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SUSTAINABLE PARAMETERS WITH COST recycled content of 70%, Steel windows, 60% and

EFFECTIVE BUILDING: Aluminium window frames have 50%.

2 The material with highest recycled content shall be
The options for sustainable material available for given a highest rating of 10. In our example, UPVC
any kind of work (like walls, partitions, window frames shall be given a rating of 10.
roofing, fenestration etc) are plenty and have been 3 The material with second highest recycled content
listed out in the section ahead. Each shall be rated in the scale of 10. In our example, Steel
material can be evaluated on a set of criteria to windows have a second highest recycled content,
determine if the use of the material is hence the rating shall be 10*60/70 = 8.6.
sustainable. Each criterion would have a trade-off with Similarly, Aluminium window frames shall have a rating
other criteria in the set. For example of 10*50/70 = 7.
a material with low embodied energy would not
necessarily be low cost too or might not Embodied Energy:
be readily available. The need is to classify and
prioritise each material within a product Embodied energy of a material refers to the total
category with an eye on the concept of sustainability. energy required to produce that material, including
For the purpose, CPWD sustainability the collection of raw materials. This includes the
index as described can compare two or more available energy of the fuel used to power the harvesting or
materials for same product category mining equipment, the processing equipment, and the
in sustainability parlance. Such comparison may be transportation devices that move raw material to a
helpful to choose which material will processing facility. The ratings for embodied energy
lead to sustainable habitat construction out of can be done for different
different available materials. For eg, using materials within the same product category on a
this index a site engineer can choose between relative sale of 10. 10 rating shall be awarded to
UPVC frames and Aluminium frames, as material with lowest embodied energy.
which material will lead to sustainable habitat
construction and hence adopt the same. Locally available material: Intention is to
The proposed parameters and their weightage is based promote utilisation of materials that are
on CPWD's experience with working produced and manufactured locally and hence
on these materials and emphasis laid on in LEEDS and reduce the environmental impact of
GRIHA rating systems. Thus, a material transportation. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing
which is performing better in this index will items and speciality items like
automatically help in securing points in various elevators need not be considered.
building rating systems. Proposed parameters and their The rating can be given based on the location of
weightage for CPWD Sustainability construction site. Among one
product category, the material which is produced
Details of Proposed Parameters: near the site shall be given
preference. For ex, at a construction site near the stone
Recycled content: mining area, stone as partition
material should be given higher rating than rick
Use of recycled material is a factor of huge importance
which may be required to be
with regards to sustainability. Recycled content refers
transported from far away distances.
to the amount of recycled material that can be used
while producing the product. For recycled content, the
Functional Life Period: Functional life period
rating can be based on a relative scale, with a
means the time duration in years for
maximum of 10. For example, within the product
which the material is expected to perform its
category of "Window frames", if we have to compare
functional requirements satisfactorily.
between Aluminium window frames, Steel window
When comparing materials, the one having longer
frames and UPVC window frames, following procedure
functional life will get more ratings
may be adopted:
over the material having lesser functional life.
1 List down the recycled content of the individual
Assuming the life cycle of building as
material. This recycled content may be obtained from
90 yrs.
the manufacturer. For ex, UPVC window frames have a
Capital cost: It is the one-time cost incurred be used in concrete, mortar etc. This factor shall not be
initially on any material. Capital cost considered for product categories where flyash mixing
includes installation cost too. This has to be is not possible ex, door window frames, paints etc.
assessed relatively for a category of
materials with max weightage of 10. Higher the capital Reduced Dead weight: Materials within a
cost, lesser will be the rating product category that has lowest Dead weight shall
for a material. be given preference. In one product category, the
material with lowest dead weight per unit volume
Maintenance cost: It is the approximate cost shall be given a rating of 5. The other heavier materials
incurred on maintenance of material over its shall be scaled relatively with procedure as followed in
functional life period on yearly basis. Higher the cost, 2.1. The objective is to promote use of lighter
lesser will be the rating for a particular material. materials thus reducing the overall energy
Maintenance cost for each material shall be found requirements of buildings including lesser
out on yearly basis. This cost shall be irrelevant to the transportation effort, lesser lifting effort etc. The
functional life period of building as a whole. lesser weight of the materials results in reduced dead
Construction Waste Management: The material weight of the building which optimizes building
that will lead to the lesser burden on design and reduces quantity of structural materials.
