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Training Course 8 Matrices and Vectors

Lesson 1 Matrix Definitions

A matrix is an array of numbers organized in columns and rows. A matrix is written inside brackets [ ].
Each item in a matrix is called an entry.
Definition: Dimension or Order of a matrix refers to the number of rows and columns of a given
matrix. By convention the dimension are given by number of rows x number of columns. E.g. Dimension
of the above matrix is 2 x 3, this is also the order of the matrix.

Definition: A square matrix is a matrix with the same number of rows and columns. An n-by n matrix is
known as a square matrix of order n. e.g., matrix G below is a 3 x 3 square matrix of order 3.

In order to identify an entry in a matrix, we simply write a subscript of the entry's row followed by the
column. In matrix A on the left, we write a23 to denote the entry in the second row and the third column.


For examples: and

Scalar Multiplication of a Matrix

When we multiply a matrix by a scalar, e.g. any number, we multiply each entry by the scalar. For

Exercise Given three matrices G, V and J

1. Find the dimensions and orders of the following matrices G, V and J

2. Which one is a square matrix? G, V, or J?
3. Find the following entries in matrices G, V and J:
1 2
4. Write the following matrices: 3G, -2V, J , and  G
2 3
Lesson 2 Adding and Subtracting matrices
To add or subtract matrices of the same dimensions, we simply add/subtract corresponding entries.
Example 1 Adding two 2 x 2 matrices Example 2 Subtracting two 2 x 2 matrices

Example 3 Adding two 2 x 3 matrices

+ = =

Example 4 Subtracting two 3 x 3 matrices

Example 5 Adding a 2 x 3 matrix with 2 x 2 matrix

We cannot add these two matrices because same dimensions are required for addition and subtraction. Why?
Commutative property for matrix addition says we can swap matrices and still get the same answer,
just like swap numbers, e.g. 5 + 7 = 7 + 5.
Example 6
If A = and B = , show that A + B = B + A.

Solution: A + B = + = =

B+A= + = =

Therefore A + B = B + A, the commutative property holds for matrix addition.

What about matrix subtraction? Is A – B = B – A?

Distributive property for matrix addition says we can multiply the sum of two or more matrices, e.g. A
and B, by a scalar quantity, e.g. 2(A + B) = 2A + 2B

Example 7 Using matrices A and B from Example 6, show that 2(A + B) = 2A + 2B

A+B= + = =

2 (A + B) = 2 x =

2A + 2B = + = + =
Therefore 2(A+B) = 2A+2B or distributive property over addition holds for matrices.

1. B= . Show that A + B = B + A. What is the name of this property?

2. B= . Show that A - B ≠ B - A. Does the commutative property for

subtraction hold for matrices? Why or why not?

3. Y= . Show that X + Y = Y + X. What is the name of this property?

4. Y= . Show that X - Y ≠ Y - X.

5. B= and C=

(a) Show that A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C. This is associative property over addition for matrices.
(b) Show that 3(A + B + C) = 3A + 3B + 3C. What is the name of this property?

6. If A = B= and C =

Show that 3 (A+B+C) = 3A + 3B + 3C. What is the name of this property?

7. If X = and Y = . Show that X + Y = Y + X. What is the name

of this property?

8. If Y = and D = . Is C - D = D - C.? Does the commutative property hold

for subtraction of matrices? Why?

9. If J = and K = Show that J + K = K + J. Does the commutative

property hold for addition of matrices? Why?

Lesson 3 Multiplying Matrices
Example 1 We have two square matrices of dimensions (2x2) x (2x2), product is a 2x2 square matrix.

Row 1 x Column 1 gives us (-1)(9) + 4(6) = -9 +24 = 15

Row 1 x Column 2 gives us (-1)(-3) + (4)(1) = 3 + 4 = 7

Row 2 x Column 1 gives us (2)(9) + 3(6) = 18 +18 = 36

Row 2 x Column 2 gives us (2)(-3) + (3)(1) = -6 + 3 = -3

Example 2 We have two square matrices of dimension, (2x2) x (2x2), product is a 2x2 square matrix.

