Annotated Physics Data Booklet 2016 PDF

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Note: All equations relate to the magnitude of the quantities only. Vector notation has
not been used.

Sub-topic 1.2 – Uncertainties and errors Sub-topic 1.3 – Vectors and scalars
If: y = a ± b Adding/subtracting quantities:
uncertainty in result will be sum A
then: ∆y = ∆a + ∆b of uncertainties of quantities.
y = Result. AH = Horizontal
a, b, c = Quantities. Multiplying/dividing quantities: %
ab uncertainties of quantities are added AV = Vertical
If: y together to obtain % uncertainty in result.
Δ = Uncertainty. c component.

∆y ∆a ∆b ∆c
then: = + +
y a b c
Powers of quantities: % uncertainty of
If: y an quantity is multiplied by power to obtain
AH = A cos θ Trigonometric rules of triangles are
applied when taking components of
% uncertainty in result.
∆y ∆a vector quantities.
then: = n A V = A sin θ
y a
F = Resultant force.

v = Final velocity. m = Mass.

Sub-topic 2.1 – Motion Sub-topic 2.2 – Forces
u = Initial velocity. Acceleration due to resultant force a = Acceleration.
v = u + at F ma
(Newton’s 2nd law of motion).
a = Acceleration (‘g’ 1 2 Ff ≤ µsR Frictional force on a static object. μs = Coefficient of
for gravitational). s = ut + at Equations applied to
static friction.
2 uniform motion (known as
‘suvat’ equations). Ff = µdR Frictional force on a dynamic object.
s = Displacement. v 2 = u 2 + 2as μd = “ dynamic “.

t = Time elapsed. (v + u ) t
s= Ff = Frictional force.
R = Normal reaction
Sub-topic 2.3 – Work, energy Sub-topic 2.4 – Momentum force.
W = Work done.
and power and impulse
F = Force. W = Fs cos θ Work done. p mv Momentum.

s = Displacement. 1 ∆p
p = Momentum.
EK mv 2 Kinetic energy.
2 F= Resultant force due to momentum.
EK = Kinetic energy. ∆t m = Mass.
Ep = k ∆ x 2 Elastic potential energy (in a spring).
p2 v = Velocity.
m = Mass. 2 EK Kinetic energy.
v = Velocity. ∆Ep = mg ∆h Gravitational potential energy. F = Force.

EP = Potential energy. power Fv Power. impulse = F ∆t = ∆p t = Time.

k = Spring constant useful work out EK = Kinetic energy.

total work in
x = Extension.
useful power out
g = Earth’s gravity.
total power in
h = Height.

4 Physics data booklet

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