The Returning Nephilim in USA Tom Horn

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What Else Is "Behind the Veil in Washington DC?

" (Part 1)
Added: Oct 9th, 2007 7:19 AM

Part One; Sue Bradley Oct, 2007

"Let not the dead live, let not the giants rise again…" (Isaiah 26.14) The concept of
the existence of a bizarre race of giants, the Nephilim, being the progeny of actual
"fallen angels," and earthly women is considered to be a stretch of Genesis 6 by most
of mainstream Christianity.

This same concept has not however escaped contemporary mainstream culture which
appears to be on a spiritual quest and the Bible is not the exclusive source of unusual
documentation. With a torrent of recent fiction and non-fiction literature, television,
video games and movies, these nasty angels are hot – and not in a hellfire and
brimstone concept. They have "fathered" an entire meta-media frenzy focusing on the
blending of a trans dimensional spirit realm with our physical world, and the possible

These interests are finding expression in previously diverse but increasingly bizarre
cultures from the primal to the ultra-sophisticate. If art does indeed reflect life/culture,
then Americans is, progressive.

In April, 2007, The Washington Post featured the details of one of the newer
undertakings to celebrate American aesthetics and a ‘new’ tolerance of
‘enlightenment. In, "Grand Vision for National Harbor Takes Form," The Post article
begins with developer Milt Peterson who, "looks upon the artist renderings of National
Harbor with the critical eye of a general. It’s like nothing Washington has ever seen."

Page 1
Construction is progressing at the site located in Prince George’s County, Maryland,
just south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. The Washington Post describes "sail-
shaped banners" lining the Potomac waterfront and "Stonehenge-like boulders"
alternating with "larger-than-life bronze statues along the promenade leading to the
water." The project’s website expects that "entire community will be brought to life
throughout the year with festivals, music and more. Even National Harbor’s main
thoroughfare, American Way … is being designed as an homage to the American
experience." The centerpiece for the National Harbor had been a "carefully guarded
secret" until the Spring of 2007:

"The Awakening" is the one of eight sites under "Parks and Gardens" featured and
described on the US Senate's official webpage. Never seen it or heard of it? From a
fact sheet provided at the National Harbor’s website, "The Awakening" was created in
1980 as one of five hundred pieces for the 11th International Sculpture Conference
Exhibition. The five part sculpture gives the impression of a "panicked giant trying to
pull himself to the surface," with a "bearded face and a mouth in mid-scream,"
according to Wikipedia. At times, "the Potomac River floods the statue, adding to the
eeriness as the giant tries to escape the drowning waters."

The piece has been interred at Hains Point by the National Park Service for 27 years
and according to Paula Stoeke, director of the Sculpture Foundation which held title
and oversaw maintenance, ‘The Awakening’ "enjoyed a relationship with the
community and visitors to Washington over the years." According to a letter in which
sculptor Johnson wrote to Mr. Patterson, he has, "reviewed the plans made for the
location and I think it will be perfect . . . Charlie, as I understand he is now dubbed,
should be very happy in his new home."

Developer Patterson describes his vision: "They’ll be steps going down, and there’ll be
Charlie, on the beach." Other artwork commissioned for the Harbor’s landscape
includes statues of Benjamin Banneker, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
"We're putting something fabulous on the river that says it's special," he says. "It's
going to be POW! It's going to be explosive! We're going to change Washington."

If the National Harbor is to serve as a warm and fuzzy welcome and expression of
21st century "culture," many experts would suggest we are in big trouble. What may
appear to be evolutionary and spiritual ascent, may well be the summoning of horrific
ancient entities.
Employing the perspective of Biblical exegesis, both historic and prophetic, and
incorporating extensive collections of ancient and modern records and research, an
unusual synthesis emerges: could the ancient ‘mythical’ gods and giants actually have

Author, researcher and theologian Thomas Horn cites precedence and questions the
classical approach to these ‘lesser gods’ suggesting these ‘heroes of old’ were
actually a chimerical terrestrial presence. As radical as this position might appear,
Tom Horn is not alone. Documentation of significant ancient anthropogenic

Page 2
excavations are confirming the existence of "larger than life" civilizations characterized
by extraordinarily erudite intellect, exceptional physical capabilities and disquieting
spiritual acumen.

In increasing numbers researchers and scholars are challenging formalistic

education’s disregard of diffusionist history. They feel that academicians have
neglected significant evidence and been dismissive of any effort to examine or
authenticate an enormous volume of collaborative evidence. This posture eliminates
an enormous quantity of paleo and anthropologic evidence thus failing to adequately
address thousands of ‘mysterious’ sites, ‘legends’ and other vestiges of historic
importance. Predisposition repudiates serious scholarship and contaminates
subsequent examination.

Says Dr. Horn, "The book of Job may elucidate this idea when it says, "Dead things
are formed from under the waters. . . ." (Job 26.5). The dead in this text are Rephaim
and the phrase "are formed" is from "chuwl", meaning to twist or whirl as in a double
helix coil or genetic manufacturing."

We live in a philosophical and spiritual climate stimulated by seeds of conspiracy and

watered by revisionist history, a grand sweep from The DaVinci Code to ABC Family
Channel’s "Fallen," to the Mayan Calendar and 2012. There is a desperate need for
pragmatism and uniformity but always the underlying possibility of hip market
capitalization and purposeful disinformation. Can it be that by nourishing this cultural
beast and paying "homage" to the American experience we may be harboring
formidable - albeit whimsical - talismans? It is a seductive possibility.

In another curious "twist," an article recently published in The Cincinnati Post,

described the "intellectual shock waves" set off within our Age of Enlightenment
Founding Fathers when giant animal bones were discovered at Big Bone Lick in
northern Kentucky. Interestingly, there were also reports of enormous human bones at
the time.

According to the article, Dr. Brenda Hanke, the curator of Invertebrate Paleontology at
the Cincinnati Museum Center, had "always thought of Franklin and Jefferson as
political figures, not scientists with whom she shared a curiosity and passion to
understand the natural world. …. For her, the enduring lesson of Big Bone is the
"infectious curiosity" it created among the greatest minds in America. She believes the
site and its bones still have the power to inspire people, no matter what their age, to
"explore and follow our curiosities, even if we don't end up writing a Declaration of

President FD Roosevelt once said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident." Perhaps
President Woodrow Wilson was more insightful, "Some of the biggest men in the
United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are
afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so
subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not
speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Page 3
Sue Bradley is a freelance political writer and researcher. Material and articles have
been used in The International Jerusalem Post, The Electronic Telegraph, Jane’s
Intelligence Group, The EU Observer, Raiders News Update as well as private
subscription intelligence newsletters.

Information has been prepared and presentations provided for various US

organizations, including DHS, European and other International Governmental
agencies, for support documentation, group briefings and background information.

Page 4
"The Powers That Be," ARE and WERE : (Part 2)
Added: Oct 17th, 2007 6:16 AM

Sue Bradley Oct, 2007

"Only the small secrets need to be protected.

The large ones are kept secret by public
incredulity." Marshall McLuha

"…the ghosts of America's ancient past still

call out to the New World man…" Doug Elwell

To see where we are headed, we look to the

past. Familiar is the wisdom to learn from the
past, the admonitions to seek the patterns, to
make corrections thereby averting similar

For western civilization the accepted authority

has historically been The Bible.

