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Assessment Guide

SITHCCC012 Prepare
poultry dishes

Practical Assessment 1 Week 9

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Assignment Coversheet
Student ID:
Email Address:
Unit name:
Unit Code:
Assignment name:

Student Declaration
I declare that –

a. The evidence I have submitted for assessment is my own work, and

b. The evidence I have submitted for assessment has not been shared with other students,
and I have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that my work cannot be accessed by
other students that may seek to submit my work as their own, and
c. All of the sources of information used to prepare my work have been, or may be accurately
cited, and
d. I retain a copy of all my original for my own records, or for resubmission if required by
Academia Australia, and
e. I have read and understood Academia Australia’s policy regarding plagiarism, and I accept
the right of Academia Australia to investigate suspected plagiarism, and to act in
accordance with the policy and procedure I have read.

Student Signature: __________________________________________

Date of Submission: ___ / /20

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©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Assessment Information

• You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for each of the required criteria of this assessment to be
deemed satisfactory for this assessment. You must achieve a satisfactory result for the assessments for
this unit of competency to achieve a competent result for the unit. If one or more of the assessment
results are not satisfactory, you will be Not Yet Competent for this unit.
• You may follow the Assessment Appeals process in the Student Handbook ( if
you are not satisfied with:
o the assessment result; or
o the way an assessment was carried out by your trainer; or
o the conditions or structure of the assessment
The student handbook has the steps for reassessment if you receive a Not Yet Competent mark and do not
want to appeal.

Reasonable adjustment for assessment

Where students have highlighted Language, Literacy and Numeracy issues reasonable adjustment to the
assessment can be made. Should you receive a ‘Not Yet Competent’ or ‘Resubmit’ result for the
assessment you will be given the opportunity to re-submit your assessment work with any amendments
requested by your trainer.

The adjustment may include actions such as:

• Student demonstrating knowledge through verbal discussion to identify correct answers
• Student demonstrating knowledge through applied skills
• Allowing additional time relating to disability
• Through consultation amending assessment timeframes
• Assistance in the form of the training location to allow easier access
• Accessing relevant equipment or aids to assist the student
• Adjustments to the assessment methods to cater for any special needs (without effecting the integrity of
the outcome)

If a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment
process a detailed training and assessment plan including timetables, notes regarding the required
adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must be maintained in the students

The RTO Manager must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure that any
adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessment process.

Location of and completion timeframes for assessment

The location of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the assessment. Direct observation of
student’s skills will be assessed in the commercial kitchens at Academia, the timeframes for these
assessments will be related to the scheduled times of the practical classes. Other assessments such as; role
plays, in class activities, presentations and written tests will be conducting in the classroom. The timeframes
and due dates for these assessments, as well as any reports, projects or research assignments, are
documented in the stage outlines. Stage outlines are handed out at the beginning of each term.

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©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Assessment 1 – Practical Assessment Week 9

Throughout the term, at the end of a unit a final assessment which showcases what you have learnt
throughout the unit. This Assessment evaluates your ability to show evidence of the skills and knowledge
you have gained through your training at Academia for the previous period and your ability to work under
typical workplace conditions and time constraints, the assessment may cover multiple units.
You will be marked on a range of items for the unit or units listed below. Each unit will usually have two
practical assessments associated with it, and if found satisfactory on both occasions you will be given a
competent result for the assessed units.

• SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes

While working in the Commercial kitchen you will be required to:

• Follow the instruction of your practical trainer and follow all guidelines set clearly in your
demonstration day in relation to preparation, time constraints, hygiene and safety in the kitchen.
• Follow the organisations work attitude, their policies and procedures as would be expected in any
operating commercial kitchen.
• All assessments must include complete clear recipe cards, workflow plan and ingredients list
for all items being prepared.

This assessment record will be kept by Academia as part of your evidence for these units. It clearly
defines that you are able to produce items to the standards required by the training package.

