A Novel Indoor Positioning System For Firefighters in Unprepared PDF

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University of New Mexico

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Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs Engineering ETDs

Fall 10-17-2018

A Novel Indoor Positioning System for Firefighters

in Unprepared Scenarios
Vamsi Karthik Vadlamani

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Vadlamani, Vamsi Karthik. "A Novel Indoor Positioning System for Firefighters in Unprepared Scenarios." (2018).

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Vamsi Karthik Vadlamani

Department of Computer engineering


This thesis is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form for publication:

Approved by the Thesis Committee:

Manel Martinez Ramon (chairperson)

Trilce Estrada

Ramiro Jordan
A Novel Indoor Positioning System
for Firefighters in Unprepared Scenarios


Vamsi Karthik Vadlamani

B.tech, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , 2014


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science
Computer Engineering

The University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico

December, 2018

To my parents, Sai Lakshmi and Ramam, for their support and encouragement. To
my Professor Manel Martinez, my colleagues and friends for their support


I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Manel Martinez Ramon, for his support,
sharing his knowledge and expertize during my thesis. I would like to thank my co-
researcher Manish Bhattarai for sharing his knowledge and helping me in collecting
data. I would like to thank Sophia Thompson for reviewing and suggesting required
changes in my thesis. I would like to thank my friend Usha Revathi for working on
the visual representations in the thesis and extending her support all the way through
my thesis. I would like to thank my friend Chaitanya Boggavarupu for helping me
with data collection.
A Novel Indoor Positioning System
for Firefighters in Unprepared Scenarios

Vamsi Karthik Vadlamani

B.tech, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , 2014

M.S., Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2018


Situational awareness and indoor positioning of firefighters are types of information

of paramount importance to the success of search and rescue operations. GPS units
are undependable for use in Indoor Positioning Systems due to their associated mar-
gins of error in position and their reliance on satellite communication that can be
interrupted inside large structures. There are few other techniques like dead reck-
oning, Wifi and bluetooth based triangulation, Structure from Motion (SFM) based
scene reconstruction for Indoor positioning system. However due to high temper-
atures, the rapidly changing environment of fires, and low parallax in the thermal
images, the above techniques are not suitable for relaying the necessary information
in a fire fighting environment that is needed to increase situational awareness in real

In fire fighting environments, thermal imaging cameras are used due to smoke and
low visibility, hence obtaining relative orientation from camera information alone be-
comes very difficult. We gained a deeper appreciation of the significance of maintain-
ing a sense of relative orientation to a first responders ability to successfully navigate

when we first visited first responders training facility for data collection. The follow-
ing technique that is the content of this research is two fold; Firstly, we implement a
novel, optical flow, gyroscope-based relative orientation estimation and secondly, we
implement a velocity estimation technique using data from accelerometer fused with
LIDAR. We also provide insight, discuss about the data we are going to use for our

The Implementation helps first responders to go into unprepared, unknown envi-

ronments and still maintain situational awareness like the orientation aid and position
of the victim fire fighters. We also discuss and provide proof of concept implemen-
tation to apply Deep Q learning algorithm on top of this to present efficient, safest
path a firefighter can take in a first responding scenario.

Keywords: Indoor positioning system(IPS), Video Compass, SIFT, Optical flow,

LIDAR, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Infrared Image processing.


List of Figures xi

List of Tables xiii

Glossary xiv

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Existing technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3.1 Need for our implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3.2 Brief Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform 7

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 SIFT feature extraction overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


2.2.1 Scale-Space Extrema detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2.2 Key Point Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.3 Orientation Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2.4 Keypoint Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Lukas-Kanade Optical flow 13

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2 Least squares to estimate U and V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4 Data 17

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2 IMU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.3 Garmin Lidar Lite V3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4.4 Video Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Relative Orientation Estimation 21

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.2 Foreground activity estimation and removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5.3 Relative Orientation estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.3.1 Orientation from Video feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


5.3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.3.3 Gyroscopic Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.3.4 Orientation Information Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Velocity Estimation 30

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.2 Data for Velocity estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.3 Initial Conditions Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6.4 Data Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6.4.1 SVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

6.5 Velocity estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

7 Indoor Position Estimation 39

7.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

7.1.1 IPS Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

7.2 Labeling the Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.3 Proof of Concept Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.3.1 Overview of Q-learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

7.3.2 Q-learning Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

7.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

8 Future Work 46


Appendices 47

A Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed. 48

B Code for Velocity Estimation 55

References 63

List of Figures

1.1 The IPS algorithm divided into sub blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Construction of scale space with octaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Di↵erence of gaussians at every scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3 Calculating HoG and assigning the orientation to key points . . . . . 12

4.1 The IMU, Lidar setup on a single mount to have same body of reference 18

4.2 The Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) we used to conduct our exper-
iments, Firefighting qualified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5.1 Histogram of velocities that are above 0.2 pixels/frame . . . . . . . . 23

5.2 A model approximation used for estimating relative orientation . . . 24

5.3 Compass showing deflection due to change in relative orientation . . 26

5.4 Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-2 . . . . . . . . 29

6.1 Position information obtained using LIDAR Lite V3 . . . . . . . . . 31

List of Figures

6.2 Initial conditions estimation from convolution of sigmoid function

and the orientation information. Here thresholding amplitude is 150 32

6.3 Least squares estimation of position data in Orange, true data in Blue 34

6.4 Position estimation using SVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

6.5 Comparision of thresholded(orange) vs non-thresholded(blue) velocities 38

7.1 Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-2 . . . . . . . . 40

7.2 Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-4 . . . . . . . . 40

7.3 Algorithm selecting the shortest path out of all available paths . . . 44

7.4 Algorithm selecting efficient and shortest path by avoiding fire . . . 44

List of Tables


AT Transpose of some relativity matrix.

Chapter 1


1.1 Overview

According to the fire fighter fatalities report issued by the U.S. Fire Administration,
ninety-one firefighters including 56 volunteer, 30 career and five wildland agencies
died while on duty in the year of 2014. Respecting the fact that the total number of
fire incidents across the country is actually decreasing, being a fire fighter becomes
more and more dangerous disregarding other significant advances in various areas
of science and technology. In the proposed research project, we investigate a new
connected and smart infrastructure that allows the development of next-generation
first responder coordination protocols. The proposed system will fundamentally aug-
ment existing systems used by first responders, with an initiative that couples novel
hardware and software components to the fire fighters existing equipment, keeping
minimal weight and firefighter training. The proposed system will provide a predic-
tive modeling capability that supports the incident commanders evaluating possible
alternative actions and choosing the best approach based on their experience and
available resources. In following sections we discuss about Indoor positioning sys-

Chapter 1. Introduction

tem designed for firefighters and a reinforcement learning based approach to achieve
smart path planning which results in minimal risk and maximum reward.

1.2 Existing technologies

In this thesis, we aim to discuss about the technology we developed to provide situ-
ational awareness, position information of victims and fire fighting officers, efficient
path planning. Indoor location tracking, relative orientation estimation for firefight-
ers is a very appealing and helpful tool to reduce the first responder fatalities. The
current GPS signal structure and signal power levels are barely sufficient for indoor
applications. Recent developments in high sensitivity receiver technology are promis-
ing for indoor positioning inside light structures such as wooden frame houses but
generally not for concrete high rise buildings. Errors due to multipath and noise
associated with weak indoor signals limit the accuracy and availability of global
navigation satellite system (GNSS) in difficult indoor environments [1].

There are few techniques like Bluetooth beacons based triangulation[2, 3], WiFi
signal based location extraction [4], structure from motion based scene reconstruc-
tion and purely inertial measurement unit (IMU) based location tracking for indoor
positioning system (IPS).

Bluetooth based beacons are proven to be very efficient in Indoor positioning

systems. However, they require bluetooth beacons to be installed at specific distances
for the required necessary for functionality using well-established methods techniques
such as fingerprinting, trilateration, and triangulation with BLE beacons [2, 3]. In
a firefighting scenario there is a high chance that the beacons might burn and hence
these are not reliable methods.

The WiFi based indoor localization problem (WILP) is a difficult task in fire-

Chapter 1. Introduction

fighting environment because the WiFi data are very noisy and highly dependent
the local environmental conditions due to multi-path and shadow fading e↵ects in
indoor environment. The wifi signal distribution is constantly changing depending
on various factors, such as human movement, temperature and humidity changes.
In general, location-estimation systems using radio frequency (RF) signal strength
function in two phases: an o✏ine training phase and an online localization phase.
In the o✏ine phase, a radio map is built by tabulating the signal strength values
received from the access points at selected locations in the area of interest. These
values comprise a radio map of the physical region, which is compiled into a deter-
ministic or statistical prediction model for the online phase. In the online localization
phase, the real-time signal strength samples received from the access points are used
to search the radio map to estimate the current location based on the learned model.
This simplistic approach poses a serious problem in a dynamic environment caused
by the unpredictable movements [5].