It begins in Genesis, the root of which has come to herald the zenith and the nadir of
recorded civilization, the provenance of life itself.

The book of beginnings, Genesis could appropriately be described as, "A tale of two

Most westerners are the product of colorful creation ‘myths’ and fanciful flood and
Noah’ Ark ‘stories.’ A ‘serpent’ ‘beguiled’ a hapless Eve, convicted Adam and brought
a curse upon the entire creation: flora, fauna, humankind: Adam’s seed. This curse
was not limited to the new creation: The Creator of the universe pronounced a
peculiar judgment on the serpent, the nagash, the "shining one:"

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her
seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

In the Sunday school account, the chastised serpent, consigned to an epoch of belly
crawling before ultimate judgment slithers away, being permitted a period of
temporary access to the progeny of the Addams Family.

Overlooked by most is, in addition to the horrific affliction on the now contaminated
seed and bloodline of Adam, is an even more ghastly discovery: this ‘serpent’ has a
seed. A bloodline.

It is not an addition, it has been there all along and tucked within other familiar

Page 5
Over 800 year later, Daniel in captivity in Babylon would record a cryptic reference of
future kingdoms of the world. His description of Nebuchadnezzar’s multi-metal statue
would describe the increasing entropy of mankind, in sharp contrast to the humanistic
presentation of history. Intriguingly, the base of this monument is made of "miry-clay,"
with another reference to a "seed." But not the "seed of men:"

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,

they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men:

but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

Who then are ‘mingling themselves’ with the seed of men? Who are "they?"

Modern theological scholarship has largely dismissed what is the most compendious
strategy in the entire history of recorded thought: it defies our most horrific nightmare,
it shatters any predictable, deductive, syllogistic, philosophic logic. It challenges every
subatomic particle shreds every perceptible reality, It is pre-historic, it is ingenious, it
is profane and it is true.

The enigma of Genesis 6 has arrived. The predicted bloodline is here.

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that
they were fair;

and they took them wives of all which they chose…

"… There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,

the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Doug Elwell, researcher and publisher of Mysterious World explains:

"Genesis 6 contains a strange passage that has always been a source of discomfort
to biblical scholars, its inferences being restricted to hushed debate in informal circles,
and always outside the realm of scholarly discourse. In it is described something
totally out of the ordinary, a story of events and personages that to this day are denied
and denigrated by mainstream scholarship as misinterpretations of real events, or as
the writings of over imaginative zealots.

The subject of this strange passage is a group of beings known as the "sons of God",
who came down from heaven before the Flood (and afterwards) to mingle with
mankind: So, it was the interference of the fallen angels — also known as the
"Watchers" in The Book of Enoch — that brought about the violence and corruption of
the Earth that moved God to bring the Flood."

Page 6
In his book, GIANTS, Genesis 6, author and researcher Steve Quayle expands, "It
has, for the most part, been kept from the public. Proof of giants' existence - their
skeletal remains - has been quickly secreted away in obscure museums, when not
destroyed. Additionally, time has cloaked and sugar-coated these creatures' true
perverse nature, the majority too vile, too demonic for bedtime stories. However,
history is replete with their tales of unimaginable cruelty, sexual perversity,
cannibalism and pagan rituals."

So, what is the "missing" history? Is it valid? How far along is this phenomenon and
what really IS the agenda?

The Nephilim are a race of giants which populated the pre and post deluge world by
the manipulation of genetic material by the "Watchers," the "angels that sinned," and
human women, the "daughters of men," who became a race of entities characterized
by exceptional intellect, heteroclitical physical capabilities and preternatural spiritual

But it did not stop there. Publisher Tom Horn adds that the sin of these fallen entities
was not limited to humans. "The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua
10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, says, "After the fallen angels went into the daughters of
men, the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in
order to provoke the Lord."

This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that "animals" were included in
whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity
resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying
that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they "began to sin against
birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish.

"What if, by corrupting the species barrier in which each creature was to recreate after
its "own kind," Watchers had successfully mingled human-animal DNA and combined
the hereditary traits of different species into a single new mutation? An entirely new
being—Nephilim—might have suddenly possessed the combined intelligence and
instincts (seeing, hearing, smelling, reacting to the environment) of several life forms
and in ways unfamiliar to creation."

Will modern biotechnology resurrect Nephilim? Pastor and deliverance minister Russ
Dizdar believes they will. "These Nephilim led the way to massive human sacrifice and
cannibalism. They seduced fallen humanity and sought to be the rulers of a grid
mapped earth. When will we learn that deception always leads to destruction? We are
falling to the old repainted luciferian lie of spiritual evolution…The marks, ruins,
writings, objects, prophecies and 'spirituality' of the old Nephilim are all being
unearthed and, so are they.

"History, archeology, ancient scrolls, and the theology of the book of Enoch reveal a
flashing red light of warning to modern day humanity.

Page 7
New agers and alien huggers will be the first to fall… Christians should be ahead of
destiny with the preemptive prophecy and revelation of Scripture that the Spirit of God
poured out to us again and again. We need to study what the Scriptures reveal across
the board and drop the seed picker approach. The end has been foretold with

What those ancients were really like? Why do you think they were washed away by
the flood and buried? Why were those gates closed? Who sought to erase their
trinkets and why? That spirituality has shown itself many times in history. The old
ziggurats were and are. We’d better wake up and smell the poison.

The Internet has become an extraordinary source of instant ‘knowledge.’ The

staggering proliferation of esoteric websites attests to a tremendous spiritual hunger
and most disturbingly, many feature voluminous, recondite, and charismatic designs
to which few Christian sites can compare. This has become manifest in a remarkably
short period of time. This should sound an alarm. In Delphian fashion, radio talk
shows provide an engaging array of topics for a worldwide audience available now
through internet and satellite.

Pastor Dizdar characterizes this attraction as, "a moth into the light fascination with
the buried spirituality of the past. Its as if it were humanity’s birthday and someone is
about to scream SURPRISE!! The problem is, who is waiting behind the curtain? Who
will it be that jumps out and…..?"

But a society that celebrates decadence, taunts Providence, and recklessly fetes
ancient deities in the name of tolerance and joviality, disregards the lessons of history.

That the driving force is unrecognized and underestimated is certain. That it can be
fully comprehended by anyone is unlikely. What is not surprising is that Hollywood has
been scripting this for years, through carefully established incrementalism. Horror is
welcomed, enjoyed, celebrated and comfortable. Whether confined within a rectangle
for easy viewing or prepped for operative participation, there’s something for
everyone. A little dabble do-ya and dancing to the Mephisto waltz.

Steve Quayle elaborates, "This conditioning has filtered through the educational
system for centuries, so that today’s scientists, doctors, and historians are likewise
victims to it."

Professionals, both medical and religious are dreadfully unprepared, themselves both
victims and partakers. Within one year, Tom Brokaw’s "Greatest Generation" became
Peter Jennings’ "Problem Elderly," drugged zombies tied in wheelchairs in fluorescent
nursing ‘homes.’ Our national treasures are becoming buried treasures. Perhaps it is
a blessing that they cannot ‘see’ the Spirit hover and depart the Temple as did Ezekiel
over 2,500 years ago.

There have recently been some alarming glitches in the area of reproductive
microbiology. So where will the siren song of technological eminence lead?

