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Reviews and Overviews

Management of Bipolar Disorder

During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period

Kimberly A. Yonkers, M.D. Objective: Bipolar disorder affects 0.5%– cant challenges. Some mood stabilizers,
1.5% of individuals in the United States. e.g., sodium valproate and carbamaze-
The typical age at onset is late adoles- pine, are human teratogens. On the other
Katherine L. Wisner, M.D.
cence or early adulthood, placing women hand, the teratogenicity associated with
at risk for episodes throughout their re- lithium may have been overestimated in
Zachary Stowe, M.D. productive years. General guidelines for the past.
the treatment of bipolar disorder are
Ellen Leibenluft, M.D. available from the American Psychiatric Conclusions: Since treatment can be
Association, but additional issues arise managed most effectively if pregnancy is
Lee Cohen, M.D. when these guidelines are applied in the planned, clinicians should discuss the is-
treatment of peripartum women. The au- sue of pregnancy and its management
Laura Miller, M.D. thors summarize knowledge regarding with every bipolar disorder patient who
the management of bipolar disorder dur- has childbearing potential, regardless of
Rachel Manber, Ph.D. ing pregnancy and the postpartum pe- future reproductive plans. Additional re-
riod, with a focus on managing mania, search should address the risks of dis-
hypomania, and the psychotic compo- turbed sleep to pregnant and postpartum
Adele Viguera, M.D. nents of the illness. women with bipolar disorder, as well as
Trisha Suppes, M.D., Ph.D. Method: An expert panel reviewed arti- structural and behavioral consequences
cles that address the management of bi- to offspring when mood stabilizers are
polar disorder and the consequences of used during pregnancy. Longitudinal and
Lori Altshuler, M.D. the use of mood stabilizers during preg- cohort studies can promote these efforts.
nancy, and a consensus document was Given the rate of bipolar disorder in the
generated. general population, research efforts will
Results: The treatment of bipolar disor- need to be broad based and include mul-
der in pregnant women involves signifi- tiple collaborating centers.

(Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:608–620)

B ipolar disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that

affects 0.5%–1.5% of individuals in the United States. The
risk for a recurrent episode in puerperal women, com-
pared with nonpostpartum and nonpregnant women (5).
prevalence is similar in men and women, although female Among women with bipolar disorder who elect to discon-
patients are more likely to have the rapid-cycling form of tinue lithium therapy in the puerperium, the estimated
the illness and more likely to display depressive character- risk of relapse is threefold higher than for nonpregnant,
istics (1). Women with bipolar disorder are typically in nonpuerperal women (7). Symptom emergence is often
their teens and early 20s at onset of the illness, placing rapid and may commence a few weeks before (2) or within
them at risk for episodes throughout their reproductive the first few days to weeks after parturition (3, 5).
years. The issue of whether bipolar illness improves dur- General guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder
ing pregnancy is controversial (2–6), but, in any case, preg- are available from the American Psychiatric Association
nancy is not protective for all women with bipolar disorder (APA) (8), but additional issues arise when these guide-
(6), and management of the illness in pregnancy is most lines are applied in the treatment of pregnant and post-
difficult when the pregnancy is unanticipated. Since many partum women. This report summarizes knowledge re-
pregnancies are unplanned and women with bipolar dis- garding the management of bipolar disorder during
order do not all experience symptom improvement during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period, with a
pregnancy, it important for clinicians to be knowledgeable focus on managing mania, hypomania, and psychotic
about approaches to and risks associated with medication components of the illness. We review 1) the risks to off-
treatment during pregnancy. spring of mothers treated with mood stabilizers or adjunc-
Women with bipolar disorder are at high risk for symp- tive medication during pregnancy and 2) clinical issues in
tom exacerbation during the immediate postpartum pe- the use of mood-stabilizing agents to treat pregnant
riod (3, 5, 7), as indicated by a nearly sevenfold higher risk women with bipolar disorder. We then present informa-
of admission for a first episode and a nearly twofold higher tion on the risks of breast-feeding associated with treat-

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 608


ments for bipolar disorder. This report was assembled by a weight. The maternal lithium dose did not correlate with
group of psychiatrists who specialize in the treatment of birth weight.
pregnant women with bipolar disorder. The group was
Neurobehavioral teratogenicity. In a follow-up study
convened under the aegis of APA. Because the use of anti-
of children included in the Register of Lithium Babies, 60
depressants during pregnancy has been addressed re-
children exposed to lithium either during the first trimes-
cently by APA guidelines (9), this topic is not addressed
ter or throughout pregnancy did not differ behaviorally
from their nonexposed siblings (17). In another study (15),
the attainment of major developmental milestones for 22
Risks Associated With Mood-Stabilizing lithium-exposed subjects was similar to that for nonex-
Agents During Pregnancy posed comparison subjects.