These techniques are not suitable for a fire fighting environment due to high tem-
peratures and constant condition fluctuations. There are also IMU based techniques
which address the IPS problems. However, the use of a strapdown inertial navi-
gation system (INS) system and its traditional mechanization as a personal indoor
positioning system is rather unrealistic due to the rapidly growing positioning errors
caused by accelerometer drifts [1]. Even a high performance INS will cause hundreds
of meters of positioning error in 30 minutes without GPS updates [1]. Using a stan-
dard Scene From Motion SFM technique for the scene reconstruction and camera
point estimation needs to have parallax in images. Parallax is di↵erence in position
of object due to viewing object from di↵erent line of sight. It is highly impossible in
thermal images because of the cameras low resolution and very less dynamic range.

The orientation information alone is a powerful tool for the firefighters as their
rescue protocol and successful navigation in and out of the building depends needs

Chapter 1. Introduction

the recollection of their orientation. However, orientation in heavy smoke, heat, and
other hazardous conditions associated with such environments can become extremely
really difficult for them to keep track o↵. We gained a deeper appreciation of the
significance of maintaining a sense of relative orientation to a first responders ability
to successfully navigate when we first visited first responders training facility for data
collection. There are few existing techniques to estimate relative orientation using
the camera input [6, 7]. In this techniques they are trying to extract the relative
orientation of the camera using a vanishing point estimation technique. A vanishing
point is a point on the image plane where projections of lines in image in 3D space
appear to converge. If a significant number of the imaged line segments meet very
accurately in a point, this point is very likely to be a good candidate for a real
vanishing point [6]. For vanishing point estimation commonly canny edge detector
[8] is used followed by a RANSAC [9] to remove the outliers and extract the lines
that are required to estimate vanishing points. However these techniques cannot be
applied to firefighting scenario because of the lack of edges that can be discerned in
thermal imagery.

1.3 Summary

1.3.1 Need for our implementation

For indoor positioning system GPS is not a good solution because of its restricted
abilities in locating indoor subjects. Beacons, WILP also does not work well due
to the high temperatures and constant changes in the environment. IMU based
techniques are not reliable because the errors accumulate exponentially over a period
of time. It is highly difficult to obtain relative orientation using vanishing point
detection due to lack of edges and quality resolution in thermal images.

Chapter 1. Introduction

To circumvent all these limitations, we employed a novel technique to extract

relative orientation estimation and devise an IPS algorithm on top of orientation
estimation using fusion of IMU, LIDAR data.

We estimate the camera movement, obtain the relative orientation estimation us-
ing algorithms like scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [10] for feature extraction
and L-K optical flow [11] for flow estimation and fuse information from gyroscope.
We then assign a velocity to the extracted orientations to obtain the indoor location
of firefighters. Once we obtain paths taken by each firefighter we use this knowledge
to devise a reinforcement learning algorithm which helps in efficient path planning.

1.3.2 Brief Description

We implement a series of individual algorithms each solving its own problem in the
context of breaking down the environmental data received from the various sensors.
These individual algorithms then cascade into one- another and their individual
products are added together to recreate the entire system. The following figure 1.1
is the block diagram of the complete implementation.

• We extract SIFT [10] Keypoint positions.

• We compute Lucas-Kanade (L-K) [11] optical flow of SIFT key point positions

• We compute orientation information and Fuse it with gyroscopic data.

• We estimate velocity by using the data from LIDAR Lite V3 and Accelerometer
using Least Squares and SVR techniques for data fusion

• We then assign velocities to the orientation information obtained above to

calculate the Indoor positions by integration.

Chapter 1. Introduction

camera Enhancement features

Measurement 2σ
Unit Thresholding

Gyroscope Orientation
LIDAR Accelerometer
Measurements Estimation

Fusion of



Figure 1.1: The IPS algorithm divided into sub blocks

Later, we take inputs of detections from our deep learning systems for fire, persons
and objects. We apply Reinforcement Learning technique to the extracted path and
the detections along this path to obtain the best efficient path to be taken by a
firefighter during a first responding scenario. The idea behind reinforcement learning
is, making an agent(usually a robot, automobiles or a software bot) learn based on
the rewards and penalty an agent receives based on its actions.

We introduce all the techniques we used in our implementation in following chap-

ters in detail

Chapter 2

SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature


2.1 Introduction

Thermal and Infrared (IR) imagery do not provide the same visual quality in terms
of sharpness or level of detail needed for individual object delineation, as the RGB
images that are obtained from the normal pin-hole cameras. Intense shifts in move-
ment and orientation of the view in hand- held cameras related to the real time
movements and reactions of the fire fighter holding the camera requires an algorithm
that is robust against variability in illumination, scale and rotation.

All the above mentioned conditions can be managed by using SIFT feature
detection[10] in the relative orientation estimation process. SIFT algorithm is dis-
tillation of pixels that are passed through four stages of distillation like scale space
extrema detection, keypoint localization, orientation assignment, keypoint descrip-
tor. After each stage the pixels that are distilled will become invariant to scale, space
(location), orientation. If there are two images that have approximately the same

Chapter 2. SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform

content, the SIFT descriptors for these images will be similar even if one image has
been changed in scale, orientation, rotation with respect to the other one. In our
methodology we extract the SIFT keypoints of the frames as we assume that the
keypoints of two subsequent images will be approximately the same.

In our implementation, We have applied a image enhancement stage before pass-

ing it over to the strategic SIFT feature extraction stage. We have applied standard
adaptive threshold processing available from an image processing library OpenCV-
2.4.9. to obtain better results.

2.2 SIFT feature extraction overview

SIFT feature extraction primarily consists of 5 stages. Each stage of this feature
extraction makes the feature highly robust, invariant to scale, orientation. We will
discuss about each stage in the following subsections.

2.2.1 Scale-Space Extrema detection

In this step we primarily focus on obtaining the scale invariance i.e ., The features
obtained when an object in an image is captured from di↵erent distances must not
vary. To achieve this we construct a scale space of the given image and we apply
di↵erence of the images in the all the scales and we do this in several octaves. Each
octave is the image that is progressively reduced to the half of the original image.
Each scale space consists of image which is progressively blurred for several number
of times. To construct a scale space like in figure 2.2 we apply a Gaussian blurring
progressively which means that we convolve the given image with a Gaussian kernel.
Mathematically it can be represented as following.

Chapter 2. SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform

Figure 2.1: Construction of scale space with octaves

L(x, y, ) = G(x, y, ) ⇤ I(x, y) (2.1)

Where L is a blurred image, G is a gaussian blur operator, I is input image, (x,y)

are image coordinates, is scale parameter which is directly proportional to amount
of blur required.

1 (x2 + y 2 )
G(x, y, ) = 2
exp (2.2)
2⇡ 2 2

Now we need to take di↵erence of these gaussians at every scale in between the
image and blurred images like in figure ??. This is equivalent to taking Laplacian of

Chapter 2. SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform

Figure 2.2: Di↵erence of gaussians at every scale

gaussians which is what we intend to do, However by taking di↵erence of gaussians

we are reducing the computational complexity.

D(x, y, ) = L(x, y, k ) L(x, y, ) (2.3)

Regarding di↵erent parameters, the paper[12] gives some empirical data which
can be summarized as, number of octaves = 4, number of scale levels = 5, initial
=1.6, k= 2 etc as optimal values.

2.2.2 Key Point Localization

After scale space extrema detection is done the resulted images D(x,y, ) will be
processed further to eliminate any points that are with low contrast or poorly lo-
calized on edge. The initial scrutiny is to locate approximate maxima/minima by
iterating each pixel with the pixels around it in the current image and the images
above and below it with di↵erent scales in the octaves. Once we obtain approximate
maxima/minima we need to now analyze for subpixel maxima/minima.

Subpixel is refered to colored pixel components (Red, Green, Blue, etc.,). We can

Chapter 2. SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform

find subpixel extremums by using taylor series expansion around the approximate
keypoint extracted from previous step. Mathematically it can be represented as:

DT 1 2
D(x) = D + + xT 2 x (2.4)
x 2 x

We can find the extreme points of this equation (di↵erentiate and equate to zero).
On solving, we’ll get subpixel key point locations. Now if the intensity of the pixel
locations are below a threshold we reject this keypoint. According to the paper[12]
the threshold is 0.03. This is called contrast threshold.

Usually Di↵erence of gaussians has high response on edges and the edges need to
be removed. A 2 ⇥ 2 hessian matrix is used to compute principle of curvature, when
ever an edge is detected the harris corner detector has one eigen value more than
other one. By taking ratio of these eigen values and employing a threshold on this
ratio is called Edge thresholding, according to paper [12] the threshold is 10.

