UNITROL Now - 67 - 13

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The customer magazine
of ABB Switzerland Ltd
Power Control, Excitation Systems


Improving efficiency
Efficiency at sea 04
Increasing efficiency by 20 percent
Waste heat recovery system 06
Marine application benefits from UNITROL® 1010
Service at its best 18
Supporting excitation systems throughout the entire life cycle

Diversity of dual channel systems
Dependability of synchronizing systems

First pilot onboard DC grid
“Dina Star” undergoes sea trials with ABB’s
onboard DC grid.

UNITROL now 67|13

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the latest issue of UNITROL now. subsequently increase the availability of
your plant.
We strive to improve your efficiency with
our innovations and continuous improve- Additionally there is a new chapter fully
ment of our products and systems. In this dedicated to our service team. The team
issue we start with efficiency at sea on aims to keep you up to date about the life-
page 04, describing the succesful ABB cycle management of your installed exci-
onboard DC grid, which increases the tation systems and also better informed
vessels’ energy efficiency by 20 percent. about our service portfolio.
On page 10 you can read more about the
excitation system which is integrated in the I hope you enjoy reading this issue of
onboard DC grid. We present on page 08 UNITROL now.
Aija Mankkinen the revamp project at Vester Hassing in
Head of Excitation Systems Denmark, where our MEGATROL is used Have a pleasant summer time.
for compensators and extends their life-
span by 20 years. Finally you can read Kind regards
on page 12 about the dependability of Aija Mankkinen
synchronizing systems and how you can

UNITROL now 67 | 1 3 • The customer newsletter of ABB Switzerland Ltd, Power Control, Excitation Systems • Copyright 2013 ABB • Newsletter available as
electronic copy only • Publisher: ABB Switzerland Ltd, Excitation Systems • Tel: +41 (0)58 589 24 86 • Fax: +41 (0)58 589 23 33 • E-mail: pes@ch.abb.com •
Contents and design: Mayerline Jimenez • Any use of text or photo requires the written consent of the publisher

2 UNITROL now 67|13


Global Operation
Interview with Aghnes
Greuter, the new leader
of Global Operation

New chapter - All about service
From life-cycle information, successful upgrades to training
programs and customer feedback

Application News
04 Efficiency at sea 14 Stronger local presence
First offshore supply ship to sail with ABB’s New engineering and training center in Dubai
onboard DC grid system 16 New Global Operation Manager
06 Succesful collaboration of ABB and MAN Interview with Aghnes Greuter, the new team leader
Diesel & Turbo
UNITROL® 1010 installed in waste heat
recovery system
07 Hydro power plant, Salto Grande, Argentina 18 Life-cycle communications
and Uruguay UNITROL® M and UNITROL® P service campaigns
ABB successfully completes the installation 20 Upgrade at Eggborough, UK
of 14 excitation systems UNITROL® 6080 will replace old AVRs
08 Compensators life-span extended by 21 Training assignment
20 years Saudi Aramco engineer undergoes three months
MEGATROL used for revamp of synchronous training at ABB learning center in Switzerland
compensators at Vester Hassing, Denmark

Products and technology 22 Automation and Power World, Switzerland
10 Innovation Review of an exciting ABB event
UNIREC combines excitation system and 23 Excitation systems seminars
rectifier in one system Successful execution in China and Down Under
11 Power system stabilizer (PSS) 23 Upcoming events
Proven PSS performance for all generators Forthcoming opportunities to meet excitation
and excitation systems systems experts and experience live demonstrations
12 Diversity of dual channel systems
Dependability of synchronizing systems

UNITROL now 67 | 13 3

“Dina Star” is the first offshore supply ship to sail with ABB’s onboard DC grid system.

Efficiency at sea
Text Tobias Keller

4 UNITROL now 67 | 13

ABB has developed an onboard DC grid that can increase

operating efficiency by up to 20 percent while requiring much
less space. The first ship equipped with the grid was launched
in February. The centerpiece of this system was developed and
tested by ABB’s Excitation Systems team.

