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Engineering and Industry Series

Volume Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe

Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a

Transmission Grid
Csaba Farkas1, Andor Faludi1, Tamás Decsi2

1 Introduction
Reliable power supply is crucial for all the industrial and
household consumers, but the voltage-preserving Voltage instability is becoming a common problem in
capability might decrease at certain parts of the grid power systems (in fact, it is as important as thermal
because of reduced reactive power generation, as overload and angle instability problems [1]): it is well-
conventional generating units are out of operation. It is known that new generating and transmission units are
very important to investigate, whether this weakened grid difficult to install, the number of voltage controlled
can still supply the customers even under stressed busbars is decreased, while the existing system is
operating conditions. We used the PV analysis capability operated close to its limits, mostly due to economical
of PSS/E software to investigate the voltage stability of a reasons. This is why it is very important to determine
50 bus model for various contingency situations. Voltage these operating limits, "in particular, with respect to
stability investigations show what the limits of power voltage instability" [1].
supply with low reactive power generating capacity inside The aim of this paper is to give a description of the
the investigated area and under pre-specified stressed voltage stability phenomena through quantitative analysis.
operating conditions are. The investigated grid has limited In Section 2. and 3. we give a brief summary about
internal generating capacity, most of the real and reactive voltage stability and PV analysis; the rest of the paper
power comes from outer sources: simulations have also deals with the simulation results. We investigated a grid
been conducted to investigate how various contingencies composed of 50 busbars that resembles to a certain part of
and import scenarios affect system losses. the Hungarian transmission system (see Fig. 3.). PV
simulations were conducted using PSS/E software. For
Keywords automated runs and system loss calculations, various
PSS/E, PV analysis, static voltage stability, system losses program codes were written in Python, utilizing the built-
in PSS/E module PSSPY.

2 Voltage stability
Fig. 1. depicts the basics of electric power
Department of Electric Power Engineering transmission on a simple grid with two busbars [1]:
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Budapest University of Techology and Economics
H-1111 Budapest, Egry József str. 18. (e­mail:,
MAVIR Hungarian Independent Transmission Operator
H-1031 Budapest, Anikó str. 4., Hungary (e­mail:

This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC-ND
4.0) license, which permits others to copy or share the article, provided original work is properly cited and that this is not done for
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DOI: 10.22618/TP.EI.20151.192006
C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 37
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

the ability of a power system to maintain acceptable

voltage at all buses under normal operation conditions and
under contingency. We used these PV curves for voltage
stability investigations in this paper.

3 PV analysis
To investigate the voltage stability of grids, we used
the PV analysis tool of the simulation program PSS/E. PV
Fig. 1 Example grid with two busbars analysis involves a series of load-flows with increasing
active power transfer between a source and a sink while
For simplicity, the transmission line is taken into
monitoring the voltage of every busbar in the grid. The
consideration only with its reactance. Power flow
source system in our case was all the 400kV generating
equations in the symmetrical case are
units and the sink system was all the 120kV loads. The
participation ratio of every generating unit in the source is
the same (33,3%), just as in the case of the loads in the
sink (4,76%). Later, we have changed these systems,
(2) depending on whether there is internal generation in the
investigated system or not.
where is the active, is the reactive power of the Before running the PV analysis tool, the system has to
load, is the voltage of the load and is the angle be initialized through a flat-start load flow: this sets the
difference between the generator's and the load's busbar busbar voltages and power flows from which the PV
voltage. By solving the above equations to we obtain analysis toolbox can calculate further. This case is defined
as the base case. Active power transfer was increased
during the PV simulation in 10MW steps compared to the
base case: this increase we call transferred active power
This equation determines the voltage change of the and will denote as such on the figures. We neglected the
load as a function of the consumed active and reactive branch overloading thresholds (in fact, they were set to
power. By plotting this function in 3D we can obtain 200% to overcome the premature stopping of the PV
loading limits for active power transmission. If we take analysis).
the projection of this limit curve we obtain the so-called
PV curves [1]: 4 The investigated grid
Fig. 3. depicts the investigated grid: it is a 50-busbar
system with 400kV (red), 220kV (green) and 120kV
(blue) voltage levels. Nominal voltages in further sections
are associated to these values.

