tip on a pile of coral and pin-wheeled down
plus hauling one million cubic yards of coral the Navy strip. The side of the runway was
surfacing material. Work required 230 crowded with B-24s, fueled and loaded
trucks, 20 power shovels, with 66 tractors, with 300-pound sea mines. Seabees 1000

Miracle of Construction

yards away were k~ocked down by the proximately one acre. Anywhere from
blast and resulting explosion. Fires burned twenty-four to thirty-six dynamite sticks
all night and well into the next day, with went into each hole, depending on how
wreckage blown all over the runway. much coral was to be blasted. When the in-
With all the work to be done on Tinian it tended blast field was drilled and prepared,

I I l

: 4

Main haul road leading to the harbor at the south end of the island. Photo, John H. Vandervort.
didn't matter what original rating a Seabee 38th Battalion blasters would set it off.
had as work assignments came through on Trucks and shovels moved in to haul the
a priroity basis. Merle C. Duncan worked coral to intended dump sites. The process
as a wagon drill operator and tamped started all over again as crushed coral was
dynamite in the holes to loosen coral for spread on West Field's runways. Dumped
the runways. Holes were drilled to an coral was graded and sheep-footed (large
eighteen-foot depth, eighteen to twenty- spiked roller pulled by a bulldozer to pul-
four inches apart, over an area of ap-

The Road to Tinian

Storm strikes Tinian . Photo, John H. Vandervort .

West Field. B-29 to the left, B-24 to the right. Photo, John H. Vandervort.

Miracle of Construction
verize and compact the coral) to even out Rollers further crushed the coral as salt
the surface. water sprayed on the coral aided the
Other Seabees worked at North Field in solidification process. Graders scraped the
a similar manner, and the pace of construc- coral after each salt water application and
tion is difficult to comprehend without rolling to harden the surface. Eventually a
some type of comparison. John A. Uvec- blacktop surface was added to the runway 1
chi1 Sr. was a 08 bulldozer operator with but aircraft could use the runways and
the 135th, and during a single twelve- hour taxiways prior to blacktopping. Seabees
shift it was not unusual for him to spread built and ran a complete asphalt plant to

Wrecked Japanese Zeke at Ushi Point airfield. P-51 Mustangs just uisible in the background. prouided protec·
tion against any attacking Japanese aircraft. Photo, Mel F. Troop.

2600 loads of coral. Remember, Livecchi provide the volume of surfacing material
was just one bulldozer operator working on needed on the island. Barrels of asphalt
one area of the runway on one shift 1 so the were defivered by ship, trucked to the
amount of work completed becomes stag- plant, and stored in t he open . When
gering. needed, barrels were rolled down special
steel ra ils to a large vat where steam melted

The Road to Tinian
the asphalt prior to its mixing with finely About the time the asphalt plant was
crushed coral. The coral was crushed by beginning operations, Merle Duncan and
heavy-duty rock crushers, dried, and stored his construction crew were sent to the
southeast end of the island to work at the
hospital complex. The hospital would be
able to house over 1000 wounded and the
20-by-40 quonset huts were rapidly taking
shape. The facility included a large
morgue, as well as a crematorium. The
Joint Chiefs of Staff were expecting heavy
casualties during the upcoming invasion of
Japan. It was unnerving to see such large
preparations to handle and dispose of dead
bodies, from not yet committed actions.
Power shovel scoops coral for loading into wafting Later, even larger facilities on Tinian and
dump trucks. The trucks shuttled to and from the
then on Okinawa would be built, capable
construction sites. prouiding the needed fill material.
of handling thousands more wounded.
North Field was the big runway complex
on the island, and it was expanded to four
parallel runways. The main body of the
135th and other Battalions were assigned
to runway construction at this end of the
island. Work was dangerous since
Japanese snipers and stragglers continual-
ly moved around the island looking for food
and subsistence. Sugar cane fields were cut
down,with oil and Japanese ammunition
Dump trucks waiting to be loaded. Photo. W. S. Eoff. dumps, revetments, and dugouts
under cover before mixing with the as- bulldozed. While this initial work was in
phalt. Once surfacing work started, it went progress, Battalion engineers surveyed the
on in an almost continuous process, even four runways to establish grades and
with B-29s operating nearby. Five hundred dimensions. Runways were to be 8500 feet
thousand tons of asphalt mixed with pul- long with taxiway grades not exceeding a
verized dry-coral were used on the island's maximum grade of 1.5 percent, permitting
six runways. B-29s to move from the hardstands to

Miracle of Construction ~~~~~~~-

take-off positions under their own power. watched signals from officers directing the
Soil tests indicated that a final 45% com- construction process to work on the right
pacted coral composite surface of between area or when blasting on the runways. A
six-to-eighteen inches would be required to mistake or lapse in judgment could put a

After surveying the runways and taxiways, wagon drill crews prepared dynamite charge holes. Once the yell
went out from the blasting crew. the ground erupted as the charges loosened the coral so the bulldozers and
scrapers could load and move the coral. Photo. George W Larson .

support the heavily loaded B-29s. Bat- Seabee into the middle of a planned ex-
talion survey teams kept a running evalua- plosion, or against the flow of traffic on the
tion of the work completed to maintain runway.
proper grade and surface dimensions. At Edward Maki worked as a dynamiter and
times, grade requirements resulted in low demolition crew member with the 135th.
spots filled to a height of fifteen-to-twenty To monitor wagon drill operation, Seabees
feet. Battalion members constantly found it necessary to stand on wooden

The Road to Tinian
boxes while preparing the charge holes. until after the all clear sounded. If runway
The holes penetrated the coral surface cuts were required to a depth greater than
from one-to-six-feet deep, depending on eight feet, the time saved by drilling and

-- ......,._ -

.. ·-
. ~...·--
- .. .
. .., '
-.. ....·.
.... ..


Heauy scrapers cut down hills and moued the coral to fill in depressions at North Field. Surveyors checked
proper grade throughout the work. Photo, Norman Symons.

the amount of dynamite required to loosen blasting operations was considerable ,

the coral surface. At night crews were al- given the hard, binding nature of the coral
ways leery of Japanese aircraft sneaking subsurface.
through island defenses to attack. They Charles A. Parker also worked on North
wasted no time in climbing down and get- Field as a dynamiter. Once, during a rush
ting far away from the equipment and off to set off a large charge to cut a high point
the runways. Strafing aircraft fire might hit on one of the runways, a very unusual
the stored dynamite, or charges in the event happened . All the charges were in
holes, setting off a series of dangerous, un- plac~, checked , and the area cleared for
planned explosion. Maki and the rest of the blasting. The crew yelled "Fire in the hole!"
drillers made sure to keep their heads down and pushed the detonator. However, noth-

ing happened, so the detonator was reset,
and once more the yell went out, ·'Fire in
the hole! .. Again, nothing happened, and
the crew simply looked at each other with
puzzled expressions. For some reason,
Parker looked down the runway to the
charge area and, in horror, identified a
figure lying in the general vicinity that was
not there before! Everyone yelled at once
and the Seabee jumped up, looked at all
the wire around him and started running to 135th crews droue graders down one side of the run·
get the " '' out of there!! This Sea bee, Jerry way while ro llers went up the other. In between. tank
trucks applied salt water and the process continued.
Roppa was extremely lucky, since the next When complete. the runway surface was hard as con-
time the detonator was pressed , the char-
ges went off. a jeep and asked what the problem was.
George Larson was working near one of Larson answered, "This generator will not
start and we are all exhausted." Chief
Peterson backed his jeep to the generator
and told the Seabees, "Hook it onto the
trailer hitch , I'll tow it until the blasted thing
starts!'' The Seabees just looked at him
with a puzzled grin, since the generator was
simply mounted on a four-wheeled free
turning trailer. Once hooked up, Chief
Peterson roared off only to come back in
about ten minutes with a generator in tow,
There were not enough salt water tank trucks auail- running at top speed. Larson and the other
able to do the work. so Seabees built square tanks on just looked at the Chief, grinned, unhooked
truck bodies to increase salt water application
the generator, and went back to work.
volume. Tanks were filled from standing water tanks.
Chief Peterson smiled as he drove away.
these blast sites attempting to start a gen- The 135th USNCB was assigned as one
erator used to set off the charges. Five "Lead Battalion'· on the North Field con-
Seabees were literally wearing themselves struction project. One of the Battalion
out attempting to hand start the balky gen- member, Harold Scheer, took the music to
erator. The chief supervisor. Chief Peter- a popular 1940's song "The Strawberry
son, came towards the sweating group in

The Road to Tinian
Blonde," and changed the lyrics to write a airstrips and other island construction jobs.
song for the Battalion. lt became very Operations and maintenance of this huge
popular as the men went to and from the fleet was nearly as hard as the construction
construction site, expecially when passin work on the island. The pace of construc-
other working Battalions. tion work never slowed and many times it
I'm a Seabee in the U.S Navy, increased to meet special deadlines or
With Battalion One Thirty Five, added projects. Initially from 1 October
1944 to 15 November, Seabees con-
centrated on the Navy's complex at West
Field. When the 135th arrived on 24 Oc-
tober 1944, work resumed and picked up
on North Field. Strip No. 1 (the southern
runway), with the 121st USNCB as lead
Battalion , was cornpleted on 21 December
1944 and the first B-29 landed the follow-
ing day. The 67th USNCB was lead Bat-
talion on strip No. 3; 13th USNCB lead
Coral dumped on the runways, bulldozed, graded, Battalion on strip No. 2; and the 135th
rolled with a sheeps foot 's spiked rollers. Then as
USN CB lead Battalion on Strip No. 4 .
salt water was added to the surface. roller compacted
It. prouiding a hard surface Photo. W S. Eoff. Strip No. 4 was the runway the Enola Gay
and the other aircraft of the 509th Com-
I'm rough and l'm tough
posite Group would use on the two atomic
And I don't take no guff;
bomb missions against Japan in August
I'm very much alive,
When there's work to be done
On these four runways Seabees operated
With shovel or gun,
80 power shovels a dozen twelve-ton
When me and my outfit arrive ,
rooters (designed to tear up the overgrowth
We got right on the ball
and brush from the surface so grading and
Til we've finished it all
excavation work could start), 48 rollers, 90
Were Battalion One Thirty Five
drills, 5 well-digging drills, 40 water
Seabees used every piece of construction
wagons, 70 portable welding units, as well
equipment they could muster while work-
as numerous cranes and other specialized
ing on North Field. They drove 570 dump
pieces of equipment. All this equipment
trucks , 200 cargo trucks, 173 earth
was used to cut down the hills for initial fill
scrapers, 160 tractors and bulldozers, and
for low spots as work went on in twenty-
60 patrol graders while working on the

Miracle of Construction

four hour shifts. Seabees worked ten-hour loosened and pushed by bulldozers down a
shifts, with a two-hour shift interval to ser- gentle grade (slope) to a collection point
vice equipment, feed crews, and change where power shovels loaded the coral into
personnel. Even with cutting down the dump trucks. A second classification of is-
high spots, there was not sufficient material land coral deposits developed into "Bailing
to fill all the depressions on the proposed Pits" in which power shovels scooped out
runway construction sites. Huge coral pits coral without preliminary drilling and
were dug all over the island to provide the dynamite blasting. The last category was

135th quonset hut camp. Photo, George W Larson .

necessary fill and proper topping material categorized as "Blasting Pits" where drill-
for the construction work. Coral was dug ing and dynamite was needed to loosen
from three different types of coral pits on coral for the power shovels. Coral in this
Tinian, typed as to projected surface last pit was much harder, requiring con-
weight loading capabilities. "Push Pitsn siderable blasting for efficient power shovel
were easiest since the coral could be digging and dump truck loading.

The Road to Tinian

Arthur McCrory drilled holes in the in a single blast; consequently, a new pro-
'"Blasting Pits" to loosen the coral for run- cedure was established. Primer cord ran
way and taxiway material. Shot holes were from one charge hole to the next in series
drilled from 100-to 400-feet dee p, in so the charges would blow one after the

Powe r shouel loads dump truck. Photo, W S. Eoff.

clusters of 30 to 40 , approximately 12-to- other in a predetermined sequence,
14-inches in diameter. The original six- eliminating the danger of a massive, un-
inch diameter bore hole size increased as controllable explosion The 135th set off
the drill went down due to the hardness of these large charges at least once a week.
the coral being drilled through . Once Seabees brought in additional drilling
drilled, all holes were packed with 1000 to equipment, shifted from other construction
2000 pounds of dynamite depending on sites, to speed up blasting work in the
the estimated hardness. Orders prohibited "Blasting Pits," including two heavy well- 1

the 135th from setting all large charges off drilling rigs. Increased drilling capacity

Miracle of Construction

Dump trucks wait to be loaded. Photo, George W Larson.

enabled Seabee crews to stockpile a con- welded quarter-inch steel plates onto the
si de ra bl e amount of coral surfacing truck bed dump floors and steel runway
material in reserve, ready for unforeseen mats to the truck bed sides to increase
emergencies or construction problems. payloads, permitting more coral to be
Periodically, a lack of spare parts for power hauled, even with trucks under repair.
shovels and wagon drills slowed coral Hundreds of dump trucks shuttled to and
production needed at various c_o nstruction from the various coral pits loading, then
sites. Fortunately the built-up loosened dumping, the coral. Stiff regulations were
coral pit reserves, enabled work schedules enforced to only permit truck and repair
to be maintained when major equipment vehicles on the coral haul roads. Chief
was out of service. Trucks were wearing out John Peterson remembered an instance
from the constant loading and unloading of when one of the 135th Seabees pulled
the highly abrasive coral. Seabees cut and guard duty at one of the haul road check-

The Road to Tinian

One of the 135th runway finishing crews who worked at North Field. George W Larson is in tile back row.
fourth from right. Photo, George W Larson.

Main haul road. Photo John H. Vanderuort .

