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Opening to channel


copyright©2007/2008 petra margolis
Welcome to the course Opening to Channel.

This course will teach you through guided

meditations how to connect with your Higher Self and

I have written down every meditation and suggest you read

them before starting the guided meditation on cd so you
know what to expect.

There will be spaces of just music on the cd, this is to give

you time to write down the answers to your questions and to
make sure you will come back out of your meditation when
it is done.

Make sure you always have a piece of paper and a pen ready
when doing the meditation so you can write down all that
you see, hear or feel.

I have added some example questions for each meditation

and there is enough room to add some of your own.

I wish for you a strong and clear connection and I am always

available for questions or if you just like to share.

Love and Light

Table of Contents
1. Light Body meditation 1
2. Channeling Higher Self 3
3. Meeting your guide 7
4. Channeling your guide 9
5. Strenghten your connection with your guide 11
6. Channeling a past life for yourself 14
7. Chakra reading for yourself 19
First chakra 28
Second chakra 29
Third chakra 30
Fourth chakra 31
Fifth chakra 32
Sixth chakra 33
Seventh chakra 34
Eighth chakra 35
Ninth chakra 36
Tenth chakra 37
Eleventh chakra 38
Twelfth chakra 39
Chakra thirteen 40
5th Dimensional chakra system 41
8. Reading energy bodies for yourself 42
9. Channeling a past life for others 45
10. Chakra reading for others 48
11. Reading energy bodies for others 55
12. Mind linking 58
13. Final meditation 62
Sample question for meditations
Channeling your Higher Self 64
Channeling your guide 66
Channeling a past life for yourself 68
Chakra reading for yourself 71
Reading energy bodies for yourself 84
Channeling a past life for others 88
Chakra reading for others 90
Reading energy bodies for others 103
Mind linking 107

About me 109
The Crystal Skulls and the 12 Gate Initiations 110
The 7 Basic Steps to Ascension 111
Initiation into Isis Stairway to Heaven 111
Messsages and essential oil blends by the Masters 112
Personal readings with the Masters 113
Visionary art 113
New E-book the Day God Started 114
Contact info 115

Please do not operate heavy equipment or drive when listening to

these meditations.
Light Body Meditation
This meditation will help you enter your light body and strengthen your light

Take a few deep breaths and relax.

See or imagine the sun above you, your very own private sun.
Feel the warmth of that sun while the light shines upon you.
Then let in the light through your crown chakra.
The light fills up your head.
Feel the light as it relaxes the muscles in your face, around your eyes and
your mouth.
The light opens your third eye completely.
Feel the light as it clears your mind from every thought, every expectation.
The light goes down through your neck into your shoulders, filling up your
Feel your shoulders relax.
Then the light goes down into your chest filling your heart center with light
and love.
Going further into your stomach down into your legs and feet.
Relaxing every muscle on its way.
Filling up every cell of your body with light.
Until you are filled with the light and you have become a radiant being of
Feel the vibration of the light, feel the warmth in every cell.
Then let the light fill up your aura.
See yourself standing in the light, feel yourself standing in that light.
You are filled with light, you are the light.
Breathe in light and breathe out light, just in and out.
Be that light.
Travel through your body and see if there is a place that needs more light.
Bring the light to it just with your intention and fill it up completely.
When you feel you are completely filled and surrounded with the light you
can reach your soul.
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The soul lives in a higher dimension.
Imagine yourself seeing your soul in front of you.
Ask your soul to come closer.
You are part of that soul, you are connected with that soul.
You are your soul.
When you are filled with this light you can hear, see or feel the messages of
your soul.
What do you hear, see or feel?
Find your own way in communicating with your soul.
Then thank your soul for being there.
You don’t have to say goodbye because your soul is always with you.
Just take your time and then bring back your attention to this room.
Bringing back that light with you, still around you.
When you are ready take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

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Channeling your Higher Self
This meditation will help in connecting with your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self resides about three feet above your crown chakra and knows
a lot about why you have come to the planet at this time.
The guides you connect with are connecting through your Higher Self as well
so it is a good idea to do this meditation at least twice. So you have a feeling
of your Higher Self and can connect stronger to your Higher Self before you
connect with your Guides.

Take a few deep breaths, letting yourself relax.

Imagine your consciousness drifting down into the earth as you keep breath-
ing slowly and deeply.
And then your consciousness comes to rest somewhere inside the earth where
you will find a place with a certain mineral in it that you feel attracted to.
See how this mineral starts to glow, becoming brighter with colored light.
Now see the light become a beam and it is moving up now, all the way up
until it enters the bottom of your right foot.
Then become aware of your right foot, how it feels, and see the light begin to
move up your right leg and become aware of your right leg.
Then see the light continue going up your right side as you become aware of
that area.
Then it enters your right arm and feel it as you become aware of your right
arm and shoulder.
Become fully aware of your whole right side and see how the light is illumi-
nating the whole right side of your body.
Now move the light beam over to your left shoulder and become aware of
that area.
The light begins to move down your left arm, hand and fingers and you feel
it moving down your left side as you focus your awareness to your left side.
Then the light moves down your left leg into your left foot.
Become fully aware of all the sensations in the left side of your body.
The light continues down back into the earth where it connects back to its
source and completes the circle.
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The light is continuously in motion, moving up from the earth up your right
side as you breathe in and moving down your left side as you breathe out.
Feel this energy revitalizing you as you breathe and relax.

Now see a third energy cord coming up out of the earth perhaps of another col-
or and see it entering your body at the base of your spine, the first chakra.
See that chakra as a wheel of light which fills up with this new energy and
begins to glow brightly and starts to spin.
As it does this, any negative energy, fear or blockages begin to clear out and
you see it spinning in perfect alignment with your spine as an axle.
See the top of your first chakra open up and see the energy beam move up
into the second chakra.
Continue to move the cord up into each chakra, seeing each one clear out and
start to spin all the way up until you are at your crown chakra at the top of
your head.
Then see the energy shoot up through your crown chakra on the top of your
head, showering your whole body with light which surrounds and protects
you from any unwanted energies.

Enter your sanctuary:

See your consciousness rise up along with the beam of light out through your
crown chakra and find a place for your consciousness to come to rest, any
place that you like.

Then you will see a doorway, it is locked and you have the only key to enter
this place, your sanctuary.
Your sanctuary will only have the things in it that you allow.
Your sanctuary can be in nature, a special room, another world, it is a place
where you feel comfortable and safe.
Now look around you and on the left you will see a fountain with a pool of
crystal clear water.
Go over to the fountain and look into the pool.
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At first the reflection in the surface of the water is clear but then you see the
water begin to get wavy and from the center of the pool you see a magnificent
being rise up out of the water glowing with white light.
It is your Higher Self, greeting you with unconditional love and acceptance.
You greet your Higher Self and together you go to another part of your sanctu-
There you will find a place for you to put your mind in a sound proof container
where it will stay for the duration of the experience.
Notice how you feel about your mind.
Know that you are safe and protected and with your mind put away you will
be able to experience more fully the connection with your Higher Self and the
feeling of complete love and acceptance.
Feel yourself merge with your Higher Self.
The energy is wonderful.
Return to your body still fully merged with your Higher Self.
You and your Higher Self now leave your sanctuary and find the bright beam
of light that brought you here.
Follow that beam back to your physical body where you enter still fully merged
with your Higher Self through the crown chakra on the top of your head.

Take a few deep breaths, notice how you feel.

When you feel ready, open your eyes.

If you have a helper with you now is the time to begin asking the questions
you have prepared for your Higher Self.
If you are alone just read the questions one by one and let yourself receive the
answers from your Higher Self.
Write down every thought, feeling, image or other sensation that comes to
Do not try to analyze anything, there will be time for that later.
Just let yourself flow with the experience.
After each answer ( in whatever form it comes to you) feels complete, go on
to the next question.

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Here are a few sample questions that might be helpful for your first time:

What is my higher purpose for this year?

What blocks or fears do I have that would prevent me from attaining this?

What skills or attributes do I have to help me attain these goals?

What message of love and compassion do you have that I need to hear at this

After the questions feel complete close your eyes again and take your Higher
Self back with you to your sanctuary.
Let your Higher Self return to the magical pool knowing it’s there whenever
you need it.
Now go and retrieve your mind accepting it as part of yourself.
You may stay in your sanctuary as long as you like or return to it whenever
you want, for it is your space, a place where you can truly feel free.
When you are ready, return to your body through your crown chakra.
Your awareness turns to the room you are in and you feel refreshed and

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Meeting your Guide
This is the first meditation to meet and connect with your main guide at this
time, there are many other guides you will be connecting with at a later time
and many of those times your main guide will introduce them to you.
There are two more meditations with your guide on how to receive answers
and how to strengthen the connection with your guide.
This meditation will focus on meeting your Guide and making a connection
with your Guide.
Just know that your Guides are already there, they just haven’t been able to
reach you yet and are anxiously awaiting this opportunity.

Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Focus your attention into yourself, into your heart center, use your breath to
get into a deeper trance.
See or feel the sun above you and breathe in the light and let it flow through
your body.
You are becoming lighter and lighter.
The light transforms the lower energy of your body into a higher vibration.
The light fills up the space around you forming a bubble of light.
Into that bubble of light you can travel into higher dimensions.
You are floating in that bubble going higher and higher.
Leaving the earth behind you.
And you are going higher and higher until you see a sea of light.
This is the world of the Masters and Guides, feel the warmth and the love of
that light.

There is a group of masters waiting for you, welcoming you into their world
of light and love.
Feel their love for you.
One of these Masters works with you and your energy.
He opens your heart center more and more.
He opens your throat center and your third eye.
So you will be able to see and hear the messages your guide has for you.
Feel how open you are. Page 7
Your guide is asking you if you are willing to work with him.
Are you ready to take the next step on your spiritual path of growth?
Feel the answer inside yourself.

And when the answer is yes, ask your guide to come to you, you already
know his or her name and tell your guide you are ready to work together.
Just say it in yourself.

Then look at the path of light in front of you.

There is your guide walking toward you.
Look at your guide and feel the energy of your guide.
And when your guide is standing in front of you, his aura touches your aura.
Look into the eyes of your guide and feel the love your guide has for you.
This guide is here especially for you to guide you on your path.

Your guide opens your crown chakra and has a present for you.
A message of light.
Feel this present, this message in yourself.

Ask your guide what you can do to make this a stronger connection.
Listen to the answer inside yourself and if it is something you can do right
now, just do it. If it is something you can do later then say it to yourself and
make a promise to yourself that you will really do this later.

Thank your guide for being here, don’t say goodbye because your guide is
always there with you.

Then go back into your bubble of light leaving this world of Masters and
Guides, back to earth.
Bring your attention back into the room, keeping that feeling of love your
guide has for you.

When you are ready take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

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Channeling your guide
Take a few deep breaths and relax.
See a bubble of light above you and with your intention you can make that
bubble become bigger and bigger until it completely surrounds you.
In that bubble of light you can travel into the world of the Masters and
Feel how you are becoming lighter and lighter going higher and higher while
the bubble of light is surrounding you.
Higher and higher entering that world of light above you.

The same group of Masters is waiting for you, welcoming you back into their
world of love and light.
They are showing you a beautiful path of light and at the end of that path your
guide is waiting for you.
But before your can enter this path they are asking you: “Are you willing to
make a stronger connection with your guide?”

Listen inside yourself for the answer.

And when the answer is yes you can follow the path and see your guide com-
ing closer, walking toward you. Look at your guide and feel the energy of
your guide.
His aura touches yours and fills you up with light and love.
Ask your guide to merge his energy with your energy.
And feel how gently and slowly the energy of your guide enters your aura,
filling it up completely.
Feel the warmth and loving energy of your guide.
Then invite your guide to merge his energy with the energy of your physical
The heart center of your guide becomes one with your heart center.
Feel his open heart center with your heart center and feel the love inside

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Feel how your energy becomes one with the energy of your guide and ask
him to make the connection even stronger.
Your guide acts immediately and creates a deeper feeling of becoming one.
Then ask your guide to send the energy to your throat and your mouth and
know that you are ready to speak out loud the messages of your guide.

If you have someone with you they can start asking questions right now, if
you are alone just open your eyes and use the questions you have written
down yourself.
Just read them and write down everything you hear, see or feel.
Do not think about it, leave that for later, just write and when you feel a
question is completely answered go to the next one.

When you are done, close your eyes and thank your guide for helping you
and bring your attention back into the room.
Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

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Strengthen your connection with your guide
This is the second meditation with your guide and will focus on raising the
vibration of your physical and spiritual body so you can have a more clear
connection with your guide.
Your guide has been waiting for this and knows exactly what to do as you
ask for a stronger connection.
This is their chance to help you on your spiritual path and this is what you
have been waiting for.
Just relax and let your guide help you and experience the feeling of love
and bliss while you are connecting with your guide.
Know that everything your guide does is of the light and nothing else.

Breathe in deeply and relax.

Feel yourself becoming lighter.
Beginning now to lift, imagine that your vibration is increasing.
Your guide is present at a distance and will come closer as you prepare your
Notice your breathing right now, breathe in a way that allows you to feel
more centered, relaxed and in an even higher state of consciousness.
Feel your energy glowing as if you are radiating light.
Call in the light yourself and feel yourself being surrounded by the light.
And as you feel the light you are going higher and higher.
The higher you go the more easily your guide can adjust to you.
And you are going to trust what you receive suspending your judgement
for now.
Simply let the information flow.
Imagine or see your guide coming closer right now.
Your guide is adjusting his energy to yours.
So when the two of you are together, your guide’s energy will be gentle and
Your guide will help you remember things you already knew but have for-
gotten in this life.
Trust that what you receive is perfect.
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You are two separate beings and yet your guide is able to stand around you,
surrounding you and filling up your aura with even more beautiful vibrations
and light.
Sending you energy and empowerment.
Feel yourself going upward and upward until your mind is a clear receiver.
Information will flow easily into you mind.
And it will seem like the obvious thing to say.
It will feel aligned with who you are and it may even feel like your own
Trust that your guide is present.
Ask your guide, if you like, for a special signal that will let you know he is
Let your guide enhance the connection right now, adjusting your energy for
an even more clear connection.
Feel your guide working with your energy.
Opening the back of your head.
Opening your breathing.
Your guide begins to activate your throat center and opens it for you.
Coming in gently and easy.
Adjusting to your aura, increasing the light in your aura as your guide aligns
with you until there is a strong and clear connection.
Your vibration is higher.
Your guide has a feeling, a tone, an energy, let your guide amplify this for
you right now so you can clearly find your guide and recognize your guide.
And now, when it is appropriate, ask your guide for information about where
he is from.

And why your guide has come here to work with you.

When you are ready open your eyes and write down your answers.
Then ask him the other questions you have written down one by one.

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Channel on details if possible of what you are to do with your guide.
Let your mind be very clear and write it down when you are ready.

Close your eyes and ask your guide to assist you in channeling an even
higher aspect of your Guide.
Get very focused right now.
Imagine that your trance state is growing deeper and stronger.
Let your energy go higher.
And feel yourself opening up to bring in more information.
And channel right now.
Ask your guide what you can do to strengthen your connection even more.

Ask your guide to work on your energy and assist you in opening up to an
even higher level of communication.

Ask your guide to show you anything he would like you to know right

Ask your guide if he has a special message for you at this time.
Something that is important for you to know right now.
Begin writing this all down when you feel ready.

Then thank your guide for being here for you.

Make a commitment to this guide to work together in this path of spiritual

As you come out of the trance, remember to come out fully.

You may want to stand up and stretch so that you come back into normal
reality fully present and wide awake.
Remember your guide is always there when you need him, all you need to
do is ask when you have a question.

Come fully back now.

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Channeling a past life for yourself.
We are going to channel information about a past life of yours.
Looking at past lives with your guide may seem like you are making it up. Or
you may see the scene as if you are watching it on a movie screen.
You may feel as if you are there with your guide and simply are reporting on
the events that are enfolding.
Your guide will lead you to the right memories at this time.
When they first appear it may seem as if you are looking through a fog or a
Pick the images and information that seem obvious and clear.
There will be one piece that is clear and focus on that first.
Do not start to make sense. Simply let the information flow.
You may find you have lived several lives in the same time frame. This is
called parallel lives.
For your soul is able to come in at many times and in many ways, remember
where your soul resides there is no time.
Past life readings can give you much information about what you have learned
and what you are here for at this time.
Don’t focus on them too much though since you have lived hundreds maybe
even thousands of lives and your guide is only showing you at this time the
life that is important right now.
Remembering past lives can assist you in healing and understanding situa-
tions you are in right now.
It can give you a deeper understanding of who you are right now.
If there is an area that seems blocked or not as harmonious as you would like
it to be you might find similar lives and they can show you how to clear and
release those energies and how to transform them in this life so you can move
As you view past lives of yourself and others, do this with compassion.
It is important to view your past life with compassion. Remember you were
doing the best you knew how.
You were learning lessons that are assisting you in today’s life.

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If you think you did not have past lives on earth, channel about a past life in
another dimension.
Be playful and have fun with the information.
Whatever comes will be appropriate, for your guide is there leading you to see
the right things.

