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Mikaela Lyka D. Angco

Alexis M. Martin

Michelle M. Tuscano

Dongy D. Canlas

Kyle Francis R. Imbuido

Clarence M. Tubaon


This thesis titled “Effects of Social Media to Grade 11 and 12 students at

Systems Plus College Foundation”, prepared and submitted by Alexis Martin,

Mikaela Angco, Kyle Imbuido, Clarence Tubaon, Dongy Canlas, Michelle

Tuscano, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research in Daily Life,

has been examined hereby recommended for Oral Examination.

Kristine Mariz D. Datu


Thesis Committee

Passed by the Thesis Committee with a grade of

On .


The Researchers would like to thank the following. First, The Almighty

God for guiding us in conducting this research. Next, our research teacher, Ms.

Kristine Mariz Datu who is always there to teach us. And lastly, to our

Groupmates, for our hardships and cooperation. We made it! May this research,

give new learnings to each and every one of us. Thank you very much!

-The Researchers


The study was conceptualized to determine the effects of social media to

students experiencing depression at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-

2020. As perceived by the selected Grade 11 and 12 students of Systems Plus

College Foundation. Using Qualitative and Descriptive method of research, the

data was gathered by interviewing the students.



TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………………... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………….. iii
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………….. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………. v

CHAPTER 1 …………………………………………………………………. vi
Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 7
Statement of the Problem ………………………………………… 15

Scope and Delimitation …. ………………………………………… 16

Significance of the Study ………………………………………….. 16
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………….. 17

Methods Page
Research Design ……………………..………………………...… 18

Participants of the Study …………………………….………….. 19

Instruments…………………………………………………………… 20

Data Collection …….………………………………………………
Ethical Consideration ………………………………………………


Results and Discussion

Results ………………………………………………………………. 22

Discussion ………………………………………………………….. 23


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings ………………………………………………. 30

Conclusion ………………………………………………………….. 31

Recommendation …………………………………………………… 32

References………………………………………………………….. 34

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………….. 36


Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Nowadays, Social Media is a controversial topic, in the way that it can destroy

your interaction or relationship to anyone. People may think that social media is a

great blessing to each and every one of us. It helps the introvert people to express what

they can not express in public, it also helps us built relationships we dont expect to

come, it makes you communicate with anyone.

However, social media has also disadvantages. It can cause a distraction, that

makes you feel like nothing else is going around you, it reduces your closeness to your

family, caused by always doing twitter, Facebook, Instagram and not knowing that

your loved ones is at your side. Social media has become a prominent part of life for

many young people today. Most people who engage in social media doesnt care about

the effects of social media on our lives whether it is positive or negative.

Also, Social Media is good to us, it makes our lives much easier and helps us

gain more chance to socialize with other people. Many parents worry about how

exposure to technology might affect toddlers developmentally. The pre-schoolers are

picking up new social and cognitive skills at a stunning pace, and none of us want

hours glued to a gadget. But adolescents take us in an equally important period of

rapid development, and how a teenager used of technology is much more intense and

intimate than a 3- year old playing games in a tablet.

Parents are worried about how their child is being exposed to gadget at a very

young age, because instead of playing outside like how children supposed to do. They

choose to play games in phones or computers. In fact, experts worry that the social

media and other apps that have become so integral to teenage life to the fact that they

are increasing the chance of depression, anxiety and low-self esteem.

Social Media is a technology that we cannot avoid nowadays because this is

really important. However, we must put ourselves in an appropriate and good

discipline for us to have a better living. Social Media can affect feelings and emotion

to people, that's why the topic about depression can experience by anyone.

Depression is a rare disease nowadays, because many people around the world

experience this. Sometimes in our daily life we can feel strange things that we don’t

usually understand. Like the feeling of too much sadness, loneliness, emptiness,

feeling down and having lowself esteem. As a researcher we also feel this kind of

thing that we usually can’t explain, we want to share to you how depression affects


Every night we cry and ask ourselves what really is our purpose in this world,

even if we don’t have problems in life. Even if we have loving family, a loving

friends and yet we still feel like there’s no one out there to for us. Until the sadness is

slightly attacking us every single night, sometimes we just ignored it and just sleep to

let it pass, but it just keeps on repeating. Until we realize that we’re experiencing

depression and it quietly creeps upon us. At first you struggle with the little things, but

still you choose to ignore them.Everyday you tell yourself that its okay it will be

alright or its just another bad day, but its not. Now you get used to ignore them and

continue living to your life, because that’s what you need to do, to do what others do.