The risk of fetal malformations associated with mater- Neonatal toxicity. The most common toxicity effect in
nal drug use depends on the properties of the drug and the offspring exposed to lithium during labor is the “floppy
time period of the fetus’s exposure. Exposure up to 32 days baby” syndrome, characterized by cyanosis and hypoto-
after conception can affect neural tube development and nicity (18, 19). Cases of neonatal hypothyroidism and
closure; exposure 21–56 days after conception may affect nephrogenic diabetes insipidus have also been described
heart formation; and exposure during days 42–63 may in- (20, 21). Close monitoring of lithium levels in the mother
fluence development of the lip and palate. Craniofacial during labor is now routine.
anomalies can also occur after the first trimester. In addi- Use during pregnancy. Lithium has a relatively short
tion, neurobehavioral teratogenicity can result from expo- half-life (8–10 hours) and produces substantial peak and
sure after the first trimester. The following review is orga- trough serum levels. More frequent dosing (three to four
nized by domain of reproductive toxicity, including times a day) allows patients to maintain therapeutic se-
structural malformations, growth retardation, perinatal rum levels and avoid peaks, although it is unclear whether
toxicity, and adverse neurobehavioral sequelae. The cur- this technique benefits the fetus (22). Lithium serum lev-
rent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifica- els, which may be affected by vomiting, sodium intake,
tion of teratogenicity is being revised to better address and and febrile illnesses, should be monitored closely (22). As
inform clinicians about the risks of fetal exposure (10). pregnancy progresses, renal lithium excretion increases,
Therefore, the FDA classification is not used in this review. generally necessitating an increase in dose (23). Lithium
Lithium levels in umbilical cord blood have been found to be
equivalent to maternal blood levels (23), and the concen-
Although lithium is effective for only a subgroup of
tration of the cation may be higher in amniotic fluid than
patients with bipolar disorder (11), it remains one of the
in blood (24). The significance of this finding is unknown.
mainstays for acute and maintenance treatment.
Some experts advise decreasing the dose of lithium at the
Organ dysgenesis. Shortly after lithium came into com- onset of labor to avoid toxicity associated with the rapid
mon use, concerns arose about an association between reduction of vascular volume at delivery (25). Vigilant
prenatal lithium exposure and congenital malformations. monitoring of symptom and lithium serum levels is re-
The Register of Lithium Babies (12), a voluntary physician- quired to avoid relapse or toxicity during delivery and the
reporting database, noted a 400-fold higher rate of cardio- immediate postpartum period (7, 16). Adequate hydration
vascular malformations, most notably Ebstein’s anomaly, should be maintained, and use of intravenous fluids
in offspring exposed in utero, compared with the general should be considered for patients in prolonged labor.
population. This congenital anomaly, characterized by In the case of first-trimester exposure, anomalies can be
downward displacement of the tricuspid valve into the identified with prenatal screening with a high-resolution
right ventricle and variable levels of right ventricular hy- ultrasound examination and fetal echocardiography at
poplasia, occurs at a rate of 1:20,000 in the general popula- 16–18 weeks gestation (16, 26). This procedure aids par-
tion (13). Subsequent investigations identified a risk of Eb- ents in decisions regarding pregnancy termination and
stein’s anomaly among offspring of lithium users of 1: perinatal interventions after delivery.
1,000 (0.1%) to 2:1,000 (0.05%), or 20 to 40 times higher
than the rate in the general population (14–16). Thus, the Anticonvulsants
relative risk for Ebstein’s anomaly with prenatal lithium A number of anticonvulsants, most notably sodium val-
exposure is somewhat higher than in the general popula- proate and carbamazepine, have been used in the acute
tion, although the absolute risk remains small. treatment of bipolar disorder. Some of these anticonvul-
Intrauterine growth effects. Lithium-exposed infants sant agents represent more potent teratogenic risks than
were found to weigh significantly more than comparison lithium. Exposure is associated with a twofold increase in
subjects by a mean of 92 g (3475 g, compared with 3383 g) the rate of malformations (27), which include neural tube
(15), even though lithium-treated women were more defects (spina bifida, anencephaly), craniofacial anoma-
likely to smoke cigarettes, which typically decreases birth lies, growth retardation, microcephaly, and heart defects

