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Miranda St, Angeles City



FOUNDATION A.Y 2019-2020


Martin, Alexis

Cemania, Aaron

Imbuido, Kyle

Salenga, Jerome

Sanchez, Nashr

Bondoc, Jazer

Alimurung, Mary rose


This thesis titled “Effectiveness of technical revolution to the education of Gr11

ICT students at Systems Plus College Foundation”, prepared and submitted by Alexis

Martin, Maryrose Alimurung, Kyle Imbuido, Jerome Salenga, Jazer Bondoc, Nashr

Sanchez, Aaron Cemania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research in

Daily Life 2, has been examined hereby recommended for Oral Examination.

Ricardo C. Tapang


Thesis Committee

Passed by the Thesis Committee with a grade of

On .

The Researchers would like to thank the following. First, The Almighty God for guiding us in

conducting this research. Next, our research teacher, Mr. Ricardo Tapang who is always there

to teach us. And lastly, to our Groupmates, for our hardships and cooperation. We made it!

May this research, give new learnings to each and every one of us. Thank you very much!

-The Researchers

The study was conceptualized to determine the Effectiveness of technical revolution to the

education of Gr11 ICT students at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020. As

perceived by the selected Grade 11 students of Systems Plus College Foundation. Using

Quantitative and Descriptive method of research, the data was gathered by providing a

questionnaires and surveyed the students.

Chapter 1


Problem and its Background

Technology became part of our everyday life wherever you go theres technology, we cant

live now without technology because it is part of us and we can’t do things that we used to do

before when there’s no technology. The term technology has been given different definitions

by past literary works. As indicated by Kumar et. al (1999).

Technology has developed at a huge pace. It's difficult to think about any field of life or

every day movement today which we don't utilize technology for. From clever contraptions to

creative electrical frameworks, it's an ever-present part of our lives to improve things. It saves

us time and makes even the most menial tasks more interesting. Technology help us in every

different way, it help us in our education. They say education is the most important thing in

life, but while learning we also need pratical skills and gain our valuable knowledge.

According to kurzweil blog team, In the present society there is no doubt that technology

has become a piece of our regular day to day existences. As indicated by a 2014 Pew

Research study, 58% of American adults have a cell phone, 32% possess a tablet and 42%

claim a tablet. These insights clarify that adults are adjusting to new and rising technology.

However, technology help us in education as a tools to learn more and improve more

things. One of the effects that technology has, it can easily teach students to learn at their own

pace. Because not all students are the same in ways of learning, there are students who can

just learn by listening and there are students who learn by studying it on their own. For

example when a teacher asigns a group activities on tablets or laptops it allow the students to

read directions, and process information more easily and complete the work at their own pace.

Technology has made instruction more available than any other time in recent memory.

Simply having a PC and a web association can give you access to unlimited measures of data

and learning assets. You can utilize web instructional exercises, YouTube videos, and even
applications to learn. Other schools also build themselves around technology, most of this

schools are likely private schools who most uses online portals to provide the needs of the

students .

Technology use enables a lot more understudies to be effectively contemplating data,

settling on decisions, and executing abilities than is run of the mill in instructor drove

exercises. In addition, when technology is utilized as a device to help understudies in

performing authentic tasks, the understudies are in the situation of characterizing their

objectives, settling on plan choices, and assessing their advancement.

When technology came up the teacher’s role also change, The teacher is no longer the

main attention but instead assumes the job of facilitator, defining venture objectives and

giving rules and assets, moving from student to student or gathering to gathering, giving

recommendations and backing to understudy movement.

As student take a shot at their technology upheld items, the teacher turns through the

room, investigating shoulders, approaching about the purposes behind different structure

decisions, and recommending assets that may be utilized. Disruptive changes in the

technology has witnessed a remarkable transformation in almost every aspect of today's life

and education is no exception. Technology really improve and boost us in academic and

some survey say that technology really help them in their academic achievements and their

studies. Acccording ot the survey of McGraw-Hill's Higher Education group The survey of

more than 3,300 U.S. college students shows that a majority of students now embrace digital

learning technology for its ability to help them . 81% percent of the students says it helps

them improve their grades, while 81% students says it improve their efficiency and

effectiveness and 69% of students says it improves their focus.