landfill in terms of disposal of waste generated
during construction should be given Reduced Time of Construction: Within a product
higher ratings. Some toxic wastes that are dealt with in category, any material that has the capability to reduce
construction site are Asbestos the time of construction shall be given precedence over
products, tar, lead, plastics, paints, mercury the one which takes longer time. The objective is to
containing devices etc. promote innovative concepts like prefab material,
modular construction etc. When any material within a
Flyash content: Material utilising flyash as its product category offers time advantage it may be given
ingredient should be given higher rating. Flyash must a rating of 5 else zero rating shall be given.
1. INTRODUCTION Brick Panel Roofing
Basic need of man in today’s world is food, clothing and Developed by CBRI, Roorkee.. The concrete is used in high
shelter. House construction is a dream for low income compressive zone where as bricks are used in less
people in our India. Whether he is a farmer, labour or compressive zone. Use of M20 grade or 1:3 grade cement
private employee. Cost of construction is at high because of mortar used for construction. Method use for making brick
high wages and high material cost. A poor man has to spend panels and precast joist. Made up of first class bricks
his entire life in construction a house. Low cost housing is reinforced with 6 mm MS bars. Length varies from 900–
reasonable for low income owners, if they can invest 30% of 1200 mm but width is kept 530 mm for allowing 36–40 mm
their household income. India as a developing country has gaps between bricks. To increase the length of brick panel
20% of high income population that can afford a house. diameter of bars is also to be increased. Suitable for rural
High and middle income people takeover most of the low areas.
income housing. There is a need of cost effective
construction technology and materials. A low cost housing Advantages are saving in cement, steel, labour, time and cost,
doesn’t mean to sacrifice with strength or build with concrete and centring cost can be saved by 20–25% and 25–
operational materials but it means effective use of local 35% of complete slab cost respectively.A factory can
materials and techniques that are durable and require less produced approximately 1,20,000 brick panels/day in an 8
maintenance. Low cost material reduces the cost by using hour shift and 24,000 RCC joist in an annum. Compressive
alternative techniques. strength ranges up to 150kg/cm2. Standard size of brick panel
is 1200x530x75mm and that of RCC joist is 130x
India’s urban population is the second largest in the world. 00x3600mm. The number of skilled and un- skilled labour
The country needs a plan for land acquision and rapid required are 6 and 20 respectively. Bick panel weights 75kg
construction. 40–45% is slum population which is growing whereas RCC joist weights 15Kg/m.
day by day. Current shortage of 17.6 million houses is being
faced by India. Mumbai is the largest populated city of India Flat Slab
having a population of 16 million according to 2011 census
which has seen an increment of 15.98% from 2001 census. Slab that is directly supported on columns without any
intermediate beams.
India’s population grows by 1.3% per annum which is a Different methods came into existence for different types like
main problem as 37% of population is below poverty line . for small designs, empirical method can be used; for irregular
A need of using low cost and easily available materials and frames, sub frame method can be used; calculation of
technology. Shortage of 17.6 million houses generates the reinforcement details, yield line method can be use. For slab
usage of local available and natural materials in rural and spanning 5–9m thin flat slab should be preferred, whereas
urban India. According to World Bank the rural and urban slab spanning more than 9m post tensioning should be done.
population of India in 2013 is 67.97% and 32.02%
respectively L&T Flex Table System
A better type of form work used to lay RC floor. Used for
heights up to 5.8m. Different prop sizes can be used. Prop
Filler Slab nuts are used for height adjustments. Flat slab construction
is done using this method. No bracing requirement. Smooth
A filler lab material may be a waste material, used to finishing of concrete is available. In flat slab, 0.8 man
ensure advantage over RCC slab [10,5]. Used in India, but hours/m2 is required.