Miracle of Construction
points. The guard watched a jeep ap- goes up this road except dump trucks and
proach the post with an Army enlisted emergency vehicles! " The officer bit deep-
driver and an officer in the passenger seat. ly on his cigar and climbed back into the
The guard stopped the jeep and asked jeep and directed the driver to head back
where the jeep was headed. The officer got to Broadway. Chief Peterson then drove
out of the jeep and asked the guard how to up and told the guard he just ordered Army
get to North Field. The guard answered, Air Corps General Curtis LeMay to turn
that if the driver would turn around, go around!
back to Broadway and turn north, the run- Once the coral was dug, shoveled into
way was about six miles away. The officer dump trucks and hauled to the runways, it
asked, "How far is it on this road?" The was dumped, spread , and leveled by
guard said, "about 2 miles.'' The officer bulldozers and graders. Coral was im-
said, "I guess we will take this road." The pacted with hog's teeth rollers, rolled layer

B-29's at West Field. Photo. Lloyd Ringrose.

guard answered "No! " The officer moved by layer, as at West Field, until reaching
right next to the guard and said, ··son, do proper grade level. Considerable impac-
you know who I am?" The guard answered, tion of the coral surface occurred when
"I don't care if you are Jesus Christ, no one heavily loaded dump trucks and other con-

The Road to-
struction vehicles moved over the coral sur- To arm the B-29s and other aircraft
face. Salt water application and rolling operating from Tinian required the
produced an exceptionally hard and development of several hundred acres of
smooth surface. Tank trucks were always revetted bomb and ammunmon dumps, as
in short supply to spread salt water on the well as fuse lockers and small arms
runways and taxiways to produce a surface magazines. Seabee construction and
hard enough to support B-29 operations. military workers required turning 1700
However, dry coral compacted almost acres of cane fields into camp sites with
equally well, but all finish grading and roll- another 300 acres allocated for supply
ing required large 1 as well as continuous, dumps. Seabees built 125 miles of main
amounts of saltwater to produce the cor- coral-surfaced roads, 50 miles of which
rect surface composition. were asphalted to handle the heavy
To bring North and West Field to full war- vehicles traveling from docks and supply
time potential, the 92nd USNCB assisted dumps to construction sites.
in the construction of fuel storage and dis- By 20 December 1944. the initial 8500-
tribution system. Specifically. the island foot North Field strip was completed and
fuel system consisted of a single 14,000 on the 21st, the first B-29 landed. George
barrel fuel storage farm for diesel oil, one Larson was operating a grader on an ad-
2000 barrel farm for motor gasoline, and jacent strip when the first B-29 roared in
a series of six farms with a capacity of to land on North Field. He stopped the
165,000 barrels for storage of aviation grader and stared at the approaching and
gasoline. All fuel was brought ashore then landing B-29. Sirens began to blow
through a submerged pipeline, from a as Larson first spotted the B-29, while
single tanker mooring just north of Tinian 's jeeps and command cars burst onto the
harbor. Numerous pumping stations as- finished runway ordering all equipment
sisted in moving and transferring fuel and personnel off. The B-29 , aircraft No.
throughout the 86,000 feet of the pipeline 224802 "Purple Shaft" carried Brigadier
system. Fueling the B-29's was a small General F.V.H. Kimble, USA, and Com-
problem, when considering the munitions modore P.J. Halloran, USN. Commodore
needed to arm the bombers for operations Halloran used a cane to walk away from
against Japan. The problem became the B-29 to greet the island's command of-
greater when General LeMay switched ficers and commission the ruhway.
from high altitude conventional bombing During construction work on North Field
to low altitude fire bombing of Japan 's runways, some fatal mistakes were made.
major cities. B-29s taxied past Seabees working on the

Miracle of Construction
adjacent runways and taxiways. and it was crushers, quarry operations, asphalt plant
a thrill for the Seabees to view the magnjfi- production. and paving operations
cient war birds ready to leave for strikes proceeded at an accelerated rate. First.
taxiways were blacktopped to control coral
dust as the B-29s moved and waited for
take-off. Second, runways were black-
topped to eliminate the danger of coral
dust as the heavily loaded B-29s ac-
celerated to reach take off velocity. An in-
itial fix used by the Seabees was to spread
heavy asphalt oil on the coral runways and
taxiways to form blacktop by penetration.
Later, a 2 1/2- inch asphalt surface, rolled
to a two-inch thick surface covered the run-
8-29 on hardstand at North Field. Photo. Lloyd ways and taxiways.
Ringrose. George Larson also worked directing
against Japan. Seabees simply moved their dump trucks to positions for unloading
equipment to one side or, space permit- coral at North Field. He wore goggles to
ting, ducked under the wings as the B-29s keep coral dust out of his eyes, and some-
passed. Moving B-29s presented a times a cloth to keep dust out of his mouth.
dangerous situation since the four blade Gilbert Ladendecker drove a three-
propellers came within two feet of the coral wheeled roller as well as a sheep's foot
surface. The propellers were the cause of roller on North Field, preparing the surface
several fatal crashes on early bombing mis- after the bulldozers spread the coral from
sions. B-29s moved off key-shaped park- the dump trucks Larson directed. Laden-
ing hardstands, lined up one after the other decker knew of only one worker on his run-
on the taxiways as the aircraft waited for way finishing crew, Harvey Crause, who
take-off. had any problems with inhaling coral dust
Unknown to the aircrews. engine air fil- raised by the construction equipment.
ters on the B-29s down the line of mission- Seabees were always inhaling coral dust
ready aircraft became clogged with coral while working, although Ladendecker did
dust kicked up by aircraft ahead. Unfor- not seem to have any problems. While
tunately, a number of B-29s were lost on working, Larson and other Seabees carried
take-off because of a total power loss or en- a carbine, but usually just stacked them to
gine failure before mechanics discovered
the root cause . Then. Seabee rock

The Road to Tinian
one side of the runway or taxiway. depend- mask its approach to the island. as it
ing on the work detail. swooped out of the darkness to strafe and
Seabees cut down hills, leveled ir- bomb the runway. Two of the crew and the
regularities , filled depressions, and Chief dove for cover under a nearby parked
bulldozed coral as fast as it was unloaded jeep, all hitting the ground and sliding to a
from the dump trucks. Construction work stop under the jeep at the same time. Shells
went on around the clock, twenty-four fell around the jeep but no one was hit or
hours per day. At night, portable gener- equipment damaged. All three wondered
ators were positioned along runway work how it was possible for three husky
areas to provide electric lights which could Seabees to fit under one small jeep. Other
be quickly shut off at the sound of ap- Seabees assisted in dragging the three par-
proaching Japanese aircraft. Men headed tially pinned individuals from under the
for slit trenches, diving in , and keeping jeep.
their heads down until the air raid was over. The air raids were putting pressure on
Once Larson dove into a slit trench as a construction timetables and Commander
Japanese bomber strafed the runway Gillette pushed his men to keep working to
where he was working. He could hear bul- meet completion targets. Thomas E.
lets smacking into the grader he vacated a Stringer was in charge of transportation at
few seconds previously. Attacking North Field and one evening went with
Japanese twin-engine bombers ap- Commander Gillette to North Field. Many
proached North field at such low altitude. 135th men drove trucks at night, with a
that many of the dropped bombs failed to scheduled evening meal at 2230 hours.
arm before hitting the ground. The Betty While other Battalions stopped to eat
bomb loads consisted of six-pound bombs Commander Gillette ordered the men to
and, when released, arming propellers only eat on the move to make up lost time.
turned 2 1/2 revolutions before hitting the Commander Gillette commented, "Take
ground. Normal arming sequence required five minutes out of every man and you must
at least six revolutions to fully arm the think in terms of work days lost, not
bombs, and many Seabees survived attacks m inutes! ,, Stringer answered back, (think-
when bombs did not go off when they hit ing of numerous complaints from the men).
the ground. "Commander Gillette, think of the other
During one attack, Chief Warrant Officer 12 hours these same men can use when
John Peterson and his heavy equipment not working to invent ways to get even!··
crew were surprised by a twin-engine The 135th ate in the evening like other
Japanese bomber, with engines shut off to Battalions from t hat point on! R.A.

Miracle of Construction
Bowers. after an evet_1ing lunch break, was Seabees were issued ponchos. but most
the first of the runway crew back to work never wore them since it was too hot and
on the shift. He climbed up on the humid to wear them for very long. Once
bulldozer, started the engine, and as he the 135th moved into permanent quonset
looked up, quickly spotted a Japanese Zeke huts, working in bad weather became more
bursting out of the darkness. The Zeke tolerable and, with improvements on the
dropped very low and commenced a straf- island's roads, movement from one section
ing run down the runway, but sinoe it was to another was easier. Snipers occasional-
so low and at the right distance, shells ly fired at the primary runway work crews.
zipped to either side of the dozer. Shells but the main targets were the dump trucks.
kicked up large amounts of coral dust, Robert S. Dunham drove a dump truck
covering the dozer cab and Bowers. Even hauling coral from the pits to the runways.
though the shells missed the dozer, Bowers But , since his primary rat ing was a
jumped down from the cab, diving under- telephone and switchboard installer, truck-
neath where a substantial layer of hard. driving was not one of his developed skills.
thick steel shielded him from any further The first night as a driver, Dunham tore out
shens. the rear-end of his truck, and was quickly
Dwain Carr drove a dump truck at night. removed as a driver. He knew many dump
During air raids, he just pulled off to one truck drivers who were shot at by Japanese
side of the road. Many times he drove snipers. Some drivers could not stand the
without lights, since the coral was reflective strain of being shot at, while others sur-
enough to provide sufficient illumination to vived many close calls without psychologi-
work by. Once at the runway, portable gen- cal problems.
erators provided electricity for the work During one of the first evenings R.A.
floodlights. 135th dump truck drivers Bowers drove a dump truck from one of
pulled a heart-stopping trick on the is1and·s the coral pits to West Field . A
Marine guards. At night, drivers purposely thunderstorm broke out with intense
shifted the trucks into neutral. turned off flashes of lightning. He noticed two flashes
the Ignition and then quickly turned it back of light to the right side of the truck, which
on, producing a loud-explosive backfire, Bowers took for lightning. However, when
hopefully sending the nearest Marine road he reached West Field, the cab· s window
guard diving for cover. displayed two neat bullet holes on the right
The biggest irritant was not Japanese air side. Japanese snipers did not realize
raids, but heavy tropical rains that turned Americans drove from the left and not
the dry, red earth into a morass of mud. from right side. Bowers broke out in a cold

The Road to Tinian

sweat after realizing how close death ap- had an accident, but with so many trucks
proached that evening. driving Ln all directions, when a crash did
Many truck drivers became bored and occur it was usually spectacular.
tired of the constant driving to and from George Dehlvang was another truck
the coral pits. A few drivers would run their driver first hauling supplies from the beach

trucks into the back of another truck on the to the 135th's initial camp, and later haul-
haul road, damaging the engine's radiator. ing coral to North Field. He was shot at
Since replacements were not available, from the cane fields by Japanese snipers.
damaged dump trucks were taken out of Japanes snipers were difficult to locate be~
service until the radiator was repaired. cause they covered their rifle muzzles with
Drivers then would have a chance to put bamboo or cane pieces. concealing the
their feet on solid ground and not behind powder flashes. Dehlvang could hear the
the wheel. Commander Gillette read the bullets whizzing by, but luckily, none hit the
daily reports, recognized the trend. and truck·s cab or him. He kept the truck run-
stopped the pattern by issuing an order to ning at high speed presenting the most dif-

halt drivers' actions. The order clearly ficult target possible. To slow down at night
stated, ''Any Seabee in the 135th ramming was inviting another truck to come up
the back of another truck with his own will one's backside and push one off the road.
be Court-martialed !" The order from the All 135th truck drivers took Commander
135th commander ended the bout of Gillette's warning seriously and did not ram
damaged dumptruck radiators. any vehicles. Coral was dug all over the is-
Ronald Kuhnhem drove a dump truck land, depending on the grade needed for a
hauling coral to the runways at North Field specific job, and drivers were constantly
from the coral pits. Olivers like himself being directed from one coral pit to
used to kick the trucks out of gear coming another.
down a hill from the coral pit west of George Dehlvang drove for weeks
Broadway near the runway construction without stopping, reaching such a tempo
site. As the truck picked up speed with the he hauled two loads for every other driver's
clutch engaged, speed went over 25 MPH. one. He just kept driving, careful to avoid
At this point the driver dropped the clutch holes in the road or rocks which might
into gear, blowing out the truck's governors damage the truck. To keep coral chunks
and, many times, the mufflers. Noise was out of the middle of the rear dual tandem
not considered a handicap, but low speeds wheels1 Seabees strung a steel cable be-
hindered and reduced the number of daily tween the dual axles of the tandem wheels.
trips a driver could make. Kuhnhem never The simple steel cable prevented rocks

Mir~le o f Construction
from lodging between the wheeJs. destroy-
ing the axles or tires. Members of the ment to replace body fluids in the hot
13Sth set a high tonnage record for the climate, and once desalinization units be-
amount of coral hauled on Tinian. came operational, enough fresh water was
available for drinking and showers.

~5th 's amphitheater. Photo. George W Larson.

It was so hot and humid on Tinian.
~abees constantly sprayed medication George Larson worked on one of the run-
n their shoes and on heavy work socks way finishing crews after directing coral
retard and defeat fungus growth. Initial- dump trucks. He operated a road grader.
all the Battalion had to be very careful usually in a line with other graders, scrap-
t to burn in the sun. since shorts were ing the coral surface smooth, almost to
ndard wear, with most periodically grade. Once in a while. large pieces of un-
ng shirtless. Water was a major require- broken coral would appear in the runway
surface and the graders were stopped. The

The Road to T inian

grader drivers used picks and shovels to dig quonset was divided by two rows of bunks.
out the rock. then roll it off the runway. with thirty men assigned to each building.
The hole was quickly filled with crushed Seabees built an outdoor movie theater to
coral, tamped, and grading resumed. It was watch movies traded from passing ships.
an orchestrated ballet with saltwater trucks, They used some of their homemade syrup
rollers, and graders working on the run- as barter. They also built an outdoor am-
ways and taxiways. phitheater, used by the occasional USO
While the majority of the 135th Battalion troop like "Girl Crazy,., entertaining
worked at North Field, one select crew con- Seabees and anyone who showed up. The
centrated on Battalion camp construction. camp included recreation facilities, chapel.
As soon as a quonset hut was completed, offices, clinics, shops, and repair facilities.
Seabees took down their squad tents and To speed construction work on Tinian,
moved into the permanent quarters. Each Seabees improved Sunharron Roads Har-

135th 's chapel. Photo, George W Larson.