But on the other side, technology has also some negative effects on education and

especially on today’s education. Even though there are positive effects of technology in

education there are some negative effects one of those are plagiarism ,some students nowadays

are most likely they like to copy and paste articles without paraphrasing because they think there

are millions of sites on the web. another one of the negative effect of technology is giving their

trust of some malicious websites, subscribing to some articles without knowing,the negative
effects of this is instead getting some useful information instead they are introduced to some

untrustworthy information that may harm the device they're using and there is a chance that may

harm the reader. Some of the negative effects of much using technology is might be you'd create

enough room for cheating or maybe insufficient method of teaching, wasting valuable time or

sometimes you misguided to a wrong information or most common know as fake news.

However, technology really has a big role in our lives not only in our lives but also on

our education. The reason we conducted this research is to know how technology change our

lives over the years and its impact in everything mostly in our education. We, the researchers

find out that in today’s society we need more technology unlike before that we can just live

without it and work mechanically by ourselves.

When technology came everything change, it changes our culture and how we actually

interact on others we often interact to others before by seeing them personally and talking to

them personally but now that there’s technology we just interact through social media’s like

facebook, messenger, viber and etc. Constant communication through utilization of technology

is changing the manner in which individuals consider themselves and how they impart. They can

get consideration, consistently be heard, and never must be separated from everyone else.

Interfacing electronically can likewise prompt disconnection. They frequently don't enable an

opportunity to think or hear each out other with the steady tangible boost of writings, tweets,

Facebook updates, messages and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Understanding the

forthcoming of basic human science and how media rehearses sway what is viewed as typical

influences society's qualities. The simplicity of associating through technology and imparting on

the web has an effect on culture locally and all inclusive as an ever increasing number of

individuals decide to convey online rather than face to face.

Conceptual framework


 Related Literature  Gathering information

 Rating Scale from the related literature  The Effectiveness of

 Grade 11 ICT  Data gathering with the use Technical Revolution

Students as of rating scale to the Education of

respondents.  Collecting data from the Grade 11 ICT Students

 Social Influences respondents at SPCF, A.Y 2019-

 Analyze and interpret the 2020

respondents answer in

rating scale

The researcher’s purpose in this investigation is to discover if the factors above are

effective in using technical revolution to the education of the grade 11 ict students.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the Effectiveness of Technical Revolution to the Education of

Grade 11 ICT students at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020. Specifically, it

aims to answer the following questions:

1) . How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of their:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

2) . Technology is effective in terms of :

2.1 Academic Performance

2.2 Communication

3) . How frequently do respondent use technology?

4) . Why do people use technology?

4.1 Convenience
4.2 Entertainment

Significance of the Study

This study will investigate the effectiveness of technical revolution to the Education of

Grade 11 ICT students at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020.

This study will benefit the following:

Students. This will benefit from this study in a such way that will improve their knowledge and


Teachers. The findings of this study will improve the teaching style and will be aware of the

importance of technical revolution to education.

Future Researchers. They can use the idea and information mentioned in this study. In the

future, they can extend their researches in this topic.

Scope and limitation

This study will focused on the Effectiveness of Technical Revolution to the Education of

Grade 11 ICT students at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020. The research

was conducted at SPCF Miranda St, Angeles City. This study limits its coverage on the Grade

11 ICT students third quarter. The study focuses on the current grade 11 ICT students present

year 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study, the following terms

are defined conceptually and operationally.

Technical Revolution - This refers in which one or more technologies is replaced by another

technology in a short amount of time.

Research – This refers to the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in

order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Presentation - This refers to the giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal

Technology in School - refers to the use of technology in educational settings, whether it be

elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, corporate training sites, or

independent study at home.

Technology - This refers to science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent

useful tools.

Education – Refers to s the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge,

skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling,

discussion and directed research

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter contains the inquired about survey done by the advocates about the

relatedideas with respect to the proposed framework. It includes the effectiveness of technical

revolution in school to the education of the Grade 11 ict students.

