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Thbw that this okayfor teacher to join in poitical practice


Political Prohibition for Teachers

Democracy in Indonesia, especially after the Soeharto regime, was already very open.

Space for individuals seems to be very wide open to be able to actively participate in practical

Everyone seems to be able to express their opinions in public and participate in government. Is that
right? The answer is no.

This is because there are written and unwritten regulations about a teacher's prohibition on politics.

There are several laws that specifically prohibit teachers, especially civil servant teachers from

The first law is Law No. 43 of 1999 in Article 3. In this article, civil servants must provide honest, fair
and professional services.

Specifically in paragraph 2, this law states "civil servants must be neutral from the influence of all
groups and political parties and not discriminatory in providing services to the community."

In fact, in paragraph 3, civil servants are strictly prohibited from being members and / or political
In addition to being prohibited from becoming members and / or administrators, teachers of civil
servants are also not allowed to participate in campaign activities.

This is in accordance with Ministerial Circular Letter No. 4 of 2004 concerning the prohibition of civil
servants in the 2004 Election campaign activities.

Especially if done inside the campus environment.

In accordance with Kepmendikbud no. 155 / U / 1998 concerning General Guidelines for Student

This regulation regulates how to organize in universities and schools and prohibits political activities
within the campus environment.

For non PNS teachers, this regulation may not be binding.

It's just that, morally the teacher should not give political lectures in class other than political

Especially if inclined to one party or candidate pair.

What if a civil servant wants to be a member / administrator of a political party?

Picture Photo May Political Teachers According to the Law For teachers who are already feeling
confident to take political channels to change things according to their beliefs, resigning is indeed
the best choice.
In accordance with PP No. 37 of 2004 concerning "Prohibition of Civil Servants to Become Members
of Political Parties" in Article 2 paragraph two states that if civil servants who have become members
and / or administrators of political parties will be released as civil servants.

In addition, the civil servant is obliged to resign as a civil servant in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph 3 of this article.

This dismissal is effective since the civil servant becomes a member and / or party manager.

So before becoming established as a member or manager of a political party, a civil servant should
consider these consequences.

Maybe teachers cannot be said to be politically direct, but participation can be done by helping
students shape political culture and democracy in schools.

Not only limited to the teacher of citizenship education but for all teachers.

By forming students as good and critical citizens, teachers have succeeded in participating in the
political field while helping political development in a better direction.

Clearly and in detail, teachers, especially civil servants, are prohibited from becoming members
and / or administrators of political parties.

In addition, teachers are also prohibited from participating in campaigns especially if in a school

Can Political Teachers? Conclusion

If you are already determined to actively participate in the political world, the teacher should resign.

Several stages of the political process towards the 2019 Election have begun. The teacher is an easy
target for those who earn a living in politics. So the old paradigm that mentions teachers not to be
political must be behind the teacher must be politicized in certain cases.

At present, various political strategies have been translated from political parties and presidential /
vice presidential success teams. Given that politics is scholarly ingenuity. The absolute formulation of
practical politics is only one; win. Winning in the sense of gaining power, both in parliament and in
the executive.

How to gain power then defend it, becomes the most basic political calculation. Contestating parties
(political parties, legislative candidates, and presidential candidates) think hard about how to be
elected by the people. People who come from various backgrounds, professions, religions, cultures,
tribes and regions. Including among teachers is their target.

Teachers are one of the professional groups in the community, considered as educated groups, even
in certain areas the teachers are still placed in the upper class. The teacher becomes a reference,
especially the Koran teacher and boarding school.

Since the colonial era, in some areas, teachers were considered strategic subjects that had to be
mastered. Imagine a teacher who instructs his students who have the right to vote determines the
choice for certain political parties and candidates to be 90 percent followed by their students. The
candidates also rejoiced with one person approached with dozens of mobs. More economical costs.

Well, how should the teacher behave? In conclusion the teacher must be political, but not practical
politics. The last one has been outlined by PGRI that PGRI is an independent organization.
Demimkian is also a member.
Also read: Lessons for Indonesian politicians

What we mean is that the teacher must do politics is the effort of the teacher to work so that the
successful teams or candidates do not impose their will. Especially by making them a successful team
with the words 'yes and ready'.

