VHM Manager Service Contract

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Vacant Home Managers

Home Manager Service Contract

THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _________ day of ______________20___ by and between
OWNER'S AGENT hereinafter referred to as VACANT HOME MANAGERS and ______________________
hereinafter referred to as HOME MANAGER, serving in the capacity of INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR to
reside in, care and maintain the agreed upon residence hereinafter referred to as the “premise.” The terms of
this contract shall commence on the _________ day of______________20___ and ending upon the sale of the
property OR termination of this contract.
(1) The HOME MANAGER agrees to pay a monthly service fee of __________________ dollars
($_________________). The fee is due on the 1st day of each month and must be received by
VACANT HOME MANAGERS no later than the 5th of the month. A late charge fee of 10% of
managers fee or $________ will be applied if paid after the 5th. A $35.00 fee will be assessed for
any NSF check.
(2) A PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE DEPOSIT of _________________________________ dollars
($_______________) will be deposited into a trust account by VACANT HOME MANAGERS.
After the HOME MANAGER has vacated the premises, the performance guarantee deposit will
be refunded contingent upon compliance's with the attached policies and procedures.
(3) Occupancy is granted solely to ______adults and ______children for use as a private dwelling
and not for any other purpose. The HOME MANAGER has examined the premises and accepted
it in its present condition as indicated on the property condition report and covenants to keep
said premises at all times in as good or better condition as the same are now. The HOME
MANAGER understands that the premise is for sale and is listed in the MLS and that Realtors
and their clients will be coming by often to view said premises with little or no notice at times.
(4) The HOME MANAGER shall pay all utilities and obtain a tenant liability insurance policy in the
amount of at least $300,000 dollars. The HOME MANAGER agrees to give evidence of the policy
to the VACANT HOME MANAGERS and keep it in place through out contract in the home.
(5) The HOME MANAGER has read and understands the Policies and Procedures attached hereto
and agrees to abide by them.
(6) The HOME MANAGER understands this agreement IS NOT for the rental or lease of real
property and therefore the landlord tenant laws DO NOT apply. The HOME MANAGER also
understands that he or she may be required to move out of the premises with as little as 48 hours
notice from VACANT HOME MANAGERS for whatever reason and AGREE TO DO SO.
(7) In consideration for giving the HOME MANAGER less than fair market value monthly service
fees (measured against what the home could be rented for at fair market value) the HOME
Codes 1940 through 1954 where not against public policy and Section 1161 through 1161b of the
Code of Civil Procedure.

VIOLATIONS BY THE HOME MANAGER, his/her family or guests, of any of the terms of this contract or
the policies and procedures, shall give VACANT HOME MANAGERS the right to terminate the contract and
retain the performance guarantee deposit. Any notice to the HOME MANAGER to vacate the premises may
be made personally, by US mail or by posting on the front door of the premises.

Vacant Home Managers Home Manager or Managers

X_____________________________________ X_____________________________________

Home Manager

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