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• What things did you think went well on your project/the Expo?
(The presentation of our thesis entitled the potential of aluminum and activated carbon as a
battery. We recommend the Grade 11 students to create a unique research and also to serve as
a guide in creating a thesis. Showing how our prototype works.)
• What was the single most frustrating part of your project/the Expo?
(We get nervous when discussing our prototype and its feels like the Grade 11 are the panelist of
our research.)
• How would you do things differently next time to avoid this frustration?
(Be a positive thinker and always have a confidence when doing a work. Just relax and
everything will be fine.)
• Were there any other issues or changes that should be considered? Please offer suggestions
for methods of improvement.
(Yes, a lack of tables in presenting the prototypes. It should have a organizer that will help the
Expo to be successful and organized.)
• Were the goals of Expo/project clear to you?
(Yes, the goal of Expo is clear.)
• How complete did you think the planning was before the actual commencement of the
Expo/project? What could have been improved?
(It becomes successful but there’s an improvement that need to be considered like the schedule
of time and the lack of tables.)
• Was the Expo/project schedule realistic? Why or why not?
(Yes, because the students learn something new and can help students when they became
Grade 12.)
• Was the schedule detailed enough? Why or why not?
(No, there is a conflict in time because they don’t have a plan to know the flow of the Expo. So
when there is a plan, it will be very successful.)
• What were the biggest obstacles to meeting the scheduled dates/milestone/time table?
(There should be a break for the students who presents there research and the biggest obstacles
is the time table.)

• Were there enough resources assigned to the Expo/project, given the schedule constraints? If
no, where/what part could there have been more resources assigned?
(No, there should be an organizer to improve the Expo. The students don’t know what is
happening in the Expo. Organizing the students based on their tracks is a good thing to have a
successful Expo presentation.)
• Was there sufficient time for working on the Expo/project in addition to your day-to-day
job/studies? How could this be improved?
(Yes, having a schedule time or table is a good thing to improve the Expo.)
• Was the Expo/project communication handled efficiently and effectively disseminating
information and guidelines? How could it be improved?
(Yes, having a good schedule table is the best thing to improve it.)
• Were there enough group meetings, and where they useful? Explain your answer.
(No, because the students are busy in different subject because it is their project, we do that first
because it was more important to be able to pass the subject. Too many works and time conflicts
that is why there is no enough time for group meetings.)
• Were there other forms of communication that would have been helpful? How?
(Yes, planning and schedule earlier so that the students will be prepared.)
• Did you have all the information needed to do your job/project were the roles and
responsibilities well-defined and communicated?
(Yes, because it is our project that’s why we are able to report it successfully.)
• Did you think the group worked well together? Why or why not?
(Yes, the group worked well together that’s why they achieve the best thesis awardee and do
their best to present it.)
• Were there other group/individuals should have been part of the Expo/project team? If so,
please specify.
(No, because I don’t know any group that should been part of the Expo. If I know anyone I will
consider them to be the part of the Expo/project team.)
• What would you do to make the Expo/project team more effective? What Expo/project team
organization changes would you recommend?
(The researchers should present their research properly so that the students will be interested.
An organize place to represent the prototype well and to have a time management so that it will
be successful and efficient.)

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