Miracle o lf Construction

bor by building an artificial breakwater lei to the cargo ship bulkhead and con-
enclosing a double U-shaped pier complex nected to it by an 88 foot wide causeway.
which could berth at least eight ships. The The 301st Seabee Battalion, although
breakwater, which was built on a coral reef headquarte red on Guam , possessed a
that fringed the existing harbor, was of a dredging detachment enabling it to con-
-----. ____
-- -
-------- ·-

The 135th turned one of the completed quonset huts into a recreation building. where during off-duty time.
they could play ping-pong. and read or write. Photo. George W Larson.

circular cell design. The 1 20 circular cells duct salvaging operations in Tinian's har-
were built of sheetpiling, 30-feet in bors to clear away Japanese mines, sunken
diameter, a plus fifteen grade slope above ships, and other debris. Dredging provided
mean low water level, and filled with coral. a 32-foot deep ocean access channel and
Cargo ship piers consisted of two sheet pile 28-foot deep berthing slips. Cargoes could
piers, 80 by 500 feet each, running para!- now be unloaded directly from ship-to-

The Road to Tinian

Artificial breakwater surrounds the U-shaped pier complex, built at south end of Tinian . Up to eight Liberty
ships could unload at the same time. Photo taken in 1981, shows durability of Seabee construction. Photo,
George A Larson.

shore, decreasing off-loading time while in-

creasing delivered tonnage. General
LeMay 's B-29s stretched the cargo
capacity of the harbor complex as large-
scale fire bombing attacks on Japan gob-
bled up huge amounts of incendiary
Seabees accelerated work on runway No.
4 as the 135th excavated the runway to
500 feet wide with proper drainage and
clearances, including a twenty-foot
drainage ditch on either side of the runway. Liberty ship unloads at pier. Photo, Lloyd Ringrose.
Construction crews removed and then
filled in approximately 645 ,000 cubic

Miracle of Construction
yards of earth and coral. Such work re- Delays, in waiting for clearances from air-
quired cutting down hills that were from field operations, only extended runway
eight-to ten-feet high. As Seabees shared construction time approximately four to six
North Field with operating B-29s, strict days. It was far better to set off smaller,
controls were needed during drilling and more frequent charges than repair the
blasting operations. damage to the B-29s from improper ex-
Once the 135th drilled close to 4000 plosions. Even the weather cooperated,
charge holes for one large simultaneous with few interruptions due to rain on North
detonation to see if it could cut work and Field and other construction projects. As
speed up construction. The blast would work progressed, Battalion enthusiasm
consist of six -and-one-half tons of kept rising, with construction work break-
dynamite. Two portable electric generators ing projected timetables. Runway No. 4
were hooked together in series, then run was completed ahead of schedule on 5 May
up as high or possible to provide maximum 1945 and the strip put into operation by a
voltage for the detonation . Battalion en- bombing mission against Japan dedicated
gineers did not believe sufficient current to the men of the 135th Battalion.
could be provided to set off the charges at Even though the 135th served as the lead
once. But, just in case, nearby B-29s were Battalion on runway No. 4 , it assisted other
moved away from the projected blast construction Battalions on various
danger zone. When all was ready the yell projects. First , the 135th assisted the
went out ''Fire in the hole! •· The two gen- !21st USNCB in building a service apron
erators stalled as the charge was set off, but and sections of runway 1. Crews of the
the detonation took place as planned. 135th assisted in excavation and subgrad-
Seabees were knocked to the ground by ing on 1/4 of taxiway No. 2 and its related
the force of the explosion and B-29s were hardstands. The 135th also completed
seen bouncing on their hardstands. The B- 350-feet of a 200-foot wide warm-up
29s' radar and other delicate electrical ramp, and built 2000 feet of 24~inch
equipment was rocked hard enough to diameter welded steel drum drainage pipe.
cause improper alignment. Worse, pieces W.S. Eoff, a 135th welder, was responsible
of coral were projected through the air, for solving North Field ' s drainage
many tearing through B-29 fuselages, tails, problems. He used empty fifty-five gallon
and wings. The 135th never set off that fuel drums with both ends cut out with the
much dynamite again in a single explosion, remaining cylinder welded together to
using only a series charge. form 24-inch diameter drainage pipes.
One drum was welded to the next until the

The Road to Tinian

. .. ...
:~."' ~
_, .
.. • .,.

. ·J·
.• $>- ., ,.•.. . . ....
... ,.. .

Seabees welded together empty SS-gallon fuel drums to build a drainage system at North Field. Pipes ran
under the runways and taxiways to prevent collected water from endangering operations. Photo. Frank

desired length was reached. Completed and two ammunition storage huts. They
pipe sections were buried underneath the built numerous quonset huts, B-29 aircraft
runways to channel water away from low nose hangars, repair shops, B-29 motor
spots, emptying into the 20 foot ditches on buildup facility, a large water-dispensing
either side of the runway. station, and the 12th Army Air Force mess
The 135th crews operated a large quar- facility.
ry, removing 2000 cubic yards of coral per It was not all work for the Seabees while
day. At the same time, Battalion crews built they were stationed on Tinian. Many
a telephone exchange, two miles of 32- Seabees took up photography as a spare
foot wide coral roads, four 20MM gun time hobby, and John R. Wilson developed
emplacement towers for airfield defense, prints and film for these individuals. At

Miracle of Construction
$1.00 per roll and $0.10 per print he Elmer F. Goodwin, a 92nd USNCB mail
made more than $ 1700.00 while on clerk, worked in the Battalion post office
Tinian; at times, barely able to keep up and stated that writing and receiving letters
with the demand for photo prints. The to be the number one hobby while on
paint shop cut out stencils for the CB Tinian. He believed being a postal clerk
emblem and spray painted it on towels for was a most rewarding job, since Battalion
Battalion members. The hot and humid members were always anxious to receive
climate destroyed leather watch bands in a and send mail. When a dump truck loaded
few weeks so one of the Seabees set up a with mail sacks arrived at the post office,
small shop making stainless steel watch word quickly spread throughout the island
bands. It was stated he went home after the that a mail ship or aircraft had arrived from
end of the war with over $30,000.00 in the States. All Seabees wrote a lot, even
the ship's safe. with their letters reviewed by censors


Mail call on Tinian was eagerly awaited by all. Mail came in by the dump truck load. then sorted and passed
out to the men as quickly as possible. Photo. Elmer F. Goodwin.

1 13
The Road to Tinian
before being sent on to the States. Payday more complicated than Elmer Goodwin's
drew large crowds as Seabees sent monE~Y job. Houting managed to catch a few flights
home to wives, girl friends, family, or love:d from West Field with the Navy on an am-
ones. Goodwin was recognized by every phibious PB-4Y2 . The aircraft would fly
member of the 92nd, as he responded to out to a ship, drop a hook, and pick up mail
questions of, "Is there any mail?" from these passing vessels. Mailbags were
Robert Houting worked in the carpentry suspended in a pole harness to enable the
shop making office furniture for the 135th aircraft to hook the mail and once snagged,

-· L "' >
... .


. .
, .. - ~"' I

"· -
- ' .... (e .. . .

Beach area Seabees built to relax when they had at day off. The beach was used by all servicemen on the is·
land. with swimming and shell collecting a favorite leisure activity. Photo, John H. Vanderuoort.

Battalion and helped build the permanent reel the catch on board. Houting believed
camp 's quonset huts. He managed to he went along to provide the necessary
break the island's boredom by assisting in manpower to hand crank the mail bags on
the mail department, but it was actually board the aircraft. Watertight bags

Miracle of Construction

Seabees turned one of the quonset huts ouer to the 509th Composite Group, and they turned It into Tinian
Tauem , a place where the 509th could go for a beer and relaxation . Photo, John H. Vanderooot

protected the mail being dropped to thE Later, men of the 135th were given the op-
Navy ship below once the hooked mail was portunity to go to the beach and splash or
safely stored aboard. Houting was not sup·· swim in the surf to cool off while enjoying
posed to be on the PB-4Y2 or any other a day's break from the weeks of constant
aircraft, let alone leave the island! ThosE! work. The beach was made accessible by
Seabees working on North Field werE! Seabees who built a stairway winding down
closely monitored and never given the op·· the side of a cliff. They created smooth sur-
portunity to grab an aircraft ride. faces on the coral with cement pourings,
George Dehlvang wrote many letters, but with a ladder jutting down into the ocean.
when it was hot he liked to go to the eve·· This was the Seabee's swimming area but
ning movies where it was cool and unwind[ Marines, Army, and B-29 aircrews used
from a hard day's work on North Field. the beach facilities. Shell hunting was very

The Road to Tinian
popular on and around the beach area. steel shavings as fill and hardening with an
Diving masks were fashioned from pieces almost continuous wetting-down process,
of glass and used truck inner tubes. The producing a slow-drying , ve ry hard,
best shells still had snails in them and usual- smooth surface. At each corner a deep
ly were cached under one's tent until the hole was dug into the coral, extending
ants cleaned them out in a few days. below the concrete flooring level. Five
Seabees not working at night would go hundred copper Mil cable was stuffed into
to a high spot near the runways and watch the hole 1 then covered with salt and coke
the B-29s take off. Sadly, some B-29s to provide a suitable grounding base.
barely lifted off the runway, not reaching Seabees erected a steel building wound
any significant altitude, and then sliding with approximately 30 ,000 feet of copper
into the ocean, ended in a fiery, flashing wire, grounded to the floor every six to
crash. The return to Tinian for many eight feet, plus at opposite corners. Once
aircrews was a long process because of low primary construction was completed, a
fuel, battle damage, and wounded crew high steel fence enclosed the entire area,
members. The ends of North Field's run- heavily guarded by Army troops brought to
ways were high with coral exposed and Tinian from Europe.
running into the ocean. Many returning B- A special se1vice area was built off the
29 pilots could not always determine the northwest end of the northernmost North
actual beginning of a runway and because
1 Field runway. A series of additionaJ B-29
of mission fatigue or battle damage, would hardstands were constructed to park the
approach too low, crashing into the bank 509th Composite Group ' s specially
prior to the runway. This condition was modified aircraft. A separate bomb loading
corrected by covering the ends with oil or area was created off the main runway, in a
waste asphalt. Y pattern with two deep and large bomb
Seabees worked on many special projects pits in the center. Seabees were instructed
not originally planned or even foreseen . A to ask no questions about the work on the
selected few worked on a one-of-a-kind buildings or special parking areas. They
building originally designed to serve as the were just to do their work, keep quiet, and
A-bomb final assembly and checkout build- then leave, once everything was com-
ing. It was a . large building. No one knew pleted. Speculations flew all over when the
what it was during or after construction. 509th's aircraft landed at North Field with
The building started with a thick poured their single bomb bays, stripped airframes 1
concrete floor, enforced with steel mesh, and non-Japanese bombing mission par-
copper wire to act as a grounding source, ticipation. The 509th took a lot of abuse

Miracle of Construction
from other B-29 squadrons for their lack bomb assembly buildings were built of
of bombing activity and segregation on the heavy wooden timbers with adjacent bomb
island. loading facilities. The 6 7th USNCB built
Seabees worked on additional 509th the majority of the buildings and facilities

ft was hot on Tinian. and Red Cross workers serued water to the working seruicemen. Members of the 509th
take a break for a drink. Those on the Island were authorized two beers a day to help replace fluids. Photo,
John Vanderuort.

camp requirements: large warehouses, ad- especially for the 509th Bomb Group.
ministrative and shop areas, quarters, as However, prior to the arrival of the 509th,
well as limited recreational facilities. Three Seabees built numerous facilities for B-29

- - - -The Road to Tinian

509th tent camp area. during settling in on Tinian, prior to mouing into quonset huts. Photo. John Vander-

combat wings, completing runways and 5 09th's B-29s and the Enola Gay would
upgrading facilities. As B-29s arrived on take off on the Seabees', particularly the
Tinian, three of the puzzle pieces--Tinian, 135th's runway, "Miracle of Construc-
runways and the 509th Composite group- tion! "
-were ready to operate against Japan. The


B-29's on Tinian

-29 Superfortresses initially operated on 15 June 1944 and. within one week,
B against J apan from bases in China Isley Airfield became operational as
until December 1944, when the first run- Seabees improved it to accommodate
way at North Field was completed. B-29s fighters, providing island dose-air support.
operated from Saipan prior to the start of Later, U.S. fighters participated in the in-
Tinian air operations. The first B-29 to vasion of Tinian and defense against at-
land at Saipan. "Pacific Pioneer,·· departed tacking Japanese aircraft. Once runway
Herrington. Kansas on 6 October 1944 facilities were completed on Saipan by
for the flight to Saipan. When the B-29 Seabee crews, hundreds of B-29s began
landed at Hickam Field, HawaH, Fleet Ad- arriving in October and November 1944.
miral Chester W. Nimitz was on hand to ready for strategic bombing operations
greet the large four engine aircraft. "Pacific against Japan.
Pioneer" proceeded first to Kwajalein Is- George P. Williams was assigned to the
land on October 10th and landed at Saipan 3 13th Bombardment Wing and was
on 12 October 1944. Saipan was invaded among the early arrivals on T inian prepar-

- - -T he
-Road to Tinian
ing the island to accept the Superfortres- on the beach. George Williams earned the
ses. Seabees helped with the layout and nickname "Moonlight requisitioner" to
construction of radio transmitter and replace the lost, damaged, or destroyed
receiver buildings; communications center equipment.
as well as a combat operations center. At Seabees used incredible ingenuity to build
the same time Seabees worked to dear an items essential for the 313th's B-29 opera-
area to build a B-29 control tower needed tions on Tinian. The 313th was scheduled
to bring the bombers to the Island. Opera- to receive Blaw Knox Antenna kits to erect

8·29 on Seattle, Washington production line. Photo taken at USAF Museum. Wright Patterson AFB. Dayton.
Ohio. Photo. George A. Larson.

tions were initially a confused scene, with transmitter towers on Tinian, needed to
some of the 313th 's essential equipment communicate with the bombers on mis-
landed by mistake on Saipan. A few items sions over Japan. Each tower had to be put
fell overboard from the lighters into the together like a child's large erector set on
ocean, some were destroyed by Japanese a Christmas morning. These towers con-
fire and bombers once the equipment was sisted of many pieces per tower, and it

Th• 1 -29 w o• dni9ned 1" 19•0 Ol on evenlyol replacement
for ftte 1 -17 o"d 1 - 2• the I'"' one bu1h mode 1 1~ maiden
fli9hl on September 21 19•2 In Oec•,.,bu 1943 t i w os de ·
d ded not to UH the 1 -29 1n the l uropeon Theoler rhereby
pe r-,.ltt ln9 the 01rplone 10 be tent lo th.- Poc•f tc oreo w here
lh great range tnode 11 porhculorly \ u•led !or the lon111
overwoter flight required lo oltoclr rhe Jopone$e homeland
fro"' boH• in Chino Duong th• lou lwo monl!H of 19•4
1 -29 • b•9on operating ogo1n•t Jopon fro m th11 1Jlondl of
Solpon, Guam , and T1n1on
Wilh th• odYenl of the cor1ffut 1n lloreo m lune 19'0 the
1 · 29 wo• once 0901n thrvu into bottle for th e nelll ••v·
erol yeor. 1t •o• effec11vely ""d
for 01tuck1n9 torgeh 1n
Norftt Korea.
The 1-29 on cf,.ploy. noMed lo<ltuo r wot flown 10 lhe
Air '•r<•
MuMu• on Sepl. 26 196\, II d ropped the H<ond
~lo• c i...b on Ho . . •olit en Av g 9 194$ thereby brino·
'"I Werlcf Wor II le o corulvue,. ,