mostly in South India.[10].Simple and innovative technique
for roof construction. Steel is good in tension and concrete
in compression. Difficult to remove concrete from tension
zone but can be replaced using a filler material. Materials
are placed in such a way that strength is not comprised,
thereby removing unwanted concrete from below, hence
reducing the material and increasing the economy, saving
cost, and reduction in dead load; for more advantage
internal cavity wall can be provided. Different materials
used as filler material like Mangalore tiles, coconut shells,
WALL CONSTRUCTION Thin Joint Construction
Soil Stabilized Block The method is used mostly in Europe and UK.It is substitute
practice to 10mm sand and cement mortar. Supplied as dry–
In compressed block walling, cement is used as a stabilized premixed powder in 25Kg bags which is applied with special
soil to obtain wet strength. Other stabilizer can also be used spreader of 3mm thick. Sets within 10mins and complete
but they do not satisfy the requirement of economically and strength is gained within 1–2 hours.Approach is different to
readily availability. It is uneconomical to use cement of cement and sand system. All blocks need to be cut according
mortar 15kg/m2 of walling. One method of stabilization is to specific dimension. A mechanic saw, circular saw is used
compacting the soil to reduce void, thereby increasing the instead of bolster chisel or club hammer as it would cause
density and compressive strength and reducing the ingress greater joint than 3mm
of moisture of block.The equipment can produce 125 First course laid on DPC. The course should be allowed to set
blocks/hour and at a single stretch it can put 17 moulds over night and leveled before instigation with thin joint
making 75 blocks. construction. Regular checks of plumb, line, and level are
The constituents of soil cement stabilization used are 50% needed.
sand, 15% gravel, 15% silt and 20% clay and that of lime
stabilization is 15% gravel, 30% sand, 20% silt, 35% clay Different sizes of block are available like 610x140x200mm,
Lime and cement are costly additives but locally available; 610x215mm 610x270 mm having various thickness used for
but if not properly worked out can give disappointing cavity walls; all are manufactured in high strength, standard,
results . In case of sandy soil, cement is used. Cost of this and solar grades.25Kg of cement and 5.75L of water is
block is 19.4% less than fired bricks and 47.2% less than mixed in a bucket. Electric mixing tool is used for
wire cut bricks. Advantages of the block are high and thin maintaining the consistency of the mortar. Four hour
walls can be constructed, high compressive strength and Workability should be achieved for mix. Special scoop is
water resistance, transferable technology, and eco-friendly. used for scattering the mortar of 3mm thickness. Mortar
Disadvantages are due to cement stabilization curing shall should be plastic for 6-9min and set within 10mins.Benefits
be done for 4 weeks; identification of soil is required, can enhanced by using jumbo blocks of 440mm length and
skilled labor required. 430mm height.
Used in partition wall, cavities walls, solid walls and
Hollow Concrete Block separating walls. Advantages are high bond strength,
Expensive as there is arequirement of graded sand and large accurate dimension blocks, easy mixing of quantities, high
quantity of cement i.e. 12–17% by weight. If properly sound insulation and fire resistance]
dimensioned; can be laid on 10mm mortar joint. Vibrating
table is required to settle the mix. To compress the material Fly Ash Sand Lime Bricks
a heavy lid is slammed many time. A Sumanthi et al. had done an research to determine the best
possible mix design for making fly ash sand lime brick, he
Hollow concrete blocks are replacements of stone and conclude that the best possible mix shall be 15% fly ash,
convectional bricks. They are easy to place, and lighter than 30% lime, 21% gypsum, and 53% quarry dust having a
convectional bricks. In demand by different department like compressive strength of 7.91N/mm2 at 28 days. Increase in
housing board, PWD, forest department, road transportation fly ash content, decrease in compressive strength. The water
[26]. Standard size of hollow brick are 400x200x100mm, absorption for the mix is 10.9% which is less than the
400x200x150mm, 400x200x200mm [26,15]. These blocks standard value of 12% where the brick size is of
have a compressive strength of 39–147KN/m. Different 230x110x90mm.
