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The Editor’s NOTE______________ MAGSADYA SA INTRAMURALS 2k18


I, as of behalf of the members of this publication,
acknowledges the reason we put this paper to work, is to aspire and BROKENSHIRE celebrates COLLEGE WEEK
to inspire students on every occasion and what’s really happening PASIGARBO
towards the school and even outside the school campuses. This issue
features every social consciousness of every student’s life through
the help of the ORATOR. It is such a challenge to achieve every #pRESSfORPROGRESS
student’s expectations and in reality. BUWAN ng WIKA
One secret advice that can give you is to be open on
everything the Issue offers, being open minded can help mend not
only your mind and knowledge but ours as well in terms of being
Sports News
better at our very first publication to be better in terms of the future
and in the next generation to adapt with. The theme of the Red Stallions Unfortunately Fallen into Last Place in
publication, “Cure, no cure, Depression” signifying the on one of the BCSI Intramurals Basketball
most iconic and significant problem of every teenagers in our age
face. It’s pretty clear what this problem can affect our self-esteem Literary
and confidence. Signifying that there is no cure, for this, but only Oh my GOSH! Love grOWs
prevention. Kung alam nyo lang Hindi BA?
This issue can help to deal on many things rather to think He’s not the RIGHT PERSON #LiVELIFE
on being depressed and rather be along with other students. With the
You ILL– lightened
help of my co-workers, we made this issue “less offensive” for those
Okay Lang ba?
who had experience and we put on some things that can help you
cope up with sadness and be controlled by the things much better A sunshine for eVERYONE
than what you had right now. Today’s issue of the ORATOR will bring
every issue that can open up our minds and eyes to bring ideas and
knowledge on today’s events in school campus as well on the outside.
Simplifying Senior High to be an enjoyable one, hope for one thing 5 rason kung bakit nalalate ang isang estudyante
that you can arrive at you destination surely and can live for your
future happily.

Be happy, don’t be sad, there are more things to live for. Moira’s Hugot & Love Playlist

Jairus John Enguana Edorial

The Orators, Editor-in-chief
The WAR inside ME


The cover of this issue features a message about depression which is very timely and significant in today’s generation. This school publication has a
simple black, white and red motif. This cover conveys that we should kill depression before depression will kill us.
E d i t o r i a l By: Jairus John Enguana

Have people ever wonder why they think that every- will be better without them.
thing that they do has consequences? Sadly some may think it for Speaking from one’s mind, there is no help, or no boosts
granted, especially in terms of emotional breakdown. Heaviness and cure to this illness. It is already there, and that where the war
in emotion talk is a different story, you may think of one person sit- has begun. If you decide to fight it, then Depression will fight back
ting on a chair alone, or thinking some ways to hurt himself/herself and create a war in your war. A lot of chance depression will win and
more. there will be few chance that you will win. If you are strong, you can
Opinions of this grew and some may not be helpful, it is overcome things but not by your own. We may be afraid to do it, be-
hard and heavy. It’s more than emotional or even psychological cause there are plenty of things that can pull us down and can lead
feeling, it eats us out of the way and it keeps eating us until we sur- us to the darkest place we could ever be. Here every one who gave
render. Ever wondered why there were large cases of suicide? It is up, will experience the easy way, death.
not a joke, it is a way of saying you surrender. It is not a laughing matter, giving up is the easy way to get
One of every people has a battle, each with their own out of depression state, and that way is always leading to death. Have
weapons and tools. If we don’t gather our own tools and weapons
you not heard people, who had everything they but cannot have hap-
correctly, we may be ended up fighting though the end, some may die
and some may live barely against the enemy. Depression. One of piness in their lives? Then be happy, make your own move to deal
the youth’s main enemy, it’s not school works or some problems they with it. Make friends, true friends, because some will stab you in the
face every day. Such heaviness you carry cannot be compared in back. Talk to someone who understands you and appreciates you. Be
such heaviness you see if you are battling such psychological battle, strong we can prevent this war from eating us from the inside out.
emotional warfare and breaking every of your defenses down.
One said, “Sometimes you just need to distance yourself Be strong. Do not be afraid, we can always think of other
from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If not you know where to ways to do rather to think about this war. One lyric from the song
stand.” It may be broad or too deep, but one thing for sure that this “Light’s will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix
is what every people with this psychological sickness and you.” The lyrics says it all, when facing depression. In every life there
stress. Every human needs attention, and the ones were getting
has the advantages. What about the people who were rejected and is a light and it will take you home. Find that light, embrace it.
were left behind? They do deserve attention but people are not giving
them. What makes matters worse is that they will think that the world
It is not a laughing matter, giving up is the easy way to get out of depression state, and that way is always leading to death. Have you
not heard people, who had everything they but cannot have happiness in their lives? Then be happy, make your own move to deal with it. Make
friends, true friends, because some will stab you in the back. Talk to someone who understands you and appreciates you. Be strong we can pre-
vent this war from eating us from the inside out.
Be strong. Do not be afraid, we can always think of other ways to do rather to think about this war. One lyric from the song “Light’s will
guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you.” The lyrics says it all, when facing depression. In every life there is a light and it
will take you home.
Find that light, embrace it.