hips with high maneuverability with a fixed number of revolutions works adapted for the specific area of use and is
and impulse adjustment require- in a sub-optimal torque range. Depending controlled by a UNITROL 6800 regulator*.
ments are not directly powered on the use of the ship, fuel consumption, “This project shows what is possible
using the ship’s engines. The as well as emissions, can be reduced by at ABB when different units contribute
reason is that the mechanical connection up to 20 percent by adjusting the number their specific know-how and co-operate
between the ship’s engine and propeller of engine revolutions in the DC system. closely”, Tobias Keller emphasizes. “The
would react too sluggishly. As such, they geographic distance was not a problem.”
are equipped with electric variable-speed Complete onboard DC grid system
drives that control the speed and torque These arguments convinced the man- Tests at ABB in Switzerland
of electric motors. agement of the Norwegian shipping com- The components were assembled in the
In ships with these electric drive sys- pany Myklebusthaug. In the winter of overall system and tested at the end of
tems, speed-controlled drives account 2012/13, a new offshore platform sup- 2012 in Turgi, Switzerland. “Our test cen-
for more than 80 percent of the installed ply ship, Dina Star, was built in the Klev- ter has the required performance param-
power. Each drive requires DC for the gen- en shipyard in Ulsteinvik (Norway). ABB eters”, Olaf Voigt, Manager of the labo-
eration of the variable-frequency output supplied a complete onboard DC grid sys- ratory at ABB in Turgi, describes. “We
voltage which is usually generated by an tem for this 93 meter long ship, includ- implemented the experimental assem-
internal rectifier. ABB’s new system central- ing all required systems for power, drive bly for the tests in just four weeks. Usu-
izes these DC connections by distributing and automation. ally, for a project of this magnitude, we
the electric energy - rectified centrally - via The Dina Star is equipped with a dynam- expect a preparation time of about three
a single 1,000 volt (V) DC circuit. ic positioning (DP) system which holds months”, Voigt adds. Two diesel engines
This provides two advantages: Firstly, the ship against the current and wind in with an output of about 1 MVA each were
various devices, such as the drives’ rec- a defined position with steel rudders and installed for the generators.
tifiers, AC power switching stations and the main drive units. For safety reasons, The successful pilot installation at
heavy transformers become obsolete. the DP system is set up on a redundant Myklebusthaug is the beginning of open-
“The spatial requirements, as well as the basis, i.e. several engines run in paral- ing up this new business segment.
weight of the electrical equipment, can lel for the generators. The new ship has
be reduced by up to 30 percent each, five diesel generators. In a traditional AC
in this way”, explains Tobias Keller, Vice solution these engines work with a fixed *More information about this regulator on page 10.

President, Excitation Products and Tech- number of revolutions. The new onboard
nology at ABB. power supply makes operations in the
Secondly, the energy efficiency can redundant split mode much more effi-
be increased on board, mainly by adjust- cient because the number of engine rev-
ing the ship engine’s revolutions. For AC olutions can be adjusted to the required
operation a fixed number of revolutions load and optimized.
is required. However, fuel consumption – This innovative onboard DC grid is a
measured in grams per kilowatt hour out- joint development by several ABB Product
put - is only ideal in a very limited operating Units in Norway, Finland and Switzerland.
range. If less power is required, an engine The main power converter, UNL 14300, was

UNITROL now 67 | 13 5

UNITROL 1010 used ®

for a waste heat

recovery system
Text Rudolf Moeckli

For the first time an UNITROL® 1010 automatic voltage regulator

(AVR) has been installed in a waste heat recovery system on a
marine application. About four percent of the full power output
of this diesel engine is recovered thereby reducing prime energy

n a collaboration between ABB and
MAN Diesel & Turbo, the first turbo
compound system including power
turbine and generator (TCS-PTG) 1 2 3 4
for marine applications has been devel-
oped. ABB supplied the generator with
the UNITROL 1010 used as the excita-
tion system in a control cabinet for gen-
erator control including protection and
synchronization. The complete system
is assembled at MAN Diesel & Turbo in
Augsburg, Germany, where final factory
acceptance tests are being finalized.
The first system will be used for a
large container vessel, build at Samjin
Shipbuilding in Weihai, China. The prime TCS-PTG20 - the latest development of MAN Diesel & Turbo with an UNITROL 1010 in the control
mover is a two-stroke diesel engine with cabinet l 1 Generator l 2 Coupling l 3 Gear box l 4 Power turbine

27 MW output power. The TCS-PTG will

recover 4 percent of the output power by
directing the exhaust gas through a tur-
bine. The 1 MW electrical output power in software functions, such as rotating The UNITROL 1000 product family has
is used mainly for cooling the contain- diode monitoring, extended supervision a long and proven history in marine appli-
ers. This means a stand-alone auxiliary and monitoring as well as automatic cations. In addition, other land-based
gen-set can be switched off to save fuel. synchronization. This simplifies the con- systems for waste heat recovery systems
MAN Diesel & Turbo and ABB see a trol cubicle and reduces costs by short- are booming, where UNITROL 1010 and
growing potential on waste heat recov- ening assembly and test times. At the UNITROL 1020 can show their strengths.
ery systems due to global energy saving same time the reliability is increased by
targets. The system today is optimized using fewer components and a simpli-
for two-stroke diesel engines and can be fied system. For further information please visit:
used for marine as well as land-based UNITROL 1010 and UNITROL 1020 www.abb.com/unitrol
power plants, where upgrading of already feature marine class certificates by
installed engines can be easily done. DNV. The German Lloyds certification
For this application, the UNITROL 1010 is ongoing and should be obtained in
shows its strength due to the built- autumn 2013.