machines are used for construction of these blocks like hand
held type block machine, stationary block machine, standing Tayfun Cicek et al. had done an experiment on the different
type block machine constituents of fly ash sand lime bricks, stated that with the
Advantages are good quality, less labour required, durable. increase in content of quartz sand, the strength increases
Uses are interior and exterior walls, retaining walls, from 2.2–3.74N/mm2, the highest compressive strength of
compound walls. 3.74N/mm2 is obtained at 40% quartz sand addition, also
found out that the highest compressive strength of
Rat Trap Bond 4.75N/mm2 was obtained at 12% lime, with increase in the
Masonry technique, where bricks create cavity in wall lime content no extra strength is obtained.
having same wall thickness as that of convectional concrete.
In rat trap bond brick are placed on edge forming outer and Size of the bricks is 230x115x75mm using volcanic ashes
inner face of wall with cross bricks. Cement mortar used is 60%, sand 20%, lime 15%, and gypsum 5%, production
of 1:6. In an 8 hour shift, 0.3 million tiles/annum can be capacity of 1.8 million bricks/annum of eight hours working
produced. Manpower required are 1.6 man-days of skilled, 4 time in two shifts. Equipment used are brick making
man-days of unskilled, and 0.5 man-day of labor for 1m3 of machine, pan mixer and mould. Land required is 2000 &
masonry. Main advantages are less number of bricks are 150m2 of open and covered area respectively, 4 and 20
used , 80% of reduction of load on foundation, same skilled and unskilled labours respective.Advantages are eco-
strength as compared to other bricks, up to 3 storey can be friendly, accurate dimension, reduce shrinkage, and use of
built . industrial waste.
Aerated Concrete Blocks construction, reuse of panels, custom design
formwork, seismic resistance, less maintenance, no
Aerated autoclaved concrete blocks was first tower cranes required. Disadvantages are finishing
developed by a Swedish engineer between the year lines can be seen, planning should be done before
1920–32 [34,36]. Since 1980, increase in the use construction, less modification due to casting is
of AAC materials in different parts of the world one, shrinkage cracks may appear. Suited for high
like India, Australia, Bahrain, China etc. In 1996, and low rising building. Rate of construction
North America opened the first plant a more than estimated to be 4 days/floor.
420 factories around the globe produce it. Aerated
Tunnel Form Work
concrete is a type of light weight concrete which
neglects the routine of coarse aggregates and Tunnel formwork is a steel formwork that is used to
includes high percentage of void. A foaming agent cast wall and slab monolithically. It can be of
is applied in the mix before the materials are different size, shape and modulus. Tunnel
poured in the moulds. Density is reduced to formwork are basically of two types, one is
500Kg/m3 [23].Size of the block is 600mm long, classical tunnel formwork which consist of half or
100–300mm deep, 300mm high. One AAC block full tunnel form work; second is railed tunnel
weighs 12.23Kg where as one CMU block weighs formwork. Either half or full form work can be used
15.4Kg, AAC blocks create 1.3ft2(13.98m2) of or construction, it depends upon crane capacity and
wall area whereas CMU block creates width of the form. Half tunnel form are used for
0.88ft2(9.46m2) of wall area. The first course is wide span and full tunnel are used for short span
laid in traditional mud block and subsequent rooms. Mostly used in UK.Internal size of cell is
course is laid with a thin layer of jagged trowel. 2.4–6.6m wide which can be divided into smaller
Ahmed Aidan et al. investigates the production and rooms. The code used is BS 8100 for one way slab.
characteristics of high quality AAC and the results On an average a team of eight plus a crane driver is
suggest that AAC blocks are fifth the weight of required who can fix 300m2 of formwork each day
concrete, having sand absorption quality, breathable including placing of 35m3 of RMC [41].40–45$ /ft2
wall system. of form work contact area is the cost of tunnel form
work including all accessories and heating system.