Foreign Literature

In the previous 10 years or something like that, we've seen a pace of disturbance in

education that is unparalleled in earlier decades. Books, educational plans, and even teachers are

quickly being replace or supplemented by online assets and computerized apparatuses, for

example, tablets and cell phones.

According to Anderson (2016). The digital revolution has significantly influenced day

by day living, apparent in the universality of cell phones and the consistent joining of innovation

into basic errands, for example, shopping, perusing, and discovering bearings

(Kaware & Sain, 2015; Westera, 2015). Stated that interegating digital technology is not

new for universities since 1900s, most of the teachers or school administration effectively use

technical innovations such as video, powerpoint, email and many more.

. According to the ASEAN UP (2012). Most of the students also need fun in learning in

able to come to school and be actively and be interested in learning. Nowadays, knowledge isn't

solely conveyed by teachers any longer, it very well may be gained from numerous sources. In

this "advanced age" model, educators become facilitator that help understudies to locate the

correct information, where to discover it and how to process it. Teachers of Ngee Ann are

additionally occupied with imparting best practices to numerous schools far and wide and

improve their strategies and materials. Because of the revolution of technology nowadays,

teachers can’t teach the way they were taught in this generation they don’t any choice but to

adapt to new tools and new way of teaching to have a better learning experience to students.

According to EU Science Club (2019). digital technologies don’t simply create destroy

jobs but they also change what people do in their jobs and how they do it. Technology also

makes new sorts of employments. The sorts of occupations that are anticipated to become the

most in the EU by 2030 give off an impression of being those that require advanced education,
escalated utilization of social and interpretative abilities, and in any event an essential

information on ICT.

According to Dan Chenok (2018). The advanced e-government organize saw

offices influence correspondence innovation to empower secure exchanges with government.

Residents could apply for and get advantages and allows and could make installments

electronically. the advent of social media and other collaborative technologies has created new

pathways for citizens and businesses to communicate with governments.

According to Bianca Banova (2019). The effect of new technolgy likewise sway in

restorative, it bring down the social insurance costs. As demonstrated by an examination from

the University of Michigan, moving from paper to electronic prosperity records diminished the

cost of outpatient care by 3%. These researchers assessed this as $5.14 in venture reserves per

relentless consistently. In a tremendous city therapeutic facility organize, that entirety is


According to America’s SBCD (2015). Technology makes a group dynamic inside a

business since workers at various areas have better cooperations. On the off chance that

manufacturing plant chiefs can speak with shipment organizers at an alternate area, strains and

doubt are less inclined to advance. Factions and social strains can turn into a bad dream for a

business; innovation frequently assists laborers with setting their various foundations aside.

According to Amy Dang (2018). Described by the headway of correspondence and

network, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is intended to exponentially disturb

the manner in which we live. Major innovative leaps forward are in progress in practically all

ventures overall remembering for man-made consciousness (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT),

dispersed record tech, mechanical technology, quantum and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

South Korea, known as one of the main tech nations on the planet, is obviously no outsider to

this insurgency. Having toppled its whole economy in one age, the nation knows some things

about disturbance, which is the reason it is resolute in putting resources into advances of things

to come.

An digital transformation is essential for France as industry is one of the primary drivers

of the French economy. With 274 billion euros of riches produced, it speaks to 13% of France's
GDP. Incorporating new advancements into the modern area offers an immense open door for

development. As indicated by EY examine, the industry of things to come ought to permit

ventures to twofold their year on year efficiency gains. For instance, industrials that have

incorporated computerized reasoning can see their edges increment by 3 to 15% as indicated by

McKinsey Global Institute. The legislature has completely comprehended the high stakes of this

advanced insurgency: 450 million euros have been devoted to the business of things to come

through the future speculation program. France currently brags no under 270 computerized

reasoning new companies and financial specialists appear to be sold on their development

potential as they brought 278 million euros up in 2016.

According to (Anderson, 2016; Smith and Anderson, 2016; Zickuhr and Raine, 2014).

