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HND 48
Table of Contents
Table of Figures.........................................................................................................................2
Company Background................................................................................................................3
Purpose of collecting information..............................................................................................3
Currently Existing Problems......................................................................................................3
Clarification about Currently Existing Problems.......................................................................4
Solution for These Problems......................................................................................................5
User Requirements.....................................................................................................................5
System Requirements.................................................................................................................6
ER Diagram................................................................................................................................6
Relational Schema......................................................................................................................7
Interface Designs........................................................................................................................8
Login Interface.......................................................................................................................8
Main menu Interface............................................................................................................11
Member Details Interface.....................................................................................................12
Family Details Interface.......................................................................................................13
Marriage Details...................................................................................................................14
Seniors Details.....................................................................................................................15
Children Details...................................................................................................................16
Disabled Details...................................................................................................................17
Sponsor Details....................................................................................................................18
Sponsorship Details..............................................................................................................19
Death Details........................................................................................................................20
About Us..............................................................................................................................21
Output Designs.........................................................................................................................22
Login Interface.....................................................................................................................23
Forgot password...................................................................................................................23
Create Account.....................................................................................................................23
Member Registration............................................................................................................23
Family Registration..............................................................................................................23
Marriage Registration...........................................................................................................24
Seniors Registration.............................................................................................................24

Children Registration...........................................................................................................24
Disabled Registration...........................................................................................................24
Sponsor Registration............................................................................................................24
Sponsorship About...............................................................................................................25
Death Details........................................................................................................................25
About Us..............................................................................................................................25
Evaluation based on the User requirements.............................................................................25
Evaluation based on the User requirements.............................................................................26

Table of Figures
Figure 2 GUI of Member Login.................................................................................................9
Figure 3 GUI of Wrong Password.............................................................................................9
Figure 4 GUI of Forgot Password............................................................................................10
Figure 5 GUI of Create Account..............................................................................................10
Figure 1 ER Diagram....................................................................6Figure 6 GUI of Main menu
Figure 7 GUI of Logout...........................................................................................................11
Figure 8 GUI of Member Details.............................................................................................12
Figure 9 GUI of Family Details...............................................................................................13
Figure 10 GUI of Marriage Details..........................................................................................14
Figure 11 GUI of Seniors Details.............................................................................................15
Figure 12 GUI of Children Details...........................................................................................16
Figure 13 GUI of Disabled Details..........................................................................................17
Figure 14 Sponsor Details........................................................................................................18
Figure 15 GUI of Sponsorship Details.....................................................................................19
Figure 16 GUI of Death Details...............................................................................................20
Figure 17 GUI of About Us.....................................................................................................21

Company Background
Voice of Salvation was recognized in 1990 as a church by Pope Shanon Justin. This is the
earliest identified church of Sri Lanka located in Ukuwela. Overall population of the village
is around 20,000 people. The church is managing the whole village information such as every
member of each family, events details, marriage details and a lot of details through the family
book. It is very hard to manage a file-based system therefore the church wanted to move file-
based system into Database Management System.
Vision of Voice of Salvation: Preach Christianity and maintain peace and unity among
village people.
Mission of Voice of Salvation: Nurture a community to share God’s grace and truth where
men, women, boys and girls may find the blessing of God and serve God.

Purpose of collecting information

 Calculate the population of the village.
 Provide information to government about the village.
 Provide information to people such as meetings, threats and events.
 Provide service to people who suffers in poverty.
 Get sponsors to selected category (accurate amount and specific department).
 Store the information about various events (marriage and death).