Take a few deep breaths and relax

Sit comfortable.
As you breathe in deeply you are going into that beautiful space.
That space where your energy is coming together.
Where your mind is alert.
And where your energy is going higher and higher.
As if you are flying upward, just letting your energy take you there.
Breathe deeply and prepare to channel your guide.
Let your breathing open up your energy even more.
As you now call in your guide.
Your guide is close and coming closer.
There is an alignment of energy.
Your guide has the ability to adjust his energy so there can be communication
and you can work together.
Feel your guide being there.
Feel your energy getting even higher.
As you are becoming a clear receiver.
And if your guide has a signal, a word or a feeling to let you know he is there,
feel it now.
And feel your guide merging with you, adjusting the energies.
To be in perfect alignment with yours.
Bring your guide into your body, feel your throat center being activated.
Feel your guide coming into your body.
Let your guide work with your breathing, becoming one with you even more.
Your guide is going to focus with you now on a past life.
Think of a situation in your life that you would like to have more information
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You are going to look at a specific past life now.
And how it relates to a current situation.
Hold a picture of this current situation in your mind.
Show your guide why you need the information.

You and your guide are traveling in time now.

You might imagine you are entering the time dimension.
All time is stretching out in front of you and behind you.
And there is one path to the past life information you need.
You are traveling along that path.
Going through the dimensions of time with your guide.
Until you arrive at your past life.
Your guide is helping you adjust to the vibration of that life.
And you are there.
It’s almost like with your inner eyes you can see your environment.
Notice where you are, you are now in this other life.

Are you indoors, or outdoors?

Look at your body, what kind of clothes are you wearing?

Are you male or female?

Write it down.

What situation is occurring in your life?

Are there other people there?

Channel all the information you can about this life and the circumstances.

Any conflict or challenge in this life?

What is your lesson in this life?

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Age yourself a bit and see what has changed.

What have you learned?

Now go to the most significant event of this lifetime, one in which something
very important happened. Where you made the decision that is affecting you
in this life.

Your guide will assist you in finding that situation.

Write it down.

Now that you have seen this, ask your guide to tell you what you learned in
this past life, what lessons, how much you learned and what you still have to
learn in this life.

Now ask your guide what you can do to resolve the issues in this life.

What is it teaching you?

Ask your guide if he has any advice for you.

Ask your guide if there is another lifetime that relates to this problem.

If so ask your guide to tell you about it.

This time rather than journeying through time we will simply have your guide
tell you about that past life and what was similar to what you are experiencing
Begin when you are ready and write it down.

Remember to focus on the impressions that are clear, sometimes you only
need a small thing to show you what you need to understand.
Trust that whatever comes through is perfect.

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Now go within yourself and ask if you are ready to let go of this pattern.
Are you ready to change?

When you feel Yes I am, ask your guide to help you release, and feel how he
showers you with his energy, shifting this pattern, releasing the energy into
the universe.
Anywhere this pattern exists in your physical body, feel it releasing out of
your cellular and atomic structure.
Remember your guide is helping you.
Notice the change in your body.
Notice how you feel right now.
And ask your guide to help you build a new believe.
Putting in new energies, where the old ones left.

The more often you channel a past life, the easier you will be able to access
it. For your guide is helping in lifting the veils.
But you also have the ability to see it on your own.
Your guide can help you in making the information more clear.
And perhaps show you a wider view.
All with the intent of opening the doorway so you may be able to access at
will and remember and see more clearly.

When you are ready, bring your energy back into the room.
Fully aware, fully conscious, move your body, and open your eyes.
Fully coming back.

Page 18
Chakra reading for yourself
What follows is a journey through the chakras. At this time we are going from
a seven chakra system to a twelve chakra system like we had in the time of
Lemuria and Atlantis.
Once all seven chakras are open and spinning five more chakras will enter
your physical body.
They are already lined up above your physical body and some of you might
already have one or more inside the body.
So during this meditation I ask you not to focus on the place of the chakra but
the chakra itself, to help you in this I have made pictures of them and placed
them near the part of the meditation that is taking you to that specific chakra.

The meditation will help you to take a look at all twelve and will explain dur-
ing it what they connect to and what their meaning is at this time.
Our chakra system will change again after we have ascended into the 5th di-
mension fully so it is not set in stone at this time, it is more for guidance and
spiritual growth.

There is a 13th chakra as well that once all twelve chakras are inside your
physical body will be residing just above your crown. This one is called the
Christ Consciousness or I Am presence.
I will explain more about that at the end of the meditation.

Right now we are working to having all twelve chakras open continiously
without fear.
Fear is the main reason for chakras to close down completely or partially.
Fear of what others might think of you.
Fear of what is going to happen to the planet and the people upon it.
There are more emotions that might interfere with the chakras but fear is the
most important one.
Fear of change.

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We need to release the thought of fear. Everyone is being taught in the dream
state at this time.
While in dream state your light body is taken to the 5th dimension to work on
clearing and releasing everything that is not needed anymore. During previ-
ous lifetimes this was done mostly in the physical, but during this life much
of it is done in dream state.
There are many masters and guides in the 5th dimension assisting us, working
with us. Helping us dissolve any issues we still have in this life that are con-
nected to previous lives or that are connected to what we have been taught in
this life.
They are helping us look at this and how it is interfering with our life right
now and how it has been interfering with our life all this time.
By reviewing this they are assisting you in releasing and clearing all this

What we can do in the physical at this time is work on these issues as well, to
speed up the process.
Since we are working in dream state, we do not realize all of it consciously.

So let’s start with a journey through all twelve chakras

Take a deep breath and begin to lift your energy, call in the light and feel it
surrounding you.
Feel your heart opening up and the light entering through it and filling up
your entire physical body.
When your body is filled, the light will surround you and start to fill up the
energy bodies around you.
Feel the love and joy while this is happening, feel surrounded and completely
safe and loved.
You are creating a space for your guide to come and join you for this journey.
Your heart is open and your mind is clear, you are completely focused on this
journey through your chakras.
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And as you go deeper within you are opening up to images, thoughts or
feelings that are inside your mind right now. Just release them and go even
Feel how your guide is joining you and follow his guidance, he will show
you everything you need to know and see right now.
Feel your guide blending and merging with you, two separate beings work-
ing together.
Your energy is in harmony as your guide is lifting you even higher, awaken-
ing your higher mind and your vision.
For every time that you channel you open up more and more to your higher
self and your guide making it possible for them to connect with you more
stronger so you are able to receive the information more clearly.
Your guide is making small adjustments to your energy so it will be easier
to receive the information at this time.

And now we are ready to begin this journey through your chakras.
Remember do not focus on the place, just on the chakra itself.

Feel your guide and let him know you are ready to begin.

The first chakra is usually associated with the color red.

Your guide will help you look at your chakras and you can ask him ques-
tions about your chakra. Like how you might open them more fully, balance
them or be more functional in them.

Ask your guide how you may live more fully in the present moment.
Is there anywhere you are in survival mode or think there is not enough,
having a belief in scarcity rather than abundance.

How can you work with this?

Are there any cords attached to this chakra, is anyone depending upon you
for survival and pulling upon you in this center.

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Ask your guide if there is anything you can do right now to open and balance
this chakra fully.

Your guide might work with you at an energy level, clearing out the chakra,
or he might give you advice on how to clear it in the physical life.

The first chakra deals with the area of survival, your ability to manifest and
your ability to live in the present moment.

When you feel you have enough information ask your guide to help you take
a look at the second chakra.

The second chakra is connected to how you relate to other people and society.
When it is open there is a compassion and love for everyone and everything.
When it is closed or partially open you might be trying too hard to please
other people without concern for yourself and how it affects you.
Going by the rules that whatever society says is right for you.
You might be worrying to much about what others are saying or thinking
about you. Or seek a relationship at any cost to yourself.
Opening this chakra fully gives you the ability to transform mass thought
forms and choose the ones that are right for you at this time.

Ask your guide how you can find a balance in taking care of yourself and

Ask your guide if there is any area where you accept or believe that what oth-
ers are saying is right rather than what is the truth for you.

Ask your guide if there is anything you need or can do at this time to open,
balance and align this center.

When you feel that you are ready start looking at your third chakra.
If it helps you can open your eyes and look at the pictures of the chakras and
focus on them while asking and receiving the information.
Page 22
This chakra deals with power and ego, how you use your power and ego.
The color is mostly yellow, but there might always be some other colors
since all the chakras are working together as one unit.

Ask your guide how to work with your ego in a way to blend with your

Ask your guide if there is anyone that you are involved with that is causing
a power struggle.

Ask how you can release this and take it into your heart.

Ask your guide how you can express your personal power and how you can
use it more effectively.

Ask your guide to help you balance and open this center fully.

When you feel this is complete we go further and look at the fourth chakra.
This chakra is called the seat of the soul and connects your heart chakra with
your power chakra.
Connecting your soul through love with the power inside you.
It helps you see everything in a compassionate and loving way without los-
ing your own power.

Ask your guide to show you any blockages in this chakra because it is very
important to have this chakra open and balanced.

Ask your guide to help you in fully clearing and opening this chakra.

When you feel this is done we are ready to move onto the fifth chakra, your
heart chakra.
This chakra relates to how you see yourself and the world around you.
Do you love yourself, do you believe in yourself?
It involves turning to yourself for love instead of turning to others for that
feeling. Page 23
Going inward for a sense of wholeness.

