Daniel Moreno - Task 1 - What's My English Level

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Unit 1: Task 1 - What's my English level?


Daniel Steven Moreno

Group: 551014_6


Milly Andrea Muñoz

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia


Quick Check

• Do you think the score is accurate?
• Do you think you deserve it? Why?
• Was it difficult?
• Did you need more time?

I think that these types of questionnaires are difficult to qualify, since this form can be
done with the help of the translator in the part of the written questionnaire that takes away
the difficulty of the bone test I think I have a good level of English, but the written
questionnaire may not help people to know if they have a good reading level, I think the
strongest point of the test is the listening part since they only give two attempts per
question and that makes the person I tried my best to understand what they say and try to
give the correct answer, although in this test they could give a little more time since at
least for me it is not enough to answer all conscientiously, in my case I answered the last
3 questions of In a random way, but in a general way the test has a lot of difficulty for
people who do it without any help, it seems very good to practice and have an
approximation about the level of English you have and that person.

Learning a second language is something that takes a long time and must be persevering.

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