Example 3 x =?

We have (2x3) x (3x2) matrices. Since the number of columns in A is the same as the number of rows in
B, we can go ahead and multiply these matrices. Our result will be a (2x2) matrix.

To multiply a matrix by another matrix we need to do the “dot product” of rows and columns. We
multiply the numbers on the first row of first matrix by the corresponding first numbers in the first
column of the second matrix, etc. Then we sum up the numbers to give you first entry of the product.
Then we multiply the numbers on the 1st row of first matrix by the corresponding numbers in the 2nd
column of the second matrix, and add them up to give you the second entry on the 1st row of the product.

We get: (1, 2, 3) • (8, 10, 12) = 1×8 + 2×10 + 3×12 = 64

Then we multiply the numbers on the 2nd row of first matrix by the corresponding numbers in the 1st
column of the second matrix, then add them up to give you the first entry on the 2nd row of the product.
We get: (4, 5, 6) • (7, 9, 11) = 4×7 + 5×9 + 6×11 = 139. Lastly, for the 2nd row and 2nd column, we get
(4, 5, 6) • (8, 10, 12) = 4×8 + 5×10 + 6×12 = 154.

1. B= . Show that AB = BA. What is the name of this property?

2. Y= . Show that XY = YX. What is the name of this property?

3. B= and C=

(a) Show that A (BC) = (AB) C. This is associative property over multiplication for matrices.
(b) Show that A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C. What is the name of this property?

4. If A = B= and C=

Show that 3(A+B+C) = 3A + 3B + 3C. What is the name of this property?

5. If X = and Y = . Show that XY = YX or XY .

Does the commutative property hold for multiplication of matrices? Why?

6. If C = and D = . Show that CD = DC or CD .

Does the commutative property hold for multiplication of matrices? Why?

7. If J = K= Show that JK = KJ or JK .

Does the commutative property hold for multiplication of matrices? Why?

Lesson 4 Matrices in Rotation and Translation Transformations

Rotation Matrix

Find the coordinates of the vertices of the image of with X(1,2),Y(3,5)  and  Z(−3,4) after it is
rotated 180°counterclockwise about the origin.
Find the vertex matrix of the triangle first: ,

The rotation matrix for 180°counterclockwise is: =

To rotate the ΔXYZ 180° counter-clockwise about the origin, multiply the vertex matrix by the rotation
matrix, =

Therefore, the coordinates of the vertices of ΔX′Y′Z′ΔX'Y'Z' are X′(−1,−2),  Y′(−3,−5),  and  Z′(3,−4).

Therefore, the coordinates of the vertices

of ΔX′Y′Z’ are
X'(−1,−2),  Y'(−3,−5),  and  Z'(3,−4) .
Notice that the image ΔX′Y′Z′ is congruent to
the object (ΔXYZ). Both figures have the same
size and same shape under rotation
Translation Matrix
Matrix addition can be represented geometrically as a translation of a shape on the Cartesian plane. Find the
coordinates of the vertices of the image of ΔABC with A(-3, 4), B(-4,1)  and  C(0, 2) after it is translated 4 units to
right and 5 units down or T =

Find the vertex matrix of the triangle first:

The translation matrix is T = or

To translate ΔABC right by 4 units and down 5 units, add

the vertex matrix and translation matrix, the result is the
translated image:
+ =

Coordinate of the image ΔA’B’C’ is A’(1, -1), B’(0, -4)

and C’(4, -3)