6 UNITROL now 67|13


1 2

3 4

1 Salto Grande hydro power plant l 2 Commissioning group from ABB with engineers and technicians from Salto Grande l 3 Old excitation system from
another supplier l 4 ABB UNITROL 5000 excitation system

ABB installs 14 excitation systems in Salto

Grande hydro power plant
Text Alejandro Echave

n April 18th, ABB success- Argentina’s electrical grid regulations. tomer’s engineers and technicians from
fully installed 14 excitation ABB in Switzerland manufactured Argentina and Uruguay attended the fac-
systems, UNITROL® 5000, and delivered 14 systems while ABB in tory acceptance test and training at ABB
at the Salto Grande Hydro Argentina is responsible for the project in Switzerland and undertook some com-
Power Plant, located between Argentina management, transportation, dismount- missioning tasks within the power plant.
and Uruguay, over the Uruguay River. ing of all equipment, erection of new
The project, which is now in commercial systems, local engineering and commis-
use, cost $4 million, took seven years to sioning.
complete and required the participation Alejandro Echave, Project Manag-
of ABB engineers from Argentina and er, says “At the end of April 2013, we
Switzerland. The contract, according to commissioned the last unit, with “zero
the International Public Tender SG 393, errors”, in mounting and operating of the
was signed in February 2006, between systems, a good base for future collabo-
the “Comisión Técnica Mixta Salto ration with the power plant”.
Grande”, ABB Switzerland and ABB Excitation systems experts from ABB
Argentina. The plant was scheduled to facilities in Argentina, Switzerland, Ger-
be commissioned in stages, with two or many, Brazil and Croatia participated
three openings per year. The new exci- during the project, with a local sub-con-
tation systems meet the requirements of tractor near the power plant. The cus-

UNITROL now 67 | 13 7

Compensator station, Vester Hassing, Denmark

Synchronous compensator
application using MEGATROL
Text Tobias Keller

The synchronous compensators at Vester Hassing in Denmark

were recently revamped with an ABB MEGATROL Light to extend
their life-span by 20 years.

8 UNITROL now 67|13


arlier this year, Germany was before it is excited and later on synchro- to revamp the excitation and the start-
able to cover its total power nized while reaching its nominal speed. er for this 100 MVar compensator. This
consumption for the first The starting, as well as the excitation revamp not only extends the life-span
time with renewables only. Of function, can be completely covered by by 20 years, but also reduces the stress
course, it was a weekend, it was sunny ABB’s MEGATROL. As there is only a during startup and the starting time
and there was wind. However, the trend limited starting torque and no compres- itself. Furthermore, it is possible to com-
can clearly be seen. It’s just a matter of sor required (as known from the gas tur- ply with all required grid codes and to
time before conditions are achieved dur- bine starts), the starting power is limited support the grid whenever required.
ing normal working days as well. and typically in the range of MEGATROL
Light (more details in the table below).
Rotating inertia
The renewables mentioned above are MEGATROL is the solution, not only to start
not increasing the rotating inertia in most gas turbines, but also to start synchronous
of the cases. As an effect, the rotating
inertia, able to support and stabilize the
grid, is reduced. Other technologies
have to be used to enable ride-through Vester Hassing, Denmark
capabilities and to get fast and strong ABB recently used a MEGATROL
support during certain faults. For a long Light to revamp the synchronous com-
time, synchronous compensators have pensator station Vester Hassing in Den-
been widely used in conjunction with mark. The Vester Hassing synchronous
HVDC (High Voltage DC) links. compensator station was built in 1965
together with the HVDC Konti-Skan 1,
Synchronous compensator a HVDC line connecting Denmark and
A synchronous compensator is start- Sweden. Konti-Skan 1 allows a transfer
ed as a synchronous motor typically of 250 MW at 250 kV. A life-cycle inves-
with a static starting device. The static tigation in 2004 showed that the com-
starting device is accelerating the syn- pensator itself is in very good condition
chronous machine to about 10 percent and can be used for another 15 to 20
overspeed (oversynchronous speed), years. Therefore Energinet.dk decided

MEGATROL is a smart and compact solution, combining UNITROL® 6800
SES and MEGADRIVE-LCI static frequency converter. The use of ABB’s
powerful AC 800PEC controller for both systems results in fewer costs
for spare parts and training of maintenance staff. This is an attractive
solution for gas turbine, synchronous compensator, combined cycle
and pumped storage power plant applications.

MEGATROL configuration Power Medium Light

Maximum output current 2,500 A 1,930  A 1,500  A
Maximum output voltage 5,600   V 1820   V 1,820  V
Rated converter power 15.5   MW 5.0   MW 2.0  M W
Maximum ambient temperature 45 °C (55 °C with derating)
Protection class IP31

Ask our experts for more information or visit: www.abb.com/unitrol


UNITROL now 67 | 13 9
Products and technology

Integrated within ABB’s onboard DC grid, the new adapted and
designed UNITROL static excitation system helps vessels to
achieve a 20 percent efficiency increase and reduces the elec-
tric equipment footprint and weight by up to 30 percent. The
first pilot is now succesfully tested and commissioned.

Combined UNITROL and rectifier system

An innovative concept – Onboard DC grid

ABB has created the most flexible marine power and propulsion system to
date, with its onboard DC grid for electric power distribution. The system
merges the various DC links throughout the vessel and distributes power
through a single 1,000 VDC circuit, thereby eliminating the need for main
AC switchboards, distributed rectifiers and converter transformers. The
onboard DC grid combines the best of AC and DC components and
systems, is fully compliant with rules and regulations for selectivity and
equipment protection, can be used for any electrical marine application up
to 20 MW, and operates at a nominal voltage of 1,000 VDC.

