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Fane R. Sellers, P.E.

A thesis submitted to the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering

and The Graduate School of The University of Wyoming
an partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of


Laramie, Wyoming
December 2002

CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... ii

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF PHOTOS .......................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. xi


1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1

1.1 Problem Statement .......................................................................................2

1.2 Research Objective ......................................................................................3

1.3 Report Organization.....................................................................................4

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................5

2.1 Fundamentals of Air Entrainment................................................................6

2.1.1 Importance of air entrainment in concrete .......................................7

2.1.2 Mechanism of air entrainment .........................................................8

2.2 Measurement of Air Content .......................................................................9

2.3 Pumping Concrete......................................................................................10

2.3.1 Developments in pumping .............................................................11

2.3.2 Pumpable mixes .............................................................................11

2.4 Current Practice of Testing Air Content of Pumped Concrete ..................12

2.5 Some Possible Causes of Air Change due to Pumping..............................15

2.5.1 Large drop......................................................................................15

2.5.2 High pressure .................................................................................17

2.5.3 Pump set-up ...................................................................................18

2.6 Effects of Concrete Materials on Air Content ...........................................18

2.6.1 Cementitious admixtures ...............................................................19

2.6.2 Chemical admixtures .....................................................................19

2.6.3 Aggregates .....................................................................................19

2.6.4 Others.............................................................................................20

2.7 Summary ....................................................................................................21

3 DATA COLLECTION ..........................................................................................22

3.1 Data Collection in Phase I..........................................................................22

3.1.1 Testers ............................................................................................26

3.1.2 Samples ..........................................................................................26

3.1.3 Tests ...............................................................................................26

3.2 Data Collection in Phase II ........................................................................28

3.2.1 Sampling methods..........................................................................29

3.2.2 Control project ...............................................................................30

3.3 Summary ....................................................................................................35

4 DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................36

4.1 Analysis of Phase I Data ............................................................................36

4.1.1 General trend of air change............................................................36

4.1.2 Influential Factors ..........................................................................38 Probable Influential Factors...............................................39 Possible Influential Factors................................................41

iii Improbable Influential Factors...........................................42

4.2 Analysis of Phase II Data...........................................................................44

4.2.1 Sampling methods..........................................................................44

4.2.2 Control project ...............................................................................47 Effects of testers and pots ..................................................50 Effects of ambient temperature and pump pressures .........53 Effects of configuration and position.................................55 Statistical models for air change ........................................59 Slump measurements .........................................................64

4.3 Summary and Discussions .........................................................................65

4.3.1 Data analysis for Phase I................................................................65

4.3.2 Data analysis for Phase II ..............................................................67 Sampling methods..............................................................67 Control project ...................................................................67

5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................69

5.1 Conclusions................................................................................................69

5.1.1 Conclusions for Phase I .................................................................69

5.1.2 Conclusions for Phase II ................................................................70

5.2 Recommendations......................................................................................72

5.3 Future Research .........................................................................................73

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................74

APPENDIX A PHOTOS ...................................................................................................78

A.1 Photos from Phase I of the Study....................................................................78

A.2 Photos from Phase II of the Study (Control Project) ......................................86

APPENDIX B RAW DATA OF PHASE I......................................................................100

APPENDIX C RAW DATA OF PHASE II ....................................................................108


CONTROL PROJECT.........................................................................................115


Figure 2.1 Freeze-Thaw Deterioration of a Concrete Railing [4]........................................7

Figure 2.2 Example of a Z-Capable Pump.........................................................................17

Figure 3.1 Form Used in the Data Collection of the Study ...............................................25

Figure 3.2 Layout of the Control Project ...........................................................................32

Figure 3.3 Schematic Illustration of Boom Extension and Position..................................33

Figure 4.1 Air Content before Pumping verses Air Content after Pumping......................38

Figure 4.2 Air Change versus Drop Distance ....................................................................40

Figure 4.3 Air Change versus Water Added at Site...........................................................42

Figure 4.4 Air Change versus Slump.................................................................................43

Figure 4.5 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals by Collection Methods for Mean Air

Loss before Pumping .............................................................................................46

Figure 4.6 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean by Collection Methods Air

Loss after Pumping ................................................................................................46

Figure 4.7 Measured Air Content after Pumping versus that before Pumping..................49

Figure 4.8 Air Loss versus Air Content before Pumping ..................................................49

Figure 4.9 Relative Air Loss versus Air Content before Pumping ....................................50

Figure 4.10 Observations Arranged by Testers, Adjusted by Unit Means ........................52

Figure 4.11 Observations Arranged by Pots, Adjusted by Unit Means.............................52

Figure 4.12 Air Loss versus Temperature..........................................................................54

Figure 4.13 Air Loss versus Average Pump Pressure........................................................54

Figure 4.14 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean Air Loss by Configuration

(treatment) at 6.8% Initial Air Content ..................................................................56

Figure 4.15 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean Air Loss by Position at 6.8%

Initial Air Content ..................................................................................................57

Figure 4.16 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for ZNA Mean Air Loss by Position at

6.8% Initial Air Content.........................................................................................58

Figure 4.17 Measured Air Loss versus Air Loss Predicted Using Air Loss Model in

Equation [4.1] ........................................................................................................61

Figure 4.18 Measured Air Loss versus Air Loss Predicted Using Relative Air Loss Model

in Equation [4.2] ....................................................................................................62

Figure 4.19 Slump after Pumping versus Slump before Pumping ....................................65


Photo A.1 Estes Park A-Frame Configuration...................................................................79

Photo A.2 A-Frame Configuration Pumped from the Hill Down into the Foundation

Forms .....................................................................................................................79

Photo A.3 A-Frame Pumping a Bridge Deck from Below ................................................80

Photo A.4 Extended A-Frame Pump .................................................................................80

Photo A.5 Collapsed A-Frame Pump (1)...........................................................................81

Photo A.6 Collapsed A-Frame Pump (2)...........................................................................81

Photo A.7 A-Frame Pumping in between Floors...............................................................82

Photo A.8 A-Frame Half-Way Extended...........................................................................82

Photo A.9 A-Frame Alternate Configuration Three-Quarters Extended ...........................83

Photo A.10 A-Frame Fully Extended ................................................................................83

Photo A.11 Z-Boom Configuration Half-Way Collapsed .................................................84

Photo A.12 Z-Boom Configuration Mostly Collapsed ......................................................84

Photo A.13 Z-Boom Configuration Two-Thirds Extended ...............................................85

Photo A.14 A-Frame Configuration with No Attachments ...............................................87

Photo A.15 Sampling of the Concrete after the Pump.......................................................87

Photo A.16 Concrete Sampling, Strip Layout and Single 90º Attachment........................88

Photo A.17 Testing Air Content of Samples .....................................................................88

Photo A.18 Half-Way Extended A-Frame Configuration .................................................89

Photo A.19 Double 90º Attached to the End of the Boom ................................................89

Photo A.20 Single 90º About to Be Attached to the End of the Boom .............................90

Photo A.21 Single 90º in Use for Placing Concrete ..........................................................90

Photo A.22 Single 90º Elbow with A-Frame Configuration .............................................91

Photo A.23 Sampling from a Single 90º Elbow.................................................................91

Photo A.24 A-Frame Fully Extended ................................................................................92

Photo A.25 Hose on the Ground Placement Technique ....................................................92

Photo A.26 Sampling from the Hose on the Ground .........................................................93

Photo A.27 Hose on the Ground, Collapsed A-Frame Configuration ...............................93

Photo A.28 Pressure Gages for the Concrete Pump ..........................................................94

Photo A.29 Sampling from the Hopper prior to Pumping .................................................94

Photo A.30 Slump Test ......................................................................................................95

Photo A.31 Extended Z-Boom Configuration ...................................................................95

Photo A.32 Two-Thirds Extended Z-Boom Configuration ...............................................96

Photo A.33 Sampling from a Double 90º Elbow ...............................................................96

Photo A.34 Double 90º Attachment...................................................................................97

Photo A.35 Collapsed Z-Boom Configuration ..................................................................97

Photo A.36 Half-Way Extended Z-Boom Configuration ..................................................98

Photo A.37 Extended Z-Boom Configuration ...................................................................98

Photo A.38 One-Fourth Extended Z-Boom .......................................................................99


Table 2.1 Survey Results on Testing Air Content of Pumped Concrete ...........................14

Table 3.1 Projects for Phase I of the Study........................................................................23

Table 3.2 Types of Construction Projects for Phase I of the Study...................................24

Table 3.3 ASTM Test Methods Used in Data Collection..................................................28

Table 3.4 Types of Projects for Phase II............................................................................28

Table 4.1 Average Differences in Percent Air Content of Various Collection Methods ..45

Table 4.2 Average Differences in Percent Air Content of Various Testers and Pots........51

Table 4.3 Summaries of ANOVA Results on Air Loss and Relative Air Loss .................56

Table 4.4 Constants for Calculation of Air Loss and Relative Air Loss ...........................60

Table 4.5 Percent Air Losses for Various Configurations and Positions Using the Air

Loss Model in Equation [4.1] ................................................................................63

Table 4.6 Percent Air Losses for Various Configurations and Positions Using the Relative

Air Loss Model in Equation [4.2] ..........................................................................64

Table B.1 Data from Summer 2000 Testing....................................................................101

Table C.1A Collection Methods before Pumping............................................................108

Table C.1B Collection Methods after Pumping...............................................................109

Table C.2 Control Project ................................................................................................110

Table D.1 Results of ANOVA on Air Loss .....................................................................116

Table D.2 Results of ANOVA on Relative Air Loss.......................................................117



Hardened Portland cement concrete is made up of several components which

include cement, fly ash, aggregate, trapped water, additives and air voids. As concrete is

subjected to freeze-thaw conditions, the trapped water within it expands and begins to

form ice. The volume of ice can be up to 9% larger than the same amount of water [1].

