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YuLife’s Employee Health & Wellbeing Survey

Source: YouGov survey of 2,080 UK adults of which 613 were office workers

The world has spent months on “lockdown” as Companies are learning new ways to connect,
living through COVID-19 became reality. Working expanding ways to support, and developing fresh
at home, social distancing, self-entertainment, programmes to engage with their teams.
and long distance education are our new norms.
But what do employees value and how do
Employee benefits will be reshaped by the we ensure that the benefits companies are
pandemic with COVID-19 increasing the need provided are relevant to the world today?
for people to feel protected — whether that’s We asked over 600 UK office workers in June
protecting their health or their long-term and we discovered some insight around how
financial security. expectations and behaviours have changed.

Wellbeing programmes Life Insurance is identified as a highly valuable benefit.

at work will increase Activity: Reward:
employee loyalty.
of employees value
31% life insurance as a
Walking Amazon vouchers
benefit with the

longest term value Running Air miles

Cycling Subscriptions
agree they would benefit
61% from life insurance that Meditating Wellbeing services
rewards healthy living
are likely to stay with an
employer if the employer
demonstrates a commitment
to their wellbeing*
Surge in demand for wellness apps.
of employees feel that Purchased or downloaded For millennials,
26% their employer doesn’t a wellness app* in the last 25-34 years old,*
look after their wellbeing* three months: it rises to:

+28% +39%
Shift from wanting company
socials to wellbeing benefits.
Meditation Fitness Tracking & wearables

2 in 3
want benefits designed to
promote healthy lifestyle There is a motivating power of financial rewards
for practicing healthy behaviour.
13% 13%

most want rewards for healthy
living from their employer to
Wellbeing Company Subsidized 44%
enhance their wellbeing
stipend for socials and monthly gym
development entertainment memberships

would do more physical

say they would do more than
activity if they were
Get in touch! rewarded by their 37%
two hours of extra physical
activity per week if they were
employer rewarded by their employer
YuLife transforms traditional insurance
for it
and employee benefits into life-enhancing
Get in touch!
experiences every employee will value and use. |
This is supported by an extensive package of
preventative health benefits that protects the * Reference that this is on only office workers

wellbeing of employees today and in the future. |

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