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 609


(28). The “anticonvulsant face,” characterized by mid-face Valproate levels are affected by the presence of other an-
hypoplasia, short nose with anteverted nostrils, and long tiepileptic drugs that increase the activity of metabolic en-
upper lip, has been associated with both carbamazepine zymes. In pregnancy, glucuronidation is induced, poten-
and valproate exposure (28). Teratogenic risk is higher with tially leading to lower serum valproate levels. Patients
polytherapy than with monotherapy (29). Many experts should be monitored closely to ensure therapeutic efficacy.
recommend avoiding the combination of valproate and Folate supplementation during pregnancy reduces the
carbamazepine, particularly if there is a family history of risk of neural tube defects generally, but it has not been
neural tube defects (30). In contrast, lamotrigine, which tested as prophylaxis in pregnant women undergoing an-
was recently approved for maintenance treatment of bipo- ticonvulsant treatment. Some researchers have recom-
lar disorder, appears to be associated with a lower rate of mended a daily dose of 5 mg of folic acid before and dur-
malformations overall and has emerged as a first-line treat- ing pregnancy or at least through the first trimester for all
ment for women with epilepsy during their reproductive women taking antiepileptic drugs (43). The American
years (31). Nonetheless, the overall incidence of miscar- Academy of Neurology has recommended a more conser-
riage or stillbirth is significantly higher in anticonvulsant- vative dose of 3–4 mg/day of folic acid but has stated that
treated women with epilepsy, compared to unmedicated the optimal dose has yet to be established (41). The pa-
women with epilepsy (14% and 4%, respectively) (32). tient’s level of vitamin B 12 should be measured before
folate supplementation to assess for concurrent perni-
cious anemia, which can be masked with folate treatment.
Organ dysgenesis. Sodium valproate is considered a
human teratogen. Use of this compound during the first Carbamazepine
trimester is associated with neural tube defect rates of Organ dysgenesis. Carbamazepine is also considered a
about 5%–9% (33, 34). The effect of the drug on neural human teratogen. In one prospective study of 35 women
tube development is related to its use 17–30 days postcon- treated with carbamazepine during the first trimester (28),
ception, and risk is dose related (35, 36). The neural tube craniofacial defects (11%), fingernail hypoplasia (26%),
defect found in exposed infants is more likely to be lum- and developmental delay (20%) were found in live-born
bosacral rather than anencephalic, which suggests a drug offspring. The rate for neural tube defects in that report
effect on neural crest closure (34). and others ranged between 0.5% and 1% (28, 44).
Intrauterine growth effects. Some researchers (10) have The teratogenic potential of carbamazepine is enhanced
suggested that intrauterine growth retardation is part of when it is given with other agents and in particular with
the “fetal valproate syndrome” (36), but intrauterine valproate, perhaps because the concentration of toxic ep-
growth retardation has not been found to be an invariable oxide metabolites is increased (45). In theory, oxcarbaze-
consequence of valproate use during pregnancy (10). pine, which does not produce the epoxide metabolite,
may be less teratogenic. However, studies have not been
Neurobehavioral teratogenicity. Mental retardation
performed to confirm this speculation.
has been included in the “fetal valproate syndrome” (37),
but the data to support its inclusion are not definitive. Intrauterine growth effects. Carbamazepine is associ-
ated with reductions in birth weight (of about 250 g) (46)
Neonatal toxicity. Neonatal complications associated
and mean head circumference (standardized for gesta-
with valproate use near the time of delivery include heart
tional age and sex) (47).
rate decelerations (36) and withdrawal symptoms of irrita-
bility, jitteriness, feeding difficulties, and abnormal tone Neurobehavioral teratogenicity. No associations be-
(34). Other complications among neonates include liver tween carbamazepine and significant cognitive dysfunc-
toxicity (38) and hypoglycemia (39). Reductions in neona- tion have been detected in controlled studies (48).
tal fibrinogen levels have also been reported (40). It is Neonatal toxicity. In two case reports, carbamazepine
noteworthy that the drug carries an FDA warning for use was associated with transient hepatic toxicity (cholestatic
in children under the age of 2 years. hepatitis [49] and direct hyperbilirubinemia [50]) in neo-
Use during pregnancy. In treatment of women with bi- nates exposed to the drug during pregnancy. The hepatic
polar disorder or epilepsy, some experts recommend that dysfunction resolved after cessation of breast-feeding in
valproate be switched to another mood stabilizer before both cases.
conception (41). Women with unplanned pregnancies Use during pregnancy. Most experts feel carbamaze-
may not find that they are pregnant until after the delete- pine should be used during pregnancy only if other op-
rious effects of exposure have occurred, thus obviating tions are lacking. As with valproate, an unplanned preg-
most of the benefit that could occur from switching medi- nancy may not be confirmed until the woman is in the
cations. Valproate is concentrated in the fetal compart- highest risk period for a teratogenic effect. For women
ment (35), and its concentration is twofold higher in cord who continue treatment, fetal serum levels of carbamaze-
serum than in maternal serum (42). Single daily dosing pine are 50%–80% of maternal levels (51). Some studies
may cause unpredictably high peak levels (30). show that serum levels during pregnancy remain constant