B·29 specifications. Photo taken at USAF Museum. Photo. George A. Larson.

would have taken weeks to assemble each through hundreds of boxes on Saipan's
tower on Tinian. It really didn ·t matter beaches and various island supply areas sal-
since the hundreds of boxes could not be vaging equipment o( possible use. He was
located either on Saipan or on Tinian, able to get help from a Navy C-4 7 support
regardless of time expended in endless pilot to transport the cargo to Tinian when
searches. Once again, Seabees came to the a full load was ready. The Navy pilot turned
313th 's rescue, taking down and relocat- out to be the Hollywood actor, Tyrone
ing the required antennas to steel towers Power. Eventually, with the help of the
the Japanese previously used as transmit- Seabees, the 313th advanced group
ter beacons. Most of the 313th 's supplies managed to assemble the bare minimum
were on Saipan and not on Tinian. requir- essential facilities ready for the December
ing transport over the Saipan Channel to 1944 arrival of the so-called .. Advanced
North Field . George Williams hunted Echelons," Wing Headquarters, ground

The Road to Tinian
crews, and service personnel. He kidded against Pagan and Maug Islands in the Nor-
this group about being the "Advanced thern Marianas.
Echelon" and asked them where they had In September 1978, the 43rd Strategic
been when the group needed them. Wing, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
The 58th Bombardment Wing flew to once again used Pagan Island to train 8-
North Field from the "China-Burma-India" 520 eight jet engine Stratofortress crews.
Theater (CBI) to begin air operations The exercise, called "Giant Thrust II," was
against Japan. James L. Keely of the 38th the Strategic Air Command's B-520 test-
USNCB looked up from his work on North ing of conventional bombing capabilities
Field to see one B-29 after another land- not demonstrated since the completion of
ing. Once the B-29s arrived, a major part "Line Backer II" bombing operations
of the air war moved to Tinian as North against North Vietnam, bringing the North
Field increased its operational capabilities, Vietnamese to the Paris Peace Table, en-
one runway at a time. The 3 13th flew its ding the Vietnam War.
first practice bombing mission on 16 The first big low-level fire bombing raid
January 1945 with a force of 44 B-29s against Japan was on 9 March 1945 when
General LeMay ordered the switch from


B-29 parked on one of Tinian 's hardstands. This B-29 carried a full armament load. dating the picture prior
to General LeMay 's July 1945 switch to low-leuel incendiary bombing attacks. The B·29·s were stripped of
their normal armament except for tail guns. to save weight, and increase bomb load. Photo. Elmer F. Good-

B-29's on Tinian

high altitude bombings. B-29s flew with all proximately 4 square miles on one mission,
defensive armament removed, except for with a single bomb.
tail guns, flying over J apan at night. At sun- George Larson was working on North
set, an initial force of 325 B-29s lumbered Field, grading a new parking apron as a B-
off the runways to attack Tokyo, followed 29 pulled into an adjacent aircraft
at 0100 and 0300 by another 279 B-29s. hardstand. He climbed down from the
These bombers arrived over Tokyo, flyinB grader when one of the aircrew motioned
at altitudes between 4900 to 9200 feet in Larson to come inside for a look It was a

The Wolf Pack. the B-29 adopted by the 135th Battalion. The aircrew was adopted by the battalion at a for·
ma/ ceremony in the 135th ·s amphitheater. Aircraft was shot down on one of its early missions. with all crew
members lost. Photo. Norman Symons.

single plane formations to increas(~ huge aircraft, impressive looking, with

coverage of incendiary bomb delivery. plenty of interior room in the pressurized
LeMay 's tactic was highly successful, crew compartments for one to move
destroyi ng almost 16 square miles o f around. Seabees on Tinian adopted B-29
Tokyo in a gigantic firestorm. Later, the crews and made them honorary Battalion
Enola Gay would destroy an area of ap- members. The 135th sponsored a B-29

T he Road to T inian
-- --- --
called ·'The Wolf Pack," aircraft No. were wearing. Crews told many Seabees
224 787. Battalion artists drew a wolf how amazed they were to break out of the
riding a falling bomb on the aircraft's right clouds around Tinian and find the immense
front side. Unfortunatelyi it crashed into airdrome under construction, partially
the Pacific with the loss of all crew mern- ready for air operations. The 135th Bat-
bers on one of its early missions against talion built quonset hut quarters for many
Japan. B-29 squadrons at North Field. Seabees
The 135th adopted another crew and could now see what their many hours,
aircraft called "Hell's Belle ,'' during a days, and weeks of toil was all about.
Saturday night special ceremony at the Several times each week all the members
Battalion's amphitheater. Crew members of a B-29's ground and flight crew would
were dinner guests in the 135th ·s mess hall visit "their" Seabee Battalion, explaining
and later honored in the program at the what targets had been bombed, enemy
theater. One of the B-29 officers gave a resistance, and so on. Seabees responded
brief talk bringing out the close association to this inside look at the air war by provid-
between the Seabees who built the run- ing "their,, crews with as many of the
ways and those flying the B-29s against luxuries of home as possible. Adopted B-
J apan. He mentioned the amount of work 29 crews ate with the Seabees; slept on
completed by the Seabees was immense 1 soft. renovated mattresses; drank cold
on a comparable scale to the engineering beer; and spooned in homemade ice
marvels of Boulder and Shasta dams in the cream. John T. McCarthy was amazed at
United States. Members of the crew we1re how many of the Army Air Force pilots dis-
then asked to come up onto the staBe liked their B-29s , calling them "lemons" or
where Commander Gillette, the Battalion even ''hangar queens. " Seabees would fre-
Commander, welcomed them, explaining quently wrangle a ride on one of the Bat-
what adoption meant. "Hell's Belle" was talion-adopted B-29s as it flew local
to consider the 135th as their home, wel- four-hour engine checkout missions.
come at any time and urged them to visit Army Air Corps Captain John A. Bierkan
as often as possible. Finally, Lt. Ferrel in- piloted a B-29 called "Connecticut Yankee
troduced his B-29 crew to the cheering and W on 34 combat missions from Tinian.
clapping 135th Battalion. Pilots and crews One day his crew was working on the
of these mighty bombers barely escapE!d aircraft when two Seabee Warrant Officers
from the Japanese attempts to capture pulled up in a jeep1 announcing they were
their China operating bases. Many of these from Connecticut. These men, Hodges
crews escaped only with the clothes thE?Y and Hammerman, were assigned to the

B-29's on Tinian

6th USNCB and arranged for Bierkan 's hospitals or clinics for the pillow. He car-
crew to be adopted by the Battalion. On ried a U.S. flag on a mission over Akasi,
several occasions the 6th Battalion invited Japan for "Pop" Morch , and it was later
them to their mess hall for a very substan- sent home to his church in Brooklyn, New
tial meal and companionship. When the York. The flag was auctioned off by the
6th Seabees found out Captain Bierkan's church in a war fund raiser to support the
crew lived on peanut butter sandwiches on Red Cross activities in the Pacific. The
15-hour bombing missions, they made 313th's Chaplain was a Methodist, but the
sure that a couple of times each week a few 6th 's Catholic Chaplain always visited
tins of chicken and fresh bread were Bierkan 's three Catholic crew members
delivered to the "Connecticut Yankee II. '' before each mission. No matter the time of
As a lead crew, Captain Bierkan's B-29 pay or night, the 6th USNCB Chaplain
flew every day, dropping five target bombs would arrive in his jeep and take the three
on individual training runs on the island of Catholic boys to the back of the hardstand.
Rota. The bypassed island, still under The Catholic Chaplain knew Bierkan was
Japanese control, was located 7 5 miles a Methodist and asked "Would it be per~
south of Tinian. Captain Bierkan was often mitted to bless the plane prior to take off?"
ab.le to take several Seabees from the 6th The Catholic Chaplain never missed any of
Battalion on these practice flights. One the "Connecticut Yankee ll's" balance of
flight included Hodges, Hammerman , 34 missions from Tinian.
"Pop" Morch, the Red Cross Representa- Frequently, Captain Bierkan let Seabees
tive, the Chaplain, and Battalion cook. sit in the B-29's pilot seat, stick their head
Bierkan was clever to include the cook and out the window so they could have their
soon his entire crew reaped the benefits in pictures taken for their folks back home.
their mess facility . The Seabees were a great bunch of men
One day the 6th Battalion delivered and Captain Bierkan believed they were
crates containing quonset huts to Bierkan's not given enough thanks for all the work
unit to replace their leaking tents. The next and hospitality showed the B-29 crews.
day, a crew of Seabees appeared to erect 135th Battalion members would often
the quonset huts with Captain Bierkan's show up at the B-29s prior to mission
hut one of the first completed. When the departure as the pilot gave his crew the
Seabees saw the Captain's bedroll unrolled pre-combat briefing. Mel. F. Troop listened
on the quonset' s floor, a bed and pillow to so many briefings, that one day a B-29
somehow appeared. Bierkan assumed an crew asked him to go on an engine
energetic Seabee raided one of the island shakedown flight Later, he even went on

The Road 1o Tinian
a minor bombing raid against the as the packed incendiaries ignited. erupt-
Japanese-occupied island of Truk, south of ing in a 4th of July pyrotechnics display.
Tinian. But this practice was soon stopped Another B-29 did not get into the air from
after a tragic B-29 accident on 18 July West Field and plowed into an adjacent
1945. Lt. Jean Smith was assigned to cane field. somehow not blowing up after
._ check out newly arrivedB-29 pilots and on crashing.
one such checkout flight, the aircraft George Larson , after a day's hard work,
crashed killing all on board. including six- decided to go and watch B-29s taking off
teen Marines and Seabees. Orders quickly for a mission against Japan and B-24s
followed strictly prohibiting non-Army Air heading for lwo Jima. This particular clear
Force personnel from riding on future evening, 29 November 1944, B-29s were
flights of any type. But such a tragedy did taking off one after another from different
not stop Seabee Battalions from adopting Tinian airstrips, a very impressive event!
other B-29s and their crews. The 38th Bat- Larson sat in awe as the B-29s lifted off,
talion adopted a B-29 named the "Coral some dropping below the ocean cliff level,
Queen'' from the 313th Bomb Group. then wobbling slowly back into the air on
398th squadron. It was one of the first B- the outward bound run to Japan. B-24s
29s to land on Tinian prior to the comple- were leaving to attack lwo Jima, getting
tion of all the runways and base facilities. ready for the upcoming invasion of that is-
This B-29 and its crew were Jost in March land by U.S. Marines. Scuttlebutt was that
1945, somewhere over Japan. the 135th was to land on lwo, but they
Leo C. Lewis from the 38th liked to remained on Tinian until ordered forward
watch the B-29s take off every other after- to Okinawa. The Seabees remaining on
noon for bombing missions, returning the Tinian were lucky; the 133rd Battalion
next day or two. Some would return with worked under constant Japanese fire on
an engine dead or part of the aircraft flap- Okinawa, building an emergency landing
ping in the wind. Most Seabees attempted runway for crippled B-29s returning from
to keep track of exactly how many aircraft Japan . The completed facilities saved
left and returned. He remembered one B- thousands of B-29 crew members who
29 loaded with incendiary bombs that otherwise might have ditched into the
didn 't make take-off speed and ran through ocean after being damaged over Japan. A
the end of the runway 1 bursting into flames. crew bailing out of a wounded B-29 over
Lewis later learned the crew managed to Japan would be killed, and crew members
escape the burning aircraft prior to the took their chance they could reach the
bomb load blowing. It was really a fire show ocean to ditch. Iwo Jima was midpoint be-

B-29 relLirning from a raid on Japan. K Tri 2. No. 42-24802. 505th Bomb Group. 19 April 1945. Note the
coral runway and marks left by aircraft tires. Ground members prepare to giue assistance to burning aircraft.
Photo, Marvin Prince.

A not too lucky B-29 burns after crashing al the end of t he runway on North Field. Photo. John Vandervort.

The Road to Tinian
tween Tinian and Japan, offering a chance around the runways to give the pilots a
to live. The energetic 13Sth Commander, visual approach from as far away as pos-
Paul Gillette, kept the Battalion working on sible. Some of the B-29s were burning and
numerous projects, probably keeping the missed their first approach. Seabees
135th from being sent to [wo Jima. stopped working, looked up, and talked to
George Larson heard a story about one the B-29 urging it on as the wounded
B-29 crew that suffered crippling battle aircraft banked to go around for another
damage over Japan shortly after lwo Jima landing attempt. A few made it but many
was captured. The crew reached a decision did not, misjudging the approach or were
that remaining fuel would not permit a unable to control the badly damaged
landing back on Saipan, but the emergen- aircraft, crashing into the runway, often ex-
cy strip on lwo Jima was inadequate to ploding in sheets of bright flame. Crews
receive B-29s. As the B-29 neared lwo, the nicknamed their aircraft "Flying Coffins"
pilot asked for permission to land, explain- for their tendency to burst into flames on
ing he had no fuel to go anywhere else. crashes due to abortive take offs or land-
The control tower called back ''How much ings.
runway do you need?" The B-29 answered Truman Severson worked on West Field
"8500 feet!·· The tower responded the cur- with the 38th Battalion and recounted how
rent runway was only 8000 feet long and B-29s ditched in the ocean around Tin:ian.
not capable of handling B-29s. The 133rd The B-29 would execute a stall maneuver
Battalion Commander heard the urgent to permit the left wing to strike the water
plea of the B-29 pilot and told the tower in a near vertical position, softening the im-
operator, "Tell him to circle for three hours pact into the water. As a general rule, the
and we will give him the additional 500 stall was initiated at about 300 feet so the
feet! " The B-29 cut back throttle settings, aircraft would settle into the water. The tail
slowly circling the island, hoping they section had a tendency to break off when
would not have to ditch. The Seabees striking the water, freeing the rear gunner.
delivered as promised and the 500 feet Crew members were usually able to get out
barely permitted the badly damaged B-29 of the aircraft before any fires broke out.
to land. One badly damaged B-29 was attempt-
Arthur Giese watched many B-29s com- ing a straight-in, two-engine emergency
ing back from bombing missions against landing on Saipan on 27 February 1945,
Japan. It was heartbreaking to watch the landing short. It splashed into the shallow
B-29s struggling to reach Tinian . At night, water short of the beach, burying its nose
searchlights were pointed straight up into the soft sand, with the tail section lifted

B-29's on Tinian

high into the air. Seabees waded out to the Seattle. Washington on the cargo ship
crashed B-29 and many took photographs U.S.S. Victory. transiting through Pearl
of each other sitting on the B-29 's wings. Harbor and Eniwetok on the voyage to
The ajr war against J apan turned into a Tinian . The 509th advanced echelon ar-
blur of repeated B-29 take-offs, landings, rived on 15 June. living initially in tents
damaged aircraft, wounded and dead among completed quonset huts for the first
aircrew members , as Gen. LeMay·s two weeks on the island. Then the 509th
strategic bombing campaign intensity in- Composite Group moved into permanent

The 509th Composite Group initially liued in tents between quonset huts when ffrst on Tinian . Two weeks later
they moued into permanent buildings. Photo. John Vanderuort.

creased. Members of the 509th Composite quonset hut facilities. greatly improving the
Group left Wendover Air Force Base for quality of life for the group. The 509th 's
the short trip to Fort Lawton, Washington. specially modified B-29s landed at North
Ground crew and support personnel left

View of 509th 's permanent camp facility on Tinian at the corner of 125th Street and 8th Auenue. off the
southeast comer of North Field. Photo, John Vande ruort.

