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ts: 0:00
May day, fertility, May pole, hobby horse - concept, labor
Master Class - internet course - chess, musician, list of talent
screen writers and theater
hollywood, story tellers are of jewish heritage
david Mamet
movies: Glen Gary, Glen Ross and other movies
Glengarry Glen Ross and other movies
Glengarry Glen Ross is a 1992 American drama film adapted by David
Mamet from his 1984 Pulitzer Prize-winning play of the same name, and
directed by James Foley. The film depicts two days in the lives of four
real estate salesmen and how they become desperate when the
corporate office sends a trainer to "motivate" them by announcing that,
in one week, all except the top two salesmen will be fired. It was filmed
in New York City

David Mamet - what Kurt is unraveling.

Aaron Sorkin - west wing, said something in the class
used the word Christmas Ornament
Christ - Mass ornament, coming from a man of Jewish Heritage
email: Link in the news

any President speak of the afterbirth?

both recipients of Kurt's letter left office

ts: 0:05

Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor

Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”
-> to execute the sacrificial aspect of the amnion or afterbirth itself
that is the deposit made at the federal level
after birth,
Baby is "Wrapped" in a Blanket and Mother,
Baby is "Wrapped" in a Blanket
Baby is "Wrapped" in Mother
the Blanket is the Amnion
the Mother is the uterine wall

they make it look like Mother and Doctor are deciding something
then, Doctor decide whether to execute the baby

digest the article, it all leads back to the Christmas Ornament

Lynn sent a text about the birth certificated

Kurtis Kallenbach - two words

Kurtis Richard Kallenbach - embellished, ornamental
Richard is the ornamental
believed to be names
could be identifying two completely different positions
two different babies

ts: 0:10
on April 28, a few days ago, they are getting in front of this afterbirth
several (separate) familiar (family, related) themes
praised the economy, praised per economy
based on a sacrificial amnion
praised the amnion, to pay your bills
2020 vision, see clearly

word: president - 2 - a celebrant of the Eucharist

moment of birth -> directional
birth synonym genesis
small g- genesis is at the zygote
moment of birth is moment of creation

if you rip that child, you go up to conception

if you remove that 9 months earlier, you do not exist
if you remove your small-g genesis, you are not here
from conception until out of womb and cut official
that time is not accountable

ts: 0:15
if they cut you of from the rest of your materials
not all present and accountable

the womb implies implantation

“allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb right up until the moment of
talking about pre-implantation conceptus
not in the wall of the uterus
pre-implantation conceptus

context: womb
if conceptus is floating, has not adhere to wall of the uterus

correct: US NIH pre-implatation conceptus is correcting

anything is need of correction

heads and tail, capital and labor, Republicans and Democrats

federal is capital and state is labor, mind and labor
it is all one coin
if kurt cuts off his head, kurt does not have access to tails

church and state, labor and capital,

Republicans separate Democrats
Democrats on side of labor, AFL-CIO constitution 1935, the Social
contract came in

everything that is pre-history, unaccountable time, not on the record,

that is the afterbirth
everything in front of that moment of separation - the cutting of the cord,
is the afterbirth
ts: 0:20
babies born alive
“The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of
the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the
mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.”
word: beauty - 5 -> bottom - m-w, the underside
3 - ornamental
heads on one side, the beauty is on the other side
word: bottom - m-w
surface on which a body of water lies
land, under the water,
if America was washed over, or took on the commercial aspect or
commerce, it would be underwater
the United States of America has two aspects
ts: 0:25
it has commerce and reality and substance
the United States is the commercial sea,
America is the geographic or continental aspect of the USA
the United States is commerce
America the Beautiful, America the bottom
Trump is using key words
beautifully, sounds like commercially, under the bottom,
they wrap the baby in a commercial paper
then the doctor and the mother execute the commercial paper
Trump: "the baby is born, it's there, it's wrapped, that's it"
that a guillotine motion with his hand, implying the baby's head would be
sliced off
decapitated - kurt talks about
our capital has been separated from our labor

are they talking about what we perceive to be the baby

or the afterbirth?
they are talking about the afterbirth "baby"
the intent is to get people to be swayed to pass a bill that
is even more detrimental to their existence
people will argue about this
7.5 billion is considered a collective, one person, the Christ - mass
Governor is talking about the afterbirth
ciphered clue to Kurt Kallenbach
- they are talking about the afterbirth, because they have to