Page 8
From Mesopotamia to Lebensborn and beyond. Beyond Mengeles, Himmler,
eugenics and cloning. We are seeing the preparation for the most advanced,
supernatural military system in the history of the world: empowered, enlarged,
enlightened, transmuted, with a raging insatiable and demonic agenda. And nothing
we are seeing now can prepare us for the next few years.

"We do not want another committee, we have too many already.

What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and
to lift us up out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a
man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him." - Paul-Henri Spaak, 1st
president of the United Nations General Assembly

Page 9
Weaponization and DNA -- the Subatomic Abyss:
Ezekiel’s Whirling Wheels, Dry Bones and Beyond Pt 3)
Added: Oct 23rd, 2007 7:53 AM

October, 2007

"Given what is happening in Babylon

[Iraq] and biotechnology today, we may
be witnessing the fulfillment of Bible
prophecy." Tom Horn

"Mankind’s worst nightmare, the sum of

all terrors is becoming reality." Steve

"And He will destroy in this mountain the

face of the covering cast over all people,
and the veil that is spread over all
nations." Isaiah 25:7

In a farewell speech to the nation in January, 1961, President D D Eisenhower

forwarded a charge to the nation, "In the councils of government, we must guard
against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power
exists and will persist."

President Eisenhower’s charge was given to a nation that in the span of two
generations had, for the first time in recorded history, ascended to an unprecedented
technological and scientific pinnacle.

The distancing of time will likely record that this same nation would succumb to the
most exquisitely conceived and precisely executed deception in the history of the
universe: and it was accomplished with complete foreknowledge and remarkable

The culture readers appear to have the script and reason would identify the author, so
then, the larger question is, "Who else can read it?"

Apparently, many. While much of western civilization suffers from acute spiritual
illiteracy, others are actively employing dark sentences from ancient scripts and
engaging in ceremonial communion with ancient entities, "Watchers."

In a remarkably comprehensive abstract written for the Koinonia Institute in Coeur

d’Alene, Idaho, microbiologist Wendy Whipple writes,

Page 10
"The story of man’s recorded history begins about 2700 BC, written on clay tablets in
the language of ancient Sumeria known as cuneiform. (Norton Anthology of World
Literature) What is recorded of the time before-- the shadowy period of man’s
beginnings—is labeled mythology

All peoples have mythological legends, addressing the desire to know, as genetic
anthropologist Spencer Wells put it, " Why do we look so different from each other,
and how did we come to inhabit such far-flung places?"

Most cultures have filled in the blanks with creation myths. Egyptian myth speaks of
the sun God Ra, who filled the seas with his saliva; Nigerian myth relates the tale of a
god who lets himself down on a chain and with the help of a hen, creates dry land,
vegetation, and other animals (although in some accounts the god is too drunk to fulfill
this duty so another god is sent instead). Chinese myth tells of a giant egg that
released a god (Pan Ku) whose hair became trees, sweat became rivers, and lice
became human beings; and Native American myth speaks of the world being created
by a frog bringing mud (in his mouth) to the back of a tortoise.

"Inexplicably, the "creation myth" most vilified in our day, though it contains a
remarkably scientific version of early events, is the one contained in the Hebrew
Scriptures. It has not always been so. For most of the past two thousand years both
popular culture and science alike had believed bolstered by Aristotle’s conviction that
the species were fixed, as well as a traditional Christian understanding of Genesis that
God created life."

"…these indigenous "first people " cultures is that they share a "quite characteristic
form of religion" not found in their surrounding cultures, which have decayed into
idolatry or animistic practices. They believe in a sky god, who alone rules the
heavens. The later cultures, as related by Paul in Romans 1:18-28, had degenerated
to polytheism, idolatry, animism, and fetishism. Among the primitive hunter-gatherer

"[In] June 5-7, 2007 with dates intentionally commemorating the 40-year anniversary
of the reunification of Jerusalem marking a rather astounding event in world history.
…this event "3000 years in the making," is also meant to honor the 4-year reign of
King David by gathering in Jerusalem all of his descendants.

Though 3000 years have passed since David held the throne of Eretz Israel, Jews
have revered him as the given progenitor of the coming Messiah and retained family
traditions of an ancestry from David or one of his sons.

The project provides detailed genealogical charts representing what is known about
David’s progeny before dispersal."

The potential of a sinister result may be driven by an unseen agenda driven by the
acquisition of power and obsessed with worship, a venomous seed sown in darkness
has been transfused through the pulse of history on sacrificial altars, in ritualistic

Page 11
circles and dark covens. Civilization has come full circle of Ezekiel’s whirling
mazzaroth, returning back to ancient Babylon, to rebellion and to violence, "as it was
in the days of Noah," filled with "chamas," violence.

Are these ancient war gods separated by time, geography, language, and culture
mustering as a result of hedonistic arrogance or is the enormity of the coming ritual so
shockingly consuming, so anticipated and so cataclysmic that the anticipation
exceeds the achievement?

Pastor Russ Diznar gives insight, "Iraq is a hot bed of old, very powerful demonic,
territorial and nephilim presence. The battle, chaos and terror inside Iraq is a deep
spiritual one. The ground was claimed long ago by the dark ones.

"When Satan was thrown out, where did he land? Some feel it was in that area. That
area is a seat [and] throne of dark, manifest presence."

A curious piece of text from the 5th century BC permits focus:

I am Dariush, the great king, the king of kings The king of many countries and many
peoples The king of this expansive land, the son of Wishtasp Achamenia
Persian, the son of a Persian, 'Aryan', from the Aryan race

Dariush's scripture in Naqshe-e-Rostam

Is it possible that the root of current conflict is so obvious? Two cultures at the apex of
technological sophistication resolute and sharing a parallel bridge, side by side.

Elegant in simplicity. Ancient and modern.

Whippel continues, "…proceeding at a furious pace through genetic genealogy

services such as Family Tree DNA, government sponsored ethnography research and
national geographic ethnography projects, and family- driven research projects like
The David Dynasty reunion, is that the antichrist will be someone who emerges with
the messianic marker, and presents it (falsely) as proof of his right to claim David’s

As unlikely as this may now seem, the credibility of this scenario increases day by

Genetic claims to the throne would have been impossible just ten years ago, and a
geopolitical situation that could fuel widespread acceptance of such a candidate would
have seemed equally unlikely.

Today, it would seem any individual that could achieve peace Israel between and the
Moslem nations would be a global hero, and if that individual could prove Jewish
ancestry, it is conceivable that the nation of Israel, with a high percentage of secular
Jews anyway, could embrace him as the Messiah of promise."

Page 12
Given the modern climate of technical frenzy, there is a potential for misuse…as well
as "dis-use." Will programs such as this actually "create" such a being? Or could
legions of spawn of this dark Mesopotamian presence be coalesced for the final
chaotic coup before their prophesied woeful demise.

These seeds, these bloodlines, these dark forces have been planted with supernatural
watchfulness and secreted through generational conduits, preserved, mutated,
modified. Isaiah’s veiled nations are about to reveal what may be history’s most
diabolical and catastrophic cover up: Lebensborn.

A twentieth century horror story and described as a "child welfare program," the
"Fount of Life" was initiated by Heimlich Himmler to develop and maintain the 1,000
year reign of the master race. The children committed to Lebensborn are now entering
their sixties, and they stand as a living evidence that dark forces are very real, and
worse, very current.

Bred to breed with selected pedigrees this, generation represented the "first
generation" of a "new generation," the "glory" of the Forth Reich. But the altar of
science has found a comfortable and protected harbor in the towers of clinical test
tubes. "What if" an alternate agenda has been hidden and "what if" this "manifesto"
never ended and has been continued?