This is a simple politics for a teacher to deal with the attacks of a successful team and legislative
candidates in 2019. What is the difficulty in saying siap 'yes and ready?' Just put the word 'yes and
ready' for everyone. The more slippery the teacher faces the political strikes of the elites, the
smarter the teacher is. So the teacher does not want to be made into a wasteful dog, busy and poor
looking for the masses, who can be someone else's position.

Secondly, the teacher must also do politics by determining the choice of candidates and couples who
truly defend the interests of the teacher and PGRI. This is the political role of the teacher in
determining the HR of legislative and executive candidates. Third, the teacher must politics by
refusing to accept bribes before the election. So, teacher politics is still a lot.

Teachers in Indonesia, which number around 3.1 million people (BPS, Education Data 2016/2017).
What needs to be remembered is that teachers don't want to be political machines. Even politicians
do not politicize teachers. Many in the area occur when certain regents are selected teachers who
do not meet the requirements are also appointed as school principals. Let's correct ourselves.

Many people allow students to take cellphones to school for various reasons, here I want to give 3
reasons that are most often mentioned:

1. The first is that parents can contact their children either directly (by telephone) or indirectly (via

2. At least parents feel comfortable because they can communicate with their children if there are
changes in schedules, emergency conditions, and the like that are important. If students don't take
cellphones to school, parents will need to contact school numbers that are usually busy, or there are
also parents who bother coming to school and that will take a lot of time

3. Cellphone can be used as a tool, especially a telephone equipped with several accessories, such as
calculators, cameras and internet that can support the learning process and also for example, there
are learning materials that are not in the textbook, we can easily access the internet for search for
the material and find material with various unlimited sources


Meanwhile, there are not many people who do not agree to bring mobile phones to school, just like
the Pro, they have various reasons. Even here i will give the 3 best reasons for the contra issue:

1. The applications available on the phone can interfere with students' concentration in learning in
school. Applications on smartphones are now starting a lot and variety, when students learn, their
minds are fixed on applications that are on their smartphones. Sometimes there are those who
secretly play cellphones when lesson hours begin.
2. Students can find negative things on the internet. When browsing on the internet, there are
pornographic ads, because curious, the students open the site and watch it

3. Internet applications on mobile phones provide an opportunity to cheat. When replaying, many
students cannot answer questions and take shortcuts by searching on the internet.



The way to overcome this problem is that the school deliberates with parents, what if students are
allowed to bring their cellphones to school with reasonable rules. And all of them return to the
students' own use.
Nearly all schools forbid students from carrying cellular telephones or better known as mobile
phones to school, and almost all students - including elementary students today, already have a
simple mobile phone for Rp. 200,000 to sophisticated for Rp. 2 million. These two phenomena
contradict each other since HP is no longer a special item that is only owned by artists or regents or
high officials.

Modern parents are very aware of the functions of HP as a control device (even sometimes as a
remote control) for their children, which is most effective since they can no longer monitor their
situation because of their busy work in the office or because of business matters that do not know
the word rest.

"Yes, cell phones are very functioning to control them, whether they are still in school or elsewhere."
Said a career mother who no longer thought that children could lie and their presence was not
tracked through cellphones. At least he said, he could still hear his son's voice and could give him
instructions so as not to go too far from home. But why is the most effective tool for communicating
between parents at home or at a place of work with their children at this school forbidden by the
school to be taken to school?

Many parents do not agree or even object to the policy. And when the matter is tried to be traced it
turns out that there are no positive regulations that have been issued by the Education Office or
schools which prohibit bringing mobile phones to school, including the rules for example Student
Rules. What is available is the rules or rules are temporary, prohibit students from carrying
cellphones during the General Deuteronomy or School Exams or National Exams, because HP can be
used to send short messages (SMS) that can cause cheating between students with other students
indoors or across rooms. Another reason why students are forbidden to bring cellphones to school is
because it is said to interfere with the teaching and learning process with the ringing sound
(especially those using ringtones) when there is an incoming call. But this feels very sought after
because while at the commission meetings only, the board members are not prohibited from
carrying cellphones. The solution is only set to silent or not activated at all during the meeting.