But your problems still don’t go away and you struggle to pretend everyday, until it

starts to cost you more and more.

Depression is really a serious matter, it is a common mental disorder, that will

make you feel things are so hard to handle. It slowly takes a person’s life without

knowing the reason why he/she takes his life. According to Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC)(2018), 7.6 percent of people over age of 12 has

experienced depression in any 2 week period.According to World Health Organization

(WHO)(2018), Depression is now the common illness around the world. The total

estimated of people who are affected by depression globally is 350 million.According

to Neel Burton M.D (2012), Women are more affected by depression than men. The

reason why women are more affected by depression than man is because women are

more commonly putmore resources into connections than men. Connections issue are

likely influence them more, so they are bound to create wretchedness.There are

numerous variety of depression, An Episode depression is one of them. A depressive

depression includes an indications such as discouraged state of mind, loss of intrigue

and happiness, and expanded fatigability. Contingent upon the number and seriousness

of side effects, a depressive episode.

can be ordered as gentle, moderate, or extreme. A person with a mild

depressive episode will have some trouble in proceeding with a common work and

social exercises. However, not to the degree that it fundamentally represents a

boundary to exercises of everyday living. During a serious burdensome scene, then

again, it is in all respects far-fetched that the sufferer will almost certainly proceed

with social, work, or residential exercises, but to an extremely constrained degree.

However, let’s focus on how social media leads to a depression. Facebook,

twitter, Instagram is one of the part of the everyday life of a people. They mostly spent

their time doing and scrolling social media, posting everything, and doing every trends

that they see. The age 12-34 are more likely use social media than older groups for

interaction purposes.

In social media there are also various types of bullying that may lead into

depression or as it worst may lead to death. The utilization of hardware and the web

has offered ascend to another type of tormenting alluded to as cyber-bullying.

According to Bayraktar (et al.,2015,p.3193) Cyber-bullying can be defined as an

intentionally aggressive or harmful act executed by a bully through an electronic form

of contact. The attributes of cyber-bullying are like those of customary harassing,

which allude to verbal, physical, social types of tormenting, in light of the fact that the

two of them must include an injured individual and a forceful or harmful bully.Victims

who are focused by cyber-bullies are regularly the individuals who have been

dismissed by their companions and are viewed as having low confidence and a low

discretion. Cyber-bullying has been found to lead depression and suicidal ideations.

On the other hand let’s focus to depression and how it really destroy a person’s

life. Depression is a major depressive disorder and it is a common and serious medical

illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act etc.

Fortunately, it is also treatable.

Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once

enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease

a person’s ability to function at work and at home.Symptoms can vary from mild to

severe and can include feeling sad or having a depressed mood, Loss of interest or

pleasure in activities once enjoyed, changes in appetite weight loss or gain unrelated to

dieting, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, Loss of energy or increased fatigue,

Increase in purposeless physical activity example of this is a hand-wringing or pacing

or slowed movements and speech or actions observable by others, feeling worthless or

guilty, difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions, and thoughts of death or

suicide. Symptoms last at least two weeks for a diagnosis of depression.

Also, medical conditions example of this are thyroid problems, a brain tumor

or vitamin deficiency that can mimic symptoms of depression so it is important to rule

out general medical causes.

Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year. And

one in six people (16.6%) will experience depression at some time in their life.

Depression can strike at any time, but on average, first appears during the late teens to

mid-20s. Women are more likely than men to experience depression. Some studies

show that one-third of women will experience a major depressive episode in their

lifetime.Risk factors for Depression can affect anyone even a person who appears to

live in relatively ideal circumstances. Depression is among the most treatable of

mental disorders. Between 80 percent and 90 percent of people with depression

eventually respond well to treatment. Almost all patients gain some relief from their

symptoms. Before a diagnosis or treatment, a health professional should conduct a

thorough diagnostic evaluation, including an interview and possibly a physical

examination. In some cases, a blood test might be done to make sure the depression is

not due to a medical condition like a thyroid problem. The evaluation is to identify

specific symptoms, medical and family history, cultural factors and environmental

factors to arrive at a diagnosis and plan a course of action.In depression we can get a

self-hope and coping and there are a number of things people can do to help reduce the

symptoms of depression. For many people, regular exercise helps create positive

feeling and improve mood. Getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis, eating a

healthy diet and avoiding alcohol like a depressant that can also help reduce symptoms

of depression.Depression is a real illness and help is available, with proper diagnosis

and treatment, the vast majority of people with depression will overcome it. If you are

experiencing symptoms of depression, the first step is to see your family physician or

psychiatrist. Talk about your concerns and request thorough evaluation. This is a start

to addressing mental health needs. A temporary change in mood or a sign of weakness

is not simply sign of depression. It is a real medical condition with many emotional,

physical, behavioral and cognitive symptoms. Many people are ashamed or afraid to

ask for help. Others shrug off their symptoms and end up suffering in silence.