-> moments before birth, could be a second, could be at movie and two
hours, grade school was a moment, six years, it is all context
-> living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share
their love and dream

word: abortion: expulsion

ts: 0:30
from a uterus before it is able to survive independently
is the afterbirth ever able to survive independently? no
the arrest of the development of an organ
typically a seed or fruit
does the e-e evidence the father's sperm? yes
abortion - arresting of the development of an organ, typically a seed or
the arrest warrant
abortion: 2 - badly carried out
a C-section is legally considered an abortion
we think C-section is the act of cutting open
cutting a section of ground
1302 Unam Sanctam
kurt believes Pope is talking about the C-section
they have invented two beginning
small-g genesis reality large-G Geneis false
created heaven and earth, capital and labor

ts: 0:35
every human creature be subject
the human creature is the C-section
Cesarian section is Ceasar's ground
what we perceive as baby is not the human creature
that is Ceasar's claim
render on to Ceasar's what is Ceasar's claim

afterbirth, baby is "wrapped"

word: wrapped - to cover in paper or soft material
butcher wraps the meat and wraps in paper
you give money, executed a transaction
wrap -> encase, parcel up, package, bundle up
After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide
Whether to “Execute the Baby”
wrap - an end of a session of filming or recording
they wrap the afterbirth
after birth, Baby is "Wrapped"
facebook: learn your small-g "genesis" and end your foreign occupation
you are occupying foreign land, foreign ground,
ts: 0:40
today's topic: Christ-mas ornament
krk is an embellishment, kk is not embellishment, not an ornamental
m-w: christ - messiah, jesus, an ideal type of humanity
ideally freed from the bondage,
earn some real money that is not attributable not tied to a belief system,
some on my biology on deposit, a belief system,
is zygote perfect? never sinned
that creation is perfection, clean pure, unbroken
christ -> anointed, to smear or rub with oil
mike baby came from zygote
if you choose G-Genesis over your true creator
made by man (non-divine) or divine
cut the umbilical cord,
cut from your creator, your divinity
ts: 0:45
they are holding the biology
and a piece of paper, a folio evidencing that deposit
have faith, monetary system based on full faith and credit
scientifically, you know your zygote, every being
they are using the faith against us
science is your salvation
christ - ideal
word: mass: m-w
the liturgy of the eucharisth (the body and blood of Christ)
aka e-e
eukaryotic cell
mass: aggregate
zygote - no pieces
ts: 0:50
conceptus: day 2, has an aggregate, it has parts
the aggregate of the parts is the mass
mass: bulk: breaking the bulk is illegal
the US considers the pre-implantation conceptus correct
so you have to be whole, not broken
if broken, defective, held in quarantine
looking at us as quarantinable, defective,
main part of the body - ee
evidential weight - in a court room, to prove a case
the more evidence, we have enough evidence
the gravity of the situation
proof, evidence the zygote, small-g genesis,
heavy weight in their field,
not much heavier than origina, truth, fact
mass: the great body of the people as contracts with the elite
the zygote is whole
when it subdivides, it can be broken into its aggregate parts
if take one part out of the 100,
baby is an individual piece,
biblically, the lost coin, the lost sheep

ts: 0:55
when zygote subdivides, it can be broken apart
if zygote has 100 parts, and kurt takes one out, leaving 99,
that one becomes an individual part
when the baby becomes separated from the conceptus
is the baby an individual piece to the entirety of the zygote
they are creating a separation of the whole
and they are calling it an individual
- the lost coin
when you find it and put it back together, it is whole
mass: a large scale charcter, Christianity
all those people who believe in Genesis
zygote is whole
but if leave my e-e to be collected into a collective mass,
Christianity, that is a single thing too, of a large character

word: ornament: m-w:

Christ - mass - ideal
archaic: in the past, after
ornament: an embellishing note not belonging to the essential melody
zygote is whole, complete,
ts: 1:00
zygote is whole, complete, harmony of zygote is complete
word: ornament
5 - an embellishing note
they are talking about adding something else to it
pre-implantation conceptus, goes into the wall of the uterurs
it has been added to something or something has been added to it
afterbirth - placenta + membranes
maternal afterbirth is collective mother
it has an adornment
this is adorning the maternal property
from our view, the maternal is adhering to our property
two different perspective - legitimate
if I believe that we are all in this together, communism,
then i leave my e-e on the ground, attached to the collective mother
a piece of me for everyone to tap into
if I choose to participate in a cult where we are all in it together.
that is evidenced by the capital-G genesis
if I forsake or abandon that material
he choose Christianity
then they issue a capital-G certificate evidencing my deposit,
my Christian deposit,
tied to the placenta left behind
ts: 1:05
word: ornament, to embellish, it is not true, it is color,
word: embellish, it is beautiful, to decorate, to enhance
word: beauty - is bottom
beauty is ornament

if in uniform, and put a metal, it is an ornament, an award, to dress you

up, to make you look better
word: placenta -> star and crescent
Placenta -
is the star implanted into the crescent moon?
the moon is actually a sphere
we see a crescent
the black moon is full
the star, the conceptus, is implanted into the womb
the star is the e-e, the crescent moon is the placena
look at the history
... Sun and Moon, or Moon and Morning Star (Christ)
... -> coins, heads and tails (beauty)
capital on one side, labor on other side
ts: 1:10
one coin
if choose heads, lose tails
if choose tails, lose head
if you choose small g genesis
Kurtis Richard Kallenbach is the coin of the realm
but it is only labor
KRK has a ssn, subject to the AFL-CIO democracy
lose self-governance of head
if i choose that personification, birthdate
another executive will step in and rule
think Trump is mocking all of us
most people will choose the insurance policy
the wellfare state - the crescent moon and the starting
1933 today is a day of national consecrated
everybody puts there stuff in one pot and we all share it
but thos at the top, the federal, get to direct the funds
if we choose small g genesis, we are in front of the split
we are whole, we are federal and the state
we are one, no division,
personality - heads and tails
duplicity - choose, ying and yang, together

ts: 1:15
maculine - all heads, warrior
feminine - all tails, feminie, give away everything
taking care of the non-producers, we die
only thing that will save us is reality
look into the concept of heads and tails

word: conceptus - wikipedia

derivative of zygote
their entire world is based on derivative
amnion - protective environment, a blanket
the amnion is the sacrifical lamb
the amnion is seen as the caul

ts: 1:20
the caul or cowl - piece of membrane that can covers new borns' face
the caul is a piece of the amnion
baby comes out with caul over its head
looks like a helment filled with water
oxygen is coming through the umbilical cord
in sea-faring society, this child can breath under water, it appears
a talisman
what calendar for capital-g Genesis
it is medival
capital G Genesis is historical fiction
no reality to it
whose property is the amnionic sac? the baby
if we leave it with the materanl placenta,
presumption of abandonment
ts: 1:25
but, still always the own
history, with in caul
gathering the caul onto paper was an important traditional of childbirth
Did Trump talk about wrapping? Yes
is that baby being wrapped?
the caul on paper was presented to the mother as an heirloom
back to headline
Afterbirth, baby is "wrapped in a blanket", and mother, and Mother,
Doctor Decide Whether to Execute the Baby
Are they talking about the caul being presented to the mother as an
Trump says "mother and doctor decided whether to execute the baby".
Are they talking about the caul?
Yes, they are.
Trump knows this.
[Trump knows that the caul is being taken, the baby's e-e property is
being taken.]
word: heirloom, something passed down for generation through family
members, membranes
- a membership
sperm and ovum, sperm enters sphere
sperm looks like an eel, a serpent, in a garden
is the sperm the serpent in the garden?
it could be
(just an aside)
ts: 1:30
sperm enters ovum, a ship,
the sperm becomes the captain of the ship
the fertilized ovum becomes the conceptus
e-e and embryonic (ship captain)
from outside of time, traveling from where spirit was prior
travels in vessel, changes through out the trip
ship arrives at port-of-entry
ship breaks apart
they find the ship in the hospital, wreakage e-e laying on the ground, the
cut the cord
the captain is gone, the baby is gone
they have the wreckage
they have the member's ship
you member's ship to christiainity
the ship evidence their big g-Genesis
it is left there to be sacrificed on the altar
word: heirloom, term originated historical.
a chattle by memorial usage annexed by inheritance to a family estate
loom: tool