Historically, scientific acumen has been introduced by an "enlightened" few often with
radical and ‘progressive’ perceptivity, and "invisible college." This thought is then
developed, disbursed and assimilated by the masses. And then repeated in a subtle,
cloaked and patient increments. Knowledge, "gnosis," has unquestionably been used
for good, but history is replete with evidence of its use for evil.

A tree in a garden. The knowledge of good and evil, introduced and presented as
"enhancing," was invited by man, accepted by man: then the poisonous, venomous
fruit was unleashed.

Brave watchmen are warning: "Genesis 6 reveals that the judgment of the flood was
not just human corruption but included human transmutation of the most perverse
kind. The creatures were the incarnation of human demon spawn that led the way for
the annihilation of real humanity....... .and thus sought to remove the doorway for the
incarnation of the coming of the Redeemer. God knew how to close that satanic
agenda stargates then, He also knows how to close it forever. We were warned that
they would come again. Are they here now? Well of course."

Ezekiel’s dry bones are rising. When will this harvest of dark tares of pride, no longer
indistinguishable from the holy wheat which gracefully bows, fully emerge? Is it hidden
in Gog?

Page 13
The Rage of Angels, The Wrath of God: DC? Pt 4
Added: Oct 30th, 2007 6:45 AM

"A terrifying future thunders toward

mankind …. so abhorrent as to almost
defy imagination."

-- Steve Quayle

"Men's hearts failing them for fear, and

for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of
heaven shall be shaken." -- .Luke

There are, in every political

administration, distinguishing charact-
eristics which, upon examination, can
include specific policies and decisions which set the course for future events and quite
often reveal the derivation of prior judgment. Unfortunately, this recognition often
comes too late, if at all.

The rise and fall of political powers is directly related to the dominant spiritual climate
of a culture and at times can be detected only through the lens of history. That the
United States has been the recipient of the choicest bounty of heaven is difficult to
refute. That these benefits are a result of the spiritual pulse of the people rather than
its officials, excepting the truly representative, may be initially tenuous but is quite
easily authenticated.

Recognition must be given to Tom Horn for an extraordinary observation. The

presentation of his Trilogy, "The Rise of the Angelic Rule, Behind the Veil in
Washington DC" prompted well deserved commendation but left those who
understood the deeper implications speechless.

How on earth could references to angels, whirlwinds, fire and minds NOT be
patriotically inspiring. "America," benefactor of brotherhood, harbor for humanity. Who
could possibly find fault with that? Tom Horn.

The homework had been done for us, the foundation laid. Dr. Horn had found a
Rosetta Stone of sorts, studied it and started along a path very few – if any – could
have imagined. He’d peered behind the veil through the darkness which encroaches
our planet, and outlined a shrouded but calculated dialectic at work.

Says Dr. Horn, "It is within an unseen arena of malevolent rulers that some men are
organized. Under dark influence, they become orchestrated within a great evil system
- or empire - described in various passages as a satanic order."

Page 14
Has there been anything else? The ambiguous diversions surrounding the
globalization issues have, for any number of reasons, been the cause of great
concern to many. The politics are an issue unto themselves. There IS however a more
insidious concern not limited to a specific administration but rather reflective of an
overall spiritual anemia at an individual and national level.

Western civilization has, by all standards, undergone enormous spiritual and moral
decline. Years ago substitution of technologic progress could have, in some measure,
justified the off course divergence. But spiritual laws, as with natural laws, are fixed. A
void must eventually be filled. At the highest order of governance it reduces to an
"either – or." A black or white, a good or bad, a holy or profane. Today’s morality
appears to be shrouded in shades of gray.

If there was a singular occasion apart from the dark Inaugural addresses, that is
cause for concern, it would be a political photo-op on March 30, 2006. Putting the
bureaucratic elements of the event aside, the locale was the sacrificial Temple of
Kukulkan, the most significant ceremonial structure at Chitzen Itza in the Yucatan,
Mexico. Standing on the ninety-one steps at the ancient Maya temple of the
Feathered Serpent were Mexican President, Vincente Fox, US President, George
Bush, and Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.

Mayan scholars Linda Schele and David Freidel explain, "To the Maya, the world was
alive and imbued with a sacredness that was especially concentrated at special
points, like caves and mountains. The principal pattern of power points had been
established by the gods when the cosmos was created.

"So powerful were the effects of these rituals that the objects, people, buildings, and
places in the landscape in which the supernatural materialized accumulated energy
and became more sacred with repeated use.

"The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs, was built by kings
on the same spot and, over centuries, the sanctums within them became ever more
sacred. The devotion and ecstasy of successive divine kings sacrificing within those
sanctums rendered the membrane between this world and the Otherworld ever more
thin and pliable. The ancestors and the gods passed through such portals into the
living monarch with increasing facility."

Though the majority of the American populace has become hardened to the violence,
horror and barbarism of early civilizations, most would, even now find it perversely
abnormal to pose for recreational photos in a cemetery.
And so our leaders celebrate progress on the steps of ancient and hideously bloody
haunts. Logic would suggest heightened repugnance for ritualistic bloodlust but most
continue to be naively vulnerable to the pernicious dangers within the spiritual realm.

Cult Investigator, Pastor Russ Dizdar explains, "Many seem to want the 'spirituality' of
the ancients that honors the Mayans and those like them. That spirituality has shown
itself many times in history…."

Page 15
These descriptions seem to confirm earlier concerns and impute disturbing innuendos
given the proclivity of historic indicators. The world’s ancient ritualistic altars have a
commonality of purpose: to facilitate the engagement with unseen entities and secure
their ‘benevolent’ indulgence. If, as Franklin Roosevelt suggests, "In politics, nothing
happens by accident," why would the three leaders of North America choose an
ancient sacrificial landmark for a demonstration of unity?

The use of subtle signals of communication is typically reserved for elitist associates,
generational savants following in the footsteps of ancient enlightenment with esoteric
language, daring us to understand. The sins of the father visited upon us, a rule by
cipher that we never take the time to see.

"The objectives of the occult masters and the very real forces they serve is overlooked
by average citizens, yet according to sacred texts a collaboration exists between such
unregenerate social architects and fallen angels," continues Horn. "If the electorate
becomes bewitched of this truth, humans in league with demons can increase their
control of the machine of municipal government through sophisticated networks of
both visible and invisible principalities. This happens subconsciously or intentionally
among those vulnerable to the sinister dark plan."

Skeptics could develop acceptable explanations that could qualify for "reasonable"
doubt for speeches and photos. Misunderstood application, multiple writers, deliberate
and enigmatic philosophical ‘media speak.’ Appropriately vague. And a photo shoot at
a popular meso American tourist destination: accommodating three cultures,
representative of continental unity and a common history.

There is however one prototype in Tom Horn’s Trilogy which is alarmingly formidable,
the abundantly familiar watchword which embraces all of the characteristics of
shibboleth: Novus Ordo Seclorum. "New World Order." Old news. Overdone.
"National Treasure." Too familiar. Really?

The term "Novus Ordo Seclorum," A New Order of the Ages, was adapted by Charles
Thomson in 1782 who, while designing the Great Seal of the United States, was
inspired by a line in Virgil’s Ecologue IV from the first century:

Now the last age by Cumae’ Sibyl has come and gone,
And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew:
Justice returns, old Saturn’s reign With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.