Look at this chakra and see if you can find any blockages that may prevent
you from having this sense of wholeness, well being and love for yourself.

Ask your guide how you can open up this chakra even more, and how you
can keep it open preventing yourself from closing it up again. Trust yourself,
love yourself and feel it inside yourself. Let your guide help you open this
chakra and make a commitment to yourself to keep it open at all times.This
is the center where you want to receive other people and where you can send
love out to them.

Now we will have a look at the sixth chakra, this chakra is called the spirit
voice and connects your heart chakra with your throat chakra so everything
you speak will be of the highest truth full of compassion and love.
Ask your guide to clear and release anything that might be blocking this con-
nection and let him assist you in balancing and opening this chakra fully.

From there we can go on to the seventh chakra, your throat chakra.

This chakra shows you how you express yourself.
It lets the thought from your mind flow freely and helps you express your

Are you expressing your truth or are you holding out on other people?

This chakra expresses your soul’s voice.

With your heart, your spirit voice and your throat chakra fully open you are
able to express your soul’s voice in complete truth and with complete love
and compassion for yourself and others.
It is a pure reflection of your soul.

When this center is open, your ideas will flow freely from your mind clearly
out through your voice. You will speak your truth and the words that you
speak will be positive and uplifting for yourself and others.
Page 24
So work with your guide and open up this communication center fully. Bal-
ance and align the energies so you are able to speak your truth.

The next chakra we are going to explore is your third eye, the eighth
This center is connected with your intuitive abilities.
Ask your guide what you can do to open up your intuitive center more.

Ask your guide to open your inner vision so that you can receive the mes-
sages more clearly in your everyday life.

Ask your guide how you can develop your intuition and trust it even more.

See how this chakra is fully opened right now.

Then go to the next chakra which is the ninth chakra.

Please remember to not focus on the place of where they are but simply on
the chakra itself.
The picture is only showing a moment in time and is not how it might be
for you at this time.

The crown or ninth chakra connects you to spirit.

This is where the energy leaves your body at night to the 5th dimension.
It also connects you to your Higher Self and spirit guides.
It is a very important chakra that needs to be open fully so energy can move
freely between you and your Higher Self. Your guide will always connect
to you through your Higher Self.
Ask your guide to help you in clearing any blockages and ask your guide
how you can prevent new ones.

Ask your guide how you can keep this chakra open at all times.

Page 25
The next chakra the tenth chakra connects you to the 5th dimension and
through this center you are aligning your energies to become a 5th dimen-
sional being.

Ask your guide if there is anything preventing you from becoming a 5th di-
mensional being.

What can you do to clear this?

Let your guide help you in balancing and aligning this chakra so it will be
fully open at all times.

Then when you are ready we can have a look at the eleventh chakra.

This is where your Higher Self is right now.

Your Higher Self already resides in the 5th dimension and brings you infor-
mation from a 5th dimensional viewpoint.

Ask your Higher Self what you can do to receive this information more clear-
ly and if there is anything inside you that is preventing you from receiving
this information.

Your guide will assist you in clearing this chakra from any blockages and
help you align and fully open this center so you can have a complete and
open communication with your Higher Self.

Now lets have a look at the twelfth chakra.

This is the chakra your spirit guide uses to connect with you through your
Higher Self.
This chakra will become more open every time you connect with your spirit

Page 26
Ask your spirit guide if there is anything you can do to open up this chakra
Listen for the answer and trust it when you receive it.

When you feel you are completely done we will explain a little bit more about
the thirteenth chakra.
Once all twelve chakras are integrated into the physical body the thirteenth
chakra will be just above your crown chakra.
The thirteenth chakra is called the Christ Consciousness or I Am.
As soon as this chakra is above your crown, you are ready for the next step
toward ascension.
By ascension we mean being able to transform your physical body into a body
of light.
This is needed to enter the 5th dimension and beyond.

Now when you are ready, come back into the room.
Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Page 27
The first chakra
This chakra is usually associated with the color red.
The first chakra deals with the area of survival, your ability to
manifest and your ability to live in the present moment.

Page 28
The second chakra
This chakra is connected to how you relate to other people and
society. When it is open there is a compassion and love for
everyone and everything.
When it is closed or partially open you might be trying too hard
to please other people without concern for yourself and how
it affects you. Going by the rules that whatever society says
is right for you. You might be worrying too much about what
other are saying or thinking about you. Or seek a relationship
at any cost to yourself.
Opening this chakra fully gives you the ability to transform
mass thought forms and choose the ones that are right for you
at this time.

Page 29
The third chakra
This chakra deals with power and ego, how you use your
power and ego.
The color is mostly yellow, but there might always be some
other colors since all the chakras are working together as one

Page 30
The fourth chakra

This chakra is called the seat of the soul and connects your
heart chakra with your power chakra. Connecting your soul
through love with the power inside you.
It helps you see everything in a compassionate and loving
way without losing your own power.

Page 31
The fifth chakra
This chakra relates to how you see yourself and the world
around you.
Do you love yourself, do you believe in yourself?
It involves turning to yourself for love instead of turning to
others for that feeling. Going inward for a sense of
wholeness. This is the center where you want to receive
other people and where you can send love out to them.

Page 32
The sixth chakra
This chakra is called the spirit voice and connects your heart
chakra with your throat chakra so everything you speak will
be of the highest truth full of compassion and love.

Page 33
The seventh chakra
This chakra shows you how you express yourself.
It lets the thought from your mind flow freely and helps you
express your truth. Are you expressing your truth or are you
holding out on other people? This chakra expresses your
soul’s voice. With your heart, your spirit voice and your throat
chakra fully open you are able to express your soul’s voice in
complete truth and with complete love and compassion for
yourself and others. It is a pure reflection of your soul. When
this center is open, your ideas will flow freely from your
mind clearly out through your voice.
You will speak your truth and the words that you speak will
be positive and uplifting for yourself and others.

Page 34
The eighth chakra

This center is connected with your intuitive and psychic


Page 35
The ninth chakra
This is where the energy leaves your body at night to the
5th dimension. It also connects you to your Higher Self and
spirit guides.
It is a very important chakra that needs to be open fully so
energy can move freely between you and your Higher Self.
Your guide will always connect to you through your Higher
The ninth chakra connects you to spirit.

Page 36
The tenth chakra
This chakra connects you to the 5th dimension and through
this center you are aligning your energies to become a 5th
dimensional being.

Page 37
The eleventh chakra
This is where your Higher Self is right now.
Your Higher Self already resides in the 5th dimension and brings
you information from a 5th dimensional viewpoint.

Page 38
The twelfth chakra
This is the chakra your spirit guide uses to connect with
you through your Higher Self. This chakra will become
more open everytime you connect with your spirit guide.
Ask your spirit guide if there is anything you can do to
open up this chakra completely. Listen for the answer and
trust it when you receive it.

Page 39
Chakra thirteen
The I Am presence, Christ Consiousness

Page 40
Page 41
Reading energy bodies for yourself
This is a complete new level of channeling.
As you channel this time, feel how you have grown, feel your increased wis-
dom and ability to bring through the information.

Begin by raising your vibration, relax and focus your mind.

Connect with your guide, becoming very quiet within.

Your emotional bodies might be seen as a fog around you.

Imagine yourself standing inside the sun.
The fog is dissolving and you are becoming clear as a crystal.
You might see your bodies as grids surrounding you and once you focus on
them they become more clear.
Concentrate on your bodies and connect with them so you can receive the in-
formation from the higher dimension, your soul and your guide.
The bodies are becoming more beautiful and organized so you can receive the
information even more clearly.
You are creating a stronger connection to the higher dimensions, your soul and
your guide.

Use your breath to lift you higher and higher.

Feel your breathing and release any energy you do not need while breathing

Feel yourself going higher and higher, adjusting your frequency so that you
may connect even stronger with your guide.

Fill yourself with light, call in the light to yourself and become one with your
Let your energy take on this higher vibration so everything will be clear and
you can speak your highest truth.

Page 42
Call in your soul and make a connection with your soul.

Now together with your guide you are going to look at all your bodies.
Feel how strong the connection with your guide is right now.

The first body you are going to focus on is your physical body.
Ask your guide if there is anything you need to pay attention to in your diet
that will increase the vibration of your physical body.

Is there any movement or exercise that can help you in raising the vibration
of your physical body?

Ask your guide to help you scan your body and find any area that needs more
light and send the light when needed.

Now ask your guide if there is any other advice or guidance, such as how
to become more comfortable with your body, love your body and use your
body in a more beneficial way.

Now have a look at your emotional body, let your guide help you in scanning
the emotional body.
Your guide will show you all the places where your emotions are tight up
with your physical body.
Simply imagine you are untying them.
Often places where the emotional body is entangled in the physical body are
the places where your muscles hurt.

With your guide help create a flow in your emotional body, freeing it from
any place it is entangled in the physical body.

