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Course Code: MS-10

Course Title: Organizational Design, Development and Change
Assignment No.: MS-10/TMA/Sem-II/2020
Coverage: All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your Study Centre on or
before 31st October, 2020.

1. Describe and discuss T-Group Training and Team Building as interventions to organisation development,
giving examples. Briefly discuss their merits and demerits.

The training or T-group is an approach to human relations training which, broadly speaking, provides
participants with an opportunity to learn more about themselves and their impact on others and, in particular,
to learn how to function more effectively in face-to-face situations. It attempts to facilitate this learning by
bringing together a small group of people for the express purpose of studying their own behavior as it occurs
when they interact within a small group.

There are certain features that distinguish this type of group from a conventional group discussion. First, the
training is primarily 'process oriented' rather than 'content oriented.' That is, the primary stress is on the feeling
level of communication, rather than on the informational or conceptual level. This emphasis is accomplished by
focusing on the 'here and now' behavior and themes in the group. Second, the training is not structured in a
conventional manner. Opportunities are provided for the individuals to decide what they want to talk about,
what kind of problems they wish to deal with, and what means they want to use in reaching their goals. No one
tells them what they ought to talk about. As they concern themselves with the problems caused by this lack of
direction, they begin to act in characteristic ways; some people remain silent, some are aggressive, some tend
consistently to initiate discussions, and some attempt to structure the proceedings. With the aid of the
facilitator, or group leader, these approaches or developments become the focal points of discussion and
analysis. The facilitator draws attention to events and behavior in the group by occasional interventions in the
form of tentative interpretations. Third, the heart of a T-group laboratory is found in small groups, allowing a
high level of participation, involvement, and free communication. Intense involvement with the group is an
essential feature of T-group programs, in contrast to other methods. This involvement may be of advantage in
producing lasting changes in the attitudes and behavior of participants.

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Advantages of Group Training

Group training has also many benefits to offer. Here are some of them:

1. Group training is more fun than training solo.

Training solo can be quite boring, especially if you are new to the gym or fitness studio.
2. Group training lessens the likelihood of skipping workout sessions.
When there are friends to accompany you in the workout, it lessens the likelihood of missing a session because
you would not want to let them down.

3. Group training offers more motivation.

Working out in a group makes it easier to go through difficult workouts because you know there are other
people going through something similar with you.

Disadvantages of Group Training

If there are advantages to training in groups, there are also downsides to group workouts. Here are some of
1. Individual needs cannot be addressed.
A group training is created for a general audience. Therefore, the needs of each individual may not be addressed
as the program is not customized.
2. Incorrect form cannot be spotted easily.
Due to a large number, your instructor may not be able to spot if you are assuming an incorrect form. Your form
may not immediately be corrected.
3. Runs the risk of overtraining.
Since the instructor need to attend to several members, individual progress is difficult to monitor. Your
instructor may push some of the group members, including you, to overtrain.

Team building is a management technique used for improving the efficiency and performance of the workgroups
through various activities. It involves a lot of skills, analysis and observation for forming a strong and capable
team. The whole sole motive here is to achieve the organization vision and objectives.
Now, you must be wondering; How to Build a Great Team?
Forming a great team requires a lot of skills and presence of mind. Usually, some managers specialize in team-
building skills and are hired by the companies on this parameter.
The manager responsible for team building must be able to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the team
members and create the right mix of people with different skill sets. He must focus on developing strong
interpersonal relations and trust among the team members.
Team Building Interventions
Team building interventions help to enhance relationship and performance among participants who come
together under a common objective as a team.

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Team building interventions include variety of tools and team building processes that include human group
processes, skill-based workshops, psychometric instruments, team building exercise and team building actvities
that improve teamwork and team performance.

These team actvities are aimed at improving interpersonal relations, clarifying team members roles,
responsibilities as well as solving tasks and interpersonal conflicts that affect overall team functionality at the

One of the most powerful reasons for the team to undergo team building intervention is to improve team
cooperation, team collaboration, team cohesion and team co-creation to achieve high performance results.