Currently Existing Problems

 Data redundancy
 Inconsistent data
 Inflexibility
 Limited data sharing
 Poor data control
 Security
 Maintaining
 Updating issues
 Time wastage
 Searching issues
 Calculation problems

Clarification about Currently Existing Problems
 Data redundancy
It means unnecessary duplication of data. In file-based system, it is possible to have same
information in different files. For an example in this church system has to store members
details and disabled details. In this case attributes (M_ID, NIC, DOB, Gender, etc..) of
member’s details can be duplicated to disabled details. This leads to requirement of more
storage spaces and wastage of time.
 Security
In file-based system all the information stored in files therefore anyone can access all the
files anytime and can change the records to their own desired purposes. Also, if any
natural disaster happens all the information will be lost. Cannot be able to backup and
recovery like Database Management System.
 Maintaining
Very large place required to maintain all the information. In file-based system sometimes
a detail can be written twice so it may cause waste of time. Sometimes some detail can be
written in some other files by mistakenly, due to that should face to some big issues.
 Updating issues
Very hard to make changes in file-based system. Cannot do easily updates and
modifications. Because if one person died mean, want to find about that person in every
file or If a person changed his names mean, want to find all the details about him and
want to change the name.
 Time wastage
It takes so long for adding information and provide information. Difficult to find the
errors and correct errors. Therefore, the reliability will not be there. The user will be
 Searching issues
Cannot search and find details quickly in manual system. It takes so long cause should
search the book manually to get the desired details.
 Calculation problem
Can happen mistakes in calculation by doing manually. This will occur some serious
issues to face.

Solution for These Problems
 Security
If there is a DBMS only particular person can access the data through username and
password. Also, we can avoid unnecessary people access. Because authorized people only
can access the system and view the details.
 Easy to maintain files
Rather than file-based systems if there is a DBMS, we don’t need big places to keep our
files we can save all the files in server.
 Easy to access
In file-based system if there is two people want to see the same file at a time mean one
person want to wait, so they can go for a DBMS so only authorized people can access any
files any times.
 Easy to update and modification
In DBMS, very easily update and modify by searching the names which wish to do

User Requirements
 A place to login
o It should require username and password to login.
o It should have the ability to recover the forget password.
 A place to view members details
o It should contain a place to add a new member.
o A place should be there to view the member list by searching.
o Can be able to save and edit details.
 A place to view family details
o It should contain a place to register a family.
o A place should be there to view the family list by searching.
o Can be able to save and edit details.
 A place to view marriage details
o A place to register a marriage.
o It should contain a place to view the marriage list.
 A place to view senior details
 A place to view children details
 A place to view disabled details
 A place to view sponsor details
 A place to view death details
Likewise, all the details table have the certain places to register, view, save and edit.
 A place to view about us
o A place to view history and policy should be there.
o A place should be there to edit and save.

System Requirements
 Speed
It should not take much time to data entry. And also, can be able get information quickly
by searching.
 Security
It should be very secure as authorized people only can access the entire system by using a
username and password.
 User friendly
It should be much more comfortable for anyone who uses the system.
 Easy to access
All the details should be access from one place. No need to have separate files for
separates fields.
 Efficiency
Anyone can be able to work with this system. It should be easy to understand and also, it
should reduce the working time and expenses.
 Reliability
It should give confident to users about information it’s given.

ER Diagram

Figure 1 ER Diagram

Relational Schema
Member (M_ID, F_Name, M_Name, L_Name, DOB, NIC, NO, Street, City, Gender)
Phone_No (M_ID, Phone_No)
Family (F_ID, Head_Name, No, Street, City)
Phone_No (F_ID, Phone_No)
Marriage (M_ID, Spouse_Name, Spouse_NIC, Discription, Date, Venue)
Seniors (M_ID, Profession)
Qualification (M_ID, Qualification)
Children (M_ID, School)
Skills (M_ID, Skills)
Disabled (M_ID, When, Type)
Death (M-ID, Reason, DOD)
Sponsor (NIC, S_Name, Profession, No, Street, City)
Phone_No (NIC, Phone-No)
Sponsorship (NIC, Date, Description, Type, Amount / Quantity)

Normalization is the formal process of designing what attributes should be grouped in a
relation. The above figure2 ER Diagram and Relational Schema have been normalized up to
third form.
1st Normal Form: As per the rule of first normal form, every attribute of the relation should
be atomic. An attribute (column) of a table cannot hold multiple values.
 Member (M_ID, F_Name, M_Name, L_Name, DOB, NIC, NO, Street, City, Gender)
o Phone_No (M_ID, Phone_No)
 Family (F_ID, Head_Name, No, Street, City)
o Phone_No (F_ID, Phone_No)
 Seniors (M_ID, Profession)
o Qualification (M_ID, Qualification)
 Children (M_ID, School)
o Skills (M_ID, Skills)
 Sponsor (NIC, S_Name, Profession, No, Street, City)
o Phone_No (NIC, Phone-No)
It is normalized to 1NF, (phone, member, family, sponsor) qualification and skills have
separate table therefore no multiple values and every relationship are atomic.

