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Character Name

Dexterity 0 Strength 0
Intelligence 0 Will 0
Influence 0 Aura 0
HP Pool 0 HPs 0

Powers AP value Base Cost Factor Cost FC Modifier

(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

(none) 0
(none) 0
Powers Total 0 (none) 0
Skills Total 0 (none) 0
Attributes Total 0 (none) 0
Power Modifier Total 0 (none) 0

(none) 0
(none) 0
(none) 0
(none) 0
(none) 0
Body 0
Mind 0
Spirit 0

Skills AP value Base Cost Factor Cost SubSkills Modifier

(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

Attack Vulnerability
Combined powers None 0
None None 0
None None 0
None None 0

Loss Vulnerability
None None 0
None None 0
None None 0
None None 0

Fatal Vulnerability

None 0
None 0
Range of
None 0
None 0
None 0
None 0

Range of
None 0
None 0
None 0
None 0

Range of
None 0
None 0
Ritual Name
Spell Effect (powers)
APs Base Cost Factor Cost Modifyers
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

Spell Effect (skills) APs Base Cost Factor Cost Subskills

(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

Ritual Cost 0
Remember the duration of a ritual is the
highest letter of any of the spell effects. Ex.
Twe A two powers and one C type are A C
duration ritual

Gadget name
Gadget effects
Body of Gadget 0
Charges 0
APs Base Cost Factor Cost
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

Spell Effect (skills) APs Base Cost Factor Cost

(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0


Ritual Cost 0

Remember the duration of a gadget effect

is the highest letter of any of the spell
effects. Ex. Twe A two powers and one C
type are A C duration ritual

Subskills Modifyers
Objects of Power
Objects of Power Effects
Body of Gadget 0
Charges 0
APs Base Cost Factor Cost
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0

Spell Effect (skills) APs Base Cost Factor Cost

(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0
(none) 0 0 0


Ritual Cost 0

Remember the duration of a Object of

Power effect is the highest letter of any of
the spell effects. Ex. Twe A two powers
and one C type are A C duration ritual