So the problem is actually just because most teachers who forbid students from taking mobile
phones to school do not know the "essence" of the problem why HP is prohibited, which is strange
for the teacher himself is not prohibited from carrying HP and use it in class when teaching. And who
can guarantee that the teacher's cellphone is clean of the pornographic virus? What is known only is
that HP is not allowed to be taken "students" to school and he only carries out the rules even though
the sources of the regulations are not clear to him. "I caught a student's cellphone if there was a
student who took him to school," said one teacher who happened to be a BK teacher when I asked
what his actions were if he found students taking cellphones to school. But if asked why students are
prohibited from taking HP to school the teacher's answers are floating.

When the Anti-Pornography Bill is rampant, it is discussed (which begins with a fierce pro-contra
debate). Students' cellphones become victims of "eradicating pornography". And it is true that in a
variety of sweeps carried out by police officers at certain schools suspected by their students of
storing files of "exciting scenes" in their multimedia memory, as well as those conducted by schools
themselves, many students both boys and girls have collected pornographic films. His mobile phone.
The students' cell phones that store pornography files are confiscated and their parents are called to
the school. But the mobile phones of students who are not multimedia (cannot save files) or who are
clean of pornographic viruses remain safe and not netted.

So the essence of prohibiting students from taking HP to school is actually because of the following:

HP can be a means of "cheating on" answers when the test takes place.

HP can interfere with the teaching and learning process with the ringing sound when there is an
incoming call.

HP can be a means of storing as well as media to play porn videos that can damage students'

The essence of the prohibition is what makes the school "on average" set a policy of "prohibiting
students from taking mobile phones to school".

Indonesian Language Teachers Allow HP

If other teachers might join the school's policy forbidding students from taking cellphones,
Indonesian language teachers who are innovative and modern-minded should allow students to take
their cellphones, even use them in class while studying or learning basic subjects or "phone calls
using polite language". The problem now is that the use of HP has indeed dominated our
communication system. So for the advancement of Indonesian language teacher knowledge

Late school, maybe most of us have experienced something like this, maybe even until called is often
experiencing delays when coming to school. This is indeed a rather difficult disease to cure, timely
habits become rare in our country. Therefore, in many schools strict regulations regarding delays
have been imposed. from physical punishment, such as push-ups and even running around the field,
to more punitive nature, such as standing in front of a flagpole. However, there are a lot of
regulations in schools that tell their students to return home or return home because of being late to
school. even though not all of these delays are caused by student negligence, maybe they get
something that is not desirable while traveling. And in my opinion, the punishment for returning to
students who are late is unfair, why? because every student who has gone to school means that he
has an intention to study, does the school not respect the child's intention? Maybe physical or
mental penalties as mentioned before will be more appropriate than repatriating students who are
late, or schools can punish students by delaying their entry hours, so students miss an hour. It can
cause a deterrent effect, but it does not hurt students too much.

A punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a

group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child
discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action
or behaviour that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. The reasoning may be to
condition a child to avoid self-endangerment, to impose social conformity (in
particular, in the contexts of compulsory education or military discipline), to
defend norms, to protect against future harms (in particular, those from violent
crime), and to maintain the law—and respect for rule of law—under which the social
group is governed.[1][2][3][4][5] Punishment may be self-inflicted as with self-
flagellation and mortification of the flesh in the religious setting, but is most often a
form of social coercion.


Who doesn't want to have money? In this modern civilization, money does have an important role in
everyday life. In fact, money can be the most logical motive used to move people.

Yes, so rich people who have lots of money can certainly make you happy. You can buy items that
you like without the need for many previous calculations. But who still believes money can buy
everything? Hopefully nothing, because in this world there are things that are very valuable, which
are priceless and cannot be bought with how much money you have.

Many people believe that being rich and having lots of money means happiness, but often we also
hear that there are things that money cannot buy. Is this true? Here are 10 things that can not be
trusted with material wealth alone.