1. Determine the image of a triangle PQR with coordinates P(2, 3), Q(5, 0)  and  R(4, 3) after it is
rotated 180° counterclockwise about the origin. Draw a graph to illustrate the triangle and its
2. Determine the image of a triangle PQR with coordinates P(2, -1), Q(6, -3)  and  R(2, -6) after it is
rotated 60° counterclockwise about the origin. Draw a graph to illustrate the triangle and its
3. Determine the image of a triangle PQR with coordinates P(2, -1), Q(6, -3)  and  R(2, -6) after it is
rotated 120° counterclockwise about the origin. Draw a graph to illustrate the triangle and its
4. Determine the image of a parallelogram ABCD with coordinates A(3, -2), B(7, -2), C(5, -4) and D
(1, -4) after it is rotated 270° counterclockwise about the origin. Draw a graph to illustrate the
parallelogram and its image.
5. Find the coordinates of the vertices of the image of ΔABC with A(-4, 3), B(-2, 1)  and  C(-3, 5)
after it is translated 5 units to right and 3 units down or T = . Draw a graph to illustrate the

triangle and its image.

6. The vertices of a quadrilateral ABCD are A(-5, 1), B(-1, 0), C(-3, 4) and D(-4, 6) respectively.
Find the vertices of quadrilateral A’B’C’D’ after it is translated 3 units to the left and 4 units up
or T = Draw a graph to illustrate the quadrilateral and its image.

7. The vertices of a parallelogram PQRS are P(1, 1), Q(4, 1), R(5, 3) and S(2, 3) respectively. Find
the vertices of parallelogram P’Q’R’S’ after it is translated 3 units to the left and 5 units down or
T= Draw a graph to illustrate the parallelogram and its image

8. The vertices of a trapezium KLMN are K(-6, 1), L(-1, 1), M(-2, 4) and N(-5, 4) respectively. Find
the vertices of trapezium K’L’M’N’ after it is translated 7 units to the right and 5 units up or T =
. Draw a graph to illustrate the trapezium and its image.

9. The kite PQRS is mapped onto a kite P’Q’R’S’ with vertices P’(2, 6), Q’(4, 8), R’(6, 6) and S’(4,
2) respectively under the translation 5 units to the right and 6 units up or T = . Determine the

vertices of the kite PQRS. Draw a graph to illustrate the kite and its image
10. A rectangle WXYZ is mapped onto a rectangle W’X’Y’Z’ with vertices W’(2, 1), X’(6, 1), Y’(6,
-2) and Z’(2, - 2) respectively under the translation 4 units to the left and 5 units up or T = .

Determine the vertices of the kite WXYZ. Draw a graph to illustrate the rectangle and its image.

Lesson 5 Matrices in Reflection transformation

Two types of reflection (on x-axis and y-axis) are shown below with respective reflection matrices.

Example 1 Find the reflected image in the x-axis and y-axis in the two figures below using reflection matrices.

Solution: Matrix for ABC is , matrix for reflection on x-axis is =

The coordinates for A’B’C’ is A’(-2, -1), B’(1, -4) and C’(3, -2)

Matrix for ABC is matrix for reflection on y-axis is =

The coordinates for A’B’C’ is A’(1, 3), B’(5, 2) and C’(4, -1)

1. Reflect these figures on the x-axis by finding the coordinates of the image using reflection matrix.

2. Reflect these figures on the y-axis by finding the coordinates of the image using reflection matrix.

Lesson 6 Application of Matrices in Real Life
Matrices are rectangular arrangement of numbers, expressions, symbols which are arranged in columns
and rows. The origin of matrices lie with the system of simultaneous equations. An important Chinese
Math textbook from 300BC – 200AD gives the first example of use of matrix method to solve
simultaneous equations. Matrices have many applications in scientific and business fields and many
practical real life problems, thus making an indispensable tool for solving many practical problems.

Application of matrix multiplication in Biology

Matrices are common tools used by the science and

research industry to track, record and display the
results of research and/or experiments. Due to recent
advances in genome therapy, a large number of gene
expression profile are being produced. Gene
expression profiling is the measurement of the
activity of thousands of genes at once, to create a
global picture of cellular function. These profiles can,
for example, distinguish between cells that are
actively dividing, or show how the cells react to a
particular treatment. Matrix multiplication is used to
analyze gene expression in computational molecular
biology. Many experiments of this sort measure an
entire genome simultaneously, that is, every gene
present in a particular cell.