Contrary to some misconceptions, depression is neither inevitable nor is it a

character flaw. People with depression often get these ideas because of the feeling of

guilt caused by the illness. Depression is a real health problem for which help is

available. But you must be aware of it and know how to ask for help. Depression is not

a normal part of growing old, and it should never be taken lightly. Unfortunately it

often goes undiagnosed and untreated in older adults, and they may feel reluctant to

seek help. Symptoms of depression may be different or less obvious in older adults,

such as memory difficulties or personality changes, physical aches or pain, fatigue,


loss of appetite, sleep problems or loss of interest in sex not caused by a medical

condition or medication, often wanting to stay at home, rather than going out to

socialize or doing new things, suicidal thinking or feelings, especially in older me.It

can also have a complications like excess weight or obesity, which can lead to heart

disease and diabetes, pain or physical illness, alcohol or drug misuse, anxiety, panic

disorder or social phobia, family conflicts, relationship difficulties, and work or school

problems, social isolation, suicidal feelings, suicide attempts or suicide, self-

mutilation, such as cutting, premature death from medical conditions. There's no sure

way to prevent depression. However, these strategies may help. This study aims the

effects of social media to a teenager experiencing depression if social media really

affects a teenager experiencing depression. Is it good or bad, is social media really

increases depression.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of social media to a teenager

experiencing depression and how social media increases the chance of depression

toGrade 11 and 12 students of System Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2018-2019. The

effect of this investigation will show the result of social media to teenagers suffering


Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1..As a student, how can you prevent depression?


2.What advice can you give to a teenager suffering depression?

3.How can you be happy when you are depressed?

4.Does social media really helping us or is it just a nuisance to us?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will investigate the effects of social media to Grade 11 & 12

Students experiencing depression of Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-

2020. The respondents will evaluated the effects of social media to a teenager

experiencing depression in terms of Family problem, School projects and activities,

and the victims of bullying.

Significance of the Study

This study will investigate the effects of social media to Grade 11 & 12

Students experiencing depression of Sytems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020.

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Teenagers. This will serve as a guide to teenagers who is currently experiencing

depression. And to be aware on what to do when having depression.

Future Researchers. This aim to benefit future researchers to get more information to

the effects of social media to depression and to the who suffers from it.

Readers. This will serve as knowledge and awareness to the readers. And to be able to

know how social media and depression affects us.


Definition of Terms

The term “Toddlers” is a children who is in ages 1 to 4 years old (Heather Corley)


In this paper the term “toddlers” is used to mean the development of a child or a baby.

The original definition of the term “glued” is paying your full attention to something.


In this paper the term “glued” is they’re always with their gadgets their time and

attention are only to gadgets.

The term “Prominent” is being popular or famous or unknown (2019).

In this paper the term “Prominent” is being known or usually common and part of our

daily life.

Chapter 2


In this chapter, the researchers provided the procedure and explanation of the

Research Design, Participants of the Study, Instrument, Data Collection and Ethical


Research Design

The researchers used qualitative method of research which consist non-numerical

data and looks for top to bottom comprehension of social phenomena inside their

common setting.

The researchers also used descriptive method of research to observe and describe

the effects of social media and depression to grade 11 & 12 students at Systems Plus

College Foundation.

Qualitative research is multimethod in center, including an interpretive,

naturalistic way to deal with its topic. This implies subjective scientists study things in

their characteristic settings, endeavoring to comprehend, or decipher, phenomena

regarding the implications individuals bring to them (Denzin and Lincoln, 1994,p.2).\

Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. This


methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why”

of the research subject. In other words, descriptive research primarily focuses on

describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a certain

phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of the research, without

covering “why” it happens (Adi Bhat, 2019).

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study are the Grade 11 & 12 experiencing

depression at Systems Plus College Foundation, A.Y 2019-2020.