Advantages are high wall area/block, low thermal This can be re used for 500–100 times.
conductivity, less moisture penetration, lighter than
convectional concrete blocks. Disadvantages are Advantages are time effective as floor to floor
not suitable for heavy load bearing conditions; construction can be done in one to three days,
process is complex which is unsuitable for small independent on climate
scale manufacture, fragile, water absorbent at condition, high precision of 1/1000 deformation is
surface, not aesthetically pleasant. allowed, can be used 800 times, less error, speed
construction, earthquake resistant, no finishing
required, reduction in frame cost by 15% and saves
time by 25%.Disadvantages are increase in the
Aluminium Formwork / Mivan formwork cost/m2 for small construction, cost of
Formwork equipment is high because of requirement of crane,
cannot be used for music halls or theatre, basement
One of the most advanced system which has less cannot be constructed, minimum thickness of wall
maintenance and high durability, this formwork can is 20 cm, continuous or mat footing needed, work
be used anywhere. The entire procedure has to be cannot be done in high winds. Use for hotels, house
planned first. Slab, column, and wall can be casted prison, barracks.
together, saving extra time. The panels are made by
aluminum are light weight, easy to handle, strong. Gypsum Area Separation Wall
They can be used with a repetition of 250 times or
more and if not then it is costly. The component of Gypsum walls are lighter in weight, easy to
this formwork are aluminum rail, section panels and construct, less time consuming. Gypsum wall
sheets. Having a thickness of 4mm skin plate and provide one to three hour fire resistance rating,
6mm ribbing to stiffen the panel. The sound isolation. Code used are Building Officials
manufacturing of these formwork are specially & Code Administrators International Inc and
done in South East Asia and Europe. After placing Southern Code Congress International. In these
the order the shipment is received within three codes gypsum wall are also called party walls, fire
months .Advantages are less labor, fast walls or town house separation wall. The
requirement of UBC is that each unit should have
one hour rating for exterior walls with no openings Disadvantages are in low seismic zones, ten storey
if the property line is within three feet. No need of can be built.
parapet wall if area of floor is less than
1000ft2(10760m2). Two hour rating is needed for Materials
separate portion of structure. Gypsum is non-
combustible in nature and has been used since 100 Materials can be classified into manmade and
years as plaster of Paris. Main content of gypsum natural materials. Materials like bagasse, rice husk,
is calcium sulphate dehydrate which contains 21% banana leaves, coconut husk, are natural available
chemically combined water by weight. When from the remains of agriculture industry. Materials
subjected fire, water is released as steam. This like fly ash, ferro cement are an example of man-
process protects the other side from high heat. made materials which can be recycled to make new
Main content of gypsum board are one inch thick product that help in low cost construction.
non-combustible type X gypsum liner panel, metal
naming, and break away aluminum clips which Natural Materials
softens at relatively low temperature. Gypsum area Fibres are hair like materials which are discrete
separation wall consist of metal framing of I or H elongated pieces like threads. Paintable, attractive,
studs spaced on 24 inch centre to centre, panels are cheaper, rot– resistance. Having low density and
inserted into the studs and supported with eco–advantages over other composites their nature
flanges.Products quality is assured for every unit is lingo cellulosic. Natural fibre have a potential to
by third party certification and labelling. replace glass fibre. But the main dis-advantage is
water absorption, therefore chemical treatments is
Advantages are panel weighs 8 to 9 required
pounds/ft2(0.33- 0.37kg/m2), more space available,
scaffolding not needed, less use of labour and Bamboo Fibre
material. Meets various codes requirement like
BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI, thickness of wall is 2-4 Bamboo being the second largest production in the
inch, easy usage up to four storey’s .Disadvantages world after China. India grows around 50% of
is it cannot be used in high humid conditions like world’s total share. Around 9.57 million hectare are
indoor pool, saunas etc. and also cannot be used in covered in India.
temperatures more than 52°C.
