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Submitted by on 7/20/2012 12:48:50 PM 

Points Awarded  14

Points Missed  0

Percentage  100%

1. You have data for many years on the average price of a barrel of oil and the average
retail price of a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline.
When you make a scatterplot, the explanatory variable on the x axis

A. is the price of oil.

B. is the price of gasoline.
C. can be either oil price or gasoline price.

We would expect that the price of a barrel of oil has an effect on the price of gasoline,
rather than the reverse.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

2. You have data for many years on the average price of a barrel of oil and the
average retail price of a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline.
In a scatterplot of the average price of a barrel of oil and the average retail price of
a gallon of gasoline, you expect to see

A. a positive association.
B. very little association.
C. a negative association.

The association should be positive (e.g., if oil prices rise, so do gas prices).
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A
The scatterplot below shows the reading test scores against IQ test scores for 14
3. fifth-grade children.

There is one low outlier in the plot. The IQ and reading scores for this child are
A. IQ = 10, reading = 124.
B. IQ = 124, reading = 72.
C. IQ = 124, reading = 10.

IQ is plotted along the x-axis; the x-coordinate of the outlier is 124. Reading score is
plotted along the y-axis; the y-coordinate of the outlier is 10.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C
If we leave out the low outlier, the correlation for the remaining 14 points in
4. Figure 4.7 is closest to
A. 0.5.
B. −0.5.
C. 0.95.

The data exhibit a positive association, so we expect the correlation to be positive.

The data do not tightly follow a straight-line, so we do not expect the correlation to be
close to 1.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

5. What are all the values that a correlation r can possibly take?

A. r ≥ 0
B. 0 ≤ r ≤ 1
C. −1 ≤ r ≤ 1

It follows from the formula for correlation that −1 ≤ r ≤ 1.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

6. If the correlation between two variables is close to 0, you can conclude that a
scatterplot would show

A. a strong straight-line pattern.

B. a cloud of points with no visible pattern.
C. no straight-line pattern, but there might be a strong pattern of another form.

A correlation close to 0 might arise from a scatterplot with no visible pattern, but there
could be a nonlinear pattern.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

7. The points on a scatterplot lie very close to the line whose equation is y = 4 − 3x.
The correlation between x and y is close to

A. -3
B. -1
C. 1

Correlation measures the strength of the linear relationship between variables. Since
the data lie very close to the line, we expect the correlation to be close to +1 or -1.
Since the slope of the line is negative, the data exhibit a negative association and the
correlation is negative.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

8. If women always married men who were 2 years older than themselves, the
correlation between the ages of husband and wife would be

A. 1.
B. 0.5.
C. Can't tell without seeing the data.
From the information in the problem we conclude that the data are perfectly
correlated and would fall along the line y=x+2 (where the ages of the women are
plotted along the x-axis). Therefore, the correlation would be +1.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

9. For a biology project, you measure the weight in grams and the tail length in
millimeters of a group of mice. The correlation is r = 0.7. If you had measured tail
length in centimeters instead of millimeters, what would be the correlation?
(There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter.)

A. 0.7/10 = 0.07
B. 0.7
C. (0.7)(10) = 7

Because correlation uses standardized values of the observations, it does not change
when we change the units of measurement of one or both variables.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B
Because elderly people may have difficulty standing to have their heights
10. measured, a study looked at predicting overall height from height to the
Here are data (in centimeters) for five elderly men:

Knee height
57.3 46.8 43.9 43.5 54.7
Height y 190.1151.6146.1161.7167.9
Use your calculator or software: the correlation between knee height and
overall height is about
A. r = 0.72.
B. r = 0.85.
C. r = 0.06.
The correlation utility on your calculator or spreadsheet accepts the values of the two
variables as inputs and uses the formula for correlation to compute the correlation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

  Can children estimate their own reading ability? To study this question,
investigators asked 60 fifth-grade children to estimate their own reading ability, on
a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high). Figure 4.9 is a scatterplot of the children's
estimates (response) against their scores on a reading test (explanatory).

11. What explains the "stair-step" pattern in the plot?

A. The fact that the scores on the reading tests can only take on set values
0,10,20,. . .,100).
B. The fact that the children's self-estimates can only take on set values
C. The "stair-step" pattern is random.
D. All scatterplots follow at "stair-step" pattern.

