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2 – Write the correct form of the verbs in

brackets. Use the present perfect and the

past simple.

Present Perfect a) I have been (be) here since 8 am.

vs b) He has worked (work) with his
father for the past nine years.
Past Simple c) We have had (have) these
computers since 1998.
d) Where have you lived (live) before
you moved here?
e) How long have you had (have) your
1 – Match the questions and last car?
answers. f) How long has your wife worked
(work) for her present company?
g) I met (meet) most of the kids in this
1 Has he arrived a He arrived last
club, but I haven’t met (not/meet)
yet? night. the new girl yet.
h) She has never attended (attend) a
2 When did he b Yes, I did. But
arrive? I don’t i) We had (have) some serious
anymore. accidents over the years.
j) I have lived (live) in this flat for
3 Have you ever c No, I haven’t. fifteen years, but I don’t plan to
been in love? I hate the move.
k) The trainee teachers have been (be)
here for two days and they are only
4 Did you love d No, I didn’t leaving tomorrow.
l) He has already did (do) three tests
this week, but he hasn’t received
5 Have you ever e Yes, he has. (not/ receive) the results yet.
m) Did you go (go) to the concert last
smoked a He’s in the
cigarette? kitchen. n) Have you ever been (be) to a
6 Did you smoke f No, he hasn’t concert?
o) My father has just washed (wash)
at the party? done it yet. the car.
7 Has he handed g No, he didn’t. p) My father has just washed (wash)
the car yesterday.
in his homework q) My father hasn’t washed (not/
yet? wash) the car yet.
r) I have never did (do) anything
8 Did he do his h No, not yet.
exciting in whole my life.
By: Uchupanta Byron

1 _e_ 2 _a_ 3 _h_ 4 _b_ 5 _c__

6 _d_ 7 _f_ 8 _g_

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