610 Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004


for the main compound and the epoxide metabolite, al- hours of life demonstrated only a 25% decrease relative to
though not all reports concur (10). If possible, it is best to umbilical cord blood concentrations (56).
monitor unbound levels of the compound.
Use during pregnancy. The clearance of lamotrigine
Women who are started on the drug after conception in- during pregnancy has generated attention secondary to its
cur more risk of serious side effects (agranulocytosis, he- increased use and the characteristics of its metabolic
patic failure, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome) than indi- pathway. Two studies have found a significant increase in
viduals who are undergoing carbamazepine treatment at the clearance rate during pregnancy (i.e., a decrease in se-
conception, since the risks are higher within the first 8 rum concentration) (57, 58). It is noteworthy that the rate
weeks after treatment is initiated (52). of clearance returned to preconception levels rapidly after
Carbamazepine can cause fetal vitamin K deficiency. delivery, indicating the need for careful dose management
Since adequate levels of vitamin K are necessary for nor- in the early postpartum period.
mal mid-facial growth and for the functioning of clotting
factors, carbamazepine exposure in utero could increase Other Anticonvulsants
the risk of neonatal bleeding and mid-facial abnormali- The utility of gabapentin for treatment of mania has not
ties. Most experts recommend administering 20 mg/day been established (59, 60) and is not discussed in this re-
of oral vitamin K in the last month of pregnancy in women port. Selected newer anticonvulsants, including zonisa-
taking carbamazepine (30, 41). Pediatricians should also mide and levetiracetam, are under investigation for use in
administer 1 mg i.m. of vitamin K to neonates after in the treatment of mania and depression.
utero carbamazepine exposure.
First-Generation Antipsychotic Agents
Lamotrigine One of the largest databases available is for the older,
Organ dysgenesis. Lamotrigine was recently approved first-generation antipsychotic agents, although even this
as a maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder. Two studies information is limited. Phenothiazines and butyrophe-
have demonstrated an increased time to subsequent nones have historically been used to treat hyperemesis
mood episodes in patients treated with lamotrigine (53, gravidarum, nausea, and, less commonly, psychotic disor-
54). The obstetrical outcome data contained in the Lamo- ders in pregnant women. First-generation antipsychotic
trigine Pregnancy Registry maintained by GlaxoSmith- agents are often prescribed with anticholinergic agents
Kline (54) includes data from international registries and such as benztropine mesylate. Risks associated with this
postmarketing surveillance. As of September 30, 2003, a adjunctive agent are covered in the section on ECT.
total of 1,081 cases have been registered and 693 birth out- Organ dysgenesis. The best-studied phenothiazine is
comes have been obtained. Nine major defects were iden- chlorpromazine, which was prescribed for hyperemesis
tified in offspring of women treated with monotherapy gravidarum during the 1950s, usually in low doses (61, 62).
(N=415), yielding an estimate of 2%, while the rate was In a case-control study of 315 exposed and 11,099 nonex-
3.4% in the 278 women undergoing treatment with several posed women, investigators found a slightly higher rate of
anticonvulsants. These rates are similar to the general malformations (3.5% versus 1.6%) among exposed off-
population rate for major malformations. These defects spring (61). However, in a survey of more than 50,000
included one instance of anencephaly and two instances mother-child pairs that identified 142 first-trimester expo-
of ventral septal defects. Polytherapy that included val- sures and 284 total exposures to chlorpromazine, there was
proic acid was associated with a higher rate of malforma- no elevation in the rate of physical malformations with
tions—10.4% (7/67). chlorpromazine (62). The latter study also suggests that re-
Intrauterine growth effects. The impact of lamotrigine lated compounds, including trifluoperazine, perphena-
on intrauterine growth has not been detailed. zine, and prochlorperazine, are similarly not associated
with higher-than-expected rates of malformations (62).
Neurobehavioral teratogenicity. A single follow-up of
In one of the few studies to assess antipsychotic use in
23 infants demonstrated no alterations in development at
pregnant psychotic women, 52 women who took chlor-
12 months of age (55).
promazine throughout pregnancy were compared with
Neonatal toxicity. Clinicians should be aware of reports 110 pregnant women with psychosis who were not ex-
of hepatotoxicity in adults taking lamotrigine and con- posed to chlorpromazine (63). The rates of malformations
cerns about the development of lamotrigine-related skin among offspring in the two groups were similar but ap-
rash in a fetus or neonate whose antigen characteristics proximately twice the rate in the general population. This
are different from those of the mother. An additional con- finding suggests that the higher rate of anomalies may be
cern is that lamotrigine is metabolized exclusively by influenced by the underlying illness. Genetic factors or
means of glucuronidation, a metabolic process that is very behaviors such as smoking, substance abuse, and poor
immature in the fetus and neonate. Measurement of the prenatal care may account for the higher rate of malfor-
clearance of lamotrigine in neonates over the first 72 mations.