On do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom

The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,
Befriend him, chaste Lucina: ‘this thine own Apollo reigns….

He shall receive the life of gods,

And see Heroes and gods commingling,
And himself be seen of them, And with his father’s worth.

Page 16
How did a phrase from a cryptic poem written by a classical first century Roman poet
find its way to the reverse side of the most vaulted symbol of twentieth century, the
United States dollar bill? More importantly, just what is the significance of this cryptic
poem and why didn’t we learn this in high school?

Tom Horn explains, "According to the Sibyl, the New Order of the Ages occurs when a
special "son" is born on earth, a new messiah who comes of "a new breed of men
sent down from heaven" when "heroes" and "gods" are blended together. This sounds
eerily similar to what the Watchers did during the creation of Nephilim, to what
scientists are doing this century through the creation of transgenic human-animal
chimeras, and to what the Bible actually describes as the Antichrist being the "son" of
perdition" 2 Th 2:3, Apoleia, from which we make Apollyon, the demon destroyer.
Note the similarity of the names Apollo and Apollyon."

With the rise of the American century came the rise of the "almighty" dollar. With the
possession of these dollars, the more the better, came the power, a magical talisman.
Few noticed its peculiar dressing, fewer still questioned.

But for those who view world events within a greater spiritual arrangement, physical
manifestation follows the spiritual, national transgressions result in corporal
punishments, particularly when the citizenry is somnambulant or at least superficially
involved. "Righteousness exalts a nation." says Pastor Dizdar. "One cannot live in
total mockery of God and then say, ‘God bless us.’ Whether action is overt or covert,
at the level of occult warfare there is a continual and perpetual working of rituals
across the US."

Is it possible that hidden forces are rising to an apex of spiritual battle "rendering the
membrane" between this world and the "Otherworld," being summoned by a
generation once concerned with truth? Will a society which defies logic and finds
charm, focus and cultural "identity" in the arms of a "panicked giant" awakening in a
harbor beckon a far larger and darker spectre which is very real and just behind the
visible reality.

Daniel’s giant statue is making a startling comeback: the commingled brass becomes
dualistic iron and then to rusty, dusty toes….the bronze age has passed, the age of
iron wanes and the world is awakening to a new age. A golden dawn? As western
cultures court dark giants, commingle DNA, taunt antediluvian gods and apotheosize
talismatic currency, Egypt’s hybrid god of the underworld, Anubis floats along the
Thames and watches.

Will creatures spawned by ancient seed be reconstructed and unleashed in a single

ionizing and diabolical event?

Page 17
What Else is Behind the Veil In Washington DC? Part 5
Added: Jan 29th, 2008 8:43 AM

THE RISE AND DEMISE OF ROME II Tribute or Testament?

If anything can be said of the 'natural’

anomalies which are besieging the United
States at breakneck speed, it can rather
safely be asserted that this once vigilant,
brave, noble and moral bastion has just about
arrived at the nadir: there simply cannot be a
remedy by man’s yardstick: we are too far
along for such a solution. It would take an
event on the scale of Jonah and Ninevah to
withhold the coming righteous judgment. and
is quite difficult to imagine our current
‘representative' electorate taking to the
streets dressed in sackcloth and ashes while
pleading openly and ‘confessing’ national
political alliances and personal sin, if we are
even to be deemed salvageable.

Once again, and interestingly enough, pop

authors engage the Hollywood establishment
to produce fantasy and reality products for
just about conceivable appetite on planet
earth with just enough seed to provoke
moderately activity and experimentation.

No audience, young or old, is spared overt

subliminally induced trespasses, and the
“We’ve come a long way, Baby” liberation.

As the audience aged, the entertainment sector followed, delivering seemingly

innocuous themes for the romantics and increasingly bizarre sci-fi tech drama for the
“little boys” who now, are all grown up, still love their toys of power and prowess - but -
from the comfort of a theater or vinyl recliners. Designed as a tribute or testament to
the American Culture, there is a recurrent trend toward Lovecraft mysticism and
Alistair Crowley’s magik which is mingling with real life.

Mention these synchronicities to the general public and you‘ll most likely find yourself
on the receiving end of a tin beanie, but a discussion with even casual followers of
new age materials will likely draw far more engaging and competent conversation.
Does this incongruity not trouble anyone? Enter the good shepherds of the hive
mindset flocks to calm and reassure members that “no situation is beyond God”
(correct), and if you can work through your discomforts,” the overworked and crises

Page 18
fatigued staffers at FEMA *will* arrive shortly - just as soon as the inspection of the
underground bases on Mars and are up and running again.

There is little doubt that the United States is preparing for major conflicts and
casualties on home soil. That is the purpose of record for justification of the
establishment of The Department of Homeland Security, was it not? Bio/Chemical
attacks, explosive machinations, pandemics, food shortages, gas prices, financial
crises, global discontent and general malice is becoming one of the largest
instructional and provisional entrepreneurial endeavors and service industries in the

In October of 2007, Alessandra Stanley published a report in the New York Times
questioning the reasoning that so many television shows and broadcasts seemed to
“prey on the paranormal.” In her article, “A Person Could Develop a Habit for the
Occult,” Ms. Stanley fictionally ‘speculated’ that network executives might just have a
greater than average appetite for the macabre, suggesting “those neatly groomed
suits” might just “suck the blood of Nielsen pollsters, while turning viewers into

Perhaps Ms. Alessandra speculation is more prescient than even she realized: a
considerable body of evidence validates the reality of the very real and distinctive
craving, and addictive properties in human blood. But despite the twenty four/seven
“breaking news” coverage and interruptions preceded by haunting siren alerts, most
citizens of the US choose to lose. In results provided by, less than
54% of United States citizens have actually taken the time, foresight and effort to
provide for their families and as a result, this ‘programmed’ behavior facilitated by the
“remote controls’ of our lives, hypnotically continues with what one author identifies as
“The Tranceformation of America.”

Very recently, several movies have been released in the thematic of horror. To this, it
might be prudent to recognize the uncanny accuracy and attention to detail of which
the entertainment sector is strangely aware and increasingly willing to disseminate.

In October of 2007, Alessandra Stanley published a report in the New York Times
which questioned the reasoning that so many television shows and broadcasts
seemed to “prey on the paranormal.” In her article, “A Person Could Develop a Habit
for the Occult,” Ms. Stanley fictionally ‘speculated’ that network executives might just
have a greater than average appetite for the macabre, suggesting “those neatly
groomed suits” might just “suck the blood of Nielsen pollsters, while turning viewers
into zombie

Pastor Russ Dizdar of, a Biblically emboldened cult ministry is

fully aware of the reality of this grotesque phenomenon with an almost opioid effect.

These endogenous elements originate from within an organism or cell. Intriguingly,

endgenous retrovirus are a result of both ancient and often latent infections.

Page 19
Not surprisingly, with the level of DNA exploration, analysis and experimentation
researchers are finding that these provirus are actually harbored and remain in the
human genome for several generations.

