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SAMA5D2 System in Package

SAMA5D2 System in Package (SiP) Silicon Errata and Data

Sheet Clarifications

SAMA5D2 System in Package (SiP)

The SAMA5D2 System in Package (SiP) devices that you have received conform functionally to the current Device
Data Sheet (DS60001484), except for the anomalies described in this document.
The silicon issues discussed in the following pages are for silicon revisions with the Device and Revision IDs listed in
the following table. The silicon issues are summarized in Silicon Issue Summary.
Note:  This document summarizes all silicon errata issues from all revisions of silicon, previous as well as current.
Data Sheet clarifications and corrections (if applicable) are located in Data Sheet Clarifications, following the
discussion of silicon issues.
The Device and Revision ID values for the various SAMA5D2 SiP silicon revisions are shown in the following table.
Table 1. SAMA5D2 SiP Silicon Device Identification

Device Identification

Part Number Silicon Revision CHIPID_CIDR[31:0] CHIPID_EXID[31:0]

ATSAMA5D225C-D1M-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000053

ATSAMA5D27C-D5M-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000032

ATSAMA5D27C-D1G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000033

ATSAMA5D27C-LD1G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000061

ATSAMA5D27C-LD2G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000062

ATSAMA5D28C-D1G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000013

ATSAMA5D28C-LD1G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000071

ATSAMA5D28C-LD2G-CU C 0x8A5C08C2 0x00000072

Note:  Refer to the “Chip Identifier (CHIPID)” and "Product Identification System" sections in the current device data
sheet (DS60001476) for detailed information on chip identification and version for your specific device.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package

Table of Contents
SAMA5D2 System in Package (SiP)..............................................................................................................1

1. Silicon Issue Summary............................................................................................................................4

2. Power Supply.......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. VDDSDMMC power supply over-consumption............................................................................ 6

3. Flexible Serial Communication Controller (FLEXCOM).......................................................................... 7

3.1. FLEXCOM SMBUS alert signalling is not functional.................................................................... 7

4. Ethernet MAC (GMAC)........................................................................................................................... 8

4.1. Bad association of timestamps and PTP packets........................................................................ 8

5. Inter-IC Sound Controller (I2SC)............................................................................................................. 9

5.1. I2SC first sent data corrupted....................................................................................................... 9

6. Controller Area Network (MCAN)..........................................................................................................10

6.1. Flexible data rate feature does not support the ISO 16845-1:2016 CRC...................................10
6.2. Needless activation of interrupt MCAN_IR.MRAF......................................................................10
6.3. Return of receiver from Bus Integration state after Protocol Exception Event........................... 10
6.4. Message RAM/RAM Arbiter not responding in time................................................................... 11
6.5. Data loss (payload) in case storage of a received frame has not completed until end of EOF
field is reached........................................................................................................................... 11
6.6. Edge filtering causes mis-synchronization when falling edge at Rx input pin coincides with end
of integration phase....................................................................................................................12
6.7. Configuration of MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 = ’0’ not allowed......................................................... 12
6.8. Retransmission in DAR mode due to lost arbitration at the first two identifier bits..................... 13
6.9. Tx FIFO message sequence inversion.......................................................................................13
6.10. Unexpected High Priority Message (HPM) interrupt.................................................................. 14
6.11. Issue message transmitted with wrong arbitration and control fields......................................... 15

7. Power Management Controller (PMC).................................................................................................. 17

7.1. Change of the field PMC_MCKR.PRES is not allowed if Master/Processor Clock Prescaler
frequency is too high.................................................................................................................. 17

8. Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM)............................................................................................18

8.1. Fault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx output not functional............................................................ 18

9. Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)...............................................................................................19

9.1. QSPI hangs with long DLYCS.................................................................................................... 19

10. Real-Time Clock (RTC)......................................................................................................................... 20

10.1. RTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0.............................................................................................20
10.2. Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE) ................20

11. ROM Code............................................................................................................................................ 21

11.1. UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor....................................................................21
11.2. JTAG_TCK on IOSET 4 pin has a wrong configuration after boot............................................. 21