Team building interventions also improve the team members’ feelings and team interactions thereby improving
relationship and trust in the entire team.

Our Team Building interventions are usually a mix of the following interventions
• Personality Based Team Building
• Activity Based Team Building
• Skills Based Team Building
• Problem Solving Based Team Building

Team building intervention strategies help teams avoid or recover from pitfalls of internal competition, conflict,
lack of commitment, lack of responsibility and accountability and poor team results.


Team-building activities increase positive communication, raise morale, empower team members, encourage
bonding and often evoke laughter. Strive to have a mix of activities that encourage active problem-solving and
encourage bonding. According to the Harvard Business Review, team-building exercises should consider various
personalities and learning styles. Encourage collaboration by empowering team members to create future

This team-building event can span several sessions from planning to creation to implementation. This ongoing
activity would work best with competing teams, perhaps as a departmental bonding opportunity. Each team
would build a “car” from available parts: boxes, duct tape, cart wheels and items provided by the company. Cars
would be raced on a predetermined day. Consider providing prizes such as achievement certificates. As this type
of project require many skills sets to ensure success, a team that strives to utilize each member’s strengths
should shine.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork

• Working in teams increases collaboration and allows brainstorming. As a result, more ideas are
developed and productivity improves.
• Two or more people are always better than one for solving problems, finishing off difficult tasks and
increasing creativity.
• Everyone is unique and has different skills, backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, others in a team
can help you see things from a different angle.
• Teamwork encourages communication between team members. For this reason, relations between
employees tend to be better and over time employees learn to communicate better.
• In some teams, there may be members who sit back and let others do all the work. In these types of
teams conflicts may occur and this can affect the mood of others in the team.
• Working in a team requires many meetings and these meetings, if not managed well, can go off topic
and decrease the efficiency of the team.
• Making decisions can take longer for the sake of finding a consensus. Hence, delays occur.

2. Describe the importance of organization diagnosis. Discuss and describe organizational analysis
perspectives and their relevance in the present-day context.

It is collaboration between organisation practitioner and the organisation members about issues what target groups
are to be diagnosed. How the diagnosis is best accomplished, what process and dynamics should be analysed,
what is to be done with the information, how the data will be worked with and how the information will be used
to aid action planning. Therefore, the diagnostic component and the action component are intimately related in
organisation development. Diagnosis can be carried out in an organisation for various purposes. Some of
thepurposes are discussed as follows:

1) To develop an understanding of functions and processes in the organisation: This is one of the purposes
of diagnosis in an organisation. Diagnosis can help in developing better understanding about the various process
and functions that are carried out in an organisation. For example, the processof communication may be diagnosed
in order to understand it in a better manner and also to find out any problems with regard to the process. In case
if any problems are identified then suitable measure can be carried out in order to rectify them.

2) To promote growth and development of the organisation: Diagnosis may also be carried out with a purpose
of promoting growth and development in the organisation. In this case diagnosis will be required to be carried out
of the structure, system and sub systems in the organisation to identify if any modifications or changes are required
in them before the organisation plans its development strategy.

3) To improve organisational effectiveness and increase productivity:

Diagnosis may further be carried out in order to improve organizational effectiveness and to increase productivity.
This is one of the main goals of any organisation and in order to achieve it the employees have to perform at their
best at the same time the structure, systems and process in the organization should be conducive to promote
growth and effectiveness in the organisation.
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Thus, a diagnosis can be carried out to understand the situation and identify any possible problems with the
organisational structure, process and systems in order to carry out necessary steps to promote organisational
effectiveness and increase productivity.

4) Enhance problem solving and decision making in organisational set up: A systematic diagnosis will
provide the organisation with relevant information about various aspects of the organisation, persistent problems
and relevant situation. This information then can be used in order to solve problems effectively and also to make
effective decisions.

5) Develop suitable intervention strategy: As we have discussed that diagnosis will help understand a particular
problem in a better manner and then suitable intervention strategies may be developed and applied. Some of the
intervention strategies that can be used are discussed in the previous units.