Instruction: For assessments you will be required to

• Produce a variety of dishes that relate to the modules you have studied during the term.
• All of the recipes required for the day are attached but are not of the correct portion amount for the
menu, you are to adjust each of the recipes to the correct portions as per your menu.
• You will be required to adjust recipes where specified to meet specific dietary requirements.
• Produce a workflow plan for the day’s activities
• Demonstrate how you work in a clean and methodical manner
• Organisational skills and teamwork
• Demonstrate Time management, ensuring all dishes are prepared on time
• Ensure hygienic handling and storage of all commodities within the kitchen environment
• Show creative presentation techniques that are in line with industry standards which includes
temperature of dishes and equipment used for service
• Show you have the knowledge for waste minimisation techniques

At the end of this document is the marking guide that will be used by the trainer. Each dish will be
marked on the following areas
Presentation - Final dish presentation to industry standard, no spills or marks on plate. Appropriate size
serving for dish, garnish appropriate for dish along with correct size of garnish
Temperature – Hot food is served hot and on a hot plate, cold food is served cold and on cold plate
Taste – Seasoning is correct, taste of dish correct to industry standard; food is not over cooked or under
Storage – hygiene – During the day students have taken all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the
client by placing perishable items in appropriate temperatures until required.

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©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

You will also be marked on the following areas for the overall day

Time management and problem-solving Work place Health and Safety

Work flow, including time Hygienic practises for safe food

Recipe cards, choice of equipment Storage of perishable items

Personal hygiene Special dietary requirements

Waste minimisation Inter grated customer feedback

Portion control

Communication and teamwork

Personal presentation – clean ironed uniform

Practical Assessment Task

Students are to cook in groups of 2 and produce the following menu items.
Recipe Portions Source

Bone out chicken* 1 Handout p 17

Grilled Spatchcock with Grainy Mustard 1 Advanced p 24

Chorizo and Oregano Rolled Chicken (half a chicken) 1 Handout p 19

Suprême Sauce 2 Basic p 119

Roast Potato 2 Handout p 20

Roast Carrots and Zucchini 1 Handout p 21

Thai Chicken Curry 2 Advanced p 33

Dhal 2 Basic p 73

Chicken Sauté Chasseur 1 Handout p 22

Ratatouille 1 Basic p 74

*Bone out whole bird – removing 1 Maryland (Thai Curry) 1 Breast (Chasseur)

Students must individually produce and upload on LMS (Moodle) complete and clear recipe cards,
workflow plan and ingredients list for all items being prepared.

You are also required to individually upload pictures of the final completed dishes that you have
produced and presented along with your student ID card placed next to the dish. This is required for
all menu items that you produce during the practical assessment session. This will be maintained as
evidence of your competency on your file.

Students are to check and address all the marking criteria points in the following page and present
food to the trainer to be assessed.

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©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

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©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Marking Guide

Not Satisfactory
Not attempted


Practical Assessment 1 0 1 2 3 Comments
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes
1. Work plan is clear and detailed (maps all the daily
tasks with appropriate timing) and includes: • Work
schedule • Recipe • Ingredients list • Maintain
Perishable Items Checklist • Dietary information •
Food allergens/additive matrix • Product Feedback
2. Weigh ingredients according to recipe
3. Follow recipe according to industry standard
4. Hygiene practices are used
5. Food safety procedures are followed correctly
6. Appropriate equipment is selected, assembled,
and used correctly (including correctly cleaning and
storage procedures)
7. Safe work practices used
8. Personal Presentation is to industry standard
9. Student able to explain the unpinning knowledge
required for the recipes
10. Methods of cookery are correctly used to produce
poultry dishes
11. Student works effectively with colleagues to
produces poultry dishes
12. Poultry dishes are presented according to the
standard recipe
Total marks out of 36

Student is satisfactory for this assessment task: Yes Not Yet

________________________________ ___ / ___ / _____

Trainer’s Signature Date

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes Practical Assessment 1 Wk 9 Page 6 of 6

©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade

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