Now lets have a look at the mental body.

Ask your guide how you can use your mind in a more clear way.

Do you worry too much?

Page 43
Do you analyze things too much?

Do you need to learn to receive more intuitively?

Your guide will tell you how you can use your mind to bring through the light
of your soul even more.

Then have a look at your pain body, this body holds the pain that has actually
happened in the physical.
Like for example a broken leg that has already healed in the physical might still
hurt because of the pain that has not been released from the pain body.
Your guide will assist you right now in releasing and clearing everything that
isn’t needed in your pain body right now.
See how your guide is assisting you and feel the energy flow out of your pain
See how the energy becomes clear and sparkles like a bright light.

Now it’s time to take a look at your spiritual bodies.

Is there any place that needs further clearing right now?

Do you see any dark spots?

If so, send light to them and see them disappear.

Ask your guide if there is anything else you can do at this time.
If so, let your guide help you.
If not, thank your guide for assisting you.

And come fully back out of trance right now.

Page 44
Channeling a past life for others
Sit down and relax, take a few deep breaths.
Feel your energy vibrating and feel yourself being lifted.
You are going up, higher and higher.
As you do, adjust your breathing a bit, relax your body.
Breath in your chest and feel how it opens you up even more.
Going higher and higher, all the way lifting you mind.
And now expand your energy, feel the vibration inside you and outside of
Going into higher realms, making the connection stronger.
So you may be a clear channel.
And see as much of the information as possible.
And look beyond space and time.
Continue to go higher as your guide leads you through the energies.
Ask your guide to come closer and all you need to do is open up and your
guide will merge with you.
His energy field is already around you, and now you feel his energy coming
into your body.
You are both at different frequencies, but with certain harmonies.
Your guide is surrounding you with his light.
Enjoy the images and trust that everything you are receiving is perfect.
For the person who is with you it is no coincidence.
He or she was sent to you, so you can help them.
You are always sent those that you can help the most.
And it is your ability to receive the information that will help.
Trust that you will be sent the information that is perfect for them.
See the images, they might seem familiar because your guide is using those
that are already stored in your memory, to explain things to you.
The ideas you know.
It is perfectly all right.
He will show you how much you already know and expand that information
to give more for the person you are reading for.

Page 45
Your guide is coming in more and more, filling you up with his energy.
Adjusting your breathing and opening your throat.
See how a beam of light is going from your heart to the person you are read-
ing for.
And you can see this person through the eyes of your guide,
We are now going into the time that will give you the information you need.
You can look in any dimension you need.
For your guide is with you, and will show you the way.
It is easy and you are there.
So imagine going backward to that time and place that is appropriate right
Your guide leads you to the perfect place and time.

With your inner eyes look around and see the person you are reading for.

Is he or she young or old?

Male or female?

Wearing a costume or certain type of clothing?

It may feel like you are imagining things, like you were making it up.
It is perfect, because why would you choose this over infinite numbers of pic-
tures that might come into your mind.

Trust this is real for it is.

And as you look at this person you will see the surroundings.

Is he or she indoors or outdoors?

What year is it?

What country?

Page 46
It’s coming to life now, you may see it like a movie, or just feel or sense the

Is he or she rich or poor?

Whatever comes into your mind is perfect, trust that the information is the
right one at this time.

Now look at the person, are there any other people there?

Are they a parent, or a child?

Are there brothers or sisters?

How are they emotionally?

Are they calm and stable?

What is their career or profession?

Your guide will show you what it is the person needs to know right now, so
start channeling the information you are receiving, speak out loud, or write it

When you are finished, come back into the room, feel yourself coming back.
When you feel you are completely back into the room, open your eyes.

Page 47
Chakra reading for others
We welcome you to a new level of insight, for you have the ability to sense and
read chakras.
All you need to do is turn your attention in that direction and your guide will
assist you in looking at these new levels of information.
Right now you are going to learn to read chakras, it teaches you a system of
looking at other people’s energies in an organized way.
You will notice that each person is a beautiful combination of beliefs, thoughts
and pictures. And as you channel for them, you are helping them unlock the
You are showing this person their beauty.
As you read in the chakras you are being positive.
And your guide is there to shift the person into a higher level of self-love.
For this is the most important part of channeling, teaching you and others how
to love yourself.
To show you how beautiful you are.
And to show you how to become even more beautiful, unfolding the potential
within you.

And now begin to bring in your guide, adjust your breathing so you can go in
a deeper trance.
Feel your guide’s presence and invite your guide to surround you and fill you
with light.
Opening the back of your head to be even more open and you feel yourself go-
ing higher and higher.
Into the higher planes of reality.
Feel yourself relaxing more and more, letting go of any thoughts you don’t
Expecting only positive wise thoughts right now in your mind.
And feel the connection with your guide becoming stronger.
Your guide is lifting you up even higher.
Your energy is growing even more beautiful and your guide brings out the best
in you and assists you in knowing your self in higher ways.
Page 48
Now focus on the person you are going to do a reading for.
The person might be sitting in front of you or may not be physically present,
you can use an image in your mind or a physical picture or anything you feel
comfortable with.

We are going to look at their first chakra, located at the base of the spine.
You may see it as energy or you may simply receive information about how
they use this center and how they might open it more.
With your guide look at how this person handles manifestation, their belief
about abundance.

Do they like physical things, such as exercise.

How connected are they to their body.

Are they able to be physically present in the moment.

Are they impulsive or do they think things out.

Read for this person about his or her first chakra.

Now scan the second chakra, which is how people relate to other people and

When it is open they will be connected with humanity, when it is closed they
will try too hard to please other people or are conditioned to what society says
is right or what other people will think.

Or they will give up themselves in a relationship.

So have a look with your guide, do they like being alone or do they like being
with people.

Is this person independent in his or her thinking or do they like structure.

Page 49
Is this person interested in working with society, generally interested in other

Give this person a reading about their second chakra.

And now you will tune into their third chakra, this center deals with ego and
authority, is this person their own authority, do they use their authority in a posi-
tive way.
Do they feel they have to force things to get their way, or do they use their skills
in a gentle way.
Is this person too humble or too egotistical, are they self-critical or judgmental
to others.

Using this chakra is learning how to be your own authority, how to use power
effectively and how to come from your heart when you are dealing with issues
of the ego.

And now you will scan the fourth chakra.

This chakra is called the seat of the soul and connects your heart chakra with
your power chakra.

Connecting your soul through love with the power inside you.
It helps you see everything in a compassionate and loving way without losing
your own power.

Ask your guide to show you any blockages in this chakra because it is very im-
portant to have this chakra open and balanced.

Ask your guide to help you in fully clearing and opening this chakra.

Page 50
Then scan the fifth chakra.
The heart center, this deals with how loved they feel, how safe they feel the
world is and how much they trust themselves.
Some people turn to others as the source for their love.
Some people are possessive and jealous.
They do not have that sense of security they need.
If this heart center is open they will be a loving and compassionate person who
also knows his or her boundaries.
Just have a look at the energy of their heart center.

Then move onto the sixth chakra.

This chakra is called the spirit voice and connects your heart chakra with your
throat chakra so everything you speak will be of the highest truth full of com-
passion and love.

Ask your guide to clear and release anything that might be blocking this con-
nection and let him assist you in balancing and opening this chakra fully.

The seventh chakra is next.

This is the mind and throat, it is concerned with self-expression of the voice
and deals with psychology and philosophy. It deals with ideas and values.

How does this person express him or herself, are they open or do they suppress
their thoughts.

How does this person use his or her mind.

Does this person live in the past, present or future.

Does this person have a problem expressing his or her feelings.

Is this person open to new ideas, or do they have difficulty accepting new
Page 51
Do they embrace change or see it as threatening.

All of these are ways in which people are open or not open in their seventh
Start giving them a reading now.

And now you will scan their eighth chakra.

This one is often called the third eye. This is the intuitive center and psychic
What are their psychic abilities, such as telepathy, sensitivity to other people,
channeling abilities and dream work.

How open is this center and do they trust their insights.

Do they act upon their insights.

Are they intuitive or do they solve their problems intellectually.

Can you sense if there is a guide present.

Begin the reading on this chakra.

Now let’s have a look at the ninth chakra.

Please remember to not focus on the place of where the chakra is, but simply
on the chakra itself. The picture is only showing a moment in time and is not
how it might be for you or this person at this time.

This is their spiritual center.

How open are they spiritually, is their spiritual life important.

How may they open more spiritually.

Begin now to give a reading about this chakra.

Page 52
The next chakra is the tenth chakra.
This chakra connects you to the 5th dimension and through this center you are
aligning your energies to become a 5th dimensional being.
Ask your guide if there is anything preventing this person from becoming a 5th
dimensional being.

What can this person do to clear this?

Give this person a reading about this chakra.

Then we move onto the eleventh chakra.

This is where the Higher Self is right now.
The Higher Self already resides in the 5th dimension and brings the informa-
tion from a 5th dimensional viewpoint.