10. Dream

Dreams are one thing that money cannot buy

Blessed are you who have dreams because it turns out your dream is one of the things that money
cannot buy. Dreams are very important things to motivate us to do something, but unfortunately to
know our dreams is not as easy as we imagine. There are even people who until they are adults
don't know what their dreams really are. Therefore, always try to do new things, find your talents,
and achieve your dreams.

9. Peace

World peace or peace symbolized by 6 hands

If money could buy peace then this world would be very peaceful and maybe the police were no
longer needed. A real and simple example can be seen from the money that various countries have
spent on the grounds of "peace." Did all that work? The answer is no. Peace is not something you or
anyone can buy. Hanayan peace can be created when we treat our neighbor fairly and humanly as
we want to be treated. This applies more specifically to inner peace within us.

8. Respect and Loyalty

Respect and loyalty are very valuable

There is a difference between obedience and loyalty, obedience is mere obedience that can occur
due to coercion or other reasons, while loyalty is long-term obedience followed by understanding
and respect. History and life around us has shown how money can buy compliance but not loyalty.
As for respect, it is one thing that money cannot buy.

7. Characters

Decent characters and behavior cannot be bought by money

There are a lot of rich people who are rude and impolite to people who are poorer than them. Not
only that, it is not uncommon for us to find someone who is relatively poor but has better character
than any rich person in the world. This proves that character cannot be bought with money.

Good characters and behavior cannot be bought with money, they can only be taught by people
around us, be it family, school or experience. Money can indeed make you in the upper class class
but that does not mean your character and behavior will show manners should be like the upper

6. Family

Family picture in hand

Some of you might think that money can buy a family through adoption of children, contract
marriages, etc., but that does not mean that it will create a happy family. No matter how you are,
you cannot buy togetherness and intimacy in a family with just money. All of that can only be
obtained as time goes by and passes through the grief together as a family. You might work hard to
get money for your family, but that money won't make your family understand who you really are.

5. Good friends
Two women who are good friends

There is no denying that rich people always attract the attention of many people and they are seen
always surrounded by their friends. The irony is that it is precisely because of that wealth, no one
can know for sure which one is actually the real good friend of the rich man, and which one is a fake
friend trying to target the prestige and money of the rich man. Remember that money may be able
to start introductions, but he cannot buy genuine friendship.

4. Love

Symbolize love by two geese

There are already many other films and media that tell the story of how love cannot be bought with
money. In fact, this is true. Money can buy satisfaction, but not true love. You cannot make other
people love yourself only with money, and no one can appreciate how expensive a true love is.

3. Health

Jogging is sunny

Money can buy medicine and health services, but unfortunately he cannot buy the health itself. It is
not uncommon for rich people in the world to lose their property because they suffer from certain
diseases. The oxygen that they had been able to enjoy for free now they have to pay for health
reasons. Even though you might be able to pay for all the treatment, it is certainly much better to
maintain a healthy lifestyle than you regret someday, right?

2. Time

Time and hourglass

Have you ever seen money twist time? The richest person in the world can't possibly buy the lost
time with money. Model and author Gloria Tesch once said that: "Time is the most valuable gift you
can give to someone else, because if you give someone else your time then you have given a part of
your life that you cannot take back."
Don't forget your dreams and the people around you just because of money, because how much you
and how much you regret it later, you can't buy time. Remember that our lives are limited (maybe
until the time Google finds immortality).

1. Happiness

Money can't buy happiness

"Money can't buy happiness," this often appears in the media or literature. Happiness is the original
goal of every human being, but unfortunately many people think that wealth means happiness.
Previously we have seen the recognition of 8 rich people, does wealth mean happiness? It turns out
the relationship of wealth and happiness is not that simple.

As we have seen things that money cannot buy, life without friends, love, peace, family, or dreams
cannot be called a happy life. Uniquely, a study found that money can buy happiness, but if it is used


That is a medium of exchange in modern times. Everything on earth has a comparison with money. If
we do not have it and we find it difficult to get it by our own hands, then to get it we need a medium
of exchange agreed upon by fellow modern humans, namely something called money. Therefore,
now money can also be said to be a symbol of modernity. To support ourselves and our families, we
finally need money. Without money, it seems difficult for us to move in this modern period if we are
in the midst of modern life.

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