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Atomic number and mass

Friday, September 4, 2020
6:54 AM

Atomic number
What is atomic number?
The number of protons in the nucleus of each
atom of an element..
It also indicates the number of electrons in the
atom—because atoms are neutral and contain
the same number of protons and electrons.
The chemical identity of an atom can be
determined solely from its atomic number.
The atomic number of nitrogen is seven,
therefore, nitrogen has seven protons and
seven electrons.
Note: Electron and Proton are equal

Mass number
What is Mass number?
The total number of neutrons and protons
present in the nucleus of an atom of an
element. Except for the most common form
of hydrogen, which has one proton and no
Collectively, protons and neutrons are called
nucleons. A nucleon is a particle within the
In general, the mass number is given by the
summation of number of protons and
number of neutrons.
Mass number (A)= Number of
protons (Z) + number neutrons
Presentation of Symbols of Elements

Atomic mass - Electrons/Protons = Neutrons

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