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 611


A few case reports have suggested an association be- Use in pregnancy. Data are limited, but olanzapine has
tween haloperidol and limb reductions, but large case se- been associated with weight gain, insulin resistance (72),
ries have not supported this finding (64). A meta-analytic gestational diabetes (73), and preeclampsia (73). Weight
study of first-trimester exposure to low-potency neurolep- gain, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure should be
tics found an increase of one case of malformation for ev- monitored carefully in patients who are taking olanzapine.
ery 250 pregnancies in which exposure occurred (26).
Calcium Channel Blockers
Neonatal toxicity. A withdrawal-emergent syndrome
The effects of calcium channel blockers, such as ver-
(irritability, tongue thrusting with feeding difficulty, ab-
apamil, in the treatment of bipolar disorder have been
normal hand posturing, and tremor of all extremities) last-
studied (74–76), although their efficacy remains unproven
ing 6 months was described in an infant exposed to halo-
(77). Because verapamil is used to treat maternal hyper-
peridol during pregnancy (65). Extrapyramidal symptoms,
tension and fetal arrhythmias, the effects on the fetus of
including hypertonicity, tremors, motor restlessness,
exposure during the first trimester have been evaluated. In
spasticity, and difficulty with feeding, have been found in
a controlled study, two of 66 subjects exposed to nifedi-
infants exposed to chlorpromazine (66). Such symptoms
pine or verapamil developed malformations, compared to
have been reported to last up to 10 months, but most re-
none of a group of nonexposed comparison subjects, but
solve within days. On the other hand, hypotonicity can oc-
the difference was not significant (p=0.27), and the study
cur in the neonate if the mother’s dose of chlorpromazine
had sufficient power to rule out only a very large (fivefold)
is high (67). Some of these complications may have been
difference in risk (78). A higher rate of preterm delivery
related to use of concomitant anticholinergic and anti-
(28% versus 9% in the control group) (p=0.0003) was as-
histaminergic agents.
cribed to maternal disease for which the drugs were pre-
Behavioral teratogenicity. Investigations did not find scribed. In two therapeutic trials of verapamil among hy-
diminished intelligence among 4-year-old progeny ex- pertensive pregnant women, no adverse drug-related
posed to phenothiazines or butyrophenones (62). Chil- effects were observed among infants (79).
dren with and without histories of neuroleptic exposure
Benzodiazepines and Other Sedative
showed no differences in behavioral functioning or IQ
Hypnotic Agents
when followed up to 5 years of age (68).
Benzodiazepines are used commonly as adjunctive
Use during pregnancy. First-generation antipsychotic medications for mood stabilization or for anxiety, agita-
agents continue to have a role in the acute treatment of tion, and sleep problems. The most commonly prescribed
mania during pregnancy (69). Some experts consider the benzodiazepines for individuals with bipolar disorder are
risk associated with first-generation antipsychotic agents, lorazepam and clonazepam.
which have been available for decades, to be less than the
risk associated with selected mood stabilizers (26). Clini- Organ dysgenesis. There are no reports of malforma-
cians may elect to switch a patient’s medication from tions associated with lorazepam or clonazepam. The re-
lithium or an anticonvulsant to a first-generation anti- productive safety of the prototype drug in this class,
psychotic either for the entire pregnancy or for the first tri- diazepam, is controversial. Early reports described an in-
mester. This strategy is particularly useful for patients who creased risk of oral clefts after first-trimester exposure to
have benefited from mood stabilization with antipsy- drugs such as diazepam (80), but later studies have not
chotic medications in the past. First-generation antipsy- supported this association (81, 82). A recent meta-analysis
chotic medications may also be a choice for women with found an association between oral cleft and benzodiaz-
bipolar disorder who elect to discontinue medication dur- epine use only among case-control studies (odds ratio=
ing pregnancy but begin to experience a recurrence of 1.79, 95% confidence interval=1.13–2.82) but not in cohort
symptoms while pregnant. studies (83). The difference in findings among studies is
probably due to the greater sensitivity of case-control
Second-Generation Antipsychotic Agents studies in analyzing events that are rare. Results from
case-control studies of the relationship between benzodi-
Several second-generation antipsychotics, including
azepine exposure and cleft lip or palate have suggested a
quetiapine and risperidone, are currently under review
risk rate of about 11:10,000 births, an increase of about
but have not been approved by the FDA for acute and
80% over the base risk rate of 6:10,000 births in the general
maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. Olanzapine
population, but still a rate that yields rare events (83).
recently received approval from the FDA for treatment of
acute mania, but experience with this drug in pregnancy is Use during pregnancy. Although the risk of physical
limited. anomalies with benzodiazepines is not greatly elevated, it
may be even less for the high-potency agents in this class.
Organ dysgenesis. Olanzapine was not associated with
The high-potency compounds may also be preferable,
malformations in several case reports and series (70, 71).
since they have shorter half-lives, have less accumulation,
Neonatal toxicity. No data exist on neonatal toxicity. and are less likely to cause sedation.

612 Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004


Sleep dysregulation may be a potent trigger for illness tients who cannot reliably recognize and articulate their
recurrence in bipolar disorder. This idea is supported by bodily sensations, uterine tocodynamometry can be used
one study that found a high rate of manic relapse among to register uterine contractions.
fathers with bipolar disorder during the postpartum pe- Seizure threshold is decreased by estrogen and increased
riod (84). Benzodiazepines are useful for regulating sleep by progesterone. Changes in the ratio of estrogen to pro-
and may help in prophylaxis against postpartum recur- gesterone during pregnancy can theoretically alter seizure
rence of manic episodes. threshold, thereby altering the optimal stimulus parame-
Intrauterine growth retardation. Intrauterine growth ters for administering ECT. The first treatment should be
retardation associated with diazepam use has been re- initiated with standard stimulus parameters, and subse-
ported (85), but complications with lorazepam or clonaze- quent treatments should be adjusted accordingly.
pam have not been described. During pregnancy, prolonged gastric emptying time in-
Neonatal toxicity. Acute side effects from benzodiaze- creases the risk of gastric regurgitation and aspiration
pines occur in association with therapy near term. Case pneumonitis during anesthesia. The patient can be intu-
reports have described impaired temperature regulation, bated to prevent these complications. However, weight
apnea, lower Apgar scores at both 1 and 5 minutes, mus- gain, hypervascularity, and edema increase the likelihood
cular hypotonia, and failure to feed (10). that bleeding will occur during intubation (92). The in-
creased likelihood of bleeding can be addressed by using a
Infants born to mothers who chronically used benzodi-
small (e.g., pediatric-sized) cuffed endotracheal tube,
azepines may evidence withdrawal symptoms, including
laryngoscope, and laryngoscope blade. Alternately, many
tremor, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, vigorous sucking,
anesthesiologists choose not to intubate a pregnant pa-
and hypertonicity (10). In one small study of a series of
tient during repeated ECT treatments, but instead de-
infants whose mothers (N=39) had taken clonazepam
crease the risk of pneumonitis by raising gastric pH by ad-
(0.5–3.5 mg/day) for treatment of panic disorder during
ministering a nonparticulate antacid, such as sodium
pregnancy, neonatal toxicity was not found (86).
citrate, before the procedure (92).
Behavioral teratogenicity. Systematically derived data
Anticholinergic agents, such as atropine and glycopyr-
on the long-term neurobehavioral effects of benzodiaze-
rolate, are often given to nonpregnant patients before ECT
pine exposure are sparse. Motor and developmental de-
to decrease secretions and prevent bradycardia. Both of
lays have been reported, although these reports have been
these agents decrease lower esophageal sphincter tone,
criticized for having significant ascertainment biases (87).
increasing the risk of gastric reflux. Therefore, neither
Other investigators have found no association between
agent is recommended for routine use during pregnancy.
benzodiazepine exposure and developmental delay (88).
Intrauterine growth effects. No intrauterine growth
ECT effects have been reported.
When used in pregnant patients, ECT has relatively few Neonatal toxicity. No instances of neonatal toxicity
side effects and may pose fewer risks than untreated mood have been described.
episodes or pharmacotherapy with a teratogenic agent.
Neurobehavioral teratogenicity. A few case reports
Organ dysgenesis. While there have been occasional re- have described developmental delays or mental retarda-
ports of congenital malformations in offspring exposed to tion in offspring exposed to ECT in utero (89). However,
ECT in utero (89), neither the number nor the pattern of neither the number nor the pattern of these reports sug-
these findings implicates ECT as a causal factor. gests a causal relationship between ECT and the develop-
Use in pregnancy. Overall, reported complications of mental delays. No systematic, long-term follow-up studies
ECT during pregnancy are uncommon and transient (90). of neurobehavioral parameters have been conducted in
Barbiturates and atropine can reduce beat-to-beat vari- offspring whose mothers received ECT during pregnancy.
ability in the fetal heart rate, and atropine can cause fetal
tachycardia. The risk of fetal cardiac arrhythmias can be Psychosocial Interventions
minimized by avoiding atropine, ensuring adequate oxy- Psychotherapies for the manic pole of bipolar disorder
genation, avoiding excessive hyperventilation, and elevat- focus primarily on increasing adherence to treatment with
ing the right hip. Fetal cardiac monitoring during ECT will medication, improving functioning in social and occupa-
allow for detection of arrhythmias and correction of any tional domains, minimizing sleep deprivation (since sleep
contributory problems. deprivation can precipitate mania [93]), and preventing
Uterine smooth muscle does not routinely contract dur- relapse. Theoretically, improved adherence to the medica-
ing a seizure. However, a few cases of uterine contractions tion regimen and strategies to recognize and avoid triggers
have been observed after ECT (91). These contractions did of manic episodes (relapse prevention) may lead to a de-
not usually lead to premature labor (90). Patients who are crease in the number of manic episodes and an increase in
malnourished or dehydrated may be more vulnerable to the length of interepisode intervals. However, little is
such contractions. For high-risk patients and/or for pa- known about the direct or indirect effect of nonpharmaco-