Ask their Higher Self what this person can do to receive this information more
clearly and if there is anything inside this person that is preventing them from
receiving this information.

Start reading now.

Then the last chakra, the twelfth chakra.

This is the chakra the spirit guide uses to connect with this person through their
higher self.
This chakra will become more open every time they connect with their spirit

Ask your spirit guide if there is anything this person can do to open up this
chakra completely.

Listen for the answer and trust it when you receive it.

Page 53
You are now finished with the chakra reading with your guide, you can use
this meditation any time you would like to do a complete reading for other

And now thank your guide for assisting you.

Send light to the other person and begin to come fully back out of trance.
You may want to open your eyes and stretch.
Grounding yourself sending down a cord of light down your spine all the way
into the center of the earth.
Sending that light all the way up and coming fully back now.

Page 54
Reading energy bodies for others
In this meditation you will do an energy reading for another person and you
will learn to look at their energy.
Viewing their physical, emotional, mental, pain and spiritual bodies.
And with your guide you will create a shift in how they perceive and under-
stand their energies.

Get in a very centered place right now, surrounding yourself with light, take a
deep breath and feel yourself lifting up.
Call in your guide and imagine or see how your guide is adjusting his energy
field to yours.
So it will match yours and the information will come in clear.
And as you think of the person you are doing a reading for, get a clear image
in your mind.
Imagine or see that you are establishing a heart connection to that person, ask-
ing for the highest good for both of you.

And bring in your guide now, aligning with him and ask him to come through
Your emotions are calm and your mind is clear.
And as your guide comes closer, it feels like you have extra insight.
You will discover that you can see things you didn’t know you could see for
your guide is here with you.
And now look with the eyes of your guide at the physical body of the person
you are reading for.

Is there any place in the body you feel drawn to.

If you like you can channel with your guide about this, in words if the person
is right there, or just write it down.
Get suggestions from your guide on how this person might bring more light to
this place in the physical body.
As you are looking at their physical body you might ask questions about their
diet or exercise. Page 55
What can they do to evolve the physical level of their body.

Begin when you are ready.

Now you are going to look at the emotional body and your guide is assisting
you in tuning in now. How fluid are their emotions. How intense.

Some people run on emotional energy, and their thoughts follow their emotions.
Other people pick certain emotions and their emotions follow their thoughts.

Does this person let their emotions flow.

Do they express themselves too much or too little.
Feel the emotions they would like to feel.

Begin now with your guide and give this person a reading on the emotional

Now we are going to have a look at the mental body.

How does this person use his or her mind.

Are they able to concentrate and focus.

Do they worry too much.

Do they take a long time to make a decision or are they impulsive.

Is their mind their friend.

Does it assist them in getting things done.

Does this person take time to meditate and quiet the mind.

Might they bring the light of their soul through into their thinking.

Page 56
When you are ready start the reading.

Then have a look at the pain body, this body holds the pain that has actually
happened in the physical.
Ask how this person can release and clear everything that is not needed.

Ask for assistance from your guide on how to help clear the pain body.

When you feel you are done have a look at the spiritual bodies.
Is there any place that needs clearing right now?

Do you see any dark spots?

Ask what this person can do to clear this.

And help if needed by sending light to these places.

Ask your guide if there is anything else this person can do at this time.

Begin the reading when you are ready.

You have now given a reading to another person, ask your guide if there is
anything left he would like to tell this person that would assist them in opening
spiritually and be more loving towards themselves.
Begin when you are ready.

And now surround the both of you with light, feeling the light coming into

Thank your guide for his assistance and begin to come fully back into the
Remember to come fully out, opening your eyes, feeling very wide awake.

Page 57
Mind linking
What follows is a journey to mind link.
We will use this process as a way of discovering information about the future.
You will be guided to look at the centuries ahead of us.
Pick a century that you are drawn to.
And then come down into that century, connecting with someone who will give
you information about what is going on.
You will do this under the guidance of your guide.
You can either bring in your guide or ask your guide to stay with you as you
do this.
Holding the light for you and assisting you in bringing in clear information.

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position.

Breathe deeply and surround yourself with light.
Filling yourself up with light.
The light is all around you as you raise your vibration so that you can connect
with your guide.
And you are going higher and higher.
Ask your guide to join you now.
Feel your guide coming closer and closer until you are one with your guide.
You can see through the eyes of your guide.
You are fully protected and guided so that you can link with that spirit and soul
that is most appropriate for you at this time.
This will give you insight and information.
Feel yourself expanding right now as if you are becoming larger than your
Imagine yourself turning in a spiral with your inner body as you begin to lift
up out of your body.
Just imagine doing so.
Going up and up, higher and higher.
Perhaps you are looking down at yourself in the room right now.
Begin to spiral up above the room you are in.
Just your spirit, feeling free and open.
Page 58
Until you are above the city you live in.
Traveling higher and higher.
Imagine looking down upon the earth as if you are in space.
Begin to leave the earth even more going into space right now.
You feel safe, warm and protected for your guide is with you.
And in this space you have entered into no time.
You can look at the earth and any era you want.
From prehistoric to a long way from your present time into the future.
For you have not only traveled upward, but you have traveled through the
dimensions into a dimension of no time.
The only time you will see is the time you will choose to see upon earth or
any other planet you feel you need to be.
For it is your intent and focus that brings you here.
Imagine that you can see the decades, the centuries spread out in front of you,
a time line with the years 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2800, 3000.
You may choose to stay within this 1000 year period.
Or you may even want to go further. All you have to do is focus and you
can ask your guide to bring you to the appropriate time right now or you can
choose yourself.
All you have to do is tune in, work with the frequencies and begin to mind
link with a soul that feels a bit like your own.
One that feels comfortable and aligned with you.
You might even mind link with one of your future selves.
Whichever you choose, your guide will assist you in finding just the right
mind to link with.
And now imagine as you are looking down you are seeing this soul, this
There is a dot of light below you and this is where you set your focus and
Going back to the earth plane, you are adjusting your frequencies to whatever
time you are drawn into.
Ask at a soul level if it is right for you to link with this soul, this mind.
This person might feel as if they are making it up, or perhaps they will only
be aware of you at a soul level or in their dreams.
Page 59
Coming closer now until you are aligned, your guide is with you. And you are
making a connection with the mind of this soul.
Beginning to see the world through their eyes.

Now ask whom you have linked with.

Do they have a name?

What year is this?

You might ask at a soul level if this is a future incarnation or is this a different

Ask and receive the answers in your mind.

What is the occupation of this soul?

You might need a lot of information to understand their occupation.

Ask this person what society is like.

Have they traveled to the stars?

Are there many people here or just a few.

You may want to ask if this person has any knowledge of history and can they
tell you what happened in your lifetime.

Look at the people.

Do they have psychic abilities?

How are the evolving?

Is there peace?

Page 60
You might ask what the government is like, what rules do they have?

Ask if there is anything they would like to tell you about their life.

Then thank this soul for assisting you.

You may link with this soul or another soul anytime you wish to find out more
about humanity.

Now with your guide fully detach from this soul, letting them go completely.

As you are coming back now fully awake in your own energy.
Begin to write down your insights.

Page 61
Final meditation
As you send out your light and as you connect with these realms, you
create a greater light in these dimensions.
The more that you send out into the earth plane the lighter it becomes.
And we would like to thank you for your courage and wisdom.
All the order and harmony that you have brought into your life.
All that you are doing to become a being of light.
All the light that you have brought into yourself will spread over the earth and
influence others to bring out their light.
And we would like to tell you that all you need to do is ask to get help from all
the guides and angels that are here to assist you.
And we welcome you anytime that you might wish to travel into the higher

Imagine now that you are standing in the center of a stadium, filled with beings
of light from every dimension.
Welcoming you, shining upon you as you have taken a step to join the higher
communities of light.
For with your guide you have access to all knowledge and wisdom.
With your connection you have become a greater light.
Your light will begin to light up the light within others, and you will become a
force of awakening in others.
For as you awaken to these higher dimensions, they are literally forces or cur-
rents that you can transmit to others.
You are all undergoing an enormous shift in consciousness and you are all be-
coming a channel of higher and higher vibrations.
And you took an enormous step forward in this process.
You have gained a new level of confidence.
A new level of understanding yourself and others.
We see that you have a deep commitment to carry out your life purpose.
Focus right now on that life purpose, this is the single most important thing in
your life.
Create a vision, manifesting whatever comes to you as you follow your inner
flow. Page 62
You are going to become even more sensitive to the energies around you.
But with that increased sensitivity your guide is sending you the ability to
change the energies around you.
Do not worry about the energies around you.
Now that you are gaining wisdom, your ability to control and affect the energy
around you is going to increase.
And the memories of who you truly are will increase.
You are all here to help mankind and the planet earth in some way.
Your ability to travel into other realms will increase for some of the veils have
been lifted.
You may get glimpses or insight in other lives that you have had and that need
Just follow the flow and release the energies, remember you can always ask for

And so we welcome you here to the great brotherhood of beings that are here
to help in the evolution of all consciousness.
For you are joining now with more awareness and more consciousness.
You are a part of our community.
And we will do all that we can to assist you in bringing the light and wisdom
that you have unto the people on the planet earth.
For as you have joined this community of light, you have joined a network of
souls that send you their love and wisdom and help whenever you need it.
Remember you are not alone.
And so we welcome you and we open our energy to acknowledge you as one
of us.
A being of light.