2.2.3 Orientation Assignment

In this step an orientation is assigned to each keypoint to achieve invariance to

image rotation. A neigbourhood is considered around the keypoint and direction
is calculated in that region. An orientation histogram with 36 bins covering 360
degrees is created. It is weighted by gradient magnitude and gaussian-weighted
circular window with equal to 1.5 times the scale of keypoint. The highest peak
in the histogram is obtained and any peak above 80% of it is also considered to
calculate the orientation. If another orientation with more than 80 % of the peak
will create keypoints with same location and scale, but di↵erent directions as seen in
the figure 2.3.

Chapter 2. SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform

Figure 2.3: Calculating HoG and assigning the orientation to key points

2.2.4 Keypoint Descriptor

A 16x16 neighbourhood around the keypoint is taken. It is devided into 16 sub-

blocks of 4x4 size. For each sub-block, 8 bin orientation histogram is created. So a
total of 128 bin values are available. It is represented as a vector to form keypoint

2.3 Summary

The video feed is given as input to the SIFT feature extraction algorithm and the
keypoint positions obtained are going to be forwarded to the next module of our
implementation. Lukas-Kanade optical flow take keypoint positions as inputs and
helps us to identify the movement of the features along the frames.

Chapter 3

Lukas-Kanade Optical flow

3.1 Introduction

Optical flow in images is a measure of displacement of objects or pixels in an im-

age along with time. If we consider a video sequence optical flow is a measure of
movement of objects in the frame of movement of camera. The primary idea behind
optical flow is brightness constancy constraint which means that the pixel intensity
does not change in immediate frames and it can be expressed as

I(x, y, t) = I(x + x, y + y, t + t)
U= x/ t, V = y/ t

where x,y are pixel positions and t is time, likewise represents the change in
respective quantities. Also U, V are horizontal and vertical velocities respectively,
they are also called flow vectors in some applications. Image I(x, y, t) = I(x+ x, y+

Chapter 3. Lukas-Kanade Optical flow

y, t + t) can be approximated by a first order Taylor expansion as

I(x + x, y + y, t + t) ⇡ I(x, y, t)+

I(x, y, t) I(x, y, t) I(x, y, t)
x+ y+ t (3.2)
x y y
= I(x, y, t) + Ix x + Iy y + It t

Plugging this expression in (3.1) and dividing by t gives

Ix U + Iy V + It = 0 (3.3)

where Ix , Iy and It can be approximated by finite di↵erence computation. The L-K

optical flow [11] assumes that U, V are constant in a small window around a pixel
I(x, y, t). Then, a system of equations can be solved using Least Squares to estimate
U and V .

3.2 Least squares to estimate U and V

Let us consider we have pixel of interest p and there are pixels around it q1 , q2 ...qn
then we can perform least squares. we can express the process with the help of the
following equations

Ix (q1 )Vx + Iy (q1 )Vy = It (q1 )

Ix (q2 )Vx + Iy (q2 )Vy = It (q2 )

.. (3.4)

Ix (qn )Vx + Iy (qn )Vy = It (qn )

Ix (qi ), Iy (qi ), It (qi ) are the partial derivatives of the image I with respect to po-
sition x, y and time t, evaluated at the point qi . The equations (3.4) can be written
in the form of Av = b as follows:

Chapter 3. Lukas-Kanade Optical flow

2 3 2 3
I (q ) Iy (q1 ) I (q )
6 x 1 7 6 t 1 7
6 7 2 3 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 Ix (q2 ) Iy (q2 ) 7 Vx 6 It (q2 ) 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 .
7 v=4 5 b=6
6 . 7
7 (3.5)
6 .. .
. 7 6 .. 7
6 . 7 Vy 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 5 4 5
Ix (qn ) Iy (qn ) It (qn )

From (3.5) we can see that there are only 2 unknowns but many equations. Thus
the system will be overly determined. The L-K algorithm will reach to an optimal
solution by using the least squares principle. It solves the 2 ⇥ 2 system as follows

AT Av = AT b
v = (AT A) 1
AT b

The above equations (3.6) can be written as

2 32 P P 3 12 P 3
V i Ix (qi ) i Ix (qi )Iy (qi ) i Ix (qi )It (qi )
6 x7 6 7 6 7 (3.7)
4 5 4 5 4 5
P P 2
Vy i Iy (qi )Ix (qi ) i Iy (qi ) i Iy (qi )It (qi )

From the above equation we can see the summations where i varies from 1.....n
which depends on the number of pixels we would like to consider around the pixel
of interest.

This problem can be solved using other criteria. In particular, we can use the so
called Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) principle [13]. This principle gives rise in
particular to the well known Support Vector Machines for classification [14] and for
regression [15]. This approach has the advantage of having excellent generalization

Chapter 3. Lukas-Kanade Optical flow

properties under low sample sets and of being robust to outliers thanks to its implicit
cost function, which is a combination of the original Vapnik’s or " cost function and
the Huber robust cost function [16, 17]. We can also use the Gaussian Process
Regression, that employs Maximum Likelihood over a Bayesian model [18]. This
method o↵ers the advantage of providing with a probabilistic model for the likelihood
of the observations, which can give more information to the user, as for example a
confidence interval of the estimation.

3.3 Summary

Using the above procedure we can find the optical flow given a sequence of images.
In our research we used SIFT keypoint locations as our pixel of interest. In the the
following chapters we would like to detail how we used velocities obtained from L-K
optical flow to track relative orientation of firefighters.

Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction

In this experiment we have extracted data from various sensors and a thermal imaging
camera. We have used Bosch XDK110 device to extract IMU data like accelerometer
data, gyroscope data. We have also used Garmin V3 LIDAR to obtain the position
information for velocity estimation. We have used a MSA 5200HD2 Thermal Imaging
Camera (TIC) Camera to obtain infrared video feed. In the following section we
would like to briefly describe about the data collection.

4.2 IMU

We used IMU unit which is attached to the camera in order to fuse the data we obtain
from other sensors. Bosch XDK110 is a cross-domain development kit that allows
for rapid prototyping of sensor-based products and applications. The XDK110 is an
integrated product inclusive of multiple Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS)

Chapter 4. Data

Figure 4.1: The IMU, Lidar setup on a single mount to have same body of reference

sensors. It has Integrated development environment supplied with XDK. We can use
this application to flash the program required into XDK110. XDK110 contains Ac-
celerometer (BMA280), Gyroscope (BMG160), Magnetometer (BMM150), Inertial
measurement unit (BMI160) and various other sensors. However, we would like to
collect only acceleration(Accelerometer) and rotation(Gyroscope) information in all
three axes. The mount we used to bind LIDAR and IMU on same body of frame of
reference can be seen in the following figure 4.1

The data is sampled at 100 Hz and according to observations gyroscope data

is very robust to sudden changes and errors. However, the accelerometer data is
quite noisy and therefore can only be properly used along side another data source.
We use accelerometer data to extract velocity of the moving camera by performing
an integration. Since, we integrate on an error in accelerometer the error rapidly
increases at velocity. For this reason we are have fused the position information from
Lidar and obtained some reasonable results. We collect this data into an microSD
card connected to bosch XDK110 and further use it for analysis.

Chapter 4. Data

4.3 Garmin Lidar Lite V3

We also use LIDAR Lite V3 for velocity estimation. This device measures distance
by calculating the time delay between the transmission of a Near-Infrared laser signal
and its reception after reflecting o↵ of a target. This translates into distance using
the known speed of light. This device supports I2C and PWM protocols, We have
used I2C protocol to interface and communicate with the device.

We have used Arduiuno UNO board as an interface to obtain data, which com-
municates through I2C protocol. The code is presented in appendix section of this
thesis. We communicate to lidar using ardiuno to collect the data and make it avail-
able on serial interface of the computer. Then we used application called ”CoolTerm”
to capture the data placed on serial interface.

According to our observation the data from Lidar is being sampled at 60 sam-
ples/sec at an average which results a noise which is IID, non zero mean and non
gaussian due to uneven sampling of the data points across the time. Hence we should
use an algorithm that accounts for all these factors.

4.4 Video Data

Extensive video data was acquired using an IR MSA 5200HD2TIC Camera, with
Nx = 320 pixels where Nx is number of pixels in horizontal direction and = 49o
where is the horizontal Field of View (FOV) . This camera is a multipurpose
firefighting tool designed for search and rescue and structural firefighting and can be
seen in below figure 4.2. It uses an uncooled microbolometer vanadium oxide(Vox)
detector which comprises of 320x240 Focal Plan Array (FPA) with the pitch of
38um and spatial resolution of 7.5 to 13.5um. The resolution is a necessary aspect to
capture features for orientation estimation and IPS corresponding to this project. It

Chapter 4. Data

Figure 4.2: The Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) we used to conduct our experiments,
Firefighting qualified

records the image with 320x240 focal plane array sensor. It has the ability to record
imagery in two di↵erent modes, i.e. low and high sensitivity modes. This device also
features high score imagery generating 76000 pixels of image detail in low and high
sense modes. Dense spectral resolution is (7.5 to 13.5 um) and the output video is
in NTSC format with a frame rate of up to 30 fps and a scene temperature range of
560 degrees Celsius/ 102 1040 degree Fahrenheit.

