05 - Organisational Behaviour

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Course Objectives

1. To translate organizational behaviour theory to practices that result in organizational

effectiveness and efficiency.

2. To provide an understanding of the concept of Organisational culture, its importance on job

satisfaction, influence on Employees Behaviour.

3. To understand and manage individual, group and organizational behaviour and concepts
Including attitudes, personality, perception, motivational theories and leadership.

4. To understand group behaviour in organizations and managing stress and conflict.

Pre Requisites

1. Basic understanding of Management and how an organization operates.

2. Basic understanding of Principles and Practices of Management.
3. Must possess a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized University.
4. More than average communication skills and ability to read/write English.

Course Description

Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of the way people interact within groups. This study
is applied in an attempt to create more efficient business organizations. It is oriented toward
developing a better understanding of human behaviour and using that knowledge to help people
be more productive and satisfied in organizational settings. Organizational Behaviour is applied
in an attempt to create more efficient business organizations. OB theories are used for human
resource purposes to maximize the output from individual group members. Findings from
organizational behaviour’s body of research can be used by Executives and HR professionals
better understand a business’ culture, how that culture may facilitate or hinder productivity and
employee retention and how to best evaluate candidates skill set and personality during the hiring

1. Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour (4.5 Hours)

(a) Definition, concept, challenges & opportunities (1 Hour)

(b) Models of OB- Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial and System Model
(3 Hours)
(c) Dependent and Independent variables (0.5 Hours)

Case Study Presentation –I


2. Understanding and Managing Behaviour (15.5 Hours)

(a) Individual Behaviour

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(b) Personality (3.0 Hours)

(i) Concept and nature of personality

(ii) Determinants of personality

(iii) Sigmund Freud: Iceberg & Psycho analytic theory of Personality

(iv) Big Five model and MBTI

(v) Personality traits affecting Organizational Behaviour

(vi) Personality traits affecting OB: the dark triad: Machiavellianism,

Narcissism, Psychopathy. Core Self Evaluation, Self-Monitoring, proactive
personality, locus of control, Self Esteem, self-efficacy, personality Type:
A and B, Risk Taking.

(c) Learning. Definition (3 Hours)

(i) Concept and process of learning

(ii) Theories of Learning: Conditioning, Classical and Operant, Conditioning

(iii) Shaping behaviour: Types & Schedules of Reinforcement

(d) Attitudes (2.5 Hours)

(i) Definition & components of attitude and job satisfaction /employee


(ii) Attitude behaviour relationship

(iii) Types of attitudes

(iv) Employee Attitudes-Organization Commitment, Organisational

citizenship behaviours

(v) Effects of Employee Attitude

(vi) Changing Employee Attitude and psychological contract

(vii) Attitude behaviour relationship

(e) Perception, Attribution and Emotional Intelligences (2.5 Hours)

(i) Definition and Perpetual Process and Perception Selectivity

(iii) Fundamental of attribution & theory of attribution & errors of attribution

(a) Fundamental attribution error

(b) Self-serving bias

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(c) Halo Effect/Horn Effect
(d) Stereotyping, Contrast effect
(f) Motivation (1 Hours)

(i) Definition, Classification of motives, Concept of Motivation and overview

(ii) Theories of Motivation- Early theories: Hierarchy of needs, Two-factor

theory, McClelland's theory of Needs. Alderfer’s Theory.

(iii) Contemporary theories of motivation: Self-determination Theory, Goal-

setting theory, Self-efficacy theory, Reinforcement theory, Expectancy theory and
Equity theory.

(iv) Applications: Job Characteristics model, Job redesign, Alternative work

arrangements and Using rewards and benefits to motivate employees

Case Study Presentation –II


3. Group Dimension of Organizational Behaviour (7.5 Hours)

(a) Group Dynamics (1.5 Hours)

(i) Concept, Types of Group and Group development Stages

(b) Team Dynamics (1.5 Hours)

(i) Concept, Types of team- Team vs. group.

(ii) Properties of groups: Role, Norms, Status, Size, Cohesiveness, Diversity.

(d) Managing Conflicts (2.5 Hours)

(a) Conflict in Organization, Managing Conflicts

(b) Sources of conflicts, interpersonal, organisational, constructive and

destructive. (functional and dysfunctional)

(c) Sources of conflicts

(d) Managing Conflicts: Five conflict resolution strategies.

(e) Johari Window

(f) Transactional Analysis

(f) Definition -Stress Management (1.5 Hours)

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(i) Causes of stress

(ii) Work Stressors and its impact on outcomes

(iii) Coping strategies of stress

(g) Politics and power; Bases of Power (0.5 Hours)

Case Study Presentation –III

Class Test (20 Marks): (It covers from Topic/Unit no 1 to 3 of the syllabus)
4. Organisational Culture (2.5 Hours)

(a) Defining culture, characteristics of culture and functions (1 Hour)

(b) Defining culture: characteristics and types of culture. Edgar Schein's Iceberg
model, Functions, asset, liability, creating and sustaining culture, Shaping culture,
socialisation and individualisation model
(1.5 Hours)
Case Study Presentation –IV



5. Organisational Change & Development (3 Hours)

(a) Nature, Importance & process of organisational change (1 Hour)

(b) Types, forces for change in organisations, Resistance to change (1 Hour)

(c) Organisational Development, OD Interventions (0.5 Hours)

(d) Leadership Trait Theories, Behavioural theories, Contingency approaches: Fiedler

model, Situational Leadership, Path goal theory, leader participation model (0.5 Hours)

Contemporary issues on leadership: LMX Theory, Charismatic leadership, Transactional

and Transformational leadership, Responsible leadership, Positive leadership, Servant

Case Study Presentation –V

Total (33 Hours)
Text Book

1. Organizational Behaviour by Stephen P Robbins, Judge, Vohra, Pearson publishers, 15th

edition; ISBN: 978-93-325-0033-4.

2. Management and Organisational Behaviour (Text, Cases & Games) by P Subba Rao
ISBN: 978-93-5367-074-0.

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Reference Book

1. Organizational Behaviour, K. Aswathappa, 12th Revised Edition, Himalaya Publishing

House; ISBN: 978-93-5202-065-2.

2. Organisational Behaviour, Fred Luthans, 12th edition; McGraw Hill; ISBN: 978-1-25-

3. Organisational Behaviour, John W Newstrom 12th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill; ISBN: 0-

4. Organisational Behaviour, L.M. Prasad Sultan Chand & Sons, ISBN: 81-8054-478-8

5 Organisational Behaviour, Pardeep Kumar, KS Thakur, ISBN: 978-93-81505-09-0,

Wisdom Publication

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