6) Understand the organisational culture: The diagnosis can also be carried out to understand the culture
prevalent in the organisation. We have an idea that organisational culture is one of the most important aspects of
an organisation as it has an influence on the employee performance, satisfaction and is thus related to the overall
growth and development of the organisation. It is thus important to understand the organisational culture of an
organization so as to identify any deviations and take measures to modify or change it.

Models of Organizational Analysis

Organizational analysis helps businesses succeed in a dynamic business environment. For that reason, an entity
needs to understand its model. Business modeling is a key parameter in the process of organizational analysis.
Models explain how a business functions and the changes they experience, so that they can reach their desired
level of performance.

There are four different models that organizations commonly work with. The first model is the rational model.
Its philosophy is that there is only one logical way to perform tasks. An alternative model is the natural model,
which believes that a business not only wants to achieve its own goals, but also positively influence its external

Socio-technical is the third model. According to the socio-technical model, businesses are evolving on a
continuous basis. Change is made each time employee expectations are altered because of collaborating with
fellow employees.

The last one is the cognitive model. This model places great emphasis on tasks done by the business team. A lot
of attention goes toward the division and coordination of tasks among employees.

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3. Explain the evolutionary process of organizational design and describe Mintzberg’s typology as to how it
provides linkage between organisational business strategy and organisational design and its relevance in the
present day organisations.

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure is related to mapping out the different departments of an organization and the
different teams working in each department, their hierarchical order, their goals and objectives. It also illustrates
the roles and responsibilities given to different responsibilities.

A typical Organization Structure illustration looks like the following illustration −

Organizational Design

On the other hand, Organizational Design is related to aligning functions, processes, strategies, responsibilities
and roles to different members of team and departments within the context of the various processes and
products that the company produces.

What are Organizations?

When asked to imagine an Organization, people tend to picture a big glass building in a big campus with state-
of-art facilities, bright corridors and teams upon teams of people working on different floors. It brings a surprised
look in their eyes when they are told that every one of them has worked in an organization irrespective of the
fact that they have ever stepped inside an office or not in their entire lives. If you are surprised too, then you
are in a good company, because people relate to organizations with names like UNO, World Bank.

This issue arises from a fundamental misunderstanding in the meaning of the term Organization. We know that
organizations consist of people working in big buildings. However, it is interesting to think if the buildings
themselves are a part of the organization, even if the company owns it.
Building Themselves

There is a difference between Mission and Vision, though.

Vision − A Vision or Vision Statement tells what an organization should achieve and be in (n) years. It is related
to trying to accurately predict the future of business and make preparations from now on. It tries to set a
benchmark that the organization is supposed to achieve in a given number of years. Companies without a vision
are perceived as self-centered who are resistant in adopting to change with passage of time.

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Mission − In simple words, a Mission or Mission Statement explains what an organization does as its basic
function. A Vision Statement tells what an organization should achieve and be in (n) years.

For example, many companies, most notably Nokia, faced bankruptcy due to their being too fixated on their
present success to design a framework for the future.

Business Strategy

Business Strategies decide the products and services that an organization will produce, the choice of
technologies using which the products and services are designed, the development of these products, their
pricing, marketing and distribution. It also involves finding competitive ways to counter rival companies.
Business Strategies

Organizing and Resourcing

Once the organization draws out a mission and vision statement and finalizes a strategy on how to achieve
these, the managers start to draw the framework, delegate responsibilities and recruit people as valuable
resources and train them to deliver on objectives. The HRs take over these responsibilities after deciding upon
the cost to the company (CTC) and the other motivation-oriented performance incentives.

Once the resources have been recruited, they are provided intensive training into the products and services and
are inducted into their jobs. Their performances are subject to periodic informal reviews, during which their
supervisor will identify issues in their working style and guide the employees, so that they can address these

Review and Evaluation

After the probation period, during which the newly appointed recruits are kept under guidance-driven
observation, they will be subjected to a periodic formal review process, during which their performances will be
evaluated and feedback will be shared.