Excitation systems in the onboard DC grid – UNIREC

This innovative onboard DC grid is a joint development by several ABB Advantages
Product Units. The main power converter was adapted for this specific − − Reduction of spatial requirements and
area of use and is controlled by a static excitation system. This combina- weight of the electrical equipment
tion, called UNIREC, includes two functions: the excitation of the main − − More flexible positioning of electric
generator with a UNITROL 6080 static excitation system and a main recti- components
fier, UNL14300 or UNL13300 thyristor converter, to supply the DC bus. − − Increase of energy efficiency on board
− − Less cabling and cabling connections,
by means of reduced number of com-
ponents and use of bus ducts

10 UNITROL now 67|13

Products and technology

News Power system

> 13,000
stabilizer improves
More than 13,000 UNITROL 1000
automatic voltage regulators (AVR)
have been successfully installed
generator perfor-
worldwide. UNITROL 1000, ABB’s
high reliable AVR, has the widest
range of integrated software func-
Text Wolfgang Knapp
tions and facilitates the commis-
sioning and troubleshooting with
the commissioning and mainte-
nance tool CMT1000. These and
much more benefits have been
the driver for many customers in
deciding to control their generator
with an UNITROL 1000 AVR. Power system stabilizer (PSS) is type 2A/2B) to suppress one oscilla-
an excitation add-on dedicated to tion frequency and multiband PSS 4B to
reduce low frequency oscillations of suppress three local or inter-area oscil-
UNIsmart the generator’s rotor angle. lations at the same time. In both cases
Easy configuration for the Every generator shaft has its own the “adaptive PSS” option can automati-
UNITROL® 6000 system with the oscillation profile depending on its elec- cally adjust the amount of damping to
new product configurator solu- tromechanical parameters and grid the actual grid situation.
tion – UNIsmart (details published reactance. Connection to weak grids or
in the 65th issue of this maga- long AC transmission lines are typically Scope of supply
zine). The development for the where oscillation amplitudes may limit UNITROL 6000 stand-alone PSS comes
first release of UNIsmart has been generator power or even risk loss of syn- with a complete set of tools and functions
finalized. The roll-out for Switzer- chronization – without a properly tuned to facilitate PSS tuning, grid compliance
land has now started. Extensions and performing PSS. testing, maintenance and trouble shoot-
of functionality and further coun- ABB’s UNITROL® 6000 excitation sys- ing. Parameterizing, step- and white
tries for future roll-outs are now in tems come with highly sensitive and accu- noise analysis function, event logger,
the planning phase. rate PSS included in their control platform. high speed data recorder and other func-
Throughout the world many power plants tions can be managed by a single Win-
in critical grid locations are able to boost dows software tool that communicates
CSEE productivity with UNITROL 6000 PSS with the PSS unit via Ethernet.
The Chinese Society for Electri- performance. UNITROL 6000 stand-alone PSS will
cal Engineering (CSEE) held its be released end of this year after pass-
excitation seminar in Shanghai Stand-alone PSS solutions ing all ongoing verifications. In the mean-
this year. The event was hosted by Global grid code requirements are time UNITROL 5000 stand-alone PSS
ABB in China. Tobias Keller, Vice not only influencing new power plants, is available.
President Products and Technolo- but also existing excitation systems. To
gy Excitation Systems, was invited comply with the grid code requirements,
as guest speaker. ABB presented ABB offers stand-alone PSS solutions.
PSS 4B and the UNITROL 6000 These can be added to any excitation
performance during this seminar. system and significantly enhance its
Increasing demand for upgrade solu-
tions has triggered development of the
UNITROL 6000 stand-alone PSS. As
a result, ABB is launching a compact
DIN-rail mountable unit which includes
all required analog and digital inputs
and outputs for seamless integration to
almost any excitation system. It offers
the same features and performance
as the integrated UNITROL 6000 PSS.
This includes single band PSS (IEEE-

UNITROL now 67 | 13 11
Products and technology

Diversity of dual
channel systems
Text Werner Zimmerli

Faulty synchronizing can cause severe damage to generator

shafts or end windings. The use of SYNCHROTACT 5 dual
channel devices can help alleviate such problems.

ith a faulty synchronizing, moving relatively fast through the admis-
the paralleling command sible angle window. With existing tech-
is given by accident, i.e., nology, meeting this window is not a
the circuit breaker (CB) is problem, but with faulty synchronizing,
closed regardless of the paralleling con- the probability for the angle to be outside
ditions. of the admissible window is high.
In order to close a CB, the following The consequences of faulty synchro-
conditions must be fulfilled: nizing are of such an importance that
– – Voltage, frequency and phase angle such a failure may not be tolerated. For
differences within tolerance this reason special measures should be
– – Rotating field of both voltages in the taken in order to improve the safety of
same direction the plant.
The rotating field has only to be
checked during commissioning, or after Improvement of safety against faulty
new connection of the measuring circuits. synchronizing with diverse dual chan-
Generator voltage and generator fre- nel device (DDC)
quency move slowly during synchroniz- SYNCHROTACT 5 dual channel devic-
ing and are therefore rarely the reason es use two independent channels that
for faulty synchronizing. are working in parallel, but with its out-
The phase angle difference, however, is put contacts in series. While channel 1

