Delta Training Plan Overview

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4/20/2019 MTN Tactical Fitness

SFOD-D Training Ove rvie w


The f ollowing is a sport-specif ic 10-week program is specif ically designed to prepare athletes f or the SFOD-D Selection Course. The plan includes a 2-week taper, and
is designed to be completed the 10 weeks directly prior to y our course start week.

***************** CAUTION ****************

This is a v ery intense, 6-day a week, of ten 2x/day training program with high lev els of v olume and stress. Be saf e and smart about y our training as y ou work through
the program and don’t be af raid to cut down sessions, or if necessary take an extra rest day if needed.

This program f ollows a general f ormat and gets progressiv ely harder each week, until week 9, when the training tapers down into the start of selection. Don’t skip
ahead!! The plan is designed to build upon itself . If y ou hav e to miss a training day, start up back where y ou lef t of f .

This is a 6 day/week training program with many 2-a-Day training sessions.

To successf ully complete this program y ou’ll need to make training f or selection a priority during y our work day.

Ruck Intensive
This plan is “sport specif ic” to the specif ic f itness demands y ou’ll f ace at SFOD-D selection - specif ically rucking. You’ll ruck up to 3 day s/week and run 2-3
day s/week. It also includes:

Testing and progressiv e training f or the APFT

Focused upper body strength training
Weekly total body strength training in a weightroom
Stepups f or hiking uphill, and Sandbag Getups f or work capacity, mental toughness, and core strength
Intense core, mobility, and stabilzer strength training f or durability
DOT Drills f or ankle and knee durability

The plan includes 60 Total Training Sessions. It is intended that y ou’ll train Monday - Saturday, and take Sunday ’s of f . Sessions 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49 and 55
are Monday s and the beginning of each training week.
Here is the general training Schedule for weeks 2-8:
Mon - AM APFT Work & PM Heav y Ruck
Tues - Running/Core
Wed - AM Upper Body /SBGU & PM Ruck Run
Thurs - Stepups/Core
Fri - Strength
Sat - Long Ruck

Saturday Long Rucks

You’ll work up to 20 miles at 75# plus a 10# sledge hammer or rif le.

The plan includes 5 specif ic assessments, and f ollow-on progressions. You’ll take these assessments multiple times ov er the 10 weeks:

1. APFT+ - Max Sit ups (2 minutes), Max Push ups (2 minutes), Max Pull ups and 2 Mile Run
2. 5 Mile Ruck Run for Time - 45# Ruck, 10lb Rubber Rif le, or Sledge Hammer, Full Cammies/Boots, Helmet
3. 10 Mile Heavy Ruck for Time - 65# Ruck, 10lb Rubber Rif le or Sledge Hammer, Full Cammies/Boots, Helmet
4. 6 Mile Run for Time, shorts and t-shirt
5. 600x Stepups for Time @ 40# Ruck, 16” step up bench or box
6. Bodyweight Bench Press for Reps, Max Pull ups at Body weight + 25#, 10 minute Sandbag Getup at 60# f or reps

During this train-up ev ery number of repetitions y ou perf orm is based on the number of repetitions y ou completed during y our latest APFT+ , Body weight Bench Press
Test, or Sandbag Getups.

Athlete Perf orms 50x Sit-ups on initial APFT+ during Session 1.
Session 7 from the plan calls for:
5 Rounds
30% of y our Max Reps scored on Session 1, ev ery 60 Seconds, then ....
1 Round, Max Reps in 60 Seconds.
30% of 50x Sit-ups is 15 (3. x 50 = 15). So, set a repeating timer for 60 seconds. On Round one, do 15x Sit-ups
as fast as possible, then rest for the remaining time left in the interval. When the Round 1‘s 60 seconds is up,
sprint through 15x sit-ups again for Round 2, rest the remainder of the interval, etc. through 5 Rounds. On the
6th Round, do as many sit-ups as possible during the 60 second interval - you can rest and start again if
necessary - just work the entire 60 seconds.