The dataset used in this thesis was recorded at Computer Engineering Build-
ing, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and the Santa Fe Firefighting Facility,
located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Of the extensive data we collected we used 4
videos that involves a person holding the camera in hand and navigating through
the indoors of computer engineering building for this experiment. The setup involves
attaching the IMU, Lidar to the body frame of camera. Hence we are able to obtain
the Gyroscopic data, accelerometer data, Lidar data and the videos with one single
frame of reference.

Chapter 5

Relative Orientation Estimation

5.1 Introduction

The orientation information alone is a powerful tool for the firefighters as their rescue
protocol and successful navigation in and out of the building depends needs the
recollection of their orientation. However, orientation in heavy smoke, heat, and
other hazardous conditions associated with such environments can become extremely
really difficult for them to keep track o↵. We gained a deeper appreciation of the
significance of maintaining a sense of relative orientation to a first responders ability
to successfully navigate when we first visited first responders training facility for data
collection. There are few existing techniques to estimate relative orientation using
the camera input [6, 7]. In this techniques they are trying to extract the relative
orientation of the camera using a vanishing point estimation technique. A vanishing
point is a point on the image plane where projections of lines in image in 3D space
appear to converge. If a significant number of the imaged line segments meet very
accurately in a point, this point is very likely to be a good candidate for a real
vanishing point [6]. For vanishing point estimation commonly canny edge detector

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

[8] is used followed by a RANSAC [9] to remove the outliers and extract the lines
that are required to estimate vanishing points. However these techniques cannot be
applied to firefighting scenario because of the lack of edges that can be discerned in
thermal imagery

Thermal and Infrared (IR) imagery do not provide the same visual quality in
terms of sharpness or level of detail needed for individual object delineation, as the
RGB images that are obtained from the normal pinhole cameras. Intense shifts in
movement and orientation of the view in hand held cameras related to the real time
movements and reactions of the fire fighter holding the camera requires an algorithm
that is robust against variability in illumination, scale and rotation. All the above
mentioned conditions can be managed by using SIFT feature detection[10] in the
relative orientation estimation process.

Usually a lot of L-K optical flow implementations use corners and blobs as areas
of interest. However, in thermal images it is very difficult to find corners, edges and
blobs. Hence, we find SIFT keypoints use the SIFT keypoint locations to perform
optical flow algorithm. Once the SIFT key point positions are given as interest
points for L-K optical flow estimation algorithm, we obtain vertical and horizontal
velocities of the keypoint movement in terms of pixels/frame. We further process the
horizontal velocity to obtain the orientation of firefighter. We process this through a
thresholding stage to remove outlier velocities and also velocities due to foreground
activity, like moving human subjects, moving flames or hot temperatures.

5.2 Foreground activity estimation and removal

The firefighting scenario is highly dynamic with rapidly changing environmental con-
ditions. The imagery that is captured in real time by first responders holds the
potential for imperfect orientation estimation due to high levels of foreground move-

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

Figure 5.1: Histogram of velocities that are above 0.2 pixels/frame

ments being captured. To correct for these high levels of foreground movement, we
apply a thresholding to reject higher velocities. We have observed the histogram of
the data with foreground object to threshold the foreground activity.

We observed that the velocities lie between 0.2 pixels/frame to 20 pixels/frame

during 98% of the time. The corresponding histogram for a set of representative
frames is shown in Figure 5.1. The central peak of velocities that are less than 0.2
pixels/frame are discarded and then the standard deviation is estimated for the
rest of data, obtaining a value of = 8.39. A threshold is applied to discard all
velocities over 2 ⇡ 17 pixels/frame.

After thresholding, we compute the mean of the remaining flow vectors, which
gives the average movement of camera.

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation


So Sn

Image Plane o

Prior state


Figure 5.2: A model approximation used for estimating relative orientation

5.3 Relative Orientation estimation

5.3.1 Orientation from Video feed

The estimated velocities are here used to compute the change of angle ✓ in radians per
frame in the horizontal plane of the camera movement to estimate relative orientation
of the firefighter. Figure 5.2 shows the model for this estimation.

Consider the initial position of camera from which we extract SIFT keypoint
positions So of the corresponding image plane Po . When there is a change of angle
✓ the camera is in a new position whose corresponding image plane Pn that contains
SIFT keypoint position Sn . The camera has a Field of View (FOV) and a horizontal
resolution of Nx pixels. If the FOV is much smaller than 180o , the angular resolution
can be approximated by a constant Rx = Nx
degrees per pixel. This data is used to
convert velocity U to angular velocity. Here we consider U as a tangential velocity of
the camera rotation in the horizontal plane, and the corresponding angular velocity

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

is then
✓c = (5.1)
which will be expressed in degrees per frame. The angular velocity is then integrated
across frames to compute the current orientation. This is represented in the screen
as a compass. This information is very robust and highly accurate when the number
of features obtained from images is high. To maintain the robustness of system, we
consider the orientation information obtained from gyrometer.

5.3.2 Results

In this section we would like to show some results that we obtained showing the
deflection in compass for relative orientation estimation 5.3.

5.3.3 Gyroscopic Information

The setup currently has a gyroscope attached to the body frame of camera. We
are collecting data from the gyroscope at 100hz. The data collected is a measure of
angular velocity in mdeg/sec units. We take the data from gyro scope and median
filter for every 10 samples to obtain consistent data. This data is further processed
and integrated to obtain the change in angle ✓g of the camera frame. The information
obtained from gyroscope is very robust to rapid changes and reflects the body frame
movement accurately.

5.3.4 Orientation Information Fusion

Since we have orientation information from two sources we would like to fuse the
information and relay the necessary information to firefighters. Orientation informa-

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

Figure 5.3: Compass showing deflection due to change in relative orientation

tion alone is a very powerful tool for firefighter rescue operation. We would like to
relay this information on firefighter video feed in a form of compass and enable them
to navigate through the building with ease. The relative orientation can be currently
obtained by a simple fusion of the two information sources as follows:

⇥ = ✓g + (1 )✓c (5.2)

A suitable algorithm for the optimization of parameter consists of computing the

prediction of future samples of the orientation estimation and minimizing a poste-
riori the prediction error. The criterion is minimizing an error that is present in
unpredictable part of the estimated signal from signal sources in equation (??).

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

A linear prediction can be modelled as a moving average filter

✓g [n] = wg [i]✓g [n i] + eg [n]
✓c [n] = wc [i]✓c [n i] + ec [n]

where wg [i], wc [i] are the corresponding filter coefficients. The optimization criterion
is the minimization of the square error expectation with respect to all parameters, i.

min L(w, )
subject to 0  1

where L(w, ) is defined as the expectation of the error

L(w, ) = E k eg [n] + (1 )ec [n]k2

=E k ✓g [n] wgT ✓ g [n 1] + (1 ) ✓c [n] wcT ✓ c [n 1] k2

8 2 3T 2 3 2
9 (5.5)
< >
wg ✓ g [n 1]
=E ✓g [n] + (1 )✓c [n] + 4 5 4 5
: (1 )wc ✓ c [n 1] >

where wg and wc are column vectors containing parameters wg [i] and ✓ g [n 1],
✓ c [n 1] are column vectors containing samples ✓g [i], ✓c [i], n P in 1.

