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5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.

2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

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4.2.4 Assignments
Question 1
In addition to centrifugation, we can use membrane lters to perform liquid-solid
separations. Answer the following questions using the data in the table.

Density feed 1030 kg/m³

Density retentate 1130 kg/m³

Feed ow (F ) 13.08 kt/h

Permeate ow (P ) 11.30 kt/h

Concentration feed 21.2 g/l

(Cf )

Concentration 168 g/l

retentate (Cr )

Question 1a
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
What is the rejection coe cient RC of this ltration device?… 1/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX
Give the answer and specify 3 digits.

85  Answer: 0.98


\( RC = 1 - \cfrac{C_p}{C_f} \qquad \) We already know \( C_f \) but we have to calculate \(

C_p \)
The information you have been given is selective, so you have to deduce some of the
parameters from others. You can calculate them, bearing in mind a simple mass balance:
that what goes into the separation process is equal to what is going out of the separation

Let’s start by having a look at the units of the parameters:

Density feed 1030 kg/m³

Density retentate 1130 kg/m³
Feed ow \( (F) \) 13.08 kt/h
Permeate ow \( (P) \) 11.30 kt/h
Concentration feed \( (C_f) \) 21.2 g/l
Concentration retentate \(
168 g/l
(C_r) \)

We immediately see that we have to transform some units here in order to combine them
correctly into a calculation. Let’s transform the parameters, and immediately structure the
parameters so we can see what is missing:

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 - kg/h
Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³

Now let's set up a mass balance: \[ In = Out \qquad \text{ or } \qquad Feed = Permeate +
Retentate \] This means we can calculate the retentate ow, that is not given:
\[ Retentate \text{ } ow = Feed\text{ } ow - Permeate\text{ } ow = 13080 \text{ kg/h} -
11300 \text{ kg/h} = 1780 \text{ kg/h} \]

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³… 2/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h

Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³

Since the concentration is given in kg per m³, we must transform the ows to volumetric
ows if we want to calculate how much solids there are in each stream. We can do this by
dividing the ow by the density – have a look at the units to see this is correct: \[
\cfrac{kg/h}{kg/m^3} = \cfrac{kg}{h} \cdot \cfrac{m^3}{kg} = \cfrac{m^3}{h} \] We can only
do this for the feed and retentate, since the permeate density is still unknown:

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h
Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³
Vol. ow 12.699 - 1.575 m³/h

However, for the volumetric ow also counts that what goes in is equal to what goes out…
Meaning we can calculate the permeate volumetric ow as follows: \[ Permeate \text{
}vol. ow = Feed\text{ } vol. ow-Retentate\text{ } vol. ow=12.699 \text{
m}^3\text{/h}-1.575 \text{ m}^3\text{/h}=11.124 \text{ m}^3\text{/h} \]

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h
Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³
Vol. ow 12.699 11.124 1.575 m³/h

Now we can have a look at the solid streams. The concentration of solids [kg solids/m³]
times the volumetric ow [m³/h] gives you the solids ow [kg solids/h]. Since we only have
the concentration for the feed and retentate, we can only do this for these ows.

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h
Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³
Vol. ow 12.699 11.124 1.575 m³/h
Solids ow 269.22 - 264.64 kg solids/h… 3/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

But having in mind that what goes in, is equal to what comes out, we can calculate the
permeate solids ow: \[ Permeate\text{ }solids\text{ } ow=Feed\text{ } solids\text{ } ow-
Retentate\text{ } solids \text{ } ow=269.22-264.64=4.58\text{ kg solids/h}\]

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h
Concentration 21.2 - 168 kg solids/m³
Vol. ow 12.699 11.124 1.575 m³/h
Solids ow 269.22 4.58 264.64 kg solids/h

Have a look at the values: much more of the solids are in the retentate than in the
permeate. That makes sense: the ltration is working!

Now we have almost arrived at the permeate concentration. We know the kg of solids per
hour that are in the permeate stream, and we know the volume of permeate stream per
hour. That means we can calculate the amount kg of solids per volume of permeate
stream: \[ \cfrac{4.58 \text{ kg solids/h}}{11.124\text{ m}^3\text{/h}} = 0.412 \text{ kg
solids/m}^3 \] Now we have arrived at the solids concentration in the permeate stream.

Feed Permeate Retentate

Density 1030 - 1130 kg/m³
Flow 13080 11300 1780 kg/h
Concentration 21.2 0.412 168 kg solids/m³
Vol. ow 12.699 11.124 1.575 m³/h
Solids ow 269.22 4.58 264.64 kg solids/h

If you wanted to calculate this in 1 step, you could also rewrite the mass balance for the
particle ow: \[ C_f \cdot \cfrac{F}{\rho_f} = C_r \cdot \cfrac{R}{\rho_r} + C_p \cdot \cfrac{P}
{\rho_p} \] Into a direct equation for the permeate solids concentration: \[ c_p = \cfrac{C_f
\cdot \cfrac{F}{\rho_f} - C_r \cdot \bigg( \cfrac{F}{\rho_f} - \cfrac{P}{\rho_p}\bigg)}{\cfrac{P}
{\rho_p}} \] Note that \( \cfrac{F}{\rho_f} - \cfrac{P}{\rho_p} \) is substituted for \( \cfrac{R}
{\rho_r} \) since what goes in... is equal to what goes out!

Now we have calculated \( C_p \), we can look back at the question it’s all about: to
calculate the Rejection Coe cient. The rejection coe cient is de ned as: \[RC = 1 -
\cfrac{C_p}{C_f} \] We can simply ll in the values: \(\quad RC=1-\cfrac{C_p}{C_f} = 1-
\cfrac{0.412}{21.2}=0.98 \)… 4/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

That is quite a high rejection factor, and hence an e cient ltration device for this
separation process!