2nd Normal Form: It should be in 1NF and every non-prime attribute should be fully
functional dependent on the primary key.
 Member (M_ID, F_Name, M_Name, L_Name, DOB, NIC, NO, Street, City, Gender)
o Marriage (M_ID, Spouse_Name, Spouse_NIC, Discription, Date, Venue)
o Seniors (M_ID, Profession)
o Children (M_ID, School)
o Disabled (M_ID, When, Type)
o Death (M-ID, Reason, DOD)
 Sponsor (NIC, S_Name, Profession, No, Street, City)
o Sponsorship (NIC, Date, Description, Type, Amount / Quantity)
It is normalized to 2NF because it is in 1NF and all the non-prime attributes are fully
functionally dependent on the primary key.
3rd Normal Form: It must be in 2NF and non-prime attribute should not be transitively
dependent on the primary key.
 Member (M_ID, F_Name, M_Name, L_Name, DOB, NIC, NO, Street, City, Gender)
 Family (F_ID, Head_Name, No, Street, City)
 Sponsor (NIC, S_Name, Profession, No, Street, City)
It is normalized up to third normal form because it is in 2NF and no non-prime attribute is
transitively dependent on the primary key.Interface Design

Interface Designs

Login Interface
According to this system login is the entering information into system by user in order to
access the system. It requires the user to enter two pieces of information, first a username and
then a password.
 By entering this information if it is correct it will appear a new window call main menu.
 If it is incorrect it shows an error message.
 By clicking the remember me button password will be visible and can check whether
password is correct or incorrect.
 Forgot your password is the option to change the password.
 A new account can be created using create a new account option.

Figure 2 GUI of Member Login

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Figure 3 GUI of Wrong Password

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Figure 4 GUI of Forgot Password

It requires username or email address. Automatically password will be sent to given email
address. The entering email address should be already given for create a new account.

Figure 5 GUI of Create Account

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Main menu Interface

Figure 6 GUI of Main menu

This is the interface of main menu. It concludes member detail, family details, marriage
details, seniors’ details, children details, disabled details, etc.…clicking one of these icons
will go to their own page. Clicking log out icon will show a new interface to confirm the log

Figure 7 GUI of Logout

To logout “yes” can be used and pressing “no” will not change anything, it remains the same

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Member Details Interface

Figure 8 GUI of Member Details

Clicking member details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search. Can be
viewed the member list as well.

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Family Details Interface

Figure 9 GUI of Family Details

Clicking family details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search. Can be
viewed the family list as well.

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Marriage Details

Figure 10 GUI of Marriage Details

This is the interface of marriage details. Home is the option to go back to main menu.
Information can be saved using save button and using edit button, information can be
updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search. Can be viewed the marriage
list as well.

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Seniors Details

Figure 11 GUI of Seniors Details

This is the interface of seniors’ details. Home is the option to go back to main menu.
Information can be set aside using save button and using edit button, information can be
updated. Search icon will find the outcome that has given to search. Can be viewed the
seniors list as well.

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Children Details

Figure 12 GUI of Children Details

Clicking children details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

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Disabled Details

Figure 13 GUI of Disabled Details

Clicking disabled details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

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Sponsor Details

Figure 14 Sponsor Details

Clicking sponsor details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.
Sponsorship details can be viewed by clicking sponsorship details button.

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Sponsorship Details

Figure 15 GUI of Sponsorship Details

Clicking sponsorship details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the
option to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit
button, information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.
Sponsors details can be viewed by clicking sponsors details button.