The gradients of L(w, ) with respect to all parameters are

wc L(w, ) = 2 E {e[n]✓ c [n 1]}

wg L(w, ) = 2(1 )E {e[n]✓ c [n 1]} (5.6)

L(w, ) = 2E e[n](✓g [n] wgT ✓ g [n 1] ✓c [n] + wcT ✓ c [n 1]
where e[n] = eg [n] + (1 )ec [n]. The constraint in equation (5.4) can be solved by
simply saturating the values of between 0 and 1. An alternative approach is to use

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

a sigmoidal function ( ) in place of it. Then, equations (5.8) need to be changed


wc L(w, ) = 2 ( )E {e[n]✓ c [n 1]}

wg L(w, ) = 2(1 ( ))E {e[n]✓ c [n 1]} (5.7)

d 0
L(w, ) = 2E e[n](✓g [n] wgT ✓ g [n 1] ✓c [n] + wcT ✓ c [n 1]) ( )
where now e[n] = ( )eg [n] + (1 ( ))ec [n]. This is the solution applied in the

The gradient descent approach needs a time estimation of the expectation, but
the data is clearly nonstationary. Among the classical approaches that can be applied
here, the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) and the Least Mean Squares (LMS) [19]
seem to be the best ones. In the simulations, the LMS is the taken approach, which
consists of approximating the expectations by the present data samples. Hence, the
adaptation algorithm is

wc [n] = wc [n 1] µ ( )e[n]✓ c [n 1]
k✓ c [n 1]k2
1 (5.8)
wg [n] = wg [n 1] µ(1 ( ))e[n]✓ c [n 1]
k✓ g [n 1]k2
[n] = [n 1] µe[n] ✓g [n] wgT ✓ g [n 1] ✓c [n] + wcT ✓ c [n 1] ( )

where the adaptation terms of parameters wc , wg have been normalized following

the well known Normalized Least Mean Squares criterion (NLMS) [19] and where µ
is a small quantity representing the adaptation step. We can see the results in the
figure 5.4

Chapter 5. Relative Orientation Estimation

Figure 5.4: Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-2

Chapter 6

Velocity Estimation

6.1 Introduction

Velocity estimation is a very important step for the IPS routine. To achieve this task
we use the data from two sensors accelerometer and a LIDAR. We are using Garmin
LIDAR v3 and interface it to an ardiuno uno board for data collection. However,
accelerometer readings are obtained by a stand alone IoT device Bosch XDK110. We
use non linear least squares estimation to fuse the data obtained from accelerometer
and LIDAR.

6.2 Data for Velocity estimation

LIDAR Lite V3 data is a measure of distance from an object Sl we are approaching

towards. LIDAR’s use time of flight technique to obtain the distance between LIDAR
source and object. The data obtained is noisy due to uneven distribution of objects
in an environment. Also the sampling for LIDAR is not evenly distributed. We ob-

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Figure 6.1: Position information obtained using LIDAR Lite V3

tain 60 samples/sec at an average and with uneven sampling in time domain which
causes a noise that is not I.I.D. The velocity can be estimated by di↵erentiating the
distance data. However, since the LIDAR data is very noisy, It is highly impossible
to completely depend on this data. In the below Figure we can see the lidar data 6.1.

Using an accelerometer sensor BMA160, we obtained the acceleration data at

sampling rate of 100 Hz. We know that velocity estimation from accelerometer is
very noisy and has a noise that varies with time. This noise is modeled to be varying
with time and is removed to achieve better results using data fusion with LIDAR
data using non linear least squares. During this process we need to implement initial
conditions on the data as we can see that when a person turns and enters a new
corridor there is a sudden raise in the distance measured in Lidar data. We detect
the initial conditions by convolution of a sigmoid function over the orientation data
that we obtained and detecting peaks.

We also observed that there is a noise that is not zero mean, not independent
and identically distributed(I.I.D). Hence, we would also like to apply Support Vector

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Figure 6.2: Initial conditions estimation from convolution of sigmoid function and
the orientation information. Here thresholding amplitude is 150

Regression(SVR) and observe the performance of the algorithm and compare the
results against non linear least squares method.

6.3 Initial Conditions Estimation

Initial conditions estimation is required in this process because the measurements

needs to follow the rules of real world processes. From the Lidar data above we
can see that there is a sudden raise or fall in the distances suddenly, this is due
to an obstruction of LIDAR path by on object or because the person carrying the
equipment seems to have reached the end of corridor and entered a new corridor,
Hence sudden raise in the distance measured.

As we discussed that the measurements needs to follow the rules of real world
processes, we verify this with the help of orientation data that we obtain from the
above module. We perform a non overlapping moving window convolution of a
sigmoid function on to the orientation information obtained. We now detect for

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

peaks in the resulted signal by thresholding it. The peak detection and thresholding
can be seen in figure 6.2. After obtaining the time stamps of change in initial
conditions we use them in the non linear least squares and SVR techniques to obtain
a better estimation of the positions data.

6.4 Data Fusion

We have implemented a least squares technique to minimize the error by fusing the
data from two sensory sources Lidar and Accelerometer. We have position data from
LIDAR, Acceleration data from accelerometer. To fuse the information we modeled
the fusion in a form of voltera equations

S l = w 0 + w 1 t + w 2 t 2 + w 3 t 3 + Sa

where (6.1)
Z tZ ⌧0
Sa = a(⌧ )d⌧ d⌧ 0
0 0

We take this model and implement a non linear least squares. Since we know from
the least squares model that

W = (XX T + I)E (6.2)

Where Xand E are as follows

2 3
1 1 1 ... 1
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 t1 t2 t3 . . . tn 7
6 7
X=6 6.
7 (6.3)
6 .. .. 7
6 . 7
6 7
4 5
1 tD
2 tD
. . . tn

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Figure 6.3: Least squares estimation of position data in Orange, true data in Blue

E = Sl Sa (6.4)

Sest = W X > + Sa (6.5)

Here t1 t2 t3 . . . tn are time stamps of the input E and D is the degree of non linearity.
We obtained the following estimation as seen in figure 6.3 after applying initial
conditions to the LIDAR and Accelerometer Data.

This problem can be solved using other criteria. In particular, we can use the so
called Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) principle [13]. This principle gives rise in
particular to the well known Support Vector Machines for classification [14] and for
regression [15]. This approach has the advantage of having excellent generalization
properties under low sample sets and of being robust to outliers thanks to its implicit
cost function, which is a combination of the original Vapnik’s or " cost function and
the Huber robust cost function [16, 17]. We can also use the Gaussian Process
Regression, that employs Maximum Likelihood over a Bayesian model [18]. This
method o↵ers the advantage of providing with a probabilistic model for the likelihood

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

of the observations, which can give more information to the user, as for example a
confidence interval of the estimation.

6.4.1 SVR

We have also implemented SVR[15] on the same data that we obtained from Lidar
to obtain a good estimation of position data from Lidar. SVR is very robust to noisy
data and is highly reliable method for estimating the data that has a noise that is

In this method we have a special criterion that minimizes the linear empirical
error and also a term that is monotonic with complexity [15], This is a problem that
can be solved with the use of SVR as follows.

⇤ 1 ⇤
↵p (W, , , ✏) = kW k + C ( i + i) (6.6)
2 i=1

subject to

yi W T Xi b✏+ i

yi + W T X i + b  ✏ + i

i, i 0

By applying Lagrangian multipliers to the above equation we can solve for a dual
with following parameters which are ↵i , ↵i⇤ , µi , µ⇤i . We must maximize the two first
constraints, minimize the other two. The Lagrangian by solving is as we know that
the optimization problem takes into account the KKT complementary conditions for
the product constraint-Lagrange multipliers [20], leads to the minimization of

LD = (↵ ↵⇤ )T K(↵ ↵⇤ ) + (↵ ↵ ⇤ )T y ✏(↵ + ↵⇤ ) (6.7)

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Constrained to

0  ↵n , ↵n⇤  C (6.8)

By solving the above equation using quadratic programming we obtain

f (x) = ↵i K(Xi , X) + b (6.9)

Where K(xi , Xj ) = hXi , Xj i is the dot product operator.

The dot product in the Euclidean space can be changed by a kernel dot product
or Mercer’s kernel function in a higher dimension Hilbert space [21]. See also [22] for
a complete description of kernels and kernel methods.

One popular kernel is the p-th order polynomial one, with the form

K(Xi , Xj ) = (Xi> Xj + c)p (6.10)

where c is a constant. It can be proven that model in equation 6.1 is equivalent to

use a polynomial kernel of order 6. Thus, the SVM criterion can be applied right to
this model by using this kernel. Another popular kernel, used below, is the square
exponential kernel, with the form

K(Xi , Xj ) = exp( kXi Xj k2 ) (6.11)

By applying the algorithm on to our data we obtained the result as seen in

following figure 6.4.1. We would like to use this data SSV R for velocity estimation.
Also by comparing the over all results, we observed that SSV R performed better than
SLS . Hence, we consider using SSV R for velocity estimation.

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Figure 6.4: Position estimation using SVR

6.5 Velocity estimation

By applying the di↵erentiation to the data we estimated from SVR SSV R we obtain
the velocity information. Since there are sudden raises or falls in SSV R , We apply
a thresholding to velocities obtained VSV R in a way that the process obeys laws of

The thresholded velocities are replaced by median of velocities that are obtained.
From the below figure 6.5 we can observe the need for thresholding by looking at
the unnatural velocities in detected because of not thresholding. we also can see the
e↵ect of thresholding

Chapter 6. Velocity Estimation

Figure 6.5: Comparision of thresholded(orange) vs non-thresholded(blue) velocities

Chapter 7

Indoor Position Estimation

Indoor position estimation is the most crucial part of the research and is a final
product of series of algorithms. From the previous modules we obtained information
about orientation and velocity by applying various procedures. In this module we
use the information to reconstruct the path by multiplying the velocity to the ori-
entation information, in other words assigning a velocity to the tensor information
and integrating them.