Field on 29 May 1945, commanded by their identity on flights over Japanese con-
Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. trolled areas, for example: the 73rd Bomb
The 135th USNCB left Tinian aboard Wlng, 497th Group, and the 313th Bomb
five LSTS on 8 July 1945 as the 509th Wlng, 6th Group , etc. The Enola Gay's tail
was settling in on the island, reaching was marked with a large R inside a circle,
Okinawa on 1 7 July 1945. These Seabees similarto the 313th's aircraft. After the A-
completed the runways and many of the bomb mission the Enola Gay's tail was
facilities used by the 509th while it was at remarked with an arrow pointing forward,
North Field. inside a large circle.
By the time the 509th went operational, On arrival at Tinian, aircrews underwent
each aircraft was assigned a tail marking of a concentrated , intensified training
another operational group in order to mask program, including live bombing missions

B-29's on Tinian
over Rota and Truk. The 509th's aircraft or flying to and from the island. Besides the
dropped high explosive, general purpose 15 B-29s, the 509th arrived on Tinian with
bombs, nicknamed '·Pumpkins" because of a squadron of exclusively mission desig-
their unusuaJ shape and color. The Enola nated four-engine C-54 transport aircraft.
Gay participated in the 509th 's first raid These C-54s were constantly flying from
against Marcus Island, carrying twenty 500 Tinian to the States, then back, bringing
pound bombs. Other similar missions were people and equipment for the 509th to the
also flown by the Enola Gay during the next island. Tinian, as the 509th saw it, was very
few weeks carrying "Pumpkins .. until the different from what U.S. Marines found on
first atomic bomb was dropped on 6 24 July 1944. The island was transformed,
August 1945. By the end of July 1945, aJI especially North Field, into a huge airfield
of the 509th's personnel were on Tinian, complex. North Field's long parallel as-

509th Composite Group·s Headquarters on Tinian. John Vanderuoort climbed to the tower in the picture to
take the photo of a burning 8·29. Photo. John Vanderuort.

- - - - The Road to Tinian --- --------
phalt runways, rows of quonset huts, and no avail, with only designated 509th per-
its stateside paved highways were a lasting sonnel granted access.
tribute to the Seabees who built them in Meanwhile, on 16 July 1945, the first
record-breaking time. The 509th area was atomic bomb was successfully exploded at
at the southeast corner of 126th Street and Alamogordo, New Mexico. Once the
8th Avenue, transformed into a heavily bomb was tested and demonstrated, two
protected camp , guarded by special additional bombs were hurriedly completed
Military Police and FBI agents. All efforts for the trip to Tinian and mating with the
by Seabees to get inside the camp were to 509th s B-29s. Component parts and
radioactive material for these two bombs

509th Mess Hall , modified by Seabees to prouide on additional wing enabling more people to be served. One
just had to ask o Seabee to haue it done. Photo. John Vandervort .


Enola Gay after its bombing mission over Hiroshima. Note the tail marking with the arrow versus the R of The
313th Bomb Wing. Photo, John Vandervort.

(Little Boy, a gun tube uranium bomb and

Fat Man, a plutonium implosion bomb)
reached the 509th area just prior to the ac-
tual bombing mission. Components for Lit-
tle Boy arrived first, since it was scheduled
to be the first bomb dropped on Japan.
Most of its components and U-235
radioactive material left Los Alamos, New
Mexico in mid July 1945 in the custody of
John Hatch, right and Enola Gay 's crew chief. Major Robert Furman (Special Projects Of-
Photo. John Hatch.
ficer attached to General Grove's Staff) and

The Road to Tmian

509th Composi~e Group

Tanker Mooring

artificial harbor

Tinion Island's appearance 011July1945 when the 509th Composite Group arriued on Ti1lion. after Seabees
completed tile construction of the runways.

Captain James F. Nolan {Chief Los Alamos T he components were then loaded on the
Medical 0 fficer). They traveled by cruiser U.S.S. Indianapolis for the trip to
automobile from Santa Fe to Albuquerque, Tinian.
New Mexico and then by C-4 7 to Hamil- A cruiser was selected because of the re-
ton Field near San Francisco, California. quirements for sufficient deck space to

B-29's on Tinian
transport the bulky bomb and a high tran- balance of active material for "Little Boy··
sit speed capability from the States to on two C-54 cargo aircraft. The first C-54
Tinian. At 0400 on 16 July 19451 two arrived at Tinian on 28 July and the second
U.S. Army trucks arrived at the cruiser: on 29 July 1945. These were high priority
one with a large wooden crate; and the flights with nothing else carried on the C-
second, with a metal cylinder 2 feet long 54s. The "A-Bomb Directive'" was issued
by 18 inches in diameter. The cruiser's on 24 July 1945:
crane lifted the heavy crate onto the deck
where it was secured for the trip to Tinian. The 509th Composite Group, 20th Air
The smaller metal cylinder was hand car- Force, will deliver its first special bomb
ried into the heart of the ship's ;•Officer as soon as weather will permit visual
Country. " Once inside the selected cabin, bombing after 3 August 1945 on one
steel mounts were welded onto the cabin's ofthe targets: Hiroshima , Kokura,
floor and the cylinder strapped and locked Nigata , and Nagasaki.
into place. The cruiser broke the transit
speed record from San Francisco to Pearl The Japanese government turned down
Harbor, but only stayed there for three the Potsdam Conference's demand for un-
hours while taking on fuel. On 26 July the conditional surrender and then , on 2
Indianapolis reached Tinian, anchoring August 1945, President Truman approved
1000 yards from the island's docks. It was the release and use of the Atomic bombs
quickly boarded by high-ranking jsland as directed by the 24 July directive. On 1
commanders and project engineers. An August the A-Bomb was assembled in an
LCT came alongside the cruiser, the heavy air-conditioned quonset hut, not in the spe-
crate was lowered on board, uranium cially constructed building originally
cylinder gently carried onto the LCT. Later designed with static_ electric grounding
in the evening, the cruiser departed for precautions. Final assembly of the fusing
Guam. Once it left Guam, the Indianapolis and arming electrical circuits would not
was torpedoed and sunk by a single take place until the B-29 was airborne. The
Japanese submarine, with heavy loss of atomic bomb device was relatively simple
!ife. Survivors were not through with their and foolproof with uranium 235 at each
ordeal , as shark attacks killed many men end of the long gun barrel , brought
before Navy vessels pulled the crew out of together by a proximity fuse to reach criti-
the water. cal mass.
Two Los Namos security officers brought On 5 August 1945 the atomic bomb was
the remaining components and the towed out of the air-conditioned final as-

position over the open bomb pit to permit
''Little Boy1' to be slowly winched into the
aircraft's open bomb bay. Colonel Tibbets
went against orders to have the A-Bomb
armed prior to take off since four B-29s
with similar bomb weights crashed the pre-
vious evening. Captain Parsons would arm
the bomb once the Enola Gay was airborne
to prevent accidental detonation, resulting
in the destruction of North Field plus most
of Tinian.
Early on 6 August 1945, a floodlighted
Enola Gay was ready for its crew after the
photographers documented the historic
event. Many Seabees looked on at the spe-
cial activities, speculating on what was hap-
pening. Col. Tibbets started the Enola
Colonel Paul Tibbets talks with his crew on 6 August Gay's engines at 0227 hours, then moved
1945, prior to the A-Bomb mission. Photo , John
to taxi position at 0235 hours. The Enola
Vande rvort.
Gay had a take-off weight of 150,000
pounds; including 7 000 gallons of aviation
fuel, one 10,000-pound "Little Boy"
Atomic Bomb, plus twelve crew members.
At 0245 hours Colonel Tibbets began the
Enola Gay's take-off roll , keeping the
15,000 pound overweight bomber on the
ground until just prior to the end of the run-
way, building up as much speed as pos-
As the landing gear retracted into the
The Enola Gay's crew on 6 August 1945, before the Enola Gay, the Seabees' "Miracle of Con-
A-Bomb mission . Photo, John Vandervort.
structionp completed its planned purpose
of bringing the Japanese to the Peace
sembly building to bomb loading pit No. 1, Table through the use of strategic air
then lowered into the prepared bomb pit. power. After the second atomic bomb was
The Enola Gay was then itself towed into

B-29's on Tinian

Colone l Paul Tibbets in the Enola Gay prior to engine start on 6 August 1945. Pho to, John Vandervort.
dropped , the Japanese government the facilities for that purpose to carry the
agreed to the Potsdam Conference's war to the Japs.
demand for J apan's Unconditional Sur-
render! In December 1944, Admiral However, once the two atomic missions
Nimitz stated the critical importance of the were completed and the J apanese agreed
Marianas Islands, especially Tinian. to the Potsdam Conference's terms, the
Marianas and Tinian no longer retained
I hope we can develop these islands so their strategic importance. Starting on 1
as to get out of them the maximum October 1945, after a severe typhoon
military benefits. We have in these is- wrecked just about everything on Tinian,
lands an area which will mount a good Seabees went on to wreck the rest of the
many troops and we propose to develop island. Merle Duncan helped to bulldoze
the wreckage and other buildings into piles,

Bockscar, USAF Museum. Photo. George A. Larson .

' .........
' .
• J'

Colonel Tibbets on the ground after the A-Bomb mission. Photo. John Vanderuort.

B-291's on Tinian

load the junk into dump trucks, and haul

everything to the cliffs where it was
dumped into the ocean. He calculated that
with the B-29s, buildings, equipment, etc.,
each driver dumped approximately
$ 1 ,000 ,000.00 each day. The once
mighty airdrome lapsed into disuse after
the threat from Japan no longer existed.
George Larson was with the 135th
USNCB on Okinawa when Japan agreed
to stop the war on 14 August 1945. A spe-
cial issue of the 135th 's Scuttle buzz
General Spatz pinning medal on Col. Tibbets after
completion of the A-Bomb mission. Photo. John

135th Seabees onboard U.S.S. Alabama, Mobile Harbor, Mobile. Alabama. 135th Reunion . Photo. George A
Larson .

The Road to Tinian

Th is is "THE " EXTRA! You 've been With the end of the war, the 135th
working for--Japan surrenders tmcondi- USNCB scattered to their homes all over
tional ly!! the States, not meeting until 80 of the
1100 member battalion had their first
When the Second World War ended, the reunion at Mobile, Alabama on 24-25
135th USNCB had been overseas for fif- April 1987 _This has been their story, one
teen months, completing one large con- of skill and dedication to bring the war to
struction project on Tinian enabling the
a quick end. The significance and dedica-
puzzle pieces to come together to end the tion for all those involved on Tinian goes
war: Tinian, the Atomic Bomb, the 509th beyond simple storytelling. These events
Composite Group, the B-29, and the are part of history, which lives on in the
various Seabee construction battalions. lives who made the "Road to Tinian" a



Jack S. Pilkingron to George A. Larson. 9 December
~rtnian Island." The 92nd Island X Press. 17 August 1986. Personal files of George A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
1945 , p. 2.
-Second Anniversary Issue of the 135lh USNCB.-
John Perry, "Resurrection at Sunharon Roads:· Scutllebuu. 23 October 1945. pp. 1 and 3 .
Glimpses of Guam and the Weslem Pacific. 4rh Quarter, 1977.
pp. 62-67. Pilkin3loo to George A. Larson.

Willard Price, "Hidden Key lo lhe Pacific,·· The Interview \vilh George W. Larson
National Geographlc Magazine. June 1942. pp. 761 and 770.
Scuttlebuzz. pp. 3-5.
Frederica M. Bunge. ed., Jcipan: A Counrry Study
(Washington . DC.: United States Government Printing Office, Pilkington to George A. Uirson.
1983), p. 346.
Scuttleb1J2Z, p. 5.
Willard Price. · Mysterious Micronesia... The
National Geographic Magazlne, April 1936. p. 508. Interview with W.P, Guess. Cross Timbers. Mlssourl.
15 .A pril 1986
"Tlnlan is Invaded.· New York Times. 24 July 1944.
pp. 1and8. Pilkington to George A. larsol'I

J oshua I. Tracey et al.. General Geology of Guam. Scuttlebuzz. pp. 6· 7.

(Washington, DC. : Uniled Stoles Government Printing Office,
1964), p. A44 . Interview with George W. Larson.