Swaptik et al. stated that the tensile strength of
GFRG Panel Building System bamboo is around 650N/mm2 and that of steel is
500–1000N/mm2. Bamboo is more flexible than
GFRG is particular significant to India, where there steel having low modulus of elasticity of 50 GPa
is a need of cost effective construction technology. (50000N/mm2) than that of steel. The readily
The product is eco-friendly as well as fire resistant availableness and rapid growth has made bamboo
.GFRG panel system are also known as rapid wall a structural material in the area like India, China
or gypcrete. Used in both load bearing and non-load and Japan. G Leake et al. stated that the upper
bearing structure. Having modular cavities which class of Colombia uses concrete but in India upper
are suitable for internal and external wall. Also be class uses stone, middle class uses wood, and
used for roof slab/floor slab with RCC. Invented in lower class uses bamboo for construction.
Australia in 1990. Panel size of 12m length, 3m
high, 124mm thick, 48 cavities of 230x94x3mm in Mechanical properties of bamboo varies from
each panel, 1440Kg weight of each panel, 10-12% specimen to specimen. It can be used in beams
light as compared to brick/concrete masonry. The rather than in columns as it will buckle. One of the
glass fibre length of 300–350mm is used having major problems is connection of bamboo culms. It
fibre content of 0.8Kg/m2.Pile, raft, spread can be used for bamboo roofing sheet which is
foundation is used for this type of construction. strong, durable, light weight and fire resistance.
Basement plinth consists of RCC plinth beam. IS
456:2000 is used for designing, for earthquake Earth
resistance IS 1893 (part 1):2002 should be used.
One of the oldest material but due to its limitation
Advantages are dead load reduced by 50%, carpet like erosion, water penetration, termite attack and
area increased by 8%, 15–20% reduction in high maintenance it is less used. But this limitation
construction cost, resistant to corrosion, termite, can be overcome by
saving in materials, reduction in C02 emission. 1) Compressed earth block – developed from
adobe block or also known as earth block. Consist coir fibres are used to produce coir – CNSL board,
of cement using manual press. jute coir composite, coconut and wood chips
2) Non - erodible mud plaster – Its constituents roofing sheet, geo textiles etc.
are bitumen which is mixed with a specific mud
paste. Has the ability to resist water Sisal Fibre
These fibre are naturally available that have low
Straw fibre
price, high specific strength and are recyclable. It
The early use of straw was by Mesopotamian and can be used as reinforcement to make reinforced
Egyptian in 1500 BC. Straw has provided polymer composite. Life span of sisal plant is 7– 10
reinforcement to ancient products like boats and years which can produce 200–250 leaves. 1000
pottery. After the removal of chaff and grain, straw fibres, a leaf can produce. This fibre cannot be used
is obtained which is one of the by- products of in places of wet spills, snow, and rain. But it can be
agriculture industry. Toughest compared to other used for paper production, cordage industry, tiles,
straw. Burning causes breathing problems, so an geotextiles, roofing sheets, and cement flooring
alternate method is needed for it deposition. sheets , production of ropes.
Banana Fibre
1) Life extended thatch roof – environmental
friendly. It is fire resistant and water proof. Banana also called kalpatharu. India is the largest
2) Improved thatch roof – CBRI has designed a producer after Brazil. India has 5 lakh hectares of
technique to make the roof more fire and water farms out of which 10% of waste is used to extract
resistant by plastering the layer by mud to make it the fibre. There is no particular method for
more resistant to fire. extraction of banana fibre. It is a highly strong
fibre, with small elongation, light weight, average
Bagasse fibre fineness is about 2400Nm, bio-degradable,
environmental friendly.It is being used for the
Obtained from the remains of sugarcane or production of building boards, fire resistance
sorghum stalks. Waste quantity is same as the boards, and medical applications, ropes, mats, home
quantity of production. Around 500 sugar mills are furnishes.
present in India. It is pale green to grey yellow in
colour. It is non-uniform and bulky in size.