With 9% expansion, the freezing water would crack the concrete and cause it to

deteriorate over time. Deicing chemicals may accelerate the deteriorating process. Air

bubbles, trapped in hardened concrete, allow the freezing water to have a release without

breaking the concrete. Therefore, air content in concrete is very important to the

durability of concrete in resisting freeze thaw cycles and deicing chemicals.

On the other hand, too much air in concrete can have detrimental effects to the

longevity of concrete. Concrete with too much air does not have sufficient binding of the

cement particles to hold up under repeated loadings. The required air content of a

concrete mixture depends upon the application of the concrete and the location of the

pour, whether the pour is in hot or cold climates. Concrete that will never go through

freeze-thaw cycles does not need as many air voids as concrete that will be subjected to

multiple freeze-thaw cycles, i.e., concrete placed in hot regions.

The specifications of the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT),

requires 4.0-7.0% air content in the “in place” concrete [2] for Quality Control and

Quality Assurance (QC/QA). Concrete can have up to 3.0% air voids just due to the

mixing process. An air entraining agent is added to the mix prior to mixing to increase

the air voids in the concrete. The air entraining agent causes more bubbles to form

during the mixing process which allows for more air voids during and after hardening.

Concrete has many uses and often has to be placed in locations that are impossible

to reach with the cumbersome concrete trucks. Historically, concrete has been placed

using wheel borrows and crane buckets when the trucks can not get close enough. The

invention of the hydraulic concrete pump has proven to be a time and energy saver. The

concrete pump allows for concrete to be placed in very tight locations by the use of a

boom which can be extended partially or completely as is necessary. Concrete pumps

come in various sizes which are measured in reference to the length of the boom.

In the process of concrete pumping, testing has shown that the air content changes

from before to after the pump. This change has caused questions to be raised on what to

do if the concrete falls outside the limits allowed in the specifications and who is

responsible for the problem. Many DOT’s have chosen to take tests and samples at the

point of placement because of the air change that occurs in the concrete placing

equipment, but this has become difficult and dangerous to employees that have to cross

bridge decks and steel to get samples.

1.1 Problem Statement

The problem that has motivated this research study consists of the following:

• A certain amount of air is important to the strength and durability of concrete. In

particular, an amount of air above a base content is vital for concrete to resist

freeze-thaw cycles and deicing chemicals.

• Pumping of hydraulic concrete is one of the most common practices for placing

concrete. While the air content before pumping is relatively easy to control by

design, the change in air content during pumping has not been well understood.

The air content in placed concrete is uncertain without testing.

• Testing at the point of discharge of the pump is costly and dangerous at some

locations. Therefore, it is highly advantageous to establish the correlation

between the air content before and after pumping to eliminate or reduce after-the-

pump testing, based on the understanding of various influential factors.

1.2 Research Objective

This research study was performed in two phases. The data for Phase I was

collected in the summer of 2000, while those for Phase II was collected in the summer

2001. The study had several objectives, which evolved as the study progressed. In Phase

I, the objective was to obtain as much information about the air change across a concrete

pump as possible. As the research progressed, it was determined that projects with no

entrained air were not of interest to this study because all WYDOT projects are required

to have entrained air. It was also noted that projects with extra additives, such as

plasticizers, were beyond the scope of this research. On the other hand, sampling

methods were brought into question and were examined in Phase II.

Specifically, the objectives of Phase I of the study were to:

• Gain an understanding of the factors that affect air content in pumped concrete.

• Provide guidelines for the data collection for Phase II of the study.

The objectives of Phase II of the study were to:

• Confirm the findings from Phase I.

• Examine the effect of sampling methods before and after the pump on the change

in air content of hydraulic concrete.

• Quantify the magnitude and significance of the factors that affect the change in air

content of hydraulic concrete.

• Establish a reliable correlation of air change with major influencing factors to

eliminate or significantly reduce after the pump concrete testing.

1.3 Report Organization

A literature review was performed to determine the base of knowledge that exists

about air change in hydraulic concrete due to pumping. The literature review is included

in Chapter 2. The data collection methods used in both Phase I and Phase II are

discussed in Chapter 3. After the data was collected, statistical analysis was performed

and the results summarized in Chapter 4. Conclusions and recommendations for the

WYDOT are presented in Chapter 5. References used throughout the report are included

at the end of the report. Appendices have been included showing many of the photos

(Appendix A) along with brief descriptions of the various parts of the research, copies of

the raw data (Appendices B and C for Phases I and II, respectively) collected in this

study, and results of statistical analysis of data from the control project (Appendix D).



It has long been known that entrained air, the small bubbles of air added to

concrete during the mixing process, increases the resistance to scaling caused by freeze-

thaw cycles and deicing chemicals [3]. Increases in air content beyond a base level of

4.0% and up to 7.0% may yield 10% to 20% improvements in long-term durability for

the freeze-thaw effect alone [4]. The durability will be further improved when the

deicing chemicals are involved. Concrete in colder climates, such as that in Wyoming, is

often subjected to many of these freeze-thaw cycles and deicing chemicals during its

service life, therefore a certain level of air content is desired in the concrete. On the other

hand, excessive air content causes reduced strength and should also be avoided [5, 6].

The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) requires the air content of “in

place” concrete to be 4% to 7.0% [2].

Recently, it has become a concern how placement processes affect the air content

in air-entrained concrete. Pumping as a means of placing freshly mixed concrete has

been widely used in large projects due to the economy and convenience in construction

[5, 6]. A major concern is the effects of pumping on air content [7-19]. This is because

the air content of concrete before pumping is relatively easy to control. Once the effect

of pumping is understood, the air content in placed concrete can be better predicted.

The placement of most bridge decks is done with a pump, since it is easier to

access the large elevated area, rather than with other methods such as chute or crane and

bucket. When the pump is used to place concrete, air content may be changed; then the

effectiveness of the air entrainment is lost. In this case air content is particularly

important because one bad truckload may cause a whole bridge to be rebuilt after only a

few years of use. The expense that the state could incur because of improper air content

could be avoided by having better understanding of the effects of pumping on air content

and corresponding quality control.

2.1 Fundamentals of Air Entrainment

Air content may help alleviate scaling of concrete by two mechanisms. First, air

entrainment helps to prevent scaling caused by freeze-thaw cycles. Concrete used for

pavement and structures in cold climates is often subjected to freezing at night and then

thawing during the day. Multiple daily cycles may occur due to solar heating and then

cooling under cloud cover. These cycles can occur numerous times during a winter

season. If these cycles occur while the concrete is saturated, scaling and severe

deterioration can occur. This deterioration is caused when water trapped in the concrete

expands up to 9% as it freezes [1]. This expansion causes pressure to be exerted on the

walls of the pores in the concrete. When this pressure exceeds the strength of the

concrete, significant deterioration occurs [3]. Figure 2.1 shows the effects of freeze-thaw

on a concrete railing.

Second, air entrainment helps to prevent scaling caused by deicers. Deicers are

used to increase the friction on bridge decks during the time that ice is on the bridge.

Deicers can accelerate the deterioration of the concrete. This is due to the increased

osmotic and hydraulic pressures in excess of the normal hydraulic pressures that occur in

the saturated concrete when deicers are used on the concrete [1]. These increased

pressures can cause an already frozen and stressed piece of concrete to exceed its

strength. Once the strength of the concrete has been exceeded, it ruptures and portions of

concrete spall off leaving a substantial crater. When this occurs multiple times, the

surface of the concrete slab may become so covered with craters that there is no surface

left. At that point, there is no way to fix the slab and it can only be replaced.

Figure 2.1 Freeze-Thaw Deterioration of a Concrete Railing [3]

2.1.1 Importance of air entrainment in concrete

For the past 50 years, air has been incorporated into concrete [3]. Air is added in

order to minimize or prevent the effects of freeze-thaw cycles and deicing chemicals.

Since 1938, the Portland Cement Association has been experimenting with admixtures

that are used to produce a stable system of air voids, termed “entrained air” [3]. These

bubbles are usually very small but densely grouped, about one million in one cubic inch
of properly entrained concrete [3]. This air is different from the large air voids that are

removed from the concrete during placement by vibratory compaction methods.

Vibration causes large air voids to rise to the surface allowing the concrete to settle into

the forms.

Entrained air increases the freeze-thaw resistance by providing spaces within the

concrete that act as reservoirs for freezing water moving within the structure. This

relieves the pressure that the freezing water exerts on the concrete as it expands. The

spacing and size of the air voids affect the amount these air voids are able to prevent

scaling. This is because air voids that are not big enough or spaced too far apart will not

be able to hold the water when it freezes. When this occurs, the benefits that are obtained

by adding the air to the concrete are lost. The following guidelines regarding air voids

have been found to provide adequate freeze thaw resistance [1]:

1. Calculated spacing factor, L, (average maximum distance from any point in

cement paste to the edge of the nearest air void) – less then 0.008 inch.

2. Specific surface, α (surface area of the air voids) – 600 square inches per cubic

inch of air-void volume, or greater.

3. Number of voids per linear inch of traverse, n, – at least one and a half to two

times greater than the numerical value of the percentage of air in the concrete.

2.1.2 Mechanism of air entrainment

Air entrainment can be accomplished in one of two ways. The first is by adding

air-entraining admixtures. Air-entraining admixtures include wood resins, synthetic

detergents, salts of sulfonated lignin, salts of petroleum acids, salts of proteinaceous

material, fatty and resinous acids and their salts, alkylbenzene sulfonates, and salts of

sulfonated hydrocarbons [1]. Entrained air is added to concrete during the mixing

process by adding an air-entraining admixture to the mix. Air-entraining agents are made

up of molecules that are attracted to water at one end and air at the other [3].