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SAMA5D2 System in Package

12. Secure Digital MultiMedia Card Controller (SDMMC)........................................................................... 22

12.1. Software 'Reset For all' command may not execute properly.................................................... 22
12.2. Sampling clock tuning procedure............................................................................................... 22

13. Secure Fuse Controller (SFC)...............................................................................................................23

13.1. Fuse matrix programming requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency between 10 and 15 MHz
................................................................................................................................................... 23
13.2. Fuse matrix read requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency below 28 MHz........................... 23

14. Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)....................................................................................................24

14.1. Unexpected delay on TD output.................................................................................................24

15. Two-wire Interface (TWIHS)..................................................................................................................25

15.1. The TWI/TWIHS Clear command does not work....................................................................... 25

16. Data Sheet Clarifications.......................................................................................................................26

16.1. SAMA5D2 SiP ........................................................................................................................... 26
16.2. SAMA5D2...................................................................................................................................26

17. Revision History.................................................................................................................................... 27

17.1. Rev. C - 02/2020........................................................................................................................ 27
17.2. Rev. B - 01/2020.........................................................................................................................27
17.3. Rev. A - 04/2019.........................................................................................................................27

The Microchip Website.................................................................................................................................28

Product Change Notification Service............................................................................................................28

Customer Support........................................................................................................................................ 28

Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................................................ 28

Legal Notice................................................................................................................................................. 28

Trademarks.................................................................................................................................................. 29

Quality Management System....................................................................................................................... 29

Worldwide Sales and Service.......................................................................................................................30

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Silicon Issue Summary

1. Silicon Issue Summary

Table 1-1. Silicon Issue Summary

Module Item/Feature Summary

VDDSDMMC power supply over-
Power Supply Over-consumption on VDDSDMMC power supply
FLEXCOM FLEXCOM SMBUS alert FLEXCOM SMBUS alert signalling is not functional
GMAC Timestamps and PTP packets Bad association of timestamps and PTP packets
I2SC I2SC sent data I2SC first sent data corrupted
MCAN(1) CRC Flexible data rate feature does not support CRC
MCAN(1) MCAN_IR.MRAF interrupt Needless activation of interrupt MCAN_IR.MRAF
Return of receiver from Bus Integration state after Protocol
MCAN(2) Bus Integration state
Exception Event
MCAN(2) Message RAM/RAM Arbiter Message RAM/RAM Arbiter not responding in time
Data loss (payload) in case storage of a received frame has
MCAN(2) Frame receiving
not completed until end of EOF field is reached
Edge filtering causes mis-synchronization when falling edge
MCAN(1) Edge filtering
at Rx input pin coincides with end of integration phase
MCAN(2) MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 Configuration of MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 = ’0’ not allowed
Retransmission in DAR mode due to lost arbitration at the
MCAN(2) DAR mode
first two identifier bits
MCAN(2) Tx FIFO message Tx FIFO message sequence inversion
MCAN(2) HPM interrupt Unexpected High Priority Message (HPM) interrupt
Issue message transmitted with wrong arbitration and control
MCAN(2) Transmitted message
Change of the field PMC_MCKR.PRES is not allowed if
Master/Processor Clock Prescaler frequency is too high
Fault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx
PWM Fault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx output is not functional
QSPI DLYCS delay QSPI hangs with long DLYCS
RTC RTC_SR.TDERR flag RTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0
Truncated read access to Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register
UART connection to SAM-BA
ROM Code UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor
JTAG_TCK on IOSET 4 pin has a wrong configuration after
SDMMC Software 'Reset For all' command Software 'Reset For all' command may not execute properly
SDMMC Sampling clock tuning procedure Sampling clock tuning procedure may freeze
Fuse matrix programming requires a main clock (MAINCK)
SFC Fuse matrix programming
frequency between 10 and 15 MHz

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Silicon Issue Summary

Module Item/Feature Summary
Fuse matrix read requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency
SFC Fuse matrix read
below 28 MHz
SSC TD output Unexpected delay on TD output
TWIHS Clear command The TWI/TWIHS Clear command does not work

1. This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.
2. This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Power Supply

2. Power Supply

2.1 VDDSDMMC power supply over-consumption

The SAMA5D2 SiP devices listed in the table below exhibit an over-consumption of roughly 5 mA on the
VDDSDMMC power rail.

