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Topic: The Baltic Sea

Data: 31st October 2019

Lesson aims:

Student knows:
- names of countries lying on the Baltic;
- notions of catchment, river basin, coastline, salinity;
- names of major European seas in English;

Student describes:
- relationship between pollution of the rivers flowing into the sea and the status of purity of sea
- low salinity of the Baltic Sea water;

Student can:
- describe the location of the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean;
- argue conclusions based on available sources of knowledge like maps, drawings, diagrams;

Warm-up / Introduction:
1. Taking the register. Checking students’ homework (if assigned).
2. A teacher introduces the topic. Attachment 1: Presentation.
Click the link to open movie “The Baltic Sea in winter”.

Realization stage:
3. The teacher divides the class into groups of 3-4, each group chooses its leader.
4. The teacher gives students a map of the Baltic Sea (attachment 2: photocopy of map No. 1).
5. The group's task is to mark the coastline of individual countries on the map with different colors,
and then enter the names of the countries. Students can use maps in textbooks or atlases (slide 2, 3).
6. Students recognize countries with the longest and shortest coastline.
7. The teacher gives out another map (Annex 2: photocopy of map 2).
8. Students are asked to mark all rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea on the map (slide 4).
9. Students try to explain why the Baltic Sea is a poorly saline sea. In the analysis, they should take
into account the number of rivers flowing into the sea, narrow straits through which water is poorly
exchanged with oceanic water, and low air temperatures causing low evaporation (slide 5).
9. The teacher and students analyze the size of the sea basin, including the countries with the
smallest and largest catchment area.
10. Students analyze the amount of pollution delivered by individual countries (presentation, slide
6) and then present suggestions on how to eliminate pollution.
11. Students discuss the problem of mutual cooperation between states in the field of protection of
Baltic waters.

The summary stage:

12. Homework: Play „the Seas of Europe” game.

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