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Question 1b
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
What is the volumetric concentration factor?
Give the answer specifying one decimal digit

25  Answer: 8.1

\[ VCF = \cfrac{F}{R} = \cfrac{12.699 \text{ m}^3\text{/h}}{1.575\text{ m}^3\text{/h}} = 8.06


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Question 2
2. Next to separating the biomass from your fermentation broth, membranes can be
applied in other sections of your biore nery to fractionate other complex mixtures. In the
table below, di erent feed compositions and the concentrations after ltration are listed.

For each feed select the ltration method that was used.

Feed A

Component Concentration particle
size… 5/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

Feed Permeate
(g/l) (g/l)

Biomass 12 0 > 1 mm

Protein 30 30 0.1 µm

Xylose 23 23 < 2 nm

Question 2a
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
Which ltration technique was used for this mixture?

reverse osmosis

nano ltration

ultra ltration

micro ltration unit 

All biomass was rejected, the rest passed through the membrane. Since you can assume
here that these are mostly big particles, a micro ltration unit will su ce.


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Feed B

Component Concentration particle

Feed Permeate
(g/l) (g/l)… 6/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

Yeast cells 89 0.003 8 μm

Glucose 2 2 < 2 nm

Succinic 15 15 < 2 nm

Question 2b
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
Which ltration technique was used for this mixture?

reverse osmosis

nano ltration

ultra ltration 

micro ltration unit 

Almost all yeast cells were rejected, the rest passed through the membrane. Since yeast
cells are relatively big, a micro ltration unit will su ce. Additionally, ultra ltration could
also result in this separation.


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Feed C

Component Concentration particle

Feed Permeate
(g/l) (g/l)… 7/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

NaCl 3 0.02 < 2nm

KCl 2 0.001 < 2 nm

Glucose 1 0 < 2 nm

Question 2c
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
Which ltration technique was used for this mixture?

reverse osmosis 

nano ltration

ultra ltration

micro ltration unit

Incorrecto: All solutes are rejected here. This means reverse osmosis has been used.


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Question 3
1/1 punto (no cali cado)
You are separating a fermented stream using a pressure-based membrane ltration
system. You notice that the transmembrane ux is dependent on many experimental
parameters. What relation do you expect to see between the ux and your feed
concentration?… 8/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

The higher your feed concentration, the lower the transmembrane ux will become. This
relationship is not linear, but is more apparent at low feed concentrations.


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

Question 4
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
During the separation, you are playing a bit with your transmembrane settings and you
nd the following relation between transmembrane pressure and ux.… 9/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

You are not too happy with your current process and you want to increase your
transmembrane ux [kg/(m²·s)]. What are the actions you can perform?
Select all correct answers.

Lower the temperature of your feed stream

Dilute your feed stream 

Increase transmembrane pressure 

Increase the membrane area

Decreasing the temperature of your feed stream is not going to lead to a higher
transmembrane ux, if anything it will often decrease your ux as a result of increased
viscosity. As you saw in the previous question, a decreasing feed concentration does lead
to increased feed ux. Also, an increased transmembrane pressure will improve your ux,
you can deduce this from the graph above. Increasing the membrane area is going to
improve your overall ux, but since your transmembrane ux is de ned per m² you will
not notice a di erence.


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5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

Question 5
0/1 punto (no cali cado)
There are di erent modes of operation for membrane ltration systems, namely dead-
end ltration and cross- ow ltration. If we compare these two modes what can you say
about it?
Check the correct answer(s)

In dead-end ltration, the ux will decline towards zero over time 

In cross- ow ltration, the ux will rapidly decline to zero over time

Dead-end ltration o ers better control of cake formation at the surface

Because dead-end ltration removes build-up from the surface of the membrane,
the permeate ux does not drop as fast when compared to cross- ow ltration

Regulation of cake-formation is possible using cross- ow ltration 

Cross ow ltration can be operated at (quasi) steady state 

In dead-end ltration, the ux will decline towards zero over time, Regulation of cake-
formation is possible using cross- ow ltration, and Cross ow ltration can be operated
at (quasi) steady state are correct.In dead-end ltration, the ux will decline towards zero
over time: as the cake builds up the ux will decline over time, since the cake thickness
cannot be regulated using dead-end ltration this will go on until the ux drops to zero.

In cross- ow ltration, the ux will rapidly decline to zero over time: Incorrect, this is the
other way around: this is the case in dead-end ltration as a result of cake layer

Dead-end ltration o ers better control of cake formation at the surface: Incorrect. Dead-
end ltration cannot be run continuously. A back- ushing step or lter replacement is
necessary from time to time to remove the cake build-up.

Because dead-end ltration removes build-up from the surface of the membrane, the
permeate ux does not drop as fast when compared to cross- ow ltration: Incorrect,
during dead-end ltration the fouling layer on the membrane surface is not removed but
builds up during operation. Therefore, the process needs down-time in order to perform
back- ushing or lter replacement.… 11/12
5/7/2020 4.2.4 Assignments | 4.2 Separation: Solid/Liquid | Material del curso CHEM01x | edX

Regulation of cake-formation is possible using cross- ow ltration/Cross ow ltration

can be operated at (quasi) steady state : This is indeed possible. By selecting the correct
conditions (e.g. owrate/pressure/temperature/geometry) one can make sure that the
cake build-up and washing away will reach an equilibrium, this is in line with Cross ow
ltration can be operated at (quasi) steady state. When this equilibrium is reached, the
ux will not decline as fast anymore, and the cake thickness remains constant.


 Las respuestas son mostradas en el problema

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