Exercise Other than your Math classes, can you think of a school event that uses matrices? e.g. class list,
scheduling, events calendar, attendance, seating plan, etc. Describe how matrices are used for the event.

Application of matrix for calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

One tool economists use to measure economic growth is the GDP. A country's GDP is the total value of
all the goods and services it produced over a specific length of time. Matrices are used to calculate a
country’s GDP.
In 2016, Guyana had a GDP of about US$3.45
billion. This means that, during the entire 2016
year, there were US$3.45 billion worth of goods
and services produced in Guyana. That's a huge
amount of money!

Exercise Describe the two bar graphs below.

Application of matrix for Secondary School

The five roles for reliable behaviours by model students expected at a school are: responsible, organized,
acceptance, respectful and safe and orderly. The seven columns are locations at the school, e.g.
classrooms, dining hall, bathroom, etc. The above matrix shows five reliable behaviours at each of the
seven locations in a U.S. school, it’s a 5 x 7 matrix with 35 reliable behaviours.

Exercise Can you make a similar one for a reliable student at your school in Guyana?

Lesson 7 Matrices in 3D Video Games

The use of matrices in computer graphics and 3D video games is widespread. In video gaming industry,
matrices are major mathematic tools to construct and manipulate a realistic animation of a polygonal
figure. Examples of matrix operations include translations, rotations, and scaling that you saw in previous
lessons. Other matrix transformation concepts are field of view, rendering, color transformation and
projection. A list of common matrix operations for various transformations is listed on the final page of
this lesson. Understanding of matrices is a basic necessity to program 3D video games.
Translation in 3D Video Games

A translation basically means adding a vector to a point, making a point transforms to a new point. The
movement of all the points that made up an arm in the diagram above uses translation of points, it can be
computed using a single matrix multiplication.
Translation Matrix x Original Point = Translation Point (See example above)
In video game, when an objects like airplane uses translation to move across the sky. All the points that
make up the plane have to be translated by the same vector or the image of the plane will appear to be
stretched. Thousands of translations would be used for a flight or fighting motion.
Scaling in 3D Video Games
Scaling is an enlargement or shrink transformation. It requires one of the diagonal values of the
transformation matrix to equal to a value other than one. For example, a point (x, y, z, 1) is transformed
to (sxx, syy, szz, 1). Values for sx, sy, sz greater than one will enlarge the objects, values between zero
and one will shrink the objects, and negative values will rotate the object and change the size of the
objects. If we want to scale an object in a video game, like an exploding bomb, we apply the same
scaling matrix to each point of the bomb.

Rotation in 3D Video Games

Rotations are defined with respect to an axis. In 3D, the axis of rotation needs to be specified. See above

diagram. The rotation matrix is . The rotation of a point (x, y) with angle
of rotation to another point (x’, y’) is given by

Projection Transformations

Even though we programmed objects in 3-D, we have to actually view the objects as 2-D on our TV or
computer screens. In another word, we want to transform points in 3-space to 2-space. There are two
types of projections. In Parallel Projection, we simply ignore the z-coordinate, e.g. the coordinates (x, y,
z, 1) to (x, y, 0, 1). The video game on the left uses Parallel Projection. Perspective Projection, is the way
we see things, i.e. bigger when the object is closer. The 3D Pac Man game on the right uses Perspective

Lesson 8 Vector

This is a vector a, vectors are usually written in A scalar has magnitude, e.g. 3 km, 20 km/h
bold type. A vector has magnitude and direction, e.g.
3km [South]. 30 km/h [SW

Tip to Tail Method to add vectors

We can add two vectors a and b by joining them It doesn't matter which order we add them, we
tip-to-tail. For b + a, we move vector a so that get the same result. The commutative property
the tail of a meets the tip or head of b, while holds for vector addition, i.e. a + b = b + a
moving, make sure vector a stays parallel (or in
the same direction). Then we join the tail of b to
the tip of a to get b + a. How do we know the
direction of b + a? The two tails meet and the
two heads meet.