7.1 Results

7.1.1 IPS Results

Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the result of two of the experiments at the University of
New Mexico. The solid blue line represents the estimated trajectory of the subject
carrying the camera with the mounted sensors. The image also shows the floor plan
of the building, showing that the trajectory is consistent with the structure of the
building. The estimated accuracy with respect the actual start and end points is less

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

Figure 7.1: Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-2

than 2 meters.

Therefore by efficiently using the data from camera, gyroscope, LIDAR and ap-

Figure 7.2: Reconstruction of the path by our algorithm in exp-4

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

plying suitable algorithms, we were able to design a reliable implementation of indoor

positioning system for unprepared firefighting scenarios.

7.2 Labeling the Scene

We are also building a system to label the objects detected from the camera feed
using another module which consists of a series of deep learning frame works and
algorithms. We are going to use this information in future for Simultaneous Location
and Mapping (SLAM) and Reinforcement learning.

7.3 Proof of Concept Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning approach is widely used in this era of technology to achieve

path planning, self driving cars and developing a generalized Artificially Intelligent
systems. Once we have obtained paths and labels of the objects detected in the fire
environment and we would like to use them as inputs to our reinforcement learning
system to achieve path planning.

Reinforcement learning is a learning technique that primarily works on the con-

cepts of rewards and penalty. This technique can be compared to a dog being trained
for its daily tasks, We appreciate a dog and give a treat we the dog performs a par-
ticular task with out any mistakes, In a similar fashion we also ground the dog we
a mistake is performed. In a similar way a software agent or a robot is rewarded
for reaching his goals and is panelized for committing a mistake. Here we are using
a Q-learning [23] technique to achieve the path optimization. We reward the agent
when a rescue is performed and give a penalty if he sees a fire. In this way the
software learns and pushes the optimal path for the firefighters to take.

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

7.3.1 Overview of Q-learning

Q-learning mainly consists of an agent a set of states S, and a set of actions per
state A. By performing an action a A, the agent transitions from state to state.
The agent has to choose an action that results in a state with positive reward. The
goal of agent is to maximize the total reward which typically is defined in the reward
matrix R. There is also a terminal state which will end the agent from going to take
further action, thereby limiting the reward to some value. To maximize the reward
Q-learning uses the following approach.

The weight for a step from a state t steps into the future is calculated as .
(the discount factor) is a number between 0 and 1 ( 0   1) and has the e↵ect
of valuing rewards received earlier higher than those received later (reflecting the
value of a ”good start”). may also be interpreted as the probability to succeed (or
survive) at every step t.

The algorithm, therefore, has a function that calculates the quality of a state-
action combination:

Q:S⇥A!R (7.1)

Then, at each time t the agent selects an action at , observes a reward rt , enters
a new state st+1 (that may depend on both the previous state st and the selected
action, and Q is updated. The core of the algorithm is a simple value iteration
update, using the weighted average of the old value and the new information. At
beginning the Q is initialized to some arbitrary value and as the algorithm begins
the q value is updated.

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

Qnew (st , at ) (1 ↵) · Q(st , at ) +

| {z }
old value
learned value
z✓ }| ◆{ (7.2)

|{z} · rt + · max Q(st+1 , a)
|{z} |{z}
learning rate reward discount f actor
|a {z }
estimate of optimal f uture value

Where rt is reward from current state, If st+1 is a terminal state the algorithm
ends updating. This process repeats for several iterations and finally the Q-value
becomes the best possible actions, states that the agent can take.

7.3.2 Q-learning Simulation

In the following results we are showing a simulated version of path planning by

reinforcement learning as a proof of concept, Since we currently are working on
labeling the scenario. The same algorithm will be applied in a sophisticated way to
the data, knowledge in future as we have to provide the situational awareness to the

7.4 Conclusion

We presented a novel autonomous methodology for path reconstruction in indoor

environments where Global Positioning Systems are not available and only Thermal
Devices and wearable sensors are available to produce information. The methodology
fuses absolute position data from a LIDAR and an IMU device data to estimate the
velocity. We also fuse the IMU data and the rotation estimated from the thermal
images to estimate the relative orientation of the camera. The use of this fusion is
justified because each source provides di↵erent information. The LIDAR position

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

Figure 7.3: Algorithm selecting the shortest path out of all available paths

estimation does not have a systematic, accumulative error, but it is very noisy due
to the di↵erent obstacles found by the LASER. The IMU is much less noisy, but it
is subject to accumulative errors. In computing the rotation, The image data is also
prone to accumulative errors, but it is less noisy than the IMU and it provides a
better estimation when the number of features is high.

Figure 7.4: Algorithm selecting efficient and shortest path by avoiding fire

Chapter 7. Indoor Position Estimation

This data is combined to estimate the absolute position of the firefighter from an
initial point with an error less than 2 meters. This result is competitive with other
published results [24, 3, 1, 25, 2, 5]. These works [24, 3, 1, 25, 2, 5] require prior
information regarding the scenario, like positions of Bluetooth beacons, WiFi routers
and better resolution of images to do a 3D reconstruction and location mapping. Our
approach is autonomous, since this external sources are not needed to produce an

These sources can be combined with the methodology presented in this paper
in order to improve the position and reduce further the systematic errors, but in
firefighting scenarios this side information is usually unavailable. Hence, the IPS
algorithm presented in this paper is ideal for unprepared firefighting scenarios.

Chapter 8

Future Work

Future work includes the use of this methodology for floor plan reconstruction. In
order to do that, we need to combine this algorithm with feature recognition strate-
gies that detect objects of interest like doors, windows and other objects of interest
that are intrinsically associated to walls, ceilings and floors. We will also implement
reinforcement learning based real time route assistance by integrating the informa-
tion provided by deep neural networks that will be deployed to detect fire, doors,
windows and other objects of interest. The reinforcement learning pipeline is used
to produce efficient path planning in search and rescue operations, thereby helping
firefighters in decision making.


A Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed 1

B Code for Velocity Estimation 2

Appendix A

Code for orientation estimation of

Camera feed.

import numpy a s np
import cv2
import pandas a s pd
import p i c k l e
import cv
from math import hypot , s q r t
import math
import i t e r t o o l s
from s k l e a r n . c l u s t e r import A g g l o m e r a t i v e C l u s t e r i n g
import m a t p l o t l i b . p y p l o t a s p l t
from s k l e a r n . n e i g h b o r s import k n e i g h b o r s g r a p h
s i f t = cv2 . SIFT ( )
#cap = cv2 . VideoCapture ( ’ comb . ASF ’ )
cap = cv2 . VideoCapture ( ’ exp2 . ASF ’ )
#cap = cv2 . VideoCapture ( ’ 2 . avi ’ )

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

import c P i c k l e
from s t a t i s t i c s import median
from s c i p y . s t a t s import mode
#pt =(197 ,21)
l e n g t h =20
# params f o r ShiTomasi c o r n e r d e t e c t i o n
f e a t u r e p a r a m s = d i c t ( maxCorners = 1 0 0 ,
qualityLevel = 0.3 ,
minDistance = 7 ,
blockSize = 7 )
# Parameters f o r l u c a s kanade o p t i c a l f l o w
lk params = d i c t ( winSize = (10 ,10) ,
maxLevel = 2 ,
c r i t e r i a = ( cv2 . TERM CRITERIA EPS | cv2 . TERM CRITERIA
cam = [ [ 1 8 0 3 . 2 3 , 0 , 118.49522241] ,
[ 0 , 1801.67 , 165.88792572] ,
[ 0 , 0 , 1 ]]
from numpy . l i n a l g import i n v
K I=i n v ( cam )
in dex params = d i c t ( a l g o r i t h m = FLANN INDEX KDTREE, t r e e s = 5 )
search params = d i c t ( checks = 50)
f l a n n = cv2 . FlannBasedMatcher ( index params , s e a r c h p a r a m s )
# Cr eat e some random c o l o r s
c o l o r = np . random . r a n d i n t ( 0 , 2 5 5 , ( 1 0 0 , 3 ) )
r e t , o l d f r a m e = cap . r e a d ( )
o l d g r a y = cv2 . c v t C o l o r ( o l d f r a m e , cv2 .COLOR BGR2GRAY)