The advanced upset has significantly influenced day by day living, apparent in the universality of

cell phones and the consistent joining of innovation into regular assignments, for example,

shopping, perusing, and discovering bearings. The utilization of PCs, cell phones, and the

Internet is at its most elevated level to date and expected to keep on expanding as innovation

turns out to be progressively open, especially for clients in creating nations (Poushter, 2016)

According to (Kaware and Sain, 2015; Westera, 2015). Coordinating innovation into

instructing and learning is certifiably not another test for colleges. Since the 1900s, heads and

staff have thought about how to adequately utilize specialized developments, for example, video

and sound accounts, email, and remotely coordinating to increase or supplant customary

instructional conveyance strategies. Inside the previous two decades, in any case, this test has

been significantly more troublesome because of the sheer volume of new advances available.

Local Literature

Mikko Dimapasoc says that He has always been someone who sees engineering as a

means of technical creativity that will allow him to build from scratch, and use it as an

opportunity to create a tool for impact. His experience with education involving the tech industry

is coming from a place that despite being in the industry himself, finds the lack of tools and

resources limiting to even those in the field.

An article distributed by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in

2016 states that the nation has been confronting nearby and worldwide difficulties requiring
science and innovation, including local coordination, natural corruption and environmental

change, and neediness.

According to the latest statistics from We Are Social, Filipinos now spend the most time

online compared to the rest of the world. In the Asia Pacific, we also spend the most time on

social media sites, averaging 3.4 hours every day. Based on the UN’s State of Broadband report,

in 2015, 39% percent of Filipinos are able to use the Internet. This is a slight increase from 2014

figures, although our global ranking remains fixed at 106 out of 191 countries.

According to Anthony Chiu (2019). This indusrial revolution utilizes a combination of

advancements that progression into the limits of the physical, computerized and natural circles,

and is set apart by innovation achievements in apply autonomy, man-made brainpower,

nanotechnology, quantum registering, biotechnology, the web of things, the Industrial Internet of

Things (IIoT), decentralized accord, fifth-age remote advances (5G), added substance

fabricating/3D printing and completely self-governing vehicles, wikipedia states.This insurgency

will essentially change the manner in which we live, work, and identify with each other, clarifies

Sec Pernia, in his keynote message.

As indicated by Business Mirror (2018). THE Employers Confederation of the

Philippines (Ecop) shares Africa's view. An Ecop official trusts FIRe could burn the nearby

business network and endure a shot from the worldwide economy's change to digitization. Ecop

Director General Jose Roland A. Moya said Philippine firms will see their intensity decay in the

event that they don't adjust to new advancements in the working environment.
Chapter 3


The methodology provides a description and interpretation of the procedure that has been

used in this study. In this chapter the research design, Participants of the Study, Systematic

Sampling, Instrument and Structure Interview, Data Collection, and Ethical Consideration are

used in this study to be presented.

The researchers made use of a self – made questionnaire to test the variables needed for

the study. The questionnaire was checked and validated by a registered psychometrician.

The data gathered from the questionnaire used in the survey was subjected to the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences 21 (SPSS 21) application to derive the statistical

measurements needed in the study such as the demographic profile and descriptive measures of

the results.

The researchers hired a statistician to process and oversee the statistical validity of the

results. The statistician provided a certificate of statistical validity of the results.

Research Design

The researchers used quantitative method of research which consist large sample sizes,

concentrating on the quantity of responses. As the vast majority of us realize that this kind of

research procedure is utilized to measure the issue by method for creating numerical information

or information that can be changed into usable insights. It is utilized to evaluate frames of mind,

feelings, practices, and other characterized factors – and sum up results from a bigger example


The research design used by the researchers in this study is the survey method gathering

data from an example of individuals, customarily with the goal of summing up the outcomes to a

bigger populace.

Surveys provide a critical source of data and insights for nearly everyone engaged in the

information economy, from businesses and the media to government and academics.
Participants of the Study

The participants of this study are the Grade 11 ICT Students who tend to use more

technology in school at Systems Plus College Foundation.