Real life Example: A plane is flying due north,

there is a wind coming from the N-W. The sum
of the two vectors (velocity of the plane and the
wind velocity) will result in the plane travelling
in a slower speed heading a little E of N. (See
diagram). Propellor velocity + wind velocity =
airplane velocity (vector diagram on the right)

Subtraction of vectors a – b

1. Reverse the direction of the vector we

want to subtract. Then follow the same
direction as adding.
2. Join the tail of a to the head of b. a−b
3. The two heads meet and so do the two

Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar

When we multiply a vector by a scalar it is called
"scaling" a vector, we change how big or small the
vector is. Vector m and 3m point in the same
direction, but vector 3m is three times longer. In this
example, m and 3m are collinear vectors, when one
vector is placed on the other vector, they are on the
same line.


For A + B, we move vector B so that the tail of

B meets the tip or head of A, while moving,
make sure vector B stays parallel. Then we join
the tail of A to the tip of B to get A + B. How
do we know the direction of A + B? The two
tails meet and the two heads meet.

For A + B, we move vector B so that the tail of

B meets the tail of A, while moving, make sure
vector B stays parallel. Then we complete the
parallelogram. A + B is the diagonal of the


Given two non-collinear vectors A and B above, perform the following operations:

(a) B + A using tip to tail method

(b) A + B using parallelogram method

(c) B + A using parallelogram method

(d) 3A, - A, and -4B

(e) B - A using tip to tail method

(f) A - B using parallelogram method

(g) 2A + 3B using tip to tail method

Lesson 9 Vector addition and Subtraction– Tip to Tail Method
For B + A, move the tail of A to meet the head of B,
make sure A is parallel while moving, join the tail of
B to the head of A, or the two heads meet and the two
tails meet in B + A.

For A + B, move the tail of B to meet the head of A,

make sure B is parallel while moving, join the tail of
A to the head of B, or the two heads meet and the two
tails meet in A + B. A + B = B + A, same magnitude
and direction.

Vector subtraction – Tip to Tail Method

a – b = a + (-b), reverse vector b first, move the
tail of -b to meet the head of a, make sure -b is
parallel while moving, join the tail of -b to the
head of a, or the two heads meet and the two
tails meet in a – b

1. Use any three vectors A, B, and C, use the tip to tail methods to illustrate the commutative and
distributive property of matrices over addition, i.e. (i) A + C = C + A, (ii) B + C = C + B,
(iii) A + B = B – A, (iv) 3(A + C) = 3A + 3C, (v) 2(A + B + C) = 2A + 2B + 2C
2. Use any three vectors A, B, and C, use the tip to tail methods to illustrate the commutative and
distributive property of matrices over addition, i.e. (i) A - C C + A, (ii) B - C C - B,
(iii) A – B B – A, (iv) 3(A – C) = 3A – 3C, (v) 2(A - B - C) = 2A - 2B - 2C

Lesson 10 Vector, Coordinate and Column Matrix

Vectors and Points

A vector is a directed line segment. In the

diagram, a vector has its tail at the origin (0, 0)
and head at point (x, y) is called a position
vector with coordinates (x, y). Vectors can be
moved to any other location by parallel
displacements, like the vector V, and remains as
vector V, provided its magnitude and direction
are unchanged.

If the vector coordinates are (x, y), its column matrix is written as .

The magnitude of vector V is written as , using the Pythagoras formula, =

Example 1: Find the column matrix and magnitude Example 2 Find the column matrix and
of CD and AB. magnitude the vector above
Solution CD Horiz = -5 (R to L), vertical = 5 Solution Horizontal = -1 (R to L), Vertical = 3
(Bottom to top) CD = is column matrix
is the column matrix
= = =

AB horizontal = 3, vertical =-3 (top to bottom)

AB = , = = =

1. Represent each of the following vectors on graph paper:

, ,t= ,u=

2. Find the column matrix and magnitude of all the vectors below:

Lesson 11 Collinear points and Collinear vectors

In the diagram below, A, B, and C are collinear points, D is not collinear with A, B, and C.

Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar quantity

The product of real number k 0 and vector a is a vector, which we denote as ka, with rules:
1. Vectors a and ka are collinear vectors of the same orientation/direction
2. If k < 0, the orientation/direction is reversed but they are still collinear

Example 1: In the diagrams below, AB and 2AB are collinear with same orientation, AB and – 2AB are
collinear with different orientation

Collinear vectors divided by a Point in a given ratio

Consider two points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2). We have to find the coordinates of the point R which divides
PQ in the ratio m: n, i.e. There can be two cases, R lying between P and Q, or outside the line
segment PQ. The figure on the top right shows both cases.

Example 2:

(a) In the above diagram on the left, determine that ratio of division for point Q for vector PR

(b) Determine that ratio of division for point R for vector PQ

(c) Using the ratio, find a, b, s and t in PQ = aPR, PR = bPQ, QR = sPQ, and QR = tQP

Solution: (a) Q divides PR internally in the ratio 7:5.

(b) R divides PQ externally in the ratio 12: -5.

(c) Cross multiplying, we get 12PQ = 7PR or PQ = (Rule 4)

Using the same ratio, PR =

Cross multiplying, we get 7QR = 5PQ or QR = and

Example 3 In the vector diagram on the above right, using points B and C as points of division,
determine whether the division is internal or external and the ratio:

(a) B divides AC (b) C divides AB (c) BA = m AC (d) AC = n AB

(a)(b) B divides AC internally in the ratio 1:1, C divides AB externally in the ratio 2:-1

(d) Cross multiplying, we get 2AB = AC or -2BA = AC or BA = -


1. In the vector diagram on the left below, using points F and H as points of division, determine
whether the division is internal or external and the ratio:

(a) F divides AH (b) H divides DF (c) AD = m FA (d) HF= n DA (e) FH = t FA

2. In the vector diagram on the right below, using points B and TP (1, 5) as points of division,
determine whether the division is internal or external and the ratio:

(a) T divides AB (b) A divides B and M (c) AB = m MT (d) BM = k MA

Lesson 12 Triangle Law of Vector Addition and Subtraction

Example: (a) Find the column matrix for each vector on the left diagram.
(b) Use these column matrices to illustrate the commutative and distributive property of matrices
over addition, i.e. (i) A+ B = B + A, (ii) B - C = C - B, (iii) 3(A + B + C) = 3A + 3B + 3C.

Solution Vector A: Horizontal = 2 (L to R), vertical = 2 (Bottom to top) A = is column matrix

Vector B: Horizontal = -1 (R to L), vertical = 3 (Bottom to top) B = is column matrix

Vector C: Horizontal = 2, Vertical = 2 C=

A+B= + = B+A= + = , A + B = B + A, commutative property is satisfied

B-C= - = C-B= - = , A-B B - A, commutative property is not satisfied

3(A - B + C) = 3 { - + }=3 =

3A - 3B + 3C = 3 -3 +3 = = + + =

3(A – B + C) = 3A – 3B + 3C, distributive property is satisfied

1. Find the column matrix for each vector on the right diagram. Vectors are A, B, and C (from left).
2. Use the column matrices to illustrate the commutative and distributive property of matrices over
addition, i.e. (i) A + C = C + A, (ii) B + C = C + B, (iii) B - C C - B, (iv) A – B B – A (v)
2(A + B + C) = 2A + 2B + 2C, (v) 2(A - B - C) = 2A - 2B - 2C
Activity 1 Vectors and Navigating by Dead Reckoning

Figure 1. Graphical illustration of a vessel's voyage using vectors.

Getting around before maps or GPS was exactly as complicated as you could imagine. The dead
reckoning method of navigation was more than likely the way Christopher Columbus arrived on new
lands in the 1400s.
We all know the formula for speed and distance? Distance = speed x time. Be sure the units must match,
e.g. miles/hour, km/hour, metres/second, etc.
How did ancient sea captains like Columbus keep their ships on course throughout their voyages? They
used dead reckoning to figure out where they were going. It means, by knowing the speed, time and
distance of the course of their travel, they could determine where and approximately when they would
arrive, that’s why they studied Math!
Definition: Dead reckoning is he process of navigating by calculating one's current position by using a
previously determined position, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over
elapsed time and course.