External Environment

In today’s world of globalized business-dealing, no company can afford to operate in strict silo structures. Every
company has to keep a tab of its working process. It needs to keep conducting reviews and scans to its working
environment to see what further improvements it can bring in its workforce.

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An organization’s strategy is its plan for the whole business that sets out how the organization will use its major
resources. In other words, an organization’s strategy is a plan of action aimed at reaching specific goals and
staying in good stead with clients and vendors.

Organizational structure and strategy are related because organizational strategy helps a company define and
build its organizational structure. A company's organizational structure is based on the result of the analysis of
organizational strategy. The company will use these results to determine its areas of concentration and how to
position itself in order to succeed.

One of the first steps a company takes in its initial stages is assessing its operational environment in order to
determine the conditions in which it must operate. This involves checking out the competition, consumer trends,
culture and other factors. The company will find out the strengths and weaknesses of its competition, the buying
habits of the consumers, and its economic capabilities.

The relationship between organizational structure and strategy becomes clearer when the company’s strategy
is in place. With a clear focus of what it wants to achieve, the organization will proceed to align its structure in
such a manner to best achieve this. It will allocate responsibilities for optimal results, create branches, and
decide whether individual efforts or group participation is the best method for it to achieve its goals. The
organizational structure and strategy will also help the company decide if the tone of the company should be
strictly formal, semi-formal or informal. All of these decisions can be made after determining the organizational
strategy of the company.

Structure is not simply an organization chart. Structure is all the people, positions, procedures, processes,
culture, technology and related elements that comprise the organization. It defines how all the pieces, parts
and processes work together. This structure must be totally integrated with strategy for the organization to
achieve its mission and goals. Structure supports strategy. If an organization changes its strategy, it must change
its structure to support the new strategy. When it doesn’t, the structure acts like a bungee cord and pulls the
organization back to its old strategy.

Strategy follows structure. What the organization does defines the strategy. Changing strategy means changing
what everyone in the organization does. When an organization changes its structure and not its strategy, the
strategy will change to fit the new structure. Strategy follows structure. Suddenly management realizes the
organization’s strategy has shifted in an undesirable way. It appears to have done it on its own. In reality, an
organization’s structure is a powerful force. You can’t direct it to do something for any length of time unless the
structure is capable of supporting that strategy.

The sum total of how an organization goes about its work is its strategy. Structure and strategy are married to
each other. When a company makes major changes, it must carefully think out every aspect of the structure
required to support the strategy. That is the only way to implement lasting improvements. Every part of an
organization, every person working for that organization needs to be focused on supporting the vision and
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direction. How everything is done and everything operates needs to be integrated so all the effort and resources
support the strategy.

It takes the right structure for a strategy to succeed. Management that is solely focused on results can have a
tendency to direct everyone on what they need to do without paying attention to the current way the
organization works. While people may carry out these actions individually, it is only when their daily way of
working is integrated to support strategy that the organization’s direction is sustainable over time.

Top management can’t just send out a proclamation about a new strategy, direction and vision and expect
everyone to follow it. To implement such a strategic shift requires a complete change within the organization
itself. Strategy and structure are married to each other. A decision to change one requires an all-out effort to
change the other. But that structural change must be well thought out and based on a thorough cause and effect
analysis. You don’t just change a structure to change it. You have to make sure the changes will support that
strategy. At the same time, you don’t just implement a better leadership and engagement approach in a
company or alter the organizational chart without evaluating how that is going to effect the firm’s ability to
carry out its current strategies.

By contrast, Mintzberg’s model breaks down the organisation into five generic components, considering the
role of each in relation to coordinating its activities. These are:

strategic apex
middle line
operating core
support staff.

This element of the organisation is made up of directors and senior executives. Their role is to interpret or define
the mission of the organisation and ensure that its objectives are consistent with this mission. The strategic apex
is also responsible for managing the organisation’s relationship with the macro-environment.

The relative influence of these elements to one another have a significant impact on the nature of the
organisation. Mintzberg asserts that each element will have a preferred means of coordination. For example,
the strategic apex will attempt to coordinate through direct supervision, and will be especially important in
smaller organisations with simpler structures. The middle line seeks to standardise outputs, while the
technostructure attempts to standardise work processes. The operating core will try to standardise skills.

