Model Answer

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The graph below shows how elderly people in the United States

spent their free time between 1980 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons where relevant.

 Model answer
This graph shows the kinds of activities done by old people in their spare
time, covering a period from the 1980s to now in the United States. We
can see that generally the activities listed have been increasing in
popularity amongst the elderly, with hiking increasing steadily throughout
the years, and watching TV being the most popular overall.

In the 1980s, nearly all activities were growing in popularity. The only
activity which was becoming less popular over these years was going to
the theatre. Going to the theatre declined steeply from 50% to 30%.

This changed in the 1990s, and going to the theatre became more
popular, whereas reading saw a dramatic drop in popularity. The number
of people doing all other activities increased.

This century, hiking, reading, going to the theatre and surfing the
Internet have all been increasing in popularity. However, watching TV
has been decreasing in popularity. Despite this, watching TV is still the
second most popular activity nowadays amongst this group. Most elderly
people are hiking nowadays in their spare time.

(174 words)
The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in
the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer

These two pie charts show the differences between two groups of Canadians (25 to
35 and 45 to 55 year olds) in terms of their post-school qualifications.

The first point to note is the huge increase in the number of people with
qualifications. The younger group is more than two times bigger than the older group
(515,600 compared to 213,400).

Comparing the two groups, Humanities and Nursing have experienced an increase
in popularity with older graduates; Nursing rose by 4%. However, the biggest gain
was made by engineering, which increased from 9% to 19% of the whole.

Some subjects were more popular with the younger age group. The biggest loss in
graduate numbers were to Science, Maths and Computers which, as a group, have
decreased by 8%. Administration has declined by 4%.

To sum up, the graphs show a more than twofold increase in the number of
graduates. The most noticeable change in subject percentages is the increase in the
number of engineering graduates.

(164 words)
The table below shows the results of surveys in 2005, 2010

and 2015 about McGill University.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the

main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The table shows the change in attitude, over ten years, of
students at McGill University to different aspects of its
academic provision.
Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for
student services. There was a sharp increase in the number of
students giving these services a good rating, particularly in the
first five years: from 54 percent in 2005, to 81 percent in 2010,
and 95 percent in 2015. There was also an overall
improvement in ratings for teaching quality, though the increase
was relatively small (74 percent in 2005 rising to 78 percent in
2015) and there was a decline in the interim (72 percent in
2010). There was also a fluctuation in attitudes to library
resources, rising from 86 percent to 88 percent in the first five
years and then falling by one percent in 2015. Good ratings for
the university’s sports and social facilities were identical
throughout, at 65 percent. Finally, there were poor ratings at
the beginning of the period for the range of modules offered (39
percent in 2005) and they got worse, falling steadily to 31
percent in 2010 and 25 percent in 2015.
(193 words)
The bar chart gives information about the number of car journeys into the city

centre made by residents and non-residents.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and

make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer

The graph shows the number of car journeys into the city centre made by residents
and non-residents over a ten year period. In 1996 an average of just under 10,000
journeys per day were being made by residents, while approximately half that
number were made by non-residents. Over the subsequent three years, resident
journeys remained reasonably stable, while non-resident journeys increased each
year, exceeding 8,000 per day in 1999.

In early 2000, parking meters were introduced into the city centre, and this had the
effect of virtually halving resident traffic, although non-resident traffic decreased only
slightly. By the end of 2002, the number of resident journeys had not altered
significantly, but non-resident journeys had risen to their 1999 level. At this point,
Westgate Street and Park Lane were pedestrianised. This resulted in a dramatic
decline in non-resident traffic, and a slight decrease in resident traffic. From this
point onward, resident traffic remained more or less at the same level, while non-
resident traffic resumed its upward trend, reaching nearly 5,000 journeys per day in

(174 words)
The maps below show the changes that have taken place at Queen Mary

Hospital since its construction in 1960.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and

make comparisons where relevant.


The diagrams show Queen Mary Hospital at three different stages in its
development: 1960, 1980 and 2000.

In 1960, the hospital was built close to a main road and next to a shopping centre. A
large area behind the hospital was turned into a car park, while the area behind the
shopping centre was farmland.

By 1980, the shopping centre had been demolished in order to make way for two
additional hospital building which became a pharmacy and a cancer centre.
Furthermore, the hospital gained the farmland and converted it into a nursing school.

In 2000, the main hospital building remained unchanged but the cancer centre was
extended to cover the entire nursing school. As a result of this, the original car park
was divided into two so that it provided a smaller car park and a small nursing

During this period, the hospital has increased in size and, in addition to a new
nursing school, a cancer centre has been created and extended. Hence the capacity
of the car park has been reduced by a half.

(178 words)
The diagram below shows the production of steam using a gas cooled nuclear


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and

make comparisons where relevant.

el answer

A gas-cooled nuclear reactor consists of the reactor itself and a heat exchanger. The
reactor contains uranium fuel elements which are surrounded by graphite
moderators and topped by charge tubes for loading fuel elements, and boron control
rods. The whole reactor is contained in a pressure vessel surrounded by a concrete

From the reactor the hot gas flows through a duct into the heat exchanger which is
outside the concrete radiation shielding. In the heat exchanger, steam is generated
in a secondary loop. There a pipe brings in water which is heated to steam, and this
then flows out to the turbo-alternator. Meanwhile the hot gas sinks to the bottom of
the heat exchanger and passes through a gas blower which pushes it into a cool gas
duct and back to the reactor.

As can be seen, this is a continuous cycle that keeps the reactor from overheating,
while carrying away the heat and steam, which will power the turbines.

(161 words)

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