4520 4800

A (slack) 4980
Fig. 2 PV curves [1]
The figure also depicts that the loadability limit
depends on the of the load. We can observe
maximum load points (so-called nose points): if the active
power flow exceeds this value for a given , the Fig. 3 The investigated grid

voltage will collapse. We can define voltage stability as

C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 38
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

The network is a meshed grid with low voltage-

PV diagram for 120kV busbars, 400kV
preserving capability: there are only a few generators in source tripped
the grid and most of the 120kV busbars are electrically far
from the generator busbars. 400kV infeeds represent outer

Voltage [p.u]
generating sources, there is only one generating unit 72
inside the grid (connecting to 220kV). The dashed line 4520
0,90 4800
between A and D represents a 400kV transmission line
0,85 4980
that is out of operation: we investigated in a later section
how it would affect system stability if we turn this line on.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Transferred active power [MW]
5 Simulation results - with outer sources
Fig. 5 PV curves for various busbars with 400kV generator tripping
We have conducted several simulations to investigate
the voltage preserving capability of the grid. We used PV Due to this tripping, a larger amount of active and
analysis combined with contingency analysis. At first, reactive power is drawn from the slack bus (A), but as the
there were no contingencies, i.e. no line or generator was system weakens, the active power that can be transmitted
tripped; then we investigated the effect of various from source to sink decreases: by comparing Fig. 4. and
contingencies on the voltage profiles of the 120kV Fig. 5. we can see that it is 736MW in the base case,
busbars. For simulations in this section, all the outer while it is only 470MW in the case of contingency. On
generating units were activated. Fig. 6. we compare the obtained results for a transferred
active power value where the PV curves for the case with
contingency reach the nose points (in this case 470MW).
A. Simulations for the base case
We can see that the contingency results in smaller than
We first conducted simulations for the base case. By 0,9p.u., thus unacceptable voltages for most of the time.
increasing the active power transfer between the source
and the sink we obtained the following PV curves for Effect of contingency on node voltages,
various 120kV busbars: 400kV source tripped
1,05 Base
PV curves for 120kV busbars, base case
Voltage [p.u.]

1,00 case
1,05 400kV
Voltage [p.u.]

0,85 tripped
0,95 0,80
0,90 72 4520 4800 4980
4800 Bus number
0,85 4980
Fig. 6 Comparison of the minimum voltages for the case with and
0 200 400 600 800 without contingency at 470MW transferred active power
Transferred active power [MW]

Fig. 4 Base case PV curves for various busbars C. Simulations with contingencies - 400kV transmission
The figure shows that the initial load-flow results in line tripped
1.1 p.u. voltage at the source busbars, while at the nose The next investigated contingency is the tripping of a
point, sink busbar voltages decrease below 0.9 p.u. (that is 400kV transmission line (C-D on Fig. 3).
108kV), which is unacceptably low. Depending on the
electrical distance from busbars with voltage regulating
capacity, the PV curves vary: busses that are electrically
farther are more sensitive.
B. Simulations with contingencies - 400kV source tripped

The first investigated contingency is the tripping of a

400kV source (denoted with E on Fig. 3).
C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 39
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

PV curves for 120kV busbars, 400kV line dV/dP values base case 72
tripped 0
-0,0050,95 1,00 1,05 1,10

dV/dP [kV/MW]
-0,01 4520
Voltage [p.u.]

72 -0,015
4520 -0,02
0,90 4800
4800 -0,025
4980 -0,03
0 200 400 600 800 -0,035 4980
Voltage of busbar [p.u]
Transferred active power [MW]

Fig. 7 PV curves for various busbars with 400kV line tripping Fig. 9 dV/dP values for the base case for various busbars

Besides these indices, we investigated a method based

Effect of contingency on node voltages,
400kV line tripped on the gradient of the PV curves (dV/dP) for voltage
1,10 instability detection. The required data for this index can
1,05 be obtained from SCADA.
Voltage [p.u.]