Subskills Modifyers
Physical BC FC
(none) 0 0

Acid 15 3
Acuity 65 9
Adaptation 125 9
Adreniline Surge 50 6
Air Animation 100 9
Air Control 20 9
Analytical Smell\Tracking Scent 10 4
Animal Control 25 7
Animal Mimicry 20 5
Animal Summoning 35 2
Animate Dead 25 6
Animate Objects 75 5
Animate Shadow 75 7
Attraction\Repulsion 15 4
Awareness 5 1
Blunting 10 3
Bomb 20 3
Broadcast Empathy 20 5
Cell Rot 20 3
Chameleon 10 2
Chemical Attack 20 4
Claws/Natural Weapons 35 6
Cling 10 2
Cold Immunity 5 3
Comprehend Languages 5 2
Continuum Control 200 12
Damage Capacity 15 5
Damage Transference 15 5
Danger Sense 25 3
Darkness 5 5
Data Storage 5 2
Defensive Adaptation 75 8
Density Control 50 7
Detect 10 3
Digging 5 2
Dimension Travel 100 6
Dimensional Anchor 35 3
Directional Hearing 5 1
Dispersal 25 6
Doodads 10 1
Drain Resistance 20 5
Dumb Luck 75 7
Earth Animation 100 8
Earth Control 25 8
Electrical Being 10 6
Electrical Control 30 5
Electro Telepathy 20 4
Electromagnetic Perception 25 3
EMP 15 5
EMP Resistance 5 4
Empathy 10 3
Energy Absorption 25 4
Energy Blast 15 3
Energy Control 75 9
Enhanced Initiative 25 2
Exploit Weakness 50 7
Extended Hearing 5 1
Extra Limb 5 4
Eye of the Cat 10 2
Fabricate 100 10
Flame Animation 100 8
Flame Animation 25 8
Flame Being 10 6
Flame Immunity 5 3
Flash 20 4
Flesh Manipulation 100 8
Flight 10 4
Fluid Form 75 7
Fog 5 3
Force Field 35 6
Force Grip 50 4
Force Manipulation 75 10
Force Shield 10 5
Friction Control 25 6
Frostbite 10 4
Full Vision 5 1
Geoforce 35 5
Gliding 5 2
Grapple Link 5 2
Gravity Control 75 6
Growth 50 7
Guarded Senses 5 1
Hypersensitive Touch 5 2
Hypnotism 50 6
Ice Animation 100 8
Ice Being 10 3
Ice Control 15 6
Ice Production 5 7
Illusion 30 8
Immunity 35 7
Interface 35 9
Invisibility 10 7
Invulnerability 15 7
Iron Will 5 3
Joined 5 1
Jumping 5 2
Karma Manipulation 50 6
Kinetic Absorption 35 6
Magic Blast 20 3
Magic Sense 5 1
Magic Shield 10 5
Magnetic Control 15 7
Matter Manipulation 100 7
Matter Production 20 5
Mental Blast 15 3
Mental Illusion 50 6
Mental Shields 20 6
Metal Manipulation 50 7
Microscopic Vision 5 1
Mind Blank 5 4
Mind Blast 20 3
Mind Probe 20 3
Molecular Chameleon 75 9
Mystic Freeze 50 6
Necropathy 20 4
Neutralize 25 7
Numb 25 5
Object Awareness 20 2
Obscure 5 4
Omni-Arm 10 4
Paralysis 15 5
Petrifaction 20 8
Phobia 15 4
Plant Control 20 6
Plant Growth 20 5
Poison Fog 45 7
Poison Touch 30 6
Possession 30 8
Postcognition 15 2
Power Drain 40 9
Power Reserve 100 10
Power Scrambling 25 6
Precognition 75 3
Probability Control 100 9
Projectile Weapons 15 3
Protection Circle 20 6
Psychic Blade 20 3
Psychic Cleansing 5 3
Psychic Penetration 15 4
Psychic Vampirism 20 8
Radar Sense 5 1
Radio Communication 10 1
Recall 5 1
Reflection/Deflection 40 5
Regeneration 50 7
Remote Sensing 35 4
Running 10 3
Sealed Systems 10 6
Self-Manipulation 75 6
Sensory Block 25 6
Sensory Overload 10 5
Shadow Cloak 75 8
Shadow Form 75 7
Shadow Hop 35 7
Shape Change 35 7
Sharpness 50 7
Shouting/The Voice 10 4
Shrinking 15 5
Skin Armor 50 5
Snare 20 5
Solar Sustenance 5 1
Sonar 10 2
Sonic Beam 15 3
Sorcery 250 10
Sound Nullification 5 6
Speak With Animals 5 2
Speak with Plants 35 5
Spirit Drain 15 8
Spirit Steed 55 5
Spirit Travel 50 2
Split 50 8
Stealth Field 5 2
Stretching 10 6
Super Hearing 5 1
Super Speed 25 9
Suspension 5 1
Systemic Antidote 5 3
Telekinesis 50 7
Telepathy 20 4
Teleportation(TT) 50 4
Telescopic Vision 5 1
Temperature Control 30 5
Temporal Awareness 10 1
Temporal Singularity 10 4
Tesseract 35 1
Thermal Vision 5 1
Time Control 100 11
Time Slow 25 6
Time Stop 75 6
Time Travel 150 19
Tornado 25 6
Transmutation 15 8
True Sight 5 3
Ultra Vision 10 2
Vampirism 15 8
Vermin Form 35 7
Vertigo 35 4
Warp 50 5
Water Animation 100 8
Water Control 35 8
Water Freedom 5 3
Weather Control 25 8
Web\Glue 15 4
Will Force Weapon 10 2
X-ray vision 15 3
Skill Subskills # of Subskills Base Cost Factor Costs Gadgetry type
Accuracy * 3/4 5 6
Perception B
Mental C
Mystical C
Physical C
Acrobatics 3/6 15 5
Climbing B
Dodging* C
Gymnastics* B
Aerial superiority* B
Sports C
Juggling and Catching C
Animal Handling 2/2 5 4
Animal Training* B
Riding C
Artist* 4/6 5 5
Actor B
Disguise B
Musician C
Painter C
Photographer C
Sculptor C
Writer C
Charisma* 3/3 20 6
Interrogation C
Intimidation C
Persuasion C
Computers 4/5 20 7
Computer Graphics* B
Computer Operations C
Cryptography* B
Forgery* B
Identification Systems* B
Detective 5/6 10 7
Clue analysis
Counterfeit Recognition* B
Leg Work* B
Law* B
Police Procedures* B
Identification Systems* B
Gadgetry 2/2 25 8
Build Gadget* B
Identify Gadget A
Martial Arts* 4/4 25 7
Assault C
Battery C
Blocking C
Defense C
Medicine 4/4 5 5
First Aid C
Forensics* C
Medical Treatment* B
Surgery* B
Military Science 5/9 10 6
Camouflage B
Cartography B
Danger Recognition* B
Demolition* B
Electronic Counter-measures* B
Small unit tactics* B
Survival C
Sabotage* B
Tracking B
Occultist* 4/7 30 8
Create Object B
Identify Object A
Occult Knowledge B
Mentor B
Premonition A
Spiritual Healing
Ritual Magic B
Scientist 4/4 10 5
Analysis B
Drawing Plans* B
Observation* A
Research B
Thief 5/7 10 6
Concealment B
Escape Artist A
Locks and Safes* B
Pick Pocketing A
Security Systems* B
Stealth B
Forgery* B
Vehicles 4/6 5 5
Air C
Land C
Sea C
Space C
Power Armor C
Weaponry 4/6 5 5
Firearms C
Exotic Weapons* C
Melee Weapons C
Missile Weapons C
Heavy Weapons C
Skill # of Subskills Base Cost Factor Costs
(none) 0 0
Accuracy * 3/4 5 6
Acrobatics 3/6 15 5
Animal Handling 2/2 5 4
Artist* 4/6 5 5
Charisma* 3/3 20 6
Computers 4/5 20 7
Detective 5/6 10 7
Gadgetry 2/2 25 8
Martial Arts* 4/4 25 7
Medicine 4/4 5 5
Military Science 5/9 10 6
Occultist* 4/7 30 8
Scientist 4/4 10 5
Thief 5/7 10 6
Vehicles 4/6 5 5
Weaponry 4/6 5 5
AP Purchase Chart
Non Action
Charges HP Pool Action
Attribute Attribute
APs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6