Rice Husk
A Balaji et al. states that approximately 50%
Around 600 million tons of rice is produce every
cellulose and 25% of both lignin and
year out of which 20% is waste i.e. rice husk. Either
hemicelluloses is present. If properly modified,
the waste is dumped or burnt. Rice husk ash is
shows better mechanical properties. 85% of the
produce during burning of rice husk. About 220kg
material is burnt or deposited on field.
of husk is produce from 1000kg of rice and around
55kg of ash is produced if burnt.20% of the world’s
Advantage is low energy input, eco-friendly,
rice production is by India. West Bengal has
reduces the density of product. Disadvantages are
highest production area but Punjab has highest
less impact strength stocking problem, degradation
productivity. Constituents of husk is 75% organic
of fibre etc. It can be used as bagasse cement
matter and 25% weight of husk which is converted
board and panels, bagasse PVC boards, biomass
to ash, 85–90% of silica is present in ash [3]. It is
power generation.
used in power plants, roofing units, rice husk
Jute and Coir Fibre binder, fibrous building panels, bricks, acid proof
cement, production of activated carbon, thermal
It is a vegetable fibre. Cultivation of jute started
insulating bricks, production of some acids,
around 800 BC. It has been spread in many parts of
production of building materials, low cost sandcrete
India. 33 districts which have 98.41% of total area
under jute cultivation. Jute is mostly used for block
packaging.From the husk of coconut, coir is
obtained. Two third production comes from India. Manmade Materials
Its durability is because of presence of linin. It is Industrial revolution created many by products
grown around 10 million hectare in tropics. It has a that were a problem to dispose of. After a deep
length of 35cm and a diameter of 12–25 microns. research upon their properties, it was observed that
Coir industry is located in India, Brazil etc.Jute and they had best pozzolanic properties. So these
materials started been using as alternative Precast R.C.C
These are door frames with welded reinforcement.
Indian standard manufacturing. Durable,
Fly Ash
economical. Fire, corrosion and termite proof. No
Obtained from the burning of coal, and recovered cracks, bending, shrinkage. Site installation is
from gasses. Major constituents of fly ash is iron, easy. Much stronger than other door frames. High
alumina and silica. Fly ash generation has increase strength to weight ratio than RCC and gives 20%
from 68.88 million tons/annum to 131.09 million saving on cost and materials.
tons/annum from 1996 to 2011. But the utilization
is only increase by 6.64-73.13 tons/annum i.e.
about 14%.Fly ash can be used in fly ash brick, CONCLUSION
bulk fill, filler in bituminous mix, artificial Good housing is a need to every human being.
aggregate Everyone wants to live in big houses which are
comfortable. In urban areas there is a shortage of
Aerocon Panels number of houses. People need houses that are
attractive, having more life span, larger space area,
These are inorganic bonded sandwich panels
environmental friendly and cheaper. Therefore cost
consist of two fibre cement reinforced sheets.
effective houses and low cost houses are needed to
Made up of Portland cement, binders and a mix of
fulfil the demand. The local available materials and
micaceous and siliceous aggregates. These panels
technology serve a purpose for low income people.
are eco-friendly, light weight, fire resistance,
Using cost effective technology will not only save
sound reduction properties etc. It has been used in
money but also reduce CO2 emission, save time and
one of the housing scheme in India under
faster production. A cost reduction of 20-30% can
“VALMIKI” for slums.
be achieved by using alternative methods.
Ferro Cement
It a versatile cement based on the composite
material made by cement mortar reinforced with
one or more layers of wire mesh. It’s a high
performance, good strength material. The only dis
advantage is high creep and shrinkage. Used for
water tanks, cycle shed etc. as it is easy to build it
can be used in post disaster management.

Cement Concrete Hollow Bocks

Cost effective and better alternative to burnt clay
bricks. Has properties like fire resistance, durable,
high speed of construction. As they are large in
size less mortar is used. Strength can used
enhanced as per requirement.

Recycled Steel Reinforcement

Steel can be used as a recycled scrap iron. Used in
steel reinforced structures like building and
bridges. Main criteria to be satisfied by the
reinforcing bars is mass/meter run. Rolling
tolerance in the range of +/- 7-3% depending on
diameter is given by is 1786. Wastage can be
reduced if purchase in standard length, but if not 5-
7% may be wasted. Electrical melting recycled
steel produces 40% of world steel. The advantages
are high strength, bond strength, resistant to
termite, weathering.

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