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

o l d g r a y = cv2 . a d a p t i v e T h r e s h o l d ( o l d g r a y , 2 5 5 , cv2 . ADAPTIVE THRESH GAUSS

cv2 . THRESH BINARY, 1 1 , 2 )
# Cr eat e a mask image f o r drawing p u r p o s e s
kp , d es= s i f t . detectAndCompute ( o l d g r a y , None )
kp=np . a s a r r a y ( kp )
#p r i n t l e n ( kp )
kp pt =[]
i =0
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 0 , l e n ( kp ) ) :
k p p t . append ( kp [ i ] . pt )
#p0=cv2 . goodFeaturesToTrack ( I , mask=None , ⇤ ⇤ f p a r )
#p r i n t type ( k p p t )
k p p t=np . a s a r r a y ( kp pt , dtype=np . f l o a t 3 2 )
#p r i n t k p p t . shape
k p p t=kp p t . r e s h a p e ( l e n ( k p p t ) , 1 , 2 )
mask = np . z e r o s l i k e ( o l d f r a m e )
H= [ ]
Homo= [ ]
orient =[]
R= [ ]
T= [ ]
previouspts =[]
Currentpts =[]
c p d i f f ={}
#p r i n t mask
c u r r e n t A n g l e=0

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

p r e v i o u s A n g l e=0
c u r r e n t A n g l e 2=0
p r e v i o u s A n g l e 2=0
veldump = [ ]
f g b g = cv2 . BackgroundSubtractorMOG ( )
p t i x =0
p t i y =0
xplot =[]
yplot =[]
while ( 1 ) :
try :
thr =[]
r e t , frame = cap . r ea d ( )
h , w, d=frame . shape
o l d g r a y = cv2 . a d a p t i v e T h r e s h o l d ( o l d g r a y , 2 5 5 , cv2 . ADAPTIVE THRE
cv2 . THRESH BINARY, 1 1 , 2 )
# Cr eat e a mask image f o r drawing p u r p o s e s
kp1 , des1= s i f t . detectAndCompute ( o l d g r a y , None )
f r a m e g r a y = cv2 . c v t C o l o r ( frame , cv2 .COLOR BGR2GRAY)
f r a m e g r a y = cv2 . a d a p t i v e T h r e s h o l d ( f r a m e g r a y , 2 5 5 , cv2 . ADAPTIVE T
cv2 . THRESH BINARY, 1 1 , 2 )
kp2 , des2= s i f t . detectAndCompute ( f r a m e g r a y , None )
matches = f l a n n . knnMatch ( des1 , des2 , k=2)
good = [ ]
f o r m, n i n matches :
i f m. d i s t a n c e < 0 . 7 ⇤ n . d i s t a n c e :
good . append (m)

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

kp=np . a s a r r a y ( kp1 )
#p r i n t l e n ( kp )
kp pt =[]
i =0
f o r i i n r a n g e ( 0 , l e n ( kp ) ) :
k p p t . append ( kp [ i ] . pt )
k p p t=np . a s a r r a y ( kp pt , dtype=np . f l o a t 3 2 )
k p p t=kp p t . r e s h a p e ( l e n ( k p p t ) , 1 , 2 )
p1 , s t , e r r = cv2 . calcOpticalFlowPyrLK ( o l d g r a y , f r a m e g r a y , kp
good new = p1 [ np . where ( s t ==1)]
g o o d o l d = k p p t [ np . where ( s t ==1)]
v e l d i f f = lambda ( p1 , p2 ) : ( ( p1 [0] p2 [ 0 ] ) , ( p1 [1] p2 [ 1 ] ) )
dp1=g o o d o l d . r e s h a p e ( l e n ( g o o d o l d ) , 2 )
dp2=good new . r e s h a p e ( l e n ( good new ) , 2 )
v e l=map( v e l d i f f , z i p ( dp1 , dp2 ) )
c l u s=lambda ( p1 ) : ( p1 i f p1>= 20 and p1<=20 e l s e 0 )
v e l=np . a s a r r a y ( v e l )
veldump . append ( v e l )
l u=map( c l u s , v e l [ : , 0 ] )
l v=map( c l u s , v e l [ : , 1 ] )
u=np . mean ( l u )
v=np . mean ( l v )
t h e t a =(u ⇤2)
t h e t a v =(v ⇤2)
T. append ( ( t h e t a , t h e t a v ) )
c u r r e n t A n g l e=t h e t a+p r e v i o u s A n g l e
o r i e n t . append ( c u r r e n t A n g l e )
c u r r e n t A n g l e 2=t h e t a+p r e v i o u s A n g l e 2

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

ptx= i n t ( (w w/ 2 ) + l e n g t h ⇤ math . c o s ( c u r r e n t A n g l e ⇤ cv . CV PI / 1 8 0 )
pty = i n t ( 2 1 + l e n g t h ⇤ math . s i n ( c u r r e n t A n g l e ⇤ cv . CV PI / 1 8 0 ) )
pt1x= ( ptix + 1 ⇤ . 8 ⇤ math . c o s ( c u r r e n t A n g l e ⇤ cv . CV PI / 1 8 0 ) )
pt1y = ( p t i y 1 ⇤ . 8 ⇤ math . s i n ( c u r r e n t A n g l e ⇤ cv . CV PI / 1 8 0 ) )
p r i n t pt1x , pt1y
p r e v i o u s A n g l e=c u r r e n t A n g l e
p t i x=pt1x
p t i y=pt1y
x p l o t . append ( pt1x / 1 0 )
y p l o t . append ( pt1y / 1 0 )
cv2 . c i r c l e ( frame , ( w w/ 2 , 2 1 ) , 1 9 , c o l o r = ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 ) , t h i c k n e s s =
cv2 . l i n e ( frame , ( w w/ 2 , 2 1 ) , ( ptx , pty ) , ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 ) , 1 )
f o r i , ( new , o l d ) i n enumerate ( z i p ( good new , g o o d o l d ) ) :
a , b = new . r a v e l ( )
c , d = old . ravel ()
mask = cv2 . l i n e ( frame , ( a , b ) , ( c , d ) , ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 , 2 5 ) , 2 )
#frame = cv2 . c i r c l e ( frame , ( a , b ) , 5 , ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 , 2 5 ) , 1 )
cv2 . imshow ( ’ frame ’ , frame )
k = cv2 . waitKey ( 3 0 ) & 0 x f f
i f k == 2 7 :
# Now update t h e p r e v i o u s frame and p r e v i o u s p o i n t s
o l d g r a y = f r a m e g r a y . copy ( )
#p r i n t ( h 23 ,21)
k p p t = good new . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,1 ,2)
except :
print ( ’ entered exception ’ )

Appendix A. Code for orientation estimation of Camera feed.

t o c s v=np . v s t a c k ( ( x p l o t , y p l o t ) )
O=np . a s a r r a y ( o r i e n t )
T=np . a s a r r a y (T)
R=np . a s a r r a y (R)
fig = plt . figure ()
p l t . show ( )
cv2 . destroyAllWindows ( )
cap . r e l e a s e ( )

Appendix B

Code for Velocity Estimation

import numpy a s np
import pandas a s pd
from m a t p l o t l i b import p y p l o t a s p l t
import math
data=pd . r e a d c s v ( ’ LOG 007 . CSV’ , d e l i m i t e r = ’ ; ’ )
o=np . l o a d ( ’ opt 4.npy ’ )
l 1=pd . r e a d t a b l e ( ’ 1 2 f . txt ’ , d e l i m i t e r = ’ , ’ , names =[ ’ t ’ , ’ d ’ ] )
gx=data [ ’ bmg160 y [ mDeg ] ’ ]
c=(math . p i /1 8 0)
j =0.00277778
r =1/360
gx=(gx / 100 0)
gx=np . a s a r r a y ( gx )
p r i n t l e n ( gx )
gx=gx [ : ] . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,10)
gxg=np . median ( gx , a x i s =1)
p r i n t l e n ( gxg )

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

s t e p = np . h s t a c k ( 1 ⇤ ( np . ones ( 1 5 ) , 1⇤np . ones ( 1 5 ) ) )

d a r y s t e p = np . c o n v o l v e ( np . cumsum ( gxg ) , s t e p , mode=’ v a l i d ’ )
p l t . p l o t ( dary step /10)
p l t . p l o t ( 150⇤np . ones ( l e n ( d a r y s t e p ) ) )
p l t . p l o t (150⇤ np . ones ( l e n ( d a r y s t e p ) ) )
t u r n i d x=np . where ( abs ( d a r y s t e p /10) >150)
t u r n i d x=t u r n i d x [ 0 ]
#p r i n t t u r n i d x
count = [ ]
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 0 , l e n ( t u r n i d x ) ) :
#p r i n t i
x=i n t ( t u r n i d x [ k ] / 1 0 0 )
i f i n t ( t u r n i d x [ i ]/100)==x :
else :