Some common air-entraining agents being used today include: Daravair, Daravair

1000, Master Builders Microair and Master Builders MBVR. They are mostly a soapy

substance. They work by stabilizing the bubbles that are normally formed during mixing

in two ways. First, by reducing surface tension of the mixing water, allowing for the

bubbles to form more easily. Second, by stabilizing the air bubbles by attaching to the

cement grains contained within the mortar of the concrete. After the air voids have been

established, they are left behind when the concrete hardens [3].

The second but less common method used to entrain air in concrete is by using an

air-entraining cement. An air-entraining cement is one that has air added to it during its

production. This is accomplished by using air-entraining additions that are ground with

the cement clinker during production [1].

2.2 Measurement of Air Content

In order for quality of concrete to be assured throughout any construction project,

samples must be taken at regular intervals. There are two methods for testing these

samples. The first method is the Air Void Characteristics of Hardened Concrete,

governed by (American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM C 457. It is used to

determine the void spacing factor, specific surface of entrained air, and number of voids

per inch of traverse [1]. The second method used in determining air content involves

freshly mixed concrete. There are four tests that are used to determine air content in

freshly mixed concrete [1]. These are listed below along with their ease of testing.

1. Volumetric method (ASTM C 173) – for field-testing of all types of aggregates.

2. Gravimetric method (ASTM C 138) – impractical for field testing but can be done

in laboratory.

3. Chace air indicator (AASHTO T 199) – easy way to test approximate air content.

4. Pressure method (ASTM C 231) – for field-testing of concrete that is not made

with highly porous and lightweight aggregates (This method was used in this

research study).

2.3 Pumping Concrete

Originally, concrete was placed using a crane and bucket or wheelbarrow when

the ready-mix truck could not reach the placement site. With the advent of concrete

pumps, these placement jobs have been made easier [7]. This is because a concrete pump

can easily reach all areas of the job site. Additionally, a pump can continuously place

concrete while other placement techniques can not. These breaks in placement slow

down production and can create cold joints within the pour.

The concrete pump is able to place the concrete in a manner that is easier to finish

than other placement techniques also, the pump can deposit the concrete close to its final

position thus eliminating the need to move it while it is in the form. These benefits have

made pumping the preferred method for the placement of concrete in hard to reach


2.3.1 Developments in pumping

During the first application of pumped concrete, the pumps were piston driven

with metal pipelines. These pipelines were hard to maneuver because sections had to be

removed and elbows added in order to change the discharge point. This process meant

that the pumping operations had to be stopped while changes were made. The changing

of pipes was also complicated by the fact that 6 to 8 inch diameter pipes had to be used to

pump concrete thus increasing the weight of the pipe sections and making them even

harder to move. These large pipes were required because a pumpable mix design had not

been developed [7]. Modern advances in mix design and pump design have resulted in

smaller pipes and more versatile configurations such as A-frame and Z-capable booms.

2.3.2 Pumpable mixes

In order for concrete to be able to travel through a pump, it must first have a mix

that can be placed using this technique. A pumpable mix is dense, cohesive, and has

sufficient mortar [7]. Mortar requirements change as the pump type changes. Mortar

requirements may be as high as 57% by weight for a low-pressure pump with a 4-inch

diameter line or as low as 52% by weight for a high-pressure pump with a 5-inch line [7].

A cohesive mix is one that does not allow the aggregate to separate from the mortar as it

is being pumped. When this separation occurs, the aggregate becomes lodged in the line

and stops the pump from operating [7]. In order to prevent clogging, the mix design must

ensure that well-graded aggregate is used.

2.4 Current Practice of Testing Air Content of Pumped Concrete

Wyoming is not the only state that is interested in concrete pumping techniques.

In July 2000, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) conducted a survey

of the specifications governing concrete pumping in the United States and Canada [20].

The main objective of the survey was to determine how various states handled the testing

of freshly pumped concrete. The NJDOT shared the results of its survey with UW’s

research team. These are summarized below.

A total of 22 states and one Canadian province replied to the survey. Of those

responding, 17 specify testing concrete at point of placement (after the pump). Only six

specified testing at the point of discharge of the concrete truck. Table 2.1 shows the

states that replied and where they test. Several of the states stated that, while testing at

the point of discharge of the pump is preferable, safety issues prevent testing after

pumping. Four agencies reported that a pump will be investigated for significant air loss,

rather than placing that burden on the concrete supplier. Two states, Connecticut and

Texas, allow for point of discharge of concrete pump testing if correlation tests have been

established. Five states (North Carolina, Michigan, Hawaii, Arizona, and Missouri) have

specifications for one side of the pump, but will test both points of discharge if a

significant problem dictates so. One state, New York, always tests both ends of the pump

and will reject the pump if there are significant problems with air content. Tennessee

specifies point of discharge of the pump testing, but also has a specification clause for

pumping concrete. The clause has three different methods, one of which must be used at

the discharge point of the pumped concrete:

1. A metal loop consisting of four 90-degree elbows shall be placed in the line just

before the rubber discharge hose.

2. A minimum of 3 meters (10 feet) of line lying horizontally just prior to the

discharge point.

3. A rubber discharge hose configured into a "J" shape or loop, either of which

prevents a loss in the pressure of the discharge line.

Many states have specifications in place to take care of the need of sampling in a

consistent manner to give them the results desired. Wyoming currently obtains samples

at discharge end of the pump similar to some other states [2].

Table 2.1 Survey Results on Testing Air Content of Pumped Concrete

Testing before Pumping Testing after Pumping

Georgia Alaska

Hawaii Arizona

Michigan Arkansas

Mississippi Connecticut

Missouri* Idaho

New York* Kansas



North Carolina








New Brunswick, Canada*

* Indicates that a pump truck will be rejected if there are significant changes in air

content between truck discharge and point of placement.

2.5 Some Possible Causes of Air Change due to Pumping

According to the extensive background research performed in this study, it was

apparent that air change does occur in pumped concrete. Several contributing factors

stood out. Each of them will be highlighted in the following sections and possible

solutions presented where known.

2.5.1 Large drop

There have been many theories as to how air is lost in concrete when it is

pumped. These are mostly based on the concrete being impacted against a hard surface,

causing the air bubbles in the concrete to pop and therefore losing a substantial amount of

air [8]. This type of hard hit is often caused when the concrete is allowed to fall

unimpeded from the high point in the pump to the placement site. Some possible fixes

for a large drop include.

1. Use a pump capable of Z configuration (Figure 2.2) can be used to slow down the

decent of the concrete in the pump. Instead of just allowing the concrete to free

fall the pumps boom can force the concrete to zigzag down the pipe. By making

the concrete zigzag it is not allowed to reach a speed that would cause the bubbles

to pop as they strike the form bottom [9].

2. Add a tremie. This should have the same effect that a Z-capable boom would

have in that it would not allow the concrete to gain enough speed to break the air


3. Limit the drop. This can be accomplished by configuring the pump in such a way

that the concrete does not get pumped any higher than necessary. In order for this

to happen, the pump may have to be parked farther from the placement site. This

placement will cause the pump to be stretched out instead of being bunched up

and extended high in the air.

4. Introduce a kink in the hose. This can be accomplished by tying a cable to the

boom and the end of the pipe tight enough to keep a kink in the hose. It has been

suggested that this helps to decrease air change much in the same way that a Z-

boom or squeeze tube would in that it does not allow the concrete to move fast

enough to break the bubbles [10]. Also a 90o angle or two can replace the kink in

the hose and should have the same effects.

None of these methods have been tested, previous to this study, to see how

effective they may be. In this research study, some of these methods were tested. These

will be explained hereafter.

Figure 2.2 Example of a Z-Capable Pump

2.5.2 High pressure

Pumped concrete can be subjected to high pressures [11]. When the air-entrained

concrete in the pump is exposed to this high pressure, it can cause the air bubbles to

dissolve into the mix water. When this happens, the bubbles may not reform once the

pressure is released, thus resulting in air change in the concrete. Results of previous

laboratory tests indicated that the value of spacing factor increases linearly with the

increased pressure on the concrete [18].

The best way to prevent this type of air change is to pump the concrete at as low a

pressure as possible. This can be accomplished by using a more pumpable mix, reducing

boom angles, slowing pump rate, and using pump aids to reduce friction.

2.5.3 Pump configuration and attachment

There are different configurations of the pump when pumping hydraulic concrete.

In investigating the influence of pump pressure, previous research was found that the

characteristics of the pump set-up or configuration can have a significant effect on the air

content that is reflected by the value of the spacing factor after pumping [18]. The in-situ

test results suggest that the stirring of concrete, during and after pumping, contribute to

the reduction of the detrimental influence of pumping by subdividing the large air voids

into smaller ones. These results also suggested that the attachments to the pump have an

effect on the air content. In order to quantify the effects of pump configurations and

attachments that are commonly used, specially designed experiments should be carried

out. This was investigated in the control test of Phase II.

2.6 Effects of Concrete Materials on Air Content

The concrete materials used have been suggested to be one possible cause of air

change in pumped Portland cement concrete [12]. The variability in the Portland cement,

for example, can cause air content changes. Some of the cement characteristics that can

affect air content include alkali content, fineness, cement content, and contaminants [3].

The exact effects of these variabilities are not known. Generally, it has been shown that

air content will decrease with increased cement content and with increased cement

fineness. Air content has been shown to increase with an increase in cement alkali

content. Contaminates can change air content in either direction. The best way to

prevent change due to contamination is to ensure the cement is transported and stored in

isolated containers. Other materials that may also affect the air change of concrete

include cementitious admixtures, chemical admixtures, and aggregates which will be

discussed further in the following sections.