1,00 Base case

Previous figures indicate, that the gradients are not the
same for the various curves, therefore we cannot use only
0,90 400kV line
the gradient: this is why we calculated what the voltages
0,85 tripped
of the busbars are when we reach 10 times of the initial
72 4520 4800 4980 dV/dP value (different from 10 times can also be chosen).
Bus number
dV/dP values with contingency (400kV
Fig. 8 Comparison of the minimum voltages for the case with and source tripped)
without contingency at 590MW transferred active power 0
0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10
dV/dP [kV/MW]

We can compare the obtained results with the initial 72

ones (see Error! Reference source not found..): again, -0,4 4520
we choose the nose points of PV curves in the
-0,6 4800
contingency case (this time 590MW belongs to the nose
-0,8 4980
point). Compared to Fig. 6. we can see that this
contingency results in smaller voltage decrease compared -1
Voltage of busbar [p.u.]
to the contingency where a 400kV source was tripped.
Fig. 10 dV/dP values when 400kV source (E) is tripped

D. Investigation of dV/dP values Fig. 9. and Fig. 10. show the dV/dP curves for the
We have seen in the previous subsections that PV same busbars without and with contingency, respectively.
curves indicate the stability margin, but we obviously We can see, that dV/dP values change with system state,
cannot wait until the voltage collapses: preemptive thus the curves alone cannot be used for prediction. Jumps
countermeasures have to be initiated before that. In order can be seen in the curves: these are due to the P and Q
to be able to indicate that the system is close to voltage limits of the generators - during PV simulations the set
collapse, researchers have worked out various indices that limits are reached and it affects the PV curves as well as
are able to evaluate the system's state based on measuring the dV/dP curves (without limits the curves become
voltages, voltage angles, powers, etc. (e.g. [2], [3], [4]). smooth).
Moreover, simulations show, that 10 times the initial
dV/dP values are rarely reached, only in cases with
contingencies: but for these cases, the voltages when
dV/dP reaches the limit are between 84-90% of the
nominal value, so the limit observations of dV/dP values
are promising in predicting when a system is getting
closer to its voltage stability limit. Transmitted active
power is 95-99% of the maximal when reaching the limit:
C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 40
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

this indicates that meshed HV grids remain stable even

Node voltages with and without outer
under stressed conditions. More simulations are required generation
though, to test the capabilities of this index. 1,10
Base case

Voltage [p.u.]
E. Effect of additional 400kV line on voltage stability
Fig. 3. shows that there is an additional, yet 0,90 Without
deactivated 400kV transmission line in the grid (A-D on 0,85
Fig. 3). Turning it on has an effect on system stability, as 0,80
72 4520 4800 4980
depicted on Error! Reference source not found.. (the Node number
figure shows results for the base case).
Fig. 12 Comparison of the minimum voltages for the case with and
without contingency
Effect of extra 400kV transmission line on
PV curves for 120kV busbars
1,10 7 Results of PV analysis according to
transformer tap ratio changes
Voltage [p.u.]

With extra
In this section we investigated the effect of the
0,90 changing of transformer tap ratios on PV diagrams (see
0,85 Without Fig. 13). Results are similar to the ones obtained in [5].
extra line
0,80 The investigated busbar (4980 on Fig. 3.) is electrically
0,75 far from the generator busbars: this is why that despite
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Transferred active power [MW] there is a 20% change in the transformer tap ratio, the
voltage changes only by 6% at 0 MW transferred active
Fig. 11 Effect of extra 400kV line on the PV curves (bus no. 4800)
power. We can observe that the shape of the PV curves
It clearly shows that the increase in network remains the same at the different tap ratios, but they are
complexity results in an improved voltage stability. shifted. We can also see that voltage reduction increases
the voltage stability margin.
6 Simulation results - without outer sources
Next, we investigated what would happen, if there PV curve shifting due to tap ratio change of
were no outer sources in the system. In this case, the transformers with 120kV secondary
source system is composed of the slack (which in fact 1,05
does represent a kind of outer source) and a generator 1,00
Voltage [p.u.]