Carl W. Hoffman, The Seizure of Tinian. Marine U.S. Air Force Museum, (Wri.s&t Pallerson Air Force
Cor-ps Monograph (Washington. DC., United States Government Base: Air Force Museum Foundation. Inc.. l 976). p. 62.
Printing Office, 1951), pp. 4-5, and 8.
Strategic Air Command, History of Building -o··.
Hoffman. The Seizure of Tinian, pp. 3-6. (Offutr Air Force Base Nebraska: Base Printing Office. 1984),
p. 7
Willard Price, "Springboards to Tokyo,· The
National Geographic Magazine. Oct. 1944. pp. 385 and 770. Boeing Historical Service. B-29 Superfortress
(Washington. DC.: National Air and Space Museum. 1977).
Hoffman. The Seizure ofTinian. pp. 8·9, 14-15.
Strategic Air Command, History of Building ..D'",
FrankO. Hough. The Island War, (Philade(phla: p. 8.
J.B. Lippincott Company. 1947), p. 363.
Thomas Collison. The Superforlress Is Born: The
Hoffman. TheSelzureofTinian, p . 16. Story of the Boein.s B -29 (New York: Duell. Sloan, and Pierce.
1945), p. 117.
"Navy Chlefs Cheer Over Marianas Gain." New York
Times, 26 July 1944 . p. 9. "Fonner Employees VJSil Bomber Plant,- Air Pulse,
5 December 1986, p. 7.
Des Moines Regi;ster. 7 December 1941.
Strategic Air Command, History of Building "D",
William Bradford Huie, From Omaha to Okinawa: The p. 9.
Story of the Seabees (New York E.P. Dutton and Company,
Inc., 1945) Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Wrtts, Enola Gay \J'lew
York~ Stein and day. 1977).
Interview with George W. Larson, Altoor1a, Iowa,
26-30 November 198~ Carl Berger, Ballatine·s Illustrated History of

Word War fl. Book 17: We.:ipons. B-29, (New
York: Ballatine Books. 1970). pp. 24 and 150-151. William Draper, " Victory' s Portrait in the
Marianas.· The N<Jlional Geographic Ma8azine. Novembe~ 1945.
Thomas, Enola Gay. pp. 599-600.

Vincent C. Jones. U.S. Army In World War II. f loffman. The Seizure of Tinlan.
Special S~s. Manhatmn: The Army and the Atomic Bomb
{Washington. DC.: United Stales Government Printing Office. Rafael Sieinbetg. Island Fighting-World War II (New
1985). pp. 522-523. York: Time-Ufe Books.. Inc .. 1978). p. 172.

··Earning Our Stripes in America's Defense." Hoffman. The Seizure of Tinian.

Avia\ion Week and Space Technology. November 18, 1985 , pp.
66,67. Joseph C. Grew. "Japan and the Pacific ," The
National Geographic Magazine. July 1944, p. 408.
Jones. U.S. Army in World War II. p. 522.
Hoffman. The Seizure of Tinian.

"Unified U.S. Front Imminent on Guam... New York

CHAPTE.R THREE ENDNOTES Times. 26 July 1944. p. 1.

Car\ W Hoffman, The Seizure of T'nian. Marine Corps Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate. ed .. The
Monograph (Washington. DC.: United States Government Printing Army Air Forces in World War tr. Vol. 4: The Pacific:
GuadaJcanaJ to Saipan. August 1942 to July 1944 (Chicago: The
Offic.e, 1951). University of Chicago Press. 1950). p. 691.

John Costello. The Pacific War (New York: Rawson and "U.S . Carrier Planes Sink 10 Japanese Ships in
Wade, Inc .. 1981). pp. 445 and 447, Carolin<:i5." New York Times, 28 July 1944. p. l .

William K. Johnson. ed., The Boom Dozer: 30th "Guam Invaders- Win Orote Peninsula.·· New York
Special Naval Com.tructlon 'Battalion (Cal\fomia: Port Times. 30 July 1944. p. 16.
Hueneme Naval Printing Office. 1945). p. 515.
Hoffman. The•re of Tinian.
Hoffman, The SeiZUte o[ Tinian.
Jeter A. Isley and Philip A. Crowl. The U.S.
Building the Navy's Bases in World War JI. Vol. II: Marines and Amphibious War: Its Theory and Its Practice in
H!s10~ of the Bureau of Yards and Docks and the Engineer lhe P~cific (Princeton: Prioceton University Press. 1951).
Corps. 1940-1946 (Washington. DC.: Uniled States Government pp, 366-367.

Printing Office, 1947}, p. 359. "Battle of 'Tlniari:· New York Times. 30 July 1944.
p. 16,
Hoffman, The Seizure of Tinian.
HC>ffman, The Seizure of Tinian.
Ronald t-1. Spector. Eagle Against the Sun: The
American War With Japan (New York: Vintage Books. 1985). pp. Moore. '"South From Saipan...

318-319. Philip A . CrO\vl. Campaign In the Marianas. p. 299.

Hoffman. The Seizure of Tinlan. ~conquesl of Tinian Termed Compleie, .. New York
Times. 2 August 1944. p. 5.
Hoffman, The.Seizure or Tinian.
Hoffman. The Seiiure of Tinlan.
W. Robert Moore. "South from Saipan." The National
Geographic Magazine, April 1945. p. 470. · Conquest of Tinian Termed Complete.- pp. 1 and S.

S.E. Smith, ed .. The U.S. Navy in World War II (New Hoffman, The S<?izure of Tinia.n.
York: Wllliam Morrow and Company. Inc., 1966), p. 170.
..Foes Giving Up. Use Babies as Shields:· New York
Hoffman, The Seiz;ure of Tinian. Times. 17 Ausust 1944. p. 10.

Philip A. Crowl. U.S. Army in World War IL War in "Slars and Stripes Raised on Tinian. Mannes Mop
the Pacific, Vol. 9: CampaigT) ln the Marianas (Washington, Up Foes." New York Times. 4 August 1944. p.. 7.
DC.: United States Government Printing Office. 1960). p. 360

Hoffman. The Seizw-e o( Tfnian. Arthur W. Giese.

Edwm P. Hoyt. How They Won 1he War in lhe Pacific George W.!>On.
(New York Weyb1ighl and Tally. 1970).
George W. Larson.
Sam1.1el Eliot Morison. A Shon Hi~lory of the United
States Navy in the Second World War (Ne\V York· Ballanline John R. Wilson 10 George/\. Larson. 12 march 1986
Books. 1972). p. 630.
Tr1.1111an Z. Severson 10 George A. Larson. 27 May
' Japanese at Last Admit of Guam. Tlnii:1n. ·· 1986.
New York 1lmes. l Ocfober 1944. p . 32
Interview \~ith Amon C:Osta. U.rgo. Florida (135th
USNCB Relrnion: Mobile Alabama). 23 /\prll 1987.

Anton Costa.
Interview with Charles Clawson. Pt-yor. Oklahoma
Interview with George W. Larson. Altoona. Iowa. (I 35th USNC6 Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987.
26-30 November 1985.
Interview with Robert. rlouting. Holland. Michigan
Ji,!ck S. Pilkington to George A. Larson. 9 December ( l35lh USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Altibama). 23 April 1987.
1986. Coralville. Iowa.
lntervie1v with George Dehlvang. Minneapclis.
Melville Belle Grosvenor... landing CJ'aft for Minnesotd (1351h USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabarna). 23 April
Invasion.·· The National Geographic Magazine. July 1944. 1987
p . 5.
George W. Larson.
Jack S Pilkioglon.
Interview with Joseph Jasienski. Baule Creek.
.Jack S. pilklngton. Michigan (l 35th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Nabama). 24 April
George W. Larson.
Josepn J<1sienskl.
John Gorley Bunker. Liberty Ships: The Ugly Duckling
ol Wmld War II (Annapolis: Naval lnslilule Press. 1972). George W. Larson.
pp. 6·7. 13 and 250.
George W. Larson.
George W. lar50n.
Interview with Millard Armstrong Malvern. Arkansas
George W Larson. (135rh USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987.

Sarn Savaloro to George A . Larson. 22 October 1986 Truman Z. Severson.

Sam Snvaloro. John R. Wilson.

,Jnck S. Pilkington, Interview with Major Pope. McComb. Mississippi

(1351h USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Al<1bama). 23 /\flril 1987.
,!<>ck S. Pilkington.
ln1erview with John Whiteman. Brown City. Michigan
Guorge W. Larson ( 135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 25 April 1987.

Jacob V.m H~kke, AS$istant Transpor1 Attach<?. Royal John Whiteman.

Netherlands Embassy (USA). to George A. lal'5()n.
I l June 1986. lnlervicw 1~~lh Lawrence Stiintcm. Metropolis.
Illinois ( 135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama}. 23 April
Jtick S. Pilkington. 1987.

George W. Larson. 1..a1Vrence Stanton.

/\rrhur W. Giese to George A. Larson. 13 February George W. Larson.

Harvey Ardman. ··The Seabc(•s in WW2. • The American

Legion Magazine, April 1973, p. 42. ·u.s. Tinian Airport World's Large.~1.~ New York
Times. 17 February 1945. p. 2.
Interview with Philip /\. Pagno. Newark, New Jersey
(135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 22 April 1987. Roben W. Moore. "Soulh from Salpan." The National
Geographic Magazine. April 1945. p. 452.
George W. Larson.
Interview w11h George W. Larson. Altoona. Iowa,
George W. Larson. 26-30 November 1985.

Merle C. Duncan to George A . Larson, 6 May 1986. John R. Wilson to (;eorge A. Larson. 12 March 1986

John R. Wilson. Interview with William Cole. Phoenix. Arizona (135th

USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama), 24 April 1987
John R Wilson.
John R. Wilson.
Interview with John Peterson. Southport. Florida
(135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987. Interview with William Scl1in. Camp Hill.
Pennsylvania (l35th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama).
Interview with Nelson Quackenbush, MoustOJ1, Texas 23 April 1987.
(135th USNCB Reunion: Mcbile. Alabama). 23 April 1987. lnlerview with Christian Fischer. Bellevue.
Michigan. 18 September 1986.
Interview with Howard Stevens. Phoenix. Arizona
(135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987. Arthur W Gtese to George A. Larson. 13 February
1987 .
"Soap as Grandma Made it," Seabee. 2J March 1945,
p. 9. Jack S. Pilkington lo George A Larson, 9 December
Interview with Ralph Ives. Camden. Delaware (l35th
USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987. Interview with Rober1 I-louting, Holland. Michigan
( l 35th USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 23 April 1987.
· Koreaf\S on Tlnlan. Grateful for Uberalion. Give
$666." New Yori\ Times, 5 February 1945. p. 4. Jack S. Pilldnglon

George W Larson. Eric J . Nier. "t-luman Fatigue and the Motivational

Results," The University of Iowa. 1986.
George W. Larson.
·Japanese Damage U.S. Carner Group... New York
George W. La1'SOn. Times, 4 November 1944. pp. 1 and 7.

Anion Cosla. Interview ~vith Warren P. Guess. Cross Timbers,

Missouri. l5 April 1986.
lnle1view with W.S. Eoff. Gall'up. New Mexico (135th
USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Ala!Jama), 25 April 1987. "Four Japilnese Commit Suicide in U.S. Plane," New
York Times, 12 D1?Cl'lmber 1944. p. 13.
lnt,e1vlew wilh Bertram Nagy, Mount Clemens.
Michigan (135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 24 April Merle C. Duncan to George A. Larson. 6 May 1986.
Warren P. Curlis to George A. Larson. 24 March
George W. Larson. 1986.

Merle C. Duncan.


1-larvey Ardman, "The Seabees in WW2," The American f.dmund L. Castillo, The Seabees of World War II
Legion Magazine. April 1973. p. 19. (New York. Random House Press. 1963). pp. 128-129.

Building lhe Navy's Bases In World War II, Vol. 2: ·Tinlan Airstrip Used to Launch Enola Gay: Tropic
1-fislOfy ol the Bureau of Yards and Docks and the Cvil Topics. p. 4.
Engineer Corps. 1940· J 9'16 (Washington. DC.: United States
Governmenl Printing OU\ce. 1947), p. 368. Bullcllng the Navy' s Bases \n World War II, p.363.

Interview with Edward Maki. Friendswood. Texas "Tinian Ai.-Srnp V>ed 10 Launch the Enola Gay. -
(l351h USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama), 24 April 1987.
George W. Larson.
Porl Hueneme, California. Naval Construction
Battahon Center. Of lice of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly John McCarihy to George A Larson. 25 March 1986.
Report of the Activity in the Field. of the 135th U.S. Naval
Constmclion Battalion, "Report to the Chief of the Bureau John T. Mccarthy.
of yards and Docks... 1 January 1945.
George W. Larson.
Interview wilh Charle$ Parker, Tulsa, Oklahoma
(135th USNCB Reunion: MobU'e. Alabama), 24· April 1987. George W. Larson.

Interview with George W. Larson, Alloona. Iowa Interview wilh John Peterson. Southport. Florida
(135lh USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama), 24 April 1987 (1351h USNCB Reunion; Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987 .

"Tinlan Airstrip Used lo Launch Enola Gay. - Interview with Thomas Stringer. Coylest.own.
Pennsyl110nla (135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama)_25 April
"CB. 135," The 135th USNCB Newspaper.
24 December 1943. p. 3. 1987 .

Edmund L. Castillo. Thomas Stringer.

Building the Navy's Bases in World War II. Inlerview with R.A. Bowers. Dallas, Te.xas (135th
USNCB Reunlon: Mobile. Alabama). 25 April 1987,
Edmund L Castillo.
Interview \vith Dwain. Carr. Columbus, Nebraska
· Tinian Airstrip Used to Launch Enola Gay. (135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama}. 224 April 1987.

Building the Navy's Bases in World War II. George W. Larson.

Bulldlng the Navy's Bases in World War II. R.A. Bowers.

•Report 10 the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Wiiiiam Cole.

Docks." 1 Janua1y 1945.
Interview with Ronald Kuhnhem, carroll. Nebraska
Interview with Arihur McCory ( l 351h USNCB Reunion: (135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama), 25 April 1987.
Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987.
Interview \vilh George Oehlvang. Minneapolis,
· Report to the Chief ol the of Yards and Minnesota (13S1h USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 Apiil
Docks,- 1 January 1945. 1987.
George Dehlvang,
"Report to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and
Docks." l February 1945. George W. Larson.

"Tinian Airstrip Used to Launch Enola Gay.'' George W. Larson.

George W. Larson. Elmer F. Goodwin to George A. Larson, 18 June 1986.

·nnlan Used lo Launch Enola Gay." Buildlng the Navy's Bases in World War II.

"Repori to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Interview \vith A.H. ChapMlka. Sruart. Florida. 23
Docks," l January 1945 . May 1986.

BU!ldlng Lhe Navy·s Bases ln World War II. - Pact Gives Islands Better Deal Than They
Bargained For." Des Moines Sunday Register, 17 November
"Seabee Mission is Accomplished," The 92nd Island X 1985. Sec. 3. p. 3A.
Press. 21 September 1945. p. 1.
Edward Maki.
Building the Navy's Bases in World War II.
Edward Maki
Building the Navy's Bases in World War II
Pae! Gives Islands Better Deal Than They

Bargai~d For.·· John A. Bierkan.