2.6.1 Cementitious admixtures

Cementitious admixtures can be incorporated in concrete mixes. These

admixtures include fly ash, furnace slag, and silica fume. Each can have an effect on air

content, most often a decrease in air content in the concrete. The exact amount of change

in air content varies with the amount and fineness of the admixture used. Therefore,

when cement substitutes are used, tests should be performed to ascertain the effect of the

particular admixture.

2.6.2 Chemical admixtures

Chemical admixtures can also affect the air content of concrete. Typical chemical

admixtures that may change air content include water reducers, retarders, and

accelerators. Water reducers and retarders, especially those with lignosulfonates, will

increase air in concrete. Accelerators will only slightly increase air content. Accelerators

must be about 2% by weight to increase air content 0.5% [3].

2.6.3 Aggregates

Aggregates that are added to the Portland cement can also change the air content

of the cement. The characteristics of the aggregate that have been shown to change air

content include maximum size, sand to total aggregate ratio, and fine aggregate grading.

As the maximum size of aggregate increases the air content requirement decreases. The

sand to total aggregate ratio causes air content to increase as sand content increases, and

the middle fractions of the fine aggregate tend to promote air entrainment [13].

2.6.4 Others

Some other characteristics of cement that have been shown to affect air content

include water chemistry, water to cement ratio, and slump. The chemistry of the water

that is added to the cement can change the air content. This is especially true when the

water that is used contains organic material such as algae. Algae may cause the air

content to increase.

The presence of hard water usually does not affect air content if it is used in the

cement mix. However, hard water can cause a loss in air content if it is used to dilute air-

entraining agents before they are added to the mix [3].

Water-cement ratio affects the air content of a cement mixture. High water-

cement ratio will cause the air content of the cement to increase. This occurs because

when there is a high water-cement ratio the air-entraining agent has more water to

generate air with, therefore increasing the air content [3].

Slump may be an indicator in the air content of the cement in that an increase in

slump generally indicates an increase in water-cement ratio and therefore an increase in

air content. This increase is caused in the same way as the increase that is seen when

water-cement ratio is increased.

2.7 Summary

Air content in concrete is a very important aspect of its ability to withstand the

forces exerted by freeze-thaw cycles and osmotic pressures by deicing chemicals in

colder climates. The placement of concrete in colder climates must be closely monitored

to ensure the proper amount of entrained air has been added to the concrete in order to

prevent scaling. Air entrainment is accomplished through the use of air-entraining

admixtures, which provide spaces within the concrete for the expansion of water. The air

content of hydraulic concrete can be measured using air pots.

Concrete pumps have evolved technologically to the point that they are the only

economically feasible means of placing concrete in tight locations. Placing concrete via a

pump requires a pumpable mix and close monitoring of the air content of the concrete

mix after the pump. Since pumping is an easy way for concrete to be placed, it is

imperative to know how the pumping of air-entrained concrete can affect the air content

in concrete. Theories concerning air losses within the concrete mix during pumping

include: the large drop within the boom, high pressure within the pipes, pump

configurations and attachments and the materials used in the concrete mix.



The data used in this study was collected in two phases. Thirty-one projects were

tested during Phase I of the study. In addition to bridge deck projects there were water

treatment plants, residential buildings, and business buildings. The main objectives of

Phase I was to determine which factors affected the change in air content in hydraulic

concrete. The findings from Phase I then drove the test methods and types of projects for

Phase II.

Phase II consisted of five projects. The five projects were divided into two

groups. Four of the projects were bridge decks used for looking into the effects of

sampling collection methods. The remaining project was a parking lot used for

investigating the effects of configuration and attachment under controlled conditions.

The data collection for Phases I and II was conducted during the summer of 2000

and 2001, respectively. Appendix A to this report shows many of the photos, which were

taken during both phases, along with brief descriptions.

3.1 Data Collection in Phase I

The 31 projects were selected in Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming. Table 3.1

shows the location, type of construction and testing date of each project. Table 3.2

summarizes the types of construction.

Table 3.1 Projects for Phase I of the Study

Project Number Location Type of Construction Testing Date

1 Estes Park, CO Residential Slab 19-May-00
2 Broomfield, CO Water Treatment 22-May-00
3 Morrill, NE Bridge Deck 26-May-00
4 Ft. Collins, CO Residential Wall 2-Jun-00
5 Broomfield, CO Residential Slab 5-Jun-00
6 Cheyenne, WY Internal Slab 7-Jun-00
7 Ft. Collins, CO Water Treatment 7-Jun-00
8 Arvada, CO Water Treatment 9-Jun-00
9 Cheyenne, WY Business Wall 13-Jun-00
10 Cheyenne, WY Business Wall 16-Jun-00
11 Ft. Collins, CO Residential Wall 20-Jun-00
12 Laramie, WY Bridge Deck 22-Jun-00
13 Cheyenne, WY Business Wall 23-Jun-00
14 Denver, CO Business Wall 27-Jun-00
15 Denver, CO Outside Deck 28-Jun-00
16 Denver, CO Footer 29-Jun-00
17 Green River, WY Bridge Deck 7-Jul-00
18 Thornton, CO Internal Slab 12-Jul-00
19 Laramie, WY Bridge Deck 14-Jul-00
20 Ft. Collins, CO Residential Wall 19-Jul-00
21 Rawlins, WY Water Treatment 21-Jul-00
22 Englewood, CO Internal Slab 24-Jul-00
23 Laramie, WY Bridge Deck 27-Jul-00
24 Ft. Collins, CO Residential Wall 28-Jul-00
25 Boulder, CO Water Treatment 31-Jul-00
26 Ft. Collins, CO Residential Wall 2-Aug-00
27 Boulder, CO Water Treatment 7-Aug-00
28 Laramie, WY Internal Slab 8-Aug-00
29 Rawlins, WY Bridge Deck 23-Aug-00
30 Laramie, WY Bridge Deck 14-Sep-00
31 Rawlins, WY Bridge Deck 7-Oct-00

Table 3.2 Types of Construction Projects for Phase I of the Study

Type of Project Number of Projects

Bridge Decks 8

Water Treatment Plants 6

Residential Walls 5

Internal Slabs 4

Business Walls 4

Residential Slabs 2

Outside Deck 1

Footer 1

Total Projects 31

All data was collected in accordance with ASTM specifications and all testers

were ACI (American Concrete Institute) certified. The following data was obtained at

every project: air content, slump, unit weight of concrete before and after the pump,

concrete temperature, ambient temperature, and pump pressure. The pump configuration

was drawn and photos were taken to obtain the slope of the boom and the approximate

height of the drop. Pump boom length and type of pump were also obtained for the

projects. Concrete mix design data was obtained where available. Figure 3.1 shows the

form used in the data collection.

Revision Date: 5/23/2000


Testers: .
Location of Test: (Before/After the Pump) Truck ID Number: .
Date: Ambient Temperature: Weather: .
Air Pot:
Number: Tare Weight: lbs. Capacity: ft³
Final Weight: lbs. Unit Weight: lbs/ft³
Slump: in. Concrete Temperature: Air Content: %
Batch Number: Supplier: .
Phone Number: .
Fax Number: .
Water Added at the Site: gal.
Brand: Type: .
Age: Owner: .


Number of Boom Segments: .

Slope of Boom: Length of Boom: .

Concrete Flow (Steady Stream or Broken Stream): .

Drop Distance in the Boom: .

Figure 3.1 Form Used in the Data Collection of the Study

3.1.1 Testers

All the testers (operators) were trained and ACI certified in testing procedures. In

order to make the test results as consistent as possible, only five people were involved in

testing of Phase I of the study.

3.1.2 Samples

The general requirements outlined in ASTM C172 were followed in the sampling

process. Concrete samples obtained before the pump were placed in 5-gallon buckets to

bring them from the pump hopper to the test equipment. The concrete was lifted out of

the hopper with a shovel and placed in the 5-gallon bucket.

Concrete samples obtained after the pump were placed in 5-gallon buckets to get

the sample from the construction site to the test equipment. Nevertheless, most samples

were obtained by placing the bucket near the outflow end of the pump and swinging the

pump over the bucket while it was flowing and filling the bucket. Stopping the pump and

swinging the boom and then starting the pump again to fill the containers was used to

obtain some samples.

3.1.3 Tests

Air content of hydraulic concrete: Air content of concrete was obtained in

accordance with ASTM C231 “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed

Concrete by the Pressure Method” using Type B air meter [21]. Air content and weight

measurements were taken before and after the pump. Simultaneous testing was carried

out so that the concrete was as close to the same on each side of the pump as was

possible. In order to eliminate some of the errors associated with field testing of

concrete, the air meters were frequently calibrated. For testing in this study (both Phases

I and II), calibration was performed once a week. The calibration was accomplished in

accordance with the annex “Calibration of Apparatus”, a part of ASTM C231.

Slump of concrete: The slump of concrete was taken using ASTM C143

“Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete”. Again, the slump

was taken before the pump and after the pump. The equipment used for testing was a

standard slump cone, a tamping rod and a scoop.

Unit weight of concrete: The weight of concrete was measured by weighing the

concrete while in an air pot with a given volume and a known empty weight. This

allowed the computation of the unit weight of the concrete. This test was accomplished

according to ASTM C138 “Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and

Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete”.

Temperature of concrete: Concrete temperature was sampled in accordance

with ASTM C1064 “Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland

Cement Concrete”. Temperatures were taken from before and after pumping samples.

The equipment used for this test was a thermometer capable of measuring the

temperature of the freshly mixed concrete to ±1°F and having a range of temperature

from 0° to 120°F.

Table 3.3 summarizes the test methods used in the data collection process.

