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Manuel Sandoval

Santiago Barrera
Cartagena London

VEGAN: ​not ​eating​, using, or ​including​ any ​animal​ ​products

Ej. -a vegan ​diet

-She ​decided​ to ​turn​ vegan after ​watching​ a ​documentary​ about how ​poultry​ is ​raised
-​the vegan burger is the best

WISE:​having or ​showing​ the ​ability​ to make good ​judgments​, ​based​ on a ​deep​ ​understanding
and ​experience​ of ​life

Ej. -a wise ​leader

- I think we’ve made a wise choice
- ​he who is silent is wise

transparent:​ If a ​substance​ or ​material​ is transparent, you can ​see​ through it.

Ej. - my mom makes diamonds with transparent epoxy resin

-​ some lenses of my glasses are transparent
-​some people claim that the water is transparent in color

wholesome:​Wholesome ​food​ is good for your ​health

Ej. - ​fruits and vegetables are wholesome

- ​drinking water is wholesome for the human body
-exercising is wholesome and healthy for health

Vegetarian: ​relating to vegetarians or vegetarianism

Ej.-a several number of our population is becoming vegetarian more and more pear day
-A big part of my family is vegetarian right now
-my sister told me that she would like to vegetarian cause she loves animals

vegetarian-fed:​the animals used to produce the meat, dairy, or eggs were ​fed​ a
vegetarian​ diet with no animal products.
Ej-.​ ​Vegetarian Fed​ eggs are produced from hens
_Some national productors are thinking in change their to vegetarian fed
waste-reducing:​is the preferred approach to ​waste​ management because ​waste​ that
never gets created doesn't have ​waste​ management costs. An example of ​waste
reduction​ is ​reducing​ unnecessary packaging from manufactured products and

Ej: My little sister knows about our ecological problems she has to waste-reducing her products

_One store near my home change their way to think and right now they are wasting- reducing

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