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Measures of Dispersion nw ee Lileral meaning of Aepersion 1S Scatteredmess » we Study dispersion 4o have an idea akout the homogeneity heterogeneity of the distribution of the distribution or clamped pe eeres: Of. dispetcicw ca be Various imto 4wo broad categories: qhe measures which express the Spread of obServations jance between the values of selected interms of dis “tae Har rndd 108 svdistance meazant tw. obServatiomp + «These are fx: Range and imterquarkle range lor Quartile deviate expresS the Spread of (b). The -meorurer which 0§ deviations average obServationy imterms of the central value, of obServatiomp from bome é Mean deviakon and gtandard deviaken ex: cy Range + the mange fs He difference between +e90 extreme observations of the distribution. IF A and B ave the greatest and Smallest obfervakens mange &S a distibuliem, then Hs mespectvely given by > Quartile Deviation + ee a Quartile Deviation or Semi- interquartile srange @ & given by Q: &-& a coheve Q, and Q, are the Sst ana third quartiles of the distribution wres pechively . diy. Mean Deviation + xS xg fata ts we —_—_—~e “ty, ¢ ONT ta tt eo Mrequency dighibulion, then mean deviation from the average A (usually mean, median ov Mode) is given by 2 Mean deviation fiom average A = = fi] x.-4| N is A ch a ae civ Standard Deviaton : 2 ae, Standard deviation , usually denoted by +he Gveek letter Smatt Sigma Cr), is the positive Square soot Of the ayritmmehc mean of the Squares of the deviations Of the given value ® from thety — avithmedic Mean | v 0 V where & is the ariihmele mean of tbe ais’ bed Ss - S called Pee Geeore Of se Standard deviakan 8 dpe Variance and i given by cn a = af 20" Rect mean Seuave deviakon , denoted by S, is given Bs isoore) A) (ey nd arbitrary number, 7 is called mean Senare deviation. — xxx Moments + Moments Raw Moments (a, Cental Moments wn con Non- centred moments Moments about Mean Cor Cp») momenta about origin and about any point the mth moment of a variable about any potnt aA, usually denoted by By ta given by fa f.(u-a, Shien sci, oo 41S S © N pig dats, «nomeat of sonavariable about the Mean usually denoted by Ma & giver by Poe Bh (x-30 = , ° ie porheuter, wos + = 4; lu -%) N ed = §; (w-®) =e Relation hetween moments about Mean and Moment, we have Ho Pas about any point + 2b shi (e-” N > eh efi (me -ara-®) N x Be eeesi (ai+A-%), where dos %-A ' Rd rn Ase et edi (a-(<-4)) “ a sais 4) ae =f (ai-m) zk site j aP-() di pi +(%) a. ple \ a we ep i Let put A= 2,3and &, we get the Following Pas Be Pi My = fg BME +e Be fos. = Le 3 ' re tye 1¢@ Ment fg pit GPs Be = 8 Skew ness + — Literally. Skewness ™meanr Raereg Sgoomehy we study srewness to have an idea about +he ahepe of thes case aohich we com draw itn the har of fhe oven data. A digtibutiom ¢e Soud +0 be srewed if + 2 ci Mean, Median and Mede fall at digferent points omen Meaiang Mode cy the quartiles one ey ceruigistant See the Median curve drawn afin he help of the giver, dat is not Sgenme tical but stretched: pete ao Se Side than to +e oteer measures oS Skew ness > greeks en aaa 1. Kor! - pearson coe gficent OF Seu ness a, 2 Mean- ‘Mode ee sp ry Mean - Mactan rf mode is ine defined, *hen eae oe ) = fimits = 3 # Se 3 2. Bowley's coekfierent og Skevamess ge 2 SET 2M aa- @ 3. THs devotee By Bs = ay ae measure Convexity oF which prof kart peavson ape Ke quency eure Le Kurtosis - Kurtosi§S enobles 4S to have an idea about the glatmess curve. THlA The Cuwe mor peaked is ce Pa 28 normal ow she tape @, cater {* plates thon he ewrye and R243 ig nore pecke and Pa73- cowe Of ig. wenciey od platy cusstic ethan th eteirot ihe tse eRe mormad curve iS called Legtocurte ee Selected problems for Self- Assessment @ caluslate ne Meor, Median, Mede far the fellowing frequents distribution: a2-qo 40-48 median and Mode , @ Find meen - 000 -sveo SOo0-cuoe Heee-7000 ez Belacs= S00o | tP0—4eC ra S is 20 to Si = © calasrtote Mean and SD tax the following table. Age tm geors) :| 20-80 Zo-us 4O-SD SO-GO 60-80 30-6 8+ No: of memberd 3 61 isa) see eg A caleulak, the first four momenta of the following aad bawe fd Ay Ba gists bution about toe Mee 1 2 3 4 § 6 = 3s ie eee [Scr aad Sal 1 g as s6 7 \ a

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