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Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom but that will reveal the first shaft." Now over in Egypt, as it were, there has been a little construction and the moving around of some things, so some tunnels are not what they used to be, But there are still those that connect from the greatest of all pyramids there into the interior that connects over into the Yucatan, and they go under the sea. Are you pleased that | have continued with this, your question? Student: There is a line. If you connect the three pyramids, the Great Pyramids in Egypt, and to follow that line, what is formed is something that looks like a shell, a seashell. And if that line is followed to its apex, there are some shafts there that some suspect connect into these chambers that you are talking about. Ramtha: They do. Now there is a byway not too far from here — let us see, where are we here; from here, the closest would be is under the sea, so you cannot go there — to a great mountain called Shasta, and there is an opening there. At a mountain called Superstition, in a desert called Mojave, into that which is termed the Asiatics, there is an opening. And only of late there is one off of an island called Japan, and there is a lot of confusion there. Those are new doors, So be it. SCIENCE BEHIND THE Pyramip STRUCTURE Now there is a direct science involved in the structure of these, entities. And first, as it were indeed, the pyramids are located in direct line with that which is termed, as it were indeed, what is called a true north, as it is termed, to true south. Well, there are energies that run, as it were indeed, in that direction that encompass that which is termed the Earth, 2 Mount Ararat (Adry), 16,854 feet (5,17 m) bigh, ianan inactive volcano, capped year-round with snow, Located mear the commen borders of Turkey and Iran. The Book of Genesi« records that it was on Mount Ararat, ancient Urartu, where Noah's Ark came to rest after the great flood. The National Earthquake Information Center of the US. Geological Survey shows that there were two earthquakes in the region of Mount Ararat in Turkey toward the end of 194, os Ratha predicted: September 18, UTC 13:26:01, 40.89 N, 42.22 EB, magnitude 6.4, and October 18, UTC 0044:24, 40.455 N, 42.40 E, magnitude 5.3 The Pyramids of Egypt And the reason it is not magnetic north, entity, is that your Earth sits on a tilt-rotating orbit, which means it is not perpendicular in its orbit going around the sun. It is at a slant, much like what you call your tops,’ and how they land and they fall ata slant, so is your Earth. Well, at this particular slant, entity, the energies that allow the slant to occur in a rotation moment are called true north. And when the pyramids are aligned in their true north, they are picking up direct energy belts and energy fields that keep that which is termed the planet in its orbital spin. When you spin anything, it creates a centrifugal motion. The centrifugal motion, entity, is an aspect of electricity, as it were indeed, but only a higher degree of it. In this way, in true north, that which is termed the fiery forms pick up that which is termed the centrifugal-force energy that is a higher mutant than electricity is. When you do this, it captivates, as it were indeed, the energy — it bounces, from equal sides of its walls, energy —and collects in the center in a rotating effect the same as that which is termed the Earth's evolvement around the sun. The energy that collects withinside, entity, has no magnetic proportions. It is completely, as it were indeed, free of that which is called magnetic force; it is a sovereign energy. Now when placed in — the particular objects — in that, it actually immobilizes the object in that which is called its aging process, or puts it into that which is termed a vacuum system, which allows that which is termed whatever is put there to stay there for a long time, much as the Earth is in the sun’s orbit. In regard to what it should be made of, that which is termed metals are conduits. They are more aligned with magnetic north than true north. So if you are building anything of metals, it will be lined with magnetic north, and the energy will be caught on the conduit of the metal, not withinside; thus the metal absorbs all of the energies rather than the interior. When you build itof that which is termed stone, which is a soluble mass, of that which is termed wood, of any one thing that is not a conduit, then that which is termed the fiery form is able to collect the energy within and have it utilized for whatever shall 3 Tops are toys that spin. — OO Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom be put there — and what should be put there is most everyone's heads that is in this audience. Sit in that position working, entity. The only time that it will have a greater potency than the time that is every moment will be at the sun equinox. And at that particular time, entity, the fiery forms have the greatest penetration and the greatest energy working within them. The Great Pyramids were once sheathed on the outside, entity, with that which is termed turquoise, as it were indeed. And the top of the capstone was a beaten metal called copper. That was the capstone. The reason that they pul the copper capstone on, entity, is it not only allowed the sides to collect the energy but the capstone also kept the energy intact. Even acting as a conduit, it spread it downward. Those were the great ones. They have long since been vandalized and their sides been taken, and their capstones removed, and