12 UNITROL now 67|13

Products and technology

Per channel
Different processor brands
and differently structured

works as an auto synchronizer, carrying from different manufacturers, this reduc-

out all the necessary functions, channel es the cost for engineering and assem-
2’s function is to prevent faulty synchro- bly and ensures compatibility regarding Example
nizing taking place in case of a failure in functionality and setting philosophy.
channel 1. On the link below you will
This improves safety considerably find a presentation with
compared to single channel devices. It is For further information please visit: images of an explosion at
very unlikely that sudden failures appear www.abb.com/synchrotact a power plant due to faulty
in both channels at the same time. synchronizing.
In addition, the two channels of
SYNCHROTACT 5 dual channel devices Steam Forum 
are composed of two diverse channels,
different processor brands and differ-
ently structured software. This improves
safety against systematic failures (com-
mon mode failures), e.g., software errors,
or design errors.
The two channels are two different
„products“ in a common casing. Com-
pared to two separated synchronizers

UNITROL now 67 | 13 13

14 UNITROL now 67|13


Stronger local
Text Mayerline Jimenez

ABB’s Excitation Systems has opened a local

engineering and training center in Dubai. It
will mainly serve customers in the Gulf region
offering complete services and support.

here are worldwide eleven addi- ect managers, who have vast skills and
tional local engineering centers experience in excitation systems and
(LEC) for ABB’s excitation sys- their field of responsibility. The team
tems, located in Australia, Aus- offers its services for all ABB AVRs,
tria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, India, Italy, UNITROL 1010, UNITROL 1020 and
P.R. of China, Spain, South Africa and UNITROL 6080.
Switzerland. The LECs support local “We are proud to have been awarded
customers within the complete value this mandate and are looking forward to
chain, from sales, engineering, supply, delivering superior service to our cus-
project management, testing, commis- tomers,” says Soman Ukkath, Local
sioning, training to service and support. Business Unit Manager, Dubai “This
All centers have a pool of knowledge will provide our Gulf region customers
and resources to deliver the best solu- an exciting incentive with the possibility
tion to local customers. to source the excitation systems from a
In March 2013 a new local engineer- local unit.”
ing and training center was opened in
Dubai. The aim was to minimize the dis-
tance to customers in the Gulf region Your contact persons at ABB in Dubai:
and offer the most customer-oriented Soman Ukkath
services from the sales phase through- Local Business Unit Manager
out the whole life cycle of automatic Phone: +971 4 3147759
voltage regulators (AVR). Mobile: +971 50 6589514
The LEC starts with an established E-mail: soman.ukkath@ae.abb.com
team of local engineers, sales and proj-
Anshuman Tarey
“This is an important step Sales Manager
Phone: +971 4 3147500
forward to strengthen
Mobile: +971 50 6365247
our local presence and E-mail: anshuman.t@ae.abb.com
enhance our entire value
chain”, explains Aija Mank-
kinen, Head of Excitation

UNITROL now 67 | 13 15

Aghnes Rizkallah Greuter

Head of Global Operation,
Excitation Systems

New captain for the

Global Operation team
Text Mayerline Jimenez

On April 1st, 2013, Aghnes Rizkallah Greuter, was appointed

Head of Global Operation for the Global Product Line Excitation
Systems. Here she discusses her plans for the future.