Qouta sampling and Convenience Sampling

The researchers used Quota Sampling and Convenience Sampling in

choosing the respondents. Quota sampling is a methodology where in information

is gathered from a homogeneous gathering. It includes a two-advance procedure

where two factors can be utilized to channel data from the populace. It can

without much of a stretch be controlled and helps in quick examination. Quota

sampling is initially portioned into fundamentally unrelated sub-bunches, the

researchers choosed 20 respondents. We choose 10 respondents from grade 11

and 10 respondents from grade 12.

Convenience sampling is a kind of sampling where the most readily

accessible essential information source will be utilized for the examination


without extra necessities. As it were, this testing strategy includes getting

members any place you can discover them and regularly any place is

advantageous. In comfort inspecting no consideration criteria distinguished

preceding the determination of subjects. All subjects are welcome to take an

interest. Convenience sampling is used in our study because its a non-probability

sampling technique because we can only choose are subjects in our convenient


Instrument and Unstructed Interview

The researchers had interviewed which surveyed on how the respondents

who are experiencing depression at SPCF students. The interview became

smooth and easy because depression and social media is a big controversy

especially to students.

The researchers and respondents occupied with an easygoing meeting in

regards to the focal point of the study. The interview had relied upon free

streaming discussion which tend to focus the effects of depression to Gr11 & 12

Students of Systems Plus College Foundation

Data Collection

To know the effects of social media and depression to Grade 11 & 12

students of Systems Plus College Foundation. The researchers interviewed the

students by asking for their permission. The permission was approved and the

researchers starts the interview and asked some questions . The respondents

answered it easily because the questions that we prepared are related to them

because depression and social media nowadays is a big controversy.

Ethical Consideration

We, the researchers are very curious about how students suffer and how

they experience depression. Because now a days depression is a very common

disease especially to students. This was because of intrusive nature of the

examination plan and the explorative qualities of the investigation. The

researchers chosen 20 participants randomly for this study.

The researchers seek informed consent to respondents for their

participation in this study and ensure them that it is voluntary and free to refuse.

And we ensure our respect to our respondents that it will be confidentiality and

their identities will be hidden.

Chapter III

Findings and Discussions

The researchers describe the results of social media and depression to

grade 11 & 12 students at Systems Plus College Foundation which show the

effects of social media and depression. This suggests that social media is not good

for us even though it helps us in our everyday life or for information. However

social media can affect you as a human being or your health.


Our findings on social media at least hint that it is bad to us and specially

to students or to someone who’s experiencing depression. However some students

find social media because it gains their knowledge and it is their way to express

their emotions and thoughts that they can’t express in public. But some students

don’t know the limitation of social media that can make others life miserable.

Regardless of the said limitation in social media it has many effects if you don’t

limit it and some teenagers died because of social media because of the bullying

and sad posts that they see and experience which can lead to depression.

Although some students can’t limit their limitations or their actions they

need to discipline theirselves also to prevent depression and the bad effects of

social media.

Summary answer of question #1

1. As a student, how can you prevent depression?

P1: Of course you need to avoid ovetrhinking about things that you can’t


P2: You will avoid that if you avoid overthinking and just pray.

P3: Maybe try to avoid negative vibes , when you have problems just


P4: Of course try to avoid thinking to things that aren’t good for you.

P5: Maybe don’t stress yourself because depression starts with stress.

P6: For me you can prevent depression if you are close with God and you

choose people who you are with who really understand you and will help you to

overcome your problems.

P7: We all know that depression has different case, either it will cause

death or it makes you feel lonely or alone.To prevent it we need to aim our goals

in life or have some inspiration to avoid depression.

P8: Try to entertain yourself don’t think some things that will lead to


P9: Playing games like mobile legends or lol.

P10: I prevent depression by playing online games.

P11: Socialize to people and don’t be alone always.

P12: You can prevent depression on your own way, my way of preventing

depression is listening to songs or music.

P13: For me you can’t avoid depression sometimes when you’re so sad

you can’t stop it or handle. For me you can’t avoid it even though they gave you a

bunch of advice it’s like it will not work on you because your mind is full of


P14: Maybe, you know sometimes the cause of depression is school

works. Maybe you need some time manage to handle it all for you to be not so

stress to avoid depression.


P15: Being open up to your family and friends.

Summary answer of question #2

2. What advice can you give to a teenager suffering depression?

P1: This is not the end of your life, it is like a string of thread even though

its long it has an ending. Lord is always there by your side.

P2: As a student we have different circumstances that we need to face. We

need to lift up our selves to avoid the struggles in life.