Columbus and most other sailors of his era—used dead reckoning to navigate. Starting from a known
point, such as a port, a navigator measures out the course and distance from that point on a chart, pricking
the chart with a pin to mark the new position. They used Math, in particular, vectors to help them find
their way and stay on course when wind, current and other factors affected their journeys. Unfortunately,
Columbus never reached the destination where he thought he would end up. He found the Caribbean
instead of China. Why do you think that happened? How accurate is dead reckoning?
Activity on Dead Reckoning – work in groups of three
The course is the direction you intend to steer the vessel. For this activity, the "course," or heading, is
always due west (270 degrees measured clockwise from 0 degrees north). A heading is which way the
vessel is going at a given point. The track actually followed can be very crooked due to wave action,
current, wind and the helmsman (the person responsible for steering the vessel).
Vectors are arrows that represent two pieces of information: a magnitude value (the length of the arrow) and a
directional value (the way the arrow is pointed). In terms of movement, the information contained in the
vector is the distance traveled and the direction traveled. Vectors give us a graphical method to calculate
the sum of several simultaneous movements. If movement is affected by only one variable (represented
by vector A or B), then a vessel would arrive at the end of that vector. If movement is affected by two
variables (represented by the sum of A and B), then a vessel's final position can be found by linking the
two vectors together.

Vectors illustrate the final position of vessel's voyage.

Questions for your group to answer before the Activity

1. Should sailors worry about wind and current when traveling long distances? Why?
2. How are velocity vectors related to speed?
Complete this activity in groups of three

1. Give each group a Vector Voyage Worksheet 1.

2. Using the specified color of pencil, have students draw the 10 square movement vectors
straight across the map and answer the worksheet questions.
3. Have students redraw the 10 square movement vectors on the map while adding the wind
vector corrections for each month. Each month's movement vector must start from the
end of the previous month's wind vector (teacher may refer to Vector Voyage Worksheet
1 Answer Key). Have students answer the worksheet questions without the answer key.
4. Have students redraw the 10 square movement vectors and wind correction vectors on
the map while adding the current vector corrections for each month. Each month's current
vector now starts from the end of the previous month's wind vector. Each month's
movement vector must now start from the end of the previous month's current vector.
Have students answer the Vector Voyage Worksheet 2 questions.
5. Once they are done, point out how they would have landed on the U.S. without the
effects of wind or ocean currents. However, because of wind and ocean currents, they
ended up in Cuba.
6. Inform students that each square is 100 miles in length. Then have them calculate the
distance for Part 1. (Answer: 3,500 miles.)

Teaching suggestions
1. Getting started drawing vectors may be confusing for students. If necessary, teach them how to
drawing the first two vectors so that the entire class can see, or in small groups.
2. The wind correction vector is added to the end of the first vector arrow for month 1. The vectors
for Part 3 of the worksheets must build off of the added vectors in Part 2. Both the wind and the
ocean affect the landfall; this is represented accurately only by building off the wind correction
3. Vector Voyage Worksheet 3 Answer Key offers a summary of this activity and clearly illustrates
the vector movement directly. This answer key is an excellent teacher reference for students who
are having difficulty with this exercise.

Links to worksheets and suggestions:
Vector Voyage Worksheet 1 (pdf)
Vector Voyage Worksheet 2 (pdf)
Blank Vector Voyage Worksheet (pdf)
Vector Voyage Worksheet 1 Answer Key (pdf)
Vector Voyage Worksheet 2 Answer Key (pdf)
Vector Voyage Worksheet 3 Answer Key (pdf)
Website for this activity with links to above worksheets and teaching suggestions.
Teach Engineering: STEM Curriculum for K-12
Introduction YouTube Video on Vectors and Navigating by Dead Reckoning


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