These elements released from a victim of ritualistic sacrifice exhibit higher than
normal numbers and potency of endorphins and can and do enhance the
effectiveness and desirability of those with inclinations of ritualism, with one specific
goal of obtaining a singularly unique and contemptibly incomparable metaphysical

Pastor Dizdar cites Frances Shaffer’s early 1990’s assessment of practicing covens
within the United States as over 100, 000. In the event that some may find this
number quite inflated, reduce it by 90%: 10,000. These modifications lessen the
number greatly but continue to alarm. Further reductions to 10%, a very real and for
some a more realistic gauge, puts the figure at over 1,000 in the United States alone.
Math done: 50 states = 20 per state, an imposing number by any measure. Those with
an appetite for this draconian cruor are becoming increasingly confident and their
numbers are increasing with alarming frequency.

Students and teachers alike learn history, ancient and modern from classical texts.
That these indeed promote enormous amounts of validating history, they also leave
enormous gaps particularly in the areas of paleo genetics and anthropology. The
Darwinian model as a convenient solution for development places weighty evidence of
the strength of the adaptation of genetics these sectors. While there are substantial
problems with this model relative to time and evidence, it is has been generally
accepted by academia as evidence of the “Ascent of Man.” Grants provide funding for
top shelf credentialed investigators who can provide just enough deterministic
authenticity to satisfy the requisite parameters.

With the advent of the Internet there has been an exponential increase in diffusionist
science which has recently been examining other concepts using similar methods but
often achieving conflicting and contradicting results: rather than seeing an “assent of
man,” these scientists promote the physics of entropy and contend that man is indeed
changing, but not for the better.

As evidence, the complexity of quaternion mathematics is explored with the outcome

shattering conventional theory. This prototype allows for popular development but
denies eventual perfection (i.e. the ultimate Achilles heel of Darwinism, mortality) on
the basis of science alone and neither eliminates nor advocates the actuality of a
supreme Creator God.

Rather than reliance on archeological and geologic evidence, this prototypical

representation incorporates ancient tablets, texts, artwork and verbal history for
cohesion, enhancing the overall hypothesis, consolidating ancient theory and the
records and thereby integrating the ancient with the modern. How novel this is. Why
did it take so long?

Page 20
Understanding within this paradigm has a unique effect on the science and
interpretation of history: if man is indeed a remnant of entropy, architectural and
textual variances, the difficulties of the complexities of various monumental structures
throughout the world are significantly validated by the presence now abandoned ruins
of ancient and prior cultures.

And how does this impact contemporary societal preferences?

By revisiting a soon to be opened development in Maryland, The National Harbor has

acquired a struggling “panicked giant” attempting resurrection, in a partially
submerged sculpture named appropriately enough, “The Awakening;” “Stonehenge
Style" boulders are to be flanking promenades, and the Harbor’s “welcoming
sculpture,” a “stylized version” of the Statue of Liberty greets enthusiastic crowds for a
celebration of “America’s diverse, modern and tolerant culture”.

A Buffalo News article featured on January 28, 2008 provides provocative

explanation. Described as a “startling statue,” the story begins, “Relax, earthlings. The
startling 62-foot-high mass of jagged, twisted, rusted steel jutting from the ground near
the Aurora Expressway’s Maple Street exit might resemble a menacing “Star Wars”
spacecraft, but it’s no threat to humankind.”

“A menacing “Star Wars” spacecraft….”?

While “Lady Liberty” herself is a monument shrouded in achromatic nuances, the

design is reasonably forthright. However, a quiet pursuit for the exceptionally haunting
and anomalous appears to enshroud the National Harbor project.

We have a nation spinning out of control, having abandoned conventional artistic

workmanship with some haunting directives in federal law less than a year ago with
specific mention of plans for the Continuity of Government in the event of a
“decapitating attack” on the homeland.

Do these convergences bear any relation to one another? Do they even bother
anyone? Even a bit? At all?

FEMA has directives in place for handling cannibalistic scenarios.. Just what do “they”

Yes, there IS a war on terror taking place, and the 21st century appears to straddle
the definition. The weapons of choice are not atomic, or by any means conventional.
Trans dimensional in nature, blood addicted and entirely trained enhanced, armed
and prepared, this clandestine concealed battle brigade is prepared to act on a
minute’s notice. Can the governments of the world withhold the spiritual for much
longer? It is doubtful. Anyway one slices it, the card game “War” appropriately
designates “21” as the “winner.”

Page 21
Many of course know the end from the
beginning and have taken moderate
measures for ‘mainstream’ news events..
Unfortunately, those oblivious to the real
war are destined to oblivion, but hopefully
not with an invitation to dinner.

In the interior of the New York Liberty

pedestal contains a bronze plaque
inscribed with the poem "The New
Colossus" by Emma Lazarus. It has never
been engraved on the exterior of the
pedestal, but the familiar words ring
familiar to most Americans:

With silent lips" Give me your tired, your

poor, Your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free, The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore. Send these, the homeless,
tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside
the golden door!"

It is difficult to imagine just what might appear on the base of the “twisted, rusted
steel” at the base of “Lady Liberty’s alter. Less difficult to misinterpret but significantly
more ominous is the release timing of the film, CLOVERFIELD which features the
Statue of the Lady in New York harbor…headless and decapitated. It is curious as
well that the recent approval of HSD51 and PDD 20 speak specifically of a possible
“decapitating event” in the United States.

Referenced Research Material:

Russ Dizdar, Pastor, Author, Cult Crime Investigator and Counselor

"The Black Awakening,"

Page 22
The National Harbor, Mingled Seed and DNA Part 6:
Added: Feb 10th, 2008 9:19 AM

The National Harbor, Mingled Seed and DNA Sue Bradley

“This place changes everything.” A memorable catchphrase for a memorable new


The draw of an elegant website is always enjoyable, and the official Website for The
National Harbor is one of them. Animated renditions of completed projects - in both
daylight and evening activities, is enormously alluring, practically demanding further

The side column contains links for other unique features of the development due to
open in April of this year, 2008. Of note is the last link on the left column, an
explanation about an unusual sculpture, “The Awakening.” Though seen at the main
page as an overview, “The Awakening” does, if by name only, suggest something
fascinating to anticipate: perhaps the dawning of a new era? The beginning of
something? Just follow the links.

(please see, “The Awakening Moves to National Harbor“)

While interested in seeing the placement of the controversial mega sculpture, “The
Awakening,“ it seemed rather anticlimactic to see a photograph of the National Mall
with the towering obelisk of the Washington Monument being mirrored in the reflecting
pool. The Washington Monument is a reasonable choice albeit a bit curious given the
theme of the Development.

“And the veil in the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom.” Mark 15 : 38

In 1952 Eric Voegelin coined the phrase, “Immanentization of the Eschaton, which
essentially assures mankind that he is in every manner continually and constantly
approaching a utopian ‘singularity,’ a quantum cosmic psychic shift. We are being
prepared for the next “event?” An increase in frequency of natural, physical and
spiritual events being the hallmarks of the corrosion and decline which are not only
being masterfully orchestrated but with an incredibly organized power waiting in the

Phillip and Paul Collins (about the only two people who can actually slip this aphorism
from their tongues with ease), do an excellent job in applying this to 20-21st century

Page 23
Tracing the increasing tendencies for substitution of nominal Judeo-Christian values
to the far earlier period of Europe’s subtle abandonment of orthodox Christianity when
knowledge and science became the “keys” to human acquisition and effectuation ergo
eliminating the onerous and superfluous necessity of an external liberator of souls.

The logic of course continues until man himself sees himself in a deistic role: “god
within.” “Ye shall be as gods.”