2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 12

3 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 23 14

4 4 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 34 26

5 5 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 45 28

6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72

7 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96

8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

9 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

10 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 194

11 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

12 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 248 272

13 28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336

14 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 412 448

15 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480

16 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 495 540

17 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

18 55 110 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 550 605 660

19 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720

20 65 130 195 260 325 390 455 520 585 650 715 780

21 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700 770 840

22 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720 800 880 960

23 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1080

24 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

25 110 220 330 440 550 660 770 880 990 1100 1210 1320

26 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 990 1200 1320 1440

27 130 260 390 520 650 780 910 1040 1080 1300 1430 1560

28 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1170 1500 1650 1800

29 175 350 525 700 875 1050 1225 1400 1350 1750 1875 2050

30 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1575 2000 2200 2400

31 225 450 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 1800 2500 2725 2950

32 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2025 2500 2750 3000

33 275 550 825 1100 1375 1650 1925 2200 2250 2750 3000 3275

34 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2475 3000 3300 3600

35 350 700 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3150 3500 3850 4200

36 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800

37 450 900 1350 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600 4050 4500 4950 5400

38 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000

39 550 1100 1650 2200 2750 3300 3850 4400 4950 5500 6050 6600

40 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 6600 7200
Per AP
+50 +100 +150 +200 +250 +300 +350 +400 +450 +500 +550 +600
over 40
Power Modifier Cost Power Modifier

Bonuses Factor Cost Limitations

None 0 None

Area Effect +1 Affects Living Only

Attack Deflection +1 Affects Non-Living Only

Chain Extension +1 Cannot Enhance

Combined powers Special Diminishing

Concealed Special Fatiguing

Explosive Radius +1 Focused

Indirect (+2) +2 Gradually Fatiguing

Indirect (+3) +3 Lethal

Judo Throws +1 Marginal Power (minor)

Multi-Attack Bonus (+1) +1 Marginal Power (serious)

Multi-Attack Bonus (+2) +2 Marginal Power (catastrophic)

Multi-Attack Bonus (+3) +3 No Acting Value

Mystic Link +5 BC No Range

Permanent +5 Non Lethal

Psychic Link +5 BC Non-Variable

Range +1 Object Dependence (common)

Self-Link +1 Object Dependence (unique)

Skilled +1 Power Always On

Trans-Dimensional +3 Power Burnout (minor)

Unlimited HPs +2 Power Burnout (serious)

Usable on others +5 Power Burnout (catastrophic)

Power Restriction (-1)

Power Restriction (-2)

Power Restriction (-3)

Reduced Range

Time Limit


Area Knowledge Cost

(none) 0 (none)

Neighborhood 10 Neighborhood

City 20 City

State 30 State
Country 40 Country

Continent 50 Continent

Planet 65 Planet

Dimension 75 Dimension

Solar system 100 Solar system

Galaxy 125 Galaxy

Known universe 150 Known universe


Police (Low)
Credentials Police (High)