The self estimates and the scores on the reading test have a "many-to-one"
relationship; that is, each possible self-estimate is matched with many different
reading scores.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

12. Is there an overall positive association between reading score and self-

A. Yes; it appears that as a child's test score increases, his/her self-estimate

of reading ability increases.
B. Yes; it appears that as a child's test score increases, his/her self-estimate
of reading ability decreases.
C. No; there is no association.
D. No; there is an association but it is negative—as a child's test score
increases, his/her self-estimate of reading ability decreases

The scatter plot appears to show a clear direction; it moves from lower left to upper
right, indicating a positive association.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

13. There is one clear outlier.

What is this child's self-estimated reading level?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

The outlier is circled in red. This point falls outside the overall pattern of the

Points Earned: 1/1

Correct Answer: D
Your Response: D

14. Does this appear to over- or underestimate the level as measured by the

A. Underestimate; since the test score indicates a much stronger reading

ability then the child's self-estimate
B. Underestimate; since the test score indicates a much weaker reading
ability then the child's self-estimate.
C. Overestimate; since the test score indicates a much stronger reading
ability then the child's self-estimate.
D. Overestimate; since the test score indicates a much weaker reading
ability then the child's self-estimate

The child's score on the reading test is very low—around 10%, indicating that he/she
does not have strong reading skills. The self-estimate of 4, however, shows that the
child judges his/her reading ability to be quite strong, i.e. an overestimate.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: D
Your Response: D

Submitted by on 7/20/2012 10:17:26 PM 

Points Awarded  16

Points Missed  0

Percentage  100%

  A student wonders if tall women tend to date taller men than do short women. She
measures herself, her dormitory roommate, and the women in the adjoining rooms;
then she measures the next man each woman dates. Here are the data (heights in

Women 6 7
6664 65 65
(x) 6 0
Men (y) 7268 7 68 7 65
0 1
Data set

1. Make a scatterplot of these data. Choose the correct graph below.



The table specifies that the height of the women should be plotted on the x-axis and
the height of the men should be plotted on the y-axis. This goes along with what we
expect. The height of the women is the explanatory variable and, so, is plotted on the
x-axis. The height of the men is the response variable, and, so is plotted on the y-axis.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

2. Based on the scatterplot, do you expect the correlation to be positive or negative?

A. Negative; since the graph appears to follow a straight line from lower left to
upper right.
B. Positive; since the graph appears to follow a straight line from lower left to
upper right
C. Since the data does not follow a straight line pattern, there is no correlation.
D. The data appear to be correlated, but we cannot tell from the graph whether the
correlation is positive or negative.

The scatterplot shows a positive association between the variables. The formula for
correlation helps us see that r is positive when there is a positive association between
the variables.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

3. Do you expect the correlation to be near ±1 or not?

A. Near +1; since any positive correlation is equal to +1

B. Near -1; since any negative correlation is equal to -1
C. Not near +1 or -1; since the data do not form a strong straight-line pattern.

We do not expect the correlation to be near -1 or +1, since the points on the plot do
not fall exactly on a straight line.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

4. Find the correlation r between the heights of the men and women. Give your
answer to one decimal place.

Use the formula for correlation or the correlation utility on your calculator or
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.6
Your Response: 0.6

5. Do the data show that taller women tend to date taller men?

A. No; since the correlation is not close to +1

B. No; since the correlation is not close to 0
C. Yes; since the correlation is greater than 0

Since r = 0 indicates no correlation and r = 1 indicates perfect positive correlation, the

fact that the correlation is greater than 0 shows there is a positive correlation-i.e. taller
women tend to date taller men.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

  One of nature's patterns connects the percent of adult birds in a colony that return
from the previous year and the number of new adults that join the colony.
Here are data for 13 colonies of sparrowhawks:

6. Plot the count of new adults (response) against the percent of returning birds
Describe the direction and form of the relationship.
Which of the following correctly describes the direction and form of the

A. The data exhibit a curved relationship with a strong negative association.

B. The scatterplot shows a linear negative relationship.
C. The relationship has no form.
D. The data roughly form a straight line with positive association.

The scatterplot shows a linear negative relationship.

Points Earned: 1/1

Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

7. Is the correlation r an appropriate measure of the strength of this relationship?

A. The correlation is an appropriate measure, since correlation measures the

strength of all data patterns.
B. The correlation is an appropriate measure, since the relationship is linear.
C. The correlation is not an appropriate measure of the strength of a relationship,
rather, the correlation is a measure of the spread of the points in the scatterplot.
D. The correlation is not an appropriate measure of the strength of the relationship
because the pattern is curved.

