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Discussion Forum - Unit 1 –

Task 2 - Writing Task


Student code 7951247



UNAD 2020

Students will read an article containing a text and a video and will express their point of
view on this matter in the forum.

All group members will participate in the forum by giving their opinion on the article and
the video and will make comments on the participation of others. Overall, students must
participate at least 3 times in the forum.

Once you have done this, you will write a formal letter to a company you consider is
contributing to the pollution of the earth and you will express your opinion and make a
demand to them.

Study the Online Content (E-book) Level B1 – Module 5:

formal letter
Carrera 74No 17-55
Bogotá,D.c , Colombia
march 2020

The production Manager


Carrera 74 No 13-68

Bogotá DC, Colombia

Dear Sir Charles Smith

I am writing to complain about lots of toxic waste that I see thrown on the floor at your company
Street corner once a week, and I ask you for a solution to these facts

I consider that it is very important each company take care of doing not pollution the
environment in order to preserve the health of the people who live in our neighborhood in this

I believe that company around the world can produce its products while contributing to preserve
or planet environment cleaning I will be very grateful for your positive response to my request

Yours faithfully

John Jairo Yara O.

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