4/20/2019 MTN Tactical Fitness
The training plan includes scaled paces f or y our runs, rucks and step ups. These paces are based on y our assessment results f rom the heav y ruck, ruck run, 2 and 6-
mile runs, and step up assessments listed abov e. You’ll take these assessments 3-4 times throughout the plan. Use y our latest assessment results f or the
subsequent training sessions.

We use interv al training to train y our run, rucking, and step up f itness. The interv al distances are shorter, and pace f aster than y our latest assessment pace.

Assessment Interval Distance

2-Mile Run 800m Repeats

6-Mile Run 2 Mile Repeats

10 Mile Heav y Ruck 2 Mile Ruck Repeats

5 Mile Ruck Run 1 Mile Ruck Run Repeats

600x Step ups 150x Step up Repeats

Run, Ruck and Step up Tables

These are scaled to y our latest assessment time, and dicate the pace y ou need to keep f or each repeat. The tables are self explanatory, and easy to f igure out as
y ou work through the training plan. Email rob@military if y ou are hav ing trouble.

***Note on Step ups

Do not exceed the 40# pack weight, nor the 16-inch bench height. Most benches in a weight room are 16” high - if y ou can’t f ind a 16” bench, build one or build a 16-
inch box.


10 Mle Heavy Ruck Assessment and Intervals - Full cammies, boots, helmet, 10 pound rubber rif le or sledge hammer, 60# ruck plus water
Ruck Run - Full cammies, boots, helmet, 10 pound rubber rif le or sledge hammer, 45# ruck, plus water
6-Mile Run, 2-Mile Run and their interv al repeats - Shorts, t-shirt, sneakers
Step up Assessment and Intervals - Shorts, t-shirt, sneakers, 40# Pack, 16” Step up bench

SFOD-D Selection is ruck-intensiv e. Use this training plan to get y our rucking dialed - including boots, pack loading (weight high instead of low seems to help), pacing,
nutrition, and hy dration dialed. Ruck in the same boots y ou’ll take to selection. Ref uel the same way y ou’ll ref uel at selection, etc.

Note this plan does not include orienteering practice or training. We assumed y ou are v ery prof icient at this going in. If not, y ou may use Saturday ’s long rucks f or
practice - just work to keep the 15 min/mile pace.


What equipment is needed to complete this program?

Fully equipped weight room

GPS-enabled Stop Watch with repeating countdown timer (Garmin Forerunner 10 is recommended ) A GPS enabled watch will make measuring run and ruck
distances much easier.
60# Sandbag
ALICE Ruck or same ruck y ou will use at selection, 40-75# of f iller, 2/3
4/20/2019 MTN Tactical Fitness
10# Rubber Rif le (No rif le? Use a 10 lb sledge hammer)

What if I miss a day?

Don’t skip ahead. Start where y ou lef t of f . The plan is progressiv e, and its training sessions designed to be completed in order.

What if I have less then 10 weeks before I start the Selection Course?
Still start at the beginning of this training plan any way. Don’t skip ahead.

What if I can’t handle the training volume at first?

Building stamina and reslience is a key training goal of this plan, and phy sical and mental stamina is also key to completing the Selection course. If y ou can’t handle
the training v olume at f irst, its better to cut training sessions short, rather than take unscheduled rest day s.

What if I can’t make the prescribed reps for the bodyweight exercises, or the prescribed interval times for the rucks, runs or step ups?
Do y our best, and be sure to do the total number of rounds, ev en if y ou can’t make the reps or the time. Don’t quit.

How do you count reps for Sandbag Getups, and Step ups?
Sandbag Getups - The prescribed rep count is total reps, so 50x Sandbag Getups at 60# sandbag = 50x total reps, 25x each shoulder.
Step Ups - The prescribed rep count is total reps, so 600x step ups = 600 total, or 300x per leg.

Unfamiliar Exercises? Questions?

Go to /exercises/ link to see unf amiliar exercises.

More Questions?
Email rob@military

Good Luck!
Rob Shaul, Military Athlete 3/3

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