16 UNITROL now 67|13


What is your background, how long

have you been with ABB and what is
your business philosophy?
Global Operation - Excitation Systems
Originally I am from Lebanon and have
lived in Switzerland since 1994, my sec- –– Evaluation of new local engineering centers (LEC) and authorized
ond home. I am married and have two value providers
children - my pride and happiness. –– Rules definition for cooperation with distributors, channel partners,
I have a Master’s degree in Biomedi- OEMs, EPCs, system integrators
cal Engineering as well as in Control –– Coordination of:
Systems. Since 1997 I have been work- – – Worldwide sales
ing for ABB, most recently as Product – – Collaboration with business partners
Manager for the ACS 1000 medium volt- – – Technical and commercial support for LECs/VARs
age (MV) drive. Prior to that I worked in – – Products / components order handling
the MV Drive’s R&D team as a software
development engineer and team leader.
ABB is an institution. I live in Baden,
Switzerland and the city is full of BBC/ serve their local market. Our team takes strategies and actions.
ABB fingerprints which I take great pride care of an efficient ordering process and It is too early to talk about my strate-
in explaining to my children. on-time delivery to serve our customers gies. For now I need to learn more about
I appreciate the integrity and innova- in the best way. the excitation business and pursue a
tive spirit we have at ABB. We have lots All the above guarantees continuity good working cooperation locally and
of opportunities to grow professionally for the ongoing business globally. With globally.
and personally in our company. To me dedicated sales, market and technical What, in your opinion, are our key
ABB is like a second family. I have the skills, we develop further OEM relations strengths within the global power
chance to grow, develop my skills. for UNITROL and drive the excitation market?
My business philosophy is simple: business to grow. ABB excitation systems are technology
Listen, learn, question and improve. leaders in the power market, have a big
In your position as Global Operation reference and installed base. In addition,
What is your proudest achievement Manager you have to meet lots of we can offer packages and comply with
at ABB – something you would be expectations. What is necessary to different standards.
pleased to call your legacy? fulfill this obligation? Another key strength is that our peo-
There is much that I’m proud of – it The global team spirit is a must, com- ple have many years of experience in
comes from the small things, from find- bined with a suitable structure and the different jobs, throughout the excitation
ing a bug in a software to motivating a right skills. business. I have lots of respect for the
team member. It’s not important for me Then comes operational excellence ones who have worked in several groups
to highlight a personal achievement as (efficient processes) – to have a suc- within excitation systems. They are full
I believe strongly in team work. A spe- cessful global business it is important of valuable experience and know-how,
cific ‘team’ legacy, worth mentioning, is to set the right priorities and to set the which is fundamental for the entire team.
the reboost of the ACS 1000 (medium strategies to reach the goals. For this
voltage drives) business, maintaining you need to understand the market, Where do you see Excitation Sys-
a profitable production in Switzerland competitors situation, customer needs and tems, four years from now?
together with my previous team and all yet have the best setup to be successful. This is a challenging question.
other teams involved. Finally, we need to build on our A lot of work and projects are ongoing
strengths and know-how, determine to explore new areas and penetrate dif-
How would you describe the area you the changes and have the courage to ferent segments, such as marine, trac-
are responsible for (Global Operation) improve things. tion and wind. I would expect – and it is
and its importance to ABB’s excita- my goal – to push further in these seg-
tion system business? What are your goals this year, and ments, especially with UNITROL 1000.
We have the global operations respon- what strategies have you developed The sky is the limit!
sibility and one of the challenges is to to meet your goals?
understand the market and coordinate For this year, I have set myself the fol-
global needs. Therefore it is important to lowing goals:
keep a very close cooperation with our 1. Maintain the business and its
product management and development performance.
teams. 2. Keep the team motivated, all working
The global operation team is the inter- towards the same goals.
face between the global excitation sys- 3. Build on the good existing base and
tems team in Switzerland and the local know-how.
engineering centers (LEC). We assist 4. Understand the excitation market,
our LECs by providing them the techni- its requirements and our customers
cal and operational support they need to behavior, as a base for business

UNITROL now 67 | 13 17

Life-cycle commu-
nications (p)review
Text Marc-Julian Herrmann, Natalie Delucca

18 UNITROL now 67|13


Ensuring that our customers know the latest life-cycle status of

their systems and products while providing the best service stra-
tegy is critical to the success of Excitation Systems service.

UNITROL® M and SYNCHROTACT® 3 all elements suffering from aging effects UNITROL P campaign, a first life-cycle
campaign review and finding the best suitable solution announcement this year. Owners will be
Our product life-cycle management from a strategic viewpoint. informed about the actual status and the
concept, as part of our pro-active com- Consistently positive feedback from upcoming shift into the obsolete phase.
munication, guarantees our customers end customers sites regarding our pro- In a next step there will be a second roll-
any life-cycle changes to secure the active life-cycle communication and out of proactive information. A complete
assets of their systems. high customer satisfaction was the life-cycle communication package includ-
Almost 15 years after the end of major outcome of this campaign. ing specific life-cycle information, service
mass production and as part of the life- offering proposals and contacts will be dis-
cycle concept, the service excitation Preview UNITROL® P campaign tributed at the beginning of 2014.
team rolled-out a global UNITROL M Based on the positive and successful During this time our customers can
and SYCNHROTACT 3 campaign during results of the UNITROL M campaign, contact ABB in order to discuss further
March to December last year. The main the service excitation team is working options to optimize their asset.
goal of this campaign was to inform all on preparations for the next life-cycle One of the key targets is to keep all our
end-customers about the upcoming note for UNITROL P. end-customers using UNITROL P sys-
life-cycle change and the most valu- UNITROL P voltage regulators are wide- tems updated, thereby making it possi-
able solutions to ensure product reli- ly used around the world and will pass ble to inform in advance about the most
ability and optimum performance for a into the obsolete phase by end of 2015. economical and reliable solution.
dependable operation by end of 2013. In order to keep our customers
Around 800 UNITROL M systems, informed, we will launch, as part of the ABB Power Electronics Service - online
which were installed in the early 90s, are
spread across the world. All these cus-
tomers have been informed by an exclu-
sive created communication package
including the life-cycle information and Life-cycle status
its recommendations such as: UNITROL® M
–– Performance review programs, SYNCHROTACT® 3
backed-up by spare part management (end of 2013)
–– Control upgrades, which involve UNITROL® P
upgrading the UNITROL M control (end of 2015)

platform to an active platform while

keeping the legacy power converters
–– Retrofit solutions, which include a
complete replacement of the excitation
system with one of the active systems
UNITROL 1010, UNITROL 1020 or Services and support Services and support
Full range of life-cycle services and support Limited range of Migration support
Through this campaign custom- is available. life-cycle services and is available.
ers have been made aware of how to support is available.
increase the reliability of their assets of