P3: Don’t let yourself drown in your problems and just think that your not

the only one who has problem and just pray.

P4: For me if you are depressed just think all the problems that you have

overcome. Just think that it will pass. Its like you were going to be proud of

yourself because you survived your struggles in life.

P5: For teenager who is suffering depression the advice that I can give for

him/her is God is everywhere. And just to be happy.

P6: First of all talk to God first.

P7: Talk to God because you need it and surrender everything to him and

just pray.

P8: Just pray and be open to your family.

P9: Worship to God.

P10: All of the problems has solutions just talk to God and be humble.

P11: Just pray.

P12: Entertain yourself because once you let the problem surrounds you,

you will think that it has no solution.

P13: Learn to talk to others . do not keep your problems to yourself

because you can’t never solve it by your own.

P14: Just ask for advice to your parents and say your problems.

P15: Do not overthink your problems.

Summary answer of question #3

3. How can you be happy when you are depressed?

P1: Do such thing for example entertain yourself.

P2: Entertain yourself, don’t think about things that makes you depressed.

P3: Every Sunday just attend church and bond with your family and find

what makes you happy.

P4: Go to church and just your problems to your family especially to God.

P5: For me serving God.

P6: Maybe when im with my friends and bond/hang out to forget my


P7: Just seek help to people who can help you with your problems like

your family. Bonding like that.

P8: If you have a problem just tell it to your parents and ask for advice.

P9: Being happy is a choice so just choose happiness.


P10: I think if you learn how to be happy.

P11: I think you will be happy if your relationship with God is not losing.

And learn to love yourself first.

P12: Eating sweets and then computer games.

P13: Eating.

P14: Eating chocolate.

P15: When im stress I just play online games and basketball.

Summary answer of question #4

4. Is social media really helping us? or it s just a nuisance to us.

P1: For me its not helping because when you see more negative comments

about yourself its makes you sad even more and can lead to depression.

P2: No because, all people who’s is use of social media can judge you .

P3: For me its not helping, what will help you is your family, friends

especially God.

P4: For me its not good for your depression.

P5: For me its not helping because it doesn’t really helping.

P6: I guess social media is not helping us because there are so many

negative thoughts in there.

P7: No because its really a nuisance to us because they put social media

first instead of their responsibilities.


P8: I think its just a nuisance to us because some people has what we

called crab mentality thinking within their minds.

P9: Social media, I think its not helping because if you have problems you

must solve it by your own. Don’t post it on social media.

P10: For me social media is not helping me because there our some

negative post about depression that can make you sad ever more.

P11: There are times that social media helps us, and there are times that its

not. Because social media our focus is always there.

P12: Social media just makes us sad more. Because when you see that

makes you jealous and sad posts that you can accommodate.

P13: For me social media is helping me because in social media I can

express my thoughts and feelings.

P14: I think social media it depends to you on how you over come because

other people get depressed because of the negative vibes that social media has.

P15: They abused using gadgets.

The researchers found that most of the students whose suffering

depression is more in need of parents attention and support from friends and

especially their relations to God. But the most important some students know how

to accommodate and prevent depression.


Chapter 4

Conclusions and Recommendations

The aim of this study focuses on the effects of social media to grade 11 &

12 students at Systems Plus College Foundation. As mentioned earlier in the

introduction, the purpose of this study is to determine the effects of social media

to students who is experiencing depression. However social media really made a

big impact in today’s society there is some advantages and disanadvantages. In

spite of that there are some students who believe that social media is not good for

us. While some students also believe that social media is good for us and can

make our lives easier.

The reason why some people believes that social media has done good to

us because some people can only express their thoughts and emotions that they

can’t express in public or in their parents. Maybe some find it fun to use but some

don’t because social media now is really big controversy and really is a serious

matter. According to the World Health Organization, in the year 2019,


approximately 1.53 million people will die from suicide which caused by social


Summary of Findings

1. It expresses that mostly of the respondents answered question #1 ,

most of them said that maybe try to avoid negative vibes and to always pray to

God that everything’s gonna be alright everything’s gonna be okay.

2. Most of the respondents answered question #2 by, cheering up

themselves and telling that it is not always the end of everything that in the end it

will alright it will be okay.

3. It states that mostly of the respondents answered question #3, that

always entertain yourself bond with yourself or much better with your family for

you to not think things that aren’t good for you. But some chooses to be happy in

their own way and just always pray.