Because the relationship is linear, correlation is an appropriate measure of strength.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B
8. Find the correlation if it is an appropriate measure, to 4 decimal places.

Otherwise, write the answer "not appropriate".

The correlation is r = −0.7485.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -0.7485
Your Response: -0.7485

9. For short-lived birds, the association between these variables is positive: changes
in weather and food supply drive the populations of new and returning birds up or
down together.
For long-lived territorial birds, on the other hand, the association is negative
because returning birds claim their territories in the colony and don't leave room
for new recruits.
Which type of species is the sparrowhawk?

A. The sparrowhawk is a short-lived territorial species because the number of new

adults increases as percent of return adult birds in the colony increases.
B. The sparrowhawk is a short-lived territorial species because the relationship
between the two variables is linear.
C. The sparrowhawk is a long-lived territorial species because the percents of
adult birds that return to the colony are much larger than the number of new
D. The sparrowhawk is a long-lived territorial species because the association
between the two variables is negative.

Because the association between the variables is negative, we conclude that the
sparrowhawk is a long-lived territorial species.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: D
Your Response: D

  Sulfur in the atmosphere affects climate by influencing formation of clouds.

The main natural source of sulfur is dimethylsulfide (DMS) produced by small
organisms in the upper layers of the oceans.
DMS production is in turn influenced by the amount of energy the upper ocean
receives from sunlight.
Here are monthly data on solar radiation dose (SRD, in watts per square meter)
and surface DMS concentration (in nanomolars) for a region in the Mediterranean:

1 Make a scatterplot that shows how DMS responds to SRD.

0. Choose the correct graph below:
A. Scatterplot I
B. Scatterplot II
C. Scatterplot III
D. Scatterplot IV

SRD is the explanatory variable, so it should be on the horizontal axis.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

11. Describe the overall pattern of the data.

A. The scatterplot shows a strong positive linear association.

B. The scatterplot shows a strong negative linear association.
C. The pattern is curved but there is a strong association.
D. The data do not appear to form a pattern.

The data appear to have a strong positive linear association.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

12. Find the correlation r between DMS and SRD to 4 decimal places.

Fill in the blank:

The correlation is r = 0.9685, which is consistent with the strength of the association
visible in the scatterplot.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.9685
Your Response: 0.9685

  The table below presents data on the heights of women and of the men they date.

Women 6 7
6664 65 65
(x) 6 0
7 7
Men (y) 7268 68 65
0 1

13. How would r change if all the men were 6 inches shorter than the heights given in
the table?

A. The correlation r would increase.

B. The correlation r would decrease.
C. The correlation r would remain the same.

The correlation is a measure that uses standardized variables, which measure how far
each data point varies from the mean. If each man were six inches shorter, the
standardized variables would not change; the mean would shift by -6, and each new
data point would vary by the same number of standard deviations from the mean.

We can think about this in terms of how the scatterplot and the correlation are related;
the correlation is a number that tells us how closely the data points follow a straight
line. If we draw two scatterplots-one using the original heights for the men and one
shifting each man's height by -6 inches-the two data sets will form similar patterns.

Points Earned: 1/1

Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

14. Does the correlation tell us whether women tend to date men taller than
A. Yes; a positive correlation would indicate that women tend to date men
taller than themselves, while a negative correlation would indicate that
women tend to date men shorter than themselves
B. Yes; a negative correlation would indicate that women tend to date men
taller than themselves, while a positive correlation would indicate that
women tend to date men shorter than themselves
C. No; the correlation tells us if, among this set of women, there is
generally a fixed difference in height between the women and the men
they date.
D. No; the correlation never gives information about the relationship
between two variables in a scatterplot

The correlation measures how closely the data points follow a straight-line pattern.
For instance, if one group of women generally dated men 3 inches taller than
themselves and another group of women generally dated men 4 inches shorter than
themselves, the correlations in the two data sets would be about the same.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

15. If heights were measured in centimeters rather than inches, how would the
correlation change? (There are 2.54 centimeters in an inch.)

A. Since there is more than one cm per inch, the correlation r would
B. Since there is more than one cm per inch, the correlation r would
C. Since the units of both the women's heights and the men's heights would
change from inches to centimeters, the correlation r would remain the
D. Since r uses standardized values of the observations, r does not change
when we change the units of measurement of either, or both, variables.