However, by the discreet introduction of deism as being nearly synonymous with

Christianity, a platform for the synergistic intent had been effectively established.
Adroitly and incrementally, Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” using the Age of Reason
and Enlightenment was at first patiently cultivating a homologous familiarity before a
final eradication of the concept of a Creator God who, though self-propitiation,
reconciled humankind to a Holy God.

And now the majority of western civilization, and the United States in particular are
contending with accompanying implications of ‘rule by managed media.” As pathetic
as this is, a danger by far more sinister, foreboding and pernicious opponent has been
cultivated for release.

Out with the Old, In with the New:


It can no longer be realistically argued that humans have not dramatically transformed
the face of the planet. But now scientists propose that humankind has so altered the
Earth that that we have brought about an end to one epoch and entered a new age.
They suggest humans have so changed the Earth that it’s time the Holocene epoch
was officially ended.

The new epoch of Earth’s history is being called the Anthropocene, meaning “man
made.“ Geologists from the University of Leicester, Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark
Williams, and their colleagues on the Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological
Society of London say that humankind has entered a phase where we are so rapidly
transforming the planet that a new era has started. Duke University soil scientist
Daniel Richter agrees. He says the dirt under our feet is being so changed by humans
that it is now appropriate to call this epoch the Anthropocene Age.

From a classical anthropologic perspective the reasoning is sound, the logic

adequate, and actually rather unexceptional…but that is in the a “classical” context.
Throughout this period, mankind’s ‘ascent’ has been documented and rather
continuous with occasional lapses of quiescence.

Nobel Prize winning chemist Paul Crutzen had suggested in 2000 that the earth was
leaving the Holocene or Recent Epoch which began c. 11,000 years when warming
climates sculpted a new surface with receding ice formations and mass migration of

Page 24
It was also, according to traditional geo-anthropologists, a time when human culture
developed from the primitive to the complex, a phenomenon still heavily debated
within the formal scientific environment.

The Holocene Epoch has also been credited with the genesis of both micro and
macro: a fascination with the smallest of quarks as well as the teeming heavens. It
has also seen an unprecedented seduction, often being used with nothing more than
a celebration of whimsical “frivolity,” ignorant bliss, and a dangerously shallow
understanding of a very, very real cloaked agenda.

It could quite easily be said that while these scientists, trained in hallowed halls of
academia, just might have had an easier time sorting through the cultural archaeology
in a manner similar to author and publisher Tom Horn. His first books, THE GODS
WHO WALK AMONG US,“ and “THE INVISIBLE INVASION” could well have saved
hours of tedious research simply by acknowledging and understanding the very real
spiritual epochs of Earth’s past….as they can again provide intense insight for today if
preservation for future generations is indeed the intent.

This was also a time when the bene ha-elohim, the “sons of god” of Genesis 6
descended from Mount Hermon which led to the producing of the culturally prominent
Nephilim and Raphaim which eventually drew the entire planet into violence.
Interestingly, the Hebrew used in Genesis 6 speaks of such violence as “chamac,”
known today as “Hamas,” the spreading of which led to the eventual global flood.
Those of whom we once believed were so primitive throughout ancient societies were,
in actuality, quite technologically sophisticated if not superior.

Millennia later, while spending several years in the North American Southwest, D.H.
Lawrence penned a story about a mystical movement to revive and restore the cult of
the ancient Meso-American god, Quetzalcoatl the “Feathered Serpent” god
representing all things revolutionary: religious resurrection, political and social.

Known as the god of creation and giver of life, Quetzacoatl means “quetzal bird
snake, or “serpent with feathers.”

Responsible for the small matter of creating the cosmos as well as the giver of maize,
his contemporary ’rival’ was Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness and temptation who
ultimately forced Quetzacoatl into exile after renewing the world during various cycles.

Curiously, legend attributes Quetzalcoatl to creating life on earth during the fifth cycle
by going to the underworld to gather seeds from the bones of those who had lived in
earlier epochs. These bones were believed to be seeds: “BONES, BONES, BONES:
increase the human population by dipping these “BONE SEEDS” in blood, enclosed
within, the marrow and DNA, the very code of life.

Page 25
How contemporary these “myths” and “legends” become as we, standing on the
genetic high ground of history in the 21st century, find ancient mythology being woven
into neoteric science.

How opportune to have so many skeletons of ancient super humans designated as

folklore and figment.

This concept easily evokes another obvious ambiguity: for all of the available
technologies, advancements, diagnostics these same benefits have and will continue
to be tragically and repeatedly misused until a Creator will accept no more. The result
is judgment, and judgment always begins in the House of God.

Linguistics has always played a very strong role in the translations of text and other
‘markers’ of historical record. Fascinating linguistic structure is not limited to tablets,
scrolls, or other “writing” materials. Generations and civilizations are understood
through their oral traditions, their monuments, and most interesting of all, their ruins.
These priceless texts of time.

But what actually defines a culture?

Specifically, we have recently reviewed specific elements of a nearly completed

project being undertaken near the very the heart of the Capital of the United States. At
the new National Harbor is interred a five piece giant sculpture and most recently
there have been news releases regarding illustration:

A hallmark of the development was the acquisition of a sculpture of a giant, previously

interred at Haines Point in Washington, DC. For some it is a bizarre sculpture, for
others a fantasy for frivolity.

Recently another sculpture designed by Albert Haley is a “stylized” version of the

Statue of Liberty” to become the Harbor’s “Welcoming Sculpture.” Once again we are
confronted with differing conceptual artistic translations. Certainly not void of
controversy but perhaps a hint of something a bit more pernicious?

“If,” as art historian Marvin Trachtenberg writes, “monuments are something generally
shared by a group or even an entire society...a way to transmit communal emotions,"
the spiritual undercurrent of the United States sends rather disassociated and anemic
signals. A significant number of recent pieces appear to be suggestive of
disorganization and levels exteriorization represented by rust and decay and of
anticipative abundance juxtaposed by public display artwork which are often quite
reflective of degeneration and entropy rather than a herald of future prosperity and

Could the days of New York Harbor’s Lady Liberty be coming to a comparatively
abrupt end? Currently, a popular movie features a headless “Liberty” standing in the

Page 26
As disturbing as this thought might be, is there more? Is the ‘new’ “stylized” Liberty,
clearly in well advanced decay, representative of a weakening and disintegration of
society or even a suggestion of a far darker intent?

Of interesting note, the word “tsunami” is from the Japanese, “safe harbor.” As we
daily monitor the uncertainties of life, a plea should be made for the United States as
well as her ‘National Harbor:” both are in great need of spiritual intervention. Will
future generations even recognize the nobility of a once great Republic and witness
as the beautiful treasures and wonders of a balanced and productive society?

Washington DC, by no means at a loss for fascinating and prodigious architecture,

contains a number of unsettling oddities: the ones few choose to investigate.

The “Statue of Freedom” whose bronze figure sits high atop the United States Capitol
Building wears a head dress cap of a bird, feathers and stars, a sharp contrast from
“Liberty Shining Her Light on the World” from the New York Harbor.

The bird, feathers and unusual neo-classical garb serve as a strange similarities of the
headgear and garb in recent releases such as Apocalyptco by Mel Gibson, and both
prompt a striking resemblance to the Mayan god, Quetzacoatl scheduled for a
December, 2012 return to Chitzen Itza.