do you know anyone who recognize this particular inheritance?

ts: 1:35
the capital-g Genesis is a belief system
based upon the left behind material as the sacrifice
they are using that sacrifice, that remaining matter,
to give weight (substance) to the belief system
of the lamb of god being sacrified
capital-G Genesis narrative
us believing in the belief system
as our williingness to participate in
communism via Constantine, Rome
-> history of caul
possession of a baby's caul
would give its bearer (bearer bond) good luck
commercial seas, we are sailors, merchant marines
maybe they deposited a caul on our behalf
to save us on the seas of commerce
our salvation is the caul
mom takes her heirloom and abandons it
or executes it
before we make a claim upon our property
born with a bonnent, with a shirt, born lucky
ts: 1:40
caul as super natural armor,
a baby blanket
1850 Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield
"i was born with a caul advertised for sale in a newspaper"
does that sound like a birth announcement
Kurt thinks they are selling caul
attorny connected with the bill brokering business
the buying and selling of cauls in the courtroom now
caul was valuable even then
"part of himself being disposed of"
he knew, but we dont' know
raffle won by "an old lady with a handbasket"
-hell in a handbasket, the RCC,
church picking up your e-e material for salvation
you are now in hell
you are occupying church property, church yard, in a cemetary
claiming a dead entity as you
word: ornament: google defendant
a thing used to make something look more attractive but usually having
no practical purpose, especially a small object such as a figurine.
-> more
a quality or person adding grace, beauty, or honor to something.
adding grace, beauty or honor
the ee is a religious merit
honor in a court room
the e-e caul or jesus is a religious merit
if you don't have jesus on your side you will fail
to have honor
the ornament is honor, the grace of small-g god
beauty - the other half of the coin, the bottom
ts: 1:45
decoration adding to a building
guys say " go after some trim" beauty,
the excessories of worship - altar, chalice, crescent moon holding a star,
flag, the east, the mideast is running the show
is Rome basically in the mideast? no
maybe from constantinable
chalice is the materanl afterbirth
body and blood of christsacrd vessel is the e-e material
the ornamental title -krk
kurt is not ornamental, just kurti
one is science; one is religion
if choose krk, subject to rome
or science
one position, evidencs my property in the system
i am the creditor
if i claim the body, the beauty or the american positions
i am the debtor
christian church -> ornament
sacrificed in court room, placed on an altar
execute, sacrifice the baby
the baby is the afterbirth
- two elements - maternal (chalice) e-e is the sacred vessel that baby
was traveling in
execute the baby
place baby on the altar - afterbirth
throug fml
put the coin into play
by executing the baby, a new coin into the realm
it is all commercial
ts: 1:50
easily explainable
biology -> commerce
in 1302 spiritual man from human creature Pope Boniface knew
"Merry Christmas"
Trump statement for Kurt
Trump after birth, baby wrapped in a blanket and mother, doctor
decide whether to execute the baby
the heirloom, the wrapping, the creation of a folio page, a port folio,
a security, an issue of national security, a new issue of national security
kurt kinda likes trump
this guy can tongue and cheek this
it is all economics
it is probably a smart thing to do
difference COLB and BC
small-g Genesis is in front of all of it
it is already proven
know it, claim it small g genesis

very pleasant as always

tu for enlarging my brain
ts: 1:55:10

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