Because the correlation uses standardized values of the observations, r does not
change when we change the units of measurement of x, y, or both.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: D
Your Response: D

16. If every woman dated a man exactly 3 inches taller than herself, what would
be the correlation between male and female heights? Give your answer to 1
decimal place.

If every woman dated a man exactly 3 inches taller than herself, then the data points
on the scatterplot would exactly fit a straight-line-i.e. the data would show a perfect
linear relationship, which gives a correlation of 1. (See Facts about correlation in the
text.) Can you figure out the equation of this line? It's y = x + 3!
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 1.0
Your Response: 1.0

Submitted by on 7/20/2012 10:31:23 PM 

Points Awarded  25

Points Missed  0

Percentage  100%

  Coffee is a leading export from several developing countries. When coffee prices
are high, farmers often clear forest to plant more coffee trees. Here are five years'
data on prices paid to coffee growers in Indonesia and the percent of forest area lost
in a national park that lies in a coffee-producing region:

Price (cents per

29 40 54 55 72
Forest lost (percent) 0.49 1.691.823.10
Data set

1. Select the scatterplot with the correct explanatory-response relationship.



From the formulation of the question we gather that forest loss increases as a result of
rising coffee prices, hence coffee prices are the explanatory variable--plotted on the x-
axis, and forest lost is the response variable--plotted on the y-axis.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

2. What kind of pattern does your plot show?

A. The data form a curve that increases and then decreases.

B. The data form a curve that decreases and then increases.
C. The data form a line that is increasing from lower left to upper right.
D. The data do not form a pattern.

The data appear to fall along a line.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

3. Find the correlation r step-by-step. First find the mean and standard deviation for
each variable.
Find the mean forest loss, to three decimal places.

To find the mean of a set of observations, add their values and divide by the number
of observations.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.9552
Your Response: 0.9552

4. Calculate the standard deviation of the forest loss, to three decimal places.

Use the formula for the standard deviation.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.928
Your Response: 0.928

5. Find the mean price, to one decimal place.

To find the mean of a set of observations, add their values and divide by the number
of observations.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 50.0
Your Response: 50.0

6. Calculate the standard deviation of the price, to one decimal place

Use the formula for the standard deviation.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 16.3
Your Response: 16.3

7. Find the five standardized values for each variable, to four decimal places, using
your rounded answers to the previous parts.
x1 standardized=
The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -1.2883
Your Response: -1.2883

8. x2 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -0.6135
Your Response: -0.6135

9. x3 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.2454
Your Response: 0.2454
10. x4 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.3067
Your Response: 0.3067

11. x5 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 1.3497
Your Response: 1.3497

12. y1 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -1.3448
Your Response: -1.3448

13. y2 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -0.1595
Your Response: -0.1595

14. y3 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: -0.0517
Your Response: -0.0517

15. y4 standardized=
The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.0884
Your Response: 0.0884

16. y5 standardized=

The standardized value tells us how many standard deviations the data point lies
above or below the mean.
It has no units and is given by the formula
,where xi is the value of the variable, x is the mean of the distribution and sx is the
standard deviation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 1.4677
Your Response: 1.4677

17. Finally, use the formula for r to calculate r to two decimal places.


Use the formula for r.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.96
Your Response: 0.96

18. Which statement explains how your value for r matches your graph from

A. The correlation is close to +1 because these variables have a straight-

line relationship; the association is negative.
B. The correlation is close to +1 because these variables have a straight-
line relationship; the association is positive.
C. The correlation is close to +1 because these variables do not have a
straight-line relationship; the association is neither positive nor negative.
D. There is no connection between the correlation and the graph.

See Facts about correlation in the text

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

  Enter these data into your calculator or software and use the correlation function to
find r. Check that you get the same result as above, up to roundoff error.

  Changing the units of measurement can dramatically alter the appearance of a


Because elderly people may have difficulty standing to have their heights
measured, a study looked at predicting overall height from height to the knee.
Here are data (in centimeters) for five elderly men:

Knee height
57.7 47.4 43.5 44.8 55.2
Height y 192.1153.3146.4162.7169.1
 Both heights are measured in centimeters. A mad scientist prefers to measure
knee height in millimeters and height in meters. The data in these units are:

Knee height
577 474 435 448 552
Height y 1.9211.5331.4641.6271.691
Data Set
Make a plot with x axis extending from 0 to 600 and y axis from 0 to 250.
Plot the original data on these axes. Then plot the new data using a different color
or symbol.
19. The two plots look very different. Nonetheless, the correlation is exactly the same
for the two sets of measurements. Why do you know that this is true without doing
any calculations?