Table 3.3 ASTM Test Methods Used in Data Collection

Test ASTM Designation

Sampling ASTM C172

Air Content ASTM C231

Slump ASTM C143

Unit Weight ASTM C138

Temperature ASTM C1064

3.2 Data Collection in Phase II

Five projects in Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming were tested in Phase II of the

study. The test methods followed were the same as summarized in Table 3.3. The

breakdown of these projects is shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Types of Projects for Phase II

Type of Project Number of Projects

1 (before pumping)
Sampling Methods
3 (after pumping)

Configuration and Attachment 1

Total Projects 5

3.2.1 Sampling methods

Four bridge deck projects were tested for the purpose of looking into the effects of

sampling collection methods. One project was used for testing air change due to

sampling methods of concrete before the pump. Three testers and three pots were used in

the testing. The sampling methods used were shovel to collection vessel, chute to

collection vessel (no drop), chute to collection vessel (2-foot drop) and chute to collection

vessel (5-foot drop). The descriptions of the methods of sampling before the pump are

shown below:

• Shovel to collection vessel: The concrete is scooped from the hopper with a

shovel and gently placed in the collection vessel one scoop at a time until the

vessel is filled sufficiently for a slump and air content test.

• Chute to collection vessel (no drop): The collection vessel is placed directly

beneath the end of the chute and the concrete is allowed to flow directly into the

collection vessel.

• Chute to collection vessel (2-foot drop): The collection vessel is placed beneath

the end of the chute and the chute is raised until there is 2 feet between the end of

the chute and the top of the collection vessel. The concrete is then allowed to

flow into the collection vessel dropping 2 feet through open air.

• Chute to collection vessel (5-foot drop): The collection vessel is placed beneath

the end of the chute and then the chute is raised until there is 5 feet between the

end of the chute and the top of the collection vessel. The concrete is then allowed

to fill the collection vessel while falling 5 feet through open air into the vessel.

There were four collection methods used in the sampling of concrete after

pumping, which were tested for three projects. The four methods used in sampling

concrete after the pump were: swing pump, hose to collection vessel, and gently shovel

from placed concrete and slopped shovel from placed concrete. The following are

descriptions of the methods of sampling after the pump:

• Swing pump over: The collection vessel is placed on the ground and the outflow

end of the pump is swung over to the collection vessel, which is filled with

minimal drop.

• Hose to collection vessel: The collection vessel is placed directly under the end

of the output hose and filled.

• Gently, shovel from placed concrete: The collection vessel is placed on the

ground and the concrete is also placed on the ground. A shovel is then used to

pick up the concrete and place it gently into the collection vessel.

• Slopped, shovel from placed concrete: The collection vessel and the concrete

are placed on the ground. A shovel is then used to lift the concrete to the

collection vessel and then the concrete is slopped into the collection vessel with

some force.

3.2.2 Control project

In January 2001, a meeting was held between WYDOT and the University of

Wyoming Research Team. It was decided at the meeting that a control project should be

conducted. This control project would focus on the effects of the configurations and

attachments of the boom on the changes in air content.

Five boom configurations and attachments were considered in the project. They


• Double 90° (D90).

• Single 90° (S90).

• Hose on Ground (HOG).

• Z-boom No Attachments (ZNA).

• No Attachments A-frame (NAA).

For photos of each configuration, see Appendix A to this report.

The control project was a parking lot located at St. Paul's Newman Center at 1800

E. Grand Avenue in Laramie, Wyoming. The parking lot was 106.4 feet wide along

Grand Avenue and 110.0 feet long with a slab thickness of about 4.0 inches. This project

was constructed on August 16-17, 2001. It was designed to have 15 strips that were

about 7.0 feet wide. Figure 3.2 shows the layout of the control project. Air content, as

well as slump, measurements were taken from three positions for each strip, totaling 45

locations, to get a full range of motion for each configuration and attachment. The

position represented the distance between the pump and the location where concrete was

placed, which indirectly reflected the extension or shape of the boom. The extensions of

the boom, the corresponding positions, and the estimated distances were:

• “fully extended”, Position 1, 82.5 feet.

• “half-way extended”, Position 2, 55.0 feet.

• “closed in” (“completely collapsed”, “crowded”), Position 3, 27.5 feet .

Figure 3.3 schematically illustrates the extension and distance for each position.

Figure 3.2 Layout of the Control Project
Figure 3.3 Schematic Illustration of Boom Extension and Position

A total of seven testers were involved in the project, four from the UW Research

Team and three from WYDOT. Six of the testers (oval symbols in Figure 3.2) performed

air content and unit weight testing using six pots (rectangular symbols in Figure 3.2),

while the remaining tester performed slump testing. The testers were all ACI/WYDOT

certified and the pots were calibrated just prior to the control project in accordance with

ASTM calibration procedures. The testers and pots were switched with locations

regularly to reduce possible biases. Additional personnel were present for various

activities, from picture taking to equipment washing to make sure everyone was in the

correct position at the correct time.

The concrete used in this experiment met all WYDOT specifications for bridges.

The same mix was used in the whole experiment to eliminate the mix design as a factor.

Three air content measurements were made at each of the 45 locations, one before

pumping and two after pumping. (Positions T1, T2 and T3 in Figure 3.2 indicate

Positions 1, 2 and 3 where air content before pumping was taken.) Ambient temperature

and pump pressures were recorded to determine if they affect air changes in pumped

concrete. In addition, two slump measurements were made at each location, one before

pumping and the other after pumping. The test methods followed were the same as

summarized in Table 3.3. The sampling method for air content used for before the pump

was “shovel to collection vessel”. The sampling method used after the pump was “hose

to collection vessel”. The samples before and after were taken at the same time for each

location, which ensures that the concrete is the same for before and after testing.

3.3 Summary

Comprehensive data concerning air content of hydraulic concrete before and after

pumping was collected from a total of 36 construction projects in two phases. Additional

information that may relate to the change in air content of concrete, such as slump, unit

weight, and concrete temperature, was also collected for possible use in establishing the

correlation in the present study or in the future. All tests were performed in accordance

with ASTM standards to assure precision and accuracy of the data. The analysis of the

data will be presented in the next chapter.



After the data was collected from Phases I and II, computerized data bases were

created. These data bases are summarized in Appendices B and C for Phases I and II,

respectively. A comprehensive statistical analysis was then performed on the data.

Minitab and Excel software was used in the statistical analysis.

4.1 Analysis of Phase I Data

Phase I of the research study was conducted in the summer of 2000. This phase

of the study was designed as a field evaluation. All testing was performed in the field at

actual construction sites. By using field evaluation, eventual application of the results to

the operations of Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) can be easily

obtained. One objective of Phase I was to narrow down the number of factors that affect

the air change in hydraulic concrete due to pumping. By narrowing down the number of

factors, cost in Phase II of the study can be decreased and the amount of useful data


4.1.1 General trend of air change

Before any analysis could be accomplished, the data that was gathered for Phase I

was evaluated. Projects that were found to be a no air mix were eliminated from the

analysis since WYDOT requires air in all concrete mixtures. Also, one project, Project

19, was eliminated because air was being added to the mix after before-pumping testing.

Figure 4.1 shows the air content before pumping verses the air content after

pumping with an equality line X = Y. Data points above the reference line reflect

concrete that gained air through the pump while points below the line reflect concrete that

lost air through the pump.

It can be seen, from Figure 4.1, that air is usually lost through the pumping

process, although occasionally the concrete may gain air. The average air change was

calculated to be a loss through the pumping process, although occasionally air can be

gained. Eleven of the fifty-nine tests shown in Figure 4.1 gained some air with an

average air gain of 0.69%. Nine of the eleven tests were outside the 4% to 7% required

by specifications. The estimated average loss of air for a site is 1.06%, which agreed

with a previous finding (1.0%) reported in the literature [5, 6]. A 95% confidence

interval for the mean loss is 0.62% to 1.48%. This confidence interval shows a rather

large spread for the average air change. The significant scatter of data points indicates

that other factors should be considered to statistically explain the air change in concrete

due to pumping in addition to the air content before pumping. Accompanied by the loss

of air is an average loss of slump of 0.6 inch, which is also in agreement with a finding

(0.5 inch) in the literature [5, 6].

The scattering data in Figure 4.1 suggests that the air content before the pump is

not an adequate independent measure of air content after pumping. The air content after

cannot be accurately predicted by just knowing the air content before. There are other

factors that affected the air content of pumped concrete.

Test Data
Air Content after Pumping (%) 8.0




0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Air Content before Pumping (%)

Figure 4.1 Air Content before Pumping verses Air Content after Pumping

4.1.2 Influential Factors

Further analysis was conducted to determine the factors affecting air change in

concrete due to pumping. Since WYDOT requires that air content in concrete be equal to

or greater than 4% [2], projects with air contents below this were not included in the

regression analysis. For further details, consult with “Evaluating the Air Content

Changes in Hydraulic Concrete due to Pumping”, An Interim Report Submitted to

Wyoming Department of Transportation, May 2000 [22]. The average air loss after

removing those less than 4.0% air content before pumping is 1.23%, which is a slight

increase compared to the overall 1.06%. With the 1.23% air loss, the average slump loss

remained unchanged at 0.6 inch.

The data that was used to perform the analysis were coded into Excel so that

discrete variables are converted to a usable format by coding these variables into a

number that can be plotted against air change. The air change is then plotted against each

of the variables that were included in this phase of the study. These plots were examined

to see if there was any discernable pattern. When a pattern was detected that variable

was then used as a continuous variable in the regression analysis.

Factors affecting air change were classified into three categories. They were

probable, possible and improbable influential factors as obtained through the statistical

analysis [22]. Probable Influential Factors

A total of five probable influential factors were identified:

1. Drop distance – the distance from the highest point of the boom in which the

concrete is allowed to free fall to the discharge point.