UNITROL now 67 | 13 19

UNITROL® 6080 ensures safe and

reliable operation for Eggborough’s
power station
Text Mark Garside

BB will supply a dual chan- 6080 AVRs with dual auto channels and together to design the new equipment,
nel UNITROL 6080 automat- dual power converters replacing one of including interfacing with the existing
ic voltage regulator (AVR) for the existing single channel AVR units, station systems.
Eggborough Power Limited’s whilst retaining the rotating exciters. “We are delighted to be working with
coal-fired power station in Goole, East The UNITROL 6080 AVR is one of Eggborough Power to maintain and
Yorkshire, UK. the latest developments in ABB’s high- improve the reliability of this important
Eggborough Power Station provides ly successful line of UNITROL excitation power station by implementing ABB’s
around 2,000 MW for the national grid, systems. The UNITROL 6080 is based retrofit AVR solution,” says Mark Garside,
enough to power around two million on the AC 800PEC high performance ABB’s Operations Manager for Power
homes. The coal-fired plant first came processor family, which is an extension Generation Excitation Systems in the UK.
on line in 1967 and became an indepen- of ABB’s 800xA control platform, devel- “This is the latest in a number of contract
dent business in 2010. From the 1990s to oped to meet the fast control require- successes that confirms that UNITROL
the present day, a number of upgrades ments of power electronics. It meets is the excitation solution of choice in the
have been undertaken to improve envi- current grid code requirements whilst UK for retrofit projects, particularly for its
ronmental performance and to replace the dual-channel configuration of the advanced technology.”
major components with more efficient, UNITROL 6080 significantly improves
modern designs. This includes the the reliability of the plant. The excita-
upgrading of the power station’s AVRs. tion control terminal and the Ethernet For further information please visit:
ABB’s technical expertise and exten- connection with OPC protocol are fur- www.abb.com/unitrol
sive experience in retrofitting excitation ther options that allow simplified opera-
systems was the key factor in securing tion, monitoring and maintenance of this
this upgrade. ABB is manufacturing a excitation system.
complete replacement for the existing ABB’s project team and Eggborough
AVR equipment, based on its UNITROL Power’s station staff will work closely

20 UNITROL now 67|13


Othman M. Al-Essa (left) with one of his instructors, Roland Richner (right), at ABB’s Learning Center in Turgi, Switzerland

Three months short-term

assignment for Saudi Aramco
Text Stefania Saredi

Our learning center is very glad to hav- Saudi Aramco. It has been a real plea- rience this working style and to get to
ing successfully completed a three sure having him in our team during three know the wonderful and great team.
months short-term assignment for months and we would like to thank him I would like to express my gratitude
Othman M. Al-Essa from Saudi Aramco. for his contribution to this assignment. and appreciation to all ABB learning
The objective of this tailored train- center members in Turgi for all the peer-
ing program at ABB’s learning center in Feedback of Othman M. Al-Essa, less care and attention I have been given
Turgi, Switzerland was to enhance his Saudi Aramco throughout the training period.
knowledge and experience in the field “Excitation system was a new field for I feel that by knowing them and being
of excitation systems, maintenance and me. In these three months I have gath- a friend of them has really added value
performance optimization based on the ered a lot of good information, built a to my life.”
installed UNITROL base of Saudi Aramco. very good knowledge about these ABB
The program included tutoring, person- systems, which I can differentiate now. For customized training courses,
al coaching and hands-on training using It will, for sure, help me in my work and please contact:
demo equipment with generator simula- also my company, Saudi Aramco. I am ABB Switzerland Ltd
tors covering the following excitation sys- able to advise which would be the most Learning Center Power Electronics
tems – UNITROL F, UNITROL 6080 and suitable excitation system for our facility and MV Drives
UNITROL 6800. and processes. Austrasse
The assignment was very success- I absolutely recommend the short- CH-5300 Turgi
ful to both our customer, Saudi Aram- term assignment. It is really profession- E-mail: Training-for-Power-Electronics-
co, and the ABB University team. We are al and very good to send people to get and-MV-Drives@ch.abb.com
very pleased to have had the opportu- new knowledge directly at ABB’s learn-
nity to train Mr. Othman M. Al-Essa from ing center. It was remarkable to expe- www.abb.com/abbuniversity

UNITROL now 67 | 13 21

Impressions of the ABB Automation and Power Word in the ‘UmweltArena’ Spreitenbach, Switzerland

ABB Automation and

Power World in Switzerland

his year’s Swiss Automation &
1 2
Power World (APW) took place on
April 22-26. The event addressed
customers, students and employ-
ees as well as VIPs from politics, business
and science, and showcased ABB’s exten-
sive automation and power offerings and
expertise. Highlights were the two cus-
tomer days with presentations and infor- 3 4
mation networking with ABB experts as
well as the VIP event ‘Talents – Trends –
Technology‘ on the topic ’Energy Transi-
tion - Vision or Illusion?’.

