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Laura: Hi Susan, how are you?

Susan: Hi Laura, very good and you?

Laura: Fine though I’m worried

Susan: and why is that?

Laura: I have a math exam but I don't understand the subject

Susan: oh my cousin Jose could help you

Laura: I didn’t listen to you, could you repeat me again, please?

Susan: I said that my cousin can help you

Laura: Seriously? that would be wonderful

Susan: Of course

Laura: The theme is derived

Susan: Sorry I don’t understand

Laura: The topic I must study is derivatives

Susan: sorry, I don't understand those topics

Laura: Yes... it's somewhat complicated

Susan: yes…Yesterday I heard you say that this weekend your birthday

Laura: Oh yes, you are invited to my party

Susan: Great, I will attend with I could take my cousin so you can meet him and

he can help you with your subject

Laura: Yes of course

Susan: okay. See you the weekend

Laura: great, See you!

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