2. Boom slope - the slope at which the boom angles off the back of the pump.

3. Length of boom – the length from the truck to the discharge end of the boom.

4. Amount of air entrainment admixture in mix design.

5. Collection method – how the samples were collected.

Probable influential factors are factors that strongly suggest influence on a

consistent basis. The first probable influential factor was drop distance. Usually, the

larger the drop distance is for the concrete, the more the amount of air loss. Another

factor is boom slope, which has values that ranged from zero to ninety degrees.

Typically, steep slopes showed a significant air loss and shallow slopes showed air gain

or very low air loss. Length of the boom (total boom length) is an additional factor when

considering air change due to pumping. However, length of boom may be more of an

influence on other factors, such as drop distance, than an independent factor itself.

A further factor is the amount of air added as an admixture in the original

concrete mix. It is difficult to ascertain the absoluteness of this effect, because it was

difficult to obtain all mix designs from all projects. The final probable influential factor

is collection method. It varied from having the bucket directly in the hopper gathering

concrete straight from the chute to a five-foot drop to the bucket from the chute. A drop

of more than two feet seemed to influence air to be lost from the concrete.




Air Change (%)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Drop Distance (ft)

Figure 4.2 Air Change versus Drop Distance

Figure 4.2 shows one of the probable influential factors, drop distance from the

highest point of the boom to the point of concrete placement, plotted against percent air

change. Possible Influential Factors

A total of three possible influential factors were found:

1. Precipitation.

2. Amount of water added at site.

3. Pump size.

Possible influential factors were factors that showed statistical significance and

thus had a definite effect on air change but were not quite as significant statistically as

the probable factors. The first possible influential factor is precipitation. A slight

relationship to air change was found when it was whether raining or sprinkling during a

given project. Another possible influential factor is the amount of water added at the

site. While it did not affect all projects the same, in a few instances it seems to have

had an effect on air content as shown in Figure 4.3 as an example. The last possible

influential factor is pump size. Once again, size may be more of an influence on other

factors rather than a factor on its own.




Air Change (%)







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Water Added (gal)

Figure 4.3 Air Change versus Water Added at Site Improbable Influential Factors

A total of seven improbable influential factors were found:

1. Slump.

2. Concrete temperature.

3. Water-cement ratio.

4. Gradations.

5. Specific gravity.

6. Pump age.

7. Number of pump segments.

Improbable influential factors are factors that, from the collected data, statistically

have no effect on air change. The first improbable factor is slump. Slump change did not

correlate to any air change as shown in Figure 4.4. Another improbable factor is concrete

temperature. Change in temperature has no correlation on air change for the ranges of

temperatures observed in this study (40° F to 85° F). The next improbable factor is

water/ cement ratio. From the mix designs received, no relationship was found between

the water-cement (or cementitious material) ratio and any air loss incurred on the project.

Also, along the same lines as water/cement ratio, gradations and specific gravity were

found to be improbable correlations. The apparent lack of relationship between the mix

design and air change of a project could be a result of limited data or it could be the result

of no actual relationship existing.



Air Change (%)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Slump (in)

Figure 4.4 Air Change versus Slump

Another improbable influential factor is pump age. While the national survey, discussed

in the literature review, indicated that certain states were concerned with a pump’s age,
the data from this summer did not indicate that pump age affected air change. A further

improbable influential factor is the number of pump segments. Pump segments along

with concrete flow were too constant to show and differences that would indicate they

affect air change.

4.2 Analysis of Phase II Data

4.2.1 Sampling methods

The data for the examination of the effects of sampling methods on air content

was from four projects at different construction sites. Three testers were involved in the

project testing. In each project, three replicate tests were conducted for each method.

Four methods were used for before pumping and four methods were used for after


Before pumping sampling methods were:

• Shovel to collection vessel.

• Chute to collection vessel, no drop.

• Chute to collection vessel, 2-foot drop.

• Chute to collection vessel, 5-foot drop.

After pumping sampling methods were:

• Swing pump over.

• Hose to collection vessel.

• Gently, shovel from placed concrete.

• Slopped, shovel from placed concrete.

Statistical analyses indicated that the sampling collection method slightly affect

the measured air content. Table 4.1 shows the differences on average in percent air

content of all the methods used.

Table 4.1 Average Differences in Percent Air Content of Various Collection


Before Shovel Chute no drop Chute 2-foot Chute 5-foot

0.38 -0.02 -0.15 -0.22

Shovel Shovel
Swing pump Hose
After (gentle) (slopped)
0.20 0 -0.01 -0.18

The values in the table are the differences in percent air content relative to the

mean (so that the sum of the differences in each case is zero). For example, “shovel to

collection vessel” measures more air than does “chute to collection vessel 5-foot drop” by

0.6% in the case of the before, while “swing pump over” measures more than does

“slopped shovel from placed concrete” by nearly 0.4% air content in the case of the after.

Figures 4.5 and 4.6 show the 95% confidence intervals for mean air loss by collection

methods before and after pumping, respectively.

95% Confidence Intervals for Means by Collection Method
Before Pumping

Mean Air Content



Shovel Chute, 0 Drop 2 ft. drop 5 ft. drop

Collection Method

Figure 4.5 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals by Collection Methods for Mean Air

Loss before Pumping

95% Confidence Intervals for Means by Collection Method

After Pumping

Mean Air Content







Swing Hose Shovel Shovel

Pump (gentle) (slop)
Collection Method

Figure 4.6 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean by Collection Methods Air

Loss after Pumping

4.2.2 Control project

The control project consisted of 15 strips. In each strip, three testing positions

were selected, totaling 45 locations. Three air content measurements were made at each

location, one for before pumping and two for after pumping. Ambient temperature and

pump pressures were recorded to determine if they affect air changes in pumped concrete.

In addition, two slump measurements were made at each location, one before pumping

and the other after pumping.

Six ACI certified testers were involved and six calibrated air pots were used in the

project testing. The testers and pots were switched regularly with strips and positions, in

an attempt to look into the possibility of systematic errors that may be introduced by the

testers and pots and to reduce the errors introduced if they do exist.

The variables considered in this control project for the response of change in air

content are:

• Tester: six levels (1-6).

• Pot: six levels (1-6).

• Position: three levels, which reflects of the extension of the boom (1-3).

• Configuration and attachment of boom: 5 levels

ƒ Double 90° (D90).

ƒ Single 90° (S90).

ƒ Hose on Ground (HOG).

ƒ Z-boom No Attachment (ZNA).

ƒ No Attachment A-frame (NAA).

• Temperature of environment: (continuous).

• Pump pressures (continuous): 3 variables:

ƒ Minimum pump pressure.

ƒ Average pump pressure.

ƒ Maximum pump pressure.

Figures 4.7 through 4.9 show all the measured data in different ways. Figure 4.7

is the air content before pumping versus the air content after pumping and Figure 4.8

presents the air content before pumping versus the air change (air content before minus

after pumping). Finally Figure 4.9 illustrates the air content before pumping versus the

relative air change (air loss divided by air content before pumping). Each before

measurement was used twice for the two measurements after pumping. These figures

indicate that the air content after pumping, as well as air loss and relative air loss, is a

function of the air content before pumping. The dispersion of the data is the effects of

various influencing factors in addition to the nature of the measurement. The average air

loss for the control project was 0.57%, which is about half of that for Phase I, 1.23%.

This reduction should be mainly attributed to the configurations and attachments that

were believed to produce less air loss and used in the control project for testing.


Test data
Position 1
8.00 Position 2
Position 3

Air Content after Pumping (%) 6.00



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00
Air Content before Pumping (%)

Figure 4.7 Measured Air Content after Pumping versus that before Pumping


Test data Position 1


Position 2 Position 3

Air Loss (%)


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00



Air Content before Pumping (%)

Figure 4.8 Air Change versus Air Content before Pumping


Test data Position 1

Position 2 Position 3

Relative Air Loss


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00


Air Content before Pumping (%)

Figure 4.9 Relative Air Change versus Air Content before Pumping Effects of testers and pots

The multiple measurements of air content after pumping made it possible to

evaluate the errors introduced by the testers and pots. Comparisons of tester and pot

scores against averages at each location were made. Figures 4.10 and 4.11 show the

deviations of testers and pots calculated.

It is seen from Figure 4.10 that, although the effects of testers and pots are

statistically discernible, the magnitudes of these effects are, as expected, minimal. The

variation exhibited by each tester was substantially greater than was the variation among

testers; the range of the six tester means was 0.22%, while the ranges for individual

testers varied between 0.55% and 0.90% air content. Similarly, as shown in Figure 4.11,

variation by each pot dominated variation between pot means; the range of the six pot

means was 0.24%, while the ranges for individual pots varied between 0.50% and 1.30%

air content.

Table 4.2 shows the average results for various testers and pots. The values in the

table are differences in percent air content relative to the average. For example, Tester 1

overestimates the air content with respect to the average by 0.09%. In other words,

−0.09% should be added to the reading to obtain the average that is believed to be closer

to the true air content.

Table 4.2 Average Differences in Percent Air Content of Various Testers and Pots

Tester 1 2 3 4 5 6

Difference -0.09 -0.12 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.02

Pot 1 2 3 4 5 6

Difference 0.15 -0.09 -0.05 -0.06 -0.06 0.11

Deviations for Testers: Square = Mean




1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 4.10 Observations Arranged by Testers, Adjusted by Unit Means

Deviations for Pots: Square = Mean




1 2 3 4 5 6
Pot Number

Figure 4.11 Observations Arranged by Pots, Adjusted by Unit Means

In summary, individual testers and pots were substantially less consistent than

were the averages of testers or pots. Even though small differences between means are

statistically detectable, differences are not important from the standpoint of practice.

Tester training and pot calibration can effectively standardize results. Within the

measurement capabilities of current methods, testers and pots are consistent.