0,95 0.95
inside the system. Fig. 12. shows that there is no 0,90 1
difference between the case when there is extra power 0,85
coming from outer sources and when there is not. This 0,80
0,75 1.1
means, that we can maintain busbar voltages in the system 0,70
even in low reactive power generating cases. In Section 9. 0 200 400 600 800
Transferred active power [MW]
we will see that this, however has many consequences,
such as an increase in losses. Fig. 13 PV curve shifting due to change in transformer tap ratio

8 Voltage dependency of loads

Table 1 Values describing voltage dependency of loads

Z (const.
P (const. power) I (const. current)
P 10% 70% 20%
Q 10% 10% 80%

We have also investigated how the voltage

dependency of loads affects the obtained results.
In the previous simulations, loads were supposed to be
C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 41
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

constant power loads; now we use voltage dependent

Total active power loss
loads as shown in Table 1. The effect of modified load 120

Active power loss [MW]

composition on the PV profile of a 120kV busbar that is 100
far from the generator busbars (this time bus no. 4980; for 80 Base
other busbars, we obtained similar results) can be seen on 60 case
Fig. 14. for the base case. 40

Effect of voltage dependency of loads on 0


PV curves (120kV busbar)
1,15 Transferred active power [MW]
Voltage [p.u.[

1,05 Voltage Fig. 15 Active power loss for the two cases for various active power
1,00 dependent transmission
power load Total reactive power loss
0,85 1200

Reactive power loss [Mvar]

0 500 1000 1500 1000
Transferred active power [MW] 800 Base
Fig. 14 Effect of different type of loads on PV curve 600
We can see that the purely constant power load results cont.
in smaller voltage stability limit, thus the results obtained
with this model in the previous sections can be considered


as the worst case. Transferred active power [MW]

Fig. 16 Reactive power loss for the two cases for various active power
9 Effect of various system states on losses
During normal operation conditions and even in the
case when import was reduced, voltage stability could B. 400kV line tripped
have been guaranteed for every busbar. This, however In the next case, a 400kV transmission line is taken
requires excessive reactive power transfer on the lines, out of operation: this weakens the grid, so increase in
which can result in increased losses. In this section, we system losses is expected.
investigate how contingencies affect system losses for
normal and for stressed conditions. We summarize the Total active power loss
results on diagrams. For easier comparison, the x axis
Active power loss [MW]

runs to 470MW transferred active power on all the 50

diagrams, though there might have been larger transfer in 40 Base

30 case
particular cases. Code was written in Python to calculate
the losses, both aggregated and for individual lines. 20
A. 400kV source (E) tripped


First we investigate the case when a 400kV source (E)

Transferred active power [MW]
is tripped. Fig. 15. and Fig. 16. show how the active and
reactive power losses change when increasing active Fig. 17 Active power loss for the two cases for various active power
power transfer. Losses are doubled compared to the base transmission
case. In previous sections when the generator tripped, the
Indeed, Fig. 17. and Fig. 18. show that both active and
PV analysis showed, that busbar voltages decreased only
reactive power losses increase, however, the extent of
slightly, larger changes were observed only for excessive
increase is smaller compared to the case when a generator
active power transfer between the source and the sink.
This means, that although system stability can be
maintained, system losses increase such, that it would be
worth thinking about installing local generating
C. Farkas, A. Faludi, T. Decsi 42
Static Voltage Stability Investigations on a Part of a Transmission Grid

Total reactive power loss

Reactive power loss [Mvar]

400 Base
200 With

Transferred active power [MW]

Fig. 18 Reactive power loss for the two cases for various active power

10 Planned further work

Further work is planned to investigate the change of
various busbar voltages during operation as a function of
their short circuit power: as 3-phase short circuit power is
different for every busbar (and in fact it characterizes the
electrical distance of a given busbar from busbars with
voltage preserving capability), we could create a boxplot
that shows the variance of the voltages for these short
circuit power values during a day.

[1] Thierry van Cutsem, "Voltage instability: phenomena,
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[3] Juan Yu, Wenyuan Li, Wei Yan, Xia Zhao, Zhouyang
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[4] Ismail Musirin, Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman, "On-line
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