Page 63
Channeling your Higher Self

Here are a few example questions that might be helpful for your first time and there is room to write
down your own questions as well:
1. What is my higher purpose for this year?

2. What blocks or fears do I have that would prevent me from attaining this?

3. What skills or attributes do I have to help me attain my goals?

4. What message of love and compassion do you have that I need to hear at this time?


Page 64





Page 65
Channeling your guide

1. What is real happiness?

2. What is the Higher Self?

3. What is the function of the will?

4. How can our will be of service?

5. How can we bring more light into our lives?

Page 66
6. What is the meaning of relationships?





Page 67
Channeling a past life for yourself.

Are you indoors or outdoors?

Are you male or female?

What kind of clothing are you wearing?

How old are you?

What year is it?

Page 68
What situation is occurring in your life?

Are there other people involved?

Any current conflict or challenge in this life?

What is your lesson in this lifetime?

Age yourself a bit and see what circumstances have changed.

Page 69
What have you learned?

Go to the most significant event in this lifetime, what happened?

What is it I still have to learn in this life?

Is there another lifetime related to this problem? If yes, ask your guide about it.

Page 70
Chakra reading for yourself

First chakra
What is your belief about abundance?

Do you like physical things? Such as exercise. How connected are you to your body?

Are you able to be physically present in the moment?

Are you impulsive? Or do you think things out?

For this center is related to your ability to manifest and carry things out.

Page 71
Second chakra
How do you relate to other people and society?

Is it open, are you connected with humanity?

Is it closed, are you trying too hard to please other people, or are you rigid in your thinking?

Are you conditioned to what society says is right, or what other people will think?

Do you give up yourself in a relationship?

Do you have the ability to create original ideas and transcend in mass thought?

Page 72
Do you like to be alone or do you like to be with people?

Are you independent in your thinking?

Or do you like structure and disciplined environments?

How free and independent are you?

Are you interested in working with society, generally?

Are you rebelling against what is being told to you?

Page 73
Third chakra
This center deals with ego and authority.
Are you your own authority, do you use that authority in a positive way?

Do you feel you have to force things to get your way?

Or do you use your skill in a gentle way?

Are you humble or egotistical?

Are you self critical or judgmental of others?

Using this chakra is learning how to be your own authority.

How to use power effectively and how to come from your heart when you are dealing with issues of
the ego. Ask how you can be more powerful and effective.

Page 74
Fourth chakra
This chakra is called the seat of the soul and connects your heart chakra with your power chakra.
Connecting your soul through love with the power inside you.
It helps you see everything in a compassionate and loving way without losing your own power.

Ask your guide to show you any blockages in this chakra because it is very important to have this
chakra open and balanced.

Page 75
Fifth chakra
How loved do you feel, how safe do you feel the world is?

How much do you trust in yourself?

Are you turning to others as the source of your love?

Are you positive or jealous?

Do you have that sense of security that you need?

If this center is open, you will be a loving and compassionate person, who also knows his or hers

Page 76
Sixth chakra
This chakra is called the spirit voice and connects your heart chakra with your throat chakra so every-
thing you speak will be of the highest truth full of compassion and love.

Ask your guide to clear and release anything that might be blocking this connection and let him assist
you in balancing and opening this chakra fully.

Page 77
Seventh chakra.
The seventh chakra is about self expression of the voice, dealing with philosophy and psychology. It
deals with ideas and values.
How do you express yourself?

Are you open or do you suppress your thoughts?

How do you use your mind?

Do you live in the past or present or the future?

Do you have a problem expressing your feelings?

Are you open to new ideas or do you have difficulties in accepting new ideas?

Do you embrace change or see it as threatening?

Page 78
Eighth chakra
This is the intuitive center, the intuitive and psychic abilities.
What are your psychic abilities?
Such as telepathy.

Sensitivity to other people.

Channeling abilities, dream work.

How open is this center, do you trust your insights?

Do you act upon your insight?

Are you intuitive or do you solve your problems intellectually?

Page 79
Ninth chakra
This is where the energy leaves your body at night to the 5th dimension.
It also connects you to your Higher Self and spirit guides.
It is a very important chakra that needs to be open fully so energy can move freely between you and
your Higher Self. Your guide will always connect to you through your Higher Self.
This is your spiritual center.

How open are you spiritually?

Is your spiritual life important?

How may you open up even more spiritually?

This center also deals with imagination and creativity, ideas you use and if you trust your imagina-

Ask your guide to help you in clearing any blockages and ask your guide how you can prevent new

Ask your guide how you can keep this chakra open at all times.

Page 80
Tenth chakra
This chakra connects you to the 5th dimension and through this center you are aligning your energies to
become a 5th dimensional being.

Ask your guide if there is anything preventing you from becoming a 5th dimensional being.

What can you do to clear this?

Let your guide help you in balancing and aligning this chakra so it will be fully open at all times.

Page 81
Eleventh chakra
Ask your Higher Self what you can do to receive information more clearly and if there is anything
inside you that is preventing you from receiving this information.

Your guide will assist in clearing this chakra from any blockages and help you align and fully open
this center so you can have a complete and open communication with your Higher Self.

Page 82
Twelfth chakra
Ask your spirit guide if there is anything you can do to open up this chakra completely.

Listen for the answer and trust it when you receive it.

Page 83
Reading energy bodies for yourself

Physical body

Ask your guide if there is anything you need to pay attention to in your diet that will increase the vibra-
tion of your physical body.

Is there any movement or exercise that can help you in raising the vibration of your physical body?

Ask your guide to help you scan your body and find any area that needs more light and send the light
when needed.

Now ask your guide if there is any other advice or guidance, such as how to become more comfortable
with your body, love your body and use your body in a more beneficial way.

Page 84
Emotional body

Your guide will show you all the places where your emotions are tied up with your physical body.
Simply imagine you are untying them.
Often places where the emotional body is entangled in the physical body are the places where your
muscles hurt.

With your guide help create a flow in your emotional body, freeing it from any place it is entangled
in the physical body.

Page 85
Mental body

Ask your guide how you can use your mind in a more clear way.

Do you worry too much?

Do you analyze things too much?

Do you need to learn to receive more intuitively?

Your guide will tell you how you can use your mind to bring through the light of your soul even

Page 86
Pain body

Your guide will assist you right now in releasing and clearing everything that isn’t needed in your pain
body right now.
See how your guide is assisting you and feel the energy flow out of your pain body.
See how the energy becomes clear and sparkles like a bright light.

Spiritual Bodies

Is there any place that needs further clearing right now?

Do you see any dark spots?

If so, send light to them and see them disappear.

Ask your guide if there is anything else you can do at this time.
If so, let your guide help you.

Page 87
Channeling a past life for others
Is the person male or female?

Is the person young or old?

Is the person wearing a costume or certain type of clothing?

Is the person indoors or outdoors?

Is the person rich or poor?

What year is it?

What country?

Page 88
Is the person a parent or a child?

Does he or she have brothers or sisters?

How is the person emotionally?

Look at their emotional energy.

What is their career or profession?

What is it that is affecting them in this life?

What can they do to release this pattern?

Ask them if they are ready to release this pattern.

Ask your guide to help them release the energy.
Ask your guide to fill up the empty place with new energies, new beliefs.

Page 89
Chakra reading for others
First chakra
What is their belief about abundance?

Do they like physical things? Such as exercise. How connected are they to their body?

Are they able to be physically present in the moment?

Are they impulsive? Or do they think things out.

For this center is related to their ability to manifest and carry things out.

Page 90
Second chakra
How does this person relate to other people and society?

Is it open, are they connected with humanity?

Is it closed, are they trying too hard to please other people, or are they rigid in their thinking?

Are they conditioned to what society says is right, or what other people will think?

Do they give up their selves in a relationship?

Do they have the ability to create original ideas and transcend mass thought?

Page 91
Do they like to be alone or do they like to be with people?

Is this person independent in their thinking?

Or do they like structure and disciplined environments.

How free and independent is this person?

Are they interested in working with society, generally?

Are they rebelling against what is being told to them?

Page 92
Third chakra
This center deals with ego and authority.
Is this person their own authority, do they use their authority in a positive way?

Do they feel they have to force things to get their way?

Or do they use their skill in a gentle way?

Is this person humble or egotistical?

Are they self critical or judgmental of others?

Using this chakra is learning how to be their own authority.

