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Have you ever been a victim of bullying?

bullying is an aggressive behaviour that tries to subdue another person by means of physical
aggressions such as hits,tripping,etc. or psychological abuse like harassment,threats,etc.
As a result it it can produce low self-steem ,extreme depression and in some cases
suicide.this article will talk about the characteristics of a bullier,kind of bullying and how you
can prevent it.

in the first place: bullier has some characterics.a bullier lacks empathy and concern for
others.for example the bullier is hitting and stealing his victim but in that moment he does
not think about his victim, in that moment he only thought about himself.
a bullier has a hot temper and it quickly becomes enraged for example someone tries to
speak with the bullier he feels intimidated by the other person and reacts in a bad way.they
don’t accept the suggestions of third persons. the bullier think only they are right in
conclusion if you find a person with this characteristics or something like it. might be a bullier

in the second place. bullying is divided to depends of the damages that it can produce. for
example physical bullying is presented when the bullier tries to subdue another person by
means of hits like fists,kicks,calvazos,etc.this kind of bullying produce in his victim scare and
self-consciousness.other is verbal bullying this kind of bullying is presented when the bullier
uses other ways to subdue his victim for example use verbal abuse,threats,bad comments
about your appearance etc. this kind of bullying produce in his victim low self-steem and
psychological damage and the last kind of bullying is cyberbullying. this is connected with
the technology.the bullier uses technology to send a bad messages or intimidate his victim
with information about selfhim.this kind of bullying will produce in his victim
self-consciousness,frustration and in some cases the conclusion bullying is
behaviour that is commun use to subdue his victim by means of this behaviours.the bullier
that he wins respect but this not is right.

in the third place bullying can be handled and corrected you can prevent the bullying in your
home or schools by means of this tips.first of all ​Stop the harassment before it starts you
need to speak with your children about bullying. this action will produce reflexion in the guy
about the topic.
A house free of bulliers: the Children imitate the forms of behavior adopted by their parents.
for example The family has problems and probably this includes an alcoholic father. and
maybe every day hit the boy's mother this can cause the boy to imitate the dominant attitude
of the father and maybe he will do the same in a necessary to avoid this kind of
violence into the family and the last tip is really important to pay attention with problems of
self-steem in some cases a children with self-esteem problems harass others to feel good
about themselves. in conclusion there are alot of kinds of bullying. The bullier has some
characteristics that can identify him and the bullying can stop with a good way of treatment

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