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4. Briefly discuss the role of Change Agent and describe the competencies required for a Change Agent to be
effective and successful.

Change agents have diverse roles. They create a state conductive to change and also produce desired change.
Some professionals consider three main roles of change agents, of course somewhat overlapping and with varying focus
and emphasis. These three main or primary roles are:
􀀀 Consultant;

􀀀 Trainer; and

􀀀 Researcher.

These three roles are have been briefly described below:

A Consultant is a professional (internal or external) who applies behavioural Science knowledge in an ongoing
organization (or client system) with clear objectives of managing change and improving effectiveness.
A consultant is a professional assisting managers and organizations in achieving organizational purposes and objectives
by solving management and business problems, identifying and seizing new opportunities, enhancing learning and
implementing changes.

According to Curtis Mial: “The Consultant may serve as the exhaust value, enabling the client to let off steam: as the
ignition to spark action; as the accelerator to buildup momentum; as the break for too quick action; as the radiator
absorbing some of the heat of the controversy; as the shock absorber when thegoing is rough; or as the fog lamp when the
future is hazy. The Consultant 00may fulfill a variety of functions, but one thing he/she is not the driver”.
If we see the definition, we find that ‘Change agents’ and ‘Consultants’ have many roles in common, and that’s why,
these two words are used interchangeably. The role of a Consultant may be ‘content role’, ‘process role’ or a combination
of both. In other words, a Consultant may have ‘Task orientation’, ‘Process orientation’ or a combination of both.
In the fully ‘Task oriented’ or ‘Technical expert’ role, the Consultant identifies / verifies the problem as an ‘expert’ or
through an expert, helps in problem solving by giving his/her ideas and opinions. His/her involvement is temporary
and confined to specific problem solving, relationship with client short-term and problem focused.

In ‘Process oriented’ consultation, the Consultant is a Process facilitator not a solution (context / content) provider. He
helps problem identification and verification by sensing and facilitating expression of feelings and attitudes, helps
in problem solving not by providing (solutions / contents) but by enhancing problem identification and solving capability.
The involvement, in Process Consultation, is with people and groups in the organization, relationship is personal,
involved, process oriented and of long-term perspective. The Consultant’s role will merge with the role of ‘Change agent’

A Change agent needs to be a trainer and educator. He has to educate people on the need and importance of change using
a variety of methodologies — lectures, presentations, films, group discussions, role-plays and instruments, cases
and experiential learning etc.
The trainer role is most widely and intensively used at all stages of a change project: unfreezing, changing (intervening)
and refreezing. Training is required for enhancing knowledge, skills and change in behaviour, attitudes and beliefs.
Training is used both in ‘content orientation’ and ‘process orientation’.

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The Change agent, many times has to provide instruction, information on other kinds focused learning opportunities for
the client. In many helping situations, particularly when the client is expected to acquire competence in certain areas,
the ability to train and educate is indispensable. A Change agent must be able to assess training needs, write learning
objectives, design learning experiences and educational activities and use a variety of training / learning techniques for
transfer of learning.

A Change agent has to carry out some research activities for the purpose of generating valid information prior to and
during the change process. Data collection, diagnosis, generation of new behavioural science knowledge, evolving
best strategies for change by assessing alternatives and the important stages in a change project where the Change agent
has to be a Researcher. Useful hypothesis is to be formulated and tested. A Change agent also searches and
studies literature, new developments and experiences of past interventions.

Change agents also generate new, useful knowledge about the process of change, about specific change methods or
techniques about specific changes of a technical, structural, or process nature, or about the means of resolving
certain problems.