N E W S >>>

By: Missy Gold Diaz

Brokenshire College Socsksargen Inc. celebrated "Pasigarbo" last February 23,

2018. This "Pasigarbo" is translated in Bisaya which means show off. To showcase the skills
and talents of the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM). Stu-
dents from SPED Integrated School and Lagao National High School were invited to witness
and to see the said event. While the Senior High Students pf BCSI showcased their skills and
talents by selling some foods or other things and also to test their marketing skills. As well
as the Grade 11 students, were assigned to be the usherettes.
In addition, the HRM students showed their skills in cooking and the food was pre-
sented well. Almost 3 days and 2 nights of thinking and preparing to make sure that eve-
rything must be organized. Of course, with the help of their advisers, Mr. Henrich Rivera
and Mr. Jude Mesa, as they were with them all throughout. Giving all the efforts that they
can give, HRM students and senior high students shared their skills to the visitors. This
year's Pasigarbo experience was really amazing and it ended up well. The visitors went
home together with their learnings.

Sabi nga sa isang kanta ang magtanim ay di biro, kagaya nalamang ng

pagiging estudyante, di talaga biro dahil sa daming projects, requirements
at iba pang pinagdadaanang problema sa buhay at isa na dito ang pagharap sa
suliranin kung bakit nahuhuli ang mga estudyante sa klase. Kaya ito 5 sa mga
dahilan kung bakit nalalate ang isang estudyante.

1. Dahil sa kakapuyat ng pagfafacebook, Instagram, twitter oh anomang

pinagkakaabalahan sa social media.
PS. Isa dun ang kakastalk kay crush at umaasang mag chat-chat sayo kaso ang
kinalabasan kahit seen man lang wala. :D :D :D
2. Dahil sa di narinig ang alarm clock o nagbibingi-bingihan lang talaga na
halos bawat minuto si-net mo na para siguradong magigising ka ng maaga. Kaso
ang resulta nakailang alarm na ang lumipas di parin umuubra.
3. Dahil sa dulot ng traffic pagsapit ng alas-7 na kung saan, yung feeling
na di ka nanaman makakapag-flag ceremony at pagdating mo sa skuwelahan ay
mag isa kang gagawin yun lahat kaharap ang mga teacher mo.
4. Dahil sa tricycle na sinakyan mo.
Kasi ganito yan, napakadaming klaseng uri ng isang driver at #1 dito yung:
Driver na mahilig magroad trip!!! , na feeling nya wala syang estudyandeng
sakay at halos nilibot nya na ang lugar nyo sa kakahanap ng pasahero.
HOUY!!! Powerrr!!! Kulang nalang magmaka-awa ka at magsabing “kuya wag mu-
nang ipilit ang mga bagay kung wala na talaga -_-‘’’’ UY! #hugot!
Eto pa! yung di mo inasahan na yung masasakyan mo pala eh, masisiraan na
akala mo makakabot “kayo” este ka hanggang dulo, eh yung nangyari kailangan
mo nanamang maghanap ng bagong “magmamahal sayo” oppss..! sorry maghanap
pala ng masasakyan yung na ihahatid ka sa skwelahan nyo.
5. Dahil sa kapatid/ate/kuya mong kasabay na “pabebe”, Yung kailangan sabay
kayong umalis ng bahay papuntang skwelahan kasi yun yung sabi ni mama at pa-
pa at that feeling na ang sobrang tagal kumilos daig pa ang pagong kung
gumalaw, tapos ikaw #ReadyforSchool na tapos sya naghahanda parin at gusto
mo nang mauna para di ka mahuli kaso ang nangyari…late ka parin-_-“” kasi
may mga bagay talaga na ginawa mo ang lahat kaso ang ending wala parin.
N E W S >>>