Adjustments for pot and tester effects are very small and are inconsequential in

terms of subsequent analyses. In the following analyses, unadjusted data is used because

adjusted analyses are more complex yet give essentially identical results. All conclusions

based on adjusted and unadjusted scores are the same. Effects of ambient temperature and pump pressures

Ambient temperature was measured in the control project. Statistical analysis on

the temperature data indicated that the changes in air content are not related in any way

with temperature within the range of temperatures and under the conditions where tests

were conducted. Figure 4.12 illustrates the air loss versus the temperature in which, no

pattern of variation can be observed, further confirming the conclusion.

In this project, three pump pressures were recorded. They were the minimum

pressures, the average pressures and maximum pressures. The average pressure

represents the pressure at normal operation of the pump, while the maximum and

minimum pressures are the irregularities around the average. Analyses of the pressure

measurements indicated that none of the three pressures has any significant relationship

with the air changes. Figure 4.13 is an example, in which the air loss shows little pattern

with respect to the average pump pressure contrary to one previous hypothesis.


dAC (%)
Air Change


45 55 65 75
Temp (F)

Figure 4.12 Air Loss versus Temperature

dAC (%)

Air Change


60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Average Pump Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.13 Air Loss versus Average Pump Pressure

54 Effects of configuration and position

After eliminating the temperature and pump pressure factors, statistical analysis

was performed on the air content data to investigate the effects of configurations and

attachments of boom and position. The position factor reflected distance of the pump

from the location where concrete was placed, which indirectly reflects the extension or

shape (slope and drop distance from the highest point) of the boom relative to the site.

Position 1 in the project was the “fully extended”, Position 2 the “half-way extended”,

and Position 3 the “closed in (completely collapsed, crowded)” sites.

Results of the analysis indicated that both the configuration and position are

statistically significant in changes in air content due to pumping in addition to air content

before pumping. Table 4.3 present summaries of the results of analysis of variance

(ANOVA) using Generalized Linear Model (GLM) for responses of air loss and relative

air loss, respectively. The p-values are as low as from 0.000 to 0.002 for these factors

with respect to the responses, so that the conclusions are the same whether the response

air loss was used or whether the response relative air loss was used. Details of the

ANOVA results are found in Appendix D to this report.

Less air loss is present when using HOG and D90 than when using ZNA or NAA.

Significantly more air is lost at Position 3 than is lost in earlier positions. There is no

discernible interaction between the configuration and position, that is, the change in air

loss measured between positions is judged to be the same on average, regardless which of

the five configurations is viewed. It is noticed in particular that use of the hose on the

ground resulted in ambient air mixing with the concrete, causing an average air gain

(seen in a negative percent loss). Figures 4.14 and 4.15 graphically display the air loss in

percentage for the five configurations and for the three positions with 95% confidence

intervals for means at 6.8% air content before pumping, which is the median of all

measurements, respectively.

Table 4.3 Summaries of ANOVA Results on Air Loss and Relative Air Loss

Air Loss Relative Air Loss

Configuration and Attachments 0.000 0.000

Position 0.002 0.001

Air Content before Pumping 0.000 0.001

95% Confidence Intervals for Mean Air Loss by Treatment

Air Loss



Figure 4.14 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean Air Loss by

Configuration (treatment) at 6.8% Initial Air Content

95% Confidence of Mean Air Loss by Position

Air Loss

1 2 3

Figure 4.15 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for Mean Air Loss by Position at

6.8% Initial Air Content

Comparisons of means were made using Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference.

According to this criterion, it cannot be distinguished between HOG and D90, between

ZNA and NAA, or between S90 and any of the other values. It is, clear, however, that

HOG and D90 lose less air than do ZNA and NAA. Also based on Tukey's Honestly

Significant Difference, Positions 1 and 2 both experience less air loss than does Position

3. Positions 1 and 2 do not differ statistically.

One observation from Figure 4.14 is that both ZNA (Z-boom No Attachments)

and NAA (No Attachments A-frame) produced highest air losses. The ZNA shows

slightly less air loss although the difference between the two configurations is statistically

insignificant. It was the attachments, D90 (Double 90°), S90 (Single 90°), and HOG

(Hose on Ground), that played key roles in reducing the air losses to various degrees.

Figure 4.16 shows the statistical 95% confidence intervals by position at 6.8%

initial air for mean air loss of ZNA only. Wider intervals and more overlapping among

the intervals can be observed, compared to those in Figure 4.15 in which data for all five

configurations and attachments were used in the analysis.

Air Change (%)



1 2 3

Figure 4.16 Statistical 95% Confidence Intervals for ZNA Mean Air Loss by

Position at 6.8% Initial Air Content

58 Statistical Models for air change

Regression analyses gave the following statistical model for air loss as a function

of configuration, position, and air content before pumping:

∆AC = −3.79 + ac + ap + 0.638 ACbef [4.1]

where ∆AC = air loss (air content before minus air content after pumping) in %,

ac, ap = constants for configuration and position, respectively (Table 4.4), and

ACbef = air content before pumping in %.

The coefficient of determination for equation [4.1] was computed as R²=0.76185

showing that the equation accounts for 76% of the air loss variation when adjustments for

air content before the pump, configuration and position are taken into account. The other

24% consists of other factors which could not be isolated or that were not analyzed in this

study in addition to any random effects present in the system. Equation [4.1] is a good

representation of the factors that affect air losses across a pump.

The equation for relative air loss is given by:

∆ACR = −0.471 + ac '+ ap '+0.08 ACbef [4.2]

where ∆ACR = relative air loss (∆AC divided by ACbef), dimensionless,

ac′, ap′ = constants for configuration and position, respectively (Table 4.4), and

ACbef = air content before pumping in %.

Air loss can be calculated by ∆ACR from Equation [4.2] times ACbef.

The coefficient of determination for equation [4.2] was computed as R²=0.76431

showing that this equation also accounts for 76% of the variation. The equation for

relative air loss is equivalent to the direct measure of change in air content across the


Table 4.4 Constants for Calculation of Air Loss and Relative Air Loss

Configuration Position

D90 S90 HOG ZNA NAA 1 2 3

ac, ap -0.413 -0.095 -0.664 0.320 0.852 -0.225 -0.105 0.330

ac′, ap′ -0.057 -0.014 -0.112 0.05 0.133 -0.037 -0.013 0.049

It is noticed that the differences in air loss can be up to 1.52% (HOG versus

NAA) due to differences in configurations and attachments of the boom. The maximum

difference in air loss is 0.56% (Position 1 versus Position 3) for the difference in position.

The air loss due to air content before pumping is 0.64% per percent on average

(Parameter b in Equation [4.1]).

Figures 4.17 and 4.18 show the measured air loss versus air loss predicted using

the air loss and relative air loss models in Equations [4.1] and [4.2], respectively. There

are 89 valid measurements of air loss in control project. For air loss model in Equation

[4.1], 26 or 29.2% have residuals (measured minus predicted) that are outside ±0.5%; 5

or 5.6% have residuals that are outside ±1.0%. For the relative air loss model in Equation

[4.2], 26 or 29.2% have residuals (measured minus predicted) that are outside ±0.5%; 6

or 6.7% have residuals that are outside ±1.0%. The complexity introduced in the relative

air loss model does not result in a better prediction for the data available, making

Equation [4.1] the preferred for its simplicity.

Tables 4.5 and 4.6 show the air losses calculated using Equations [4.1] and [4.2],

respectively, at selected values of air content before pumping for various configurations

and positions. A negative air loss implies a gain of air content. The differences result

from the differences in the models. The results in the table include the extremes of

observation and thus reflect the greatest disagreements between models that will be seen

for data within the scope of inference. It is noted that the models in the equations are

valid in the range of air content before pumping, which is from 5.3% to 8.1%. Excessive

extrapolation should be avoided.



Predicted Air Loss (%)



-1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00
Measured Air Loss (%)

Figure 4.17 Measured Air Loss versus Air Loss Predicted Using Air Loss Model in

Equation [4.1]




Predicted Air Loss (%)



-1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00
Measured Air Loss (%)

Figure 4.18 Measured Air Loss versus Air Loss Predicted Using Relative Air Loss

Model in Equation [4.2]

Table 4.5 Percent Air Losses for Various Configurations and Positions Using the Air

Loss Model in Equation [4.1]

Position HOG D90 S90 ZNA NAA

5.0 -1.49 -1.24 -0.92 -0.51 0.03

6.0 -0.85 -0.60 -0.28 0.13 0.67

7.0 -0.21 0.04 0.36 0.77 1.30

8.0 0.43 0.68 0.99 1.41 1.94

5.0 -1.37 -1.12 -0.80 -0.39 0.15

6.0 -0.73 -0.48 -0.16 0.25 0.79

7.0 -0.09 0.16 0.48 0.89 1.42

8.0 0.55 0.80 1.11 1.53 2.06

5.0 -0.93 -0.68 -0.37 0.05 0.58

6.0 -0.30 -0.04 0.27 0.69 1.22

7.0 0.34 0.59 0.91 1.33 1.86

8.0 0.98 1.23 1.55 1.96 2.50

Table 4.6 Percent Air Losses for Various Configurations and Positions Using the

Relative Air Loss Model in Equation [4.2]

Position HOG D90 S90 ZNA NAA

5.0 -0.98 -0.71 -0.49 -0.18 0.24

6.0 -0.67 -0.35 -0.08 0.30 0.80

7.0 -0.19 0.19 0.49 0.94 1.52

8.0 0.46 0.89 1.24 1.75 2.41

5.0 -0.86 -0.59 -0.37 -0.06 0.36

6.0 -0.53 -0.20 0.06 0.44 0.94

7.0 -0.03 0.35 0.66 1.10 1.69

8.0 0.65 1.08 1.43 1.94 2.60

5.0 -0.59 -0.31 -0.10 0.22 0.64

6.0 -0.20 0.13 0.39 0.77 1.27

7.0 0.36 0.74 1.05 1.49 2.08

8.0 1.09 1.53 1.88 2.38 3.05 Slump measurements

Figure 4.19 shows the slump values before and after pumping. Little systematic

changes in slump can be observed. In fact, the average slump before pumping is 4.93

inches, while the average slump after pumping is 4.97 inches—virtually the same as that

before pumping—in the control project, although there was a 0.57% average air loss.