Affected Devices

Work around
Even if the SDMMCs are not used, the following procedure greatly reduces the over-consumption on VDDSDHC:
1. Enable the peripheral clock by setting the clock for the SDHC
– PMC_PCER0.PID31 = 1
2. Launch an SDMMC calibration by setting the bits EN and ALWYSON in the SDMMC_CALCR register
3. Wait for the end of calibration by polling the EN bit while (SDMMC0_CALCR & SDMMC_CALCR_EN);
4. Disable the SDMMC peripheral clock for the SDHC
– PMC_PCDR0.PID31 = 1
With this procedure, the power consumption is reduced from ~5mA to 90μA.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Flexible Serial Communication Controller (...

3. Flexible Serial Communication Controller (FLEXCOM)

3.1 FLEXCOM SMBUS alert signalling is not functional

The TWI function embedded in the FLEXCOM does not support SMBUS alert signal management.

Work around
If this signal is mandatory in the application, the user can use one of the standalone TWIs (TWIHS0, TWIHS1)
supporting the SMBUS alert signaling.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Ethernet MAC (GMAC)

4. Ethernet MAC (GMAC)

4.1 Bad association of timestamps and PTP packets

An issue in the association mechanism between event registers and queued PTP packets may lead to timestamps
incorrectly associated with these packets.
Even if it is highly unlikely to queue consecutive packets of the same type, there is no way to know which frame the
content of the PTP event registers refers to.

Work around

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Inter-IC Sound Controller (I2SC)

5. Inter-IC Sound Controller (I2SC)

5.1 I2SC first sent data corrupted

Right after I2SC reset, the first data sent by I2SC controller on the I2SDO line is corrupted. The following data are not

Work around

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

6. Controller Area Network (MCAN)

6.1 Flexible data rate feature does not support the ISO 16845-1:2016 CRC

Attention:  This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.

CAN-FD peripheral does not support the ISO 16845-1:2016 CRC scheme which includes the stuff bit count
introduced by the ISO standardization committee.
CAN 2.0 operation is not impacted.

Work around

6.2 Needless activation of interrupt MCAN_IR.MRAF

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

During frame reception while the MCAN is in Error Passive state and the Receive Error Counter has the value
MCAN_ECR.REC = 127, it may happen that MCAN_IR.MRAF is set although there was no Message RAM access
failure. If MCAN_IR.MRAF is enabled, an interrupt to the Host CPU is generated.

Work around
The Message RAM Access Failure interrupt routine needs to check whether MCAN_ECR.RP = ’1’ and
MCAN_ECR.REC = 127. In this case, reset MCAN_IR.MRAF. No further action is required.

6.3 Return of receiver from Bus Integration state after Protocol Exception Event

Attention:  This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.

In case a started transmission is aborted shortly before the transmission of the FDF bit, a receiver will detect a
recessive FDF bit followed by a recessive res bit. In this case receiving MCANs with Protocol Exception Event
Handling enabled will detect a protocol exception event and will enter Bus Integration state. These receivers are
expected to leave Bus Integration state after 11 consecutive recessive bits.
Instead of starting to count 11 recessive bits directly after entering Bus Integration state, the MCAN needs to see at
least one dominant bit.

Work around
Disable Protocol Exception Event Handling (MCAN_CCCR.PXHD = ’1’).

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

6.4 Message RAM/RAM Arbiter not responding in time

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

When the MCAN wants to store a received frame, and the Message RAM/RAM Arbiter does not respond in time, this
message cannot be stored completely and it is discarded with the reception of the next message. Interrupt flag
MCAN_IR.MRAF is set. It may happen that the next received message is stored incomplete. In this case, the
respective Rx Buffer or Rx FIFO element holds inconsistent data.

Work around
Configure the RAM Watchdog to the maximum expected Message RAM access delay. In case the Message RAM /
RAM Arbiter does not respond within this time, the Watchdog Interrupt MCAN_IR.WDI is set. In this case discard the
frame received after MCAN_IR.MRAF has been activated.