To what then are we to understand about these curious unusual displays at some of
the most public and conspicuous sites of the United States? Have these metal an
stone symbols become so much of the culture of the United States that our entire
history needs rewriting to explain what most have always ‘believed’ to be “Christian”
but are in actuality the characterizations and through extension ‘designs’ for the
United States?

Are we truly the nation under the “Most High God” rather than that a usurper god who
has patiently, thoroughly and above all with enormous efficiency organized such a
ghastly and villainous deceit, each step daring us to comprehend such a hideous
strategy? Becoming bolder in exposition, provoking a disparity of interpretation in
‘works’ of history: a comment on a ruined society which succumbed to dark and
ancient spiritual mysticism or rather a ‘serene’ beauty in the ‘elegance’ of these
accursed altars where living humans were rapaciously consecrated for the anticipation
gratuitously facilitating favor through abhorrent spectres?

As this hidden and enigmatic power of lawlessness in its supernatural presence which
seeks to undermine the effectiveness of the church by depleting its power through
integrating and redefining the actual Gospel, thus rendering it ineffectual, this success
of the strategy has resulted in millennia of erosion of power, actually a transfer of sorts
to a lucifierian design.

The Church of Laodicea, with a spiritual anemia is so closely representative of our

churches today permitted a legacy allowing for the greater implementation of dark
luciferian activity which seduces nations, bloodlines, generations.

Page 27
Anemia of course speaks of lack of strength in the blood. How can one exercise the
power of Christ without strong knowledge of both the enemy and the implements of

Eventually the church will fulfill its mission: to exercise the authority of Christ, but even
now we are in an unprecedented time of false teachers, false prophets and false

A curious element of the grotesque pleasure is released through arrogance and

audacity: menacingly daring and ghastly tempting:

Becoming increasingly manifest today tauntingly finding a grotesque pleasure in

arrogance and effrontery/ They know not when but they know that the time is close,
and are prepared to move at an exact moment: a kundalini energetic cue and call for

As perceived power is accumulated, pride enters and dares challenging identification.

The boldness of it surrounds us, the shock value potent, emphatic and venomous.

Through pseudo doctrine and alternative spiritualities, ancient rites of demonic

presences. unearthed only to be opened again in an alternative spiritual threat - a
brutal achievement augmented through the proliferation of interest in ancient ruins by
many who are entirely ill equipped to recognize the cloaked and occult manifestations
that have dominion over these once dreaded and ruinous sites.

A masquerade so secretly hidden becomes quietly and easily unnoticed…but

dangerously malevolent. These are the forces Paul speaks of wrestling: not flesh and
blood, not carnal: spiritual. And this spirituality has no match in a physical

They are ‘hybrids’ in the truest sense of the word, from the Greek, “sons of
outrageous behavior.” This should give pause and reflection to long ago eras when
these actual hybrids did cross the planet, creating horror and developing an addiction
for cannibalistic blood feasts. They are spiritually connected, spiritual convergent in
which the presence of the dark side has come upon them: they have been awestruck
by the terror and power. Satan knows that he has a need: he needs a military, he
needs earthly wealth, political power and support.

So ghoulish was their presence that the Creator God temporarily ended their
wickedness by global accounts of a universal flood, for the multiple purposes of
eliminating not only the violence, but the physical consequences as well. “Nothing
new under the sun?” Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scrapie, Creutzfeldt-
Jakob Disease, H5N1, to just begin to imagine the non-biological arsenal.

And so, how much the greater might the times into which we are entering provoke
similar intervention? An out of control vortex increasingly pulling all within.

Page 28
These dark presences will summon oracular utterances in reapportion for the coming
of an unprecedented supernatural army, already present…but we have not seen the
entire beast as yet. Hundreds of years of stalking, roaring and watching, but we have
seen the cloaking operatives of invisibility until the singular activating moment, and
reveal just who it is that will lead the nations of the world astray. Increasing intellectual
and spiritual ‘ascendancy,’ quantum shift, shift of the ages, synchronicity.

But these dark legions are still subject to the exquisite timing of an omniscient God.
Yes, there are indeed dark things behind the veils of life, but only One can rent that
veil: and He does it from above.

According to Pastor Russ Dizdar of SHATTERTHEDARKNESS.NET, and a frontline

spiritual contender, “Satanic rituals have, are and will be done to release supernatural
dark powers on political leaders, military leaders and upon millions of soldiers. The
coming new spiritual order out of a bloody chaos will be accomplished by the present
and dark overlords have been waiting for the moment of activation, ready at a
moment’s notice. These “Chosen Ones,” the trans human, post human specifically
bred super-soldiers have been practicing their rituals for the purpose of energizing
these secret powers and can be summoned instantly. Cult multiples [personalities]
have been prepared since conception for these times.

As Pastor Dizdar continues, “In the Old Testament a pagan king sacrifices his own
child on the wall to a demon summon power and win a war

If you didn't know, there really are dark powers that can be summoned and used to
extend the satanic agenda. (2Thess.2) As in the past evil men have learned how to
appease the dark powers only so they could weaponize it and use that power to win
military battles.

“As in the past evil men have learned how to appease the dark powers only so they
could weaponize it and use that power to win military battles.
Dark powers can and have be used to empower soldiers and strike against other
armies. What most people don't know is that the use of satanic powers has grown in
the last 60 years as never before in human history.

“Most have never realized that it is predicted that a military is being built and will
surface such as the world has never seen.

An army whose leaders and soldiers will be the most fierce and evil ever. Many of
them shall be birthed in satanic powers and demonstrate supernatural strength and
abilities....... thus satanic super soldiers.

“Others will be recruited and be made to receive 'energy' ( demonization ) to become

the soldiers of a new world order.

Page 29
Satanic rituals have, are and will be done to release supernatural dark powers on
political leaders, military leaders and upon millions of soldiers. The coming new
spiritual order out of a bloody chaos and havoc will be accomplished by these hideous

The thinning of the veil, permitting brief but staggering glimpses will most likely be rent
from above, as in the days “since the fathers fell asleep.” One cannot even imagine
what ELSE is there.

Sue Bradley February, 2008

References cited:


Russ Didar, Pastor, Author, Lecturer SHATTERTHEDARKNESS.NET


Lady Liberty, US Capitol

V2sk: Audio Spotlight - Put sound where you

want it. Prince Street, NYC

Billboard Whispers into Pedestrians’ Ears for

A&E’s ‘Paranormal State’ - Media Buyer

“Layer after layer……“

Have you ever thought that there was
something “odd” about the world we live in?
Like there is something about reality that isn’t
quite random, as it should be?
Something a little too organized, a little too
planned, a little too programmed?”
Jim Elvidge, author, The Universe Solved

The Buffalo News Monday, January 28, 2008

Tom Buckham

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fillingtallorde _affiliate.50.jpg

References and resource material:

The Washington Post, April 22, 2007

"The Awakening" 1981 Sculpture by J Seward Johnson

U.S. Senate: Visitors Center Home > Visiting D.C. > Parks and Gardens

The National Harbor,

Photographs of "The Awakening,"

Video of "The Awakening"

Tom Horn, Publisher

Doug Elwell, Publisher

Mysterious World, Mysterious World: Ireland

Russ Dizdar, Speaker, Deliverance Minister, "The Black Awakening,"

Steve Quayle, Author, Analyst, Radio Host,

Derek Gilbert, Author, Analyst, Radio Host, PID Radio,, The Eagle 93.9

Sharon Gilbert, Author, Analyst,,

Page 31

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