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 613


logical interventions on mania, and no controlled clinical plan accordingly. Recurrence of symptoms may prompt
trials have evaluated these strategies during pregnancy. the woman to consider the difficult choice to continue
Structured daily activities, which help minimize sleep taking medication during pregnancy.
deprivation and reduce mood lability, are particularly im- Treatment of women with severe illness presents the
portant during pregnancy. greatest challenge. These women are likely to continue
taking medication through conception. Some women may
Treatment Planning for the Pregnant await early documentation of pregnancy before they dis-
Patient With Bipolar Disorder continue taking medication, and this course of action af-
fords prophylaxis for the longest period of time up to and
Preconception around the time of conception. Caution is required with
Optimal treatment planning for women with bipolar some compounds, such as valproate (see earlier discus-
disorder emphasizes overall care to promote preconcep- sion), since teratogenic risk is greatest when exposure oc-
tion and prenatal health. Clinicians should not focus on curs early in pregnancy. When pregnancy is recognized,
psychotropic medication while ignoring other risk factors the mood stabilizer will have to be discontinued abruptly,
for poor perinatal outcome, such as obesity, smoking, and and the abrupt discontinuation enhances the risk for ill-
the use of alcohol or other substances of abuse. Healthy ness relapse. Adjunctive (antipsychotic) medication may
behavior, including adherence to a prenatal vitamin regi- be used to assist in mood stabilization while medications
men and to a schedule of prenatal care visits, maintenance such as valproate are tapered, but the efficacy of this ap-
of a healthy diet, and attendance at childbirth preparation proach has not been established.
classes, must be supported. Women who elect to switch their medication to an older
Treatment planning is critical for minimizing the risk to antipsychotic or to risperidone while they are trying to
the mother and fetus while limiting the morbidity from ac- conceive face other issues. These medications increase
tive psychiatric illness. Ideally, discussions about treat- prolactin levels, thereby decreasing menstrual cyclicity
ment planning should occur before the patient becomes and adversely affecting fertility. Since it may take several
pregnant and while the patient is euthymic. These early months before a woman taking these medications con-
discussions reduce the risk for abrupt changes in thera- ceives, an agent that has less effect on prolactin may be
peutic approach in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. preferable.
Informed choices coupled with close psychiatric follow-
Early Conception
up and coordinated care with the obstetrician are the ele-
ments of an optimal model for the management of psychi- Patients who discontinue medication before pregnancy
atric disorders during pregnancy (9). or during the first trimester and who remain well may or
The most important clinical factors that influence treat- may not decide to restart medication later in the preg-
ment planning during pregnancy are illness history and nancy. While the best option for some patients is to rein-
the reproductive risks of medications. Historical factors troduce medication only with early signs of relapse, other
that should be identified include the patient’s prior re- patients may opt to reinstitute medication regardless of
sponse to various medications, illness severity, duration of whether relapse seems imminent. If the patient’s history
euthymia while taking medication and while not taking includes self-harm, protracted recovery time, impaired in-
medication, time to relapse after medication discontinua- sight, or evidence that her support system cannot tolerate
tion, and time to recover with reintroduction of pharma- another episode, pharmacological treatment may reduce
cotherapy. overall risk to both mother and fetus.
The clinician and patient need to decide if the patient For women who are required to or prefer to continue
requires medication during the period before conception taking medication during the first trimester, it is impor-
and during the first trimester. Stable patients may be able tant to emphasize that exposure to one psychotropic
to discontinue taking a mood stabilizer before attempting medication may be safer than exposure to multiple agents
to conceive (2, 6). Discontinuation of a maintenance phar- (95). The lowest effective dose of a medication must be
macologic treatment is associated with high rates of re- used, and agents with the least teratogenic potential
lapse, especially if discontinuation occurs abruptly, and should be selected in preference to those that pose a
thus the medication should be tapered slowly (94). Given higher risk. However, an agent known to be effective for
the difficulty of predicting the amount of time a woman a particular patient has already been proven useful in
will require to conceive, a woman who discontinues med- treating the disease, which may justify exposure to the
ication while trying to become pregnant may be free of drug for that patient. Older agents with case and cohort
prophylactic treatment for many months and may be in a data are preferable, since drugs are not tested in preg-
precarious position with regard to her risk of manic re- nant women and assessment of the reproductive toxic-
lapse. A pregravid trial of a medication taper allows the cli- ity of a newer agent is often delayed for years after its
nician and patient to assess the patient’s response and introduction.