4. In the last question the respondents answered question #4, that

most of them answered that social media is not helping because of the impact and

big effects it has. Some says it can make you sad much more because of the sad

posts that you can see and the negative thoughts.

And some of them found it helpful because they can express what they

can’t express to others.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are:

1. The main cause of much depression is overthinking too much,

most of them answered the same thing.

2. And mostly of the advice that the respondents give is to be always

think positive and choose to be happy.

3. Entertain yourself, is what mostly of the respondents says base on

our findings on question #3.

4. For the last question mostly all of them agreed that social media

really is a big nuisance to us because of the bad effects that it has.



1. We researchers recommend to always avoid stress, because stress

had an negative impact on our mental health and to our life satisfaction.

2. The advice that we can give to someone who is suffering

depression is to be strong whatever it takes we know its not easy to take but

someday everything will be alright. That there’s always a rainbow after a big

storm, just trust God and just pray everyday.

3. What we can recommend is to find your purpose, in order for you

to be happy because when you find your purpose you inspire yourself to live

everyday because you know what really is your purpose in this world.

4. Despite of the advantage and disadvantage of social media, we

think that it depends on you on how you will handle the usage of social media.

Just balance the usage of social media, because if you know on how to balance

everything there will be no problems. And to always know your limitations.



Bartleby research. (2019). Retrieved from



Burton, N. (2012). The 7 reasons why depression is more common in women.

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Mayo Clinic. Depression. Retrieved from






Newport Academy. (2019). Retrieved from



American Psychiatric Association. What is depression. Retrieved from



Curriculum View


Address: #13 Purok 7, Pulung Cacutud, Angeles City
Email Address:
Cellular No.: 0967-537-8678

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming

Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Bonifacio V. Romero High School

Epsa Restlement, Pulung Cacutud
June 2015-2019

Primary : Pulung Cacutud Elementary School

Pulung Cacutud, Angeles City
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Morong National Hospital

Date of Birth : February 20, 2003
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman
Languages/Dialect : English,


Address: Brgy. Amsic, Purok 5, Angeles City

Email Address:
Cellular No.: 0975-471-3165

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming

Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Angeles City National High School

Arayat Blvd, Pampang, Angeles City
June 2015-2019

Primary : Amsic Integrated School

Amsic proper, Purok III
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Dr. Armando L. Garcia Hospital

Date of Birth : June 15, 2003
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages/Dialect : English, Filipino, Kapampangan


Address: Purok 4 Jesus st, Pulung bulo , Angeles City

Email Address:
Cellular No.: 0930-195-6232

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming

Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Francis G. Nepomuceno Memorial High School

Tabun Road, Angeles, Pampanga
June 2015-2019

Primary : Angeles Elementary School

Jesus st, Angeles, Pampanga
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Angeles City

Date of Birth : July 11, 2003
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Taken
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages/Dialect : English, Filipino, Kapampangan


Address: 153 Eden , Mexico Pampanga

Email Address:

Cellular No.: 0936-700-9637

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming

Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Panipuan High School

Panipuan, Sanfernando, Pampanga
June 2015-2019

Primary : Dames Elementary School

Capaya, Angeles, Pampanga
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Angeles Medical Center

Date of Birth : September 02, 2002
Age : 16
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages/Dialect : Filipino, Kapampangan


Address: Brgy. Saguin, CSFP

Email Address:
Cellular No.: 0965-714-1679

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming

Systems Plus College Foundation
Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Panipuan High School

Panipuan, Sanfernando, Pampanga
June 2015-2019

Primary : Dames Elementary School

Capaya, Angeles, Pampanga
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Sanfernando Pampanga

Date of Birth : September 02, 2002
Age : 16
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Inglesia Ni Cristo
Languages/Dialect : Filipino, Kapampangan


Address: Calle 46 Blk 72 Lot 1, Xevera calibutbut,

Bacolor, Pampanga
Email Address:
Cellular No.: 0928-926-4107

Tertiary : Technical-Vocational-Livelihood ICT Programming


Systems Plus College Foundation

Miranda Street, Angeles City of Pampanga
June 2019 – Present

Secondary : Don Antonio Lee Chi Uan Integrated School

Calle uno, Bacolor, Pampanga
June 2015-2019

Primary : Don Antonio Lee Chi Uan Integrated School

Calle uno, Bacolor, Pampanga
June 2009-2015

Place of Birth : Arayat Pampanga

Date of Birth : November 12, 2002
Age : 16
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages/Dialect : Filipino, Kapampangan

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