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Samer Sowidan


Home  My courses  BUS 5910 - AY2020-T3  30 January - 5 February  Learning Guide Unit 1 

Learning Guide Unit 1


Welcome to BUS5901 Management Capstone.  Each course week has two components. One component deals with the
foundational concepts of past courses in your MBA program, including: organizational theory, human resources,
project/program management, nance/accounting, operations management, business law/ethics, leadership, and

The other component of each week will take one or more of the foundational concepts covered and apply them to case
studies of real business situations. There is an important structure to this component which is frame of reference
analysis. The basis of this analysis is that most situations, whether oriented to business or not, consist of multiple
disciplines or frames of reference. This analysis calls for studying subjects and situations through the lens or ‘frames’ of
certain disciplines. In this course, the frames of references used to view strategic choices will be:

1. Organizational Theory
2. Human Resources
3. Project/Program Management
4. Finance/Accounting
5. Operations Management,
6. Business Law/Ethics
7. Leadership
8. Globalization

 A note on learning method: This course relies, primarily, upon the case study method. The responses to the case
studies, whether in discussion forum, written, or group assignment, will follow the analysis steps described in the article,
The Organizational Change Dilemma of ERP Implementation in a Small Manufacturing Company found in the Journal of
Business Case Studies at:

The format described in the article is:

1. Identify the problem

2. Diagnose the cause(s)

3. Prescribe possible alternatives
4. Recommend a plan of action (decision/implementation)

In addition, each case study response should also state why this case is important and relevant to a study of business.

Please also review the General Guidelines for Case Analysis and the Case Analysis Rubric which is found in the written
assignments. Many of you will be familiar with these documents from prior courses. 

This week’s topics relate to organizational theory. Because an organization consists of the individual within the
organization, human motivations play an important role in shaping an organization. There are other factors that a ect
organizations. These factors include external environmental in uences and how the organization is structured. 

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 Table of contents

Reading Assignment
Discussion Assignment
Written Assignment
Portfolio Activity

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Fri, Jan 31, 2020

4:31 pm

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