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Solutions for MATH 3851 Homework Assignment 4 Textbook problems: —*(cos(—y) + isin(—)) O and 0 € (a, +2) (the conditions in the problem). (Note that Inr is NOT continuous at r = 0. and that @ is NOT continuous for points with mp” across this ray.) Also, the polar Cauchy-Riemann equations ruy = vp and up = —rvy ate satisfied for all 7.4 where they exist, so / is analytic on the desired domain. Also, 4; there is a Sie *(—Le-®sin(inr) + LePcos(Inn)) pie (-e-* sin(lnr) + 1e-® cos{tnr)) = £(€°® cos(inr) + Hem? Section 26, 1(€): J is already broken into its real and imaginary pieves eYsine and » vp = —e-¥ sina, and vy everywhere, and the Cauchy-Riemann equations w, = vy and uy = —v, ate satisfied everywhere in C. So, f is entire eFeosir, Soy tty = e-Ysina. Clearly, all four functions are conti (24 + 1) can be written as a 4 argo2, or alternately Section 26, 6: The composite fanetion G(2) composite g/(2)), where f(2) = 2-+1, and (=) 9(r.0) = Inv +4, where 8 € (0,27) Firstly, 9 satisfies the polar Cauchy-Riema ceutcplane of analyticity: ruy = r(l/r) = 1 = ty, and uy = 0 = rrp. So, (2) = ue + ity) = Bf) = (rel)! = 1/s 08 long as = is not O oF ‘on the positive real axis (i's the positive real axis beeause we chose the branch argo of arg). Define the domain D to be the open fist quadrant {= : -r.y> 0}. Then to show that G(=) ~ 9(f(=)) is anelytie on D, we need to show thet equations everywhere in its (i) f is analytic on D i) g is analytic on f(D) (0) is obvious, since f is a polynomial and therefore entire, To see (ii), let's figure out what f(D) is. The fanction f(2) = =? +1 ean be thought of as fivst squaring =, then shifting right by 1. We cam think of the first quadvant as {2 : r>0,0€ (0,/2)}, and so squaring yields the set {2 : 7 > 0,0 (O.x)} or the open upper halFplane. Shifting to the right by 1 doesn’t change this, so J(D) isthe open upper half-plane ‘This means that (i) is tue, since y s analytic except at 0 and on the positive real axis; D doesn't contain any of these points, so is analytic on f(D). Since (and (i) are true, by the ehain rule, G(2) is analytie on D. SI@)S) = We can find the devivativeof G(2) on D with the chain rule: G"(2) gts 22 = oH Extra problem 1: As long as 2 4 0, ue = pe2Shr. wer = GER ty = BEEBE, 50 ure + yy = 0 on {2 # Of, and w is harmonic on {2 #0). (Note that there's no hope of u being barmonie at 0, since it doesn't even exist there!) ‘To find « harmonie conjugate, we need a function v s0 that te = ny and uy = ~vs. This means that ve = GASH and vy = Phe. Integrate the second equation with respect to vm fate dy roeaning that (2 harmonic conjugate of 1, in the domain {2 ¥ 0} wip tole). Then ve = Getty + 9/2), 90 g'(z) = 0, © tox some constant C. Theteoe, 0 = abs + C is 0 Interestingly, this could have been noticed another way: - set t igri is analytic in the domain {= # 0}. and so it is obvions that 2 is a harmonie conjugate of 4, there. Extra problem 2 If we define f = cos(zy), then w= cas(ry) and » = 0. Therefore, up = —ysin(ry), wy = —rsin(ry), ty = 0, and ry = 0. These fanetions are all continuous on all of C, so we just need to check where the Cauehy-Riemann equations u, = vy and uy = ~%s hold, ‘The equations hold if and only if ysin(2y) = 0 end xsin(ey) =O. ‘This means that either sin(zy) = 0 or both x and y are 0, ‘The second eas the first. so we won't discuss it sin(ry) = 0 means that 2y = nz for some integer n. For n = 0, this means that either 2 = 0 or y=0. For any other n, the graph of such (2, ) is & hyperbola So, the set of points where f is differentiable is the union of the displayed hyperbolas and the real and imaginary axes. However, this set contains no neighborhoods, so f is not analytie at- any point.

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