··second Anniversal)'. 135th Naval Construction John A. Bierkan.

Battalion. ~ Scuttlebuzz. 23October 1945. pp. 10·12.
Mel F. Ttoop to George A. Larson. 16 July 1987
Interview with W.S. Eoff. Gallup. New Mexico (l35th
USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alal>ama). 25 April 1987. Mel F. Troop.

John R. Wilson. Leo C. Lewis to George A. Larson. 2 May 1986.

Elmer F. Goodwin to George A. Llitson. 18 June 1986. George W. Larson.

Rober! Houting. George W. Larson.

George DehJvang. Arthur W. Giese to George A. Larson. 13 Febl\lary

John L . Hatch to George A. Larson, 18 May 1986.
Truman z. SeversoP; to George A. [Arson. 27 May
George Dehlvang. l986.

J. Donald to George A. Larson. 20 March 1986. Carl Berger; Ballantine·s Illustrated Hist.ory of
World Warll. Book 17. Weapons: B-29 Superiortress (New
E.E. Thoma$ lo John R. Wilson. 6 June 1986. York: B<1llanline Books. 1970). p. llL

E£ Thomas. lnte~~ew with John H. Vandervort. 22 Febn.iary

B.O. Daniels to George A. Larson. 29 August 1986
Steve Birdsall. 8 ·29 Superlortress in Action.
August Buettner to George A. Larson, 8 October (Carrollton. Tex.a.s: Squadron Publications, Inc.. 1977). p.
1986. 31.

George W. Larson.


Hugh B. Cave. We Build. We fighl: The Slovy of the Hugh B. Cave.

Seabecs (New York: H arper and Brothers. 1944). pp. 44-45.
Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cafe. ed .. The
George P. Williams to B. King Martin. 8 July 1986. Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. 5. The Pacilic:
Matterhorn to Nagasaki. June 1944 to August 1945 (Chicago:
George P. Williams. The University of Chicago Press. 1950). p. 707.

George P. Williams. Vincent C. Jones, U.S. Army in World War II.

Special Studies. Manhattan: The Army and the Atomic Bomb
James L. l<\eeley to George A. Larson. 27 May 1986. (Washington. DC. ) United States Government Printing Office.
1985). p. 257.
Interview with George W. Larson. Altoona. lowa.
26·30 November 1985. Herm<1n S. Zqhn to George A, Larson. 27 June 1986.

"B·29 and Crew Adopted.· Scutllel>uzz. 6 April 1945. Wesley Frank Craven. p. 715.
pp. 1 !l.lld 3.
Vincent C. Jones. p. 536.
Jack S. PiU<in.gton to George A. Larson. 9 Decembe1
1986. Richard F. NewCqrnb. Abandon Ship: Qeath of tM
U.S.S. tndlanapolis (New York: Henri,t Holt and Company, 1985).
Harvey Ardman. "The Seabees in VYW2.·• The. American
Legion Magazine. April 1973, p. 39. pp. 33·34. 40-43.

John T. Mccarthy lo George A. Larson, 25 March 1986. Vincent C. Jones, pp. 534 and 536.

John A. Bierkan to George A. Larson, 8 July 1986. Walter Karig: Russel L Harris and Frank A. Manson.
Battle Report, Vol. 5: Victori,t ·in the Pacific (New York:

Rinehart and Company. Inc.. 1949), p. 494 .

RobertJ. Donovan. Conflict and Crisis (New York·

WW. Nortonand Company. 1977). pp. 95-96.

John Toland. The Rising Sun· The Decline and Fall

of the Japanese Empire. 1936-1945 (New York: Random Hoose.

Inc.• 1970). p 874

Gordon Thomas and Max Wills. Enola Gay (New York:

Stein and Day. J 977), p. 2 17

John Toland

Gordon Thomas

"Nimitz Outllnes Nonstop War With Twin Forces

Against Japan:· New York Times, 18 August 1944. p. 7.

Merle C Duncan to George A. urson. 6 May 1986.

George W Larson.

" Here's Where Pacific Seabees Were When theJaps

Gave Up." Seabee. 29 August ] 945. p. 3.

Selected Bibliography
DC: Nillfonal Air and Space Museum. 1977 .

Bc;iwers, R. A. Dallas. Texas, Interview (135th USNCB

Ardman. Marvey, -The Sealx.>es 111 wwz.- The Amem:an Legion Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 25 April 1987_
Magazine. Af)ril J 973. pp. 18-22. 38-40. 42-44.
"Bn1sh Now Grows on R1mways of Once-Mighty U,S. Air Base:
Armstrong. Mill<lfd. Malvern, Arkansas. Interview O 35th San Jose Mercury News. 26 September 1965. pp. 1 and 3.
Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987.
"Bltilding D Typifies Clmllenge. Succ~ ... Air Pulse. 5
A11hur W. Giesii to George A. Larson. I 3 Febr1111ry l qg7 _ July 1985. P. 14.
Personal riles o! George /\. Larson, Coralvllle, Iowa.
Building Lhe Navy·s Bases in World War II. Vol. 2: History
August Buellner to Go.¢rge A. Larsol), S Oclober l 98b. of the Bureau ol Yards 1ln<l Docks and the Civil
Personal files 6! George A. Larso11, Coralville. Iowa. Engineer Corps. l 940"1946. Washington, DC: Unltl?d
Stal~ Government Printing Office. 1947.
Aviation A.V. Library. Tiie Air Force Story. Chapter XXI:
S uperTort , /\ugusl 1943·June 1944. Bunge. Frederica M.. ed. ,Japan: A Cotmtry Swdy. Washington,
DC: United States Government Printing OHrc:e. 1983.
··B-29 and Crew Adopted." Sculllebuz?.. 6 April J<Vi5. pp. I
;.ind 3, Bunker. John Gorley, Liberty Ships: The Ugly Duckling of
World War II. Annapolis: Naval lnstitult! Press. l972,
B·29 Superforlres~ . Morton Grove, fl: Monogram Models. hie .
"C B. 135.• TI\e (Unnamed 1.35th USNCB Newspapc1)
1977. 24 December 1943, p. 3 .

B, King Mai·tin lo George A, Larson, 21 July 1986, Personal Carr. Dwain. Columbus, Nebraska. Interview (135th USNCB
files o( Gcmrge A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa. Rettrlion: Mobile. Alabama), 24 /\pril I 987.

B. Q _ Daniels to George A. Larson, 29 AUgl•st J 986. Persomil -Carriers Strike al Camon: Bag 87 Planes in Wide Blows. -
files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa, New York nmes. 17 January 1945. p. 4_

"Battle of Tlnian." New York Times, 30 July 1944 , p. 16_ Castillo. Edmund L.. Commander. USN. The Seabees of World
War II. New York: Random House Press. 1963.
Berger. Carl. Ballantine's Illustrated 1-Hslory of World War
II. Book 17: Weapons, B-29 Superfortress. New York: Cave, Hugh 8. We Build, We Rght: The Story of the Se<1bees.
Ballantine Books_1970. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944.

Bill Weidi11ger to George A. Larson. 8 October 1986. Personal Cavendish, Marshall. Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War
U. Vol. 19: Central Pacific.. n1e Firs! Battles. New
fifes of George A. Larson, Coralville, Iowa. York: Mm·shall Cavendish Corporation, 1972_

Birdsall. Steve. B·29 Superlortress in Action. Carrollton. Cecil C. Evans to George A . Larson. 4 May 1986. Pers1mal
Texas: Squadron Publications. Inc., 1977. files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.

Birdsall. Sleve. Saga of lhe Superfortress: The Dramatic "Celebration of Peace." Des Moines Regis1er. 8 November
SWy of the B-29 and the Twentieth Air Force. New 19$5, p, 9.
Yori<: Doubleday and Company, Inc.. 1980.
Chappelka. A. 1-1 . Stuart. Florida. Interview. 23 May 1986.
Bob Allen to George A. Larson. 20 January 1987, Personal
files of George A. Larson, Coralville, Iowa.. Charles D. McMan1.1s to George A. Larson. 17 March 1986.
Pe1·sonal files o( George A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
Boeing Historical Services. B-29 Superforlress. Washington.

Charles E. Grassley, U.S. Senator (Iowa). to Do11ald Swanson, York Times, 9July1944. pp. 1 and 24,
30 April 1986. Personal flies of George A. Larson,
Coralville, Iowa. Don Godshall, Jr.. to George A. Larson. 13 November 1986
Persomll files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Charles E. Hosier to George A. Larson, 15 March 1986,
Personal files of George A. Larson. Coralville, Iowa. Donovan. Robert J . Conmct and Crisis. New York: W.W.
Norton and Company. 1977.
Charles F. Erb, Jr,. Major, U.S. Air Corps, to George Rezac,
Commander, 38th Naval C-0nstrudion Battalion. 15 June Draper: William, UVictory·s Portrait in !he Marianas...
1945. Pe.rsonal files of George A. Larson, Coralville. The National Geographic Magaiine, November 1945. pp.
Iowa. 599-600.. Plates I through XVI.

Cherenko. Konstantin: Gromyko. A.: Gorbachev. M.: Tikhonov, E.. E. Thomas-to John R. Wilson. 6 June 1986. Personal
N.; Ustinov, 0.: and Pomomarev, B. The Soviets Want files of George A. Larson , Coralville, Iowa.
Peace. New York: lntern;:ilional Publishers. 1985.
"Earning Our Stripes in America's Defense:· Aviation
Clawson, Charles. Ptyor, Oklahoma. Interview (135th USNCB Week and Spac~ Technology. November 18. 1985.
Reunion: Mobile. Alabama), 23 April 1987. pp. 66-67_

Cote. William. Phoenix. Arizona. Interview (135th USNCB Edmund D. Plisek lo George A. Larson. 18 May 1986. Personal
Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 24 April. 1987. files of George A. Larwn. Coralville. Iowa.

Collison, Thomas. The Superfortress is Born: The Story of Elmer F. Goodwin to George A. Larson. 18 June 1986. Personal
lhe Boein,g B-29. New York: DueU. Sloan. and Pierce. files of George A. Larson. Coralville, lovJa.
Emmy Granger to George A. Larson. 25 January 1987. Personal
"Conque:.i of Ttnian Termed Complete." New York Times, 2 files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
August 1944, pp 1 and 5.
Enola Gay. Viacom lniernational, 1980.
Costa. Anton. Largo. Aor1da. Interview ( 135th USNCB
Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987. "Entertainment." Des Mo'ines Register, 7 December 1941 .

Costello. John. The PocTiic War. New York: Rawson and Wade. Eoff. W.S . Gallup. New Mexico. Interview (135th USNCB
Inc.. 1981. Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 25 April 1987.

Craven, Wesley Frank, and James Lea Cate, ed, The Army Air Ernie Aslakson to George A. Larson. 13 November 1986.
Porci?S in World War II. Vol. 4: The Pacific: Personal files of George A. Larson. Coralville, lowa.
Guadalcanal to Saipan, August 1942 to July 1944.
Chic<190: The University o f Chlcago Press, 1950. Fahey. James J . The Pacific War Diary; 1942-1945. Bostonr
H0ughton Mifflin Company, 1963.
Craven, Wesley Prank. and James Lea Cate. ed. The Army Afr
Forces in World War II, Vol. 5 : The Pacific: Fischer. Christian. Bellevue, Michigan. Interview.
Matterhorn to Nagasaki. June 1944 to August 1945. 18 September 1986.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1950.
"Five Japanese Ships are Sunk in Bonins. 27 are Damaged.-
C~ell, Mike. "Guam: Where America's Day Begins... The New York Times. 7 July 1944. pp. 1 and 8 .
Commission, April 1986, Pt>· 38-51.
Crowl, Philip A. U.S. Army in World War 11, War in the "Foe Hits Saipan Again." New York Tlmes. L December 1944,
Padfic. Vol. 9: Campaign in the Marianas. p, 5.
Washington. DC: United S tates Government Printing
Office, 1960. "Foes Giving Up, Use Babies as Shields.·· New York Times,
17 Altgust 1944. p. 10.
David W. Schm to George A. Larson, 26 January 1987.
Personal files of George A. Larson, Coralville, Iowa. "Former Employees Visit Bomber Plant." Air Pulse,
5 December 1986. p . 7 .
Dehlvang, George. Minneapolis, Minnesota. lnte1view (13Sth
USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 23 April 1987. "Four Japanese Commit Sulckle in U.S. Plane:· New York
Times. 12 December 1944. p. 13.
Delaney, John. Sarasota, Florida. Interview (!35th USNCB
Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 24 April 1987. Fred Detering to George A. Larson. 22 March 1986. Personal
files al George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
··Desperate Japanese Lunge a Mile Out of Saipan Trap.'' New

"Gains on Guam." New York Times". 24 July 1944. p. 8.
Hough, Frank 0 . The Island War. Philadelphra: J . B.
George E. Murphy to George A. Larson. 27 February 1987. Lippincott Company. 1947.
Personal lites of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Hauling. Robert. Holland. Michigan. Interview (l35lh USNCB
George M. Watrous to George A. Larson. 15 April 1986. Reunion: Mobile, Alabama). 23 April 19$7.
Personal files of Geo1-ge A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Hoyt. Edwin P. How They Won the War in the Pacific. New
George P. Wi!Hams, Cot . USAF (R£t .) to B. Klng Martin. York: Weybrighl and Tally. 1970.
8 July 1986. Personal files of George A. Larson.
Coralville. Iowa. Huie. William Bradford. From Omaha 10 Okinawa: The Story of
lhe Seabees. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company.
Grew. Joseph C. ~Japan and lhe Pacific ... The National Inc .. 1945.
Geographl~ Magazine, July 1944. pp. 385-414.
Huntington, Tom. "Prese1ve and Protect... Air and Space,
Grosvenor. Melville Belle. "Landing Cra!t for fnvasion.'' December 1986/January 1987. p. 29.
The National Geographic Magazine, July 1944.
pp. l lhrough 30. Isley. Jeler A.. and Philip A. Crowl. TI1e U.S. Marines and
Amphibious War; Hs TI1eory and its Practice in the
·•Guam Invaders··Win Orote Peninsula... New York Times. Pacilic. Princeton: Princeton U11iversity Press. 1951.
30 July 1944. pp. l and 16.
Ives. Ralph. Camden. Dela\vare. lnte1view (135th USNCb
Guess. W. P. Cross Timbers, Missouri. lnlerview. 15 April Reunion: Mobile. Alabama)'. 24 April 1987.
J. A. BondLtrant to George A. Larson. 8 June l986. Personal
Hal E. Goodyear to George A. Larson. 19 March 1986. Personal files ol George A. Larson. Coralville, Iowa.
!iles of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
,J. Donald lo George A. Larson. 20 March 1986. Personal
"Half of Tinian is Ovemin by Marines." New York Times. files of George A. Larson, Coralville, Iowa .
29 July 1944. pp. I and 5.
Jablonski, &kvard, ed. America in the Air War. Virginia:
"Happy New Year! Cane Fie1d Tent, Big Town: · Sc.uttlebuzz, Time·Life Books, 1982.
1 Jam1a1'Y 1945. pp. 1 and 2.
Jack Delany to George W. Larson. 16 December 1986. Personal
Harwood. R. Frank. "Hell's Belle-Missions 19 (Tokyo) and files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
22 (Osaka); Two Memorable Incendiary Missions.··
Aerospace Historian. March 1985. pp. 20-24. Jack S. Pilkington to George A. Ulrson. 9 December 1986_
Personal liles of George A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
"Here's Where Pacific Seabees Were When lheJaps Gave Up.··
Seabee, 29 August 1945, p. 3. Jacob Van Hekke. Assistant Transport Attache. Royal
Netherlands Ernbas~-y (USA} to George A. Larson, 11 Jun~
Herman S. Zahn lo George A. Larson. 27 Jurie 1986. Personal l 986. Personal liles of George A. Larson. Coralvill~.
files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa. Iowa.