Systematic Sampling

The researchers will use systematic sampling because it is a simple random sampling of a

population can be inefficient and time-consuming, statisticians turn to other methods, such as

systematic sampling. Choosing a sample size through a systematic approach can be done

quickly. We, the researchers will choose randomly respondents from the Grade 11 ICT students.

Instrument and Structured Interview

The researchers will use questionnaires to survey the effectiveness of technical revolution

in school to the Grade 11 ICT students of Systems Plus College Foundation. This might go easy

and smooth because it was going to be an survey and there will be questionnaires provided.

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types

of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.

Survey is the assortment of information achieved by asking people inquiries either face to

face, on paper, by telephone or on the web. Leading studies is one type of essential research,

which is the social event information direct from its source.

The researchers provided a structured interview which is commonly used in a survey

research. This aim to approach and to confirm that each interview is offered with the same exact

questions and with the same order. This ensures answers can be dependably gathered and that

examinations can be made with certainty between test subgroups or between various review


Data Collection

Before the data collection the researchers will asked for students permission to survey

and provide them some questionnaires. The respondents will be interviewed using semi-
structured intstrument, a list of questions which the researchers prepared. After providing the

questionnaires the researcher will proceed on interviewing the respondents. After providing the

questionnaires the researchers will do the collecting of all the data and gather them together for

it to be able to arranged the tally of the answers.

Ethical Consideration

As for today we all know technology really changed our lives and we the researchers

really want to know the effetiveness of technical revolution to us students and how it affects us

also as a human. And how revolution of technology impact our society and the people in the

society for today’s generation.In choosing the respondents, we the researchers will randomly

choose students in the Grade 11 ICT students who is more relatively in this study.

Research Locale

The coverage of our respondents in our research paper is located on Miranda, St

Angeles City.
Chapter 4

I. Results and Interpretation

This part of the study presents the analysis, interpretation of the data collection that

was collected in Sytems Plus College Foundation Miranda Extension with the cooperation of the

Grade 11 ICT students.

Table 1. Demographic Profile of Participants by Gender

Based on the survey conducted by the researchers, forty – four (44) out of sixty (60) participants

were male and sixteen (16) out of sixty (60) participants were female

Male 44
Female 16
Table 1. 2 Demographic Profile of Participants by Age
Age 16.98
The mean (x) age of the participants in the study was 16.98 years of age.

This means that the average age of the sixty (60) participants was around 16.98 years old.

Table 2. Effectiveness of Technology in Terms of Academic Performance and

Variable x
Academic Performance 4.1167 (Very High)
Communication 4.4056 (Very High)
Table 2 shows that the participants scored very high on both the variables academic performance

and communication. However, it can be noted that the participants scored higher on the variable

communication(x = 4.4056). Therefore, it can be inferred that for the sixty (60) participants

who answered the questionnaire, technology is more effective for communication than for

academic performance.

Table 3. Reason Why People Use Technology

Variable x
Convenience 4.3611 (Very High)
Entertainment 4.2444 (Very High)

Table 3 shows that the participants scored very high on both the variables convenience and

entertainment.It can be seen that the participants scored higher on the convenience variable (x
= 4.3611) than the entertainment variable (x = 4.2444). It can be inferred that the participants

usually use technology for convenience rather than entertainment.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and suggested

recommendations of the study entitled “Effectiveness of technical revolution to the education of

Gr11 ICT students”.

The respondents were the 60 Gr11 ICT Senior high school students, section Mars,

venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Earth of Systems Plus College Foundation.

Summary of findings

Based on the gathered and analyzed data, the researcher came up with the following findings

presented on the statement of the problem.

1. Demographic Profile

1.1 As to the profile of respondents in terms of gender, most of the participants were male

with the total of 44 and the female were only 16.

1.2 The average age of the participants were 16.98 years of age, the minimum age is 15

and the maximum age was 20.