Excitation Systems at APW

ABB Excitation Systems showcased a
hydro power plant model (see image no. 5
1) in collaboration with the University of bility - The todays challenge for pow-
Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern er plants’, giving the audience an over-
Switzerland FHNW. The model with an view on regulations and general technical
UNITROL 1020 AVR is used at the Uni- features to be considered in future. This
versity for practical exercises and stud- was followed by discussions with some
ies of the electrical engineering and infor- customers, who wanted to know more
mation technology, as well as energy and about this topic.
01 Model of a hydro power plant (HPP), with
environment students. The APW was a great opportunity to the AVR UNITROL 1020
At the APW, the hydro power plant meet with Swiss customers and to show 02/03 Interesting and exciting customer
model was appealing for many visitors them ABB’s innovations and benefits. discussions about the HPP model and
excitation systems
and built the bridge for interesting con-
04/05 Tobias Keller presenting the coming chal-
tacts and discussions around ABB’s exci- More information and all presentations held lenges related to grid stability for power
tation systems. Tobias Keller, Vice Presi- at the Swiss APW on www.abb.ch/apw plants to more than 80 customers
dent Products and Technology, Excitation
Systems, presented the topic ‘Grid sta-

22 UNITROL now 67|13


Excitation systems Down Under

Australia. ABB’s local engineering center
(LEC) in Australia invited its customers to
visit the ABB premises in Melbourne or
Brisbane to attend an excitation seminar at
the end of June. The seminar was held in
two locations for customers convenience.
30 persons seized the chance and attend-
ed the half-day seminar. The main speak-
er, Matthias Baechle from Switzerland,
presented the advancements in excita-
tion system controls, focusing on power
system stabilizer control and its influence
on grid code compliance. Furthermore,
the functions of an excitation system were
covered and an overview of ABB’s life-
cycle management was given.
Matthias Baechle was also available to
respond to any technical questions. Cus- Left: Seminar in Melbourne, participants listening to ABB solutions in optimizing the power system
tomers and ABB’s expectations were met stabilizer damping. Right: EEA in Auckland, New Zealand, interesting discussions between customers
during this highly interactive and indepth and ABB experts.

technical seminar.
Systems, presented the paper ‘Improv- in the future. The EEA conference partic-
New Zealand. From 19-21 June, 2013 ing the Transient Rotor Angle Stability by ipants were able to hear local and over-
the EEA (Electricity Engineers’ Associa- the Delayed Field Forcing’ at the confer- seas industry leaders; attend the exten-
tion) Conference took place in Auckland, ence. This year’s theme was ‘Electricity, sive exhibition and listen and participate
New Zealand. ABB showcased its exten- Past & Future’ providing an opportunity to to a range of technical and engineering
sive portfolio for the region and present- reflect on the impact electricity has had papers and discussion forums.
ed some papers at the conference. On 20 on society; where power engineering and
June, Matthias Baechle, ABB Excitation technology stands and where it is going

Introducing AVR in China Upcoming Events

Suzhou City, China. An UNITROL 1000 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society
automatic voltage regulator (AVR) cus- General Meeting
tomer seminar was held on May 30 - 31, The theme of the meeting is: Shaping
targeted to introduce the latest products. the Future Energy Industry
There were more than 50 participants from Vancouver, Canada
different Chinese companies, in relation 21 - 25 July, 2013
with ABB as distributors, OEM custom-
ers, system integrators and end users. Hydro Vision International
The UNITROL 1000 Product Manager, Exhibition & Conference
Rudolf Moeckli, introduced the glob- Denver, Colorado, USA
al excitation system market view and All customers and ABB excitation system 23 - 26 July, 2013
presented the function description and experts at the UNITROL 1000 seminar held in
Suzhou City, China.
new software of the latest products, Power-Gen International
UNITROL 1010 and UNITROL 1020. All Exhibition & Conference
participants were able to ask technical Orlando, Florida, USA
questions and follow interesting discus- 12 - 14 November, 2013
sions with the ABB experts.

UNITROL now 67 | 13 23
Are you synchronized with IEC 61850?


Automatic synchronization of generators and power lines, making use of the IEC 61850
communication protocol, is now possible with ABB’s SYNCHROTACT® 5. In any power
station, generators must be paralleled with power lines while in substations, two
synchronous lines have to be paralleled. By implementing IEC 61850 protocol handling
within an additional processor, the impeccable reliability and superb performance of the
synchronizer remains unchanged. SYNCHROTACT® 5 is the right choice for safe and
efficient synchronization. To find out more, visit www.abb.com/synchrotact

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Synchronizing Equipment
Phone: +41 58 589 24 86
E-Mail: pes@ch.abb.com

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