Herman S. Zahn. J r., Secretary. 509th Composite Group (VH). Jafolla. Guido. Iron Mountain, Michigan. lntel'View (135th
t·o George A. Larson. 17 November 1986. Personal USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 25 April 1987.
files of George A, Larson. Coralville, IOVJa.
James Fo1Teslal to George W. Larson. 14 January 1946.
Hermann. William A.. ed. 2nd Saga of the 38NCB. Personal mes of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.

Hilda Ellis to George A. Larson. l May 1986, Personal James L. Keeley to George A. Larson. 27 May 1986. Personal
files of George A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa. tiles of George A. Larson. COTalville. fow<1 .

Hill. Dr. H. Monte. "The Downfall of Marcos:· Air "Japan Sun·enders." Scuttlebuzz. 14 August 1945.
U\'livershy Review. March-April 1986, pp. 72·81.
~Japanese al Last Admit Conquest of Guam. Tinian." New
Hoffman. Cad W. The Seizure ol Tinian. Marlne Corps York Times. l October. 1944. p. 32.
Monograph. Washington. DC: United States Government
Printing OHice, 1951. •Japanese Damage U.S. Carrier Group: New York Times.
4 November 1944. pp. l and 7.
Hosier, Cha.rles E. Des Moines, Iowa. Interview, 20 March ~Japanese Pu$hed into Tip Q{ Tinian." New York Times.
1986. 31 July1944. p. 7.

21July 1944 . p. 7.
•J(lpanese Strike a t Base of B-29s. - New York Times.
29 December 1944. p. 6. Larson. George A. 8-29 Bockscar. Personal Photo Collection.
Air Force Museum. 11 April 1986
Jasienskl, Joseph Suttle Creek, Michigan. Interview
(1 35th USNCB Reunion; Mobile. Alabama). 24 Aprll 1987. Larson. George A , "Tmian Revisited... Glimpses of Guam and
Micronesia. June 1987.
John A. Bierl\an. Lt. Col.. USAF (Ret.) to George A. Larson.
8 JUiy 1986. Personal liles of George A. Larson. Larson. George W. Altooni:i. lowei. Interview, 26-30
Coralville, Iowa. November 1985.

John A. Livecchi. Sr.. to George A. Larson. 10 September Larson, George W. Altoona. lolva. Interview (1351h USNCB
1986. Personal liles of George A. Larson. Coralville. Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987.
Lahman. John. '1l1e 600-Ship Navy. " Defense 86. January/
John C. Costello lo George A . Larson, 3 August 1986. February 1986. p. 15.
Personal files of George A. Larson. CoralVille, Iowa.
Leo C. Lewis to George A, Larson, 2 May 1986. Personal
John E. Wick lo George A. Larson, 23 April l 986. Personal Illes of George A, Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
files ol George A. Larson. Cornlville. Iowa.
Lel'oy Belding t9 George A. Larson, 15 October 1986.
John L. I latch lo George A. Larson. 18 May 1986. Personal P<m•onal rues ol George A. Larson, Coralville, Iowa.
!iles of George A, Larson. Coralvllle, Iowa.
Life's Picture History ol World War ll. New York: Time,
John O'Neil lo GC!orge A. Lamn. 25 March 1986. Personal Incorporated. 1950.
files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Maki. Edward. Friendswood. Texus. Interview ( l 35th USNCB
John R. Wilson to George A. Larson. 12 March 1986. Person<>I Reunion: Mobile. Alabuma). 24 Aprll 1987.
files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Manning. Roben A. " Philippines: U.S. al Risk." U.S. News
John T. McCarthy to George A. Larson, 25 March 1986. and World Report, February 1986. pp. 29-33.
Personal files of George A Larson. Coralville, lown,
"Marcos-Acqulno Race Crucial to U.S." The Dally Iowan.
John V. Fels to George A. Larson, 26 Augi.1sl 1986. Personal 7 February 1986. p. BA.
file~ of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
"Mannes Close on Guam Air Poli: Win Fourt h or Tinian."
Johnson. Wnllam K., ed. The Boom Dozen 30th Special New YOik Times. 27 July 1944, pp. 1 and 8.
Naval Construction Battalion. California: Port
Hueneme Naval Printing Oflice. 1945. Martln Ballweg lo George A. Larson. 21 June 1986. Personal
files of George A . Larson, Coralville, Iowa.
Jones. Jcmes. World War 11 ~ A Chronicle of Soldiering.
New York: Ballanrine Books, 1976. McCrory. Arthu1. Interview (1 35th USNCB Reunion: Mobile,
Alabamo), 24 April 1987.
Jones. Vinceni C U.S. Army in World War II. Special
Stuclies. Monhaltan: The Army and lhe Atomic Bomb. McDonald, Winiam. Clinton. Mississippi. lnte1vlew (135th
Washington. DC: United Stales Govemmenl Printing USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama!, 25 Aprll 1987.
omce. 1985.
Mel F. Troop lo George A. Larson, 16 July 1986. Personal
Karig, Walter; Russel L Harris: and Frank A. Manson. flies of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Battle Report. Vol. 5: Victory in ihe Pacific. New
York: Rinehart and Company, Inc .• 1949. Merle C. Duncan to George A. Larson. 6 May 1986. Personal
Illes ol George A. Larson, Coralvtlle. Iowa .
.. l{ol'eans on Tlnlan. Grateful for Liberation, Give $666."
New York Times. 5 February l 945, p. 4. Milo J, Nelson to George A. Larson. 14 May 1986. Personal
Illes of George A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
Kuhnhem. Ronald. Can·oU, Nebraska. Interview (135lh
USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama), 25 April 1987, Monday, David, ed. The International Encyclopedia or
Aviation. New York: Crown Publishers. Inc.. 1977.
Ladendeckar. Gilbert. Metropolis. Illinois. Interview
(135th USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987. Moore, W. Robert. "South from Saipan." The National
Geographic Magazine. Aprll 1945. pp. 441-474.
~Land-&sed Planes Shike at Bonins. • New York Times.

Morison. Samuel Eliot. The Histoiy of the United States Parnsh. Thomas. ed. The Simon and Schuster Encydopedi<1. of
NaVill Operations in World War II. Vol. 8: New Guinea World War ll. New York: Simon and Schuster, 197 8-
and the Marianas, March 1944 lo August 1944. Boston:
Little, Brown. and Company, 1953. Pat Truman Z. Severson. Jr., USMCR, to Truman Z. Severson.
USNCB (Tinlan), 21 May 1945. Personal files of George
Morison. Samuel Eliot. A Shott History of lhe United States A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Navy in the Second World War. New York: Ballantine
Books. 1972. Pat Truman Z. Severson. Jr., USMCR, to Truman Z. Severson,
USNCB (Tinian}. 12 June 1945. Personal files ol George.
Nagy, Bertram. Mount Clemens, Michigan. Interview (135th A. Larson, Coralville. Iowa.
USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 24 April 1987 .
Pat Truman Z. Severson. Jr.. USMCR. to Tniman Z. Severson.
Naval Analysis Division. 111e Campaigns of the Pacific War: USNCB (Tlnian), 13 July 1945. Personal files of George
United Stales Strategic Bombing Survey. New York: A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Greenwood Press, 1969.
Paul C. Gillette to George W. Larson. 10 March 1948. Personal
Naval Mistorical Center. Itinerary of the 13Sth Naval files oi George A. Larson. CoraJville. Iowa.
Construction Battalion. Washington. DC, Department or
the Navy. 1945. Paul Hille'?' lo George A. Larson. 17 February 1.987. Personal
files of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
"Navy Blasts Guam !or 2nd Day in Row." New Yorl< Times,
19 July 1944, p. 9. "Pentagon Values Philippines Bases." Iowa City Press Citizen,
3 March 1986. Sec. A. pp. lA and 10A.
"Navy Chiefs Cheer Over Marianas Gllin." New York Time~.
26 July 1944. p. 9. Perry. John. ''Resurrection at Sunharon Roads." Glimpses
of Micronesia and the We.stern Pacific. 4th Quarter.
"Navy Units Step Up Shelling of Guam... New York Times, 1977. pp. 62-67. 78-79.
12 July 1944. p. 10.
Peterson. John. Southport. Florida. Interview (135th
Newcomb, Rlchard F. Abandon Ship: Death of the U.S.S. USNCB Reunion: Mobile, Alabama), 24 April 1987
Indianapolis. New York: Henry Holl and Company. l 958.
Pictorial History of lhe Second World War. Vol. VI:
N1er, El,"ic J . "Human Fatique and the MotWational Results." Battle Statiorts, Your Navy in Action. New York: WM.
Rese<1rch Paper {Unpublished). The University of Iowa. H. Wise and Company, !tic. 1948.
Nimitz. Chester W.. USN. "Your Navy as Peace Insurance: Pictorial History of the Second World War. Vol. VD:
The National Geographic Magazine. June 1946. pp. Bombs Away, Your Air Force in Action. Ne\v York: WM.
681-736. H . Wise and Company, Inc., 1949.

~Nimitz Eyes
Bases Closer to Japan." New York Tlmes, Pope, Major. McComb. Mississippi. Interview (135th USNCB
31 December 1944, p. 14_ Reunion: Mobile, Alabama), 23 April 1987.

''Nimitz Outlines Nonstop War with Twin Forces Against Japan. ~ Port Hueneme. California. N1wal Construction Battalion
New York Times. 18 August 1944, pp. 1 and 7. Center. Oflice of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Repon:
of the Activity in the Field, of the 1351h U.S. Naval
One Hundred Tenth Naval Construction Battalion. Contract Construction Battalion, "Report to the Chief of the
Completed. 1943-1945. Balon Rouge: Army and Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks.'' 8 December 194.4.
Pictorial Publishers. 1945.
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Operatron Victory: Winning the Paciffc War. New York: G. P. Center. Office ol NAVFAC Hfstorian. Monthly Report
Pl1lnam's Sons. 1968. of the Aclivily in the Field. of the 135th U.S. Naval
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"Pact Gives Islands BeUer Deal Than They Bargained For." Bureau of Yards and Docks," 1 January 1945.
Des Moines Sunday Register. 17 November 1985. Sec. 3.
p.3A. Port Hueneme, California.. Naval Constr\.Jction Battalion
Center. Office of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Report
P~ano, Philip. Newark. New Jersey. Interview (135th USNCB of the Activity in lhe Field. of the 13Sth U.S. Naval
Reunion: Mobile. Alabam<,1). 22 April 1987. Construction Battalion. "Repart lo the Chief of the
Bureau of Yard~ and Docks," 1 February 1945.
Parker, Charles. Tuls(I, Oklahoma. Interview (135th USNCB
Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 2A April 1987. Port Hueneme, CalHomia. Naval Construdi.on Battalion
Center. Office of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Report

of the Activity in the field, of the 135tl1 U.S. Naval
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Bureau of Yards and Docks.- 1 April 1945. Temple City. California; Historical Aviation Album.
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Center. Office of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Repon Saipan and Tinian (Map). Washington. DC: Defense Mapping
of the Activity in the Field. of the 135th U.S. Naval Agency Hydrographlc Center. 1978.
Construction Battalion. "Report to !he Chief of the
Bureau of Yatds and Docks." 1 May 1945. Sam Savaloro to George A. Larson. 22 October 1986. Personal
Oles of George A. Larson. Coralville. Iowa.
Pert Hueneme. California. Naval Construdion Battalion
Center. Office of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Repon Satterfield. Archie. The rfome Front An Oral History of the
of the Activity ln the Reid, of the l35th U.S. Naval War Years in America. 1941-1945. Chicago: Playboy
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Bureau of Yards and Docks.- 1June1945.
Schln. WUliam. Camp Hill. Pennsylvania. Interview (l35th
Port Hueneme, Califomia. Naval Construction Battalion USNCB Reunion: Mobile. Alabama). 23 April 1987.
Center. Office of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Report
of lhe Activity ih the Field. of the 135lh U.S. Naval -Seabee Mission is Accomplished.·· The 92nd Island X Press,
Construclion Battalion, "Report lo the Chief of the 21September1945. p. 1.
Bureau of Yards arid Docks,· l July 1945.
-Second Anniversary. 135th Naval Const:rvction Baualion. •
Port Hueneme, California. Naval Construction Battalion Scuttlebuzz, 23 October 1945, pp. 1·16.
Center. Ortke of NAVFAC Historian. Monthly Report
of the Activity in the Reid. of the 135th U.S. Naval "Shipwrecked Seabees Saved. - Seabee. 29 August l 945. p. 12.
Construction Battalion. ··Report to the Chief of tJ1e
Bureau o[ Yards and Docks: ' 1August1945. Sidney N. Morch to Captain John A. Bierkan. 7 September
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Price, Willard. "Hidden Key to the Pacific.·· The Nat,lonal Iowa.
Geographic Magaiine. June 1942. pp. 759- 785.
Skog, Gordon. Vulcan, Michigan. Interview (135th USNCB
Price. WUlard. "Mysterious Micronesia.·· The National Reunion~ Mobile. Alabama). 25 April 1987.
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