6.5 Data loss (payload) in case storage of a received frame has not completed until
end of EOF field is reached

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

This erratum is applicable only if the MCAN peripheral clock frequency is below 77 MHz.
During frame reception, the Rx Handler needs access to the Message RAM for acceptance filtering (read access)
and storage of accepted messages (write access).
The time needed for acceptance filtering and storage of a received message depends on the MCAN peripheral clock
frequency, the number of MCANs connected to a single Message RAM, the Message RAM arbitration scheme, and
the number of configured filter elements.
In case storage of a received message has not completed until the end of the received frame is reached, the
following faulty behavior can be observed:
• The last write to the Message RAM to complete storage of the received message is omitted, this data is lost.
Applies for data frames with DLC > 0, worst case is DLC = 1.
• Rx FIFO: FIFO put index MCAN_RXFnS.FnPI is updated although the last FIFO element holds corrupted data.
• Rx Buffer: New Data flag MCAN_NDATn.NDxx is set although the Rx Buffer holds corrupted data.
• Interrupt flag MCAN_IR.MRAF is not set.

Work around
Reduce the maximum number of configured filter elements for the MCANs attached to the Message RAM until the
calculated clock frequency is below the MCAN peripheral clock frequency used with the device.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

6.6 Edge filtering causes mis-synchronization when falling edge at Rx input pin
coincides with end of integration phase

Attention:  This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.

When edge filtering is enabled (MCAN_CCCR.EFBI = ’1’) and when the end of the integration phase coincides with a
falling edge at the Rx input pin, it may happen that the MCAN synchronizes itself wrongly and does not correctly
receive the first bit of the frame. In this case the CRC will detect that the first bit was received incorrectly; it will rate
the received FD frame as faulty and an error frame will be sent.
The issue only occurs when there is a falling edge at the Rx input pin (CANRX) within the last time quantum (tq)
before the end of the integration phase. The last time quantum of the integration phase is at the sample point of the
11th recessive bit of the integration phase. When the edge filtering is enabled, the bit timing logic of the MCAN sees
the Rx input signal delayed by the edge filtering. When the integration phase ends, the edge filtering is automatically
disabled. This affects the reset of the FD CRC registers at the beginning of the frame. The Classical CRC registers
are not affected, so this issue does not affect the reception of Classical frames.
In CAN communication, the MCAN may enter integrating state (either by resetting MCAN_CCCR.INIT or by protocol
exception event) while a frame is active on the bus. In this case the 11 recessive bits are counted between the
Acknowledge bit and the following start of frame. All nodes have synchronized at the beginning of the dominant
Acknowledge bit. This means that the edge of the following Start-of-Frame bit cannot fall on the sample point, so the
issue does not occur. The issue occurs only when the MCAN is, by local errors, mis-synchronized with regard to the
other nodes, or not synchronized at all.
Glitch filtering as specified in ISO 11898-1:2015 is fully functional.
Edge filtering was introduced for applications where the data bit time is at least two tq (of the nominal bit time) long.
In that case, edge filtering requires at least two consecutive dominant time quanta before the counter counting the 11
recessive bits for idle detection is restarted. This means edge filtering covers the theoretical case of occasional 1-tq-
long dominant spikes on the CAN bus that would delay idle detection. Repeated dominant spikes on the CAN bus
would disturb all CAN communication, so the filtering to speed up idle detection would not help network performance.
When this rare event occurs, the MCAN sends an error frame and the sender of the affected frame retransmits the
frame. When the retransmitted frame is received, the MCAN has left the integration phase and the frame will be
received correctly. Edge filtering is only applied during integration phase; it is never used during normal operation. As
the integration phase is very short with respect to “active communication time”, the impact on total error frame rate is
negligible. The issue has no impact on data integrity.
The MCAN enters integration phase under the following conditions:
• when MCAN_CCCR.INIT is set to ’0’ after start-up
• after a protocol exception event (only when MCAN_CCCR.PXHD = ’0’)

Work around
Disable edge filtering or wait on retransmission in case this rare event happens.

