Exercise Is Medicine

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Hamstring Stretch Back, Chest Stretch Exercise Basics

• Lie on your back, straighten your left leg. • Lie on your back, extend both arms So, you don’t have time for an hour-long
aerobics class? You can’t squeeze in 30
• Extend your right leg; grab the back of out to the side, palms facing the sky.
to 40 minutes on the treadmill? That’s
your leg with both hands or wrap a • Bend both knees, slowly drop them
ok. Recent research has shown that
resistance band or belt around the arch over to the right side while keeping your
ge‫מּ‬ing the exercise our bodies need is a
of your foot. arms and shoulders on the ground. lot easier and quicker than we once
• Pull your leg towards you gently while thought.
keeping both hips on the floor.
Looking at Exercise in a New Way
TIP: Ifback,
you have discomfort in your lower
bend your left leg, placing your Take It Easy
foot flat on the ground. Many experts now say that moderate
exercise can benefit you as much as
intense exercise.

Exercise is
Get Your Exercise Bit by Bit
Research has shown that you don’t have
to fit your daily exercise into once session

Instead, you can split your workout into
short sessions spread out throughout
the day.

The Three-Part Exercise Program

Full Body Stretch To be complete, your exercise program
Quadriceps Stretch should combine the three types of
(Do not attempt this stretch if you
have knee issues.) • Lie on your right side with your legs of exercise discussed below. Stretching Exercises
• Start in a kneeling position and bring extended straight away from your body.
both knees out to the sides. • Allow your head to rest on your right Aerobic
• Slowly lower your bu‫ מּ‬toward your heels hand, with your arm bend for support.. (at least 150 minutes per week)

2 Muscle Strengthening
and reach your arms in front of you. • Keep your head aligned with your spine. Patient Name:
• Let your stomach lower toward the Bend your leﬞ knee. Grasp your foot or
ground and rest your forehead on the ankle with your leﬞ hand. (2 days a week)

Stretching Date of Prescription:
(5-10 minutes a day)

Learn more about the
health benefits of exercise at:

Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Stretching Essentials Stretching Exercises
Before you begin, make sure you can Stretching can help improve flexibility and range of motion in your joints. Be‫מּ‬er flexibility may
do it safely and effectively. While make activities of daily living such as bending down and climbing stairs easier or decrease your
you can stretch anytime, anywhere - risk of injuries by helping your joints move through their full range of motion. Stretching also
in your home, at work, in a hotel increases blood flow to the muscles and can minimize aches and pains.
room or at the park - you want to be
sure to use proper technique.
Stretching incorrectly can actually do Unless other wise noted, hold each Chest Stretch
more harm than good.
stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on • Stand with your feet beneath your hips. Upper Back/Neck Stretch
1 Hold your stretch
• Raise your arms straight out to each side. • Place your leﬞ hand on your right hand
the other side. • Move your arms back until you feel the and slowly round your back.
stretch in your chest muscles. • Drop your chin down toward your chest
Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; Shoulder Stretch and keep a slight bend in your knees.
in problem areas you may need to hold for • Reach your right hand across the front of
around 60 seconds. Breathe normally as your body and grasp your upper right arm
you stretch. with your leﬞ hand. SIDE
2 Don’t bounce
Stretch in a smooth movement, without
• Pull back with your left hand until you
feel a gentle stretch in your right arm and
bouncing. Bouncing as you stretch can
cause injury to your muscle.

3 Don’t aim for pain

Expect to feel tension while you're
Triceps and Shoulder Stretch Hip and Back Stretch
stretching, not pain. If it hurts, you've • Lie on your back. Straighten your right leg.
pushed too far. Back off to the point • Raise your right hand up and back
• Reach behind your left thigh with both
where you don't feel any pain, then hold behind your head so the palm of your
hands and pull it into your chest until you
the stretch. hand rests on your neck or between
feel a gentle stretch in your lower back.

4 Be Consistent
your shoulder blades.
If you have discomfort in your lower
Should I Warm-Up? • With your left hand, apply pressure to TIP: back, bend your left leg, placing your
Stretching can be time-consuming. But your elbow until you feel a gentle foot flat on the floor.
you can achieve the most benefits by You do not have to warm-up before stretch in your upper arm and shoulder.
stretching at least two to three times a you stretch, but if you do, you may
week. By not stretching regularly you risk see yourself stretch a li‫מּ‬le further BACK
losing any benefits that stretching offered. ‫מּ‬han you would without warming
For instance, if stretching helped you up. To warm-up, go for a 5-10
increase your range of motion, and you minute walk or march in place for
stop stretching, your range of motion 2 minutes. For more ways to warm-up
may decrease again. visit ww.w.cabarrushealth.org/EIM. FRONT

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