Ingles 2

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S古木川上 eし。山高o G「J的 了。、〔筒ふ

Cソ亮‥ G

副盆粥s晦g① Phr謎eS W帥帥d w柵0Ut鵬
Review巾ace§ in atown; can

国a Tick the words you know. Check the other wo「ds/ph「ases in a dictionary.

b Bead this tourist infomation about Wales. Then match these piaces to +5 0n the map,
cardiff田 theBlackMountains回 snowdon田 uandudno田 両by田

Wales i§甲∂直航he日面鳩d Kingdom ∂nd極fa調ous fo「 its

beautifuI scene「v, muSic festival§ ∂nd friendIY PeO【庇. 1t has its

ow而n9u∂ge, Welsh. bu章nea「lY eVe「YO鵬坤e3ks ∈叩舶. Wales

is aIso f∂mOllS for it§看ong函Ce name§ - llkeしIanf∂i「p¥潮gwy叩y一

Ilgogerychwy「れdrobwl‖l∂ntys揃ogogogoch廿he best time to visit


Places to visi重aれd thingsto do

Ca「d臨§軸幽Of W∂les. 1t●s a busw爪ode「旧聞O脱

「iver c訓ed the T∂ff. T蛭∂ bgautif血astle血棚e ce哩[襲!

§ロOrt§ eVentS ∂t the ∂maZing M鵬nnillm St∂di踊.

Brecon Beacons National P∂「k is a great pla臓fo「walks and

Picnics.怖u脚W∂Ik 8Iong Off∂’§ DY煽両he削∂Ck Mou舶i鵬

and enjoy [he wcmde血I views. or go軸i噂a川angor§e Lake,
the la「gest n∂tural l∂ke in south Wales.

Snowdoni∂ N∂tional P∂rk is in the north of the countrγ. Every yea「

about 50叩00 people climb Snowdon, the highest mounta両n


Llandlldno is an old se∂Side town on the north co∂St‘ lt’s f∂mOUS

垣its long beaches ∂nd be∂lltjflll scene「y一∂n埴’s a good place to

go s両ng.怖u c抑also go s踊れg ∂t棚nY函ces証he so冊of
the collntr画ke Broadhaven ∂nd TenbY.

囲Read the information again. Are these sentences true m orfalse (F)?

1回waIesisacount「yintheUK. 5田 Snowdon is in the B!ack Mountains.

2回Theyspeaktwolanguages in Wale& 6田Ybu can traveI bytraln upSnowdon.

3田August isn,t a good師etovisit. 7田Llandudnoisamoder両o肌

4回Ybu car川sten to music at the M帽Inium Stadium. 8回watesisa good placeforsu血g.

封∪品上 Cuq症お Cb(JQ「○ 了。i` eQ月の

︰ ︰ ︰ 田 e ∴ の 。 ・ ⋮ 。 ︰ ︰ ⋮ e ⋮ ⋮ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ⋮ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ o ︰ ⋮ ︰ ・ ︰ ⋮ ⋮ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ 。 ⋮ ︰ ・ ︰ ︰ ︰ ・ ∴ ・ - e

輔敵弾鞠丁藤糟閑丁騨$ Descr亨b語g申ac合s
函Read these sentences about popula「 places for
Paragraphs (3) tourists・剛‖n the gaps with the or- (no articIe).

a Look at the tourist information again. Match l-5 to 1 The「e’s a beaut血i castle in _迦旦_ Centre Of〇二

ParagraPhs A-E. Edinburgh言∩二Scotland.

1固the∞untry軸ighestmountain 2 Aspen is a popuiar pec。 t。 S臨n 」迫_ R。。ky

2田general infomation about the country Mountalns in上垣__- uSA.

3回placestogowalk-ng 3二二M。.nt KiIimanjar。 is in_些_ n。冊。f二__

 ̄ranzania in __〇二二_ Africa.

5圃thingstodo冊ecapital city 4 Boumemou踊s a seaside town on _蛙_ S。ulh coast

O上_:二__ England.
Phrases with and without肋e
5 _二_ Lake Baiaton is about lOO km from ○○二___
b Look at these useful phrases fo「 describing places.
Budapest. J吐。aPital 。ity of二_ Hunga,y.
Notice when we use脇e in these phrases.

㊧ /tS famous forits... 6 Ma. del Plata is a s。aSid。 t。un 。n 」逗_ 。aSt 。Oast Of

771e besでかn了e to Visi持s舟om … to ‥ _ニーんgentina in _ 〇二〇__ South America.

… is a good勺reatp患ce for … 7 Manaus is a 。ity 。n 」とR,Ve. Amaz。n in旦L_

771e伯S a ‥ i画he centre ofthe c旬y
田a Make notes about your country.
… On姉e nOr絢coas‡

.., i画he sou砺Ofthe counfry facts about the country ;端認許and

…応かe cap庖! ciリ

C UnderIinethe phrases in 3b in thetourist

bp…両用 もC飯・y ↓
information on the website.
霊鳥敬語藍のd ∵ 轟笠藍霊能

d Noticewhen we use的e and when we don,t use an

articIe with these places.

膏認証藍禄で 」 mぐ、同心JふJ恥じ
⑧  ㊥  ㊦  ㊨

rivers:拓eね巧拙e N〃e i負的均㌍5)

SeaS and oceans:絢e /rish Sea,的e A施r融o Ocean

SOme COuntries:約e uK拘e USA

_ …も ら的塵 与的鴫 !蕊荘青函
mountaln rangeS:肋e B値ck Mounねins,幼e Hjma伝yas 場 角のしhu P売C」u
- てo v証「ゝ布…もし ’、時論「ひ巾的nCトq①
most countries: V脆fes, B/aZ” 晶 S訪印晶eで 同山 し○持参
Cities and towns: Card碕招nby

⑲ mOuntains: Snowcねr], Mount Fゆ

b Write a description of your country forthe
㊥ COntinents: Etノrope, Asね webs競e.

㊥ lakes: L患n9OISe Lake, Lake Gene胞 ㊨ Use your notes from 5a.

㊨ Use different pa「agraphs for each pIace.

⑧ Use phrases from 3 and check for的e/no articIe.

㊨ Read and check for mistakes.

⑱ Give your description to you「 teacher next class.

Tick the things you can do in EngIish in the

Reading and Writing Progress Po面oiio, P88,
1♭ぐ△ 唖卑′同時缶詰0沖. ∽m

“s。。恥0読売や 恥ぶ

〔○ふ⊆ 式〇㌔十hぐ e〇品′予

的もの 鮎占ン∴Q 与。高向 鉦を心卸売 串 本叩。専有・壷
ぢC…・星野十・。nOmン, Cu訂。小S,量「航高 …h批OIc9言蘭 訪錆
言的dlッぐ○○掠られ恥七品興q{e個…γ畠9∪中主lIとe Qu小山斑タβi叩(録

…噂記し た蘭画∴小口新主高鳴わ>畠言う在れ二項ソ五 〇簿茄武…

砧esふ。 ∪諒の鴫d十ト「㌣Sらd。


C「.鵬∪高の言上滝。…n ql両部eq 「壷訪㌣ S読q七Sのり80V小

件の…き・。〔 。十。。最古… ∩・ト。 。。山0晶、埴亙。即舟も

串①S言 古〇十†局00高宮にe批点00詰め融・

s十。d記ご つ。う; GらCuむか串o ぐo壷の
⊂ッcに: 6

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