By: Murphy Juhn Orcia

March 8, 2018 – the date when the Bachelor of Science in

midwifery celebrate the Midwifery Day as well as the International
Women’s Day with a theme #Pressforprogress: “Achieving Excellence
and Competence through Faith and Service”. The said event was
held at thw BCSI Audio Visual Room.
Mr. John Mark S. Odani, a Registered Midwife (RM) shared his
inspiring story. He shared his life-story as a student and how
determined and inspired he was to finish study just to help Indigenous
people in terms of their medical health care. He was very passionate
at his profession, he is also an awardee of Bayani Filipino 2017. His
#KwetongTagumpay inspired a lot of students at BCSI to work hard and to pursue their dreams whatever may happen, as he ended his
story, he said that “My success is your dreams too. Mr. Christopher M. Penales an FPOP Community Health Care clinic representative
boosted the students knowledge about understanding Teenage Issues with a theme, “Talk early, Talk often, Present teenage Pregnancy”.
Some issues discussed were about the causes and the effect of entering in a relationship at the early age. The activities are really
entertaining, it was a fun-filled and at the same time we learned a lot of things.
The event was ended by giving recognition and certificate of appreciation to the speakers and by the wonderful and inspiring
message of our college President Ms. Benneth L. Mercado.

OH MY GOSH! #LiveLife
By: Precious Tayona By: Murphy Juhn T. Orcia

Oh my gosh! Andyan na siya! In a world that full of test,

Oh my gosh! Ang gwapo niya talaga! You don’t have enough time to rest.
Oh my gosh! Mga katagang lumalabas sa bibig ko sa tuwing Keep on going even if you’re tired,
nakikita kita.
When you failed, it’s okay atleast you’d tried.
Oh my gosh! Salitang di ko maiwasang bigkasin, gusto na ki-
When life knocked you down, avoid crying
tang landiin
Instead, stand-up ang keep on trying,
Oh my gosh! Kasi habang papalapit ka sa akin lumalabas ang
aking pagkahiyain Well, that’s life, full of misery
Oh my gosh! Crush! Kalian mo ba ako papansinin?! But you must inhale only the positivity.
Kasi kahit nga pag ngiti sakin di mo pa kayang gawin, Life is too short, don’t waste it,
Snobber ka nga ba talaga? Oh? Gusto mo lang na mapansin Decide surely, don’t move with haste.
You may shape your life and mould,
Kasi OO pansin kita!
To make it more precious than the gold.
Pansin na pansin kita! Eh ako? Napapansin mo rin ba?

