Baptism Form

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If the Cathedral is your home parish and you wish to baptize your child at another parish, you
will need to request a “letter of permission” from Monsignor McNamee’s office.

Before requesting this letter – Your family must be registered and active members* at CTK
 If you are not registered, CLICK here to register or
o Fill out the online form from the Cathedral website homepage:
 Scroll to bottom and click on “CTK New Parishioner Registration”
 Be sure to enter information for ALL household members (spouse, children)
o This form can also be requested from the receptionist.

* An active member attends Mass on a regular basis, supports the parish through the giving of
time, talent, and treasure (use of offertory envelopes or online giving), and receives regular
mailings and communications from the parish.

To request the letter

 Provide Monsignor’s office with:
o Parents’ and child’s names
o Family address, phone, email
o Baptism date or tentative date
o Parish of baptism: name, address, phone, fax#, contact name and email.
o If the parish requires proof of attendance at a baptism preparation class and you
attended the class at CTK
 Ask Monsignor’s office to include class date in letter. If you are unsure of
date, we can look it up.


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