the gold inside taken, but the true power and the true treasure still lies within them. They are a reminder to humanity of the fire that is within each of us. It was built that mankind would never forget the God within him. That is what it was built for, When you go within, as it were indeed, its perfect alignment, all things, as it were indeed, are held forever in their place in being, even a thought, If you go in there and place, as it Were indeed, whatever in the main chamber, entity, it will stay that way; it will never change. It brought forth, as it were indeed, that this power, that this Christ within, was forever God within, They built it, as it were indeed, as a remembrance of their true identity of the power that lodges itself within man, that it is forever and can hold things forever. The fire in the middle, as it were indeed, is more appropriately explained as that which is termed Christ within. The modulator, as it were indeed, that helped create the laser light of the Atlatians was created in that form. It knew how to store the energy of that which is termed the crystals that amplify it a million times. That is a scientific form that worked. But, moreover, entity, once the cells are explored to their most minute universe, they will see that the core or center of the cell is not round, entity, but the shape of a one-sided pyramid, because that is what gives the energy or The Pyramids of Egypt allows a spark of life and holds that which is termed the charge within the cell. A PermMANENT TESTAMENT OF Our Divinity The fiery forms — well, that is what they are — they were created as a form that could captivate energy in the center, The energy defied that which is termed the natural laws that were indeed of an effect, as it is termed. But the fiery form was created, as it were indeed, as the natural emblem as to what man really looks like in his light origin, for outside of the embodiment, entity, he takes on a powerful form within the center of his being that captivates the same energy. It really represents God within. That which is termed the fiery forms, or what you call the pyramids, entity, were built as that which is termed a token to humanity, an image to humanity, that which is termed, as it were indeed, a statue to humanity, a reminder to humanity to always look within, for within, entity, does not one go within a great form as this and caught up within the majesty of what they are feeling? Certainly. They were not, as it were indeed, erected to bring forth the Immortality of the kings who saw them. They were erected, as it were indeed, by a great entity who was one with the Spirit, indeed one with the Father. And of his beauty indeed did he know of the Christ within. And the Christ within, as it were indeed, had what is called the fire within, for it brought forth and made all things manifest. Thus with this great extensive vision did he see the manifestation of this. Thus it was erected, as it were indeed, through thought and not labor. And from there, entity, they were not made as tombs but rather chambers, as it were indeed, of higher learning. And as it came inio being, it was to give unto all mankind in the cons to come in their time a beacon not to forget, as it were indeed, that this bring forth and stand for the Christ within man, God therein, divine entity, that if he go within, peace and quiet and the erection, as it were indeed, of the spiritual self sure to follow. If all would but see and they forget not The Pyramids of Egypt allows a spark of life and holds that which is termed the charge within the ceil. A PermMANeNnT TESTAMENT OF Our Divinity The fiery forms — well, that is what they are — they were created as a form that could captivate energy in the center. The energy defied that which is termed the natural laws that were indeed of an effect, as it is termed. But the fiery form was created, as it were indeed, as the natural emblem as to what man really looks like in his light origin, for outside of the embodiment, entity, he takes on a powerful form within the center of his being that captivates the same energy. It really represents God within. That which is termed the fiery forms, or what you call the pyramids, entity, were built as that which is termed a token to humanity, an image to humanity, that which is termed, as it were indeed, a statue to humanity, a reminder to humanity to always look within, for within, entity, does not one go within a great form as this and caught up within the majesty of what they are feeling? Certainly. They were not, as it were indeed, erected to bring forth the immortality of the kings who saw them. They were erected, as it were indeed, by a great entity who was one with the Spirit, indeed one with the Father. And of his beauty indeed did he know of the Christ within. And the Christ within, as it were indeed, had what is called the fire within, for it brought forth and made al] things manifest. Thus with this great extensive vision did he see the manifestation of this. Thus it was erected, as it were indeed, through thought and not labor. And from there, entity, they were not made as tombs but rather chambers, as it were indeed, of higher learning. And as it came into being, it was to give unto all mankind in the eons to come in their time a beacon not to forget, as it were indeed, that this bring forth and stand for the Christ within man, God therein, divine entity, that if he go within, peace and quiet and the erection, as it were indeed, of the spiritual self sure to follow. If all would but see and they forget not

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