Competency is an underlying characteristic of a person that results in effective and/or superior performance (Boyatzis,
1982). After going through various roles of Change agents, it would have become clear that they have to be master of
many competencies. It needs to clarify here that it is not possible for a particular Change agent to be the master of all
skills / competencies, that is why, change agents also engage other Change agents / Consultants. It is very difficult to
make an exclusive list of Change agent competencies — the roles themselves indicate many of them. The competencies
include knowledge, skills, attitudes, traits, value, motives and it is difficult to draw a line between theses. A skill is used
for applications or working for performing a task / satisfying a role, which is a result of a number of visible and invisible
competencies. In general, competencies for Change agents may be broadly classified into:

– Cognitive Competencies;
– Functional / Technical Competencies;
– Personal (Effectiveness) Competencies
(Self-control, attitudes, traits, values etc.); and
– Inter-personal Competencies.

Cognitive Competencies
Cognitive competencies are required for perceiving and thinking and are again a combination of a number of
competencies. For simple explanation, these can be divided in two types of thinking:

Analytical thinking; and


Conceptual thinking.

Analytical Thinking enables a person to understand a situation by breaking it apart into smaller pieces, or tracing the
implications of a situation in a step-bystep causal way. It also involves organising the parts of a problem or situation

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in a systematic way, making systematic comparisons of different aspects or features, setting priorities on a rational basis,
identifying time sequences, causal relationships or ‘If .......... then ...........’ relationships. According to Spencer and
Spencer (1993), the main underlying dimension of Analytical thinking is ‘complexity’: the number of causes, reasons,
consequences or action steps included in the analysis ranging from a ‘simple list making’ to a ‘complex multi layered
analysis’. The second dimension is ‘breadth’ or the size of problem analysis. This may range from the lowest level
-- ‘concerns one- or two-people’s performances’ to the highest level - ‘concerns long term performance’ — relating to a
major division or entered in a complex environment (economic / demographic changes and major improvements).

Common behavioral indicators of ‘Analytical thinking’ dimension in a person are:

􀀀 Setting priorities (for tasks) in order of importance.
􀀀 Breaking down systematically a complex problem / task into manageable parts.
􀀀 Identifying / recognising likely causes of events or different consequences of actions.
􀀀 Anticipating obstacles and thinking ahead about future / next steps
􀀀 Using a mix of analytical techniques to identify several solutions and weighs the value of each.

Conceptual Thinking involves understanding a situation or problem by puttingthe pieces together and seeing the large
picture. It includes identifying patterns or connections between situations that are not obviously related and identifying
key or underlying issues in a complex situation. Conceptual thinking uses creative, conceptual or inductive reasoning for
applying the existing concepts of defining novel concepts.

According to Spencer and Spencer (1993), there are two main dimensions of Conceptual thinking:

i) The complexity of thought processes and their originality — ranging from ‘using basic thumb rules’ to ‘creating new
theories explaining complex situations’.

ii) The breadth or the size of the problem analysed. A few behavioural indicators of conceptual thinking are:
􀀀 Using ‘thumb rule’, common sense and / or past experiences to identify problems and situations.
􀀀 Comparing the crucial differences between the existing situation and previous happenings.
􀀀 Applying and modifying complex concepts, which have been learned, and methods in appropriate manner.
􀀀Identifying useful relationships among complex data from unrelated areas. By the above-mentioned narration, the
importance of cognitive competencies might have been clear to a great extent.

Functional/Technical Competencies
These are the skills required to perform effectively in a particular discipline, functional or technical area such as — Heat
Treatment, Corrosion, Investment analysis, Designing a wage and salary administration system, Organization
Development, Structural Design etc. The Change agent, who is working for identifying or resolving problems, must
have the necessary knowledge particularly as Problem identifier or/and Solution provider. Technical / professional
competencies include mastery on a body or field of Job-related Knowledge and skills and also the motivation to enhance,
use and disseminate work-related knowledge/skills to others. According to Spencer and Spencer, there are four main
dimensions to Functional / Technical/
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Professional competencies:

i) Depth of Knowledge and Skills: This is described in terms of formal educational qualifications, training, expertise
gained through informal study or working experience.

ii) Breadth of Knowledge and Skills: It is the managerial and organizational expertise necessary to manage, coordinate or
integrate diverse people, organizational functions and units for achieving common objectives.

iii) Expertise Acquisition Motive: The efforts to maintain and acquire expertise ranging from simple maintenance to
extensive efforts to attain mastery in new areas.

iv) Distribution / Dissemination of Expertise: This ranges from ‘no specialknowledge’ to ‘share the knowledge/skill to
the highest level’ or ‘publishing new technologies or new methods in professional/ technical journals’. A few
behavioural indicators are:

􀀀 Striving to keep abreast with emerging knowledge and skills.