6.7 Configuration of MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 = ’0’ not allowed

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

When MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 is configured to zero (Phase_Seg2(N) = 1), and when there is a pending transmission
request, a dominant third bit of Intermission may cause the MCAN to wrongly transmit the first identifier bit dominant
instead of recessive, even if this bit was configured as ’1’ in the MCAN’s Tx Buffer Element.
A phase buffer segment 2 of length ’1’ (Phase_Seg2(N) = 1) is not sufficient to switch to the first identifier bit after the
sample point in Intermission where the dominant bit was detected.
The CAN protocol according to ISO 11898-1 defines that a dominant third bit of Intermission causes a pending
transmission to be started immediately. The received dominant bit is handled as if the MCAN has transmitted a Start-
of-Frame (SoF) bit.
The ISO 11898-1 specifies the minimum configuration range for Phase_Seg2(N) to be 2..8 tq. Therefore excluding a
Phase_Seg2(N) of ’1’ will not affect MCAN conformance.

Work around
Use the range 1..127 for MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 instead of 0..127.

6.8 Retransmission in DAR mode due to lost arbitration at the first two identifier bits

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

When the MCAN is configured in DAR mode (MCAN_CCCR.DAR = ’1’) the Automatic Retransmission for transmitted
messages that have been disturbed by an error or have lost arbitration is disabled. When the transmission attempt is
not successful, the Tx Buffer’s transmission request bit (MCAN_TXBRP.TRPxx) shall be cleared and its Cancellation
Finished bit (MCAN_TXBCF.CFxx) shall be set.
When the transmitted message loses arbitration at one of the first two identifier bits, it may happen that instead of the
bits of the actually transmitted Tx Buffer, the MCAN_TXBRP.TRPxx and MCAN_TXBCF.CFxx bits of the previously
started Tx Buffer (or Tx Buffer 0 if there is no previous transmission attempt) are written (MCAN_TXBRP.TRPxx = ’0’,
MCAN_TXBCF.CFxx = ’1’).
If in this case the MCAN_TXBRP.TRPxx bit of the Tx Buffer that lost arbitration at the first two identifier bits has not
been cleared, retransmission is attempted.
When the MCAN loses arbitration again at the immediately following retransmission, then actually and previously
transmitted Tx Buffers are the same and this Tx Buffer’s MCAN_TXBRP.TRPxx bit is cleared and its
MCAN_TXBCF.CFxx bit is set.

Work around

6.9 Tx FIFO message sequence inversion

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

Assume the case that there are two Tx FIFO messages in the output pipeline of the Tx Message Handler.
Transmission of Tx FIFO message 1 is started:
• Position 1: Tx FIFO message 1 (transmission ongoing)
• Position 2: Tx FIFO message 2
• Position 3: --

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

Now a non-Tx FIFO message with a higher CAN priority is requested. Due to its priority it will be inserted into the
output pipeline. The TxMH performs so called "message scans" to keep the output pipeline up to date with the
highest priority messages from the Message RAM. After the following two message scans, the output pipeline has
the following content:
• Position 1: Tx FIFO message 1 (transmission ongoing)
• Position 2: non-Tx FIFO message with higher CAN priority
• Position 3: Tx FIFO message 2
If the transmission of Tx FIFO message 1 is not successful (lost arbitration or CAN bus error) it is pushed from the
output pipeline by the non-Tx FIFO message with higher CAN priority. The following scan re-inserts Tx FIFO
message 1 into the output pipeline at position 3:
• Position 1: non-Tx FIFO message with higher CAN priority (transmission ongoing)
• Position 2: Tx FIFO message 2
• Position 3: Tx FIFO message 1
Now Tx FIFO message 2 is in the output pipeline in front of Tx FIFO message 1 and they are transmitted in that
order, resulting in a message sequence inversion.