Kasi sa araw-araw ba naman nating pagkikita, Struggles in life may include many,
Di ‘ko maiwasang titigan ka, Di ‘ko maiwasang ngitian ka. You may be hopeless or not having a money.
Kahit na alam kung ang mga ngiting to ay walang kwenta In our life, we struggle and suffer,
para sayo! And those experiences, make us much stronger.
Kasi nga di moko gusto! Pero OK lang! kasi alam ko I believe you can do it, I know you can,
naman na hanggang tingin na lang ako sayo. Live your life to the fullest, make it fun.
Kasi alam ko na hanggang dito nalang tong na- There’s one thing I’d like to say,
raramdaman ko,
Enjoy your journey, day by day.
Wala munang CRUSH! CRUSH!
Kasi malay mo? Malay ko? Malay natin?
N E W S >>>

Culmination of BCSI
By: Regie Dimzon

Brokenshire College Soccsksargen Incorporated reached its last conduction of

their monthly convocation. The BCSI conducts monthly convocation in every
last Friday of the month in order for the teachers, staffs, and the students to
Praise and Worship God, and also listen to his words.

The event was held at the 4th floor of BCSI College, on the 9th day of March
2018. Pastor Rolly Jonilas, who is also a teacher in Brokenshire facilitated the
said event, together with the Senior High School Grade 11 honesty students.

Jairus Enguana and Hannah Grace Omega Lead the praise and worship. The
students also give speeches about women in the eyes of different religions
in connection with the celebration of women’s month. Lady Nor Lacua give
a speech about women in Islam, Jaime Lynn Flores for women in Bud-
dhism, Rhea Muchuelas for Hinduism, Regie Dimzon for women in Shinto-
ism, Jairus Enguana for Judaism, and Lastly, Camilo Caburao for Christan-
ity. The Students Also give a lyrical dance presentation performed by
Jaime Lynn Flores, Danica Ralla, Precious Tayona, and Erica Aday. They are
all in Grade 11.

The event was attended by all the departments, Including the College
President Mrs. Benneth L. Mercado, The BCSI faculty and staffs, The SHS
Principal Mr. Ryan Omar Andang and the students of BCSI. The event was
successfully done and the students executed very well in leading the con-
Silent Enemy
By: Joy Prejoles
By: Murphy Juhn T. Orcia
Verse 1:
When you said hi,
You may not seen me cry,
I gave a lovely sign
But my eyes were so dry.
But our love didn’t end there
You may seen me sad,
Instead, it was getting strong
But I am shattered inside.
As we always get along
For love is in the air
You may know my name,
But you don’t know who really am.
Love grows into two different hearts
You may know all of my mistakes,
And pain grows as relationship starts
But you haven’t no idea how much its pain.
When we actually, started with a kiss
Can you tell me what’s my worth?
I hope you’ll remember this
Because I’m suffering ang I am hurt.
True love can’t be immediately seen
Hopeless ang emptiness growing inside of me
Verse 2:
Nothing was in our way
For it was a beautiful day
As love was all around
My gaze met your eyes
And I winked and suddenly realized
That love truly grows
I hope you remember this
True love can’t be immediately seen.
N E W S >>>

By: Precious Tayona

department, they present cultural dance according to

the assigned culture to them.
After that, everyone in the event dined and tasted the
delicious dishes while witnessing to the live performance from the
former students of Brokenshire. Before the night ends, prizes and
awards was given to the deserving students who was gave their
best throughout the party. Truly the event was full of fun because
of the games and performance that students prepared, it also a
job well done to the part of the SSC officers as they are the or-
ganizer of the event. Indeed, the night was tiring but the tiredness
was worth it because Brokenshireans went home wearing a smile
in their faces.

It’s not just to celebrate the new school year for us, but
also to get close with others and create a new amity. Last July 27,
2017 the have an event “HUDYAKA SA BCSI’17” with the theme of
“Unity towards Cultural, Diversity, and Sensitivity” which is the
acquaintance party. The event was held at the family country
home hotel, General Santos City. It was the day that all of the
students are very excited because they met new faces in their
life, and have some fun with others. This year acquaintance theme
was cultural such as B’laan, Maguindanao, Lumad, T'boli which is
they wear some cultural attires according to the assign culture
each of the department.
Before to start the formal program, an installation for
the new elected SSC and department officers was gave a formality
in replacing the former officers. The new officers gave a dignified
oath to do their best in doing their duties. Also some set of games
were prepared to let the students enjoy the party and everyone
was participated. Also there was a presentation each of
N E W S >>>

