Estudiante: Juliana Forero Ruiz: Tag Questions

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Estudiante: Juliana Forero Ruiz


Choose the correct tag question.

1. You’re taking the bus, (don’t you / aren’t you)?

2. They don’t want dinner, (don’t they / do they)?

3. She’s going to make dinner tonight, (isn’t she / doesn’t she)?

4. Sally will be late for the movie, (will she / won’t she)?

5. I’m going to pass this test, (aren’t I / are I)?

6. We can’t make the early train, (can we / can’t we)?

7. This food is disgusting, (aren’t it / isn’t it)?

8. Charlie speaks great Russian, (doesn’t he / doesn’t Charlie)?

9. Nannie can’t eat shellfish, (can’t she / can she)?

10. You’ve used all the paper, (didn’t you / haven’t you)?

Complete Negative sentences, with positive tags

We aren't late, are we?

She doesn't have any children, Does she?
The bus isn't coming, is it?
She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?
They didn't go out last Sunday, did they?
You weren't sleeping, were you?
She hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?
He hasn't been running in this weather, has he?
We hadn't been to London before, had we?
You hadn't been sleeping, had you?
They won't be late, will they?
He won't be studying tonight, will he?
She won't have left work before six, will he?
He won't have been travelling all day, will he?
She can't speak Arabic, can she?

Affirmative sentences with negative tags

She's Italian,  isn’t she?

They live in London, don’t they?
We're working tomorrow, aren’t we?
It was cold yesterday, wasn’t it?
He went to the party last night, dind’t he ?
We were waiting at the station, weren’t we?
They've been to Japan, haven’t they?
She's been studying a lot recently, isn’t she?
He had forgotten his wallet, hadn’t he?
We'd been working, hadn’t we?
She'll come at six, won’t she?
They'll be arriving soon, won’t they?
They'll have finished before nine,won’t they?
She'll have been cooking all day, won’t she?
He can help, can’t he?
John must stay, mustn’t he?

Some of the sentences have incorrect tag questions. Rewrite those sentences with correct tag

1. I wasn’t speeding, wasn’t I?

I wasn’t speeding, was I?
2. I wasn’t speeding, was I?
I was speeding, wasn’t I?
3. There was no problem, was there?
There wasn’t no problem, was there?
4. That lunch was incredibly good, was it?
That lunch was incredibly good, wasn’t it?
5. Michael is going to be late, isn’t he?
Michael isn’t going to be late, is he?
6. You haven’t seen Eileen, haven’t you?
You have seen Eileen, haven’t you?
7. Your grandparents can’t come for dinner, can they?
Your grand parents can come for dinner, can’t they?
8. Sylvia will be here in a few minutes, won’t Sylvia?
Sylvia won’t be here in a few minutes, will Sylvia?

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