Work around
1. First Work Around
Use two dedicated Tx Buffers, e.g. use Tx Buffers 4 and 5 instead of the Tx FIFO. The pseudo-code below replaces
the function that fills the Tx FIFO.
Write message to Tx Buffer 4.
Transmit loop:
• Request Tx Buffer 4 - write MCAN_TXBAR.A4
• Write message to Tx Buffer 5
• Wait until transmission of Tx Buffer 4 completed - MCAN_IR.TC, read MCAN_TXBTO.TO4
• Request Tx Buffer 5 - write MCAN_TXBAR.A5
• Write message to Tx Buffer 4
• Wait until transmission of Tx Buffer 5 is completed - MCAN_IR.TC, read MCAN_TXBTO.TO5
2. Second Work Around
Make sure that only one Tx FIFO element is pending for transmission at any time. The Tx FIFO elements may be
filled at any time with messages to be transmitted, but their transmission requests are handled separately. Each time
a Tx FIFO transmission has completed and the Tx FIFO gets empty (MCAN_IR.TFE = ’1’), the next Tx FIFO element
is requested.
3. Third Work Around
Use only a Tx FIFO. Send the message with the higher priority also from Tx FIFO.
One drawback is that the higher priority message has to wait until the preceding messages in the Tx FIFO have been

6.10 Unexpected High Priority Message (HPM) interrupt

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

This issue occurs in two configurations:

Configuration A:

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

• At least one Standard Message ID Filter Element is configured with Priority flag set (S0.SFEC =
• No Extended Message ID Filter Element is configured.
• Non-matching extended frames are accepted (MCAN_GFC.ANFE = "00"/"01").
The HPM Interrupt flag MCAN_IR.HPM is set erroneously on reception of a non-high-priority extended message
under the following conditions:
1. A standard HPM frame is received, and accepted by a filter with Priority flag set. Then, Interrupt flag
MCAN_IR.HPM is set as expected.
2. Next, an extended frame is received and accepted due to the MCAN_GFC.ANFE configuration. Then,
Interrupt flag MCAN_IR.HPM is set erroneously.
Configuration B:
• At least one Extended Message ID Filter Element is configured with Priority flag set (F0.EFEC =
• No Standard Message ID Filter Element is configured.
• Non-matching standard frames are accepted (MCAN_GFC.ANFS = "00"/"01").
The HPM Interrupt flag MCAN_IR.HPM is set erroneously on reception of a non-high-priority standard message
under the following conditions:
1. An extended HPM frame is received, and accepted by a filter with Priority flag set. Then, Interrupt flag
MCAN_IR.HPM is set as expected.
2. Next, a standard frame is received and accepted due to the MCAN_GFC.ANFS configuration. Then, Interrupt
flag MCAN_IR.HPM is set erroneously.

Work around
Configuration A:
Set up an Extended Message ID Filter Element with the following configuration:
• F0.EFEC = "001"/"010" - select Rx FIFO for storage of extended frames
• F0.EFID1 = any value - value not relevant as all ID bits are masked out by F1.EFID2
• F1.EFT = "10" - classic filter, F0.EFID1 = filter, F1.EFID2 = mask
• F1.EFID2 = zero - all bits of the received extended ID are masked out
Now, all extended frames are stored in Rx FIFO 0 respectively Rx FIFO 1 depending on the configuration of
Configuration B:
Set up a Standard Message ID Filter Element with the following configuration:
• S0.SFEC = "001"/"010" - select Rx FIFO for storage of standard frames
• S0.SFID1 = any value - value not relevant as all ID bits are masked out by S0.SFID2
• S0.SFT = "10" - classic filter, S0.SFID1 = filter, S0.SFID2 = mask
• S0.SFID2 = zero - all bits of the received standard ID are masked out
Now, all standard frames are stored in Rx FIFO 0 respectively Rx FIFO 1 depending on the configuration of

6.11 Issue message transmitted with wrong arbitration and control fields

Attention:  This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.

When the following conditions are met, a message with wrong ID, format, and DLC is transmitted:
• M_CAN is in state "Receiver" (PSR.ACT = "10") and there is no pending transmission.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Controller Area Network (MCAN)

• A new transmission is requested before the third Intermission bit is reached.