naman nito ng sari saring paligsahang tatak pinoy kagaya ng

pag- awit, pag tula, tagisan ng talino, paggawa nag poster at
slogan at marami pang iba.. Halos lahat ng kalahok ay ayaw mag
patalo sapagkat silang lahat ay magagaling at palaban sa bawat
Pagsapit ng ala una ng hapon, mas lalong uminit ang
entablado dahil sa mga nagagwapuhan at nagagandahang
mga kalahok sa lakan at lakambini 2017. Kitang kita sa mukha ng bawat
TATAG NG WIKANG estudyante ang saya at galling ng makita nila ang kanilang pamboto.
Lahat ay palaban, taas noong prinesenta ang kanilang departmento
FILIPINO at lahat ng gustong makuha and titolong Lakan at Lakambini 2017.
Matapos ang lahat, isang estudyante galing sa Senior High
Department bilang Lakan at isang estudyante sa Department of
LAKAS NG Nursing bilang Lakambini 2017.

PAGKA– PILIPINO Ang selebrasyong ito ay nagpapatunay lamang na ang mga

Pilipino ay tunay na nagmamahal sa kanilang bansa at hindi parin
natitinag ang pusong Pilipino sa kabila ng modernisasyon at
impluwensiya ng iba’t ibang lahi at kultura sa buong mundo.

Nabigyan na naman tayo ng isang panibagong oportunidad

upang ipagdiwang ang Buwan ng Wika noog Agosto 2017 na may
temang “Wikang Filipino, Wikang Pagbabago”. Ito ay isa sa
mga pinakamahalaga at at pinaka- aabangang kagaganapan hindi lang
sa paaralan kundi sa buong bansa. Ginaganap ang Buwan ng Wika
upang ipaalala sa mga mamayang Pilipino ang kahalagaan ng ating
kultura, kabilang na doon ang ating sariling wika at bigyang papuri at
ang kasaysayan ng ating amang wikang Pambansa na si G. Manuel L.
Quezon na ipinanganak noong ika-19 ng Agosto sa taong 1878.
Sinimulan ito sa pamamagitan ng isang maikling programa
na sumisimbolo bilang opsiyal na pagbubukas ng Buwan ng Wika. Ang
nasabing selebrasyon ay pinangunahan ni G. Jio Roy Paparang, isang
guro sa asignaturang Filipino. Pagkatapos ng programa, sinundan
N E W S>>>

Magsadya sa Intramural 2k18

By: Joy Prejoles

Brokenshire College Socsksargen Inc. celebrated their most anticipated event, The Intramural 2k18 with a theme of “Game on: Victory
in the quality of sportsmanship.” Where each of the school department had joined the weekly event showcased their hidden skills and talents,
trying to achieve their goals. It was participated by the College of Allied Health and sciences, The College of Art and Sciences, The Care De-
partment, The College of Business and lastly the Senior High Department.

Lots of activities such as ball games and other sports were played by the students from the first day to the last. But the Intramural
would not be complete without the highlight of this event, the Mr and Ms Intramural 2k18. Each Departments did not failed to showcased their
beauties and elegance. Atlast, Ms Kyla of Senior High Department and Mr Jay were hailed as Mr and Ms Intramural 2018,

As the final event had ended, everyone held their breath and cross-fingered as they awaited the final result. As it announced, the Sen-
ior High Department was declared as the Over-all Champion in the Intramural 2k18.

Truly, Brokenshireans are not just talented but also possesses unique characters and it was a great celebration and it would not be
possible without the help of our co- students, beloved teachers, SSC Officers and to our God Almighty for giving us the strength, protection
and guidance throughout the celebration. The students must always reign in their hearts the real meaning of camaraderie and sportsman-

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