Indicadores de Logros Ciencias Naturales Segundo Periodo

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ECOSYSTEMS 1.1. He or she Identifies and explaining factors which affect the
1. Use ‘Scientific knowledge' in a  By developing worksheets about different
-Biotic and abiotic ecosystems (PRAE).
comprehensive manner. SC6-1 ecosystems on the workbook.
factors 1.2. He or she establishes differences between biotic and abiotic.
2.1. He or she understands that different habitats support different
2. To explain physical, chemical  Worksheets with drawings and descriptions to
living things
TYPES OF and biological phenomena occurred identify factors that determine the habitats.
2.2 He or she assumes a critical stand about use of science in
HABITATS in different situations.  Development of guides about changes in
relation to human development and everyday life.
-Man´s impact in the SC6-19 endangered habitats.
care of the habitats 3. To use scientific evidence as  Activities in the workbook to identify matter
basis for arguing natural 3.1. He or she knows what matter is; its structure and general and it properties.
MATTER phenomena and environmental properties  Working a Glossary about different states of
-Definition, structure problems. matter by describing drawings.
and general 4.1. He or she describes and verify the effect of thermal energy
4. To inquire about natural
properties of matter transfer in the changes of state of some substances.  Making a brochure to describe the different
phenomena through observing,
-States of matter and 4.2. He or she understands the nature of energy.(PEGR-CC) forms of energy.
investigating and experiencing or
their changes 4.3. He or she identifies concepts of temperature heat, magnetism,  By working meaninful activities of the
sound and energy. workbook to study types of energy.
-Energy definition
-some types of energy
5. To demonstrate a positive and 5.1. He or she participates in the activities outlined in PRAE and
respectful attitude towards the reflects on the social, cultural and intellectual implications of
TEMPERATURE  By participating in the proposed activities in
subject; the care and protection of scientific and technological advances.
- Heat and the area of Science students should contribute
the environment recognizing the 5.2. He or she participates in the activities suggested in PRAE and
temperature actively by generating constructive ideas with
right application of modern reflect on the social, cultural and intellectual implications of
enthusiastic manner.
advances and technology for the scientific advancement and technology.
ENVIRONMENTAL humanity development. SC6-2

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