• The CAN bus is sampled dominant at the third Intermission bit which is treated as SoF (see ISO11898-1:2015
Then, it can happen that:
• the Shift register is not loaded with the ID, format and DLC of the requested message,
• the MCAN starts arbitration with wrong ID, format, and DLC on the next bit,
• if the ID wins arbitration, a CAN message with valid CRC is transmitted,
• if this message is acknowledged, the ID stored in the Tx Event FIFO is the ID of the requested Tx message, and
not the ID of the message transmitted on the CAN bus, and no error is detected by the transmitting MCAN.

Work around
Request a new transmission only if another transmission is already pending or when the MCAN is not in "Receiver"
state (when PSR.ACT ≠ "10").
To avoid activating the transmission request in the critical time window between the sample points of the second and
third Intermission bits, the application software can evaluate the Rx Interrupt flags IR.DRX, IR.RF0N and IR.RF1N,
which are set at the last EoF bit when a received and accepted message becomes valid.
The last EoF bit is followed by three Intermission bits. Therefore, the critical time window has safely terminated three
bit times after the Rx interrupt. Now a transmission can be requested by writing to TXBAR.
After the interrupt, the application has to take care that the transmission request for the CAN Protocol Controller is
activated before the critical window of the following reception is reached.
A checksum covering the arbitration and control fields can be added to the data field of the message to be
transmitted, to detect frames transmitted with wrong arbitration and control fields.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Power Management Controller (PMC)

7. Power Management Controller (PMC)

7.1 Change of the field PMC_MCKR.PRES is not allowed if Master/Processor Clock

Prescaler frequency is too high
PMC_MCKR.PRES cannot be changed if the clock applied to the Master/Processor Clock Prescaler (see “Master
Clock Controller” in section “Power Management Controller (PMC)” of the SAMA5D2 Series data sheet) is greater
than 312 MHz (VDDCORE[1.1, 1.32]) and 394 MHz (VDDCORE[1.2, 1.32]).

Work around
2. Set PMC_MCKR.PRES to the required value.
3. Change PMC_MCKR.CSS to the new clock source (PLLA_CLK, UPLLCK).

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM)

8. Pulse Width Modulation Controller (PWM)

8.1 Fault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx output not functional

While it is possible to force the output of PWMH and PWML to 0 or 1, the feature to set these outputs to Hi-Z by
setting the corresponding field in PWM_FPV2 is not functional.
The protection values for PWML and PWMH are by default set to ‘0’.

Work around

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Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)

9. Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)

9.1 QSPI hangs with long DLYCS

QSPI hangs if a command is written to any QSPI register during the DLYCS delay. There is no status bit to flag the
end of the delay.

Work around
The field DLYCS defines a minimum period for which Chip Select is de-asserted, required by some memories. This
delay is generally < 60 ns and comprises internal execution time, arbitration and latencies. Thus, DLYCS must be
configured to be slightly higher than the value specified for the slave device. The software must wait for this same
period of time plus an additional delay before a command can be written to the QSPI.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Real-Time Clock (RTC)

10. Real-Time Clock (RTC)

10.1 RTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0

The TDERR flag reporting internal free counters errors is stuck at 0. The non-BCD or invalid date/time values are not
reported in the RTC Status register (RTC_SR).

Work around
None. A software procedure to check the validity of the RTC time and date values may be implemented.

10.2 Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE)
The register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE) is a 32-bit read/write register but the bits 24:31 are write only.
RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE) is functioning properly but any read after write of this register will show the value 0 for
the upper byte.

Work around

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
ROM Code

11. ROM Code

11.1 UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor

When a UART is used as the ROM Code console interface in the Boot Configuration Word, the USB Device
connection may not be properly enabled, and thus the SAM-BA Monitor does not run.

Work around
Pull up the RX line of the UART.

11.2 JTAG_TCK on IOSET 4 pin has a wrong configuration after boot

The JTAG_TCK signal on IOSET 4 shares its pin (PA22) with the clock signal of the following boot memory
interfaces: SDMMC1, SPI1 IOSET 2, QSPI 0 IOSET 3.
If JTAG IOSET 4 is selected by the user as JTAG debug port in the Boot Configuration Word, and if the ROM Code
boots, or tries to boot, on any of the external memory interfaces stated above, the JTAG clock pin (TCK) is reset at its
default mode (PIO) at the end of the ROM Code execution.
This occurs as soon as EXT_MEM_BOOT_ENABLE is set.