614 Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004


Second and Third Trimester nates with febrile illnesses. Another consideration is that
The periods of highest risk for teratogenicity are during the longer-term effects on the infant of sustained lithium
the first trimester. However, other perinatal risks are re- levels are not known. The American Academy of Pediatrics
lated to later exposure. They include risks for minor mal- recommends that breast-feeding be undertaken with cau-
formations, behavioral effects, low birth weight, and pre- tion by women undergoing lithium treatment (98). In a
term delivery. Given how little is known about these risks breast-fed infant exposed to lithium, lithium serum con-
and about whether mood-stabilizing agents affect these centrations and the CBC should be monitored.
risks, it is difficult to make recommendations. However, Valproate
for a woman who is doing well, changing medication for
Serum concentrations of valproate found in breast-fed
the purpose of avoiding theoretical risks to potential off-
neonates whose mothers took valproate during pregnancy
spring may place the woman’s current stability at risk and
ranged from 4% to 40% of maternal levels but declined
may not be the most prudent course.
from the time of birth (99). Breast-fed infants whose
Unplanned Pregnancy mothers did not take valproate during pregnancy had sub-
stantially lower serum concentrations (6% or less of ma-
A planned conception represents the ideal for women
ternal serum levels) (9, 100). No adverse effects have been
with bipolar disorder, but only about 50% of pregnancies
reported among infants whose mothers were treated with
are planned (88). In many instances, recognition of preg-
valproate solely during breast-feeding (100). The Ameri-
nancy will occur during or after the peak risk period for
can Academy of Neurology advocates breast-feeding for
some agents. Discontinuation of the medication at that
mothers maintained on antiepileptic agents (101).
point may place the woman’s clinical well-being at risk
and confer minimal benefit. The patient’s stability, week of Carbamazepine
pregnancy, psychotropic agent, and treatment prefer-
Concentrations of carbamazepine in breast milk are
ences should be considered in adjusting the treatment
detectable but low. Most data on serum concentrations of
plan. In addition, a higher dose of folic acid (3 mg/day)
carbamazepine in breast-feeding infants have been based
should be prescribed for the woman. Principles of stream-
on measurements in offspring of mothers who took the
lining medication and using the minimal effective dose
drug during pregnancy. Serum concentrations in such in-
can be useful treatment approaches in this scenario. Man-
fants ranged from 6% to 65% of maternal levels (102). The
agement strategies are summarized in Table 1.
American Academy of Neurology supports breast-feeding
while undergoing carbamazepine treatment in selected
Treatment During the Puerperium cases (101). The American Academy of Pediatrics com-
and While Breast-Feeding mittee on medications in breast-feeding lists both valp-
roic acid and carbamazepine as compatible with breast-
Pregnant women with bipolar disorder should be in-
feeding (98).
formed about the risk for relapse as they enter the postpar-
tum period. The well-documented high rate of recurrence Lamotrigine
in this period underscores the need to consider prophylac- Lamotrigine is excreted into human breast milk with a
tic intervention (7). Medication prophylaxis during the im- milk/plasma ratio of 0.61. Serum concentrations in nurs-
mediate postpartum period should be considered, al- ing infants (N=10) were approximately 30% of maternal
though data to support this practice are available only for serum concentrations. No adverse effects were noted in
treatment with lithium. Lithium postpartum prophylaxis this study, but the authors recommended that the baby be
has been found to reduce the rate of relapse from near 50% monitored for rash (103).
to less than 10% (96, 97). Since many women prefer to
breast-feed, information about the use of mood stabilizers First-Generation Antipsychotic Agents
during breast-feeding is also needed. Women with bipolar disorder who relapse during the
immediate postpartum period (or the third trimester) may
require antipsychotic medications. Ten reports have ad-
Lithium is secreted into breast milk and levels achieved dressed a total of 28 infants’ exposure to antipsychotic
are nearly half of maternal serum levels (19). The dimin- agents through nursing (99). In the majority of cases, no
ished renal clearance in neonates can elevate serum levels adverse events were observed.
of lithium. In a study of breast-fed offspring of women
who were taking lithium, Schou and Amdisen (19) re- Benzodiazepines
ported that lithium concentrations were detectable in the Like other psychotropic medications, benzodiazepines
sera of neonates in all cases and were equivalent to con- are secreted into breast milk. Although complications as-
centrations in breast milk (ranging from 0.1 mmol/liter to sociated with lorazepam and clonazepam have not been
0.6 mmol/liter). One concern regarding appreciable lith- described, one case report has associated diazepam with
ium levels is the propensity for rapid dehydration in neo- sedation in the neonate (104).