􀀀 Exhibiting curiosity by exploring beyond one’s immediate fields.
􀀀 Readiness for helping others in resolving their problems.
􀀀 Interest for studying new subjects

􀀀 Volunteering to go out to share the expertise for disseminating new leanings.

Personal (Effectiveness) / Self Management Competencies

These competencies help a person to be effective in achieving his goals, actions even amidst environmental difficulties
and pressures. For effectiveness of Change agents / Consultants, the following personal / self management skills
are quite essential.

Inter-Personal Competencies

These competencies are essential for dealing with other people effectively. Inter-personal competencies are a bunch of
different skills largely overlapping with each other. It is very difficult to clearly enumerate all such slots.

However, some of the inter-personal skills may be enumerated as:

􀀀 Inter-personal relations;
􀀀 Helping a person; and
􀀀Developing and maintaining smooth, co-operative working relationships with colleagues, superiors, customers, clients

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5. Describe and discuss Quality of Work-life and its importance, giving examples.
Introduction to Quality of Work Life (QWL):
Dissatisfaction with working life affects the workers some time or another, regardless of position or status. The
frustration, boredom and anger common to employees can be costly to both individuals and organisations.
Managers seek to reduce job dissatisfaction at all organizational levels, including their own. This is a complex
problem, however, because it is difficult to isolate and identify the attributes which affect the quality of working
Profitability of a company is linked to satisfaction of its work force. A company that does not measure and
improve employee satisfaction may face increasing turnover, declining productivity and limited ability to attract
and retain qualified replacements.
Employee satisfaction and quality of work life directly affect company’s ability to serve its customers. Efforts
towards QWL measurement help in efficient and effective allocation of resources to enhance productivity and
stability of the workforce
Importance of Quality of Work Life:
Many companies find that paying attention to the needs of employees can benefit the company in terms of
productivity, employee loyalty and company reputation.
QWL is important because of the following reasons:
1. Enhance stakeholder relations and credibility:
A growing number of companies that focus on QWL improve their relationships with the stakeholders. They can
communicate their views, policies, and performance on complex social issues; and develop interest among their
key stakeholders like consumers, suppliers, employees etc.
2. Increase productivity:
Programmes which help employees balance their work and lives outside the work can improve productivity. A
company’s recognition and support — through its stated values and policies — of employees’ commitments,
interests and pressures, can relieve employees’ external stress.
This allows them to focus on their jobs during the workday and helps to minimize absenteeism. The result can
be both enhanced productivity and strengthened employee commitment and loyalty.
3. Attraction and retention:

These are just the sample of the answers/solution to some of the questions given in the assignments. Student should
read and refer the official study material provided by the university.
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Work-life strategies have become a means of attracting new skilled employees and keeping existing ones
satisfied. Many job seekers prefer flexible working hours as the benefit they would look for in their job. They
would rather have the opportunity to work flexible hours than receive an additional increment in annual pay.
a. More employees may stay on a job, return after a break or take a job with one company over another if they
can match their needs better with those of their paid work.
b. This results in savings for the employer as it avoids the cost of losing an experienced worker and recruiting
someone new.
c. Employers who support their staff in this way often gain loyalty from the staff.
4. Reduces absenteeism:
a. Companies that have family-friendly or flexible work practices have low absenteeism. Sickness rates fall as
pressures are managed better. Employees have better methods of dealing with work-life conflicts than taking
unplanned leave.
b. Workers (including the managers) who are healthy and not over-stressed are more efficient at work.

These are just the sample of the answers/solution to some of the questions given in the assignments. Student should
read and refer the official study material provided by the university.

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