Work around
Do not select or disable external memory boot interface SDMMC1, SPI1 IOSET 2 or QSPI0 IOSET 3. However, if
using one of these boot interfaces is required, reconfigure the PA22 pin in JTAG TCK IOSET 4 mode in the bootstrap
or application.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Secure Digital MultiMedia Card Controller (SDMMC)

12. Secure Digital MultiMedia Card Controller (SDMMC)

12.1 Software 'Reset For all' command may not execute properly
The software 'Reset For All' command may not execute properly, and, as a result, some registers of the host
controller may not reset properly. The setting of the different registers must be checked before reinitializing the SD

Work around

12.2 Sampling clock tuning procedure

The sampling clock tuning procedure described in the “SD Host Controller Simplified Specification V3.00” may freeze
in the latest verification of the “Wait until Buffer Read Ready” condition.

Work around
The condition “Check Execute Tuning = 0“ can be OR’ed to “Wait until Buffer Read Ready” condition in the loop
issuing the SEND_TUNING_BLOCK command (CMD19).

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Secure Fuse Controller (SFC)

13. Secure Fuse Controller (SFC)

13.1 Fuse matrix programming requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency between 10
and 15 MHz
If the main clock is not within the range of 10 to 15 MHz while programming the fuse matrix, the correct fuse
programming cannot be ensured.

Work around
• If the main clock is out of the 10 to 15 MHz range, then before programming the fuse matrix switches the main
clock to the internal 12 MHz RC oscillator.
• To program the fuses during ROM Code execution, SAM-BA/Secure and SAM-BA version 3.2.2 or higher must
be used.

13.2 Fuse matrix read requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency below 28 MHz
If the main clock is higher than 28 MHz, fuse matrix content read cannot be ensured.

Work around
Do not use the main oscillator in Bypass mode with a frequency higher than 28 MHz.

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Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)

14. Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)

14.1 Unexpected delay on TD output

When SSC is configured with the following conditions:
• RCMR.START = Start on falling edge/Start on Rising edge/Start on any edge,
• RFMR.FSOS = None (input),
• TCMR.START = Receive Start,
an unexpected delay of 2 or 3 system clock cycles is added to the TD output.

Work around

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Two-wire Interface (TWIHS)

15. Two-wire Interface (TWIHS)

15.1 The TWI/TWIHS Clear command does not work

Bus reset using the “CLEAR” bit of the TWI/TWIHS control register does not work correctly during a bus busy state.

Work around
When the TWI master detects the SDA line stuck in low state the procedure to recover is:
1. Reconfigure the SDA/SCL lines as PIO.
2. Try to assert a Logic 1 on the SDA line (PIO output = 1).
3. Read the SDA line state. If the PIO state is a Logic 0, then generate a clock pulse on SCL (1-0-1 transition).
4. Read the SDA line state. If the SDA line = 0, go to Step 3; if SDA = 1, go to Step 5.
5. Generate a STOP condition.
6. Reconfigure SDA/SCL PIOs as peripheral.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package
Data Sheet Clarifications

16. Data Sheet Clarifications

The following typographic corrections and clarifications are to be noted for the latest versions of the device data

Device Document Reference

SAMA5D2 SiP DS60001484
SAMA5D2 DS60001476

Note:  Corrections in tables, registers, and text are shown in bold. Where possible, the original bold text formatting
has been removed for clarity.

16.1 SAMA5D2 SiP

No clarifications to report at this time.

16.2 SAMA5D2
No clarifications to report at this time.

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Revision History

17. Revision History

17.1 Rev. C - 02/2020

Added in 10. Real-Time Clock (RTC):
- 10.1 RTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0
- 10.2 Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE) .
Updated in 11. ROM Code:
11.1 UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor

17.2 Rev. B - 01/2020

Added 11.1 UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor.
Updated 16. Data Sheet Clarifications for SAMA5D2.

17.3 Rev. A - 04/2019

First issue.

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SAMA5D2 System in Package

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