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 615


TABLE 1. Psychiatric Management Strategies for Female Patients With Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy and the Post-
partum Period

Patients Receiving Patients Receiving Patients Receiving

Management Strategy Lithium Valproate Olanzapine
General management strategies
Reduce risk factors for poor perinatal outcome, including Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for all
tobacco use, alcohol use, intake of drugs of abuse, obesity, patients patients patients
dehydration, caffeine intake

Provide educational material about treatment options, Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for all
document provision of patient education, review illness history, patients patients patients
and conduct a risk-benefit assessment of treatment options
Management strategies in the pre- and postconception periods
Prescribe nutritional supplements Prenatal vitamins, folic Prenatal vitamins, folic Prenatal vitamins,
acid acid, folate, vitamin K folic acid

Adjust treatment procedures —a —a —a

Make preconception dose adjustments —a <1000 mg/day in —a

divided doses
Monitor serum concentration of medication Serum concentration Serum level <76 µg/ml —a
may be affected by is appropriate
vomiting, sodium
intake, and febrile
Recognize risk for malformations in offspring associated with
medication exposure in utero
Neural tube defects (window of risk: 17–30 days after conception) —a Previous reports —a
suggest teratogenic
Heart defects (window of risk: 21–56 days after conception) Previous reports suggest —a —a
teratogenic risk
Elevated beta human chorionic gonadotropin level (risk factor for —a —a —a
spina bifida and Down syndrome) (window of risk: >23 days af-
ter conception)
—a —a —a

Lip/palate defects (window of risk: 8–11 weeks after conception)

Craniofacial defects (window of risk: 8–20 weeks after —a Previous reports —a
conception) suggest teratogenic
Fetal assessments
Level II ultrasonagraphy at 16–18 weeks to assess heart forma- Assessment Assessment —a
tion, vertebral development, and facial/palate features recommended recommended
Fetal echocardiography at 16–18 weeks to assess heart function Assessment —a —a
Management strategies later in pregnancy (>24 weeks after con- Monitor for declining Monitor for declining —a
ception) serum concentration serum concentration

Management strategies during labor and delivery Maintain hydration in —a —a

mother; recognize risk
for toxicity in offspring
Management strategies in the postpartum period Previous reports suggest —a —a
efficacy of lithium for
prevention of recurrent
illness episodes
a Unknown and/or very limited data.

Conclusions treat acute mania and prevent episodes of depression and

mania are associated with structural teratogenicity. On the
Bipolar disorder is common among women of child- other hand, there is scant evidence of enduring neurobe-
bearing age. Experts agree that acute and maintenance havioral teratogenicity associated with these agents, al-
management of bipolar disorder requires somatic prophy- though the data are extremely limited. This document
laxis. Unfortunately, a number of the medications used to outlines available data on the risks and benefits of treat-

616 Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004


Patients Receiving As-Needed Medications Patients Receiving Other Medications

Patients Receiving Patients Receiving First-Generation Calcium Channel
ECT Lamotrigine Antipsychotic Benzodiazepine Blockers Carbamazepine

Recommended for Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for Recommended for
all patients patients patients patients all patients all patients

Recommended for Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for all Recommended for Recommended for
all patients patients patients patients all patients all patients

Prenatal vitamins, —a Prenatal vitamins, Prenatal vitamins, Prenatal vitamins, Prenatal vitamins,
folic acid folic acid folic acid folic acid folic acid, folate,
vitamin K
Position patient in —a Reduce dose of —a —a —a
left lateral anticholinergic
decubitus agent
position during
—a —a —a —a —a —a

—a —a —a —a —a Serum
of unbound main
compound should
be monitored

—a Previous reports —a —a —a Previous reports

suggest teratogenic suggest
risk teratogenic risk
—a —a —a —a —a —a

—a Previous reports —a —a —a —a
suggest teratogenic
—a —a —a Previous reports —a —a
suggest teratogenic
—a Previous reports —a —a —a Previous reports
suggest teratogenic suggest
risk teratogenic risk

—a Assessment —a Assessment —a Assessment

recommended recommended recommended
—a —a —a —a —a —a

—a Monitor for declining —a —a —a Monitor for

serum concentration declining
in mid-pregnancy serum
—a Monitor for rising —a —a —a —a
serum concentration
after delivery
—a —a —a —a —a —a

ment and summarizes management strategies. Since treat- Managing bipolar disorder during pregnancy can also
ment can be managed most effectively if pregnancy is be enhanced by additional research. Such an agenda
planned, clinicians should discuss the issue of pregnancy might include studies that examine 1) the sleep of women
and its management with every patient with bipolar disor- with bipolar disorder during the childbearing years; 2) the
der who has childbearing potential, regardless of future maternal and fetal effects of agents used during preg-
reproductive plans. nancy, including detailed gestational timing and exposure

Am J Psychiatry 161:4, April 2004 617


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