A. Since the units of both variables change, the correlation remains the same.
B. Since, in both old and new units, both variables measure the same quantity,
i.e. length, the correlation remains the same.
C. Since the correlation uses standardized values of the observations, it does not
change when we change the units of measurement of one or both variables.

Although changing the scales (units) makes the scatterplot look very different, it has
no effect on the correlation.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

20. Find the two correlations to verify that they are the same. Give your answer
to two decimal places.

Use the formula for correlation or the correlation utility on your calculator or
spreadsheet. Be sure to do the computation twice-once for each set of data-to verify
that the correlation does not change when the units of measurement are changed.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: 0.88
Your Response: 0.88

  A college newspaper interviews a psychologist about student ratings of the

teaching of faculty members. The psychologist says, "The evidence indicates that
the correlation between the research productivity and teaching rating of faculty
members is close to zero."
The paper reports this as "Professor McDaniel said that good researchers tend to be
poor teachers, and vice versa."

21. Which statement in plain language (i.e. without the word "correlation") correctly
explains the psychologist's meaning?

A. There is little connection between research productivity and teaching rating.

B. While good researchers tend to be bad teachers, there is no similar relationship
between bad researchers and good teachers.
C. Good researchers tend to be bad teachers and bad researches tend to be good
D. While bad researchers tend to be good teachers, there is no similar relationship
between good researchers and bad teachers.

The person who wrote the article interpreted a correlation close to 0 as if it were a
correlation close to -1 (implying a negative association between teaching ability and
research productivity). Professor McDaniel's findings mean there is little linear
association between research and teaching-for example, knowing that a professor is a
good researcher gives little information about whether she is a good or bad teacher.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A

  We have data from a house in the Midwest that uses natural gas for heating.
Will installing solar panels reduce the amount of gas consumed?
Gas consumption is higher in cold weather, so the relationship between outside
temperature and gas consumption is important.
Here are data for 16 consecutive months:

Outside temperature is recorded in degree-days, a common measure of demand for

A day's degree-days are the number of degrees its average temperature falls below
Gas used is recorded in hundreds of cubic feet.
Here are data for 23 more months after installing solar panels:

22. Plan: What do the before-and-after data show about the effect of solar panels?
Describe the plan for answering this question.

A. Compute the correlation between the two variables for the two sets of data.
B. Plot the two sets of data with degree-days as the explanatory variable.
C. Plot two scatterplots with degree-days as the response variable.

Plan: To see the effect of the solar panels, we begin with a scatterplot, with degree-
days as the explanatory variable.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: B
Your Response: B

23. Solve: Plot both sets of data on the same plot, using two different plotting
What do the before-and-after data show about the effect of solar panels?

A. The new data show that gas consumption increased after the solar
panels were installed.
B. The new data show that gas consumption did not change after the solar
panels were installed.
C. It is impossible to determine the change in gas consumption from the
D. The new data show that gas consumption decreased after the solar
panels were installed.
The new points are generally slightly lower than the pre-solar-panel points.

Points Earned: 1/1

Correct Answer: D
Your Response: D

24. Solve (continue): Describe the direction, form and strength of the

A. Both sets of points show a strong positive linear association.

B. Both sets of points show a moderate positive linear association.
C. Both sets of points show a positive linear association, but the linear
relation is considerably weaker for the new points.
D. Both sets of points show a weak negative linear association.
E. The plot does not show any clear association between the two variables
for both stets of data.

Both sets of points show a strong positive linear association.

Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: A
Your Response: A
25. Explain why the correlations before and after installing solar panels are not
particularly useful for answering the question in part (1).

A. Because the correlations are very close.

B. Because the plot shows that the relationships are strongly linear, so
computing the correlation is superfluous.
C. Because we are not interested in how the strength of the relationship
changed, rather, we want to judge if there was a shift in the nature of the
D. Because the correlation that is useful for answering the question is the
correlation computed for the compounded set of the two sets of data.

The before and after correlation coefficients are 0.9953 and 0.9912, but those
numbers are not particularly useful for this comparison.
We are not interested in how the strength of the relationship changed; we want to
judge if there was a shift in the nature of the relationship.
Points Earned: 1/1
Correct Answer: C
Your Response: C

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