Media 10 Military (Low)

Police (Low) 10 Military (Med)

Police (High) 15 Military (High)

Military (Low) 10 Government Agency (Low)

Military (Med) 20 Government Agency (Med)

Military (High) N/A Government Agency (High)

Government Agency (Low) 15 Corporate (Low)

Government Agency (Med) 25 Corporate (High)

Government Agency (High) N/A Special

Corporate (Low) 10

Corporate (High) 15

Special special
Cost Advantages

Factor Cost (none)

0 Ambidextrous

-1 Area Knowledge

-1 Armor Optimization

-1 Assistant

-1 Atmosphere Adaptation- Minor

-2 Atmosphere Adaptation- Major

-1 Atmosphere Adaptation- Superior

-1 Attractive

-1 Blind-Fighting

-1 Bloody Mess

-2 Connection-low

-3 Connection-high

-1 Connection- Omni

-2 Connoisseur

-1 Credentials

-1 Direction Sense

-1 Does not Exist

-2 Double Tapping

-1 Dupe

-1 Fast Draw

-2 Flashing Blades-single

-5 Flashing Blades-single

-1 Gadget

-2 Genius

-3 Genre Bending
-1 Gift of Gab

-1 Headquarters-confined

-1 Headquarters-Expansive

Heart Stopper

Heavy Weapons Guy

Instant Change

Iron Nerves

Lightning Reflexes

Lightning Reload


Master of Disguise
Mind over Matter

Area Knowledge: (none) Mounted Warrior

Area Knowledge: Neighborhood Mystique

Area Knowledge: City Obscured Vital Areas

Area Knowledge: State Paired Firearms

Area Knowledge: Country Paired Melee Weapons

Area Knowledge: Continent Pet

Area Knowledge: Planet Popularity

Area Knowledge: Dimension Prehensile Feet

Area Knowledge: Solar system Regenerative Transformation

Area Knowledge: Galaxy Returnable Weapon

Area Knowledge: Known universe Rich Family/Friends

Credentials: Media Ritual

Credentials: Police (Low) Roof Nails

Credentials: Police (High) Scholar

Credentials: Military (Low) Self Contained\Life Support

Credentials: Military (Med) Shadow Self-greater

Credentials: Military (High) Shadow Self-greater

Credentials: Government Agency (Low) Sharp Eye

Credentials: Government Agency (Med) Short Sleeper

Credentials: Government Agency (High) Slowed Aging

Credentials: Corporate (Low) Solo warrior

Credentials: Corporate (High) Speed Shooting

Credentials: Special Stabilization

Stance Assessment

Sticks and Bullets

Stroke of Genius

Stunt Man


The Horror

Time Sense- lesser

Time Sense-greater

The Baffler


Trick shooter

True Faith

Ultimate Accuracy

Underwater Combat

Unpredictable Style

Vehicle Specialist

Weapons at the ready

Weapon Specialist

Weapon Stash

Weapons Grab
Yoga Master
Cost Drawbacks

0 (none)

15 Age

Variable Alter Ego- controled

15 Alter Ego- uncontroled

25 Altered Anatomy

10 Arrogant

20 Creepy

50 Dark Secret

15 Enemy

10 Innocent/ Gullible

10 Irrational Attraction- minor

10 Irrational Attraction- major

15 Irrational Attraction- catastropic

30 Irrational Fear-minor

10 Irrational Fear-major

Variable Irrational Fear-catostrophic

10 Limelight

15 Married/Family

15 Mistrust

50 Physical Restriction-minor

10 Physical Restriction-major

10 Physical Restriction-catastrophic

15 Psychological Instability-minor

Variable Psychological Instability-major

25 Psychological Instability-catostrophic

75 Public Identity
20 Rage-minor

10 Rage-major

15 Rage-cartastrophic

5 Secret Identity

10 Socially Inept

5 Strange Appearance

20 Traumatic Flashback

20 Unluck



25 Column shifts
15 None
2 Colums
3 Coulums
4 Coulums

Variable Range of vulnerability

20 None
5 Aps
4 Aps

1 AP
O Aps
Vulnerability Effect
5 None

One Attribute Set (P, M, or M)

All Attributes

5, 10
All Powers

All Skills

All powers and skills

All powers skills and attributes


Fatal Vulnerability

5 None

10 Common

10 Rare













XP Bonus

































HP bonus



HP bonus













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