Slump after Pumping (in) 6.0



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Slump before Pumping (in)

Figure 4.19 Slump after Pumping versus Slump before Pumping

4.3 Summary and Discussions

4.3.1 Data analysis for Phase I

The analysis on air change of the data in Phase I of the study indicated that,

generally, air content before pumping is higher than that after pumping. The average air

change was calculated to be a loss through the pumping process, although occasionally

air can be gained. The average loss of air is 1.06%, which agreed with a previous finding

(1.0%) reported in the literature [5, 6]. A 95% confidence interval for the mean loss is

0.62% to 1.48%. This confidence interval shows a rather large spread for the average air

change, indicating that other factors, in addition to the air content before pumping, should

be considered to statistically explain the air change in concrete due to pumping.

Accompanied by the loss of air is an average loss of slump of 0.6 inch, which is also in

agreement with a previous finding (0.5 inch) in the literature [5, 6].

The analysis performed on the data with air content that is equal or greater than

4.0% [2] indicated that the average air loss after removing those less than 4.0% air

content before pumping is 1.23%, which a slight increase compared to the overall 1.06%.

This increase is attributed to the fact that air loss is proportional to the air content before

pumping, which is quantified in the data analysis of the control project. With the 1.23%

air loss, the average slump loss remained unchanged to be 0.6 inch.

Based on the analysis, the factors that affect the air change can be classified into

three categories: probable influential factors, possible influential factors, and improbable

influential factors. Eight factors were found to have either probable or possible


1. Drop distance.

2. Boom slope.

3. Length of boom.

4. Amount of air entrainment admixture in mix design.

5. Collection method.

6. Precipitation.

7. Amount of water added at site.

8. Pump size.

Dividing the factors into three categories gave focus to what should be looked at

in more depth. The improbable factors allow less focus to be put on areas of less


4.3.2 Data analysis for Phase II Sampling methods

Results of the analysis indicated that sampling collection (sampling) methods

have a moderate effect on the air content. Maximum differences of 0.6% for the four

methods used before pumping and 0.4% for the four methods used after pumping were

observed. In general, gentler handling of the material results in higher air content

measurements that are believed to be closer to the true values. Standardization of the

method is recommended to provide a basis for comparison. Control project

Errors in measuring air content introduced by the testers and pots were found to

be minimal. Training and certification of the tester, calibration of the pot, and switching

testers and pots when taking multiple measurements are an effective way to minimize

systematic (patterned) errors.

Ambient temperature and pump pressures were analyzed. They did not appear to

be influencing factors to the changes in air content due to pumping for the data available.

Changes in air content are significantly affected by the configuration and

attachment of the boom, the extension or shape of the boom (reflected by the position),

and the air content before pumping. The differences in air loss can be up to 1.52% (HOG

versus NAA) due to differences in configurations and attachments of the boom; and the

maximum difference in air loss is 0.56% (Position 1 versus Position 3) for the difference

in boom extension; while the air loss due to air content before pumping is 0.64% per

percent on average.

Both ZNA (Z-boom No Attachments) and NAA (No Attachments A-frame)

produced highest air losses. The difference between the two configurations is statistically

insignificant. It was the attachments, D90 (Double 90°), S90 (Single 90°), and HOG

(Hose on Ground), that played key roles in reducing the air losses to various degrees.

Two models were developed for the prediction of air loss, an air loss model and a

relative air loss model. The models developed in the control project are valid in the range

of air content before pumping from 5.3% to 8.1%. Excessive extrapolation should be

avoided. Comparisons indicated that these models give nearly identical predictions, and,

hence, the air loss model in Equation [4.1] is the preferred for its simplicity. Using the

air loss model, 29.2% of the predictions have residuals outside ±0.5%, and 5.6% have

residuals outside ±1.0% air loss.

Analysis on slump data showed no appreciable changes in slump due to pumping.

This contradicts the finding in Phase I, a reduction of 0.6 inch, which is believed to be

due to the special configurations and attachments used in the control project.



This research study investigated the change in air content of hydraulic concrete

due to pumping. The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I was used to gain an

understanding of the factors that affect air content in pumped concrete. Based on Phase I,

Phase II established the correlation between the air change and various influential factors

during the pumping process.

5.1 Conclusions

5.1.1 Conclusions for Phase I

Based on the analysis of data collected from 31 construction projects, the

following conclusions can be drawn:

• Analysis on all data collected in Phase I indicates that the change in air content of

hydraulic concrete is typically a loss through the pumping process, although

occasionally it can be a gain. The average loss of air is 1.06%. Accompanied by

the loss of air is an average loss of slump of 0.6 inch.

• The 95% confidence interval for the mean air loss is 0.62% to 1.48%. This

confidence interval implies a large spread for the average of 1.06%, indicating

that there are other factors affecting the air change, in addition to the air content

before pumping.

• Analysis on the data with air content that is equal or greater than 4.0% indicates

that the average air loss is 1.23%, which a slight increase compared to the overall

1.06%. This increase is attributed to the fact that air loss is proportional to the air

content before pumping. With the 1.23% air loss, the average slump loss

remained unchanged to be 0.6 inch, the same as that when the data for air content

before pumping below 4.0% was not removed.

• There are many factors that affect the air change in concrete due to pumping.

These factors can be classified by regression analysis into three categories:

probable, possible, and improbable influential factors. Eight factors were found

to have either probable or possible influence, which should be looked at in more


1. Drop distance.

2. Boom slope.

3. Length of boom.

4. Amount of air entrainment admixture in mix design.

5. Collection method.

6. Precipitation.

7. Amount of water added at site.

8. Pump size.

5.1.2 Conclusions for Phase II

The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis performed in Phase II

of this study:

• Concrete sampling methods have a moderate effect on the measured air content

for the methods tested. The maximum difference in measured air content is 0.6%

for before pumping and 0.4% for after pumping. In general, gentler handling of

the material, such as “shovel to collection vessel” and “chute to collection vessel

without drop”, results in higher air content measurements.

• Errors in measuring air content introduced by the six testers and six pots are found

to be minimal. It should be mentioned here that all testers used in this experiment

were ACI certified and the Pots were calibrated before testing.

• The ambient temperature ranged from 40° F to 80° F and the pump pressures do

not appear to be significant influencing factors to the change in air content of

pumped concrete under normal operating conditions. Temperatures beyond the

ranges represented in this study may have a significant effect on the air change in

hydraulic concrete and should be studied in future studies.

• The change in air content of concrete is significantly affected by the configuration

and attachment of the boom, the extension or shape of the boom (reflected by the

position), in addition to the air content before pumping.

▪ For the configurations and attachments tested, namely, Double 90° (D90),

Single 90° (S90), Hose on Ground (HOG), Z-boom No Attachment (ZNA),

and No Attachment A-frame (NAA), the differences in air loss can be up to

1.52% (HOG versus NAA) due to differences in configuration and attachment

of the boom. While NAA loses most air on average, HOG shows a slight air


▪ The maximum difference in air loss is 0.56% (“closed in” versus “fully

extended”). The closer the location is to the pump, the more the air loss.

▪ The air loss due to air content before pumping is found to be 0.64% per

percent on average for the data available.

• Both ZNA (Z-boom No Attachments) and NAA (No Attachments A-frame)

produced highest air losses. The difference between the two configurations is

statistically insignificant. It was the attachments, D90 (Double 90°), S90 (Single

90°), and HOG (Hose on Ground), that played key roles in reducing the air losses

to various degrees.

• Two models, an air loss model and a relative air loss model were developed for

the prediction of air change. They are both functions of boom configuration and

attachment, boom extension, and air content before pumping. These models are

valid at the range of air content before pumping from 5.3% to 8.1%.

Comparisons indicate that these models give nearly identical predictions, which

makes the air loss model in Equation [4.1] preferred for its simplicity.

• Analysis on slump data in the control project shows no significant changes in

slump due to pumping.

5.2 Recommendations

The following recommendations are made based on the results of the entire

research study:

• It is recommended that the sampling procedures be standardized with gentler

methods. For sampling before pumping, “shovel to collection vessel” or “chute to

collection vessel with 2-foot or less drop” is appropriate. For sampling after

pumping, “swing pump over”, “hose to collection vessel”, or “gently shovel from

placed concrete” can be used.

• The pump pressure does not have to be taken into account since little effect on the

air content in concrete during pumping could be established.

• It is recommended that the boom attachment of hose on the ground or double 90°

elbow be used to produce the least air change across a concrete pump. Since it is

difficult to use a hose on the ground, a double 90° elbow the preferred choice.

• The air change caused by the boom configuration should be taken into account.

The completely closed in (collapsed) position should be avoided to reduce air


5.3 Future Research

The models work well within the ranges of temperatures, slumps, and other

variables that are in the specifications. Extreme conditions should be studied in the

future to determine if the models are valid for those conditions. Concrete mixes that

have additives, such as silica fume or plasticizers should also be studied to determine

if they fit the models. Finally, concrete mixes with light-weight aggregates should be

studied to determine if they comply with the models.


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6 July 2000.

21. American Concrete Institute. Concrete Field Testing. Farmington Hills,

Michigan, 1999.

22. Nelson, Mark, Christina Spindler, Khaled Ksaibati, and Charles Dolan.

Evaluating the Air Content Changes in Hydraulic Concrete due to Pumping. An

Interim Report Submitted to Wyoming Department of Transportation, May 2000.


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