How to use power effectively and how to come from their heart, when they are dealing with issues
of the ego. You can also tell this person how they can be more powerful and effective.

Page 93
Fourth chakra
This chakra is called the seat of the soul and connects their heart chakra with their power chakra.
Connecting their soul through love with the power inside them.
It helps them see everything in a compassionate and loving way without losing their own power.

Ask your guide to show you any blockages they have in this chakra because it is very important to
have this chakra open and balanced.

Page 94
Fifth chakra
How loved do they feel, how safe do they feel the world is?

How much do they trust themselves?

Are they turning to others as the source of their love?

Is this person positive or jealous?

Does this person have that sense of security that they need?

If this center is open, they will be a loving and compassionate person, who also knows his or hers

Page 95
Sixth chakra
This chakra is called the spirit voice and connects their heart chakra with their throat chakra so ev-
erything they speak will be of the highest truth full of compassion and love.

Ask their guide to clear and release anything that might be blocking this connection and let him
assist you in balancing and opening their chakra fully.

Page 96
Seventh chakra.
The seventh chakra is about self expression of the voice, dealing with philosophy and psychology. It
deals with ideas and values.

How does this person express him or herself?

Is this person open or does he or she suppress their thoughts?

How does this person use his or her mind?

Does this person live in the past or present or the future?

Does this person have a problem expressing their feelings?

Is this person open to new ideas or do they have difficulties in accepting new ideas?

Does this person embrace change or see it as threatening?

Page 97
Eighth chakra
This is the intuitive center, their intuitive and psychic abilities.
What are their psychic abilities?

Such as telepathy.

Sensitivity to other people.

Channeling abilities, dream work.

How open is this center, do they trust their insights?

Do they act upon their insight?

Are they intuitive or do they solve their problems intellectually?

Can you sense if there is a guide present?

If so what is the name of that guide.

Page 98
Ninth chakra
This is where the energy leaves their body at night to the 5th dimension.
It also connects them to their Higher Self and spirit guides.
It is a very important chakra that needs to be open fully so energy can move freely between them and
their Higher Self. Their guide will always connect to them through their Higher Self.
This is their spiritual center.

How open are they spiritually?

Is their spiritual life important?

How may they open up even more spiritually?

This center also deals with imagination and creativity.

Ideas this person uses and if they trust their imagination.

Ask your guide to help you in clearing any blockages and ask your guide how this person can pre-
vent new ones.
Ask your guide how this person can keep this chakra open at all times.

Page 99
Tenth chakra
This chakra connects them to the 5th dimension and through this center they are aligning their energies
to become a 5th dimensional being.

Ask your guide if there is anything preventing this person from becoming a 5th dimensional being.

What can this person do to clear this?

Let your guide help you in balancing and aligning this chakra so it will be fully open at all times.

Page 100
Eleventh chakra
Ask your Higher Self what this person can do to receive this information more clearly and if there is
anything inside this person that is preventing him or her from receiving this information.

Your guide will assist in clearing this chakra from any blockages and help you align and fully open
this center so this person can have a complete and open communication with his or her Higher Self.

Page 101
Twelfth chakra
Ask your spirit guide if there is anything this person can do to open up this chakra completely.

Listen for the answer and trust it when you receive it.

Page 102
Reading energy bodies for others

Physical body

Is there any place in the body you feel drawn to.

Get suggestions from your guide on how this person might bring more light to this place in the physi-
cal body.

As you are looking at their physical body you might ask question about their diet or exercise.

What can they do to evolve the physical level of their body.

Page 103
Emotional body

How fluid are their emotions.

How intense.

Some people run on emotional energy, and their thoughts follow their emotions.

Other people pick certain emotions and their emotions follow their thoughts.

Does this person let their emotions flow.

Do they express themselves too much or too little.

Feel the emotions they would like to feel.

Page 104
Mental body

How does this person use his or her mind.

Are they able to concentrate and focus.

Do they worry too much.

Do they take a long time to make a decision or are they impulsive.

Is their mind their friend.

Does it assist them in getting things done.

Does this person take time to meditate and quiet the mind.

Might they bring the light of their soul through into their thinking.

Page 105
Pain body

Ask how this person can release and clear everything that is not needed.

Ask for assistance from your guide on how to help clear the pain body.

Spiritual Bodies

Is there any place that needs clearing right now?

Do you see any dark spots?

Ask what this person can do to clear this.

And help if needed by sending light to these places.

Ask your guide if there is anything else this person can do at this time.

Ask your guide if there is anything left he would like to tell this person that would assist them in
opening spiritually.

Page 106
Mind linking
Do they have a name?

What year is it?

What country?

Is this your future incarnation?

What is their occupation?

What is society like?

Page 107
Has humanity traveled to the stars?

Are there a lot of people or a few?

Does this person have any knowledge of your history?

What is the government like?

What kind of rules apply?

Is there anything else they want to tell you about their life?

Page 108
About Petra Margolis

Petra is a channel for the Ascended Masters, sharing their

messages, guidance and healing in person and through her
She has been attuned to the Masters since birth and works
closely with Sananda, Isis, Kuthumi and Melchizedek.
She feels her Life’s mission is sharing the Love, Wisdom and
Guidance of these Masters as we discover that we share the
same divine origin.

Petra has been doing this from her home during the last
four years to take care of her daughter. The Masters have
told her it is time to start traveling and teaching again.
They are currently working with Petra on a new series of
courses that are focused on Ascension into the 5th dimen-

Page 109
The Crystal Skulls and the 12
Gate Initiations
Under the guidance of the Crystal Skulls and the Guardians Isis and Thoth

Every week for 12 weeks you will receive a Personal Energy Attunement from the Crystal Skulls
under the guidance of Thoth and Isis.
This Initiation will be accompanied by a Personal Divine Template picture showing your personal
energy attunement to each Gate which you will receive each week.
These pictures are created individually by Petra under the divine guidance of the Crystal Skulls,
Thoth and Isis to help you attune to the frequencies and experiences of the Gate that you are enter-

Each Initiation is long distance and is about an hour,during this time Thoth and Isis will be adjust-
ing your physical and spiritual energies. They will open the seal that is already inside you to make
it possible for you to enter the Gate.

We ask you to set a time and day of the week that you will have available for 12 weeks. Please
know that even if on one of those days you are not able to sit down for that time , the Initiation will
be completed. You can ask for the experience being brought to you during your dream time or at a
time you are able to free yourself from other influences.

The Personal Divine Template picture will be sent to you by email one day before each Initiation.

We are offering these Initiations for the special price of 12.12 per week for 12 weeks.
This is including your Personal Divine Template picture sent to you by email every week

Visit our website to read more about these Gates

Page 110
The 7 Basic Steps to Ascension
The chakra information in this book is part of our E-book The 7
Basic Steps to Ascension. The other information you will find in
there is fully concentrated on how to work
consciously towards your ascension into the 5th dimension.
The book is available as an
E-book for $ 13.13
on cd as a pdf file for $ 15.15 free shipping
or in a printed version for $ 21.21 free shipping
For more information and to order, visit our website

Initiations in the Isis

Stairway to Heaven
We are offering initiations in the Isis Stairway to Heaven.
This complete process was channeled by
Isis/Mary Magdalene.
Isis will support you with the focus of her energy to assist
you in conscious ascension.
Page 111
Essential Oil Blends and Messages

from the Masters of Light

Most of the channeled messages are available for reading on my

website. Right now I am working on a book with all the messages
from the Masters of Light and the pictures that belong to it.

At this point there are more then 50 messages, I have been asked to
bring them out in bookform, with full page pictures.
These pictures carry the vibration of the Ascended Master or being
that has channeled the message to me.

So if or when you feel a strong connection, or feel like this is the

special message for you, you can connect with the energies and work
with them in any way that is needed for you at that time.

The price of the book will be for now $ 50.00 and $ 7.95 shipping.
(This is for the book with full page pictures, price might change when
more messages get added)
The pictures and messages are also available separately.

All of the messages have a special essential oil blend that goes with
them, you can find them all in our store along with jewelry, Ascended
Masters tea and much more.

Page 112
Readings with the Masters

My husband and I are offering readings with the Ascended Masters.

You can find more information on our website.

Visionary Art

All the artwork in this book was made by me,

I offer personalized visionary art for $ 20.00
just visit my store.

For more information, questions or just to share

you can always email me at

Page 113
Coming soon!!!

Our new E-book

The Day God Started

An experiental chronicle of a soul’s creation and journey from
source. This story is told in the first person as it unfolded within
Petra as she listened, experienced, and wrote down what she was
seeing and hearing. The story is about what God shared with
Petra during her journey into complete awakening. Her experiences
from birth became understandable and her connection with Source
was fully opened.
Watch our website or become a member of our email list to find out
when this E-book will be available.

Page 114
Contact information

Petra Margolis

**Blue Light Star Master**


phone: 904-859-1894

Page 115

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