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I. Connecting Ideas
Good writers connect the ideas in their paragraphs. A
paragraph with connected idea is cohesive. It is clear
and easy to read.

II. Using And to connect words, phrases,

and sentences.
 And connects words and phrases that have the
same verb. There is no need to repeat the subject III. Using also to add information
or verb after and.
 When two successive sentences introduce similar
Examples: ideas, you can use the word also in the second
- Yara is studying English. Yara is
studying art.
 Also usually goes before the main verb in the
- Yara is studying English and art.
sentence, but it goes after the verb be.
- Yoshi likes reading. Yoshi likes
 Also is a very useful word, but it shouldn’t be
used too often. Never use it in two successive
sentences, and try to use it no more than twice in
- Yoshi likes reading and watching a paragraph.
Note: When it connects more than two items,
- Yara Haider likes Lebanon very much.
commas are used to separate them.
She also
likes the students in her school.
- I like Core English, Academic
- Janet is in my English class. She is
Writing, and
also in my
Cultural Studies.
music class.
 Sometimes and connects phrases that have
different verbs. There is no need to repeat the
subject after and.
IV. Using But and So to connect
- Yara Haider is 19. Yara is studying
 But connects two sentences with contrasting or
opposite idea.
- Yara Haider is 19 and plans to be a
fashion Examples:
- She thinks her English class is
- Yoshi works in the morning. Youshi
- She thinks the food in the cafeteria is
goes to
school at night.
+ She thinks her English class is
- Yoshi works in the morning and goes
excellent, but
She thinks the food in the cafeteria is
school at night.
 And also connects two sentences with similar
idea; the sentences can be positive or negative.  So connects a reason and a result (effect).
- My roommate is an art student. Her Reason Result (effect)
plays in a rock band. - They both like jazz, so they go to jazz
concerts together.
I. Combine the sentences together with II. Use a caret (^) to add also to the
and. second sentence.
1. I like my hat.
1. Vanna is good at English speaking. He is good at
I like neon yellow.
English writing.
2. My friend has good salary. He has a beautiful
2. My brother wears faded jean.
My brother wears athletic shoes. 3. Thida works hard. She takes care of her mom.
4. Vanna can swim. He can hold 2-minute breath.
5. Thida plays computer game. She likes listening
3. Some girls like short skirts.
to music.
Some girls like dark leggings.
Some girls like knee-high boots.
III. Connect the two simple sentences in
each pair with but and so.
4. Blue is my favorite color. 1. English uses sound symbols.
Yellow is my favorite color. Yellow is my favorite color.
Pink is my favorite color. _______________________________________
2. Chinese has many different dialects.
5. I can speak English. Chinese people cannot always understand each
I can understand English. other.
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
6. Russian is the third most spoken language. 3. Chinese is spoken by more people.
Spanish is the fourth. English is spoken in more countries.
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
7. My uncle has his own business. 4. International companies are growing.
He sells auto parts. They will soon need more bilingual workers.
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
8. A good boss has a sense of humor. 5. We want to go to Hawaii soon.
He / She is always fair. We need to save money.
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________________________________

Mr. Po Sam Eng

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