2. Effectiveness of technical revolution to the education of Gr11 ICT students

Based on the respondent’s assesment on the effectiveness of technical revolution

communication scored (x = 4.4056) which is very high than academic performance. Means

communication is very effective in the revolution of technology according to the


3. Reason why people use technology

The reasons why respondents uses technology is for convenience and entertainment. In the

findings convenience scored very high tan entertainment, most of the respondents uses

technology for their convenience which saves them more time and energy.


1. Demographic profile

I.1 According to the data most of the respondents of this study were male
I.2 The study showed that the average age of the respondents is young

2. Effectiveness of technical revolution to the education of Gr11 ICT students

According to the gathered data the respondents chose “communication” for the

effectiveness of techinical revolution.

3. Reason why people use technology

Most of the respondents uses technology because of convenience even though the scores

on both are very high.


We researchers recommend this study to the future and upcoming Gr11 ICT

students that will help them enhance their knowledge and improve their skills on the

revolution technology.

In order to to be successful in this study each of the members should cooperate to

each other.

Curriculum Vitae


Address: Brgy.Amsic, Purok 5, Angeles City

Mobile #: 0975-471-3165


Personal Information

Age: 16 yrs old

Birthdate: June 15, 2003

Height: 5’1

Weight: 48kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, kapampangan, English

Religion: Catholic


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension

Secondary: Angeles City National High School

Primary: Amsic Integrated School


 Active listening

 Leadership

 Teamwork

Curriculum Vitae


Address: Brgy. Calibutbut, Bacolor Pampanga

Mobile #: 0912-376-7592


Personal Information

Age: 17 yrs old

Birthdate: October 22, 2002

Height: 5’4

Weight: 40kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, kapampangan,

Religion: Born again


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Lara Integrated School (2015-2019)

Primary: Calibutbut Bacolor Elementary School (2009-2015)


 Playing Badminton

Curriculum Vitae


Address: 406 A.Mabini St, Pulung Bulu, CSFP

Mobile #: 0965-714-1600


Personal Information

Age: 17 yrs old

Birthdate: July 01, 2002

Height: 5’5

Weight: 45kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, English

Religion: Baptist


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Francisco G. Nepomuceno Memorial High School (2015-2019)

Primary: Calibutbut Bacolor Elementary School(2009-2015)


 Playing Volleyball

 Dancing

Curriculum Vitae


Address: #16 Lakatan St, Brgy. Sagun, CSFP

Mobile #: 0965-714-1679


Personal Information

Age: 17 yrs old

Birthdate: December 23, 2002

Height: 5’7

Weight: 57kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, Kapampangan, English

Religion: Inglesia Ni Cristo


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Sindalan High School (2015-2019)

Primary: Saguin Integrated School(2009-2015)


 Writing

 Leadership

 Playing an Organ keyboard

Curriculum Vitae


Address: 1473 Jesus St, Pulung Bulu, Angeles City

Mobile #: 0967-537-8195


Personal Information

Age: 16 yrs old

Birthdate: May 19, 2003

Height: 5’6

Weight: 50kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, Kapampangan, English

Religion: Catholic


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Francisco G. Nepomuceno Memorial High School (2015-2019)

Primary: Angeles Elementary School(2009-2015)


 Basketball

 Computer games skills

Curriculum Vitae


Address: 313 Mathew St, Brgy. Malino, CSFP

Mobile #: 0998-439-0102


Personal Information

Age: 17 yrs old

Birthdate: September 27, 2002

Height: 5’10

Weight: 75kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, Kapampangan

Religion: Catholic


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Panipuan High School (2015-2019)

Primary: Malino Integrated School(2009-2015)


 Playing online games

 Creative

 Reading and Writing

Curriculum Vitae


Address: #100 Brgy. Cutud, Angeles City

Mobile #: 0956-532-8222


Personal Information

Age: 17 yrs old

Birthdate: January 19, 2003

Height: 5’7

Weight: 69kg

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Language: Tagalog, English

Religion: Ang Dating Daan


Senior High School: Systems Plus College Foundation – Miranda Extension (2019-2021)

Secondary: Francisco G. Nepomuceno Memorial High School (2015-2019)

Primary: Sto. Rosario Elementary School(2009-2015)


 Playing Computer Games

 Drawing

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