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Death Details

Figure 16 GUI of Death Details

Clicking death details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option to
go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

22 | P a g e
About Us

Figure 17 GUI of About Us

Clicking about us icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option to go
back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated.

23 | P a g e
Output Designs

Through this bar can be closed, maximize and minimize the system.

This button allows to access system through login.

To create account this button is used.

Agree to when error message comes.

This button links main menu therefore it will go main to menu.
To edit information that already given to the system.

Through this can be able logout from the system.

It will back to previous page.

Save and update the information this button will be used.

Used for find the information.

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To receive a password, it is used.

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Login Interface
Field Validation to be done
Username A-Z, 0-9
Password Least 8 characters

Forgot password
Field Validation to be done
Username A-Z,0-9
Email A-Z,0-9, must include @

Create Account
Field Validation to be done
Username A-Z,0-9
Password Least 8 characters
Confirm Password Should match with the password
Email A-Z,0-9, must include @

Field Validation to be done

Member ID Number Only
Full Name Letters Only
Middle Name Letters Only
Last Name Letters Only
Address No A-Z, 0-9
Street Letters Only
City Letters Only
DOB Number Only
NIC Numbers and Letters
Phone No Number Only
Member Registration

Family Registration
Field Validation to be done
Family ID Number Only
Head Name Letters Only
Address No A-Z, 0-9
Street Letters Only
City Letters Only
Mobile No Number Only

26 | P a g e
Marriage Registration
Field Validation to be done
Member ID Number Only
Name Letters Only
Spouse Name Letters Only
Spouse NIC A-X, 0-9
Venue Letters Only
Date Number Only
Description A-Z, 0-9

Seniors Registration
Field Validation to be done
Member ID Number Only
Name Letters Only
Profession Letters Only
Qualification Letters Only

Children Registration

Field Validation to be done

Member ID Number Only
Name Letters Only
School Letters Only
Skills Letters Only

Disabled Registration
Field Validation to be done
Member ID Number Only
Name Letters Only
When Number Only
Type Letters Only

Sponsor Registration
Field Validation to be done
NIC A-Z, 0-9
Name Letters Only
Address No Number Only
Street Letters Only
City Letters Only
Profession Letters Only
Mobile No Number Only

27 | P a g e
Sponsorship About
Field Validation to be done
NIC A-Z, 0-9
Type Letters Only
Description Letters Only
Date Number Only
Amount Number Only

Death Details
Field Validation to be done
Member ID Number Only
Name Letters Only
DOD Number Only
Reason Letters Only

About Us
Field Validation to be done
Services Letters Only
Policy Letters Only

Evaluation based on the User requirements

User Requirements Figures Evaluation

It should require username and Figure 2 It requires user credential and very
password to login easy to create account also.
It should have the ability to recover Figure 4 There is option call forgot password
the forget password. there can be done easily.
It should contain a place to add a new Figure 8 Very clearly and accurately can be
member. added to system though member
A place should be there to view the Figure 8 Through the search bar it can be done
member list by searching. very quickly.
Can be able to save and edit details. Figure 8 Each and every page has these options
to save and edit to increase user
It should contain a place to register a Figure 9 Through family registration it can be
family. done easily.
A place should be there to view the Figure 9 Therefore, all registration pages have
family list by searching. search bar for avoid this issue.
A place to register a marriage. Figure Can be done through marriage
10 registration.
It should contain a place to view the Figure Not only for marriage each page has
marriage list. 10 option call list, there very easily view.

28 | P a g e
Evaluation based on the User requirements
System Requirements Figures Evaluation

Speed Figure 8 Overall system works speed. For an

example in figure 2, member
registration can be done very fast and
other activities as well.
Security Figure 2 This makes sure the security of the
system which helps to access only
authorized people only. User
credential limits that unauthorized
User friendly Figure 6 All the pages have specific labels
which can be identified very easily and
access very easily. Example: The
figure 6 have a look, that shows how
easy to access the system.
Reliability Figure 2 This is reliable because only
authorized people can only access the
system therefore, the information
stored here are very true.
Efficiency Figure 9 Some specific pages have included
option for search. There user can find
the information by searching by
keyword very easily.

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