#p r i n t ( t u r n i d x [ k ] )
count . append ( ( t u r n i d x [ k ] , c ) )
k=i +1
count=np . a s a r r a y ( count )
ax=data [ ’ bma280 x [ mg ] ’ ]
ax=ax /1000
ax=np . a s a r r a y ( ax ) [ : ] . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,10)
apm=np . median ( ax , a x i s =1)

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

#p l t . p l o t (apm)
vp=np . cumsum (apm)
#p l t . p l o t ( vp )
dp=np . cumsum ( vp )
l 1=l 1 [ ˜ l 1 [ ’ d ’ ] . i s n u l l ( ) ]
print ( len ( l1 ))
l 1=l 1 [ l 1 . d ! = 1 ]
print ( len ( l1 ))
l 1=l 1 [ l 1 . d <2000]
print ( len ( l1 ))
l d=l 1 [ ’ d ’ ]
print ( len ( l1 ))
s h a p e l =( l e n ( l d ) i n t ( l e n ( l d ) / 6 ) ⇤ 6 )
i f shape l !=0:
ldm=np . median ( np . a s a r r a y ( l d [: shape l ] ) . reshape ( 1 ,6) , a x i s =1)
else :
ldm=np . median ( np . a s a r r a y ( l d [ : ] ) . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,6) , a x i s =1)
p l t . p l o t ( ldm )
from numpy . l i n a l g import i n v
d e f n o n l s ( l 1 , l 2 , D, gama ) :
#l 1 , l 2 =700 ,850
S=ldm [ l 1 : l 2 ]
Sa=dp [ l 1 : l 2 ]
X=np . ones ( l e n ( S ) )
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 1 ,D) :
x=np . a s a r r a y ( r a ng e ( l 1 , l 2 ) ) ⇤ ⇤ i

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

X=np . v s t a c k ( (X, x ) )
X. shape
w=np . matmul ( i n v ( np . matmul (X,X.T) + gama⇤np . i d e n t i t y (X. shape [ 0 ] ) ) , np .
s e=np . matmul (X. T,w)+Sa
#p l t . p l o t ( s e )
#p l t . p l o t ( ldm [ l 1 : l 2 ] )
return se
s e=np . z e r o s ( l e n ( ldm ) )
s e=np . z e r o s ( l e n ( ldm ) )
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 0 , l e n ( count ) + 1 ) :
i f i !=( l e n ( count + 1 ) ) :
l 1=count [ i , 0 ]
l 2=count [ i , 0 ] + count [ i , 1 ]
#p r i n t k , l 1 , l 2
s e [ k : l 1 ]= n o n l s ( k , l 1 , 4 , 0 . 0 5 )
s e [ l 1 : l 2 ]= n o n l s ( l 1 , l 2 , 4 , 0 . 1 )
k=l 2
else :
s e [ k : l e n ( ldm )]= n o n l s ( k , l e n ( ldm ) , 3 , 0 . 0 5 )
p l t . p l o t ( ldm )
plt . plot ( se )
#p l t . p l o t ( ldm )
p l t . x l a b e l ( ’ time i n m i l l i s e c o n d s / 1 0 ’ )
plt . ylabel ( ’ distance in centimeters ’ )
p l t . t i t l e ( ’ o ran ge e s t i m a t e d , b l u e r e a l l i d a r data . F u l l y automated ’ )
veldme=np . g r a d i e n t ( np . median ( s e [ : 4 ] . reshape ( 1 ,10) , a x i s =1))
#p l t . p l o t ( abs ( veldme ) )

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

veldme [ abs ( veldme )>40]=np . median ( veldme )

p l t . p l o t ( abs ( veldme ) )
acceldme=np . g r a d i e n t ( veldme )
gx=data [ ’ bmg160 y [ mDeg ] ’ ]
c=(math . p i /1 8 0)
j =0.00277778
r =1/360
gx=(gx / 100 0)
#p l t . p l o t ( gx )
gx=np . a s a r r a y ( gx ) [ ( l e n ( gx) i n t ( l e n ( gx ) / 1 0 0 ) ⇤ 1 0 0 ) / 2 : ( l e n ( gx) i n t ( l e n ( gx )
gx=np . median ( gx , a x i s =1)
gxc=np . cumsum ( gx )
ptx = [ ]
pty = [ ]
p t i x =0
p t i y =0
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 2 , min ( l e n ( gxc ) , l e n ( veldme ) ) + 1 ) :
#p r i n t i
p t i x=p t i x + abs ( veldme [ i 1])⇤ math . c o s ( ( gxc [ i ] / 1 8 0 ) ⇤ math . p i )
p t i y=p t i y abs ( veldme [ i 1])⇤ math . s i n ( ( gxc [ i ] / 1 8 0 ) ⇤ math . p i )
ptx . append ( p t i x )
pty . append ( p t i y )
p t i x=p t i x
p t i y=p t i y
p l t . p l o t ( ptx , pty )
p l t . t i t l e ( ’ Gyrometer , o p t i c a l , LIDAR f u s i o n Exp 5 ’)
p l t . x l a b e l ( ’X a x i s i n C e n t i m e t e r s ’ )
p l t . y l a b e l ( ’Y a x i s i n C e n t i m e t e r s ’ )

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

d e f s v r l ( l 1 , l 2 ,D) :
S=s e [ l 1 : l 2 ]
Sa=dp [ l 1 : l 2 ]
X=np . ones ( l e n ( S ) )
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 1 ,D) :
x=np . a s a r r a y ( r a ng e ( l 1 , l 2 ) ) ⇤ ⇤ i
X=np . v s t a c k ( (X, x ) )
X=X. r e s h a p e ( 1 ,3)
#p r i n t l e n (X)
#p r i n t l e n ( y )
y=y . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,1)
#S=S . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,1)
#Sa=Sa . r e s h a p e ( 1 ,1)
c l f . f i t (X, y )
r e t u r n c l f . p r e d i c t (X)
from s k l e a r n . svm import SVR
sv=np . z e r o s ( l e n ( ldm ) )
c l f = SVR(C=1000 , e p s i l o n =0.0 ,gamma=’ auto ’ , d e g r e e =4)
#p r i n t l e n ( ldm ) , l e n ( dp )
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 0 , l e n ( count ) + 1 ) :
i f i !=( l e n ( count + 1 ) ) :
l 1=count [ i , 0 ]
l 2=count [ i , 0 ] + count [ i , 1 ]
#p r i n t k , l 1 , l 2
sv [ k : l 1 ]= s v r l ( k , l 1 , 3 )

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

sv [ l 1 : l 2 ]= s v r l ( l 1 , l 2 , 3 )
k=l 2
else :
sv [ k : l e n ( ldm )]= s v r l ( k , l e n ( ldm ) , 3 )
#p r i n t k , l e n ( ldm )
p l t . p l o t ( ldm )
p l t . p l o t ( sv , l i n e w i d t h =2.0)
p l t . x l a b e l ( ’ time i n m i l l i s e c o n d s / 1 0 ’ )
plt . ylabel ( ’ distance in centimeters ’ )
p l t . t i t l e ( ’ o ran ge e s t i m a t e d , b l u e r e a l l i d a r data . F u l l y automated ’ )
veldmesvr=np . g r a d i e n t ( np . median ( sv [ : 4 ] . reshape ( 1 ,10) , a x i s =1))
#p l t . p l o t ( abs ( veldme ) )
veldmesvr [ abs ( veldmesvr )>50]=np . median ( veldmesvr )
p l t . p l o t ( abs ( veldmesvr ) )
gx=data [ ’ bmg160 y [ mDeg ] ’ ]
c=(math . p i /1 8 0)
j =0.00277778
r =1/360
gx=(gx / 100 0)
#p l t . p l o t ( gx )
gx=np . a s a r r a y ( gx ) [ ( l e n ( gx) i n t ( l e n ( gx ) / 1 0 0 ) ⇤ 1 0 0 ) / 2 : ( l e n ( gx) i n t ( l e n ( gx )
gx=np . median ( gx , a x i s =1)
gxc=np . cumsum ( gx )
ptx = [ ]
pty = [ ]
p t i x =0
p t i y =0
f o r i i n r a n ge ( 2 , min ( l e n ( gxc ) , l e n ( veldme ) ) + 1 ) :

Appendix B. Code for Velocity Estimation

#p r i n t i
p t i x=p t i x + abs ( veldmesvr [ i 1])⇤ math . c o s ( ( gxc [ i ] / 1 8 0 ) ⇤ math . p i )
p t i y=p t i y abs ( veldmesvr [ i 1])⇤ math . s i n ( ( gxc [ i ] / 1 8 0 ) ⇤ math . p i )
ptx . append ( p t i x )
pty . append ( p t i y )
p t i x=p t i x
p t i y=p t i y
p l t . p l o t ( ptx , pty )


This work has been supported by NSF S&CC EAGER grant 1637092.


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